Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1921, Page 5, Image 5
i THE SEE: OMAHA. ' FRIDAY. MAY K. VJZl. Convict Labor May Be Used On New Reformatory Board of Control Considers Unofficially Following Course Purued at Federal Prison EOT FA Lincoln, May 5. (Special.) Use of convict labor in erecting the new ?300,000 reformatory for young crim inals i in the range of possibilities. Officially before the board of con trol this plan to cut labor cost and put tnore money into materials a;rl architectural beauty hasn't been dis cussed. Unofficially, however, it is rcceivinp consideration by state of ficials. Such a plan is expected to raise a howl of protest from labor and it mav lie possible labor's pro test will nip the plan in the bud. It is pointed out that taxpayers ;ire hard pressed and want to see the state get a much for the money as possible. With this point in view the plan may receive impetus. No Labor Competition. Another argument advanced for the convict labor plan is the fact that convicts working on a building in which to imprison themselves are ' more with tree labor than convicts working on contract furniture. This plan, it is understood, is be in? pushed as arguments in favor of locating the reformatory at Lin coln, or at Raymond, a little town only a few miles from Lincoln. With the board of control locating the reformatory in either of those two places, the problem of housing the convicts until the reformatory would be erected would be simple. They would merely march to and from the state prison daily. The United States government pursued the same plan when it start ed the erection of the big federal prison at Leavenworth. The prison ers, prior to the erection of the fed eral prison, were located in barracks at Fort Leavenworth, four , miles from the present location of the fed eral prison. Solves Housing Problem. Each morning guards marched the prisoners to their work and each night marched them back. In a short time temporary (uartcrs were erect ed and the old barracks abandoned. Since that time the prisoners have worked unceasingly in the building of what will be the largest government prison in the country whAi com pleted. The government employs a super intendent who looks after., the work and directs the prisoners. The same could be done by the state of Ne braska, it is argued, and this would solve the eternal question facing Warden W. T. Fenton in winter: "How can we keep our extra men employed?" Even should another site be chosen by the board of control, Fremont, Ashland, Brownville, Grand Island or North Platte, it is believed tem porary quarters could be erected to house the men while they are eiect- ing the reformatory. Accounts Vary As To Where Missing Girls Spent Tuesday Night Stories told by the parents of the three girls who disappeared from school and their homes Tuesday aft ernoon vary as to where the trio spent Tuesday night. The girls re turned to their homes Wednesday noon. Dr. W. M. Murphy. 2504 Taylor street, father of Eltrabeth Taylor, one of the trio, said yesterday: "Elizabeth and the girls took a hike north of Omaha Tuesday after noon. Before they could find their way back, night overtook them. They built a fire in the woods and remained all night." Mrs. C. W. Ellis, 1137 North Eighteenth street, mother of Kathe rine Ellis, declared her daughter and Hazel lvey, 4324 North Twenty-sixth street, did not go on a hike, but that they spent the night down town watching returns of the election. The girls returned to school yes terday. Awards Presented to 7 High School Stars Letters and medals were presented to members of various athletic and debating teams of Central High and Commerce High schools of Omaha at a monster assembly