V; -ran pee: omaha. rniiAi. mm n, itai. il Flunks Germany Is. On Way To Win Trade Victory Head of U. b. Firm, After A isit, Agrees With Schwab That American Industry Will Hae Competition. By HOLLAND. Henry F. Schwars, who is the head of a mercantile house which for years rarried on a large import trade with Germany because the manufacturers in, that country produced commodi ties of the kind in which his house dealt, returned a day or two ago from prolonged sojourn in Germany, lie nsited many parts of the former em pire and had opportunity to Ret into close personal touch with industrial conditions as they now are in that nation. Mr. Schwarz said this morning that he had read the address which was delivered by Charles M. Schwab re cently to the members of the New York Chamber of Commerce and was especially impressed by the warning which Mr. Schwab gave that Germany is on the way to an economic and trade victory although she lost the war. Mr. Schwab's statement was not merely the report ing of a fact but was also a moni tion to American industry so that it may be prepared to meet the com petition which Germany, by reason of the low wages her artisans are receiving and also by reason of their efficiency, industry and willingness to sacrifice so that they may save, will offer through her ability to place commodities in foreign markets at such low prices as to make certain that these markets can be secured. Statement Justified. Mr. Rchwars Bald that all thnt he nr. 4 Warned ta his visit to Germany justuieil The statement made hy Mr. Hchwab. or course it I necessary that Germany flnU markets for the products of her IndU" rrv. - In that way only can she be placed in' position to meet indemnity require ments. On the other hand there aneos a. somewhat puxaltnt- problem which our searrh for world markets and the pro tection of our domestic markets havo caused. . , It is not ao much a question for mori ran industry to consider what the rate or vvsirea la which the German workmen re ceive as it is the question of efficiency. The worklngmcn in American industries end the laborers In our agriculture fields should receive a higher rate of wages than those which prevail in Germany. Hut if in return for these higher wases their efficiency matches or more than matches that -which is characteristic, of the Ger man workmen then the nornmoditles which they produce will be able, so far s prices are concerned, to mat;h tlifi German commodities. With reparation oueetion out of the way there is no doubt that Germany will use every resource in her possession for the production of commodities which may be sold in the markets of the world at a competitive price. John H. Patterson, president of the National Cash Register company, who has re-established, at or near Berlin, the great plant where before the war this apparatus was manufactured, spoke earn estly after hi return from Europe, whoro he apent the winter, of the necessity of agreeing upon the indemnity so that a last Germany could know the exact amount which ehe must pay. When this is known In Germany then it will be all the eaaier to re-establish German indus try upon a basis which will be a benefit not only to Germany but to the world. Motor Industry. l"eraiatent reports respecting the mo!or Industry have been in circulation lor some days for which there must be some basis and which refer to the remarkable Increase in the motor car industry in this country. Whether it be tru or not that a single order has been placed for 100,000 - of the cars manufactured by the Ford company, the reasons are excellent tor believing that the company did receive recently a very large single order. An other of the reports which have been in circulation asserts that the present output of this automobile plant is 4,000 a day. Coupled with these reports is another which tells of the productive activity of on of the largest of the tire manufactur ing plant in the United States. If the report it accurate this plant has now reached l(a productive capacity. An other of the motor oar plants is reported to b manufacturing upon a scale which almost equal its rapacity and with few exceptions this industry is substan tially equalling its output in war days. Vt Is inevitable that if these reports ar substantially correct other industtres will feel the impulse to renewed activity which will be occasioned by the remark able increase in motor car industry. New Tork Cotton. Xew Tork, May S. There was renewed realisation and scattered southern sailing in the cotton market early today, a dis position to take profits being promoted by better weather in the belt. Old crop months were relatively firm at the opening, showing an advance of 4 to 10 points, but later months were 1 to 8 points lower, and the general lists showed nt losses of i to 30 points, with July -selling at 12.7c and October at 12.51c. Ten Slay notices were reported in cir culation, but were without any apparent influence. Increasing mill curtailment was reported In Manchester, owing to the fuel shortage, but reports from the domes tic goods trade were encouraging and eas ing money rates helped- to steady prices at the decline. Omaha Hay Market. ' Prairi Hay Ttecelpts moderate. Ei rellent dmand for the better grades Prices remain firm. Alfalfa Receipts very light. Strong demand for the better grades. Top trades selling at a premium. Straw Receipts light. Very little de mand. Prices firm. Upland . Prairi Hay No. 1, Hi'.AOtf 1.1.00; 2so. ?, $10. 00f 11.00; No. 3, J7.00 l.0. Midland Prairie Hay No. 1. J11.00 l. oo; No. is.ooif s.oo. T.owland rrairle Hay No. 1 1.50; No. I. J7.00gS.UO. Alfalfa Choice. t:t.O0?3J.0O: JS. 50 No. 1, 1SOO20.00- standard. l4.00fflT.5 No. I, SI.i0Oll.00; NO. 3. 7.00(f 00. Straw Oat, SS.OOff9.00; wheat, 17.50 5S.D0. ' New York Coffee. New Tork, May I. The market for cof fee futures was quiet today and after pening at a decline of 6 points, showed ery little change. Prices ranged from l.40o to 6.42c tor September and from S.sic to 0.96c for December, with the market closing net unchanged to 6 points lower. May, S.75c; July, 6.05c: Septem ber, .42c; October, 6.6Sc; December, l.3e; January, 7.0i'c; March, T.sie. Spot coffeo doll; Rio 7s, t: to (e; Santos 4s, S?e to tc. Liberty Bond Prices. New Tork, May 5. Liberty bonds at r.oon; S'is. SS.S0: first 4s. $7.60: second 4s. 17.14; first 4 Vis. S7.6; second 4Vs, H7.S5; third 4!4s. 0.0: fourth 4is, S7.4J; Victory ss, M0; Victory 4is, J.M. Liberty bonds closed: JV, SIHOi first 4s. 17.10 bid: second 4s. 87. JS bid" fim 4 i.e. 7.I5: second is. 87.30: third 4is, .: fourth 4Hs. S7.J6; Victory 34s, 97.98; Victory M, 98.00. New Tork Sugar. N'r York, May . The local market for raw sugar was weak and prices lower under increased offerings, although busi ness was light, as the demand was limited. The were sales early of 11,700 bags of Porto Rices and 3,000 bags of San Domin go, at 4.(4c for centrifugal, followed by sales of 12,000 bags of Porto Ricos at 4.6Se for centrifugal. There wer no sales -t Cuba a and prices were nominal. Tarpentlse and Rosin. ' Savannah, Gs., May S. Turpentine Firm; 71c; sales. 1S4 bbls.; receipts. (1 bbls.; shipments, 1 bbls.: stock. (,(41 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales. 369 casks; receipts. 791 casks: shipments. Hi casks; stock, 7S.; casks. Quote B.. $S.0: D.. C4.J5; E., 4.t0; P., S4it; O.. 4.(0: H.. S4.; I.. 4.70; K, $(00; M.. (5.25; N., j.5.00; WO., SM0; WW 17.00. w York Dry Coeds. New Tork, May (. Cotton goods wer steadier today, with increased sales in nestings and print cloths. Leading lines f cotton blankets bav been sold p for fall. Raw silk was a shsd easier, wool goods were quiet and steady. Tarns were la moderate demand. Kasas City Prsdace. 'Kansas City, May i. Eggs L'n cbaaged. suttr Creamery, unchanged; packing, la lawar. lie. taJtr Coekanied Live Stock Omaha. .ly I. Rcc.pt were- Official Monday Official Tuesday . 3 M(iIU!:no" Shis? 4'iino sins 'o; Official Wednesday.. 6. 277 l.'.O.M .n04 Kstlmate Thursday.. 000 12,800 4.300 Four days this wk..:o,"a 4;t,14 i'i,3I Sam days last wk...-'7.9.is ;.6S5 fame two wks. ago. .;6.''.i 4-', "82 u.0v xam three wks. a?o.li.oJl 4.::t S4.R7 i Same days jesr aito.27,46 1 .J,4j ;3.361 Kceirts and deposition f I e stuck at the l'-ion Sunk Yards. Omaha. Neb., for -1 hours ending at S o'clock p. m , ilax (. i?:i. RKCEIFTS CARS. Cattle Hogs Sheep ('., M. ft St. P 1 Wahssh 1 1 1 Missouri Pacific 4 fnion Pacific . 6f 47 N. W.. east X ; 1'. - N. W . west tift 71 l, St. P.. M. & o r.l 16 t. B. & it. cast I r C, H. A Q.. west :U ;4 t'., 11, 1. & P., csst . . . 1 1 ".. R. 1. & P.. west. 7 3 Illinois Central 2 Chicago Great West.. 4 Total rclipls ;9 17: nisrosrrios" h ba n. t attle h.ikh Sheep is; ; 308 7i:s Cattle A fairly liberal run of cattle showed up Thursday, about 0,000 head, and the market lost some ot its fine edge. Demand was not so broad and ail classes ot buyers tried to shade prices, bids and sales ranging; from steady to lS2oc lower than Wednesday both on beef steers and cow stuff. Compared with a week ago the market Is still around 60(S"60o higher on anything suitable for killing or shipping. Business In stockers and feeders continues dull, with no par ticular change in prices. Quotations on cattle: Choice to ptimf beeves, $s.40t.t; good to choice beeves. $8.00S))9.4Q: fair to good beeves. 97.50 7.90: common to fair beeves. $ii.7fCil7.50: good to choice yearlings. I8.158.50: fair to good yearlings, S7.G0tgr8.00; common to fair yearlings, I6.B07.36; choice to prime heifers, 97. 2607.75: good to choice heif ers, $fi.00Sp 7.25 : choice to prime cows. $G.857.25; good to choice cows, S6.23 6.75; fair to good cow, $5.50(g6.25: com mon to fair cows, 12.50(84.75: good to choice feeders, 7.257.60; fair to good feeders, 96.507.25; common to fair feed ers, S5.75gfG.50; good to choice Mockers, S7.007.50: fair to good stockers, SS.25' 7.00: common to fair stockers. S5.00O 0.00; stock heifers, $4.50tl.00; stock cows, J3.73!S15.00: stock calves, J5.00 7.25; veal calves, S3.00.ff9-0; bulls, blags, etc., S4.757.00. BEEP STEKRS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Vr. IS. ....... 9S0 7 SS 19 115 7 30 14..'. 1050 7 70 23 935 7 73 JS 12SH 7 SO IS 1470 8 On 21.. . .1095 I 05 8 9SS 8 15 STEERS AND HEIFERS. Av. Pr. No. Av. ., 540 7 21 29 1027 - No. 15. . 10. . rr. 0 .. 695 7 65 23.. .. 628 7 75 19. . .. 694 I 2.1 0.. coil'?. Av. Pr No. ..1164 S 9. . HEIFERS, A v. Pr. No. 87.S 7 70 SR4 7 80 903 8 10 No. 19.. No. Av. Pr. ..1125 6 75 Av. 680 Pr. 7 25 17 13 6 7 00 12. . 920 7 50 CALVES. Av. Pr. No. 429 6 55 4. . S40 7 75 11.. . . .. v . No. :4. 4. 3. Av. Pr. 450 7 00 220 S 75 173 I 00 Hogs About 12,800 hogs were received today and the trade opened at 15(i25u declines, but improved after first rounds, and most of the hogs sold at. prices not more than 1015c lower. The closing market was active and very nearly steady. Best light hogs made a top of S8.13 and hulk of the receipts sold at a spread of 7.357.75. Sheep Today's run ot sheep and lamb? was rather moderate, but there was very little life to the demand, and prices were no better than steady as compared with the low close yesterday. Best shorn lambs topped at J9.86, with, wooled grades quoted up to S10.50. . Spring lambs would hardly bring more than $11.50 at the present time. Fat sheep wero scarce and quotably steady. - Quotations on sheep:. Best tat lambs. $10.2610.50; medium to good lambs. Js.io 10.25: plain and heavy, lambs, S8 50 9.S0; shorn lambs, S8.l0O9.85; good to choice ewes, $.757.3: spring lambs. $9.0011.00; fair to good ewes, $6.00 6.50; cull ewes, $2.50 3.50. FAT LAMBS. No. 508 S. T. 937 S. D. 115 fed... Av. Pr. No. . .82 9 i0 488 fed. ..78 85 281 fed. . .79 S 0 , SPRING LAMBS. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 86 9 54 70 10 10 No. Av. Pr. .65 11 40 230 Nat 59 11 50 50:! Cal. SHORN LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 329 fed ..86 9 S5 28 fed 9J 9 13 OCI.I. LAM BR No. Av. Pr. 100 Cal 60 8 00 FAT EAVES. No. Av. Pr. No. Av 229 fed IIS 6 83 200 fed 107 . 0 ' ' Chicago Live Slock. Chicago, Stay 6. Cattle Receipts, 12,00 head; good and choice beef steers 10 to loo lower; -others mostly 15 to 25c lower: ton steers, $9.25 to Mineral Point, Vis. Killer top. $9.15: bulk, beef steers, $7.73 8.60: butcher she-stock 10 to 15c lower: bulk, $5.5007.00; bulls and stockers and feeders steady: hulls largely.. $6.50116 0: calves 6 to 10c lower; top packers, $8.75 gx.50. Hogs Receipts, 27,000 head: active opened 10 to 15c lower, closing sround 10c lower than yesterday's average: good clearance: top, $8.60; bulk, $8.108.50: pigs 25 to 40c lower: bulk desirable 100 to 125 pigs. $7.40sfs.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. S.000 head; lambs mostly 3Co lower; sheep steady: wooled lamb top, $11.25; bulk. $10.25 11.00; shorn top, $10.55; bulk. $9.50 10.8S; few choice native springs. $12.00; choice heavy shorn wethers, $6.75. Chicago Lire Stock. Chicago, May 6. Cattle Receipts. 15. 000 head: beef sters and butcher stock mostly 10c to 15o lower; top steers. $9.23; killers, top, $9.15; bulk beef steers'. $7.75 16 8.50: bulk fat cows and heifers, $5,50 tf 7.00; bulls, stockers and feeders, steady; bulls, largely $8.5096.50; veal calves, sharply lower. Hogs Receipts. 27.000 head: market active; lights, 16o to 23c lower: others mostlr 10c to 15e lower than yesterday's average; top, $8.60; bulk, J8.00g8.50; p:gs, 25c to 40o lower; bulk, desirable, 100 to 125-pound pigs. $7.408.0O. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 9,000 head; generallv strong to S6o higher; choice ?0-poun4 wooled lambs. $11 0; bulk, $10.256'11,00; few nativa springs, early, $11.60. ; . . . Sioux City L1t 8tM. Sioux Citv, la.. May 6. Ca'ttle Re ceipts, 1,700 head; market steady; fed steers and yearlings, .008.5O; fat cows and heifers, S4.00fl7.76; canners, $1.50sS.7S; veals, $6.00,60; feeders, $6.00Q7.09: calves, 14. 60 tj 8.60; feeding rows and heifers, $4. 00 Iff 6.60; stockers, SS.00Jf7.2S. ' Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head: market steady, 25c lower; light, ST.75fS.00; mtied, I7.7097.7S: heavy, S7.00ff7.50; bulk of sales,' $7.2507.81. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 500 head; market weak. St. Joseph Lire Stock. St. Joseph, May S. Cattle Rscsipts. t.SOO head; market cteady to 25c lower; steers, $7.009$. 60; cows and heifers, $4.50 98.35; calves. S6.00tf9.26. Hogs Receipts, 6.000 head; market 10 015c lower; top, $3.15; bulk of sales. $7.5098.15. Sheep Receipts. S.00O head; market steady; lamps, iio oomi.tc 1 IOBdon Wool. f London. May t There were 9,173 bales! Moms Ca 41 ins Swift & Co 917 ISiS Cudahy Packing Co..lOS :473 Armour : Co 894 2:tti J. W. Murphy . 196 Lincoln Packing Co.. . -So. Omaha Pky. I'o... !i Kiggins Packing Co... 19 ... Hoffman Bros IS ... Mayorowich & Vail... SI ... Olassberg ...C 1" P. O'Dea 2 Wison & Co 27 4 V. P. Lewis 73 J. B. Root ft Co 52 .!. II. Bulla Rosensvock Bros. ... t ... F. O. Kollogg 90 Werthoimer A D.:s-n. S7 ... Sullivan Broi , .10 Allied Packing Co ' 17 Xlo.-Kan. i & C. Co.. 17 E. O. Christie 12 Dold Packing Co 44 I m . John Harvey ' ... .1 insen & I.undgren . . ... Dennis ft Ftanct- . l.i Check ft Kr 25 timaha I' .j..a Co. . . 1 S )?1,'ii . ,i ,;ins Co. Cudalv Bros IST.S Otlic. buyers SIS Tola! s;9S 13181 offered at tho wool auction aales today. Chicago, Mav 5 .Butter Lower, Competition increased and sll sections creamery, eitras . ';ic; standard. 80c. improved. Merinos advanced 5. ner cent Egre Unchanged ; receipts. 14.784 rases, over tho opening rates and good cross-j Poultry Alive, higher, foals, 29c; broil breds now show gains of 6 to 19 per cent, j en, 11565c. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. ' tnl,''0 Tribune-Omaha H" Leased Wire. j Chicago. MayT A more cheer-j fill l'eeliiiK prevailed in the Rrain trade today, with a broader outside buying power and an increased dis-i position to regard ji1c constructive lnlhiciurd. There was a small break early which brought increased buy ing followed by a big advance with wheat the leader and doing trades were at the top to lc under the pre- l'rovi.s'ions advanced sharply after -!an earlv break and closed around the f.xatly J , per cent i ate ot hi on with lard up 15(a20c, while short the P.r f.tcI,1 f-.lhc, ba"k J ribs were 50il "higher, and pork 8a'"cd $10,800,000 gold, but its re un ''Wrtii' .serve of other currency decreased to Tnewhcat situation appears to he ; virtually the same extent and the 4 ; working into better .bane tor hold-!1 ot its deposits and circulation . ers. Foreigners continue to buy cash I grain and handlers here reported a H i better milling demand. Selling prcs :o : sure exhausted itself in the first few I ..,;.,t,t..e inI .;,l-, i..-,tititi,ipH lihrral ; iiiiliiiiv.? anu ,ii.n w. .... i buying by outsiders, particularly by Uliorts. -M'.iy advanced from $1.37 to I $1.45, the highest price since the recent turn, July w as more of a i favorite and advanced from $1.08; i ' to $1.15, where it closed. Much Kealication. Traders are disposed to give thought to the realisation, particularly to I tha disparity lit tho price ilittereme ue ' tween casl;, May and July. July Is around ! 4-lc under the price of spot No. 1 hard. : which is giving away too much for the 'privilege ot selling it short. Crop news attracted more attention. In Klis was out with a 'moderately bullish vcport on Kansas and Oklahoma and tn iilxteirt liberal covering by shorts and fair im-cstment buying. Tho trade, however. I is not wlillns to admit that thie is crop I deterioration, although it is daily becom 1 Ing more .evident. Receipts continue less 'than the shipments, Chicago gelting only i 3- cars. i Sentiment in the corn trail is more divided and unfavorable weather is de laying planting and preventing corn al ; ready planted from germinating. The ad i vsnce in wheat, with a fair cash corn business, 475.000 bushels, with demands for 280.000 bushels in Montreal, was a strengthening factor. Advance in .May. Good buying by shorts and commis sion houses advanced May from 38'ic to 6OV2C. although the close was at S9,c, the recession being due to profit taking. July touched 63v;c ami reacted 'ac nt the last, while Illinois farmers and ' interior shippers sold over 150.000 bushels No. 2 yfllow corn to arrive at. lc over Chicago jlay. Receipts wore 223 cars. Crop reports on oats are less favorable, particularly from Kansas, Oklahoma, Ne braska and Iowa. Reseedins in Iowa is the greatest in over 30 years as the result of cold and unfavorable weather. This, with! the advance in other grains, brDught in a general covering movement with some investment buying, especially in September, which was heavily oversold and It advanced from S7 to 40'ic with the close around 40 cents. Cash business was good with 370.000 bushels sold. Cash! prices were lc higher at the last, with receipts 41 care. P.ve was hard to buy. The seaboard exporters control the May and there is none offered except a little from the northwest. May rye and wheat sold at practically tho same price at one time. Sl.42'4, which was the top on rye. with the close '.jc under that figure. Pit Notes. There is a feeling in wheat that th'e market will do better at least until May 10, which is the date for the calendar traders to begin selling. One of the larg est exportors who was Iters today said that soiling of July wheat was dangerous, as the discount was too great under the cash grain to make It safe. He believes that the money market is to ease and that creditB will bo better, which' would help all grains' because they have deflated to a level that makes tnem safer for buyers. With cash) wheat $1.50 and higher, it comes nearer representing the cost of producing, while July at 40 cents u,nder is regarded as too low. Receipts of wheat at Minneapolis were 144 cars; Duluth, 40; Winnipeg, 3 56 cars. Logan and Bryan have the following from John Inglis: "Wellington to Tinid wheat shows marked deterioration. Some fields promise an average crop. On the larger acreage unhealthy, losing color: decline in condition will be more mani fest when it heads. Oats good; will fin ish planting corn this week. Find no insects. Enid. Kingfisher and -Olreno wheat keeps falling down. Southward general condition poor: some fields w:ll oe plowed up: no bugs: some fields will louse ruining the oats; doubt if any win j out here." Van" Dusen-Harrington crop report says: "Northwest crop prospects at present are j favorable and above average for this time of year. There are exceptions, .such as some districts in central Montana, which are in need of moisture." Beatrice: Neb., wired: "Our local mill. selling wheat: say there is not enough business to keep them going half the time. Country offtring a little more free." Minneapolis message saysr "Exports from Milletti and Webster. S. T)., say early wheat is up and tt looks yellow and very thin. Line elevator man just told me there was still 25 per cent oC wheat to seed in northern part of North. Da kota." W. F. M"urphy of Farnum; Winter and company, had tho following from Kan sas City: "Letter from Enid. Ok!., says' tho writer has Just returned from Elrena and while the wheat looked good from the road, yet when you get into the fields you find that thera is very little? that shows up as good as it looks from a distance. The wheat is thin,- spin dling and yellow and most of the small stools are dead." E. A. Boerner of Stein, Alsteln and, company says: "It seems to us that the position of tho old crop is now too vital a factor to be ignored, as many are in- clearances are greatly in excess of a year sgn and that there is tlH large quanti ties or unsnippea wneat. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. Ky I'pdike drain Co, Doug. 2627. May 5. Art. I filofe. I Hlgh.'l Low. Close. YesVy WhU I I I I May 1.38 t 1.4514! 1.37 1.44U .tH .luiy 1.09 ' 1.15 ! 1.08'tl 1.15 1.09V4 Rve I II Mar ! 1.36UI 1.42V4; l.SSSil 1.42 l.SVi July ! l.SV4( 1.10 t 1.08i 110 l.OSVi Sept. ,94Vil .9SHI .944! .98 .95 Corn 1 i 1 May I .55,; .60V .5S',4! .$ M Jujy ' .61 i .63Vi! .60T4 .62V4 ,6t'4 Sept. t .63' .65V4) .63 .64VJ .6S!i Oats I III May 1 .341 .3Hl ,34'i .SOH ,344 July I .37Vi .aSS I .361 .38tj .ST'i Sept. .37 .40',tr .7H .40 37i Pork I I May ;16.60 16.20 IH.50 16.70 16.50 July 16.50 17.20 16.50 17.30 16.65 Lard I Mev. I 4.3S 9 60 9.35 9 60 9.SS July I 9.65 95 9.65 9.90 9.75 ' Ribs May ! 9 .37 65 9.37- 9.65 9 42 July I 9 75 9.95 9.75 9 95 9.77 Minneapolis brain. Minneapolis, Minn.-, -May 5. Wheat R- j ceipts, 144 cars, compared with 167 cars i a year ago; cash No. 1 northern, 11.44 3 I 1.62; May. SJ.32; July, SI. SIS. I Corn No. 3 yellow, 62 53c. ' Oats No. 3 white, SSSSS'ie. Barley 50866c. Rye No. 2. S1.324J1.34. Flax No. 1. S1.74i1.76. Minneapolis Flour. ; Minneapolis. May 5, Flonr Unchanged j to 10c lower. In carload lots family I patents quoted sr. SS.SO a barrel in 95- ' pound cotton sacks. ' Bran S14.00. Kansas City Grain, Kansas City. May 5. Wheat May, S1.38:-July. fl.0S'4. Corn May, HVjc; July, S5'4c; Septem ber, esse - St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. May I. Wheat May, 11.46; July. SH.31. Corn May, B7c; July, lU614e. Oats May, S9V4c: July. 40y,c. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, May 6. Hay Unchanged, Chleat Potatoes, Chicago, May 5. Potatoes Old, steady: receipts. Si car; northern white, sacked and hulk, 7085c rwt. ; new strong Flor ida. No. 1. S9.0099.2a bbl.; Texas tri umphs, $4.25 & 4.50 cwt. Chicago Prod nee. Financial B ALEXANDER DANA NOYES ,hic.g Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wire, - . -ri. m.,.. ; A.-r rlav iit riMi'.g prices on the stock e.- ! change and of only slightly easier i monev rates on the open market in-1 . . .. . it.. j . i ii... ... i weekly teuerai reserve reports, con trary to rather generally expecta tion, the .New lork banks reserve Vatidid. "?t 'J1""": !t villained w' "e. " Wednesday's lowering of the re discount rate, therefore, was recog nition not of any such sudden change as the 10 per cent rise of reserve percentage, in a fortnight which caused the reduction in the Boston hanks rate, but of the flirn eral situation, present and prospec tive. The reserve system as a whole, how ever, reported another increase in its ratio of reserves to note and deposit liabilities. which, rising from 65 to 65 1-3 per cent. "fl""' "rk ' total rediscounts were not greatty changed irom tne preceding statement, but out standing note circulation was reduced $1,600,000 further, making $376,000,000 re duction since the high point of December. There was an increase of $U5.OO0,O0O in the corresponding Interval a year ago and a reduction of only $114,000,000 two years ago. when the period covered the short lived trade reaction after the armistice. The whole reserve system's gold reserve increased 525.700,000. It is now $284,000, 000 higher than at the end of 1920 and $401. 70i,000 above this week a year ago. Time I-oans .Lower. Money rates on the open Wail street market were little changed as a result of Wednesday's reduction of the reserved bank's rate, but It should be observed that time loans on collateral had gone down to the 6V-i per cent before the reserve bank acted and that the "street rate" for com mercial paper has been more or less nominal. With transactions which crossed the 1,000,000 share mark for the sixth time in 1921 and for the fourth time in two weeks, ttie advance on the stock exchange con tinued. The advance reflected partly pro fessional speculation for the rise and partly the activities of speculative out siders, but it hardly could be doubted that the heavy buying proceeded in great part from purchases to close out the lately over-extended speculation for the decline. This was perhaps especially true of the railway (shares, in which further advances of 1 to 2 points were numerous today, bringing the active stocks 5 to points above the year's low level of March or April. Industrial shares moved irregularly, but with many advances running from 1 to 3 per cent. The bond market advanced more vigorously than on any preceding day this week. Foreign Kxcbango JRates- Fnllowlng are todays rates of exchange as compared with the par valuation. Fuv nished by the Peters National bank. Tat ' Valuation. Today. Austria so .0030 Belgium 196 .0080 Ozecho-Slovakia . .. .0140 Denmark 27 .1820 England 4.s 3.9750 France IPS iOOSO Germany .238 .0153 ttreecs 195 .0610 Italy 196 .0493 Jugo-SIavia . .0074 Norway .' .27 .1640 Poland .0015 Sweden j 27 .23r5 Switzerland .195 .1773 Canada .8973 Chicago Stocks. Tho following quotations are furnished by Logan Bryan: Armour & Co. pfd Armour Leather Co. common. Armour Leather Co. pfd...... Cudaliy Packing Cp. common.. Continental Motors Hartman Corporation common. LlbBy. McNeil & Libby ,..'. Montgomery Ward Co National Leather Reo Motor Car Co Swift & Co Swift International Union Carbide A Carbon Co.... .. 90 . . 12H .. 88 V4 ,. 52 .. 6'i .. 75 .. i .. 23 .. 'i .. 20 ? ..100 . . 26 .. 63U London Monev. London. May 6. Bar Silver 35 'id per y Bar Silver, ounce; monev, 4'j per cent; d.swunt New York. -May 6. Bar Silver Domes rates, ehort bills. 5 per cent; three j tic. 99'ic: foreign, 617; Mexican dol- months bills, 6V4o?4 per cent. Manufacturer's Stock Purchase of Over 5,000 Men's Fine DRESS SHIRTS On Sale at PMip!s Big FRIDAY On sale at less than half regular shirts. A wonderful assortment of splendid new patterns for your selection, in fine woven and printed Madras cloths. They're cool. They're comfortable. They're good looking. They will launder well. These shirts will satify you in every way. Remarkable values at. At Saving Prices Hundreds of Pair of Men's, Women's and Misses' New Strap Slippers Oxfords Work Shoes for Men Men's extra well made, long-wearing work shoes. Every seam and all materials are cut, designed and put together for the best com fort and longest wear. Excellent for camping, outings and other outdoor . wear Leather Slippers The Worth-while Kind It is the good old kind of leather slipper that always pleases, at. . . 24th and O Sts. Ask for Green Tradinf Stamps or Free Tickets New York Quotations i Range of piie of th leading slocks : furnished by Logan it Btjai, Peters Trust 1 building: ; . RAM... Wed. High. Low. t.'!o.e. Close. A., T. P 4" S'i t' K34 Hall. Ohio 41', 40 4l, SS'j Causdtan Pacific. . 11 5 il;n, 115 llf -V. T. Central 72' 702 7?', 70' he. & Ohio S4' tU'( h4' line P.. It 14 11 14 It. North . pM . . . 7 !'4 V2B 7:: "' Chi. lt. Westrn... 84 'i d's 7Tm Illinois Central 92 Mo. Kan. Te... 2 U 2 2' .... Kan. Cily South... 28", 27, 2S 27', .Missouri Pacific. .. 21 21, 19' N. Y., N. H. H. U; 17' IKS 17i Northern Pac. Ry.. 76 1 75' 78 76, Chi. & . W 67 S4 67 64 !t Penn. R. R Ih'i 35 4 "5 I'.tading Co 77 S ', 7 1 it "' i i. r. i. & p aau ?K sou so South. Pac. Co . . . 78'j 7s Southern Railway. 2:1 2H4 22 ('.. M. & St. P 2V 27, 2S4 27 Vnion Pacific 1I9S 118 119 117,; Wabash 8, 81 ' ,- STEELS. I Am. Car A Fdry..l?H 128t UJH, US', Allis-Chal's Mfg... 38t 38 :;8ai sit Am. Loco. Co 91 "A- S"8! l td. Al. mi. Corp. 22 :(2 Baldwin Loco. Wks 9:',ii 91 Both. Steel Corp.. 64 ti3i coio. F. I. Co.. ::2, S1U t.'rucible Steel Co.. 88 '., 8S Am. Steel Found.. Kl'a :i0T, Lackaw'a Steel Co. 541,? 54 Midvale Stl. Ord 29', 2i Pressed Stl. Car Co 88-ii 88Ai Hep Iron Stl Co 66 66', Rv. Steel Spring.. 0'k S9 8 2'i 64 't 32 , 83s 31 ' 64 V, 29'i 91 63 31". ' ' 30 '4 61'., 29 S8i &t 66S 90 RlOSS-Shef Stl At I. 44'5 44 44 V. S. Steel 86U 3H 86 COPPERS. Anaco'a Cop Min. 42'i 41' 42 Am. S. & atg. Co. 43"i 4: 43 1, B. s 8. Mln. Co.. 15 I4'i Hi Chile Copper Co.. 1214 ll 32 43' 41 I 4'i3 16 124 Chlno Copper to.. 25 251 lnsp. Cons. Cop.., .-i1 36 Kennecott (ipper. J2 21 84 Miami Copper Co.. 2 3 IS Nov. Cons. Cop Co 14 'i 12't Kay Cons. op. Co. 135 14s Utah Copper Co.. 55 63'i INDCSTRIA1.S. Am Beet Sr Co.. Si SS'. 26' 25 36 1, S6V, 22 21. 23 12'i 23 12H 14 14V 55'., 54'!, 39', 39 424 424 61t 616, 71 71 V A . G. & V. I. S. S. 43 4 2 Am. Inter. Coto.. 53V. M3, Am. Sum Tob Co 72 71 Pacific O'.l 39 li 39 Vi SSi Am. Tel. A Tel... 108 107 '4 10 107i 13-1 Brooklyn R. T. . . Am. Can 32 Chandler Motor... 84 "4 Central Leather... 40H Cuba Cane Sugar.. 30 Cal. Pkg. Corp 0li Cal. Pet. Corp 47 'j Corn Prod. Rfg Co. 75"i 31'4 8174 31 ?i S3-t , 8314 S9'4 39 39 U 20 20 20 69 i 60 '4 60 47' 47 47 i 74T, 74', 76',4 62'i f.4' .... 184 18 18 137 137, 137 1 i 1 1 'a Nat. E. & S 4V, Fisk Rubber Co. . . 19, Gen. Electric... Oaston, W. & W Gen. Motors.... Ooodrlch Am. 11. & L. . .. H. A B. Car ..137i .. 1a .. 14Vi .. 41T4 .. 12V4 14 14V4 )4 4.1-, 41 '4 13 11'., 69 72V 73 lh 1C4 41 'i 491, 68 V, V. S. Ind. Alcohol. 78 72 Int. Nickel 3 7 16, Int. Pape OnVj Aiax Rubber 37 t4, 654 f.4i 36 U 37 36 '1 Kelly-Springfield .. 64' 62'4 624 63V; lli'4 ll 6 8 14 Keystone T. & K . . 17 16 Maxwell Motor ... 6 Mex. Pet Mid. States Oil 130'i 147'i 149H 148 14 14, 14 144 Puro Oil Co S6 36 "4 36 35 V, Willys-Over. Co. . 10V4 10V, P.-A. P. & Trans. 71 09 1014 10 Vi 70 ii 69', 41 40-, Plerce-Ar. Motor . 41 V4 40 'i Royal Dutch Co. . 69 '4 8Vi i94 68 U. S. Rub. Co. ..78 44 Am. S. It. Co. ... 90 14 Sin. Oil & Rfg. .. 27 T4 Sears-Roe. Co. ... 86 Strom. Carb. Co. . 45 i Studo. Corp 93 4, Tob. Prod. Co. ... 54 '4 :74 78 77Va 80'. 90 89V4 !7 74 27 83 44V4 89 64 12 40:4 23'i 33 'i 43 48' 79 i S3 Vi 85V, 44T4 45U S9 44 89 44 634, 54',, Trans-Con. Oil .. 12 114 12 40 U 23 Vi Tex. Co U. S. Food P. C 41'4 40, 234 22i V. S. S., Rfg. & M. 34 Whits Mot. Co. .. 43 Wilson Co.. Inc. . . 4214 West. El. & Mfg . 49 Am. Wool. Co. .. 82'i 38 Vi 34 4214 42 42'i 7'I 42'2 48 T 80', Total sales, 1,299.000. Money, close, 6: Wednesday close, 6'4. Marks, Wednesday close, .0151. Sterling, close, 3.98V4; W41tistlay close, S.98'4. New York Curb Stocks. Tho following quotations are furnished by Logan & uryaa: Allied Oil .. 10 11 ,. 62 & 64 ..15-160 1 .. 1t m .. 7't 8Vi .i 1"4 l'i ..- H 9 . . 1 i 0 1 "i .. 14 l1, .. 13 W 12V, ..147 149 .. 4V4 4i .. 10-4 10'4 .. 6-16 .. 744 .. 15i .... V Boston Montana Boston Wyoming Cresson Gold Cosden Oil Consolidated Copper . Elk Basin Federal Oil Glenrock Oil Merrit Oil Midwest Refining Co. Sapulpa Oil Slmms Petroleum .... t S. Stemship , I'. S. Retail Candy ... White Oil lars, 47 "ic Store prices. No detail has been overlooked Size 14 to 17 pehdable Quality Shoes Specially Priced at $3.98 J $2.98 special, at . . $1.98 women or children, your choice .' . Omaha Grab May 5. j rah wheat prices ranged 2 to 5c 1 higher today with top grades gener- ) My 3 to 4c up and .some selling at t'e extreme advance. Lorn ranged unchanged to 1 higher with the general range 1-- to 1 1-Je up. Oats advanrcd I-- to o-4 Kvc prices were -V higher and barley nominally hiphci'. Receipts of wheat today were moderate constituting the hulk of isrrivals. corn moderate and oats light. 1VHK.VT. No. 1 hard, t car, $1.46. No. 2 hard, 1 r, $1.47 (dark): 1 car, $t.4!; 4 cars, f 1.45 ; 31 cars. 11.44. No. :i hard. 3 cats. $1.43; 1 cat, 11.4" (smutty); 6 cars. $1.42: 1 car, 11.42 (smllttv); 1 car, $1.41 (smutty). No. 4 hard, S cars, $1.42; 1 2-3 cars. $1 .40. ' No. 5 hard. 1 car. $1 38. Sample hard, 1 car, $1.43 (18 lbs , live weevil I No. 3 sorlne. 1 car. SI S8 (northern). ti 90, I No. 2 mixed, I car, S1.3S (mostly dur sj ' .ti 1 umi. ! No. 8 mired, 1 car, SI. 4 3. iso. t mtxea, 1 iin, (nmuii.1 j. CORN. No. 1 white, 1 car, 63c. No. 2 white. 3 cars. iJ'.jr; 2 cars, 12c. No. 3 white, ) ear, M ac. No. 1 yellow. 1 car, 63c. , No. 2 yellow. 2 cars. 52 '. No. S yellow. 2 cars. slSc; I ear. 51 'ic (shippers' weights). 2-3 car, Rl Vc. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 61c (15.2 per cent moisiure). No. 6 yellow, 1 ear, 41c (four). No. 2 mixed. 2 care. 60c. No. S mixed, 1 car. 60vc (near white); 1 car, 60c (drv); 1 car, 4S'4c: 6 ore. 48e, No. mixed, 1 car, 46 'ic (musty, ship pers' weights). OATS. No. 2 white. S cars. 33sc; cars, 85V4C No. 3 white, 1 car. 35c. IttK. No. 3, 1-3 car. SI. 33. No. 4. 1-3 ar. SI. 3" CHICACiO CAIi LOT RKCEIFTS. Week Tear Today. Aso. Wheat 19 to Corn 143 .9-. Oats 61 79 Ago. KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. 135 132 30 I.". Wheat Corn . Oats . ST. LOL'IS RECEIPTS. Wheat 64 91 27 Corn 36 42 20 Oats 31 21 6a NORTH IV EST' N RECEIPTS OC WHEAT. Muin 144 128 167 Duluth 40 65 32 Winnipeg 156 111 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Receipts- Today. Tr. Ago. Wheat 88, OHO 698.000 orll 69. Olid 308, 0l0 Oats 438, OOD 403,000 Shipments -Wheat 581,000 936,000 Coin 1,151,000 384. 0U0 Oats 334,000 615,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Wheat 1. 3.'.n,0i'0 472.000 Corn 52. "00 4,000 Oats 23,000 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Week Year Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Shipments Wheat Coin oats Rva Todsy Ato, :',3 10 6 2 Ago. 49 3 7 17 4 3 51 :'9 4? New Tsrk Produce. New York, May 5. Butter MarKet weak; creamery higher than extras, 36 ifi!37'4c: creamery extras, t',iiii firsts, S3(J63iHc. Bggg Sterier; fresh gathered extra firsts, 272sc; firsts, 252G'4c Cheese Unsettled; unchanged. Live Poultry-i-Irregular, broilers. 40 f 70e; fowls. 42c; rooHters, 25c; tuvkejs, 3035c; dressed. ftuit, unchanged. New York tieneral. New York. May 6. Wheat Spot, strong; No. 2 red, $1.71; No. 'i hard, $1.76; No. 2 mived durum. SI. 69 0. I. f. track, New York; No. 1 Manitoba. $1,83 c. i. f. track, last half May shipment. Corn Spot firm; .No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, 845Ci No. 2 mixed. 83?to c. i. f. New York, 10 days shipment. Oats Spot, firm; No. 1 white. 50 14 p. 61c. Lard Firm: mlddlcwest, S9.9510.05. Other articles unchanged. 3ew York Dried Fruits. i New York, May 5. Apples F.vapoiated j nominal. Prunes Quiet, owing' to large arrivals. Aprjcots Firm. ' Peaches Steady. I Raisins Barely steady. ! London Metals. London, May 5, Standard Copper Spot, 7i, 12s, Sd; electrolytic, 72. 10c; tin, 170, 6s; lead, i22, 10c; zinc, 126. in making these fine summer Spring Shoes and Oxfords Shoes Pumps Boys' Shoes Special Boys' fine quality dress and school shoes, made by the best manufacturers in the country and made to give satisfaction, on sale, tO QQ Tennis Shoes Hundreds of pairs to select from, in black, brown or white, in shoe style, oxford or slippers for men, 98c South Omaha to South Side Gym Bazar Bonds and Notes 1 The following quotations furnished by the Omaha Trust company: Appror. Vleld Mat. Price. Pvt. tsje 7 H 7 70 1 94 96S '.25 1929 93 8 09 1930 96 9 7.60 1941 Si's S.03 1945 99 7.68 1923 99'i 7.18 1921 9S', 7.85 1922 96V 7.81 1929 04 ;. : 1937 86 Vs 6.90 1929 88',, 8.03 1945 97'. 8.25 192.1 94 7.46 1946 10V4 7.05 1915 98 7 8.10 1923 90 9.85 1925 M'j 9.20 1931 67 lj 9.00 1930 98, 7.75 19411 102 7. HO 1941 99 7.10 1930 100'4 6.95 193t) 101i 6.89 195 9'j 8. or, U.139 83 7.V4 1925 96 '4 7.l 1940 1C4', 7.55 1930 100 7,50 1931 100 7.00 ltale. T. Co... its A Am. T. A T. Co. ... s Anaconda Armour 7's Belgian Uovt 8 a ll.il.ri,,, lli.vt ?l. ! nrtiiivhem Sled...,',, itsiiiirnriH steel. ..is KritlKh 5Vs Urittsh 5'n s llritlsli 5V,' C. C. C. & St. L. . . ! Christiana . .8 s I t'udahy l'kg. Co. . .7's I lnmrk 11 i Kreoch Oovt s's j H. F. Goodrich 7 s .lap. Oovt. 1st 1'i't .lap. tiovt. 