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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1921)
THE Uhlfcl : UMAtIA, rimmi, .mm 1U 8S Classified Advertising Rates! sb irr line icuuiti bis oro lu nor, j uy j le per line pec day, 3 consecutive dit j 16c per line per (lay. 7 corueculivc days ! Ho per line per day. "10 consecutive laj No ads taken for lesa than a total o: 3 ic. Then rates apply uithcr to the Daily j or Sunday Be. All advertisement ai- pear in both morning and t tiling daily ft papers for the una charge, CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION Want ada accepted at the following of- I fires ! MAIN OFFICE 17th and Fsraam Su. South Side 4936 South 24th St Council Bluffs 1 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000. THE BEE will not be remoniibls fot mora than one incorrect insertion of an I advertisement ordered lor mora than one j time. I CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. j F.venlntr r.dition 1 1 :4. A. M. Morning Edition it :10 r. M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. CARR Mr. Mary, May 4, aged 7- years, at a local hospital. Services from Hoff man funeral Horn, Saturday at 8:30 a. m., to Sr. .Vr-M.a'n rliurrli at a. nr. Interment Holy Srpulrher cemetery. I if. c eased la aurvlvetl hy ono sister, Mrn, Anna Callahan, Uancroft (XebJ papers 1ilNft ropy. SANPEUHOIaM Charles ., wared 13 jonrj, 4 month), 27 days. .May 3, l!KM. Funeral 8a t unlay aftrrnnon nL 5 r'clrtL'l from family reMdpni'. H'-S N. SOtli M , to flwerhah MifM-ictn rhuPl., Ctl f and Pavenport 8ts., at 2:30 p. m. In terment In Forest I.uwn vemotery. Friends wlromt. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ""STACK & FALCONER llMAHA'8 BEST 'riTo 'AMBULANCE . Thirty-third and Farnam. ""HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 Bouth lthSt. DougUa 13fS HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone H. 266. Office 5611 Farnam, FOR AMBULANCK call South 680. Ksrl.ko Funeral Home. 2Id Mid O Sts. t FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 1114 DouKlaa St. Douglas 8244. L. Henderson. HIS Knrnaiii. pouglaa ljMs. j"oHN1ThT1804 Farnam. D. 1MI. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. lllrlhs. William and Mary Schwce. 6:24 Bouth Twenty-first street, girl. Homer and Itegliia Banner, 6016 South Seventeenth street, boy. George and raullno Fink, 1310 South Twenty-eighth slreet. girl. Edward and Elizabeth Ttoberts, 3480 South Sixteenth, street, girl. If. Lyler and Anna Johnson, 4732 North Fortieth avenue, boy. John and I.aura Pordeu. hospital, girl. Edward and Genevieve Metiulllan, 2501 Franklin street, boy. Peter and Ethel Nelson, 3130 Toung street, girl. Dentha. Nelson Smith. 8, hospital. Alberta J. Slachotka, 1, 3519 South Thirty-sixth street. Mr. Ann Fosslcr, 62, hospital. Frank Seward. 31, hospital. Merton O. lleadley, 47. 2890 Mary street. Babv Markshury, infant, hospital. Patrick C. Caldwell. 07, 5220 .South Thirty-sixth afreet. F.lmyea Bpaun, 65, 2554 St. Marys ave nue. Sirs. Minnie Maekey. 34,. hospital. Margaret Brlghtenberg, Infant, hospital. Oertrude Dlsher, 33, hospital. Elsie Gross. 24. hospital. Catherine Walker, 2. hospital, tleorge Andrew Stanley, 62, 816 North Sixteenth street. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 The following couple have been issued licenses to wed: Charles F. Mock, 41. Omaha, and Bessie McPherson, 34. Omaha. Edward I.. O'Shea. 28, Petersburg. Neb., and Zaifla Pollock, 24. Scottsbluff. Neb. Melvln II. Hass. 29. Omaha, and Mary K. Flthian. 25. Omaha. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. J'OR ARTICLES LOST on street care tele- phone Tyler oo. we are anxious io i store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. KY. COMPANY. Lost Black leather music' folder contain ing music. Bartlett Quigley, Radium hospital, 34th Farnam. Reward. GRAY Persian cat, near 381h Ave. and Harney. Harney Slip. LOST envelope with mortgage and other papers. "Wal. 237. personal" THE SALVATION Army Industrial horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, inagaaines. We collect. We distribute Phone Dou. 41S5 and our wagon will call. CaB and Inspect our, new borne. 1110-1112-1114 Podg St I WILL give here or in your home eleu tronette or violet ray treatment, also massage. Doug. 6841. BAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS ft RWOBODA. 141S FARNAM STREET. Swedish massage, massuese.209 S.20.D.5877. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler 1433 RENT Hoover Yacuum. It up. Wal. 1947. MASSAGE 210 North Sevetiteeht St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION. sld?. knife, sunburst, bo.t pleating, covered buttons, sll sizes sod styles; hemstitching, plcjt edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 1S36, Neb. Pleating A Button Co.. lSUo Farnam St.. 2d floor. Douglas 6670! Contractors. I DO sll kinds remodeling, repairing. Bee my book of plans ot bungalows aud garages. Alvin Dickson. So. 7I4. Furs. TVEJ rsmodel your furs snd make them like new. Furs stored snd Insured against all losses. KNRETEK ALASKA FUR CO., 503 8. 15th. Doug. 7288. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway , . Ex. Bldg. Dong. 2066. Night Col. 1812. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In sll cases. Tyler 1136. Dancing Academies. LKARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy. Stage and Ballroom Dancing 'i'augut. Lesson by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Tyle 6445. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you ta dance. Spe cial attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. 2681. TJir School tor Dancing. 2421 XVcl-A lilt? Farnam. Doug. 750. Painting and Paperhanging. DAVIS CO. First-class paintinsr. rP" hanging: work guaranteed. Tyier 099.'. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling, floors waxed, wall paper cieanea. wainui FIRST-CLASS paper hanging and paint ing: Harrsy A. Clapp. Pouglaa 4909. PAINTING, paperhanging snd wallpaper cleaning. J. .au. vvainut at. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J vV. MARTIN, patent sttyM t71 Dodge. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS?;. pw.'h T,,SK to buy back- at smsll profit. GROSS JEWELRY .CO. 403 N. 16th SC. Doug las 6049. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 37th and Martha Sts., Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronse. aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. J'i.000 GIANT PANSIES Come see them: other flowers and vegetable plants. Col. $999. A, D. Ferguson. BOth and Ames. PAX TON HOTEL TURKISH 3ATH. Massage, hot packs. CONCANNON BROS.. TYLER 1731. THEATRICAL costumes for amateurs the atricals, etc.. to rent st Theo. Lleben Son. 1518 Howard St.. Omaha. HAULING sll kinds. 12 per hour. Orders taken b'sek dirt and fertilizer, ashes ana ruDoien namen. o. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rtalto Drue Store. 15th and Douglss 9ts.. Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging, vrrito for prices. The Ensign Cn .107 Howard SL MW and rebuilt elevtricsl apparatus. H Omaha Towel Surrly.:CTlTtnTr52 i BRINGING UP f I KIN) IT PAbT THI'b OOOP V7ITHOOT MAIE tEClN- ME - I'M JUtT At) COCO Ai feEllsl' AT D'NTV MQOE'j- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. j WRITE me If annoyed by the Pocket j liopher, O. P. Wyland. Harlan, la. j FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. BIG AUCTION SALE Furniture and Household Goods , I i at i Stephenson's Auction House 1507-9 Capitol Avenue, Half Blk. East of P. 0. Undoubtedly tho largest an lea that wo have liart in our new location. We have furniture conelgnetl to us by Mr. H. B. Kaynolds. C. A. Johnson, from th imaha Van Co., furnitut from Mm. AS. U. Hagar, J. V, Doujchprty, Mrs. Anderson, P. Lohr and others Thern Is furniturn of cvwy kind and quality and la now on display in r,ur Mr ainUlou house. Y are open from R a. in. to 6 p. in. Come in and se what jou are buying, Ulad to have you. Salt's ach day, Friday and Saturday, at I p. m. Frank B. Stephenson, Auctioneer. Our phone number is Atlantic B205. RAILWAY salvnso furniture at low prices. New 45-puund cotton mattress, $C, t'tilna, dishes, cut glass and antiques, mirrors, linens, ttoro fixtures, etc. I'l. Vaks, 2610 N h;t., So. umaha. So. 2370. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses mad over in new ticks at half theprice of new beds. 1:07 Cuming. Doug. 2467. FORnRXcVllfNllE AM-t'ast combTiiaTlon round oak range for small cabinet gas range. Walnut 2099. FOR SALE K perfect 48-Inch waxecT- oak; round dining room table, 420. Col fax 2971. KITCHEN range for sale. Walnut 5842. BABY cab for sale. Pouglaa 8860. Pianos and Musical Instruments. IF YOU are looking for a real piano bargain it will pay you to see the fol lowing pianos before you buy: Mahogany case, CThiekering & Sons. "Walnut case. Kinpsbury. Oak case, 'Kimball. Oak case, Hamilton player piano. Mahogany case, Adams Suhaaf player piano. i All In flist-class condition and fuNy guaranteed. VK. SOUS, Chas. H. Thatcher. 1419 Dodge. l GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer In drums. xylophones, etc., 'Instructions, repairing. Address 2701 Davenport St. for catalog. IMione Harney 2907. Try Smith's pedal. BIGGEST phonograph bargains in Omaha. Milaea Fiionograjn Co.. 1404 uooge. Typewriters and Supplies. typewriters adding Machines. All MAKES, bought sold, rented snd repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. , Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1913 Farnam. FOR SALE Used Corona, perfect condi tion, 137.60. Jackson 3254. W PROTKOTOGRAPHS. F. at K.'a; oargains. l is s'arnam uiag. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, Si3',4 foot platform, also 28-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam Sts. Phone Tyler 1000. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th snd Marnev. Di.oglas 1971. WE are moving to 24th end Burdette Sts. after May 1. Kindling delivered as usual. Micklln Lumber and Wrecking Co., Web. 0459. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc Oms.ha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor. ll'.h and Douglas. D. 2724. Q A V 17 Q BARGAINS, ltth & Farnam. OAr CjO j. j. Parlght Safe Co. FULL dress auits and tuxedos for rent, 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. D. "128. FOR SALE Oak desk 6 foot table type writer, etc. 412' Karbach Bldg. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks', used desks bought, sold snd traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. I14. WE AIM TO PAY FULL VALUE FOR FVRN1TURB. RUGS, ICEBOXES, AT LANTIC 4988. . WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. YOUNG man willing worker wishes start with some firm. Box 0-67 Bee. Female. YOUNG woman, university graduate, teacher of English and languages, is open for engagement for the summer, as tutor or companion for one or two chil dren, either to remain in the city or to travel. Box 0-K9. Bee. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestio column of The Bee. Lots of good places are slways advertised. Don't miss them. HOUSEKEEPING by young widow with little girl in respected home. Aver tiser is of good character. Write ju-it what you have. Box L'Sl. Oakttale, Neb. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Harney 4292. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced telephone Bwitch board wiremen for 'permanent employ ment In our Fort Dodge. Ia.. factory. State experience. Give refereuces. Monarch Telephone Mfg. company. WANTED Printer , permanent. open shop. Mitchell Daily Republican, lyttchsll. s. I. WANTED One first class granite ietterer at once, apply B. C Starlin, Miasouri Vnllev. Ia. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT BUREAL. 121 N. 16th St. Phone Douglas 1112. MOLER BARBER COLLEGS. 110 So. ,14th. Writs for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN for Omaha, Council Bluffs and adjacent territory by pharmaceuti cal house with well established trade In this territory.. The house is one of the largest and best known In their line. Give age, exprience snd references In first letter. Address Box Y-1517, Oma- ha Bee. - WANTED Two young men as salesmen;' experience unnecessary ; salary. Room 27. Merchants hotel. WANTED Two experienced (t-hv men; tig n'.ony 10 tikiu mcu, u. ji, t-Oipcr, .Merchants hotel. T-r-rn m 1 t III III 9S. V FATHER HELP WANTED-MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. tir'eHSaTsman "wanted. One of the most successful tiro manu facturers in America has an immediate opening for a salesman af lilKh caliber and real ability. Our proposition scll-j Hself. The heat tire in the country ami a proposition that insures success t.t dealers and distributers. The man v:j want must be an experienced tire sales man. Ho must have a real record. H must have the personality am! nbllitv to sell the best tiro dealers In every community. Wire or write, giving full details relative to your experience, age snd salary required. S. L. Blood, Sales Manager, The Dayton Rubber Mfg. Co., Psvton. O. EXPERIENCED truck salesman; good proposition to the right man. Omaha Auto Sales, 2060 Farnam. SALESMAN wanted by reputable firm; salary $40 per week with liberal bonus; call st 9 and 11 n. m. or 1 p. m. Hawaiian. School of Muaic 420 Paxton blocK. WANTED Salesman experienced in sell ing patent medicines. A chance to get an interest in established business. A wonderful opportunity. Park Chemical Co., Ottumwa, la. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED Brown taxical, drivers. 50 cash bond required. Omaha Taxlcab & Transfer Co., 27th Ave and Harney. Trade Schools. LEARN telegraphy in three months! Work for hoard while attending. Tui tion reasonable.' Position secured. Rail road wire ftr practice. Catalog free. Address Hnyics College, Boyks llldg., Omaha. Neb. Miscellaneous. WANTED 1.000 men to wear Uncle Sain shoes at $2.90 pair. Mid-West Harness Co., 706 N. 16th. WANTED An experienced car washer to work nights. PumlPe Garage. 401S Dodge. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestio Column ot The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid end homelike places always advertised. COMPETENT white maid for general housework, 3 in family, best wages, references. Mrs. W. S. Weston, 303 So. 61st St. Walnut 0278. WANTED A white girl for house work; small family: good wages. 3504 Wool. worth Ave. Har. 0633. Mrs. G. 11. Pratt. WANTED at once girl to do general . housework. Phone Market 4300 No. C or apply No. 0. Ft. Crook. Miscellaneous. LADIES wanted who can do art work at home spare time, experience unneces sary, good pay. Call forenoons. Room 30, Douglas Block, opposite Hayden's. BUSINESS CHANCES. RESTAURANT at Staplcton, Neb., end of tho U. P. road. 100 miles northwest of Kearney. Buildings, stock and fur niture for sale. M. J. Snyder, Staple ton, Neb. . EVERYTHING for the tire repair man; used, new equipment, tools, repair ma terial. Vulcauizers Supply Co., 2912 Farnam. SAFE, sound and good paying Investment in established Omaha business. Good reason for selling. Bx.' X-50 Omaha Bee, TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS Co.. 411 McCague Bldg HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANT rtJ Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-CHy Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. , Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wir less telegraphy, civil aervlce and all English and commercial,. branches. Write, call or phone s?ougla1J565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. b. Van Sant School of Business. Dsy and Evening Schools. .231 OmahaT National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6S. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Roomy ARB YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for. you? If ao, then call The Bee .Vant Ad Dept.. Tyler 1000, and wo will ot only furnish you with a complete -oom list of choice vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our ''Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are ebsolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. ' LARGE, clean, attractive front room overlooking Hanscom park: plenty of hot water: Modern: private home; on car line: close in. Harney 7378. EEAUTIFUL room, furnished in walnut, strictly modern, home privMeges, car line. Colfax 145S. TWO desirable furnished rooms. Near 16th and Locust. Modern home. Web. 6830. COMMERCIAL HOTEL Clean room with bath, 32.60 week and up. 2310 M St. NICE large bedroom, very desirable loca tion. Newly- decorated. Harney 7169. LOVELY room with board for two in modern Dundee home. Walnut 622. 420 S. 26TH. two nice sleeping rooms, close in, reasonable. Atlantic 4787.' ROOM in private home, on car line; breakfast if desired. Harney 6630. FURNISHED room for colored. 2614 Sew ard. Call Webster 1897. MODERN sleeping room. Douglas 9083. Mod. room, private, hoi water. D. 7442. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST C-F MOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. '".VANT AD. 614 S. 29th. 2-ROOM apt. clean and cozy, gas range. Ice box, running watrcr, everything furnished complete for housekeeping. 2960 HARNEY 3 or 3 rooms and kitch enette; large front rooms facing south; beautifully furnished and newly deco rated. Call evenings, Harney 7169. keeping, on ground floor, with water. Har. 1282. Call mornings or evenings. MODERN, furnished room and kitchen ette in nice home. Walking distance. Harney 7246. 2566 DOUGLAS, 2 large rooms, 1 room and kitchenette, running water. HaV. 6868. 318 8. 26TH Light housekeeping rooms; reasonable. Harney 122';. Fur. bkpg. rooms, reasonable. Web. ":: Board and Rooms. and room. Uarnty 1- i 1. j . BOARD Registered V. S. Patent Office ARE OU COIN' OUT FOR RE MT ROOMS. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND nil. WATCH THE WKE WANT APS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WAN" IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. :n AND ASK ABOUT OUR COM PI, ET 3 LIST OK ROOM WALKING distance, clean, desirable rooms with board; modern, private, home ; excellent location; near 27th and California; reasonable. Pouglas 9094. EXCELLENT board and room, private home, walking distance, 2883 Capitol avenue. FURNISHED room with board; two in family; men preferred. Colfax 1363. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. DANDY COTTAGE. Five room a and hath, all modern, nicely furnished, paved street and car lino, 2210 Ames Ave. $60,00. Adults only. Good rferenco required. P. J. Tebbens Co., (105 Omaha Nat. Bit. Phone P. 2182. Unfurnished. 6-HOOM house for rent at 3129 S. 18th. Phone Tyler 4117. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. THREE rooms and bath, completely fur nished; west; fine proposition, and walk ing distance; $75 to good party. Doug las 1734. 3-ROOJI APT. for light housekeeping; close to University hospital. WA 0265. BUSINESS girl to share small furnished apt.; walking distance. Harney 2182. 4-ROOM, well ventilated, apartment, $47.50. .lanitor service. Web. 4945. Unfurnished. 5 ROOMS in Portland Apartments Park Ave. and Leavenworth Street. Pick out your own paper if taken today. Rent only $90. Payne & Car.naby Co., "Omaha's Rental Men." 616 Omaha Nat l Bldg. Jackson 1016. 8-R00M FLAT, 216 SOUTH 25TH AVE. Splendid close-in flat, strictly mod ern; 4 bedrooms: immediate possession. Payne & Carnaby Co., . "Omaha's P.enlal Men." 616 Omaha Xat'l Bldg. Jackson 1016. APARTMENT FOR RENT. For rent, 7-room apartment on South 16th Street. GEORGE & CO. Peters Trust Company, Specialists in apartment management. UNFURNISHED first floor apartment; pri vate entrance, porch. Adults only. Red 1721, Council Bluffs. FOR RENT Business Property. SEE F. D. WEAIX 310 S. 18TH ST. WANTED TO RENT. Business Property. WANTED Small warehouse, 8.000 to 10,000 square feet floor space, short term lease. Atlantic 3tiu. --i7Tto Avn CTncTrr-3 USED CARS bought, sold and exchanged. MOVING AND STQRAUfc.. Trawver Auto Co.. 2210 Farnam St. MOVE IT YOUKSKLF. $350 for good Reo 6 Touring, best run Do you busy people know es- ning order. Atlantic 1500. I peciallv those who have to put , TTr ; T- ; in a full day's worK-,that you $28i for Chevrolet touring, very fine order, , can rent a one-ton Ford truck late 1919. AValnut 5544. and Drive It Yourself night or 4rccnri day and do all your trucking or Accessories. moving. Handle your own stuff FORD owners at last a real transmission and cut your cost half in two. Dan(li fiveryready satisfies, $1.60 a set We never close. witb. rivets, postpaid or at your dealer. TiriVP If YmirSPlT IjO Wilder-Miller Co., 18th and Webster Tm Tfowlrd. 1 Do! glas1 !' """' FIDELITY irfvAv ' CO. : financial. storage moving, packing Real Estate Loans. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. , , , . , RFASONABI E RATES " have cash on hand to loan on Omaha FREE RENTAL SERVICE. " residences. COMPLETE LIST OF E- ViV. Vi'mL " HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 5J8 Keeline Bldg. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. ,,. S?,'KEKF 5?A&,?STAT?,,,?,0, 71 K ! Separate locked rooms for household 1011 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716. goods and pianos, moving, packing; and FARM LOANS closed promptly, best rates shipping. and terms. PAUL PETERSON, 33 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Douglas Block, Omaha. 06 South lth PL- " $foo to $10,000 made promptly. METROPOLITAN F. P. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St, VAN and STORAGE CO. ""real estate wanted.- Owned bv H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 140 To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see "UNION TRANSFER CO. . FOWLER & M'DONALD Jf.t$V?&&?F&i: 1120 City Nat: Bk. Bldg.. Douglas 1426, i LIST homes and income property with ""HORSES AND VEHICLES. GRUENIG REALTY CO., For Sale. 1418 1st Nat. Bk. " Doug. 1160. FOR SALE at 1512, 14 Burt St. One 2- WE SPECIALIZE IN nvtiUKK HOMES seated buggy, 1 cart, 1 old phaeton, 1 C H. OlUHl tJ., saddle and bridle, 1 single harnesa. City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 3787. ONE covered wagon, horse and harness; HAVE inquiries for homes do you want cheap it taken at once. Call DO 6320 to sell your property? List It with during business hours. . C. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. NICE driving mare, harness, rubber tired PTT? TtTTrTT REAL ESTATE": buggv $125. Doug. 6935. 1903 Vinton. XJAAVAV J-J X X Sells. Rents, Insures Wagons, Col. 10C5. A. Johnson, Benson, 350 reterjTro;tBiag. Doug, 0033 - P. J. TEBBENS PnsAandERlntIl I'OULTRY AND PET STOCK. 605 Omaha Nat'l BH. B'dg. Douglas 2182 tThJrIJuGHBRED baby chicks, $1.80 to T?,91i,RlllbJrIe Vf? J"! $4.25 per dozen, 15 varieties ot highest M CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. quality. Special sale. 1608 Podge St. Douglas 1I4S. . NATIONAL CHICK CO. LISTINGS WANTED " We Deliver Phone Doug. 8300. Western 411 KartaJ. ffifg REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED. to 18c. according to age. National Chick VACANT lot In Minne Lusa, at bargain, Co.. .18 N. 16th hi. ; by owner. Box Q-94. Bee. WHEAT screenings, $1.50 per 100, deliv'd. , A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. Dg. 1142. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. live stck: . Do you Believe In TWO fresn milch cows for sale. Call pougias 1309 after 6 o'clock. gt Marys Avenue? TWO registered bullB. Colfax 1688. 1708-10 Jackson Street, brick building: FRESH cow and calf. Tyier 3257. lot. 60x132; paved alley;, $2,900 gross 1 . rental. See us for price and terms. EARMLANDS; GLOVER & SPAIN, For Rent realtors. . 918 City Nat'l. Douglas 2850. ' FOR RENT. . : : . REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. Tu'PTltV AfTeS SiX-ROOm TO EXCHANGE Somo cash and clear, AWeill -n.LI.CO UJA. IVWUIII beautflI, m0ll!Tn 6.r0om bungalow; 2 rooms in oak; 2H blocks from 2 car Ueiiisp lines; In Walnut Hill, for 6 or 7-room, HUUOCi good, modorn. 2-story house near car line on West Side. Address Box Y-1519, Omaha Bee. , Good barn, chicken house, fins : - REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. concrete cave, lots of fruit; two . Florence. and one-half miles north of Flor- r : ; 7. .. , .- 4-R.M. cottage, lot 70x132, electrio ltcht, snce; possession at once; now good well, fruit, etc.; price $2,250. small payments: possession May lu; no col vacant ored. Nethaway. Kenwood 14t9. J 7-RM. res., all mod.; 3 large lots 132x360; T. T-Tlflff f!flin I V!J Yl V all kinds bearing fruit except peaches; . lXiatb VUUipatl , beau vie-. luRl iocation and home; no colored. Price $7,800. Kenwood 1409. BETTER VALUES Nethaway. Flor. prop., no col. Ken. 1409 Hlatt Bldg.. 1314-16 Douglas. ' REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Tyler 0063." - , ; ' West. Nebraska Lands. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. 160 ACRES all level. M a.;rfs under cult l- JOHN T. BOHAN. vatioti, mil. s fnm. Pit Sprlnss Neb. PaKXan Blk. ' rhnnB Tylr 4880. Uorth 8.., i-fi- acre, will s'-ll for 86:' . ll.imn ftsh down. , F, Ft. llcppock, Ful- NEW 6-roem modem licuc-e. U. Fischer, Urtoa, Neb. .' i lvi. IWi, r SEE JIGGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BF.E WEILL' TRY ANPi 'pt- urrtr V At) "YOU 5 s c-- fHfi . '.'II,,.! V 1921 by Intx FEATune SERvice. Inc. FARM LANDS. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE. 115 acres Iowa farm, 5 miles northeast of Council Bluffs, cast of Lincoln Higli wsy. 80 acres In cultivation, good 5 room bouse. Will sell on easy terms snd will accept Omnlia or Council Bluffs property ns down payment. 1HY A MAYNE. Council Bluffs, 34 Pearl St. Tel. 101, Omaha, 605 Keoline Bldg. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and stock, 38,000. Equity Lsnd Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. ' Miscellaneous.' Riverside Alfalfa-Stock Farm, 320 Acres, Only " $4,000 In prosperous community, convenient tovn markets; splendid hunting ftnd fishing: big free bluegrass Btock range; level inachino-worked lime soil tillage, cuts l1 tons hay acre, grows good al falfa crops; bountifully watered By springs and creeks; abundance wood and timber: SO apple, plum and pear trees: attractive cottage overlooking beautiful river; 10-eow barn, etc.; owner unable occupy makes low price $4,000 and In cludes team horses, hogs, etc.; part cash, easy terms. Details page 83, II lus. Catalog, 1,100 bargains, froe. Strout Farm Agency, 831 B. F.. New York Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CADILLAC Used Car Department. Cadillac 55 Touring Cadillac 65 Sedan Cadillac 57 Phaeton Cadillac 57 Touring ALSO Auburn Chummy Dodge Sedan Paige Touring Oakland Roadster Stevens-Duryea Touring Overland Roadster Overland Coupe Stearns Touring Studebaker 5-Passenger Packard 6-Cyl. Touring , Buiclc Roadster A SAFE .PLACE TO BLT t J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Farnam at 2$th. ' Harney 0710. SOME bargains lu used Ford cars. Mc Caffiey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson, 'as 3600. vL ,1V fw wml VJHT"S THE. HATTCR WITH VOL)? Mi REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Leavenworth Heights, New 5-Room Bungalow Easy Terms. An exceptionally fin 5 -room, . strictly modern bungalow; oak throughout ; nicely decorated ; Kuod basement attic; now vacant; possession at once. Me can sell this on a small cash, pay men'., balance same as rent. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, "Better Values" ITisIt Bldg., 1914-16 Douglas. Tyler O061. Cathedral District, Owner leaving city, must sell this fine residence located on 41st S t. . H hloclc from lHindec car. I block from 40th and Cuming car. This house is excellently arranged, having 4 fine bedrooms and larga sleeping porch on second floor. -Z rooms finished, on 3d; two baths, hot water heat, two fireplaces; all wall3 canvascd and decorated in oil. Large lot, garage, paved al ly and strcpts. nil paid for. Thia house la a BARGAIN, 114.500. Pp us at once and' let us show you this place. D. V. Sholes Co., REALTORS. Douglas 0046. 915-17 Cily Nat'l. Fine Seven-Room House, Cathedral District, $1,500 Cash. This oast front 2-story stucco, commanding" beautiful view of the city, built by the present owner; quarter-sawed white oak floors and finish downstairs; den, built in cabinets in kitchen; three bed rooms and tiled bath on second floor. Marvel hot air furnace, Kuud heater; laundry room with plastered ceiling. Lot, 75x121 feet. Located at 348 N. 37th. street. Trice reasonable. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 630 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 4223. Edgewood Bungalows. Up-to-the-minute houses in Omaha's exclusive buifgalow sec tion. Paved streets, close to car and bordering: on Elm wood park. Five and six rooms, excellent ar rangements, ' superior workman, ship and construction. A few completed, others building. Prices $6,750 to $8,750. For further in formation call Grant Benson, Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Tyler 3640. Evenings Walnut 1580. West Farnam District $6,500. This seven-room house at 3611 Jones St., has large living room, dining room and splendid kitchen downstairs and four dandy bed rooms and bath upstairs. House about 3 0 years old, splendid con struction. Can be sold on very Easy terms. Payne & Carnaby Co., "25 Tears' Realtor Service." 1S Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Jackson 1016. WEST-$3,150. Modern six-room home all on one floor; three blocks to car. Easy terms. Alfred Thomas & Son, REALTORS. 004 First National Bank Bldg. Near 43d and Mayberry, 8 rooms, living room, dining room, sun room, den, kitchen on first floor. Three bedrooms and sleep ing porch and bath on second floor. ' Lot 43X108. Price $8, 000.00. E. H. Benner Co. D. 8406 Realtors. 437 Railway Ex. 6-R. ilOD. ;- oak finish, fireplace; east front; garage. Close in, near park and carline. $5,750. Must have $1,250 cash. Atlantic "H23. 7 r North. Miller Park District 25th and Crown Point 5-room strict! modern bunga low, nil on one floor; built-in bookcases, built-in buffet; combi nation bedroom and sunroom; full cement basement, furnace heat; large attic, all plastered for 2 rooms, partly finished, making 7 rooms if you need it; garage and drive; paved street; one block to car; one block to Miller park; close to Miller Park school; $7,000. Payne Investment Co., 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. SOFT DRINK CONFECTIONERY. Two-story bldg.. near 3Cth and Ames. Doing fine business. Six-room, modern flat, 3d floor: S-room, modern flat and store room, first. Fine small stock of groceries and bakery goods. Must sell on account of ill health. tVlll consider a small residence as part payment, or sell on terms. R. V. BARRETT, Colfax 18C7. MINNA l.USSA BUNGALOW; six large rooms and bath, oak finish, large fire place, bookcases, buffot. bedrooms, fin ished in white enamel with oak floors: stair to attic, full basement, furnace heat: cast front corner lot. Present owner built this house nbout two years ago for a home: a real pickup st $9,000; about $2,500 cash. , RASP BROS., 213 Keeline Bldg. AT. 0721. 5 Rooms, $2,700. Fruit, chickens, garden. Owner leav ing city. Must sacrifice, $700 cash, bal. $20 per mo. Near 4Sd and Brown, 2 Mocks to car and scliool. R. W. BARRETT. Colfax 1867. XS.750 $500 Cash. 7 i Four-room, cony bungalow. Just com pleted. Full basement and paved street. Two blodks north Krug park. Move right in. R. W. BARRETT. Colfax 188,. COLORED 8-room strictly modern, dsndy loca tion, small payment down, balance like rent. E. M. Davis, ioju urani j Weber 2420. ; ; T-Tt MODERN; oak finish ; fireplace: . i... Qnn.. "t-'sna iTRO j garage. i.h'k iu. . v , can to nanru. .i-.ihihi. .