Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 11

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    The Omaha
VOL. L NO. 47.
1 B
Provincialism of Middle
West Is Better
Than Fleas
Washington's k 'Little Season?
Is Big and Brilliant ;
At-This May time
PROFANITY, by reason' of fre
quent and promiscuous usage,
has long since lost its power
as effective speech. Fists are used
less often than they once were to
drive home ideas.
If you want to command attention
nowadays, don't swear and don't
strike. Just lift your brows in a
pained and superior way and say,
"We're so provincial 1"
The remark is forceful. While it
does not possess the spontaneity of
profanity nor the decisiveness of
pugilistic expression, it is at once
more annihilating-.
People will look at you. They will
naturally conclude that you, yourself,
are not provincial, the real trouble
being with the rest of the world.
They will develop a sort of sympathy
for you for not having been born in
Hong "ong or Algeria.
"We're so provincial in the middle
west," said one women who has been
to New York twice and really ought
to know.
"Well there arc drawbacks every
where," replied the big good-natured
man she was addressing. " 'They
have malaria in the south and fleas in
California. And when it comes to
raising1 corn and kids, Nebraska is
the finest little place in all the
"You prove my point," said the ele
gant and perfumed one.
Gabby agrees.- Satisfaction with
home folks and things, no matter
where one lives, is an unmistakable
sign of provincialism.
If you live in Omaha you must
constantly remember New York and
the old world centers. Be humble
about your buildings, shops and
parkways. And if you live in New
York you mustn't brag about the
oolworth building. It some one
seems impressed with its height, you
should respond with resigned de
pair: "Yes, but there are the Rockies."
Or, if some one is so crude as to
speak creditably of the United States
of America, it is your duty to re
mind him that civilization reached its
highest point back in the Golden Age.
You may not be able to tell him
just where and when the Golden Age
existed; it is sufficient to know we
are miserable by comparison.
Looks as if Einstein were right and
that it is all a matter of relativity.
. Some day we may establish com
munication with Mars and then it
will be provincial to speak well of
the earth as. a, wliplo, . . ... ,
POOR, unselfish dad. He usu
ally gets the worst of it. He
eats what the ' women of his
household set before him. He wears
what they buy him in most in
stances. He even receives with a
smile and a thank-you sewing bask
ets and tea sets for Christmas pres
ents. One time in his life, though, fathes
steps to the front. That is when
daughter marries. Father it is who
walks down the church aisle and
gives daughter away. His name is
mentioned first in the public and
personal announcements, and, theo
retically at least, it is he who per
mits the young suitor to woo fair
No wonder, then, that Mr. E. A.
Holyoke protested when his name
was omitted recently from a news
paper. announcement of the marriage
date of his charming daughter, Miss
Pleasant. It was an accident, of
course one can always blame the
printers but Mr. Holyoke wasn't
sure. He presented himself to the
societv editor the day after the an
nouncement appeared, to convince her
that he was alive and an interested
"party." Gabby, who overheard
the conversation, which was al
together, a pleasant one, gathered
that father didn't mind being in ths
social background as a general rule,
but that he d just sort of like to be
mentioned when his little girl was
getting married. The society edito"
sympathetically agreed with him
and Gabby said "Amen."
THE society editor recently re
ceived a wedding story clipped
from a small town paper. She
enjoyed it and passed it on to
Gabby, who will reproduce part of
it for you as a sample of a style of
journalism which is passing:
"After an extended honeymoon
trip covering Chicago and other
eastern points of interest, Mr. and
Mrs. have returned to this city and
are now at home to friends in a
spacious apartment on the fashion
able east side.
"The wedding of this popular
young couple occurred on . . .
at the palatial home of . . .
The groom was attired in conven
tional blue, while the bride wore
a nifty blue traveling suit and
carried roses. Following the cere
mony a sumptuous wedding break
fast was served and the happy
couple departed on an extended
Gabby is interested to know that
Chicago is an eastern point of in
terest. She wonders how large an
apartment must be to be called
spacious and she shudders to think
of the young people's social future
had they by chance chosen to live
on the west side instead of the east.
ANOTHER sample of "flowery"
writing which has fallen into
Gabby 's hands this week, reads:
"The youthful violinist quite cap
tivated the hearts of an admi.-ing au
dience whose enthusiastic applause
was richly merited. The perfection
. with which her broad repertoire was
treated, the excellence of her inter
pretation, her power to awaken
ideals and her mastery of stage
technique were features of wonder
ment to the audience who were
carried from grave to gay, from
pathos to humor, from the soulful to
the whimsical and were frequently
brought to. yield to the intensity of
dramatic action."
