Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 15

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1921. "
6 B
What to Eat
At Fifty
The celebrated Sir Henry T,lioinp
son said at one time: "I have come
to the conclusion that more than half
the disease which embitters the mid
dle and latter part of life is due o
avoidable errors in diet, and that
more mischief in the form df actual
disease, of. impaired vigor and of
shortened life accures to civilized
man in England , and throughout
central Europe from erroneous hab
its of eating than from the habitual
use of alcoholic drink, considerable
as I know that evil to be."
Since many men and women of
brains only begin to be really val
uable to the world after they reach
50, special thought should be given
to the preparation of the food for
these older people. But what should
one serve to folks past 50?
Better start with small portions,
increasing reluctantly, as too much
food is almost as bad as too little,
considering the weakened powers of
digestion and elimination.
In her very valuable work, "Feed
ing the Family." Mary SchwarU
Rose gives a day's plan for an elder
ly person. It follows:
Soft, sweet fruit or mild, diluted
fruit juice (grape, pineapple or
Well-cooked cereal with thin
rrram and a little sugar.
Toast or zwieback with butter.
Bacon or soft-cooked eggs.
T.ea or coffee- with cream and
t ', '. Lunch.
Cream soup.
Fish or oysters, cheese souffle or
Rice or baked or riced potato.
Toast or zwieback with butter.
Stewed fruit or fruit jelly with
gelatin or tapioca.
Chicken or lamb chops or broiled
beef balls.
Riced or baked or mashed po
tato. One other vegetable (soft enough
to mash with a fork).
Toast or zwieback.
Custard or cereal pudding or
gelatin dessert. , 4 .
Tea or coffee with cream and
It miglit be well to paste this
little-plan somewhere in a notebook
and refer to it when planning hicals.
There is nothing in this diet that
might not be taken by members of
the family of every age, except, of
course, tea and. coffee, which is not
(or children. ,
Where there are children and old
folks in the same family the diet
should be planned to suit the ma
jority. ,,
So let 'tis think'a little more aboit
the food to be served to folks get
ting on in years. And if you feel
that considering the food problem
in your family seriously is rather
a useless job, , read over again the
quotation at the beginning of this
prticle. BuV in any event, give a
little-special attention to the older
folks for a while. We owe them
much. From . them we can learn
much. '
Social Etiquette
v At Dinners .
.;: . i, v
Ward McAllister, the authority on
the manners of "fashionable ' wealthy
New York society a generation agot
felt particularly convinced of the
sacrcdness of a dinner engagement.,.
"A dinner invitation once accepted
is a saered obligation," he said. "If
you die before the dinner takes place
your executor must attend the din
ner." , And then, lest his little joke
might have been too keen for his
reader, he adds that the last remark
is only to be taken in a figurative
sense. '
One thing that should be remem
bered in connection with the sacred
ness of a dinner invitation is that the
guest should always be present
promptly at the time stated by the
hostess, who usually, to be on the
safe side, sets a time 10 or 15 min
utes in advance of the time that she
plans to have, the dinner served.
. Thus, if she planned to have dinner
served at a quarter of 7 she would in
vite her guests f oi 6:30. A guest
should never take advantage of ' a
probable leeway, however, and
should be present as promptly at the
time .as if he were quite sure dinner
was to begin at that time. A dinner
guest should never arrive more than
five or 10 minutes in advance of the
hour for which he is invited.
It is not considered a necessary
part of hospitality to delay dfnncr
for a tardy guest for more than 10
or 15 minutes. Possibly if the de
layed person were the guest of honor
for whom the dinner was ' given a
hostess would wait longer than this,
though no one would have the slight
est reason to feel offense if a dinner
progressed without him when he
failed to be present at the time set.
