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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1921)
2 A THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, MAY 8. laai. JJ.S. to Put World Disarmament Up , To Allies' Council Colonel Harvey, as U. S. Rep- rescniauve m supreme Council to Take Up Question. Whington, May 7. Instructions 1.) Ambassador Wallace at Paris and Roland W. Boyden to resume their posts as unofficial observers for the American government at the con ference of ambassadors and rcpara- Uions commissions, respectively, were prepared today at the State depart- , went. This is in conformity with the decision of President Harding, announced yesterday, to have Amer ican representations on the interna tional councils overseas, dealing with problems growing out of the war. Washington, May 7 The decisioti of President Harding to have personal representative present at meetings of the allied supreme coun cil as well as unofficial representa tives ot the United Mates on the conference of ambassadors and the reparations commission, was being studied carefully in all quarters to day. . it was emphasized in the highest Administration circles that the step lid not mean the participation of the United States in any project "of a 1 world government or world league." I President's Representative. Colonel Harvey, ambassador to London, will be the president's rep resentative on the supreme council and although without power to bind the United States will be in position to forward much information to Washington. The supreme council is an out growth of the council of four, which functioned at Paris during the draft ing of the peace treaty, and to it have been referred for settlement many -".important qestions, including the American protest to th league of nations against the' award to Japan of a mandate for the Island of Yap. It is, in fact, expected to take up the whole subject of mandates, S which was reopened by recent notes of- the American government ti Grcat ; Britain, France, Italy and japan. Another important question which it has been indicated will be takai up with the council by Mr. Harvey is the possibility of initiating a wofli conference for disarmament. Two Other Envoys. Rowland W. Boyden. a Boston Ja""r, will be an unofficial Ameri can representative without a vote in the reparations commission, a body created by the Versailles treaty to assess German indemnities. Hugh C. Wallace, American am bassador ta France and eventually Lis successor, Myron Herrick, wiil be unofficial American observers without a vote in the conference of ambassadors, a formally constituted body which works out in detail pol icies adopted or proposed by the su preme council. , President Harding announced the 'decision of the administration fol lowing the cabinet meeting at which it was discussed - and approved. Shortly afterward Mr. Hughes made public the invitation received from the allied governments and the favpr able reply thereto by the United States. Superior School Building i Being 'Repaired After Fire Superior, Neb., May 7. (Special.) The board of education has a force of men at work cleaning out the rub bish and damaged portions of the in terior of the high school building, which was burned two weeks ago, and a force of repair workers are en gaged on the upper floor, where the entire interior is being redecorated. Insurance adjusters satisfactorily adjusted the loss, allowing for the loss on building, $16,017.19, and for loss on fixtures, $3,48J.56. The, re pair work will require several months for completion and in the' meantime school is being continued in the Odd T'ellows hall, the Carnegie library and United Presbyterian church build ings. P. E. O. Sisterhood ia Organized at Columbus Columbus, Neb., May 7. (Spe-cial.)-A local chapter of the P. E.O. sisterhood was formed in Columbus with a charter list of 20 members. An invitation had been extended to the chapter of David City to assist with the initiatory ceremony. Twelve vomcB from the neighboring town were present, who, with the state president, Mrs. A. W. Waterhouse of Fremont, and the state organizer, Miss Lulu F. Wolford of Lincoln, presented the work of the chapter. A full set of officers were elected for the coming fiscal year. The Colum bus chapter will be known as "C. H." Illinois Editor Buys I Ord Weekly. Newspaper ' Or5 Neb., May 7. (Special.) D. L. Buckles has purchased the' Ord Journal from C S. Tones, the present publisher and editor. Mr. Buckles comes from Illinois where he has been "editor of a paper. He is a Gushing has entered upon the active Kansas, an overseas veteran, and has studied at Kings college. University of London. H. M. Davis, an inter ested party, has been in Ord in con nection witn the deaL Cashier of Ord Bank Quits Ta Conduct Hardware Store Ord. Neb.. May 7. (Special.) Janujs Wisda, cashier of Ord State bank, has resigned and will move to . University Place where he has boueht a hardware stock. Marion Gushing has entered upo nthe active duties as president, succeeding Ed Bare.: - . G. A. R. Encampment Will Be Held in Hastings May 23 Lincoln, May 7. (hp.eciai.-oi. H. H. Presson, G. A. R. department commander, issued a general order nrfav annonneinir the state en campment which will be held at Hastings May ii and 40. ine rau- roads have announced a special iare of 2 cents a mile tor tne veterans Farm House Burns Lodsenole. Neb.. May 7. (Spe ciaD--The house on the farm of Lee Howard, near here was destroyed by fire. The cause of the fire is t- Senate Will Probe Railroad Situation it unlinucd from l'aa Out.) over and pay the annual deficit, how ever heavy, out of the treasury. The country must have its transportation system. Predicts Lower Material. "But there is no reason to im agine anything of the kind. There will be a very large saving in cost i f materials. Coal will be lower this year, ties are lower, steel and iron material is lower except rails, and rails also will have to come down. The question of the wage scale is in the hands of the labor board. I do not anticipate its decision or attempt to influence it, but even if basic pay is not changed economics aggregat ing hundreds of millions will result from the elimination of arbitrary overtime and duplicated service. I believe that $200,000,000 will be saved by those economies alone. Last year the actual railway gross . revenues were the Targest in the country's his tory, without allowing for any , gov ernment guarantee. But the wage costs, which formerly were 40 per cent of gross revenue, had got up to 70 per cent." Madison County Sheriff Holds Two Men on Suspicion Madison, Neb., May 7. (Special.) Two young men, giving their names as Ernest and Henry Jackson of Ashland and claiming to be cous. ins, wcre'arrestcd at Enola by Sheriff Smith and held for investigaton. They were driving an automobile and had sold. 21 chickens to a dealer at Enola and attempted to cash a check at the Enola State bank. They told the sheriff they got the chickens from a relative at Wagner, S. D but being short of money and some of the chickens dying they of fered them for sale. An injury was made of the sheriff of Pierce county, it being reported that 40 chickens had been stolen from a farmer there. Nebraska Masonic Home At Plattsmouth Enlarged Plattsmouth, Neb., May 7. (Spe cial.) The board of control of the Nebraska Masonic home met here and voted to purchase an additional block of ground adjoining the street recently closed by the city council and deeded to the association. In addition they approved plans for several thousand dollars worth of improvements at the home. The, purchase gives the association an extensive tract of land, which will be improved with driveways and walks and landscape gardening. Pen Sketches of Early Towns Will Be Given Stale Plattsmouth, Neb., May 7. (Spe cial.) Rev. W. A. Shine of this city, one of the leading authorities on early Nebraska history and a director of the Nebraska State His torical society, has pen sketchings of Glenwood and Council Bluffs, la., as well as St. Marys, a town opposite the mouth of the Platte river, long since rcnoved from existence, which were drawn before the days of Ne braska statehood (1855) and which he expects to present to the historical society for its collection at Lincoln. Plans for Water System at Rulo Af e'Refused by State Lincoln, May 7. (Special.) The state board of health has refused to accept plans of the city council at Kulo, Neb., for a new water plant. The refusal was based on the fact that the plans specified but one fil tration plant The town recently voted $14,00(1 in bonds for the erec tion of a plant. I he water comes from the Missouri river. Community Club Secretary At Ord Resigns Position Ord. Neb., May 7. (Special.W- The Ord Community club is look ing for a new secretary, Mr. Fill