T last the flapper has attained
the dignity of a high school
senior. Upon every occasion
she makes it known that she
is soon to be a sweet girl graduate.
For the first three years of high
school life she attended one institu
tion but at the beginning of the
fourth her parents decided to enroll
their daughter elsewhere. All was
well until the instructors announced
that there would be no commence
ment exercises.
Consoled one of the flapper's
friends, "Well, you won't need to
undergo that ordeal anyhow. It really
is quite terrible everyone gets stage
fright and its awful."
But mourned the senior, "That's
what I've been going to school for,
for the last 12 years."
THE young Nebraskan's brow
was knitted in deep thought
over a small memoranda book.
Perhaps, we thought, he is trying
to make his allowance cover all the
territory in amusements which his
vouthful spirit would feign enjoy.
But no! J. he college sophomore see
ing our puzzled expression drew
nearer to explain. "It's a list of
girls' names."
"And what do you do with a list
of girls' names?"
"The fact is I am sort of afraid to
rush any one or two girls steady.
Gets one into rather a predicament
some times to be tied to only one or
two 'Janes.' Others don't like you
so well, you know." (No we didn't
know but our excitement increased
as he continued.) "I have a de
scription of every girl listed here
and when I want to take a
girl to a dance over at the frat house,
I look down the line to see which
girls are good dancers. Then I
decide which will dress the 'snap
piest' for a formal or informal party
and who will fit in best with the
guests. To-, avoid taking one girl
too often I writ after the name the
last date I had with her. I use the
list for picking cut a girl to take to
he theater as well. As a general
rule a good, dance, partner is rotten
to take to a show.. ; She wants t6
talk the whole time. And if you
take a good theater 'date' to a dance
she will probably walk all over you
It's a great system., A lot of the
fellows do it."
' Perhaps, perhaps young man,
they do, but did it ever occur to you
that the girls have the same system?
No they don't use books for it but
their mental file is quite as success
ful as your book.
Mary, of three and one-naif years,
and Frances, who is a year younger,
are the charming little daughters of
Dr. and Mrs. Francis W. Heagey.
Mrs. Heagey is a Canadian by birth,
coming from Ontario, Canada. Dr.
A. C. A. Notes
The home education section of the
A. C. A. will meet Wednesday. 1:30
p. m., with Mrs. William Locke, 1329
South Thirty-sixth street.
Miss Gucnn Goddard of the Hu
mane society will speak on "Social
Service." and Miss Esther Johnson
of the juvenile court will stive a talk
on "Civic Institutions and Courts."'
fir ''."A" :" Vfj7
f '- - k , , ideals:
T '
--in qrvTSr-i
; ) .
Junior Musical to
Be Given on
'The Junior ' Musical club will
present a group of its members in a
program, Saturday afternoon, May
14, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs!
E..-W. Nash, 3608 Burt street.
v Piano numbers will be given' by
Catherine Morgan, Charlotte. Mc
Donald, Elinor Kountze, Margaret
Donahue, Anna Parker and Elizabeth
Paxton. ' ' " . ;
Those giving violin numbers will
include Samuel Carmel, Willard
Langfeld, Truman Morsman, Desella
Strawn, Rose Dubnoflr, Richard
Munchhoff and Bernard Hanighcn.
A trio number will be given by
Clida, Elizabeth and Desella Strawn.
Helen Nightengale will sing, as will
the boys of St. Cecilias Vested choir.
tyw and stfcgf$
Heagey is a Princeton man. He met
his wife when a medical student in
New York, and they were married
five years ago at the home of her
parents in Ottawa, coming to
Omaha shortly after to ..reside here
permanently. -
A representative of the League of
Woman Voters will speak on the na
tional convention of the league, held
in Cleveland last month.
The drama section meetSWith Mrs.
Locke Wednesday at 4 p. m. A
Chinese play, "The Rat Trap," will
be presented under direction of Mrs.
Winthrop Lane. The parts will be
taken by Mesdames A. F. Leermak
ers, J. E. Wallace and the Misses
Anna Fry, Anna Johnston and Nel
lie Noble. -
r"5 wmmrr nni
A tenderness of feeling goes to
ward the sweet, gray-haired mother
of our mature years, and a sacred
ness of memory to the mother who
is gone, but the happiest signifi
cance of Mother's day is found in
the young mother surrounded by her
family of beautiful children.
