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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1921)
L THE BEE: OMAHA. FK1UAY, MAY tt. UKM. 1 ( i berstein Hands In Resignation As Police Chief Promises to Support INcw Order;, Dunn Preparing List of Promotions and Demotions. Chief of Folice Marshall Lberstcin presented his resignation yesterday afternoon to James C. Dahlmau and the "commissioners-elect." Election of the "United Seven" and the decisive defeat of Police Commissioner Ringer nude it certain that Ebcrstein would not be re tained ' lie was appointed chief of police hy Rinser two and a half years ago. Prior to that he was head of the federa! bureau of investigation here, a br;nch of the department of justice of ihe federal government. He had bee', in that work more than 20 year1-.. Ebcrstein has been the center of much criticism by some of the com missioners during his incumbency in the position. Assures Support. His resignation, which he sent yes terday to James C. Dahlman follows: "Hon. James C. Dahlmai; and Commissioners-Elect Gentlemen : I herewith tender my resignation as chief of police, effective when my successor is appointed. Wishing you a successful administration and assuring you of my most hearty support as a citizen, I am, "MARSHALL K B E R ST K I ", "Chief of Police." Police Judge Henry Dunn, who is slated to take the chair of police commissioner when the seven suc cessful candidates for city commis sioner, take office, is spending his eve nings and spare time working on a list of promotions and demotions for the police department. Will Keep Briggs. Some men, he said, are now higher than they deserve to be and some are lower. "And some arc square pegs in round holes," added the police judge. Judge Dunn .nailed rumor No. 1 that Police Captain John Briggs would be demoted. "He's a good man for the job and lie's- going to stay where he is," said the judge. "And so will Andy Pattullo remain at his post," added Judge Dunn. Three of the fair sex now em ployed at Central police station will be replaced by three of the sterner sex, it was stated. Mrs. Ella Gib bons, matron,, will be retained. Your Multigraph Will Print Those who use their Multigraph for form letters only, should not forget that the : addition of a Printing-ink Attach . . ! ment turns it into a rapid, rotary - printing press. Print it 1 on the MULTWRAPff t ? -iiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Don't "Just Hope It's Pure, Know That It Is j While it is true that good pure milk is the supreme food, it is also true that a great deal of illness is trnce- 5 able to milk that has beeu improperly handled. Avoid This Danger by obtaining your milk from a concern that knows how to handle it and has the proper facilities for so doing. ' 5 Call The Off ice j and one of the "White "Wagons will stop. j. Alamito "Milk ! 5 Leavenworth Phones Douglas 0409. ' Brief City IVetcs , Kultbl to Swuk "Pottcrlsm ud I nohert ltrowninx" will Im Rabbi i form's subject at Temple lsiaej to night ut 8. Informal Duiitv- The .1. !. Mo ! Crorey. company will entertain its employes and friends Ht nn informal ! danee at the Empress) Kustie garden i Friday nlsht. I Dr. I'Hllfus I'robe Kollow- ' ins alleged threats acainst her nn i less she. would withdraw from the I Klks women's popularity contest, j Dr. Jennie t.'allfas appealed to Chief j of rollro Kbersteln for an investlga ' tion. Dr. Oallfas said fehe intends to I remain in the eontest. Will Glvo OperettaThe Young 1ftdlen' sodality of St. Patricks I church will present the operetta I "What Happened In Holland," at the l lelphton auditorium on .May zz. Proceeds will be piven to the. school building fund. Jliss Margaret Hoff man will lake the lending role. Summer J'erfornwiuvx The Prin cess I'laycrs, a stock company, will frlve performances nt the Brandeis theater during the summer months, it was announced yesterday. Open ing will be on Sunday, May 15. The company, which comes from l)es Moines, is headed by Theodora AVar lleld. Itankruplcy Proceed inss Volun tary bank'uptey proceedings were instituted yesterday by tho ltalston 1'ownsite company, a real estate con cern of Ilalston. Neb. The petition was filed in federal court following legal action taken against the com pany in district court by Tressie Dennv and Louise Ttrunenkant. Will Stop I. W. V. .Move Any plan of the I. W. V. organization to establish headquarters in Omaha will bo frustrated by federal agents. according to E. V. I:yrn, chief of tho department of Justice in Omaha. Information that tho general head quarters of the organization for tho middle west were to be established in Omaha was given .Mr. Hyrn. Bvllovo Ivvploslon Mistake That the home of Mrs. Blanche Davis, 3802 North Eighteenth street, was blown up by mistake last Sunday night, is the theory advanced by de tectives working on the case. Mrs. Davis said she heard two men talk ing near Jicr homo two nights ago, r-ha told Acting Chief of Detectives Pszaznowski. "I overheard one re mark that he was sorry ho made tho mistake of putting the bomb in the wrong house," she told detec tives, j Bandits Rob Man to Made Up for Lost Election Ikts Two highwaymen who lost btts on the municipal election by plavintr I their money on "committee of 5,000" candidates, held tip Max Bernstein, 04 South Seventeenth street, late Wednesday night at the point of guns and robbed him of $700 worth of persona! effects, including a diamond rincr, a Shrine ring and a watch. The holdup occurred in front of l'crnstcin s home. "Sorry to do this, pal." one of the robbers said, "but Ave lost all our money on the election by betting on the '5,000 crowd.' " Booklets, circulars, tags, stationery, forms of all kinds, bulletins ; nearly every print ing need can be met capably and effectively with speed, timeliness and economy. The Multigraph is a regular; not a substitute. THE AMERICAN MULTIGRAPH SALES COMPANY . 