r THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921. if Classified Advertising Rates ) pr lln (eeunt six word to line) 1 day le per tin per dey, S consecutive daye loo par Ima par day, 7 conaecutive dey Ha par Una per day, SO consecutive daya No adt taken for lea than total ot lie. Theso ratva apply either to tha Datly or Sumtay Bra. All advrrtiaemante ai par in both morning; and availing daily papers (or tha ona charge. CONTRACT RATKS ON APPLICATION Want ads accepted at tha following of- MAIN OFFICE 17th and i'arnam Sta. South Side 4931 South 24th St. Council Bluffa 1 Scott Bt. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY THONB AT TYLER 1000. THE BEE will not bo responsible for mora than ona incorrect insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than ona time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition...... 11:44 A. M. Morning Edition t :00 P.M. Sunday Edition 0:00 P. If Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. BUCK Mra. Sarah K.. J319 Dodge St.. May 6. aged 70 yearn, at a local hoa pltal. Services from Hoffmann Funeral Home, Saturday at 2:30 p. ni. Lea v In over Burlington at 4:!0 . m., for burla at York. Neb. Deceased ia aurvlved by four children: Mra. Lena. Dlahong. Oma ha; John Heck. New York; Mra. Grace n. uorat. Boa ton; Ben H, Beck, Bt Paul, Minn. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST PIHRC1 A 1CDTTT A vrriE SERVICE AtiiLOa-sVjnja,U HARNRlf 4 Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 Booth lth Bt. Douglas 1H0. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaken and Embalmera. Phono H. !65. Office 1611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call 8outh 680. Kortako raneral Home, zia ana - rts. r FLORISTS. LEEL.LAKMON IfSSSr 1114 Douglaa St. Douglas 1144, L. Hendaraon, 1110 Farnam. Douglaa 1341. JOHN BATH, 1104 Farnara. D. 1100. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha. Hallle and Euatelle Calvert, hoapltal, gin. John and Franeie Hanion. hoapltal. boy. Ramon and Anna Marksbury, 3011 Sahler atreet, girl. Earl and Elisabeth Kallor, hoapltal, girl Carl and Helen Hord, hoapltal, boy. Harry and Eva Llvermore, hoapltal, boy. Calvin and Nannie Haxelet, hoapltal, girl. Andreao and Joaeflna Kolodzlenskl, 04OT South Eighteenth atreet gtrl. Alola and Mary Kataacak, (831 South Tweaty-seoond atraet, boy. Nick and Filomena Xowalcluk, 1410 ' South Twenty-eighth atreet. girl. Ernie and Altia Brtgul, 6106 South Twenty-aecond atreet. girl. Micheal and Nora Burke, Forty-aeventh and J atreeta, boy. Henry and Emma Falea, 2310 Dorcas street, boy. Orvllle and Clara Cheater, 1615 North 1 Fortieth atreet, girl. Frank and Fellaea Venesby, 4423 South Thirty-ninth atreet, boy. Cecil and Helen Hitchen, 114 South Twenty-sixth avenue, girl. Lee and Gertrude Blough, 334S Red mond avenue, boy. Death. Mra. Lticitla Chapman, 44. hoapltal. OacarVictor Johnson, Infant, hoapltal. lira. Mary Carr,. 73, hoapltal. Charlea F. Sanderholm. 62, 1433 North Twentieth street. Lewla F. Sallee, 66, hoapltal. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been Issued licenses to wed: Reynold Blarkson, 56, Omaha, and Birdie Lollla, 32, Omaha. Roger H. Gay, over 21, Omaha, and Killth W. Johnson, over IS, Omaha. Albert sr. Barnea, 39, Omaha, and Mat tie Schmlchel, 33, Magnolia. Roy Campbell. IS, Counclt Bluffs, Ta., -and Emily Q. Eicher, 22, Council Bluffs, Ta. Carl Anderson. 66. Fortele, Minn., and Bland Nielsen 63, Omaha. 2 Joseph Barta, ' 21, Omaha, and Anna JJatiJa. 21, Omaha. . Louio C. W&1,b' ' 5 Bmeraon, and A. Maria Campbell, 21, Omaha. John F. Lyona, 27, Omaha, and Rosa Hrbek, 20. Omaha. Moaes Washington, 39, Omaha, and - Mary Fuston, 21, Omaha. ' Sherman Sanderson. 44, Newton. Ia., and Guss.e Sanderson, 34, Des Moines, la. Charles A. Bryant, 33, Omaha, and Margaret Duffield, 19, Omaha. Salvatore Piccolo, 24, Omaha, and V Snbasttano Areatq. 18, Omaha. , LOST, FOUND ANDRKWARDS.' FOR ARTICLES LOST on street ears tele phone Tyler 000, Wo are anxious to re- store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS 8T. RY. UUMran x. LOST envelope with mortgage and other papers. Wal. 6237. ' PERSONAL. ' . THE SALVATION Army Industrial homo J solicits your old clothing, furniture, - magazlnoo. Wo collect. Wo distribute ' Phono Doag. 4111 and our wagon will - rati. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-111 Dodgo St "t.WILL glvo hero or in' your home oleo - tronerto or Tlolot ray- treatment, also massage. Doug. 6844. ; 8AY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. Swedish massage, massuese.209 S.20.D.6877. WEAVING, old ruga remade. Tyler 14331 RENT Hoover vacuum, 11 up. Wal. 1947. MASSAGE 210 North Sevonteeht St. MASSAGH, Call Douglas 0649. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aid-), knife, sunburst, box . pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and stylos: hemstitching, picjt edging, eye- Ut cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 301 Brown BIk. Douglas 1936. - 'Neb. Pleating ft Button Co.. 18ui Farnam St.. 2d floor. Douglas 1670. Contractors. ' I DO all kinds remodeling, repairing. Boe my book of plana ot bungalows and ; " garages. Alvin Dickson, Bo. 1794. Furs. -WHi remodel your furs and make thoa l II ko now. Furs stored and Insured - against all losses. i KNKETKR ALASKA FUR CO., i- 101 B. 11th. Doug. 72IL Defectives. ' 'KELLABLB Detsotlvo Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. IQlt. Night Col. 1112. .JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville BIk, Evidence secured la all rases. Tyler 1111. - Dancing Academies. ; LEARN TO DANCE- RIGHT. Fancy. Stags and Ballroom ' Dancing M'aught. Lesson by Appointment V EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. "J Empress Theater. Tyler itU. T KEEP'S HOTEL ROME , LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. She- clal attention to children. Satisfaction . aasurod. Dg. 1611. lYl Pints School tor Dancing. 