man having resigned to enter the newspaper work at Wolbach. The Ord club is one of the most com pletely . equipped in the state. The directors are receiving applications. Postmasters Appointed Washington, May 7. (Special Tel egram.) Postmasters appointed: Iowa Ethel B. Yocum, vice L. E. Mark, resigned, Weston, Pottawat tamie county. South Dakota Norman D. Jener- son, vice D. E. Pennington, resigned, Charles. Ziebach county; Sarah J. Richardson, vice W. E. Rose, re signed, Sedgwick, Hyde county. Wyoming .Nellie ivora, vice Mae Towner, resigned, Freeland, Na trona county; Mattie B. Rader, Rad erville, Natrona county, new office. .Aurora School Banquet ; . Aurora. Neb.. May' 7. (Special.) The junior class of the . Aurora High school gave their annual re ception to the senior class at the Highlander hall. A supper was given followed by an evening of speeches, music and other entertain ment. Bryan in Lincoln Lincoln, May 7. (Special.' Wil liam Jennings Bryan will arrive in Lincoln irom Chicago tomorrow morning. He will speak at two dif ferent churches during the day and will leave in the evening for Kan sas City. Ord Legion Banquet Ord. Neb., May 7.-(Special.) Ord post, American Legion, has added 41 new members to its roll in the past two weeks. A banquet was served by the auxiliary, the losing side m the membership drive pay ing the costs. , ' . W. U. Manager Transferred Beatrice, Neb., May 7. (Special.) J. H. Leonard, who has been man ager for the Western Union tele graph office at this place for four months, has been transferred to Nor folk, where he and his family will locate next week. Gering Man in Capital Washington, D. C, May 7. (Spe cial Telegram.) Frank M. Sands of Gering, an ex-banker and a large owner of alfalfa lands in Scottsbluff county, was a guest of Congressman Kinkaid yesterday. Y. M. C. A. Meeting Superior, Ncb.- May 7. (Special.) The third annual countv Y. M. C. A. convention ot Nuckolls county will be held in the Superior Baptist fchurch Tuesday, Bills of Interest To West Before House Committee Measure on Future Trading in Grain to Be Considered This Week; Hearings Held On Packer Legislation. . By E. C. SNYDER. Wellington orrf ispoudence Oiuuht Hoc. Washington, May 7. (Special Tel egrani.) The house committee, on agriculture, which has been working overtime since the convemug ot the Sixty-seventh congress in extraor dinary session, on many occasions sitting until midnight, has had under consideration three measures ex tremely, important,: to the people of the west, 'namely, the various bills relating; to dealing in grain futures. bills-regulating pacing houses' ana cold st6raare bills. t On Wednesday of this week the Tiuchcr bill, dealing with the future ' trading in grain and sorghum was favorably reported to the house with some modifications over tW bill as originally introduced by the members of the agricultural committee from Kansas. This bill will probably be considered the coming week. Hearings Held on Bills. On the various bills regulating the packing houses, hearings were had at which both the proponents and op. ponents of such legislation spoke t length. Thomas Wilson of Chicago, on behalf of more than 200 large and small packing companies, appeared in opposition to the Norris-McLaughlin bill which, he said, if enacted into law would simply serve to divert the largest single industry in America from energetic efforts to adjust it self to a changed and difficult situa tion. The proponents of the meas- ure came from the various farm or. ganizations, the Farmers' union and the Grange, through their represent tives who have their headquarters in Washington. The hearings on the packer bills closed Friday night and this mftrn ing the committee met to determine its policy with reference to the sev eral packer bills pending before that body. After,determining that the su pervision over packing houses should be lodged in the Department of Ag riculture, and not in a special com mission as proposed in the Norris McLaughlin hill, a special committee of three members of the committee was elected to draft a bill conform ably to the policy adopted. Personnel of Committee. The committee is Chairman Hau aen. McLauehliu of Nebraska and Williams of Illinois, all republicans. The cold storage bill introduced by Congressman McLaughlin of Ne braska will orobablv be considered by the committee the coming week with a view ot getting a lavorabie