1037-40 City National Bank Bldf. White" Dairy j St. at 26th. Council Bluffs, Red 2874. ! Election Costs Losers Twice as i Much as Winners Committee of 5,000 Spent Be. tweon $9,000 ami $10,000; Expense to City Expected To Be $13,000. The municipaj election cost the losing side twice as much as was spent by the united seven slate, ac cording to a survey cn expenses. "The committee of 5,000 spent be tween $9,000 and $10,000." said Dr. Harold Gifford, treasurer. The united seven, all of whom w ere elected, spent only half the "5,000" expense, according to James II. Han Icy, chairman of the winning cam paign. "We have a small deficit, but will make it up shortly," sair Mr. Han ley. Kxpense of the election to the city is expected to be $15,1)00, Election Get Up Early Friday and Follow the Crowd to the MEN'S STORE-MAIN FLOOR 40,000 Soft Collars! 5,000 Stiff Collars! For Friday! ARROW COLLARS SLIDE WELL COLLARS ENGLISH COLLARS Not a dead style in the lot; all perfect, new, stylish col lars. In Piques, Cords, Oxfords, Fibers, Silk Mixtures and Pure Silk Collars. Every imaginable shape. m 2, mm ftV- ft. Extra Sales people to Serve' Commissioner llarley Moorhcad Said. An estimate of $,'0,000 is .said to l.avc been spent by citizens in he halt of favorite candidates in addi tion to that spent by the two slate organizations. The "committee of 5,000" faces a deficit of nearly $0,000, according to F. D. W'cad, chairman of that organ ization. Members of the organization will make up the loss, it was stated. 1 olice Commissioner Kinscr. one of the losing candidates, declared he tpent about $485. The winning commissioners, Zini man and Butler, spent, less than the losers, according to their statements. Ginger Jazz Band to Play For Entertainment of Elks Mothers' day ritualistic program will be given for the first time at the regular weekly meeting of the Elks lodge, in the shrine room, this evening. Aitrr tho meetine lo in . Moore. ' who is putting on an indoor circus I for the Elks at the Auditorium, May 7 to 14, will bring his Iev Orleans Ginger Jazz band of 10 pieces and a troupe of six Arabs to the Elks lodge room, and will put on a program of entertainment that will occupy about one-half hour's time. V 13 Perfect Collars . Not a collar worth less than 25c The majority worth 35c, 40c and 50c each. Sizes 13V2 to 19 Ballot Complaint to Be Filed on E. 0. Ames County Attorney Shotwcll is prc- : 1 aring a complaint against E. O. ( Ames, president of the State Savings j & Loan association charging him i w ith destroying a ballot during the i city election Tuesday while serving j a a member of the election board in the ninth precinct, 10th ward. Mr. Shotwcll and llarley G. Moor- i Ivarl, election commissioner, com-' plated their investigation of the case yesterday. According to Mr. Moor head, 11 witnesses were interviewed: and several affidavits taken. A warrant for the arrest of Mr. 1 Ames w ill be issued when the com- plaint is filed. . ' Bids Received for Block Of Court House Bonds llcrc UiiU received for a block-of $200,-1 000 of court house reconstruction! j bonds were announced vestcrdav to I range from $180,940, offered by llvj First Trust company, to $185,500, I j offered by J. 'I. Wachub. The other four bidders are United States Trust companv. $184,804; Burns. Hrinkcr & Co., $184,.i88; Pe ters Trust company, $184,30'). and National Citv companv, New York, '$182,760. J0i fii- '111 9 Choose Your Spring Curtains in a Great Sale Saturday at the Union Outfitting Co. You. Cn Save Many Dollar on Lace Curtains for Every Room in Your Home You can get two pairs of Lace Curtains nt just about the price you would ordinarily pay for one in the yruely sale of Draperies, which takes place nt the Union Outfitting Co., Saturday. You will find your favorite ma terial for Lace Curtains in a wide of beautiful patterns and plain effects, including those pop ular panels that are so decorative in Living Rooms. Sale prices will bo unusually low; and, as al ways, you make your own terms. Advertisement Bee Want Ads Produce Results. (C mz 1 Friday at 9 a. m. YOU CAN SMILE AND WASH at the same time if, in your home, you have a I IP 1 iff and think it only requires a payment of Five Dollars to place this celebrated washer in your home, ready to use. The payments following, are less than what you pay when sending your laundry out or having a woman come to your home. With the Maytag you receive FREE a Springer Folding Ironing Board. See demonstration of the Maytag Washer at the Electric Shop. Thor If oners wm Regular b Selling P Price 175 This is what the THOR will do : :: It will iron 95 of the family wash. i;' It will do the average ironing in an hour. It will iron at the rate of seven feet per minute. . It will iron perfectly, table cloths, napkins, cur tains, sheets, towels, underwear, pillow cases, aprons, , plain dresses and numerous other articles. , It will do ALL the work you simply FEED the clothes into the machine. "No work with the Thor Ironer just guide the clothes into the shoe." NebraskaFlN Power Co WOOD TUB : ELECTRIC WASHER equipped with an all metal swinging reversible wringer : Specif 165 Sale Price Farnam at Fifteenth ' Phone AT lantic 3100 2314 M StreetPhone MA rket 1500 You Promptly I ckuuimfiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiUHii