Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1921, Page 7, Image 7
ltit, utttt: umama, r rival mai o, i2l. i 1 U-boat Raid Along Atlantic Coast on Monday, June 3, 1918, Caused Liveliest Day of War for Navy Declares Daniels HLI. By JOSEPHUS DANIELS. fttmw SMrttaiy tt til Ntqr. . y t. Dill. CoijriiM ty Nttlonal Nmimht Strvlr. 0pyrlM la Grtt d tflmnhtat FrftnM. All Md. In.luril. l.f. fnrtioa Ittcludlaa th. $m4mvIm. UniuthoftM nvrlatlai far aa aaraaM HrUif. Crtiht. (Ill caaaaa M Wim tt! C bOiH aama to mtrlrTb Bunda? amutlon antl tha Mmd alarm "Why Jon I you mall eur daatriyara from Suropaf How an kut tha ocun lanta of tranaiwrt own . . d' ln' " bro f r.rrjtn uoora whlla rata pl?d In our front yard Story tna an that rroaatd Uia aaa Dautackland. our frlandly tUiter la llllt. come, wltu iuua and tor ;Jo in is it. One of the liveliest days of the whole war for the Navy department was Monday, June 3, 1918. It will be many a year before I forget it. Sunday a U-feoat had suddenly bobbed up about 40 of 50 miles off ic Nw Jersey coast and sunk four schooners. That was hard-hitting for a war hypothetically 3,000 miles away. It certainly stirred things up in our corner of Washington. When I received the newspaper correspondents that Monday morning I faced a of questions as rapid as that of any machine gun in France. hat is the navy doing to pro-S7 tect our shipping?" "Why did it let the submarine sink thf'Se vessels?" "Have you sunk the U-boat?" "Won't you" recall our destroyers i cm Europe?" Ottt 5,000 Calls. While 1 did my best with the vhger, inquisitive and persistent gen tlemen of the press, telegrams were pouring into the department by the hundred, and the telephones were ringing without cessation. In 24 iour 5.U00 telegrams, radio mes Hges. phone calls and other inquir ies were handled by the navy. The iialis and offices of the department ivi-re thronged with anxious people, -hippcrs and ship owners, and iriends. and relatives of captains and jrews. ' And everybody wanted in formation. There was general alarm along the coast, from Cape Cod to Cape Sable. If one U-boat was over here, two might be, or three, or four. There was no saying where the en emy would strike next. Such was the feeling and, of course, we heard itoni it. The of the four questions which I have given as coming from the newspaper correspondents came from all over the country, but es pecially from the coast: "Won't you recall our destroy ers from Europe?" Nor was it always phrased so po litely or as diffidently as this. Some' t;incs it passed from the interroga tive to tne imperative, and became an emphatic demand. Obviously it was quite impossible tor the Navy department to satisf.' all these inquiries, or to answer the very pointed questions of the news-pane-men. We could not tell th public what we were doing; what s-hips were being sent out, - ' where. We might just as well have cabled the information to Germany. Most of Qur destroyers and oth:i patrol craft were in European waters, but we had no idea of recall ing them. In the first place, to cover every point where submarines might ap pear, to patrol adequately the watei of our long coast line and to convoy all coastwise shipping which was what excited individuals were insist ing we should do would have taken rot less than a thousand vessels. In the second place, nothing would have suited Germany's purpose bet ter than to scare us into withdraw ing our forces from the European hunting grounds and perhaps aban doning our mine barrage across ihe North sea. We were doing everything possi ble, but we realized that we would have to accept the likelihood of some small craft being sunk possibly a few steamers; but that at all costs we must keep the line of communi cation clear by which troops and supplies were carried to the ligkthig front. Germany had sent her U-bo'its across the sea mainly for the pur pose of interrupting the transporta tion of troops and supplies. Failing in this, their long and perilous ad venture would be without military effect. "Our first duty," I said to the newspaper men that morning, "is to keep open the road to France, o protect troop ships and supply ves sels. We ; doing all we can to protect all shipping and commerce, but that must be our first thought. And that policy was so well car ried out tlir.t r.rt one troop ship or transport was delayed in sailing a single day, and the months in which eneV.vy submarines were operating almost continuously off our coast were the very months in which we broke all records in,troOp transpoMa-tionr Deutschland Comes Back. There were six U-boats which made the voyage from Wilhelms liaven or some other German port to the region of Amcicau waters in 1918ihe U-151, the U-156, 'he U-140, the U-U7. the U-155 and the U-152. The U-155 was the Deutsch land. which doubtless you remember as the submarine that arrived in Bal- Ralston Townsite Company Hits Wall The Ralston Townsite company with real estate holdings worth $229. 