J ( 1 ; " ' .. ..--.-. ... . " u thk kkK! OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY 7. 1921. 1 . i 1 LWomen Should Keep Busy, Says Peggy Reeves -' Character Analvet Asserts Tife Who Won't Keep Up Home Should Be Made i To Earn Living. Activity, either in the home or in the business World, was advocated by PfRBy Majorietanks Reeves, char . acter analyst, in a speech before members of the Kiwanis club Friday noon at the Rome hotel " "If I were a married man and my wife u tint hiuv mothering mv children or did not interest herself in keeping up our home, Id make her work. I wouldn't give her any money and alt she needed to spend T'H make her tarn. "Women have no business being idle. If they don't want to keep house they should work. If they want to be mothers they should do iSO. "Because men and women do not knnw arh nthi-r httr divorces re- Suit. I would make it harder to marry and easier; to get a divorce. Children should be taught the se- c.ret of living in the schools. Girls and boys shouldn't marry the first person with whom they tail in love. Tlwv shnuld analvze one another and know whether the marriage is going to be successful before they take the step. ArenrAinet tn tlii analvst even SUC ccssful business men do not use all their mental and physical energies in the pursuit of their work. She said few men knew their own possibilities and were thus handicappea. Trust Company Seeks To Annul Marriage of Elderly Woman Ward . Mrs. ' Blanda Anderson 63, and Carl AnrUrsnn 6. were married Thursday afternoon, but yesterday the Peters Trust company niea a petition m district court, asking tnat the marriage be annulled, because of the ' alleged : incompetency ot airs Anirtrin ' ' Th tmct mmfunv waa annointed guardian for Mrs, -Anderson some time ago and holds for her property and spftiritiea valued at $22,000. Fol lowing the wedding in the county rniirf ViniixA Thursdav ' the newlv married couple went to the trust; company and attempted to withdraw the money. It -was refused. The wftridinp was the outcome of a . correspondence courtship between Anderson, who ' lives at Sartele,, Minn., and Mrs, Anderson, formerly Hianaa .wiewn.a wara 01 me ns areth home, Thirty-fourth, atreet andr Meredith avenue. August jonnson, brother of the bride", living at 2530 Reward street, approves tne annuu ment. , Samson Promises Hot Initiation ''Better Join Early if You Want Mild Entrance," - Says Gardner. Prospective subjects of Samson who wish to avoid the secret initia tion into Ak-Sar-Ben will do well to join before May 23, according to an announcement made yesterday by Charles Gardner, secretary to Sam son. "Oh, boy, there'll be some hot in itiations after opening date,' added Mr. Gardner, with a tricky wink of i,:. .... ' . "Those boys who want to walk gently into the Den without under going the ngors ot some unexpecicu occurrences had better enlist in the ranks of Samson now," he warned. 'Right now!" T-v.. driv fnr , Ak-Sar-Ben mem Ill - - - -" K.ro n'nhi rnntinticd with renewed viror all next week, Mr. Gardner said. . Tn Aati. thn mtmhershin numbers nearly 2,000. Hope of reaching a tntat nf 6 000 hrfnre nnenino- nieht of, Gus Renze's musical comedy at the Den was expresses oy Air. uara ner. i Extradition Hearing Of Suspected Liquor Runners Set for Today Tlnlpss attorneys for the Canadian liouor dealers who. are prosecuting Omaha booze runners for alleged rhk,rv and (nrarrv tn Canada are called to Minot, N. D., to start the extradition hearing oi wunanr Maher. alias William Connelly, anas i T v Rnrnt who wn arrested Wednesday night, the continued hearing of the Jour Omaha men on similar charges win De neia saruraay in tederai court. . Thn r,nr Omaha mm Mart W ll liams, alias "Red the Rough;" Wiley Compton, Axel Pearson and Jack Hiwiirrl nala nf Maher. are still in the county jail wnnout Donas, wa- mg final decision or , umtea states Ammtaiinnaf to whether thev shall be extradited to Canada. They were arrested two months ago Farmer Hurt Whejj Wagon Is Hit bv Street tat Dies f. K. Estal. 