re port on the measure at the earliest opportunity. ) The so-called "grain future" bill, now known as the Tincher bill, H. R. 5676, is not by any means the dras tic legislation which some of ,the ad vocates had insisted upon, but it is believed both practical and construc tive. It does away with "puts" and "calls," but does not prohibit hedg ing. Its chief value, from the stand point of its proponents, is in the provisions made for complete pub licity of all transactions. The sections relating to publicity read as follows: Clause on Publicity. "That the secretary of agriculture may make such investigations as he mav deem necessary to ascertain the facts regarding the operations of fu ture exchanges and may publish irom time to time, in his discretion, ,the results of such investigation and such parts of reports made to him under this act, and such statistical informa tion gathered therefrom, as he may deem of interest to the public." The nenaltv for violation of the law is a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment for k not more than one year or both, together with the costs of prosecution, but no fine or imprisonment or other penalty shall be enforced within 60 days alter tne violation of the act. All cases of violation shall be subject to court review and any order or regulation of the department may be reviewed by a proper judicial ofheer on the. application of the defendant. Plattsmouth Man Rewarded For Saving Lineman's Life Plattsmouth. Neb.. May 7. (Spe cial.) For prompt and intelligently directed efforts which resulted in sav ing the life of C. K- Warfield, Stella, (Neb.) lineman m the employ ot the Nebraska Gas &. Electric Co., after ho, had suffered a 6.600-volt electric shock and all hope seemed gone, Managers ). C Kuykendall of the Plattsmouth district has received from headquarters of the Continental Gas and Electric corporation, a let ter of citation, accompanied by a check for $30. Plattsmouth Legion Will Improve Its Burial Plot . Plattsmouth, Neb., May 7. (Spe cial) Spending . over $500 of the $1,600 netted from their indoor car nival last week, the American Legion has let contracts for the improve ment of the memorial plat in the local cemetery recently deeded the post by the city council, by white marble markers set at intervals around the exterior, together with marble steps at the -entrance and a steel flagpole in the center. The Legion will have charge of the Memorial day exercises this year. Holdup "for Fun" Costs Plattsmouth Man $100 Plattsmouth, Neb., May 7. (Spe cial.) Ray Melbern was fined $100 in county ,court, charged with assault growing out ot an alleged holdup o two young women, which the ac cused claimed was merely a desire to have a little lun. I he women were oi a different opinion and caused the complaint to be hied. - Two Cozad Stores Robbed Of Clothing; Burglars Escape Cozad, Neb., May 7. (Special Telegram.) The O. Helmer depart ment store here was broken into and merchandise valued at several hundred dollars taken. No trace of the thieves has been found and it is said to be the work of local thieves. Two suits of clothes were also taken from the R. J. Smith clothing store. .... Extradition of Four Rum Runners Ordered (Continued frsra rage One.) for the past two months. No less than 12 hearings have been held be fore Commissioner Boehler in their case, each time a continuance having been granted on account of insuffi cient evidence against them. Attorney More, continued a bitter fight for their extradition. At every hearing, new witnesses from Canada were introduced. The principal testimony offered by Canadian witnesses was that lorn Kelly, who is also wanted in Canada on the same charges, and Bart Wil liams were leaders of a gang of bor der liquor-runners that operated be tween. Canadian border towns and the United States. Liquor Theft Charged. 