947.33 in Ralston. Neb., tiled a vol untary bankruptcy petition in fed eral court yesterday. This action was taken following a conference of the board of directors of the company in the office of R. S. Horton, 306 Peters Trust building. A suit for $11,707.69 filed in district court by Tressie Denny and Louise Brunenkant against the Ralston Townsite company led to the filing of the bankruptcy petition, it was stated. I Liabilities of the company are listed at $173,493.61, with creditors numbering 29, according to the peti tion. ' timore on a July Sunday in 1916, and was hailed as a marvelous dem onstration of German enterprise and intrepidity. Some of us have won dered since whether it was also a demonstration of German foresight in other words, an experimental voyage in peaceful guise, to deter mine whether, should we get into the war on the allied side, it would be possible to do a little sinking off our coast. However that may be, when the Deutschland returned as the U-155 ir came armed with oowcrful guns and carrying torpedoes. Space will not permit the detailed narrative of the exploits of this -zx-tet of U-boats. I will limit myself to one or two of the more striking incidents connected with each of them. 1 gave them above in the or der of their arrival. Big Killing June 2. The U-151 was playing about not far from our coast for some days before it disclosed its presence. Re ports had come to us that steamers had been gunned at sea and that an unfriendly periscope was headed in our direction. Prompted by these, we sent broadcast a special warning on May 16. On May 19 the Nyanra was gunned 300 miles from our coair. When the U-151 made its big killini? on June 2 it had on board the crews of three small schooners it had sui.k some days before. Though it sank a number of vessels, its visit was brief. It began its homeward jour ney on June 13 and reached its Ger man port on August 1. The shelling of ihe Perth Amboy, a tug, and three barges within sight of Cape Cod, Mass., was the work of the U-156, which left Germany about the time the U-151 was starting home. It began work in American waters in July. Its exploit in shell ing a tug and barges aroused general indignation and contempt. There were 41 persons on the barges, in cluding three women and five chil dren. The U-boat's torpedoes missed their mark, but its shells set fire to the barges and they ultimate ly sank. The U-156 did a good deal of damage, but we had our revenge. On its way back to Germany it ran foul of the North sea mine barra e, composed almost wholly of Ameri can mines laid by American yessels, and was so badly damaged that it sank. Twenty-one of its survivors were landed on the Norwegian coast; the fate of the rest is unknown. U-Boat Sinks Lightship. The U-140 left Germany about a week later than the U-156, and worked in American waters in July and August. It chiefly distin guished itself by the wanton sink ing of the Diamond Shoals light ship, oft Cape Hatteras. Near the end of August, after a temporary disappearance, it came up again away to the north. It sank the British steamer Diomed and next day attacked the Pleiades. The lat ter returned its fire and the U-140 (iamaged and leaking, quit the fight. The U-117, a more recent arrival, went to. its aid, and accompanied it back to Kiel, where they arrived on October 25. The Deutschland, or the U-155, ar rived early in August. It made a fair record for damage done, before it returned home. It was the Deutschland which fought a duel with the U. S. S. Frank H. Buck, in which the U-boat got the worst of it. The Buck reported that two of her shots took effect, and the Deutschland submerged. It was' not injured enough to