held yester day morning in the Rialto theater. More than 2,000 students attended. This was the first all-high school assembly held in two years. D wight E. Porter, principal, an 1 J. H. Beveridge, superintendent of public schools, announced to the stu dents that plans for the new Commerce-Tech building arc almost complete and that by next July the buildings would be under construc tion. The following girls won awards, for "Music Memory" work: Lucy Allan. Ethel Dennjson, Bernice Giv ens. Mildred Hilt, Fannoe'Feldman, Florence Isky and Rose Bernstein. Burlington Employs 3,000 Track Repairers , Three thousand Workmen have been put to work on western lines of the Burlington railroad for needed repairs to the tracks, according to an announcement yesterday from Bur lington officials. . Later, according to the officials, if the wartime labo- agreements arc withdrawn and labor unions agree to a wage reduction, many more work ' men will be employed, the announce ment reads. ' The Northwestern lines are con templating putting laborers, espe cially track men, to work in the near future. Other railroads are expected to follow the lead of the Burlington. Charles H. Morse Dies. Orlando, Fla., May 5. Charles H. Morse of the Fairbanks-Morse com panv, Chicago, died today at his win ter home here. He had been ill for tw months, t ' v Railroads Ask Assessments Be ; Lower This Year State Board of Equalization Hoars Hard Luck Stories Of Deficits New Com pany Appears. Lincoln, May 5. (Special.) The Missouri Pacific railroad asked the state board of equalization today to lower its assessment in Nebraska $1,886,300 this vcar. The assessment last year was $12,806,253. The rail road this rear suggests an assess ment of $10,919,953. . Hiyh wages, high cost of materials and a financial ensis were pleaded by J. M. Seibcrt of St. Louis, tax commissioner for the Missouri Pa cific, before the state board. He claimed the Missouri Pacific incur red a deficit of $1,455,000 in its ep ilations in Nebraska last year. Omaha Road Objects. That was one hard luck story told to the board. Another came from the Omaha and Southern Intcrurban Railway company which owns si:; miles of track in Sarpy county, run ning to Fort Crook, and operates on one. and one-half miles of track of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company. i Ins company claims that since it opened for business in 1906 it has incurred a deficit totalling $45,486.42 and althhough this sum is staring it in the face, Fort Crook army of ficers and others have presented a petition to the state railway commis sion asking for a decrease in rates. The company asks for the same valuation on its holdings this year as last vcar. The valuation last year was"$18,000. Mew Company Appears. The North Platte Valley Railroad company, a subsidiary of the Great Western Beet Sugar company, ap peared before the board of equali zation for the first time in its his tory. This roads consists of three stretches of track connecting factor ies at Scottsbluff, Bayard and Mit chell with surrounding territory. E. R. Griffin of Denver, vice president, told the board that the company had issued $1,185,000 in stock to date and had received $70,000 in rental from the Burlington. The Rock Island is scheduled to present its valuation report tomorrow. Take Advantage of the Extra Vote Offer and Win One of the Larger Awards Resembling an electric room heater of the copper reflector type is one in which the heating clement is a gas mantle. ADVERTISEMENT Gas Around Don't delavl Co riffht over to the near est droe atore and ztt a package of tfie genuine Baalroann'a Gat-Tableta, take them at directed, and feel the immediate beneficial results It will aurprise you and you will feel grateful to have received auch benefit. You will sleep better, you can breaths easier, your nervousnes will disappear and, best of all, it will calm your excitable heart. Baalmann's Gas-Tablets in the yellow package are for sale by all reliable drugr orists and Sherman MeConnell, price one dollar. J. Baalmann, Chemist, San Fran cisco. ' Bowen's EXAMPLE NO. 1 One $15.00 New Subscription ........ One 7.50 New Subscription. One 5.00 New Subscription One 4.00 New Subscription Vote . .136,000 . . 62,000 .. 32,000 .. 22,000 $39.00 Total Regular Votes .314,000 Bonus of 4,000 Extra Votes Per Dollar 156,000 Total Votes for $39.00 170,000 The $25,000.00 List of Awards: -$7,800.00 HOME, First Capital Award. 1-$4,440.00 Cadillac Aulo. l$lQ0.0O Conservative B. & L. Deposit. 8 $1,115.00 Maxwell Automobiles. 8 $200.00 B. & L. Deposits. 8 $100 B. & L. Deposits. Total number of awards, 27. Ten per cent cash commission to all non winners if they 'turn in $50.00 or more. EXAMPLE NO. 2 Votei One $10.20 New Subscription 76,000 One 7.80 New. Subscription 62,000 One 5.10 New Subscription 32,000 One 2.55 New Subscription 12,000 $25.65 Total Regular Votes 182,000 Bonus of 4,0D0 Extra Votes Per Dollar 102,600 Total Votes for $25.65 . .284,600 FIRST EXTRA VOTE OFFER 100,000 Extra Votes for $25.00 Worth of Subscriptions This, the first extra vote offer, is now in force. In addition to the regular votes given as shown in the schedule, we will give to club members 100,000 extra voets for $25.00 in subscriptions and 4,000 extra votes for each dollar in excess of $25.00. The larger the amount, the more extra votes. It will thus be seen that $26.00 of subscriptions are worth 104,000 extra votes and $27.Q0 will get $108,000 extra votes. Subscription payments are worth more extra votes right now than at any other time during the Help Yourself Campaign. This special offer is in effect only until 10:00 p. m., Saturday, May 14. Two other offers of extra votes will "w . made, but none so large as the present. . " '"""v ' EVERY SUBSCRIBER IS ENTITLED TO VOTES WHEN MAKING A SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENT Give your renewal to some present club member, or nominate a new member. Your renewal will give some member a helping hand in the race. If your community is not actively represented, send your renewal direct to the H.Y. S. Club of The Omaha Bee, giving the name of the club member to whom you wish your votes credited. If your town or locality is not actively represented, enter the campaign your self, or nominate some one from your community and secure the advantages of the best vote offer ojf the campaign. Vote Value of Subscription Payments The Pally and Sunday, Morning- or Evening:, by Hoy Carrier in Omaba, Council Bluff and in towns where Carrier Boy service it maintained. New 2 Tear 1 Tear .f...- 10 ?0 6 Months .. (.10 :J Months . . S.55 Morning or Evening With out Sunday by Carrier Boy Service. New ; Years 136,000 1 Year 7. SO S3, 000 6 Months .. 8.90 SC. (100 5 Months . . l.5 10,000 Sunday Only by Boy Carrier. New 2 Tears Jlft.40 , 76,000 1 Tear 6.20 31,000 6 Months .. 2.60 12,000 180,000 78,000 S2.00U 12,000 Morning. Evening and Sun day by Boy Carrier. New 1 Tear JIS 00 102.000 5 Months . . 9.00 6.00ii 3 Months .. 4.60 :S,00u Daily and Sunday by Mail. N e w 2 Teara ... .113.00' ISti.OUO 1 Year 7.50 S3,0Uu 6 Months .. 4.00 22,000 3 Months .. 2.00 10,000 Daily Only by Mail, With out Sundaj. New 7H,l'r'0 r.:,ono 12,000 o.UOO The Capital Award $7,800.0? Minne Lu:a Modern Home 2 Years . 1 Tear .. 6 Months i Months . . JlO.oo 1.25 Sunday Only by Mail. New 2 Years $ S 00 5 2, Win 1 Year- 2.50 Ji.niiii 6 Months . . 