The story is told of a tactful English
hostess who. seeing that one of her
distinguished guests had arrived late
for- dinner, gave the cue for two
members of her own family to leave
the. house quietly and enter a'few
minutes after the arrival of the dis
tinguished guest. This she did so
that the late arrival might not be
' embarrassed with the thought that
the dinner had been kept waiting on
his account. Usually, however, a
hostess will not have presence of
mind enough or tact enough to
smooth over your blunders in that
way. So, to avoid embarrassment,
always arrive in time.
The A B C of Laundry"
, Knowledge
The more pains that are taken in
drying the clothes the less pains will
have to be taken in ironing them.
If they are hung straight and folded
and stretched carefully when taking
them from the line much time can
' be saved when times comes to iron.
Clothes placed in the clothes basket
any old way become wrinkled and
take much longer to iron than those
folded with some care. '
Starched clothes should be dried
and dampened for ironing at once.
They should not be allowed to re
main dry long before dampening
and rolling up.
White cotton or linen clothes be
come whiter when dried in strong
sunlight. Woolens become yellow
when exposed to direct sunlight
,' Much time is saved in washing if
clothes are soaked. Cold or barely
warm water should be used for this.
The soaking opens the fibre of the
fabric and makes it give up the soil
New York. (Special correspond
ence.) When summer is the em
ployer, organdy never forgets to
punch the time clock. It's always
present, and O, the things it finds to
dot In today's costume of corn
colored chambray its services, al
though not spectacular, are
thoroughly efficient, for it forms the
collar and cuffs and pipes the skirt
pockets and the hem of the blouse.
In prompt return for this the yellow
chambray pipes the white collar and
cuffs. As to . the frocks made of or
gandy, nevet were these more de
lightful. One of the most elaborate
models from Paris, for example,
shows a skirt embroidered 1 witli
silver thread. And if you want some
thing really charming get yourself
one of the new organdy frocks with
the new taffeta and redingote of con
trasting tint. - .
Fruit Butter
Springtime often finds the house
keeper's supply of jelly and jams in
a depleted condition. When this is
the case, peach butter made from
canned and dried peaches may well
tome t6 the aid.
The following recipe recommeded
by the United States Department of
Agriculture food specialists is deli
cious: To each 4 pounds of dried peaches
use 2 quarts of canned peaches. Soak
the dried peaches in water several
hours and cook until tender. Add the
canned peaches and rub the pulp
through a colander or wire seive. Stir
2Vm oounds of susrar into this oulp
and cook slowly, stirring often, for
two hours, or until of the right thick
ness. Pack while hot and sterilize
like peach butter.'
Use a niece of candle instead of a
cork in your glue bottle.. It will not
stick and the glue will not become
so dry.
Bag for Each Costume
The thing to do nowadays is to
have a handbag of some sort for
every costume. And, furthermore,
the thing to do is to make that bag
At least that is what many smart
women are doing. The little bags
they make are difficult of accom
plishment, and they have the distinc
tion of being really unusual, really
individual. That is always one ad
vantage the "home made" product
has over the one made away from
home, be it fudge or lamp shades',
frocks or gardebs.
Home Productions.
There are enough disadvantages
in most home- made things, as every
body knows, so it is just as well that
there are some advantages. But in
these little hags the disadvantages are
negligible. The advantages are every
thing. One especially smart woman re
cently made a little handbag for her
self to wear with a beige costume. It
was made of the same beige-colored
material as the frock. On it she out
lined tiny farmyard animals, little
pigs and ducks and dogs, and she
outlined them in little pink ' beads.
The effect gained really with a mini
mum of work gave- a delightful im
pression." Bead Outlines.
And, by the way, it is the thing
now to outline the design in beads
rather than to work the beads solid,
as we have done for so very, very
long. The outlining process, of
course, uses less beads and less labor.
But that is not the point The point
is that the thing is considered smart.
Another original bag devised by a
girl who was a golf enthusiast was
made with a little Scotch golfer
worked on it, and with clubs and
balls surrounding him. This, too,
turned out to be extremely effective.