put it out of commission, however. A few days later we heard from it again sink ing ships. But. on September 13 it ran into another chosen victim which declined to be victimized without an argument. The British merchantman, Newby Half, returned its fire, and a shell put its forward gun temporarily out of action. The U-155 made off. For a week it seems to have en gaged in mine-laying off Halifax and the Nova Scotian coast. Then it got back in the fighting game and had a battle with the American steamship Amphion, to ' which it did serious damage. After an hour's duel, however, the Amphion was still afloat and the Deutschland aban doned the fight. Sinks the Unsinkable. On its way back to Germany it sank the Lucia, known as the "non sinkable" ship, because it was fitted up with buoyancy boxes. This de vice did not keep it from jinking, but it kept it afloat 22 hours after it was torpedoed. The Deutschland reached home on November 15, four days after the armistice ended hostilities. The U-152 never came withlft close range of tnir shore. It oper ated far out and in midocean, but it was after American ships. It fought a thrilling battle with the Ti conderoga. The navy crew of the. cargo transport fought for two hours, suffering serious losses in life and casualties. Both ships' guns were disabled, and the ship itself finally sank. Survivors of the crew had a terrible experience escaping in open boats. Only 24 of 237 men aboard the Ticonderoga were saved. The U-152 was recalled on Octo ber 20 by the German radio order, "All submarines return to Kiel." That meant the great Tirpitz plot to torpedo civilization had failed. (Another article by former Secretary Daniels will be printed tomorrow.) Old Furniture Made New A five-piece suite, reuphol stered in leatherette, velour or tapestry, silk gimp, frames polished, and new springs put in, called for and delivered at $2750 Cm f up PHONE DOUGLAS 9097 I Special Price On Slip Covers Dust-proof slip covers in beau tiful cretonne of Belgium damask, shrunk binding used, will make your furniture last lifetime. A special offer on these dust-proof slip covers this week a 3-piece set f or Cf Q50 P alOUP American Upholstering Company 617 South 16th Street Oppoaite Castle Hotel Special Prices for Hotel and Theaters Shoes and Oxfords New shoes and qxtorda of the beet quality, at special prices $6.50 Ladies' Ten Oxfords or Pumps, $10 value Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords, & A Art $6.60 values Men's Dress Shoes in tan or black, $7.50 values... Men's Work Shoes in tan or black Boys' and Girls' Shoes and Oxfords Child's Barefoot Sandals, pair ., Child's Barefoot Sandals, pair J. HELPHAND 314 NORTH 16TH STREET $5.00 $2.50 $2.50 $1.50 $1.25 Groom "Cleaned Out;" Judge Goes Feeless Municipal Judge Holmes didn't collect a marriage fee yesterday when Lyman Kennedy, 37, of Sioux City, la., asked the judge to marry him to Susie Kennedy, 32, also of Sioux City. The groom was coatless and his vest lacked several buttons when he joined hands with his bride. "Judge. I'm cleaned out," spoke the groom aft r the ceremonv. "What'U I do?" - Judge Holmes couldn't see any tiy et untying the knot, so bade the couple to live on- love and kisses. - The cowrie departed with promises to iht jun?e. ... "IT SIAKS rCH ITSELF" $1195 r. e. a sr. ioui THE GARDNER LIGHT FOUR FILLS A LONG FELT WANT IT ANSWERS EVERY DESIRE FOR A CAR OF QUAL ITY, STYLE, REFI NEMENT, STRENGTH AND ECONOMY YET, FOR ITS INTRINSIC VALUE. THE PRICE IS ASTONISHINGLY LOW A BETTER CAR AT A LOWER PRICE. The Gardner Motor Co.. inc. . ST. LOUIS, u. s. A. g 73 .WESTERN MOTOR CAR DISTRIBUTORS Farnam at tha Boulevard Phone Harney 0868 CO. !5N 0) - EVERYBODY, STORE" THE MAY Are More Interesting Every Day Suggestions for Mother's Day It need not be an expensive gift to please mother. There are so many little gifts which are so appropriate, such as: Gift Handkerchiefs We have just received a new line of dainty handkerchiefs, made of linens, hand-embroidered or trimmed in laces. Books for Mother's Day You can imagine how pleased mother would be with one of the following books: "To My Mother," "Mother O' Mine," "Paying Mother" Another Large Assortment of Cards and Booklets For Mother's Day has just arrived. You can surely find any number of cards and booklets with beautiful sentiments which