Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Omaha Air Fleet
Attends Funeral
Of Blair Pilot
Five Planes, Commanded ly
Supt. Votaw, Scatter Flowers
On Grave; Full Military
' , ' Services.
Full military honors were - ac
corded Air Mall Pilot J. T. Christen
sen, who was filled in Cleveland, at
his funeral in his litt!; home town of
Blair yesterday.
Over 10,000 people from all parts
of the county attended. Ma;. Reid
Q'JIanlon of the Ameripan Legion
was in charge of the services. Rev.
W. H. Underwood of the Crowetl
Memorial home delivered the ser
mon and Rev. Mr. Vig of Dana col
lege spoke in Danish.
The pallbearers were all former
service men, four soldiers, two" sailors
and two marines. In the cortage
were over 50 sailors and 20 sailors
in uniform.
Day Was Ideal.
Four milk white horses drew the
gun carriage bearing " the former
soldier's body. The .day was ideal
and facilities were not large enough
to care for the crowdjs. Over one
fourth of the crowd was unable to
get inside of the opera house wheie
the services were heldy" The cemo
try was unable to care; for the hun
dreds of automobiles in the cortage,
A squadron of five airplanes flev
from Omaha to Blair, where he
pilots landed, attended the services in
the city hall, remounted theirplanes
and scattered flowers from the air on
the fresh grave of their former com
rade. Pilots who flew to Blair included
Tex Marshall, Christensen's "buddy";
Jack Knight, V. A. Yackcy, Clar
ence C. Lange, Pilot James, Lewis
Bowen, W. R. Holcomb and Andy
Votaw In Command.
With Lange, in an Ashmusen
''Swallow" plane, flew Superin
tendent William I. Votaw of the
Omaha air mail station, who was
in command of the air fleet.
" The floral decorations were pro
fuse. Pilots and mechanics from the
mail service sent a miniature airplane
of flowers. A large floral wreath was
dropped over the grave by the air
men. The planes circled eight times over
the cortage dropping flowers. The
aviators circled extremely low as the
cortage wended its way from the
opera house to the cemetery.
All business houses and public
buildings in Blair were closed dur
ing the funeral. Dana college, of
which Christensen was a graduate,
suspended sessions.
Services in the city hall were held
at 3. The Omaha air fleet hopped
off Ak-Sar-Ben field at 1 :30.
High Schools to Join
In Commencement
Exercises on June 1 6
The graduating senior class of the
High School of Commerce will hold
its banquet at Happy Hollow club
June 13, according to plans recently
Rev. E. H. Jenks will preach the
baccalaureate sermon Sunday, June
12, at the First Presbyterian church.
Commencement exercises will be
held in conjunction with the' grad
uating classes of South; Benson and
Central High, schools at the City
auditorium Thursday. June 16. The
present class of graduates numbers
104 "owls."
Class rings and pins, designed by
Henry Johnson of, Commerce HJgh,
were distributed yesterday, '.,
Chtfster G. Linn, dean of--boys,
is busy looking up positions for the
prospective accountants, stenogra
phers, artists, journalists, mechanics
and architects.
According to a survey- made' in
1919, the working women in
Pennsylvania, 222,763, received an
average weekly wage of $11.60.
ALBERT1NA R ASCII, the Internation
al danca celebrity, la presenting a
colorful . mounted production at the
Orpheum this week as the stellar at
traction. Seven scenes are offered la
her artistic act. Her newest creation,
"After the Storm," !a unique In Its stag
ing and wonderfully effective In .its at
moapheHc beauty. Her musical direc
tor la the noted solo violinist, I. Nagel.
Three of her most gifted pupils, Agnes
Roy and the two Rothaker sisters, dis
play unusual grace and technical finish.
One of the featured acts Is presented
by the unusually glifted singing come
dienne, Bessie Browning. Another fea
tured part of the bill is presented by
the entertaining monologtst and singer,
Gene Greene.