Such a group is this one. The win
some baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. Baird bears her mother's name,
Adele Louise. Janet Josephine
(Josephine being a recent . acquisi
tion "by request" from the" young
ladv herself), and Barbara Caroline,
are the older sisters and WilliamJ
James is brother. William upholds
Tag Day Planned
By Associated
The Associated Charities aided
more than 1,500 families last year.
They made more than 3,000 visits
and received nearly 2,000 visitors in
their offices. Twenty-eight hundred
garments and 421 "pairs of shoes
were given to needy people in Om
aha. Unless adequate financial aid is
received from their Tag Day next
Saturday, May 14, the work will
necessarily be discontinued, accord
ing to Mrs. George Doane, secre-.
tary, who adds . that many former
sources of revenue have directed
themselves into different channels.
Chairmen for the day beginning
with Mrs. J. E. Davidson, general
chairman, and Mrs. . E. W. Wes
brook, assistant, are:
Collecting money and distributing sup
plies, Mrs. J. W. Hynea; treasurers, Mrs.
Luther Drake and Mrs. W. A. C. John
son: publicity, Mrs. Nellie Kitchen: motor
corps, Mrs. T. H. McDearmon: street cor
ners, Chairman Mrs. P. L. Devereux, Mrs.
W. Ritchie; outlying districts, Mrs.
Charles Metz; elubs, Mrs. E. A. Fegau
and Mrs". Blanche Paterson; hotels, Mrs.
Alvin Johnson: banks, Mrs. Lawrence
Brlnker, Miss Katherlne Thummel; movies
and base ball parks,, Mrs. Harvey New
branch, Mrs. E. P. Kirkendall; office
buildings. Mrs. A. B. Currie. Mrs. Simoon
Jones; market, Mrs. Blanche Patterson;
wholesale, Mrs. Lee Huff, assistant Mrs.
L. M. Pegau; South Omaha, Mrs. W. B.
Tagg; Mrs. F, O. Beck; Live Stock ex
change. Mrs. Fred Lightfoot; Dundee,
Mrs. Edgar Scott; Benson, Mrs. John
Welsh; movie screen, Mrs. George Bran
dels; railroad stations, Mrs. Charles Hub
bard. Captains for street assistance are:
Mesdames A. K. Meader, Sanford Hud
son. H. C. Everett, Mark J. Coad, L. M,
Holllday, William Ritchie. George Wilcox,
Lewis P. Lorlng, Lem Hill. Edwin B.
Clarke, William R. Wood, Charles Rey
nolds, Franklin Shotwell, W. F. Cozad,
V. M. Craft
Misses Florence Cozad, Marlon O' Con
ner, Louise , Dletz and A. Hambrlght.
Sunset in
THE dying sun shone softly
o'er a street in Galilee;
It turned to gold the houses
old, till all were fair to
see. .
.And women, resting from
i their toil, called- greetings
From doorstep unto doorstep
in far-off Galilee.
They watched with loving
eyes three little children
near a well,
And listened to their laughter
as the voices rose and fell.
Each - woman . thought her
babe by far the fairest of
the three; ,
For mothers yet were moth
ers in olden Galilee.
Day" Group
all legends and traditions about
brothers, for when the photographer
asked him to put his arm around his
sister, he said "Oh, shucks," with as
much disdain as his merry eyes and
deep dimples would permit.
Mrs. Baird is the only daughter
of Judge and Mrs. W. D. McHugh
of Chiocgo, formerly of Omaha,
whom she will visit during the
month of June. , Mrs. McHugh will
receive a ; picture of her daughter
and family for Mother's . day, and
when she looks at it sherwill doubt
less decide there is just one happi
ness greater than motherhood, and
that is, being a grandmamma.
Kenneth Norton to
Wed Janet -Rockwell
An interesting announcement is
that made .Saturday Evening by Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Rockwell of Hor
nell, N. Y., of the engagement of
their daughter, Janet, to .-William
Kenneth Norton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Norton of this city.
The wedding will take place June
1, in Hornell.
Miss Rockwell attended Miss
Bennit's school in New York and
was graduated from Vassar . college
last June. ...
Mr. Norton attended school in
Omaha and spent three years at
Cornell college in New York. He
served as a captain in the aviation
corps during the war and was over
seas one year. ... -
At the Junior League Revue, Sat
urday, Mr. Norton had one of the
leading roles. 4
Poppy Day
Poppies will blow on Decoration
day not only on Flanders field, but
all over America. The American
Legion has chosen the poppy as a
memorial flower to be sold and worn
on that day. All profits will be given
to the relief of children, in devas
tated France. . The headquarters for
sales in the east are in New York;
for the west, N. A." Buck, room
828 Thirtieth North La Salle street,
Chicago, 111., is in charge. .