will delight the heart of Mother or some one who has been like a Mother to yoa. Main Floor. May Sale of Fine Imported Ginghams (C yard On Sale Friday on the Second Floor Nothing quite takes the place of fine ginghams for women's and children's summer frocks. Friday you can choose beautiful plaids of both light and dark combinations at less than the cost L - " L ' ' to impui i. Second Floor FRIDAY, in the DOWNSTAIRS STORE ' May Sale of 100 Women's Coats $5oOO Priced at is sure to interest you, for they are wonderful values. The yaterial is all-wool serge, and all coats are full length. Some are half lined. You can choose from either the loose or fitted back models in both navy and black.., 36 to 44. 4 For the Women Who Re quire Larger Size- These Extra Size Skirts at $695 will be great satisfaction. Fashioned of fine quality serge and poplin and made with am ple fullness where it is re quired, these skirts are sure to please. Sizes 30 to 39 waist. A May Sale of Brassieres 35c -50c 75c Whether you require brassieres or bandeaux for morning wear or dress-up occasion, you'll find the assortment very complete ; in three special groups. Silk Remnants On Special Sale at . $1.00 yard This lot of silk remnants are in lengths from 1 to 4 yards in a piece, in plain colors, figures and stripes; suitable for skirts, shirting, dresses, linings, trimmings, underwear and kimonos, in such weaves as taffeta, messaline, silk poplin satin, foulard, wash satin. All 36 inches wide. On special sale Friday, $1.00 yard. Wash Satin, $1.00 yd. Crepe de Chine, $1.49 yd. 36-inch flesh wash satin for blouses and underwear. On sale Friday, $1.00 yard. 40-inch f lesbcrepe de chine in nice, heavy quality for dresses, blouses and underwear. Polly Prim Aprons Just the apron to slip on over .-4 the dress. They come in plain JT" striped and checkered ging- UTJlr hams in all colors. Special at XjrXJr Downstair Stora- Priscilla Dean Tarn Very Special, $2.50 At last the joy of every girlish heart is realized, for the innumerable calls for the popular make of tarn has made it necessary for ub to purchase a very large assortment of Priscilla Dean Tarns for our Downstairs store. Both the Material arid Boning of the Burgess-Nash Special Corsets $2,00. $5.00 Priced at are of the dependable kind. Our new line has just arrived and every woman can find the model best suited for her figure in this large assortment. The materials include batiste, broche and coutil. Sizes 21 to 32. You Carry Lunches, One of These Vacuum Bottles at $1.39 would add to your enjoyment, for they keep liquid hot for 24 hours, cold 72 hours. and Bath Soap 2 for 15c This is a splendid soap for toilet and bath. It lathers freely. Summer Ginghams 19c yard Summer ginghams of beauti ful plaids, checks or stripes in excellent quality. Black Sateen 39c yard 36-inch black sateen; a veTy good quality with beautiful fin ish that sold at a much higher-' price. 39c yard. Cheese Cloth 6c yard Bleached cheese cloth; 10-yard limit to a customer. Striped Flannel and Figured Challies 19c yard These are of good quality and. come in handsome figures. Pillow Cases 25c each These are made of good qual ity of muslin and come in eizes 42x36 or 45x36 inches. Muslin Sheeting 9c yard Unbleached muslin sheetinj?, 36 inches wide; no dressing or filling; excellent quality; limit of 11 yards to a customer. Sample Turkish Towels at Price Included are all white or with colored borders. Wonderful val ues. Bleached Sheeting 49c yard This is a fine round thread quality without dressing or fill ing; will give good service, and very specially priced at 49c yard. 72 and 81 inches. Pillow Cases 65c each Embroidered pillow cases; these are made of fine quality muslin, with beautiful embroi dered designs on ends and fin ished with neat hemstitched edge. Size 45x36 inches. Summer Voiles ' 29c yard Beautiful summer voiles In very attractive designs of light or dark colors. These are of very fine weave and quality and priced much below regular price. Cretonne, 25c yard 36-inch cretonne in beautiful light or dark blue colors and of excellent quality. Curtain Nets Beautiful curtain nets of fine weave and quality in all the new est designs of small or large fig ures, 49c to $1.29 yard. Curtain Rods The celebrated "Kirsch" cur tain rods in all lengths and styles at very special prices.