1 25 6.0C4 Renewal subscription pay ments will be given half as many votes as new subscriptions. STANDING OF THE CLUB MEMBERS The standing of the club members, as they ap pear in this issue, only includes the votes received, and lounted at this office up to 3 p. m., last Wed nesday. The standings will be changed again in next Tuesday's paper and will include the votes that are received and counted at the H. Y. S. Club office before 6 p. m., Saturday. First wsL . Grand Rapids Refrigerators will preserve your food longer and materially re duce your ice bills. . These are only two of the many better features of Grand Rapids Refrig erators, and these two will soon return to you in saving the purchase price of your Grand Rapids Refrigerator. They are so designed, constructed and finished they have become nation ally known as ice savers and food keepers. Refrigeratorf$1 750 priced op from 1 We have a size for , every home, be . it the small apartment or the large residence. Select your Refriger ators from the large stock we are now show ing.. CVWSYAUrmSTO Howard St., . 15th and 16th I' - DISTRICT XO. 1 .Will Include all territory Inside the Cay limits of Omaha south of Pacific street. wet of the river to Seventy second street, including Ralston, BeUe Tue, Fort Crook and Avery. One S1.115.MI Maxwell, one $209.00 B. I,. Deposit and one SI 00.00 B. ft I Deposit will bo awardedin this district. R. W. Sage, 261 S. 33d St 60,74D Mrs. C. A. Christennen, 623 Cedar.. 16, 8 00 Ernest Herngren, 5015 S. 7th St 60.S70 Martha, Ebert, 2402 Poppleton 10.910 Mrs. Thomas Seize, 2318 I St 16,610 Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 1937 8. 13th 61,350 Frank Kennlson, 1509 S. 26th St.... 17,660 John Salerno, 723 Pierce St... 12,460 Frank Sterba, 129 Br. Bldg., S. Y... 11,580 C. O. Philips, 1624 Polk St 12,460 Fred Stroeh, 4943 South 26th 11,610 Mabel Hogan. 2408 S. 24th 10,810 Ed Julls, 6806 S. 20th 11,910 William Murray, 3024 S. 32d Ave. ...17,640 Mrs. Fred Kaiser, Bellevue, Neb. .. .11,580 Mrs. J. N. .Williams, 3608 S. 2Sd 17,230 Bernice Wawr, 3926 li St 11.5..0 Mabel Oarevett, 825 Bancroft 16,740 Mrs. Alfred Pederson, 2019 Dorcas. .17,810 Mrs. F. Marecek, 6218 S. 20th St.... 61, 860 Thoo. A. Isaacson, 2317 S. Slat 11,590 Mrs. Anna Ruppert, 2014 Martha, .. .16,250 Mrs. C. A. Kauth, 1822 Bancroft. .. .11,800 Jolm Kwasnlewski, 2867 Oak, 16,580 Mrs. Katherlne Hawes. 3024 S. 18th 11,850 Miss C. O'Halloran, S791 S. 10th. .. .11,300 H. Hakenholz, 2323 Monroe 11,650 Iva Slegel, 1724 Dorcas ...58,840 G. H. Evans. 4550 8. 40th 62,490 Mrs. E, D. Haworth, 1775 8. 9th.... 6,670 George Peterson, 3413 Wright 6,010 A a re Jorgensen, 3620 S. 20th 6,000 Walter Hamilton, 2201 S. 39th 6,000 I DISTRICT SO, 2 Will Include all territory inside the city limits of Omaba and on, and north of Facifie street, west of the river to Eighty-third street and as far north as Maple street. One 11,115.00 Maxwell, one 9200.00 B. ft I. Deposit and one M 00.00 B. ft 1 Deposit will be awarded in tbia district. Fred Q. Wttte. 8517 Seward 10,650 Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, S804 Farnam.. 61,170 O. W. Hendee, 4204 Burdette 56,150 A. D. Klein, Jr., 4806 Dodge 56,980 Kloye B. Morel!, 644 S. 25th Ave. ...67,810 C. J. Wright, 3310 Howard 19,950 James Addeson, 2411 N. 18th 13,530 W. T. Zlesel, 3314 Decatur 12,340 H. Peterson, 120 N. 26th 5,780 Dr. Frank G. Smith, Blaokstone . . ..68,170 Louis J. Schafer, 113 N. 26th i. 60,240 Mildred Plank, 2714 Burt 65.790 Mrs. Anna Morenelll, 858 S. 21st. . . .1,980 Fred Keogh, 220 N. 19th JU 22,380 A. Hicks, 371S Miami 60,740 R. H. Ackley, 360N. 34th 11,460 Mrs. Emily Winner, 11S N. 20th ...64,890 Hedwig Michel, 3411 N. 58th ....... 