Mademoiselle Y. Boulle of France
is organizing Nebraska and Mis
souri for a successful '.'Poppy Day"
this year. "She is stopping-at the
Fontenelle. A local committee will'
be chosen during the 'coming week. ,
Two boasted of their sturdy '
- sons, so strong and brave
and good;
But one in silence watched '
her child land loved his
milder mood.
The twilight faded as she
gazed. ' And then all
A halo shimmered round the
boy in' shadowy, Galilee.
With quickened breath his
mother spoke: "My baby
son is he- t
Who nestled in the Loving
Arms, while gently, ten
derly Dear Jesus murmured: "Suffer
little ones to come to mc!'.
Ah! Blest of all the world he
is in blessed Galilee!"
Ladles' Home Journal.
H. E. L. P. Club
Contributes to
Ten per cent of the proceeds from
the play, "Georgia Ames," which was
given by the H. E. L. P. club of the
Social Settlement last month at the
South Side High, school, will be di
vided among the following charities:
St. James Orphanage, Visiting Nurse
association, Father Flanagan's Boys'
Home, Christ Child, poppies day sale
for French orphans and also for. a
membership in the Social Settlement
association. ' .
The club, which has a membership
cf 14, is the oldest girls' club of the
'settlement. The members meet Tues
day evening of each week at the set
tlement house for cooking, sewing
and dramatic art.
Supper Party Chairman
Mrs. Barton Millard and lovely
3-year-old Nathalie are an attractive
picture. Mr. and Mrs. Millard have
another daughter, Barbara, 11 years
of age. While her family claims her
first interest, Mrs. Millard is re
sourceful enough to find time for
many social and charitable affairs.
With Mrs. Paul Gallagher, she rep
Bureau of The Bee.
Washington, May 7.
Washington's "little season" has
this year grown into a very big sea
son. In fact, it is probably the most
brilliant and important spring sea
son . Washington - society has ever
known. Washington is so changed it
could never be recognized by those
who knew it even seven or eight years
ago. It wilf never again be the quiet
village it. was before the great war.
The Pan American union has been
an active host the past few weeks,
and has established itself as a real so
cial factor.' The banquet, reception
and ball given there 10 days ago by
the visiting Venezulean mission in
honor of the secretary of state and
Mrs. Hughes was a veritable glimpse
of the tropics, a scene from fairy
land, to say nothing of the joy of the
dance -floor and the music. And the
supper, too,, was elaborate enough to
form an important part of the eve-"
ning's entertainment.
Another function equally as bril
liant, followed in the same place a
few evenings later. when the secre
tary of state and Mrs.1 Hughes enter
tained the Pan American union and
the visiting delegates and the mem
bers of their parties. The reception
and ball in. honor of President and
Mrs. Harding to be given by the Pan
American union, or, to be literally
correct, by the "ambassadors, minis
ters and charges d' affaires of the
republics of America," next Wednes
day evening in their beautiful, pictur
esque building will be along the same
lines, and even more elaborate.
This week had an unprecedently
brilliant opening with the polo ball
at the Willard which marked the
climax of the polo tournament held
here last week. The War department
sponsored the tournament which
gives it the real official flavor. This
was the first polo ball Washington
has ever had, and it will easily vie
with the hunt ball for picturesque
color and special interest. The polo
players all wore their polo clothes
and their colors ran riot over . the
hall. The boxes were festooned with
greens, and their ' background was a
graceful draping of crossed flags with
polo, mallets .'arid balls hanging be
tween. ..Other implements of the,' and innumerable polo trophies
formed other ornaments in the ball
room, which wjth the beautiful gowns
and jewels of the women and girls
made a really brilliant scene. '
This same ball room was the scene
of a distinguished company tfre next
night when the speaker of the house
of representatives-and Mrs. Frederick
H. Gillett of Massachusetts enter
tained a large. company' in honor of
the vice president and Mrs. Coolidge.
The guests were mainly the officials
resented the Omaha Junior League
at the annual convention in Mont
real, Canada, in February. ' She was
in charge of the very brilliant and
successful party given by the Junior
Leaeue at the Athletic t-luh last
night following the evening per-j
iormancc ot tne lun;or i-oairue kc
vuc." .
of the government and those whose
names are to be found in the con
gressional directory, and their wives.