- HOUSES f"r 'Olo:ed. small pa.woent down. TMvts r.'"n OlSi'l SI. Weh.ter 24J" b. E. BUCK i co. buy and sell Homes. ii..ev I " Jl III "l". -s - . r-. i yv- iSsW mm Drawn for The Bee by McManulJrl0 TrIrt Vtfrv Copyright. 1921 -International Nes Service I X 1 tllll 1 tvl T WILL YOU hUT NE. WITH YOUR CLua?t wNN CE. "bURe I'lM Chamber of Commerce Planning Its Annual Frolic and Barbecue Plans for tlu annual frolic and liuihccue of the Chamber of Com merce are under way. Date of tho festival has been set for June 4 at Elmwood park. Fully 5,000 are expected to attend. Doc Fryc, who has presided for years over these events, will be chef. Charles Gardner, song leader of Ak-r.r-Ben fame, will be present to lend his voice in cheering- up the cooks. Others who are interested in plan ning the affair are: G. M. Horton, W. J. Cully, II. F. Chenowcth, J. M. Gillan, Charles .Stcinbaugh, C. L. Sykcs, R. E. Langdon, E. V. Gwynn V'aughn, G. P. Horn and if. A. Tan cock. Omaha Camps Win Prizes At Woodmen Competition Lincoln. Mav 5. (Special.) Omaha Camp o. 120 drill team walked away with the $75 first prize at the competitive drill pageant staged here at the closing of the big Woodmen encampment.. South Omaha Camp .Xo. 1095 won the sec ond prize of .$50. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. COLORED 8 rooms strictly modern, large lot. small payment down, balance like rent. Call Webster 0923. 8306 FOWLER AVE., 7 rms.. mod. ex ht.; 2 lots, chicken house, fruit trees. $700 cash, bal, mo. Crelgh, 608 Bee. D. 0200. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer Iks best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest' metit. 642 Peters Trust. Doug. 80M. South. Five-Room Modern House 3405 South 34th St. New five-room modern home, with up-to-date built-in features, such as built-in bdokcases. buffet, cupboards and Ice box room. The house is lo cated on corner lot with paved streets; nice garage, C. G. Carlberg, ! 1 TIEALTOR. I Pougias O.'sj. 312 Brandeis Th. Bldg. $2,000. On Fierce Street, five rooms with city water, electric lights, large lot fenced, with nice shade trees, some outbulltings. Amos Grant Company, REALTORS. Douglas 83S0. 3S0-2-4 Brand. Th. Bldg. $300 DOWN will buy new modern 4-room home. Hot water heat. $3,600, balance only $32.60 per month. Atlantic 3623. Acreage. 10 ACRES. Near Dundee, practicable for garden ing or keeping f-jw cows; 4-room house, barn, etc.; rent $30 per month. GEORGE & CO. Miscellaneous. Strictly Modern Homes 4233 Douglas. 7 rooms: full 2-story: first floor : has 3 large rooms and hall; oak finish and floors; 3 beds-corns, en closed sleeping poach and bath on second; full cemented basemen'.; newly painted: splendid condition. Price $7,500; $4,000 cash required. 4359 Hamilton St. 6 rooms and sunroom; splendid construction; first floor has S rooms and sunroom: oak floors and finish throughout; 3 bedrooms end bath finished in white, with oak floors. See this today; $1,500 cash will handle. 2316 South 35th Ave. 6 rooms, all modern; oak floors and finish in living room aSid dining room: 2 nice bedrooms with maple floors: bath and kitchen: large east front lot; $5,500; $2,500 cash. j Corner 38th and Charles. 5 rooms; brand new; just being completed; living room and dining room have oak floors and finish; 2 nice east bedrooms with white enameled bath; kitchen has built in cabinets; full cement basement: both streets paved; $5,750; $1,500 cash. Payne & Carnaby Co., "25 Tears' Realtor Service." 618 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Jackson lOlo. E. H. Benner Co. to Build 200 FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOWS 90-DAY DELIVERY. $300 down, $48 monthly; Sf l.ono down, $43 monthly. Plans at our of fice. E. H. Benner Co., REALTORS. 437 Railway Exchange. Tt. MH6. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS., For $450 cash you can buy this tive room, all modern bungalow being built now Name your choice of Interior mid exterior finish If bought this week;f'nc location. Call Mr. Cole. Walnut 432, evenings, or Douglas 7412, days. . SAVE and HAVE If you are paying rent you are NOT saving. If you are paying for a home you ARE saving. Buy your home on easy payments. Creigii, Sons & Co. Established 186S 60S Bee Bldg. Doug. 0200 L Dull. Says Agent For Big Company, Many Firms So Overstocked They Will Not Buy for Years; Demand Eutircly For Fresh Skins. The hide trade is extraordinarily dull, and that is describing the situ ation very mildly," said B. Deutsch of Kansas City, representative of F.lkin & Co. of Chicago, one of the k.rgest handlers of hides in the I'nited States, who visited the Omaha stock yards yesterday. "Demand for hides at this' time is confined almost entirely to fresh tncs, which are rather scarce at present. The returns from coyntry hides will hardly cover the expense of transportation, on account of the low market price. "Many of the eastern tanneries have stocks of hides in such large quantities that they will not be in the market for more for several years, while other tanneries are closed. Only about 30 per cent of the tanneries are in operation. Only a small fraction of the value of fin ished leather is charged up to the first cost of hides, such as used in shoes. "Freight from feed lot to market, from market to tannery, from tannery to factory, from factory to jobber and from jobber to retailer, all goes to the cost of shoes. It is very "prob able that shoe dealers are making too large profits on the shoes that ordinary people wear. , According to experts who study costs, there is iw pair of shoes made that should sell at retaU at a cent more than $10, and that is a pretty steep price for the average man to pay. "There is an enormous over-supply of hides in the country, and some of those hides will deteriorate so much in the next two years that they will have to be used for manufacturing of glue." A drove of steers numbering 250 was bought on the local market yes terday by representatives of Wilson & Co. for export to England. Since the demand on the local market for cattle for export, which started about two months ago. over 1,000 head have been bought here. Fly From Lincoln for University Day Here Following their arrival in Omaha bv airplane yesterday afternoon, Ira Floniger and Edna' Dippell took a continued flight over the city, viewed the Xebraska university hospital and returned to Ak-Sar-Ben field where thev were grectd by friends. The two flyers cama herc to spend "University day" today. Mr. Floniger was a lieutenant in the aviation department of the army and served overseas during the war. Miss Dippell belongs to Delta Delta sornritv. n . r jj i.. -r weal vrraiiuuaugiiieT ui "HiF J. Sterling Morton Dies Caroline Morton, o, great-grana-daughter of the late J. Sterling Mor ton of Nebraska City, died yesterday in Chicago of cancer, an unusual dis ease for a child so young. " Caroline was the daughter of Sterling Morton, son of Joy Morton, Chicago lawyer and capitalist. The little girl was named for- her grandmother, who was Carrie. Lake, daughter of the late Judge George B. Lake of Omaha, who died several years ago. . Her father is a nephew of Dr. F. W. Lake. 5010 Capitol avenue, and of the Charles L. Deuel family of Omaha. Real Estate Transfers Ralph JT. Brown snd wife lo Wil liam 11. Warner and wife. 29th " St., 273 ft. N. of Mason St., "W S, 48.13x140 $10,800 Henry B. Payne and wife to Frank lin Hawkins et al.. X. TV. cor. ner 33d and Boyd Sts.. 4"xl28.. 3,150 The Byron Reed Co. to Minnie Dyer, Cedar St., 282 ft. E. of 66th St., 47x128 11$ Louise Schoepflin to George P. Dur nall, 33d St., 106 ft. N. of Jaynes St.. K. side. 40x133 300 Charles B. Shufelt and wife to George B. Shufelt, 25th St., 41 Vs ft. S. of Saratoga St., W. side, 83x123 ,00 Mary Nowaczyk and husband to Harry L. Buckles, TVoolworth Ave., 50 ft. W. of 27th St., S. side, 50x100 3,800 Alonzo C. Fleetwood and wife to Carl Larsen and wife. Davenport St., 112 ft. E. of 25th St., N. side, 65x123 1,500 Frank J. Kutak and wife to Joseph TV. Kastl and wife, 12th St., 2S'i ft. S. of Hickory St., E. side, 5014x150 '. 1,100 Batle Willis to M. Virginia Wcll sie, Crown Point Ave., 125 ft. TV. of 25th Ave., S. side. 45x120 4.005 Carl A. Johnson and wife to Louis W". Eipperle, 44th Ave.. 288 ft. N. of Pratt St., TV. side, 40x137 411 Margaret E. Adams to John L. Tinim. 24th St., 122 ft. N. of Sprague St., E. side. 37x124 4,250 Harry Reuben and .wife to Jacob Rife, 16th St., 287U ft. S. of Wil liam St., TV. side, 97x120 14,000 Christine Olsen to James Dowd and wife, 23d St., 120 ft. S. of Mason St.. E. side. 26x124.7 1,750 Stanley J. Green and wife to Jennie E. Gorton, Emmet St., 174 ft. TV. of 18th St.. S. side. 60x124.. 4,000 Katherlne Plnkerton et al. to Kath erlne TVIllls, Bristol St., 645 tt. W. of 24th St., S. side, 33x132.. 1,650 Dora B. Conslghy and husband to Katherlne I'inkerton et al., 41st St.. 188 ft S. of Dodge St., TV. side, 46x125 4,500 Frank E. Gomber and wife to Wil liam 41. Gember, Park Wild Ave., 225 ft. S. of William St., E. 2 side 2,700 William II. Russell and wife to Rosa T.. Abrahams, N. E. cor. 27th and Seward Sts., 60x83 8,000 "William P. Campbell and wife to Clarence C. Shaw and wife, 53.1 St., 100 ft. S. of Center St., TV. side, 50X140 3,250 Fannie Gross and husband to Anna Stern (und. H Interest). Chicago St.. 108 ft, TV. of ,26th St., S. side, 86x146 Llby Abrams and husbapd to Er nest Stern, Burdette St.. 180 ft. K. of 25th St.. S. side, 28x126 1,$ TV. M. Ralnbolt and wife to Henry Hammerly, X. TV. cor. ,30th and Orover Sts.. 484x123.6 17$ Stanlslaw Tatars to Andrew Micek and wife, 28th St.. 150 tt. S. of F St., TV. eld. 60x150.... 1,121 Lisle G. Austin and wife to Barker company, California St.. !0 ft. TT. of 51st St.. X. S., 50x135.... $,$"( John O. TVentworth and Wife to Barker company. 49th AVe., 96 ft. N. of Burt St.. E. S., 47x70.. T.iOt Beesle Blotcky to TVtlllam If. Gor don. 4 ft. S. of Jackson St., E. S.. 25x140 ;,6! Barker company to Charles D. Pen nlston. Nicholas St., 89 ft. TV. of 1 Oregon Trsil. S. S 47x120 854 , W aldo H, Rothert and wife to ' Amanda A. - Pillsbury, Fonlenelle I nivd.. 450 ft. B. of Miami St., E. I S 50x12$ ,., !.:?$ : Edward T. Heyden and wlfa to Baker Ice Machine company, N. TV. cor. 16th and Evans Sts., $0x 123 , 1 iJ ratrlck H. Hammond and wife to Bsker Ice Machine company. Msnderson St., ion ft. TV. of Sherman Ave,, N. 6, ti!0...... $00 i