5,470 Gertrude Levin, S051 N. 19th 10,580 I. ouls Elewitz, 2771 Burt 10,650 R. E. Holbrook, 3566 Pacific 67.840 Marten Troufeit, 2435 Hamilton ....26,480 Herman Nachshoen, 413 N. IS th . . . .16 Dessie D. Harrop, 2567 Douglas .....11 C. A. Wier, 1915 Charles 12, C. F. Slosson, jr., 4906 Cuming 5S Ida Karback. 1433 N. 20th J. K. Mcintosh. 4160 Chicago Mrs. Mary Engel, 2703 Cuming ... Mrs. A. E. Waack, 2222 Howard . Mrs. E. English. 105 8. 38th Ave. Mrs, C. L. Case, 2S74 Cotpy O. T. Peterson, 3009 Harney Marten J. Dlneen, 938 N. 26th .... Mrs. Chas. Ppklo. 1614 N. 35th... Blanche Snyder. 723 8. 25th Ave.. R. L. Murray. 4424 Jones Mrs. Bessie Beach. 1008 S. 29th . . Richard Tizard, Jr., 220 'i X. 23d. Harold Anderson, 3110 Marcy .... Josephine Shumaker. I. oval Hotel. T. D. PMganis. 411 S. 16th E. H. White. 667 S. 33d Mrs W. J. Whitaker. 4804 Dodge... 32, Ij. X. Snanson, 4129 Lake S. Mrs. B. N. Clausen, 4809 Undervood61. Airs. Marie coulter, 3009 Harney... Mrs. R. I,. Pattleon. 218 Turner Ct. Sam Wolf, 2316-i X. 30th Rev. X. C. Hanson, 1713 X. 25th St. W. J. Duve, 3223 Seward Mrs. C. M. Tomandl. 4307 Charles... Roland Preisman. 1018 N. 32d Horraee Schaeffer, 4225 Cuming . F.mmet Wlemer. 416 S. 42d . Mrs. C. E. LInneman, 1633 Victor.. . .59. . .24 ..59, ..21, . .10, . . 5, ..16, ..11. ..15, . .16, ..10, . . 5, ..12. ..16, ..11, 380 890 370 .760 740 860 810 460 560 .530 980 480 640 970 480 790 150 r,no 4 SO r.r.o 170 310 210 40 400 110 260 600 ,010 .070 ,000 .0(10 .03ft ooo Mrs. 11. E. Tnunrf 5338 X. 23th 11,010 V. P. Boh an. 2576 Evans 5.000 Mrs. . McKemia. 2012 Emmet 6,260 Ceo. "VV. Allen, 1707 Mandernon 6,210 Mrs. V E. Waters, 3021 X. IStli 11. 00? Frank Woodruff, 3821 X. 34th 5,000 . Fipkle, 2018 Manderson 5,000. Mrs. R. E. Moore, 6002 X. 28th Ave.. 5.110 W. E. Stutenroth, 2436 Camden 5,10 DISTRICT JiO. 3. Will include all territory Inside the city limits of Omaha on and north of Maple street, west of the river to F.ighty-thlrd street and north to Sar geant street, including Florence and the Carter Lake district. One 1.1 15.00 Maxwell, one $200.0(1 B, ft 1.. Deposit and one S100.00 B. ft 1,. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Edna Lawrenson, 7711 X. 28th Ave.. 10, 090 Fred B. Xlchols, 3415 X. 24th U.2S0 A. L. Frederick. 3558 Whitmore. .. .61.740 Mona Harris. 2954 X. 47th Ave 14.950 Henry Christensan, 6904 Minne Lusa Blvd 11,830 C. 1). Schnell, 2423 Crown Point 11.3S0 G. J, Emery, 2554 Pratt 60,790 Leo Daniels, 2302 Maple 62,680 Mrs. Rose Tedesco, 2939 Lincoln Blvd .13.719 Violet Brotc.hio. 5020 Iflorence Blvd..19.4S0 A. H. Mayer. 2438 Ellison 53,70 Mrs. L. M. Thirtle, 6005 X. 30th 11,490 Oliver Cole. 4738 N. 40th 22,3'iO Mrs. W. W. Davis, 3929 Flor. Blvd. .44 990 Louise Shumate, 1484 Pinkney. .. t. . 17,010 Mrs., Harry Rogers, 8511 X. 29th. .. .10.85:1 O. Hall, 2S79 Vane 13.230 Dr. W. A. Gerrie, 6616 Flor. Blvd... 5,30'l Winifred Travis, 2861 Fowler 11,370 Mrs. J. W. Rodebaugh, 3180 Mere dith 11,770 Mrs. J, M. Streeter, 4008 X. 34th' Ave .21,210 Mrs. Henry Veldman, 8620 X. 30th.. 44,470 Mrs. G. L. Tracy, 2811 Browne 5,540 Mrs. E. D. Perrln, 3120 X. 47th 10,59.) Ben Ferrell. 3410 X. 24th 5,110 Mrs. J. A. Wilson. 2712 Camden 5.300 E. I. Johnson, 6036 Pinkney k Mrs. X. P Sass, 3569 Meredith 6.12') Mrs." C. L. Rogers, ".123 Tucker 5.210 Mrs. J. E. Dalton. 1903 Locust 11,000 DISTRICT NO. 4. Will Include all territory in the cily of Council Bluffs, including the Mana na district. One fl.115.00 Maxwell, one 200.1M R. ft .1,. Deposit nnd one B. I.. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Mrs. W. C. Riley. 109 Angle Ave. .. .10.380 Gortrude Sullivan. 813 Ave. B 62.630 L. R. Roberta, 162 W. Bdwy ..21,470 Ray C. Wilcox, 527 E. Bdwy 6 410 Anna Ward, 1006 6th Ave IS, 130 Mrs. M. A. Smith, 2304 Ave. D 15.741 Rev. A. F. Catlin, 129 4th St ....26,500 A. W. Geiger. Jr., 420 Damon ..17,580 Dorothv Lenihan. 