It has recently been discovered
that although the gardens of the
White House which are qaint and
characteristic, are more than six
score years of age, there is no ador
able sun dial of any kind anywhere
about the place, to mark its colonial
connection. There is scarcely an
old place anywhere in Virginia or
Maryland which does not boast its
sun dial in perfect working condi
tion. There has been a tiny rumor "float
ing about that the American Acad
emy in Rome, knowing of this la
mentable lack in the White House
grounds, intends to send a rare old
one here. It is one they have in
view, which was brought to Rome
by one of the conquering generah
of the Punic wars. A sun dial would
be the completing touch to the old
fashioned gardens south of the man
sion. -
The visit of the former governor
of Illinois and Mrs. Frank O.
Lowden to Washington the last
week-end has given rise to much
gossip. The little confabs over the
tea cups have had whisperings that
the former governor is likely to suc
ceed Mr. Hughes as secretary of
state, and that Mr. Hughes is likely
to be given a seat upon the U. S.
supreme court , bench which he al
ways coveted and which he once
ruthlessly gave up for greater hon
ors which did not materialize. And
then the tea cups further chronicle
that Chief Justice White is to re
tire on account of his health, his
advanced age and financial inde
pendence, and that will 4nake the
necessary vacancy. It is mere idle
gossip, but it interests society, for
Mr. .and Mrs. Lowden are much
liked here, and have some charming
daughters who would be warmly
welcomed after. Mrs.' Lowden lays
aside the mourning which she is
now in, for her mother,, the late
Mrs. George M. Pullman.
General Pershing returned from
an outing at the White Sulphur
Springs in time for the polo ball
on Monday evening, ; in which he
was much interested. He was the
guest at the White Sulphur, of for
mer assistant secretary of war and
Mrs. Edward R. Stettinius of New
York, who entertained him royally. ,
The marriage was announced
here recently of Miss Lucille W.
Curry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
David Curry of David City; Neb.,
to Herbert William Walker of this
city. The wedding took place last
month in the home" of the bride's
parents in Nebraska and the bride
and bridegroom started at once on
their wedding trip. The bridegroom
is attached to the United Press in
Washington, and he and his bride
are already established in their
apartment in East Clifton Terra.
Mr. and Mrs. McCartney of Wil
merding, Pa., brother-m-law and
sister of Mrs. Robert E. Evans,
wife of the representative from Da
kota City, Neb., who have been the
guests of the Evans for two weeks,
left yesterday for Philadelphia, At
lantic City and New York, for fur
ther visits before returning home.
Mrs. McCartney and Mrs. Evans
were entertailned at luncheon on
Monday by Mrs. B. N. Summers.
Commander and Mrs. Allen B.
Reed are comfortably established in
their Chevy Chase home on Hes
keth street, former being stationed
in the Navy department just now.
Mrs. Reed was formerly Miss Moor-
head of Omaha, sister of . Harley
G. Moorhead. She has been renew
ing acquaintances of old friends in
Nebraska throughout the season.
Mrs. Reed is a Smith college girl.
Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Wirrship of
Nebraska, the former one of the
best known among Methodist min
isters of the state, have gone on-to
Nebraska to be with their daughter
in University Place, for a . time.
They stopped here on their way
home from New Jersey, where they
have been for some time with their
son. Rev. Dr. Winship was pastor
of a church in South Omaha for
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Shotwell .
of Omaha spent a day or two this
week en route from the south to
Indianapolis, where they visited the
latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Caldwell, before returning to their
home in Omaha. Representative
and Mrs. Jefferis entertained them
at dinner during their stay.
OmahaWomen to Organize
Unit of American Over
seas League.
Mrs. Charles T. Kountze and Mrs.
A. L. Reed of the Red Cross bureau
this vicinity overseas, and Allaa
Tukey and H. C. Hough of the
American Legion, will speak at
the dinner Monday, 6 p. m., in the
Y. W. C. A., at which the over
seas girls plan to organize.
. Mrs. F. A. Coyle, director of hos
tess houses for the Seventh Army
Area corps, stationed at Fort Crook,
will also speak. '
More than 35 girls, five from
Council Bluffs, are expected to
gather for the first time since their
return from service abroad..
Any girl who served overseas in
ai:y capacity is invited to come, say
Miss Helen Cornell and Mrs. Wil
liam Coates, who are in charge of
the meeting. Reservation for the
dinner should be made by Sunday
night with Miss Cornell, 4908 Dodge
street, telephone Walnut 2019; or
Mrs. Coates, 3211 Decatur strctU
Webster 3263,