Coming as the stellar act ot the Em
press show today is Crandall's Brasillsn
Cirrus, an act which will be hailed with
delight by the younger generation; to
whom the environment of a circus means
so much In pleasurable anticipation - ns
well aa to the older folks. Featured on
the bill Is Arthur Terry, who, in con
junction with a line of comedy talk, pre
snts a lariat or rope exhibition In which
he duplicates alt the wonderful efforts
of famous lariat artists. Donahue and
Fletcher, a duo ot gingery young chaps,
are to offer a comedy singing, talking
and acrobatic number. Completing the
vaudeville show are Collins and Hill, a
team of entertainers whose offering is
made up of singing, talking and bicycle
Those old favorites of the comic sec
tion. Mutt and Jeff, are appearing at
the Brandela theater for the balance of
the week. This season Qua Hill has
furnished "Mutt and Jeff at the Races,"
said to be the funniest and bst of any
of thetr offerings. There are many comic
adventures experienced by the elongated
comedian and, hta tiny companion.'
"The Sweetheart Shop," direct from
four weeks at the Columbia thater, San
Francisco and fresh from triumphs in
New York, Chicago and ' Boston comes
to the Brandela theater four days, start
ing Sunday night. May . with matinee
on Wednesday, with Harry J. Morten and
the entire original company. The same
big scenic production which takes two
targe railroad cars to transport, as used
In San Francisco, will be on view here.
It Is a Broadway show with a Broadway
company including special musicians who
were sent from New Tork to California.
"Mary Ross," the newest play from
the Den of Sir James M. Barrle. In which
Miss Ruth Chatterton is to be seen here
at the Brandela theater for four peform-
ances. beginning Thursday evening. May
13. has now passed Its loots perform
nee at the Havmarket theater in Lon
don. with every prospeot of continuing
for aa many more. Miss Chatterton, dur.
Ing the long run In New Tork of . the
Barrle play at the Empire tneater, ap
peared In the title role almost aa equal
number of times, to be a succession of au
diences crowding the famoua Charres Froh
man theater to Its capacity nightly. Her
engagement here in "Mary Rose" marks
ore- of the earlieet appearances la the
r'a outs!de of New Tork City.
. " .jtts---.,-! .
Pearl White, who comes to ths
Moon theater next week in "The
Thief," went into motion pictures
because she had lost her voice while
playing in a stage production at
South Norwalk, Conn. She had to
do something, she said, so she went
from the stage to the screen without
losing a day's work.
Miss White made her fame on the
screen in serials, she having been
called "the queen of serials."
Downtown Programs.
. Rialto Charles Ray in "The Old
Swimmin' Hole."
Sun Alice Lake in "The Greater
Strand Norma Talmadge in "The
Passiom Flower."
, Moon William Farnum in "His
Greatest Sacrifice."
..Empress "The Coast of Oppor
tunity." -
Muse "Sins of Rosanne."
Neighborhood Houses.
Grand Douglas Fairbanks in
"The Mark of Zorro."
Hamilton Billie Burke in "Away
Goes Prudence."
Victoria "For the Soul of
Suburban "Unseen Forces."
Hippodrome "The Idol Dancer."
Lyric "Married Life "
Percy Marmont has been studying
sculpture under the distinguished
tutelage of Salvatoie Bilotti to in
sure a greater realism in- his present
film .portrayal '. Marmont is now
creating the leading male role in
Whitman Bennett's adaptation of
"The Price.." to be called "Love Is
Everything. . , .
Vera Gordon's latest honor has
come in the organization-of the
Vera Gordon Dramatic club in Mil
waukee as a testimonial to her ar
tistic performances on screen and
stage: -' ' '
A Sundav school tearlier in T on.
don has written to Constance Tal
madte to tell her hf an amiictnff in
cident that occurred in her class
room, ."she was reprimanding a little
Glen Miles of Omaha , Says
1 anlac Has Made a New
Man of Him.