532 Harrison St...10."8;i Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1908 3d Ave.. 31,700 Harold O. DeVol, 1012 7th Ave 18.430 Mrs. W. J. Relnts, 1222 oth Ave 17,950 R. P. Bolln, 2003 4th Ave 17,181 Mrs. Peter Jensen. Oakland St. . .. . .2I,8 !0 Mrs. F. R. Scholes, 541 Mill .11,650 Lawrence Gallagher. -2408 Ave. A... 17,480 Van Liddel, 2401 Ave. A 6,130 A. W. Anderson. 3431 3d Ave 10.580 Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 303 S. 18th 61,261 R. D. Edwards, 2310 Ave. C 10,590 Mrs. J. W. Head, 34R5 3rd Ave 11.161 F. H. Moran, 114 S. 1st St 6,110 Mary C'ahlll, 122 W. Broadway. .... .17,450 John Kennedy, 1921 4th Ave.. 11,130 Ernest Taylor, 2407 Ave. C 5.269 P. McGee, 218 3d St 5,380 Mrs. L. C. Davis. 1417 Fairmont Ave. 21,089 M. Greno. 1022 E. Broadway.. 10,370 Paul Bracltney, 20 X. 1st 6,270 Lou Dunlav. Grand Hotel 43,200 Mr?. Wm. J. Ryan, 036 Ave. A 03,110 Katherlne Malone, 811 Ave. A 6.110 O. J. Atkins. Neola 56 ."30 Marion Caughell. CarBon . 'JJr 0 Ruth Knight. Glenwood 49.IH0 Betty Eacrett. Malvern 49,860 Rev. G. B. Bnuman, Minden 3,690 uayie w one, :iaivern o.ovu j.'rs. Billie Iwen. Schleswig 11,490 Ju.. Oviatt, Shenandoah 63.920 Fiani'i Claussen, Manning 10.46U B. I. Mart, Emerson 6.340 Mrs. Ona, Johnson, Pac. Jet 63,90 Utirge W. Moore, Bartlett 17.480 Bert Graham, R. 1, Logan.... 6.020 Nellie J. Solleder, Thurman 17,043 Gladys Mavis, Harlan 6.060 Era Hough. Oakland 6.1 SO Mrs. Glea Harris, Avoca 5.100 Bernard Franklin, Hamburg 6,199 Ivar Averlll, Stanton 6,000 Merle Andres, Oakland 6,210 Dorothy Hull, Hepburn.,. 21,040 ,T. H. Hudgens, Walnut 29,940 Merle B. Travis, Careon 5.810 Leona Hamann, Persia ............ 18.940 DISTRICT NO. S. Will include all the territory in the state of Iowa outside the city of Council Bluffs and the Manawa dis trict. One 1,115.00 Maxwell, one S200.00 B. ft I.. Deposit and one 100.00 II. ft L. Deposit will be awarded in tbia district. . Francis Delsnty, Dumphrics .11.210 Emma Marsh, Villisca .12,480 Thelma Lindsay, Sidney 18,160 Alice Hubbard, Tersia 17.910 Myrtle Rogers, Percival 63,510 Audrey Xlpp, Mineola 11,890 Mrs. June Flckel. Hastings 16,650 Al Christensen, Weston 10,789 Thomas Page, Honey Creek 5,390 ITarlen Klutts, Mondamln 63,120 Mrs. Xettie Batchclder, Riverton. .. .1 7.020 John Glllete. Atlantic 13.780 Sadio Hughes, llriswold ; 36,510 E. E. Axthelm, Olenwood...' 12,060 Glen C. Sllllk. Missouri Valley 2SV410 Mrs. Gladys V. Russel, Logan 41,760 Mrr. Ellen Tucker. Weston 11,520 Arizona Byrd. Henderson 17.140 DISTRICT NO. 6. Will include the following counties in Hie state of Nebraska: Cnss. fearpy, Douglas (outside the city of Omaha), .launders. Butler, Polk, Merrick. Nance. I'latt, Colfax, Dodge. Washington, Burt. Cuming, Stanton, Madison; Boone. Antelope. Tierce, Wayne, Thur ston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knos. One 1,1 15.00 Maxwell one f200.00 B, ft I,. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Alvin Barton, Lyons n. E. Strasburg. Polk .Mrs. P. E. Buok. Fremont Mrs, Wade Pruitt. Humphrey Anton F. Votova. Schuyler G. C. Smith, Albion Charles J. Svoboda. Prague Chas. Reipl. 1730 No. D, Fremont . Anna Bluinni, Scribner J. ('. Olcott, 34211 J7th, Columbus. E. F. Cuphman, Kcnnard B. W. Stits, Wann Frank Palla. Pender Mabel Brazda, West Point Nellie Dwyer, Colon D. E. Hayes, Herman Jessie B. Kay. Wlsner Ida Ruther, Stanton H. J. Muffley, St. Edward Jens Jensen. Lyons f. E. Anderson, R. 4. Norfolk.'...'