41 a farmer., who was- hurled against a curb J. nursaav afternoon at Eighth avenue and Mam street Councu pupta wnen a rs r etntrlr tVi wacrnn he was driving,' died, in Mercy hospital at t a m "vwnav, n p was uncon- scious when he was! taken to the Loan Co. Head Charged With Election Fraud Ernest O. Amcspresident of .the State Savings and Loan association, was arrested Friday morning, charged with destroying a ballot at last Tuesday's election, while acting as an election official at a polling booth at Thirty-sixth and Jackson streets. Ames' bond was fixed at $1,500. An hour later Ames handed in his resignation as president of the sav ings association. . It was accepted. Ames will have a preliminary hear ing in police court this morning. Ames arrest followed the filing of a complaint against him Thursday by Harley G, Moorhead, election commissioner. Bee Want Ade Product Results Brief City News Card I'arty Alpha No. 2. Woodman Grove amp, clroJw, will give a card party at A. O. U. W. hall, Four teenth and Dodge streets, next Wednesday evening, Masque Carnival The Union Out- fitting company will entertain their friends at a masque carnival at the Empress Rustic garden Monday Latent Denies Striking ManAl Daven port, policeman, and Joe SuteJ, ball player, were given a hearing In po lio court on- the chart of aawault Ing Art Beeber, 246 South Nine teenth atreet, last Sunday night. SuteJ was discharged and Duveti port'a case was taken under adviw ment. Davenport dented atrlklng Beeber with a revolver, : Ijcflniiff Jbtiring lwtpMiwl--Tlui hearing ot Caroline ltlan's nu iinn f.w iiiiM'Munod ullni'onv wax con tinued until Monday morning by Dis trict Judge Sears yesturviay. Widow Sue for Damaee for Death of Her Husband Christine Allin brought suit in dis trict court yesterday against tne mm onto-! Parifir railroad and the Nfi-1 braska Power company for $100,000 damages. - . On Apr9,1921, at 1:30 a. m. her husband. Oda L. Aum, 32, driving a rur rnllide d with railroad bars let down to block traffic at Florence; hnuWard and the Belt line, and re ceived injuries which caused hi rUstli iiVik jvs. She allcsres that in sufficient lighting' caused the acci dent. ; Dr. Abbie Holmes to Speak To Teacher and Parent? frarlnr Parts' will be the SUbleCt of Dr. Abbie Virginia Holmes' talk th Parnt-l'eachers' associa tion in Central High school auditor ium Tuesday evening at e. Holmes lectures on sex hygiene and social nroblema. L B. Erion has rharar nf thrt nroeram. S. Rand, chairman of the orttau- lvatinn rnmmittpe. wilt reoort plans for next year. This is the last tneeK ing for the current year. Election of omers wilt take place. Man Shot Through Breast Dies; Police Hold Woman : Nathan Long, who was taken td the St. Joseph hospital Monday night with a bullet hole in his left breast, AlA Pridav mnrnincr and Mrs. Tonv GolgU is being held lor the shooting. The woman said she shot Long while he was attempting to -rob her house. Long admitted the woman had shot him and that he and two companions hod crone tn Vipr house tn pet liauor. The woman was released on $1,000 ' bond, ixmg's wue.came irom Mar halltown, la- Tuesday. Long lived at 1812 Chicago atreet. , Body of Flyer KUled by Fall to Pass Through Omaha The body of Walter M. Hunting, young air mail pilot who was burned to death Thursday morning when his nlanft rrihd in earth at Sock Springs, Wy., will pass through Omaha today, according to advice re ceived yesterday by w. 1. Votaw, superintendent of the air mail station The body is en route to Camden, T j ' I , 1 n. j., cuncings lonner nome. Arrest Man Suspected of Several Lincoln Holdups Ben Livingstone was arrested yes t.riiav W. ntrtivi Trann and Munch at 2537J4 South Eighth street, on nuorsnauun uui iwm. is said to have confessed to Acting Chief of Detectives Pstanowski that he is the man who haa been terroriz ing Lincoln with robberies and hold ups for the last two months. He was taken to Lincoln yesterday afternoon. , ... Dunn Shows Displeasure With City Prosecutor As T. B. Murray took his place as cityprosecutor at the side of Pplice Judge H. V. Dunn in police court Friday morning, the latter exclaimad, "Get down there where you belong, you said so many things about me during the campaign ; I don't want j ou near me." I; " . Ill get down and out." replied Hurray, and he left the court room. II" ii Doh!t Forget May 8 Mother's Day Give Her Ono or Moro of These Mother's Columbia, Records. A2175 -Mother's Pray era Have Followed Me. A2913 Mother's Hands. 