And it gave rise to a good many
other bags made to fit different peo
ple's hobbies gift bags, some of
them, much appreciated too.
Originality and Economy.
' There are many other less original
bags made to go with different frocks
made of the trinming fabric of the
frock, or of the body fabric cleverly
trimmed in the same manner as the
frock. They arc usually just pulled
up on drawstrings, which is far easier
than fitting them' into frames. Some
times the tops are cut in battlement
ed effect and edged with a piping or
with tiny beads sewed on securely.
Holes in Walls
Have you a hole in some wall?
Or a corner which has been careless
ly jammed by furniture or trunk and
the plaster has been marred if so
it can be made far more sightly by
very little labor. Get some plaster
of paris, and when moistening it do
so with a saturated solution of
borax. This solution added one part
to 12 parts of water will prevent
hardening taking place before the
mending has been accomplished.
lim iliili;ii.l!..i.iliiliili.l"Hili.liili iiliiiiiilMilli.luiuluiiii!liilniilliilili'li:luiMi:lilSi
The symbol everywhere
of musical superiority and
constructional excellence,
signifying quality that piano
builders look to as the stand
ard of their craft. A name
that the greatest musical
authorities are proud to
have upon the piano that
graces their homes that
tells of that superiority of
tone, action and dependa
bility through which the
greatest pianists may most
fully express their musical
genius the piano that brings to your home the utmost of musical
pleasure, of satisfaction, of pride in ownership.
You are cordially invited to visit our display rooms, where
you will find at all times a complete line of these world famed in
struments. New York prices guaranteed. Moderate monthly pay
ments arranged to suit the convenience of the purchaser if desired.
Beautiful Steinway Grand, satin finish mahogany,
slightly used, at great saving.
1514-16-18 Dodge St. OMAHA, NEB.
Phone Doug. 1623
Exclusive Steinway Representatives for
, Nebraska and Western Iowa . , -
!ll 1 1 I! II II I Tkis Space Reserved T
II ll if ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I
I' Owing to late copy furnuhed iflfllMlfffllfflflfl
hy the advertisers it -necei- ' MffIJlJ l
tate leaving this space blank ffVffBffSIffVfffffBBvVffSIV 2 f
Do's and Don'ts
For Travelers
There was a time, unfortunately,
when the -American traveler in Eu
rope was known as a rather bump
tious sort of person who went about
bragging of the perfection of his
own land and poking fun at the
habits and customs peculiar to th
foreign lands in which he journeyed.
Of late years we have become
far more cosmopolitan, as a race,
and therefore we have made better
Now, there is no place on earth
whcie our good or bad manner.?
are so obvious as they are when we
are traveling. And we have it in
our power, by showing kindly man
ners and good breeding, to make our
fellow travelers comfortable, just as
we can, by bad manners, make them
uncomfortable to the point of un
happiness. Here are some remind
ers to help you make travel pleas
ant, not only for those about you but
for yourself. For, of course, the
courteous traveler enjoys his
journey far more than the rude or
thoughtless one.
To begin with, don't believe that
your ticket entitles you to more than
your own seat. If you are fortu
nate enough to travel in a car that is
not crowded take all the room you
want until yoi sec that others need
it. If you buy a seat in a parlor car
remember that it entitles you only to
your own seaf and be especially
careful not to monopolize mote
than your own scat.
If you are traveling at night con
sult the pleasure of your seat com
panions, who have either the upper
or lower berth, as to the time of
having the berths madu up. Don't
insist on having the lower berth,
if that is yours, made up at 8 a'clock,
when perhaps those m the upp'jr
berth do not wish to go to sleep
till 9 :.10.
In the morning don't lie abed. Re
member that the person in the other
berth, in your section must either
find another seat or else stand in
the aisle until you get up and the
section can be put to rights.
If you are in n upper berth be
sure to secure all your possessions
so that they will not tumble down
into the aisle.
Don't complain at the prices
charged in the dining car. They are
high nowadays. But that is not the
fault of the waiter or of the man
in charge of the dining car. You
are privileged, you know, to carry
your lunch if you cannot afford to
pay the required prices.
Freshening Rolls
Frequently muffins, gems, corn
bread, bran bread, etc., are a part of
the evening dinner and seldom are
all eaten during the evening meal,
some being left over.
The question comes to the con
scientious housewife: "How caa I
serve them again ii) their original
It can be easily done. Grease a
piece of brown paper, using plenty
of grease. Wrap in it the muffins,
bread, etc. Place in hot oven for 10
or IS minutes, unwrap, serve, and,
if you did not know, you would
think they were just baked.
Mrs. Margaret S. Gray, superin
tendent of the bureau of recreation in
Pittsburgh, is the first woman to
hold a city position in the Smoky
Citv. - -
are the Furniture Values Offered at
the Greater Bo wen Store This Week
If you have decided on refurnishing your living room, dining room, bed
room, or only wish to add an extra piece of f urniture to' the home you will
find extra good offerings at the H. R. Bowen Co. this week. "v .
j Queen Anne Dining Room Suite
in genuine walnut, consisting of nine highly finished and pol
ished piecesoffered at Bowen's astonishingly low price.
$150 54-inch Table,
$145 60-inch Buffet,
at .
. $57.50
$27.50 Diners with genuine CIO Mi
. leather seats, each. ..... plJUU
Former .
$115 Large China
$35.00 Host Chair with -enu- tfjl 7 A A
ine leather seat. ....... y
Genuine Mahogany Bed Room Suites
' Former .
$185 Full Size Bow End
i Bed
$215 Large Beautfiul
It would truly be
difficult task to find,
a more attractive, bet
ter made and finished
bedroom suite than
the one here offered.
It is a suite of such
charming design; one
would always admire
it, and at our special
price, is an induce
ment to every thrifty
and particular shopper.
$195 Roomy and convenient M 1 A
Chiff orette ... . . . .. . . . . . . . pll
$210 3-mirror Vanity
Dresser .
Duofold Suites
In Genuine White Oak
Consisting of large handsome chair, rocker and
Duofold. These three pieces make a splendid
living room suite through the day, making up
into an extra sleeping room at night,. This suite
was formerly priced at $155.
Bowen Special Selling
Price, only i...
Extra fine finish,
hand rubbed ;
each rocker hav
ing Spanish lea
ther Auto Loose
Cushion Seats
Were $4150
At all timet, real
money saving val
ue are offered
at . the Greater
Bowen Store.
Special price on
porch -anil lawn
Howard St., Between 15th and 16th
After all, it's the home where one
finds the greatest comfort and the
best entertainment, therefore it is
quite natural one wants the interior
to be as inviting and pleasant as
Properly Designed and
Made Draperies
at the windows lend much to the
decorative appearance of the rooms
ofttimes in fact draperies are the
one thing necessary to complete a
room's furnishings.
are never 'expensive if selected at
the Big, Ever Growing Bowen
Store, as the following partial list
of values proves. , JT
Ready-to-Hang .
Pretty Madras Overdrapes with.
Valance, trimmed with edging to
match ; .made to fit I any ordinary
sired single window,. jper pair
.. $2.95, $3.95 and
$4.95 j
with Valance, ready to hang, 2 yds.
long. Dozens of prettypatterjis. Per
pair, only l.
$2.95 and $3.95
Many select patterns of Cre
tonnes for aprons and laundry bags,
at, per yard
59c, 65c and 75c
Bed Sets
Very pretty Bed, Sets, full size
with' scalloped edges: nd cut cor
ners, trimmed with edging to match,
'at ' "Tt :
$9.75, $12.50 and
$17.50 each
Howard, Between 15th and 15th
, When 1 you am
I ready ta move,
phone the Met
ropolitan Van k.
Storage Co. Ex
perienced men
only employed.
Draperies j