4s Morris it Co T ','s Norway 8 a N. W. flell Tel. Co.V's N. V, Central 7 s I'enti, Tt. R. Co. . . ,7's S. V. Bell Tel. Co. 7 s Swedish tlovt 6's I Swift & Cu 7 s I Swiss llovt 8's r. S. Ruhber 7 ',,' ' West. Electric 7's New York Money. New York, May Piliue Mercantile Papei 77'j per cent. Kxchange Firm. Sterling Demand, $3 97 ';; cables. S3. 9!. Francs Demand, 8.01c; cables, 8 03c. llelgiait Francs Demand, S.OU; cabin, S.O.ic. Guilders Demand, 35.23'-: cables. 33.35c. Lire Demand, 4.90c; tables, 4.92c. Murks Demand, 1.63r; cables, 1.54c Greece Demand, 6.00c. Argentine Demand, 30.12c. Hrasltiai) Demand, 13.12c. Montreal 10 1-16 per cent discount. Time Loans Easier; 60 daj's. 90 days and 6 months, 6V4 per cent. Call Money Firm; high, UW per cent; low. 6J4 per cent; ruling rate. 6V, per cent; closing bid, 6 per rent; offered at 6'4 per cent: last loan. 6'4 per cent. Francs advanced further in tho late dealings; demand. 8.0c; cables, 8.08c; BelKian francs, demand, 8.06c; cables, 8.08c. ' New York Metuls. New York, .May a. Copper Cjuiet; elec trolytic, spot and nearby, 12 r:i 4f 12'ic; fu tures, 12"4jl3c Linseed Oil. Duluth. Minn., May 6. Linseed On track and arrive, 1.72. 4 YOu'nC WLLCOMt IN WELUHCTOnIiih FARNAM AT IS FARNAM AT I6T ON DISICT CSS IINIS fRO'-l 4,1 9'ATION, OMAHA CAPACITY 300 GUESTS RESTFUL ROOMS With Detached Bath $1.50 to $2.00 With Private Bath S2.5C to $3 00 tiesntii Eiilpmtsl StrtlafriNF Sanies F. J. RiiMEY FIREPROOFED WTH AUTOMATIC KPR1NK 1 FllS. 'uuimnu uyuiiui? TO EUROPE By th. Picturesque St. Lawrence River Route 1 MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW! Sailing Every Few Days From Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool, Southampton Glasgow, Havre, Antwerp Ocean Trip Shortened by Two Delightful Days on The Sheltered River and Gulf Apply to Agents Everywhere or 40 North Dearborn Street Chicago, ill. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Traffic, Agents n tu "WSX ARE YOU SATISFIED With the Public Accounting- Service being ren dered you? An audit made by the Richards Audit Co., fp cusea the client' attention on what the figures SAY a well a what they are. It brines into high, relief all tha vital, personal and economic factors that deter mine profit for business. RICHARDS AUDIT COMPANY A National and Hifhty Trained Organization PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS. Detroit, New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Omaha, St. Louis, Tulsa, Flint, Saginaw, Windsor. , W. M. TREGO, Resident Mgr. 70S W.O.W.BIdr. Phone Tyler 5801 GRAIN- TXfE solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kan sas City and Sioux City markets. We Offer Yon the Services of Oar Offices Located at km Kansas City, Missouri Get in touch with one of these branch offices, with your next grain shipment The Updike Grain Company The Reliable Consignment House" Swindler Brought to Justice by Letters Begging Leniency 1 In his attempt to seek leniency from persons whom lie had swindled out of money on fake magazine sub scriptions, F. D. Gadlcy, 1404 Dodge utrect, was arrested yesterday aiul fined $50 and cost's in Central police court. Whereabouts of Hadley were learned tlirontsh letters he wrote to several of liis victims asking them to refrain from prosecuting him. Hadlcy had solicited subscriptions for fwo magazines and accepted ad vance subscription money, lie op crated principally in Dundee and the north part of the city. When arraigned in court, he plead ed guilty to the charge. South Side Brevities- Kifrccil to vai'ale sale, millinery. !n ilaks suit albums. Sir.i'ts Millinery Store, as 1 7 S. :tth, South Side. .Tohn l.ogus, 4 S 2 it South Twenly-ntxtli street, was arrested AVeilnesdsy night 011 rointilalut of his wire, lm sslil ha hsil beaten her. lie will liuve a hearing Sat urday. ilarko Petrovlili. 4708 South Twentieth, street, was grit-sled 011 complaint nf Ills former wife, who says lie hue failed to pay her the alimony allowed hy the di vorce court. Seventy young nu'ti nod women, suideul nf the anlnint husbandry department of the state university will be aucsm nf the Union Stock Tarda onnnny today at luncheon and will be tHkcn on a tour of Inspection of the yurds and parking houses. , Bouen's, Are You Going to Move ? Then Think of The Metropolitan. Van& Storage Co. Owned and Operated by H. R. Bowen Company The experience our men have in moving and delivering furni ture has trained them to do your moving just as you would like it done. You will appre ciate their thoughtful ness in seeing that everything is wrapped and protected just right. They see to it that nothing is left behind which would mean a loss or an added ex pense. When they move you, just notice how different the serv ice we give you is, than the service you have experienced before. Arrangements can be made by. phone. At lantic 3400. im iiiftvv.virVsfWwvwwAl Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Holdrcge, Nebraska Gonova, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa 1