.. Cedric Anderson. WaU3a J. M. Fix. Gretna Laura Kolena, Creighton ......... Mrs. Edith Sihool-r. Rosalie George F. Dovey, Plattsmouth Mrs. Archie Robert". North Bend . Lydla Seyersdahl, Madison Marie Rowaldt. Tutan Emma Fredstrom, Oakland Mildred E. Johnson. Mead Josaphine Evans, Platte Center... Mre. Ad Lyons, Newman Grove.. Mrs. Lulu Owen, Ashland Mrs. B. G. Darling. Hooper J. W. Keeler, Fullcrton .3S.070 .S:790 .21.680 .62.190 . 6.110 .12.380 .16.160 . 5,370 .17.810 . 5.450 r, 4" '. 5.120 .18.0"',0 . 5.180 . 6.060 .17.0711 .36,410 .37.240 .20.050 . .5.000 ..5,110 . .j.imo .31.510 . .3,150 . .5.000 . . 5 000 . .5,000 . .5.010 . .3.960 ..5.010 . .5;000 . .5.000 .63.750 ..5.010 ..5,000 A. E. Pratt. Tobias 6.0 f William McKerver, Cordova. 5, 4 II -V. R. B. E. Hill. TauTe Rock .mi W. B. Lee. York 6-.0 Mrs. Chop. Fowler, Nebraska City. .7,'.',i Mrs. W. A. Hunt. Red Cloud Alfred BooUwaiter, Pawnee City.. . .1SKL L . G. C. Hobak, Nehawka 8,240 Zetta Lower, Valparaiso 17.020 J. H. Domingo. AVeeptng Water .... 6.610 V. H. Hoerstmann, Fremont 63.280 George Jacobs. Cedar Rapids ,. 10,890 L. T Warrick, Blair 12.180 F. J. Bortuslah. R. 4. Clarks 31.740 John Otto. West Point , 10,500 A.- H.' Chrlstoneeii, Stromburg 15.960 Louise Flgenbaum, Springfield 44.650 Winnie McMillan. Shelby 6,940 Wm. Andrews, Bellwood 17.940 Vivian Dee, David City 46.960 Gladys Hendricks, Elgin 20,140 F. R. Hoppock, Fullerton .'....11,860 Sarah Rausch, Lindsay 11,660 Goldie Toung, Meadow Grove 17,620 "W. L. Scott, Osceola 6.620 A. D. Allen. Decatur ....21,941 E. O. Wilde. S23 S. 8. Norfolk 16.620 A. M. Sanders. Plattsmouth 63.480 F. L. Brown, Schuyler 17,980 Helen M. Wynkoop, Central City. .. .63,240 C. J. Havlland. Norfolk 6,340 Floyd Buchanan. Silver Creek ..i.. 63, 110 Henry J. Haynes, Octavla 11,820 Sam Davis, Wayne 63.511 R.. V. Kennedy, Tekamah 63.891 Joe KraJIcek, Arlington 17.640 Fred Boss. Columbus 16,380 Elmer Xordland. Columbus 13.610 G. Koch. R. 3. Columbus 6.640 Opal Adams. Valley 17,390 D. P. Hill, Genoa -.64,490 Henrietta Miller. Oakland 64,240 W. C. Halsey, Oakdale 64,690 Clifford Cunningham. Wahoo 18.060 Herman Buhk. Beemer 3.6.940 H. A. llomann. Elkhorn 11.420 Fred T. Wlgington. Schuyler 64.290 Cordon Smith, Lyon 6.690 A. E. Stafford, Rising City 16,610 DISTRICT 0. 7. Will include the following counties in the stale of Nebraska: Otoe, Nemaha, Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, t.agf. Lancaster, Seward, Valine, Jefferson, Thayer, Fillmore, York, 'Hamilton, Clay, Nuckolls, Webster and Adams. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $?0fl.u0 B. ft I.. Deposit nnd one $100.00 B. I.. Deposit will be awarded in this district. DISTRICT NO. . Will Inrlode all territory in the stio ! of Nebraska not included in District''' I Number end 7, also territory In 8on: , Dakota. Kansas and Colorado. t One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $300.f-r-. ft I.. Iennit and xne Xlon.OO P."X .'. 1. Deposit vt ill b? anarded In thM. district. II. f. Ilelme, Scottsbluff .: V. . It. Shelter. I'r.xtou. . Martin Xie'ron, l)i nnebrox. . . Julia. Burkhnd. Sutherland...-. 17. Mr?. K.-T. Hlgelow, Smithficld 12. . ' ..';:.' hi' .: 'I." ' .14' ' I .SW.. ' ; . i;.v-.i .1 i.f ' t " .1 .."J?,.'.'.'' .sr.f; i .H3'i -.. Mrs. Otis Wolford, Clay Center. .. .63.840 Thomas Foster. Beaver Crossing. . . . 6,840 Ruth Wells, B!uo .Springs 23.98) Gladys Saylor, Hrun'lng 26.59 ) Hattle Stables, Carl. ton 10.460 Eleanor Shoff. Fairbury 15,91 Geo. Whitesell, Kencnaw 16.731 Mrs. Lyda Wolfskin, Superior. 