'Testimony offered on the witness stand at different hearings alleged that the Kelly-Williams gang robbed the Canadian Liquor'Exporters Ltd., at Gainesboreugh on the night of November 25 of 69 cases of whisky and passed spurious drafts for $60,000 on the company. Canadian authorities swore out warrants against 12 persons in con- nectioiy with the same charges. Besides the four prisoners in Omaha, three have been arrested at Butte, Mont., two at Minneapolis and one, William Maher, alias Wil liam Connelley, alias J. E. Burns, at Minot, N. D. Arrested Previously. Confidential information discloses that Tom Kelly was arrested at Minot last Thursday with Matter, but was released "before he was identified." Among the persons who attended the hearings of the four Omaha men before Commissioner Boehler were. Roy Kelly, brother of Tom Kelly, Frank O'Neil, pal of Williams, and the wives of Wiley Comptou and Axel Pearson. To the quartet of prisoners, ex tradition to Canada means heavy prison sentences. For example, one of the prisoners cited the case of the two booze-runners from Minneapolis who were given prison "jolts" of 36 years each on charges of robbery alone. Highlanders of Columbus Endorse President Sharp Columbus, Neb.. May 7. (Spe cial.) A district convention of the Highlanders was held here, with President W. E. Sharp presiding, to elect a delegate to represent this dis trict at the national convention. W. R. Snell was named delegate. About 20 delegates and guests lunched together at the Evans ho tel after a business session was held. A resolution was adopted commend ing President Sharp for the excellent way with which he has handled the organization's affairs. . Agent of Hampton Farm is Enjoined From Planting Aurora. Neb.. Mav 7. (Special.) Abraham J. Regier, living south oi Hampton, was granted an injunction against interference on his leased land by Josiah E. Hutsell, the agent of the owners of the land. Regier started to prepare the land for corn when Hutsell came in and seeded it to barley. The injunction restrains Hutsell from interterring in any way with the land until July 31, Dam ages in the sum of $80 were awarded Regier. Does Piano This u n Or will you continue to put her off and retard her mu sical education as you have been doing the past several years? There are some wonderful values In new and used pianos at Oakfords just now that may be bought on easy payments ot from J6.00 to 110.60 monthly. Beautiful Modern Upright Pianos S169 and up Splendid latest Style Tlayer Pianos... 8475 and up Call or Write li Today BRANDEIS STORES SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Gigantic Purchase of Slightly Imperfect TO At Less 1920 Prices. On Sale Wednesday. WatchTuesday'sPapers ! Winner of Suit Loses; Lawyers Win for 18 Years Mortgage Note for $5,000, Basis of Action, Already Eaten Up by Attorneys Fees. Chicago, May 7. Lawyers have arcued. judges have ruled and mas ters in chancery have taken reams of testimony for 18 years in a contro versy over a $5,000 mortgage note and the fight is still on. Plaintiffs and defendants have paid fees over and over in this the long est legal battle in the history of Chi cago. The suit is expected to tdrag along a few . more years before it reaches the supreme court. Long Since Dismantled. It was begun by the latj Morris Hirsh, millionaire and former treas urer of B'nai B'rith, against two men who signed the note made payable to Edward Dreyer, former Chicago banker. Edward H. Arnold and Alanzo C. Noble signed the note and borrowed the money to build a hotel that has been out of use for years. Why the building has been "board ed up" and not producing an income is one of the questions that the court is now trying to solve. Fight Goes On. The note first got into court, be cause the "brokerage" charge of $125 put tie interest in excess of 7 per cent. Before that was settled the courts were called on to determine whether the note belonged to B'nai B'rith, or the estate of Morris Hirsh. While this phase was still pending, the question of why the hotel is not being used has been raised. In the meantime, attorneys have more than eaten up the $5,000 involved. Master in chancery fees have almost done the same thing. Still the fight goes on, although whoever wins will lose. Work on Hydro-Electric Dam At Barneston Being Pushed Wymore, Neb., May 7. (Special.) Work on the big hydro-electric dam at Barneston is going steadily forward. Everything is ready for the installation of the machinery. The work of driving the piling to make the back support for the forms into which will be poured the concrete for the dam proper is now in full progress. ' Gage County Townships Will Grade Own Roads Wymore, Neb., May 7. (Special.) Paddock, Glenwood and Elm townships have hired grading equip ment equal to that used on county roads and will continue to drag and maintain the roads at township ex pense. The work is in progress, operated and under direct super vision of the township supervisors. Ord Class Play Ord, Neb., May 7. (Special.) The junior class of the Ord high school presented their annual ' play to a packed house. The play was "Cousin Kate." The senior class will give their annual play May 24. Spring? 