79060- Mother (I Love You). A1899 MOTHER. 2030 Mother Dear, Oh Pray for Me. A1337 Mother Ma- chreei""" - V""".' A6160 Mother Heart. A3355- Mammy Dear. A3377 My Mammy. A2861 Was There fciver a Pal Like You. A2937 That Old Irish Mother of Mine. A2964 -Rockaby, Lull aby, Mammy. A1231 Always Think of Mother. Hear them t and order them from the ; OrAJWVWHS1aa Howard, Betweea 15th 18th f 314 NORTH ISTH STREET Fiber Hose, Pair 45c snn Amnn nair of men's fiber hose, art apecfally priced lor Sat- uraay. 1 Dowattatra Sttr ' RTT ilia if 'x. - Shoes and Oxfords New thou and iufords ot the but euallty, at spetlal priew Pumof. Ill vain........ tdie' Shoca and Oxtordi, A flfl IMS vataat ..,, f'VU Men't Drest 8koc in tan tf Aft or bUek, tT.lt valuta.., Mtn'l Work Shoos in tan 5 Cfl or black OU Boy and OWa' Shot 9tU and Oxfordi r Child's Barefoot Sandals, 1 pair J Chile's Barefoot Sandala, ' pair j:helphand he! )iiii " EVERYBOCLYfe store Shetland Yarn 15c Ball Begin on tha summer sweater now. Our instructors will show you how to make it. Second Floor. aies' lirmg I e w TV aTa of Still Lower Prices -Take Advantage of Them FLOWERS for "Mother's Day" Nothing seems quite so appropriate to send on Mother's Day as a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers or, perhaps, a plant that will last all summer. Our Cut Flower Department is prepared to'fill your orders promptly with large assortments of blossoms or plants at very low prices. Downstairs Store.- 1 ' SATURDAY IS 'ALWAYS "Middy" Day In Our Blouse Department And this week we have some very special values at $1.95. ' Co-ed middies, alqp tha regulation middies with copen dollars, also white. Sies6to22. . N . Secoad Floor . Kodak Time Is Here Buy your Jtilms and have your pictures finished right . here at Burgess-Nash Co. AH v work done by experts and guar anteed. 'We have a one-day service on photo work. Photo Albums Very Special $2.00 ' 7x11, 50 loose. leaves and flexible back. Vacuum Bottles Complete with handle cup. Guaranteed to keep contents hot or cold. At........ $1.39 Sale of Imported and Domestic Marmalade At Exceptionally Low Prices Elisabeth Ellen perfume, X price.' , r.u.Uv'. inoortMl Mrfume. Chype, Cur D. Ruaai, Lilai, about 2 ouaee !. eriginal blU, $3.50. - Piver'a teilet water, J-e nretie, Aauraa or rwrymo, i.p. Dj.r Kiaa teiUt watat, VegeUl, $1.29. , Rram Gallette Fleur De Armour toilet water, 8 ounce bottle 'at $5.25. i : . ... Hubigaata Coeu de Jeaaette toil.t water, S ounce oeuie, ao.o. Djer Kiaa perfume, per ouaee, $1.5. Beecham'a toilet water, U odort, 79e. Marii cold cream, 39c. Maria violet or roae talcum, 17c. " Mavie manicure seta, complete, $1.69. Beecham'a oriental brillantine, 35e. Beechem'a Lady Teaael wonder powder, 89c. ' , Compact powder or rouge, mirrer top and puff, 22t , Lash Lux, for eye laahea, 42c. Amolia powder for peropiration, 21c. Nail poliih, eahe form, 2 for 25b Nail buffer., detachable chamois, 39e. Saaitol shaving stick, cream or powder, 23c. ' Ladies' hard rubber dressing combs, 9 laches loag, 35e, , Steven's depilatory, it haa ae odor, 69. P.pted.at dental cream, 37e. i ' Cefegate'a dental cream, 21c. ' Tooth brushes, guaraateed, are ell packed in sanitary boxes. H priee. Soaps and Drugs Woodbury's facial seep, 1 9c. ' Peroxide soap, 3 for 2Se. Wool soep, 2 for 15c . ' Lux, 10c. ' Waterbury compound, plain or with creosote, 69c. Lilly's eempouad Syrup Hypophosphite, 89c. Hiakles pills, 19c bottle. Nujol, mineral oil, 44c. .' Jehasoa'e end JohasoWs small seaitary napkins, 42e. Magic or butterfly dye'soap flakes, 4e, . Stearns or Hobsoaa, rat or reach paste, 22c. t- , -Zinc oxide in tubes, 17e.. 1 ..'.. ' Johatea's and Johnson's Heapital cotton, 1 lb. rolls, 49c. ' i V;-',.