2424 ' avcA'a ill- Farnara. Doug. 7860. Painting and Paperhanging. 1)AVIS ft CO. First-class painting, raper flanging; worn gun .mwi, xjigr yg... iJCTERIOR varnishing, enameling, floors waxea, wall paper cieaoea. v -mm ,a,i. FIRST-CLASS paper hanging and ralnt- , . ma; xt rrj vi.yvi f A'AINTING, paperhanging and wallpaper - cleaning. J. Naa. Walnut 4667. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1710 Pod go. 4 Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS,'. h TnvifE r to buy back at small profit. GROSS ' JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 11th St. :5og " las 1049. TOMATO plants. Red Head, Bonny Best - Vid Champion. 11.00. Ponderosa, 11.25 er hundred and up. Kenwood 3999. A. T. Ferguson, 60th and Ames. Miscellaneous Announcements. , -KA-OK BI.ADKS sharpened. Single. 35c; double edee. 45c doz. Mail orders n - Ilclted. Omaha Sharp Co. 108 N. lath. . ER. CONCANNON, chiropodist. Bushman ... Biaw lit- aad Douglas. Doug. ilia. BRINGING UP HOV MA ONN CT OHTVS FitH,OlNN.R TONi5HT THERETO NO Ut.E rKlN'. . I - , maccie: ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. PAXTON-MITCIIELL CO., 27th and Martha Sta.. Omaha. Neb, Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron raatliga. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH 3ATH. Maasage, hot ,acka CONCANNON BROS.. TYLER 6731. THEATRICAL coatnmea for amateura the. atricals, etc, to rent at Theo. Lleben Son, 1610 Howard St., Omaha. HAULING all klnda, 32 per hour. Ordera taken black dtrt and fertilizer. ahea and rubblah hauled. tYb. 6602. QTTTTQ save 60 pkr cent, OUllO 1). B. OROSS. 402 N. 14TH 8T. DOUOLA8 3049. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store. 16th and Douglaa Sta., Omaha, Neb. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. writs ror prices. The jensign uo ;tui Howard St. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric, us s. i:tn St.. umana. WRITE mo If annoyed by the Pocket Gopher, O. P. Wyland. Harlan, In. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. 0629. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. RAILROAD SALVAGE AND FURNITURE AT. LOWEST PRICES 4S-lb new cot ton mattresses, $6; complete new set VERNIS MARTIN BEDS. SPRINOS AND MATTRESSES, 22; USED BEDS, 31 USED SPRINGS, 11: USED MAT TRESSES, 11 ! USED COMPLETE BEDS, 23. Furniture, mirrors, china closets, bookcases, store fixtures, counters, showcases and wall cases, garden tools, gas stoves, oil stoves, and cook stoves, eto., at lowest prices. Several acta en cyclopedia books and other valuable dooJis. E. VAKS, 2610 N St., South Omaha. South 2370. Lower rents, low er prices. ' Between 26th and 27th on N St., half block from U. P. railroad tracks. RAILROAD salvage and furniture at low. est prices. 46-lb. new cotton mattreasea, 36; complete new act Vernia Martin beds, springs and mattresses, 322; used beds, 11; used springs, 21; used mattresses, 31: used complete seta, 13. Furniture, mirrors, china closets, bookcases, gar den tools, gas stoves, oil atoves, and cook atoves, etc., at lowest prices. Sev eral sets encyclopedia books and other valuable books. E. VAKS. 2610 N St., South Omaha. So. 2370. Lower rents, lower 'prices, between 26th and 27th on N St.; half block from U. P. rail road tracks. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half the -price of new beds. 1107 Cuming. Doug. 2467. FURNITURE for sale. Leaving cily. 318 So. 61st St. KITCHEN range for sale. Walnut 6842. Pianos and Musical Instruments. IF YOU are looking for a real piano bargain It will pay you to see the al lowing pianos before you buy: Mahogany case. Checkering & Sons. Walnut case. Kingsbury. Oak case, Kimball. ' Oak case, Hamilton player piano. Mahogany case, Adams Schaaf player piano. All In first-class condition and fully guaranteed. Tg. 3066, Chas. H. Thatcher, 1419 Dodge. I GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer in drum. xylophones, etc., instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog. Phone Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedal. BIGGEST phonograph bargains In Omaha. Hniaes nonograprt Co., 1404 Dodge. FOR SALE Corona: -perfect condition; 817.10. JacKson 1254. Clothing:. CTTTTQ save to per cent. OUIlO D. B. GROSS, 402 N. 16TH ST. DOUGLAS 5049. Typewriters and Supplier TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAK-Ics. hnurht. sold, rented aand repaired. Solo agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machlno guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglaa 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPIIS, F. ft JC.'z; bargains. fl9 Farnam BIdr. - - Miscellaneous Articles. . 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, 1Hx2 foot platform, also 23-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Beo office, 17th and Farnam Sta. Phons Tyler 1009. SEWING MACHINES Wo rent, repair, aell needles sad parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Duugias 1971. WE ara moving to 24th and Burdette Sta after May 1. Kindling delivered as usual. Micklin Lumber and Wrecking Co., Web. 0459. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor. llth and Douglaa. D. 2724. Q A V TTQ BARGAINS. 