1907 I Far nam St, i umana, Than Mary Get a )) i Beatrice KiwamVClub Is Presented Charter Beatrice, Neb., May 7. Special.) Beatrice Kiwaniaus ctnfertained about 100 members of the Lincoln lodge at the presentation of the charter to the Beatrice chapter by A. V. Edminsten, district Rovernor. A banquet was held at 6:'J0 o'clock in the Chamber of Commecce, The themes of the responses were ''Ki wanis." or "Rebuild." Principal Jul ius Gilbert of the high sclhool was toastmaster, responses beiiag given as. follows: "Material." L. iti Laugh lin; "Ornamentation," L. C. Critten den; "Interior Finish," C L. Patter son; "Dedication," Dr. E. C- Lucas. Genoa-Wyoming Oil Company Holds Meeting at Columbus Columbus. Neb., May & (Spe cial.) Stockholders of the Geioi Wypming Oil company held a meet ing here. It appears the affairs of the company are not rosy, ' The charge is made that the manager, superintendent or hme other official sold the only tangible thing they had to get the. oil with, a drilling eit fit. Stockholders 'from Omaha, Norfolk, David City, Genoa, and a few local invostbrs attended the meeting. Beatrice Eagles Lodge Elects Officers for Year Beatrice, Neb., May 7. (Special.) The local aerie of Eagles held their annual meeting and elected as offi cers: President, George Freeman; vice president. H. S. Friday; treas urer, R. R. Woelke; physician, Dr. G. L. Roe; inside guard, George Barber; outside guard, George Mau rer; trustees, F. P. Wickhara and E. E. Abbott. The lodge now has a membership cf 283. Bounty on Coyote Scalps Keeps County Clerk Busy Wymore, Neb., May 7. (Special.) County Clerk Mumford has been do ing a big business on wolf bounties since the board restored the old rate of $3 per scalp the first of the week. He cashed 22 Wednesday and 16 be fore noon Thursday. It is hoped that the restoration of the bounty will have a tendency to diminish the num ber of coyotes which have been in creasing rapidly of late yearsr Chadron Man Is Candidate For United States Marshal Washington, D. C, May 7. (Spe cial Telegram.) A new candidate has entered the field for United States tirshal in the person of Henry H. Reynolds of Chadron. Mr. Rey New White Sport Silks Novelty weaves in Canton Crepe and washable white silks are being shown for summer sport wear, both suits and skirts. For Daytime Wear Crepe de Chine, Canton Crepes and Jersey Crepes bespeak the "popularity of all crepe weaves for the coming season. Gray, tan, navy and brown; $2 to $5 a yard. Cheney's Foulard s Show delightful printings; navies and 'browns have contrasting shades in their patterns and every other shade one could wish is available, $3 to $3.50 a yard. French Embroidered Undergarments We have been unable to obtain these French underthings for -.several years and their arrival is a pleasing event. The hand-work is much finer than Philippine em broidery and such originalities as inserted strips of Val lace, a new sort of hemstitching and amazingly tiny scallops make them dainty. Corset Covers, Chemise, Teddies and Gowns Corset covers are $4.25 and $4.75. Chemise are $7.50 and $9.50. Teddies are $6.75, $7.50 and $10. Gowns range from $7 to $16.50. Lingerie Second Floor Fine Embroideries Eyelet embroideries so much in demand on ecru or white batiste. White or ecru organdies and ba tistes for summer lingerie frocks. Embroideries for children's dresses. Very pretty colored collar edgings in peasant colorings, vivid blues and crimsons. And complete selections of materials for baby dresses complete our spring dis plays. North Aitle Maia Floor nolds has held several offices in Dawes county, including county treasurer. He was a candidate for state treasurer at one time, hut was defeated. Cage County Wool Growers Will Meet in Beatrice Wymore Neb., May 7. (Special.) Gage county wool growers will meet at the office of County Agent Boyd Rist in Beatrice Monday to discuss the problems which arc now confronting their industry. M. V. Posson of the state farm organization will discuss conditions in the wool industry. Mr. Rist will also talk. Last year Gage county farmers shipped their clips to Lincoln for the 200,000 pound pool. Only about one-half of the