-.", ! . . ,K..C?ai Floor, ' .'';';, ' ' 8 '" Sunkist Orange $3.00 a dozen, or 27c a Jar Delicious marmalade, made in California with, fresh, ripe oranges, grape fruit, lemons and granulated sugar, racked m sanitary Very special. In the Down- stairs Store. The May Events in the Underwear Section Are of Great Importance Saturday a Special Sale of Women's Night Gowns $1.95 Gowns of muslin and nainsook with deep yokes of lace and embroidery, empire and kimono effect, many pretty styles to choose from. Special, $1.95. Chemise and Bloomer Two-piece seta chemise and bloomer, made of Georgette Crepe, trimmed with Val. lace and ribbon, scalloped and plain. Priced at $10.00 and $19.50 Breakfast Coats Special $10.50 Boudoir Caps To Match Never were colors jnora alluring or styles more fascinating than these charming. 'new tvoirr aaf. onata. mndA nf beautiful radium ' and plain' colored chiffon taffetas with tiny frills of self -coloring. With or without col- lar and trimmed with rosebuds, pockets and , ysash. s- ' . '.. ' Socondfloor Boudoir cap's to match ii all colors, made of net, crepe de, chine and satins, trimmed with ribbon and rosebuds. ? ?! Priced at $1.35, $1.65, $1.95 and up to $5.95 You Will Be Interested in the' Modes Shovm in Our- New Gloves Kid Olovet -$1.39 pr. A special. lot of imported kid, eape and mocha gloves at a special price. These gloves come in white, black, brown, mode, tan and gray. Embroi dered and Paris point backs, Not all sizes in every 'style, ' but all sizes in the lot Per pair, $1.39. v Silk Gloves, $2.50 12 and 16-button mousque taira silk gloves in the much wanted shades of French gray, . mode, navy and white. ' Main Chamoisette Gauntlets f $1.50 pr. Strap wrist chamoisette gauntlets with spearback in pongee and beaver, the fab ric being so elosely woven that it resembles genuine chamois. Silk Gauntlets $2.50 pr. An attractive silk gauntlet with heavy embroidered backs, in fray, mode, brown and . white. . . ' . ' Flow. - The Girls WUl Be Delighted With 'These Taffeta Frocks In Two Groups at $10.50 and Art Embroidery Models Hand Mads and Hand Embroidered At One-Half the Regular Price $22.50 ' These frocks are mostly 'one of a kind" and represent .tha latest models and most fashionable trimmings, and who. wouldn't enjoy just such a dresa for this season' of the year? " The col ors are rose, copen, Belgian, and navy, Dress Illustrated, $10.50 Sizes 6 to 12, $10.50. Sizes 13 to 19, $22.50. . Taw Flow The Colors and Styles in These Summer Dresses $17S Are Most Appealing f)f imnorted oreandv and dotted awissea in lavender, pink, lighter shades of blue, also navy. They are trimmed with materials of contrasting colors, embroid ered flowers, cuffs and collars and large organdy sashes. Sizes 16 to 42. Specially Priced at $17.95 Sale of Metfs Fiber Hose 100 dosen men's fiber hoaer; In' all colors, reinforced heels and tees. Are very specially priced for Saturday.; Sizes 10 to lift. Men's canton flannel gloves, knit wrist, 8c pair. Men's Beau Brwmnel shirts, $1.49 each; ' ' Street car mep 'uniform suitij . . ' . '.Men'a athletic unionauits, 89c . 45c Pair May Sale of 3000 Yards of - Beautiful Ribbons 59c 95c $1.45 This enormous sale includes best quality ribbons in such a variety of colors and kinds that you'll just wish you cduld have some c-i every bolt. In the assortment are taffeta, jersey and satin, in all widths, Irom 4 in. to, 1? in. wide. You can select ribbon suitable for girdles, bags, camisoles, children's hair bows, etc. in such colors as henna, Harding blue, brown, coral, orange pink, light blue and green. ;C ;:'.'". '.. ' '.MataFioo. v ;:' ';';';''- For the Graduate or thesfune Bride Regent Pearls Nothing is more appropriate for the "Sweet Girl .Graduate" than pearls, which is the emblem of purity. . Regent pearls are guaranteed not to break or peel; Can be washed with soap and water when soiled and will retain their brilliancy. They come in 16-inch, 18-inch, 20-inch, 22-inch and 24-inch lengths. v Specially Priced at $3.95, $5.50 $7o50, $12.50, $16.50, $22.50, $27.50, upward to $125.00 i White gold and platinum diamond set clasps ; for pearl necklaces priced from $12.50 to $135.00. Main Floor. . .'v