43.23 Francis Himburger, Wymore 22.9'JO Frank C. Bruning. Mllford 6.970 Mrs. W. L. Chapman. Glltner 20.160 Chas. Laurie, Alexandria 17,(,-"0 Mrs. Dick Harper, Davenport 22.711 Raymond I,. Crosson. Hastings 13.490 Mrs. B. Anderson, 1324 H St., Lincoln 17.690 Mrs. B. F. Jordon. York 17,940 Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron 6.729 Tlllie Nolte. Auburn. R. 2 37.990 Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn 63.470 Robert Moore, Xelson 27,510 Lee Parriott, Peru 63.2S0 Will Brookley, Edgar 17.440 Mrs. Dean Kite. Auburn 63.591 Velva Bair, Fairmont 36.691 A. C. Bek, Seward 31,480 Rex-. L. A. Moser. Harvard 16.290 Vera Grossliaus. Sutton 16.410 E. L. Knit. Deshler 21,410 Margaret Ahrens. Falls City 18,660 Mrs. Thomas Brower, R 1, Geneva. .21,1 9'i Agnes Krasomil. Aurora..... ...... 3s. 110 Gall Parson, Humboldt 36.090 l.ick Pullman. Sargent IMi-abet.i Rsilstou, Orleans , -Neva. Wetzel. North I.u in Nl-. 'Merle Srtotrs. Imcial . . . . Mis. Minnie Calmer. Colhenburg Mne Dick, Cambridge Mr?. Ethel Copland. Bridgeport Cl:ulys .Moore Bipomlnjrlcri. . . Mr. (.'. l. Taylor. Beftkcjiiart. . Hilda Jnrob."Oii, Araphaoc .... J. K. William.?. Alliance Mrs. Margaret Milligaii. Arnold . Signa Peterson, Eddyville Oncnr Peterunn, Sumner Bert Brownell. Channel! P. J. Mtimrr. 109 W. 5th, Grund Is. :;9.'1 Sirs, A. Callahiin. Gerina T X t Dr. D. A. KumlMtrom. Curtis i;;,?i Mrs. Walter Borden, Gordon l.."f Mrs. Edna laaucvon, Cozad .....1?."ni Mrs. Bertha A. Eber. Kirk 11,V. i H. H. Edwards, Scottsbluff... 17,V.' n. n. narns, .rsertranci .i7."i Mrs. Grace Rcdtfelt. Minden 4Sl-i George Onrdner, Bayard 10. '.I i Melba. Philbrlck, Ord 18.P'':i ('. R Dosset. Axtell 5.!-,o E. G. Xlsley. Lexington 6B,V'-' Wm. Halsey, Lebanon. ." Fern Gates. Slsmford Chas. Johnson, Jr., Manville. Wyo. ,1Svltti Mrs. Emil Stelnkc. Holdrege 48.98ii Mrs. Clay Funston. Ogallala ti n:,' A. 15. Lee. 719 X. Locust, X. Platte S347n Mildred Reed. Lexington 7.2l,T Blanche Myers. Sutherland -. .16 4; H. H. Stevens. 320 S. Vine. X. Platte 16.SM Mrs. H. Rosccrans, Julesburg. Wyo..5 19'i C. II. Blackburn. Mitchell.... S.t'W Fern Betls, Franklin 36 4in Allle Xlchols. 914 X. Sye. X. Platte 16.0.M C 11. Grishem. Lodgepole. 33 261 John Firth, Long Pine 6J60 Mrs. Ray Rathbun, Hayes Center.. S.041 Philip Mercier. Campbell S.'OVo E. C. McKak, St. Paul. Bjnjl Velma Weatherwax. Sidney 6.009 Edw. Norlander, Keystone ffTUl Ruth Walsh Suelton i,Q6 Mrs. Robert Smllh. Ord...1.. .00 Mrs. Ins B. Harahbuger, Oconto. ... K, 06$ Harvey Thompson, Ravenna ,0 Helen Loomis. Gibbon..'. , ....It.OOi Mrs. rhilllp Seefus, Scotia....' . .$ Albert P. Powers. Greeley ,..ri,0O P. C. JIcKenzie, Burwell j..t.Vff Campaign Closet June 25thr' Membership Entry Blank The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club 5,000 VOTES Date....... ...1921 I nominate : (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) Street No. .Dist. No. City State .'. As a member of The Help Yourself Club ' Signed Address This nomination blank will count for 5,000 votes if sent to the manager of the H. Y. S. Club. Only one blank will count for a member, rill out this blank with your name or the name of your favorite and send it to The Bee. The name of the person making the nomination will not be divulged. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE USED 'V - ' . In order toTinture accuracy, a Burroughs Adding Machine is used in tabulating the votes. Address Your Entry Blanks and All Communications to . THE OMAHA BEE "Help Yourself Club," Omaha, Neb. For further information, subscription blanks, etc., call, write or phone OFFICE OF THE "HELP YOURSELF CLUB" 312 Peters Trust Bldg. (Bee Bldg.) ' Office Opens at 9 a. m. Phone Atlantic 1000 Campaign Closes June 25th, 1921 The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club Not good after May 16, 1921. Must be voted or' mailed on or before expiration date. 10 FREE VOTES FOR M Street No. Dist. No. City .State Good for 10 free votei when sent to the H. Y. S. Club on or before above date. No coupon will be tramferred to another after being received at the office of The Bee.