wool has been sold. Loot of Union Postoffice Found by School Children Plattsmouth, Neb., Way 7. (Spe cial.) School children playing in a pasture a short distance from Union, found concealed under a stump practically alt the loot removed from the safe in the Union postoffice when it was blown open' about 10 days ago. The find included stamps, war savings certificates, etc., and was turned over to the postmistress, who, on checking up found that very little was, missing. Ogallala Installs New Eectric Pumping System Ogallala, Neb., May 7. (Special.) Ogallala is installing wells on the hills north of the city to secure a new water supply. Tests made by the state show that Ogallala will have water which is almost pure when the new wells are completed. They will be operated by large electric pumps which will be automatically con trolled. The present pumping sys tem will be used only in case of fire. Valley County Court House Furniture Is Purchased Ord. Neb., May 7. (Special.) The board of commissioners of Val ley county has contracted for the furniture for the new Valley county court house. The cost is $12,478.05. The board is advised that tire marble for the completion of the building will be shipped immediately. As soon as the court house is completed Ord expects to stage a big celebra tion. Superior Pastor Resigns Superior, Neb., May 7. (Spe cial.) Rev. A. M. Reitzel of the First Presbyterian church of Su perior has resigned, to take effect June I. He will move to Arizona, where his son is ill and being card for by the mother. Sports Apparel Is Becomingly Colorful The graceful knitted beach capes, the silk or wool sweaters, plaid pleated skirts, silk overblouses or one piece tennis frocks, all show high blues, gold, crimson or orange as some part of their trimming. May we show you the recent ar rivals? Apparel Sections Third Floor Lace and Embroidered Silk Hosiery Exquisite designs will be found in the Thompson-Belden showings In laee hosiery, the Mexican drawn work is new and all over lace, lace inserts and lace clocks appear to advantage. Gray, navy, African brown and bronze hose may be had in lace. . . Hand embroidered hose in gray and brown, and gray hose, hand clocked are attractive. Center Aitle Min Floor Kansan Given $40,000 From Defunct Bank Aurora, Neb., May 7. (Special.) District J.udge Good gave a judg ment far $40,000 against A. V. Ack erman. receiver of the American State bank of this city, in favor ot James R. l'Vney of Kansas City. This wa9 one of the contested cases arising out of the failure of the American State bak and the W. C. Wentz company. Farney had sold his land through the agency of the W. C. Wentz com pany and his purchasers had made settlement with Wentz. The latter made settlement with Farney and gave him a check for $37,000, which Farney took with him to Kansas City and there deposited it in his own bank. This check was sent to Omaha and was by the Omaha bank sent direct to the American State bank of this city. The check apparently disap peared, for it has never been seen and the officers, of the American State bank insist that it never reached the bank. This judgment of $40,000 goes against the guaranty fund, Judge Good holding that Far ney was a depositor. Nonpartisan Leaguers Hold Meeting at Fairbiay Fairbury, Neb., May 7. (Special.) A. C. Townlcyf head of the Non partisan league of North Dakota, spoke to a crowd of about S00 farm ers, laboring men and trade people on the court house lawn here. Mr. Townley had heen billed for this place before, but failed to fill his engagement. Jesse M. Johnson, president of the Nebraska organization, was present. He was unable to secure a suitable place-of meeting, which afecounts for holding an open air meeting. Brick Plant Operating at Endicott Employs 50 Men Fairbury, Ncl., May 7. (Special.) Jefferson county has a new indus try located near Endicoft, which em ploys nearly 50 men. The name of the company is the Fairchild Broth ers Clay Product company. They are now operating and the capacity for making brick is about 25,000 for 24-hour service. The Western Brick and Supply company of Omaha has just placed an order for 1,000,000 mat-faced brick and the factory is rushing delivery. Sent To Reform School Aurora Ncb May 8. (Special.) Alton Laurie was sent to the reform school by Judge Good on ground that he had been contributing to the- delinquencies of other children. known, - ; V '