12th ft Farnam. OXir CjO j. j. Darlght 8afo Co. FULL dfesa suits and tuxedos for rent, A- u ,W C!t Tn1,n VaUman Ta 9198 FOR SALE Oak desk 6 foot table type- 1, -. - i . . I..I...H 1)1.1.. Truer, etc. IIJ uaiuuius. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 0146. WE AIM TO PAY FULL VALUE FOR FURNITURE, RUGS, ICEBOXES, AT LANTIC 4988. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WANTED Position as watchman, first class reference. Market 2125, 2612 N St.,' South Side. YOUNG maa willing worker wishes start with soma firm. Box 0-67 Bee. Female. YOUNG woman, university graduate, teacher of English and languagea, Is open for engagement for the summer, as tutor or companion for one or two chil dren, either to remain in the city or to travel. Box 0-69, Bee. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch tbo Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good plsces aro always advertised. Don't miss them. GRADUATE NURSE desires position. State salary. Addreas Box Y-1520, Omaha Bee. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED woman wanta day work. Harney 4292. Male and Female. YOUNG man and woman, car, college edu cation, desire salaried connection be ginning June 1. Executive experience. Address Mr. V. T. W.. Lock Box Lstter I. Sigourney. Iowa. State salary. 4 HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Printer shop, Mitchell Mitchell. S. i. permanent. open Daily Republican, WANTED One first claa granite letterrr at once, aoply B. C, Starliu, Alisiourl VaUay. 1 FATHER OUT TO Ab LONtf, IN - THINK CARPET." 3 HELP WANTEDMALE. Professions and Trades. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 121 J. 15th St. Phone Douglaa 1113 MOLER BARBER COLL EG B. 110 So. Hth. Writs for catalog. -Stores and Offices. WANTED AMBITIOUS MEN with clean records who ar anx ious to better themselves by spare time training for Important ac counting positions under supervi sion of certified public account ants. Want men, now employed, who have reached the limit In their respective fields without sat isfying outlook for the future. International Accountants Society. V 1111 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitor. SPECIALTY SALESMEN TTENTION! Our division manager will be In Omaha Saturday and Sunday, May 6, 7 and 6. to engage two men for the atate of Nebraska and one man for Minnesota Our line is one of the largest and best known in the United States and we have hundreds of established accounts in the state. Men work both with jobbers and independently. We also control patented lino on which ws havs no competition. Remuneration la on salary and expenses, commission and exDenses. or straight commission with drawing account. There is no limit but your own ability and every possible chance for promotion. Our field and, district managers are selected from our most able salesmen. Thorough posting and personal breaking in on the road till proficient. Apply Detween n. m. and 5 p. m. Mr. C. H. Sullivan, Fontenelle hotel. EXPERIENCED truck salesman; good proposition to the right man. Omaha Auto Sales, 2060 Farnam. WANTED A high grade specialty sales man can secure an exclusive proposition In territory In and adjacent to Omaha. Will give a high grade man an opportun ity to build big business in territory already partly developed. A good op portunity for an established manufac turers agency or merchandise broker. See K. W.. McClelland at 3 p. m. Satur day, May 7, at Hotel Fontenelle. ESTABLISHED, financially responsible Omaha firm can use several territory men who aro producers. Salary or earning In proportion to ability. State age and experience In first letter. Ad dress Box X-47, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN wanted by reputable firm: salary I4U per ween vvun iiuerai uuuus; call at 9 and 11 a. m.. or 1 p. m. Hawaiian School of Music 420 Paxton blocK. WANTED Salesman experienced in sell ing patent meaicines. cun an Interest in established tusiness. A wonderful opportunity. Park Chemical Co., Ottumwa, la. WANTED Experienced candy salesman to call on retail trade In the city of Omaha and surrounding territory. Lib eral commission paid. Apply Val. Blat?.. Jr. Candy Co., Milwaukee. Wis. TWO city salesmen to sell complete line butchers and restaurant supplies. H. Ehrlich & Sons Mfg. Co., St. Joseph, Mo. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED -Brown taxicab drivers. 130 cash bond required. Omaha Taxicab & Transfer Co.. 27th Ave and Harney. Trade Schools. LEARN telegraphy in three months! Work for board while attending. Tui tion reasonable. - Position secured. Rail road wire for praotice. Catalog free. Address Boyles College, Bojies Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . Miscellaneous. WANTED An experienced car washer to work nights. Dundee Garage. 4918 Dodgo HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girl, operate switchboard; ex perience unnecessary: hours 3 to 11 p. m., 6 days a week. Harvard hotel, 307 S. 24th St. Douglas 4796. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trads. Special ratea and Inducemenfa. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLBQ-. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domcatle Column ot The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid end homelike places always advertised. COMPETENT white maid for general houacwork, 1 in family, best . wagns, refererlces. Mrs. W. & Weston, 803 So. 51st St. Walnut 0278. ' . WANTED A white girl for house v. ark; small family; good wages. 3504 Tonl worth Ave. Har. 0638. Mrs. G. H. Pratt. WANTED at once girl to do general housework. Phone Market 4600 No. 6 or apply No. 6, Ft. Croolt Miscellaneous. FOOD FOR THOUGHT. In the present business condition, those who can do more than one thing are in demand.' Comptometer knowledgs isn't heavy to carry nor tedious to ac quire, but It pays big dividends. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. Day and Night Courses. Douglas 1493. 403 Michel Bldg. "The Sohool That Graduatea Experts. BUSINESS CHANCES. SAFE, sound and good paying investment In established Omaha business. Good reason for selling. Bx. X-50 Omaha Bee. TO GET In -or out of business, see LEWIS ft Co.. 411 MoCague Bldg. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. YOUNG men, women, over 17, for postal mail service. 1120 month. Examina tions May. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of Instruction, write J. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg., Washington. D. C. WANTED Men, 'ladles and boys to learn barber trade) big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or Write 1403 Dodge St Trl-City Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting, railroad and wlr "less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Wrlto, call or phono Douglaa 1561 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Vib. Van 6ant School ot Bualneaa. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5891. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Roomy. TWO very attractive rooms, UviiiK rooms and bedroom on second floor near bath; "southeast exposure, private home, excellent location: near ear line: reason able. Wi-bstlr 0374. NICE sleeping room. private family, walking distance. 1110 Chicago. BURNISHED room for colored. 2614 Sew ard. Call Webster 1897. MODERN K!ering room. Douglas 9k:i. Mod. room, private, not water. D. 7441. Registered S. Patent Off let HA.V TO I'LL CLEAN FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. AUK YUU LOOKING FOR ROOMST Or have you planned on making a change, which will be mors convenient for you? If so, then call The Beo .Vint Ad Dept.. Tyler 1000, and we will o only furnish you with a complete .oom list of choice vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our ''Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These liats are absolutely free of charge to all readers and kdver tlsera of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept TWO nice furnished or unfurnished rooms for marriod couple with kitchen privileges. Also use ot garage. Ken wood 3768. COMMERCIAL HOTEL Clean room with bath. 13.50 week and up. 2310 M Bt. NICK larpe bedroom, very desirable loca tion. Newly decorated. Harney 7169. 659 S. 26T11 Nicely fur, rms., single-double; gents only: wlk. dlst. D. 9180. 420 S. S6TH, two nice sleeping rooms, close In, reasonable. Atlantic 47S7. ROOM in private home, on car line; breakfast if desired. Harney 6630. NICE rooms, close in. Douglas 7458. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST . -F .HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THJ5 BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. VANT AD. 614 S. 29th. 2-ROOM apt. clean and cozy, gas range, ice box. running water, everything furnished complete for housekeeping. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, on ground floor, with water. Har. 12R2. Call mornings or evenings. :525 California Two southeast house keeping rooms; private family; walk ing distance. Douglas szis. HOUSEKEEPING apartment, strictly modern; no children. 2213 F Street, South 2985. 2415 CAPITOL AVE Two clean, desir able front rooms. Call Douglas 8929. 318 S. 26th Light1 housekeeping rooms, reasonable. Harney 1223. 318 S. 26TH Light housekeeping rooms; reasonable. Harney 122.1. Fur. hkpg. rooms, reasonable. Web. O803. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE- BEE WANT ADS, AND IF TOU DO NOT FIND WHAT TOT T WAN" IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. "01)0 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLET'I LIST OF ROOMS. WALKING distance. clean. desirable rooms with hoard: modern, private homo; excellent location: near 27th and California: reasonable. Douslas 9094. DESIRABLE room with board for two; 170 month: modern home; walking distance. Harney 2900. LARGE room, excellent board, private home; Harney line; gentlemen, uarney 1397. BOARD and room. Harney 1241. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. 6-ROOM house for rent at 3129 a 18th. Phone Tyler 4117. - FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished, in beautiful home; Kountze fark district. Includes garage. Price ?60 per month. Call Mr. Cannon, Webster 6205; 2117 Wirt St. BEAUTIFUL 6-room furnished apartment, with garage, at 81st and Farnam St., In the Page, June 1 to October 1: 1120 per month. Call Mr. Heyn, Douglaa 7715. THREE rooms and bath, completely fur nished: wnst: fine proposition, and walk ing distance: 175 to good party. Doug las 7734. 3-ROOM APT. for light housekeeping; close to University hospital. WA Q265. BUSINESS girl to share small furnished apt.; walking distance. Harney 2182. 4-ROOM, well ventilated, apartment, 147.50. Janitor service. Web. 4945. Unfurnished. We Offer For Rent. A one-room , kitchenette and bath, apartment in the Newton, 725 S. ISth St. A Seven-Room Apartment ' Modern) i except heat, at 24th and Cuming Sis. A Five-Room Apartment. With 6-room efficiency, In the' Elwoud. To be subleased till September 30. J. L. Hiatt Company, "fetter Values" - 1 Ill-It Douglas St. . .; APARTMENT FOR RENT. For rent. 7-room apartment on South 16th Street. GEORGE ft CO. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apnrtment management. Garages PRIVATE garage,- list and Farnam Sta., one car. Call Douglas 7718. Mr. Heyn. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished. SMALL APT. Furnished for summer, with garage. Box O-70. The Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. BEE F. D. WEAD. 110 8. 18TH 8T. i MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT YOURSELF. Do you buay people know es pecially those who have to put '. In a full day's' wora that yon can rent a one-ton Ford truck and Drive It Yourself night or day and do .all your, trncklng-or moving. Handjle your own stuff and cut your cost bait in two. Wo cover close. Drive It Yourself o. 1314 Howsrd. Douglaa 2612. FIDELITY a?drvagn CO. .STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS', REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LliT OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0381. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate lacked rooma for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAG13 CO.. 100 South lCtl... . . Doug. 4161. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 1400 UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, rt-icktiig and atoms. 1906 DavsuiorL Doug, 190a. , i . i . . , . , . . ao' i - 1 1 a ii i . - - .1 f f 7 . 1 .1 uv,-i-i- T I I Ull f J ll I r J- ... I IT o AHOlT I nrwun i HL. II nn ? f-K S I J Tt7o','V fm TIME TOO f FOROTTEN WLR ,o .n MJf "'' 11 I 11 t,2t BV InT'L' fATUm SISVICI. INC. SEE JICCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. ONE covered wagon, horso and harness; cheap If taken at once. Call DO 5320 during business hours. NICE driving mare, harness, rubber-tired buggy, 1110. Douglas 69J5. 1903 Vin ton street. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. THOROUGHBRED baby chicks, 31.80 to 34.25 per dozen, 16 varieties of highest quality. Special sale. NATIONAL CHICK CO. 718 N. 16th St. We Deliver Phone Doug. 6390. AN CON A, Black Minorca. Buff Leghorn eggs, 11 setting. Richards, 1001 Pacific Douglas 7790. 11' IT 'C A T i cn inn I .. .a TV JlI'J.i L m:i:cilllS, eji.ou jjer iVV, UVUY U. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. Dg. 1142. LIVESTOCK. TWO fresh milch cows for sale. Call Douglas 1309 after 6 o'clock. FRESH cow and oaJf. Tyler 3357. FARM LANDS. Minnescia Lands. 160 ACRES and stock, IS.Ofift Equity iiu r.xciiiinirr, ot. rnm, Rlinn. Nebraska Lands. 160 ACRES all level, 100 acres under culti vation, 8 miles from Big Springs. Neb. Worth 175 per acre, will sell for 162.50. 11,000 cash down. F. R. Hoppock, Ful lerton. Neb. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE HUDSON SUPER-SIX SPEEDSTER. Here is a current model 4-passenger super-six speedster just like new and covered oy our regular new car guar antee and service. This is a snappy sport Job and a car you can be nroud to own. Wo have this priced right tor a quicx sate ana . will be glad, to show It to you at your home. Might take small car as part, or terms If you wish. Call today. GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam. Douglas 1970. CHOICK ' OF 50 FORD CARS ALL MODELS 1100 AND UP. TERMS IK DESIRED. HUGHES-PARMER CO. 119 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs. PHONE 964. SOME bargains In uaed J'urO cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15U and Jackson, Douglss 8500. USED cars, bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St. 1350 for good Reo 6 Touring, beat run ning order. Atlantic 1600. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A SAFE INVESTMENT. Dou't forget, every automobile we sell you is guaranteed. Not onlv guaranteed to be as represented, but guaranteed to give you the satisfaction you have a right to expect. Our repu tation for honesty and fairness has made for us a very enviable reputa tion, and your Interests are safeguarded in every way. Drop into o.ur sales rooms and inspect our fine line of cars. We can suit you in any car you need at the price you expect to pay. Come in today or phone GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam. Douglas 1970. 9285 for Chevrolet touring, very fine order, late 1919. Walnut 6644. Accessories. FORD ownera at last a real transmission band, Everyready satisfies, 11.50 a set with rivets, postpaid or at your dealer. Wilder-Miller Co., 18th and Webster Sts. Omaha. Tyler 0966. . FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have caah on hand to loan on Omaha residences. 49 E. H. LOUOEE. INC., 638 Keeline Bldg. VMAftA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1010 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. FARM LOANS closed promptly,, best rates and terms. PAUL PETERSON, S3 Douglas Block, Omaha. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wcad Bldg., 110 S. 18th Bt REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Rral Kstatft ioe FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Douglas 142'1. LIST homes and Income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. s Doug. 1960. WE SPECIALIZE- IN DUNDEE HOMES r n v stttht rn City Nat'l Bldfr. Douglas 1787. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to, sell your property? List It with C. A. Grlmntel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. DTPVITTT R E A L E S TAT Xt JJAXvI-J-l A sells. Rents, Insures 850 Peters Trust Bldg. - Doug. 0633 PT TTcPPTcXTC! REAL ESTATE . J. li-15JtX-NO ins. and Rentals 006 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 2182 THE Old Reliable Real Estats Office. M CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1601 Dodge Sty . Douglas 1141. " " LISTINGS WANTED- Western Real Estate Co.; 411 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Do You Want to Sell? W have customers for medium priced homes of 6 or 1 rooms. Can give you quick action If price is right. Charles W. Martin & Co., Realtors 743 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Atlantic 0187. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE Some caah and tlear. beautiful, modern 5-room bungalow; 2 rooma in oak: m blocks from 2 car lines; In Walnut Hill, for 0 or 7-room. good, modern, 3-story house near car line on West Side. Address Box Y-1519, Omsha Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBUFBA Florence. 4-RM. cotiage, lot 70x132, electric licht. good well, fruit, etc.; price l-.-lii', small payments; possession May 16; no col ored. Nethaway. Kenwood 14C9. 7-RM. res., all mod.: 1 large lots 132x360; all Wnds bearing fruit except pearnea; beau, view: Idf-al location and borne; no colored. Prlc 17.600. Kenwood 1409. Nethaway, Flor. prop., no col. Ken. 1400. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee Brand New Dundee Home. Six rooms and tile bath, full two story and large attic. Beautifully fin tshed in mahogany and Ivory enamel. Very best plumbing, oak floors through out. East front, full lot, one block to car lino. Lawn, shrubs: garage and driveway. Priced to sell; terms 11,600 cash, balance monthly. Must be seen to be appreciated. 908 South 60th St. Mattson & Smails, REALTORS. Douglas 8102. 1214 City Nat'l Bank. HAPPY HOLLOW, BRICK VENEER, $20,000 Every convenience, Including sun room, sleeping porch, two baths, vapor heat; garage; all built-in features. Best value ve know of In this restricted dis trict. One-third cash. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Douglas 2850. 918-20 City National. DUNDEE, 4921 Burt Street. Six large rooms, all modern; oak fin ish first floor, white enamel, second; oak floors throughout; . tile bath, fire place, bookcases and very convenient kitchen. Shown by appointment only. George and Company, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. West Farnam Home. On 37th St., near Farnam; well constructed, 2-story and attic, S-room modern frame house, fin ished in quarter-aawed oak ftrat floor, except kitchen; large, at tractive living room with brick fireplace, dining room, butler's pantry, convenient kitchen first floor; 4 corner bedrooms and bath second: maid's room, third; full cemented basement; furnace heat; garage; cement drive; east front lot. A dandy place to keep room ers. Price 110,500. Must be sold. Want offer. Fowler & McDonald, REALTORS. 1120 City Nat. Bank. Phone Jackson 1426. Fairacres. 1.15 acre, south front, on Dodge' St., just west of George BrOmdeis home. Price 13,700. George and Company, Omaha Real Estats snd Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 021 Paxton BIk. Phone Tyler 4880. NEW 6-room modern house. H. Fischer, Doug. 1966. North. 5 Rooms Modern. Garage. Want Arf Offer. Good 5-room strictly modern cottage In fine repair. All rooms on one floor with a large attic. Oak floora, andy basement, garage, largs 50-foot lot; paving paid. Located at 29th and Hamil ton Sts. Owner asking 25,500, hut wants an offer. Good terms. J. L. Hiatt Company, "Better Values" 1914-16 Douglas St. Minne Lusa Bungalow $500 Down Five-room strictly modern bun gulow, all on one floor; oak fin ish and oak floors; large combina tion living room and dining room, with fireplace and built-in book cases; French wlndowa; 2 bed rooms and bath; bath has tile floor and tMe wall and base tub; kitchen with built-in features; full cement basement, furnace heat; dandy nice garage and drive; storm windows and screens eom plote. Price 17,300; 1600 down, balance monthly. Payne Investment Co., 637 Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. 1781. $500 CASH. 5-Room Bungalow. Now vacant, a beautiful oak finished, all modern, up-to-the-minute, 4-year-old bungalow. It lias everything you can ask for. Just see for yourself at 4530 N. 36th Ave. Call Douglaa or Jackson 3556 before 6 p. m. Special Bargain. Near Omaha university; dandy house; 0 rooma and bath; strictly modern; paved atreet; fruit and shade trees; two car garage. Price 33,330; amout 11,359 cash required. P. J. Tebbens Co., 60S Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone DO 2183. 1 EAST OMAHA. Co'ttage of five rooma; city water. Easy terms. Amos Grant Company, - REALTORS. Doug. 8380. 330-2-4 Brandeia Tbea. Bldg. COLORED 6-room strictly modern, dandy loca tion, small payment down, balance like rent. E. M. Dav.ln, 2530 Grant St. Wabstsr 2420. v A Good Bargain. 1714 Military Ave.; 0 rooms and bath, all modern; large lot; pared street; 2 car llfles; 14,000; about 21,200 cash, balance en payments. Buy a home for your family. P. J. Tebbens Co., 05 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone DO 2181. NEAR 24TH AND WIRT STS. Two-story square home with 7 rooma . and bath; fully modern. In as good as new condition. Price only 11,950. About 11,000 cash. RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline .Bldg. AT 0731. COLORED 6 rooms strictly modern, large lot. . small payment dnwn, balance like rent. Call Webster 0923. 1306 FOWLER AVE., 7 rms.. mod. ex ht; 1 lots, chicken house, fruit trees, sigg cash. bal. mo. Crelgh. 608 Bee. D. 0200. MINNB LUSA homes and lota offer the oeai opportunity (0 invest jruut uiuu.j. Phone Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invei meat, M! retere 'rruai. uoui. vi. HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Davis. 2530 Grant Ht. Wht'e 1420. D. E. BUCK A- co hov nnil well homes. ( Bee Want AOi Are Business Getter, Drawn for The Bee by McMamifc Copyright, 19J I International Nana Service Downtown Programs. Rialto Charles Ray in "The Old Swimiuin' Hole." Sun Alice Lake in "The Greater Claim." Strand Norma Talniadge in "The Passion Flower." Moon Monroe Salisbury in "The Barbarian." Empress "The Coast of Oppor tunity." Muse "The Life of the Party." Neighborhood Houses. Grand Blanche Sweet in "Her Unwilling Husband." Hamilton Douglc Fairbanks in "The Mark of Zorro." Suburban "The Fighting Shep herdess." Hippodrome "Human Desire." Maryland "Passion." Alhambra "Passion." Rohlff "Habit." Elliott Dexter is en route for New York via the Panama canal aboard the first steamship to make its maid en voyage from the port of Los An geles to New York harbor. He ex pects to spend about two weeks en route, stopping only at Havana for two days. A few days in New York will precede his return to Los An geles by rail. Little hope for the ultimate re covery of George Loane Tucker, not ed director, is expressed by his inti mates. Tucker has been ill for sev eral months and has undergone a number of operations. Some time ago he was apprised by his physi cians they did not believe he would live for 10 days. f Wallace Reid has began work on a new picture, called "The Hell Dig gers." The setting is in the gold mining districts. Following the com pletion of this picture Wallace Reid will leave for New York to co-star with Elsie Fercusou in a film version of George DuMaurier's famous novel, .Peter lbbetson. Cecil B. DeMille has gone on lo cation for opening scenes of his next production, the title of which re mains unannounced as yet The cast will include Dorothy Dalton, Mildred Harris, Conrad Nagel, Theodore Kosloff and others. . The picturesque Limehouse dis trict of London will again come to the fore on the screen, in Priscilla Dean's next production, tinder the title or .Reputation and the pic turization this time will be the work of a director whose knowledge of the district was gained by a long personal study of its people and customs. The government statistical bureau estimates the total German sugar crop for 1920-21 in excess of 7,000, 000 tons. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. SIX-ROOM NEW HOUSE, 3026 South 32d Street. Strictly modern bdme on corner lot: paved street; one block to car line; largo living room across entire front of house; dining room srlth built-in buffet; large kitchen with built-in cup board and ice box room; oak finish In living room and dining room; oak floors throughout house; three large bedroms and bath on second floor; plenty of closet room; full cement basement; garage. . C. G. Carlberg, Realtor, Jackson 0583. 313 Brahdeis The. Bldg. Acreage. ,. 10 ACRES., Near Dundee, practicable for garden ing or keeping few cewa; 4-room house, barn, etc.; rent 830 par month. GEORGE CO. Miscellaneous. ACREAGE, $2,150. We are offering a neat little cottage and two acres of land for only 12,160. For value for the money asked It sim ply can't be beat. Oet full particulars by calling (.the office. Will sell on terms. $3,200. Another ceftage of five rooms and two acres. One of these Is In fruit of more than half dozen varieties. Very reasonable teruia. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, Doug. 8380. 330-2-4 Brandcls Thea. Bldg. Under Construction. Bungalow, strictly modern and up to data In every respect: full cemented basement; all oak floors throughout; all white enamel attractive lot with large apple trees and flowering bushes. Price 14.400; will take $500 down and 240 per month. Amos Grant Company, . REALTORS. DO S380. 330-2-4 Brandeia The. Bldg. E. H. Benner Co. to Build 200 FIVK-ROOM BUNGALOWS 90-DAY DELIVERY. 1300 down, 148 monthly; 11,000 down, 142 monthly. Plana at our of- iics. E. H. Benner Co., REALTORS. 437 Railway Exchange, 8404. TOV CAN'T BEAT THIS. For 1430 cash you can buy this five room, all modern bungalow being built now. Name your choice of inter. or and exterior finish If bought thia week; fine location. Call Mr. Cole, Walnut 6433, evenings, or Douglas 7412, dsys. CLOSE In investment. Two 1-rni. houses In excellent condition on a large lot 50x160. located -i block from l&th and Leavenworth. Only 33,000. Lot Is worth the price alonn. Can be handled on easy terms. Webster 6305. KIVE rooma. etridly modern, nearly new; oak finish, pave. I street: 16,930; 1760 cash, 86S per month. This Is 4'05 Hurt St. Douglas 7112 daya Ask for Mr. Carse, Des Moines Man Marries Girl In Italy 1) Proxy Nephew of Admiral Sims Di vorced Former Salvation Army Worker Denies Girl's Charges. Dos Moines, la.. May 6. (Spe cial Telegram.) Although thou sands of miles apart, Francesco Guisseppe Parisi, 43, Des Moines, anc Miss Serafina Santora, 41, Ter rariccha, Italy, were married here. In obtaining the marriage license, Parisi and his friends informed Deputy Charles Horner that the marriage would be by proxy. It was performed in Des Moines by a priest, but the bride was represented by another woman. As soon as she ii advised of the performing of the ceremony the bride will leave Italy and come to America to join her husband. Nephew of Sims Divorced. A nephew of Rear Admiral Sinil was divorced here. Grace Ranletj married Albert Ranlett, nephew of Sims, in Panama In 1915. Shi charges him with cruel and inhuniar treatment. Denies Girl's Charges. O. P. Jackson, a former Salvatiot Army worker, on trial under tin Mann act in United States districi court here, denied that he transported Anna Walker Watson from St Joseph to Des Moines for immara purposes. Jackson also denied h was the father of Miss Watson' child. He declared he had been ih best friend the woman ever had anc supported the child and herself and' gave financial aid to her whenever it was necessary during times of distress. According to the testi mony of Jackson, both he and Mrs. Jackson befriended the woman and gave her employment at the Salva tion Army store. He said he dis charged her for irregularities in the cash drawer. Jackson, on his direct testimony, declared that he was the victim of a conspiracy td extort large sums of money from him, on the charge made by the girl. He said demands had been made upon him both .before and after the filing of the criminal action. AT THE THEATERS THIS 1s the final day of Albertlna Raacb with her beautiful dance pro duction at the Orpheum. The cur tain thia evening is to rise at 1 o'clock. Opening with the matinee tomorrow comes Valeska Suratt In a striking ons-act play called "Scarlet." The sketch, by Jailk Lalt, is not only a credit to us autnor, ou. gives tfc;e star an admirable opportunity for the display of her htetrionlo gifts. Her support Is made up of a carefully chnMP.tl cast, headed bv such established actors as Eugene Strong and Grant Sher man. The bill is to mciuoe two special features. One of these Is to be offered hv FroHkin. the eminent violinist, who comes with the noted soprano. Miss Jean Tell. The other chief act will be offered by the diverting comedian, Charlea Ir win. "Mutt and Jeff" will lrold forth at the Brandels for the last two times today, matinee and evening, where that mis chievous but over beloved pair of adven turous ne'er-do-wells and heroes are pre senting their newest effort; a brand new three-act musical comedy scream entitled, "Mutt and Jeff at the Races." The kiddies hail with delight the per formance given by Crandell'a Brazllllan circus, at the Empress, in which aomo of the best trained dogs and two horses, who glvo the best evidences of animal alertness, take part. In the offering of Donahue and Fletcher, who preaent a di versified program of comedy, singing, talking and bicycle stunts, there Is more originality than , la ordinarily een In vaudeville acts. Arthur Terry, who bills himself "A Song of the West." duplicate; all the wonderful efforts of famous lariat artists besides presenting a humorous line of patter. roi me ram ....t-v - - Slr Jsmea M. Barrle'a newest play. "Mary Rose " in wnicn nuin uiaturiou ... distinguished company are to be seen here at the Brandeis theater for four per formancee beginning Thuraday evening. May 12, Is the delightfully accompanying music, planned by Barrie himself and compesed under the - dramtit'e careful direction by Norman O'Neill of the Hay market theater, London. This musical - v-.n.,v,niit h - til a v . thraa ecurt, run, n.va. ..v..- . - - acts, Interpreted by a picked orchestra and a onoir or women" .u,,, u,.u. r, ITUlAtt Kchanck. who ner- formed the same service throughout the long run of "Mary Rose" at tlte New York Empire theater. -. t A r . V. Anmlan with the fluent legs, in "The Sweetheart Shop,' which opens an engagement ef four nights at the Brandeis tomorrow night, made hia first professional appearance In San Francisco at the ago of 4 and has t - a . i. ll .H-),, .rn, aini-D 4tnm vear he was a circus acrobat, doing flip- xioys over mv tvvM. Real Estate Transfers Barker Co. to John O. Wentworth et al. California St.. 200 ft. w. of 61st at., n. .. 60x138 1 1,210 Paul W. Kuhna and wife to Claude H. F. Miner et ai. i"t si., -vo ft. a of Bedford av.e., 40x134 310 Gussie Frank and husband to Frank J. Alberts et al, n. e. cor. 26th and Cuming eta.. 04x74.... 10,000 Kathryn B. Collins and husband to , Price A. Williams, cuming St., 98 2-2 ft. w. of 48th eve., a a, 47 1-3x93 1,060 John W. Agnew and wife to Arabel AT. K'.mball, Park avo.. 9H tt. s. of Leavenworth St.. e. s.. 6Uxl4t 40,060 C. George Carlberg and wife to F. . Harold et al, 13th ave.. 139 ft. I. . . . . ii , , a . in life oi Bianaa ni., w. p., .mai.- Louise C. Glover and husband to t Robert H. Sessions, JCvans at., no ft w. of 16th st.. n. s.. 40x123.. 1.160 Louis Berka at al to Jlhn Qerdes t al, sin t., i it. a. or Micgery at., e. s 43UX143U.. 2,660 George C. Johnson and wife to Bliss H. Headier and wife. Sara toga at., 230 ft. w. ot 24th St., n. a.. 40x67 '. 17.(00 Serena K. Rohan to Alfred R. Han sen, a. w. cor. 49th and Dodge sts., 140X.160 23,000 Minna Grapp to Alvlna J. McAvln. m ot., si n. n. or opnng sr., o. ., 63x140 1.900 James A. Howard and wife to Temple McFaydn. Rrakine at , 131 ft. w. of 49th at., n. s., 64x128 4 ' K0 Jennie Short and husband to Dora Waplea, Spauldlng St.. 81 ft. e. of 44th ave., s. s., 4xlM 150 John L. Roach and wife to Henry -F. Rosecrans and wife. n. e. cor. 20th and G St., 46x130 1,971 Pearl Htkell and husband to JOltsta both Nelson, 17th St., 2808 s. of Spauldlng at., w. a.. 40x134 ' Til Margaret Duffle Truelock et al to Rollle J. Rich and wife s. tv. cor, 19th and Young at., 121x200 .... 121 Win. F. Schweliaer and wife' to Amanda Starks. 27th ave, 00 ft. n. of Yates at., w. s., 80x109.1.. I,i0 William I. Klerstead and wife to Alice Wheeler . Clark. Florence blvd., 147 ft. m. ot Fowler ave., w. a, 100x146... , 10.160 Ellxsbeth Cragln and husband to John C. Hardy, Franklin at., 10 ft. e. of 4Mb at., n. a, 60x160 4.900 Charlea c. Windlseh and wife to Katie Bright. 04th St., ISO tt. s. of Grant St.. w. a., 108x126 too Michael Keeola and wlta to 111! a Ignatovlo et al. W at., 01 ft. w. of ttth at., n. a., 48x130 ' Bernard Fredman and wife to Mai mer Shear. 2Sth at., 130 ft. n. of O at. w. e., 66x150 3 909 Cyrus S. Bowman and wife to Christine Stuuffsrher. 24th st . 90 ft. n. ot Hamilton, a s . 11x49 ........., 1,001 X -3 pi !fV A