"I hadnt been well in fifteen vears
at the time I began taking Tanlac,
but I was never in better health be
fore than I am today," said Glen F.
Miles, .620. North Eighteenth, street.
rOmaha, Neb., recently, a valued em
ploye of the onion Pacific railroad.
'I think I had been knocking alone
feeling bum and out of sorts and no
account long enough. My stomach
had been bothering me for years and
years and my appetite was sy near
gone I wasn t eating anything worth
mentioning. I had awful bilious
spells every now and then and my
stomach was sour all the time. My
back hurt terribly, I had terrific
headaches and at times got so dizzy
I couldn't keep on my feet. I slept
poorly and couldn't half work and it
looked like I never would be any
account any more.
But Tanlac has turned the' trick
for me and I feel so altogether dif
ferent it hardly seems like I am the
same man. My appetite is fine and
I cant tell I ever had stomach
trouble. I sleep good and sound; in
fact, am in the best of health and at
work don't have to ask any man my
odds. There's no doubt in my mind
but what Tanlac is the best medicine
ever made."
Tanlac is sold by the leading
"Now I Can Walk," Says Mrs.
Southcott of Medina.
"Here ii mother letter that makes me
happy." says Peterson of Buffalo. "One
that I would rather have than a thousand
"Money isn't everything tn this world.
There is many a bin hearted, rich man who
would Rive all he has on earth to be able
to produee s remedy with such tmlghty
healing power as Peterson's Ointment, to
sell at all druggists for 60 cents a large
Read this letter, written February 14,
1918. by Mrs. Albert Southcott of Medina,
N. Y. It' seems like a miracle, but it is
true, every word of it.
I know it because I get similar letters
almost every day from people who have
used my ointment for old sores, ecsema
and piles.
Is it any wonder I am happy t
Peterson - Ointment Co., Inc., Buffalo,
N. Y. .
Dear Sirs:
"I was an untold sufferer from an old
running sore and ulcers. I had tried most
everything without any relief from pain.
A friend told me of your wonderful oint
ment and the first box took away the pain
that had not left me before in years, and
after using jut nine dollars worth of the
salve I am cured. Ths ulcer was 9 inches
by 4 inches, is all healed afid I can walk.
Kever, never will I be without Peterson's
"You may use this to recommend your
ointment if you wish. I cannot nay enough
to praise it." Yours truly, Mr. Albert
Southcott, Medina. N. Y. Mail orders filled
by Peterson Ointment Co.. Inc.. Buffalo,
N. Y. Sherman McConnell Draft Co. will
supply you.
child who had been lying. "Have
you ever heard the word 'Con
science'? she ai-ked. A period of
uncomprehending silence was at last
broken by the little girl piping up:
"Yes, Miss Courtley, Conscience
Talmadge 1"
Each year brings its new crop of
"finds." In 5-year-old King Evers,
Oliver Morosco believes that he has
one of the most important "discov
eries" of the year. The youngster,
originally cast in a small part in
"The Half Breed," proved such a
success that the role was expanded
so that the boy became a near
principal. The Morosco officials
think so highly of the bov that lie
has been placed under contract. Eu
genia Gilbert, a beautiful girl of 17,
is another member of the cast in tJie
first Morosco picture to receive a
long contract because of her work
in an incidental part. She may be
heard from soon as a new Morosco
Norma Talmadge lias been invited
to sit for a portrait in Spanish cos
That's What Everyone WantsYou Can Have a Beautiful
Home in Minne Lusa All Your Own. Get Busy Today Join the
Omaha Bee's $25
This club is still young. There is plenty of opportunity to start in now and
make a splendid showing with very little effort. A large number of towns in the
territory covered by The Bee are not now represented by a live, active club mem
ber. By active club members we mean those who are securing subscriptions. By
looking over the list of club members as published in today's paper you can readily
see that some of the club members, whose names are in the list are not working.
; Some of them, are sending in free vote coupons, and coupons will not" win awards.
You should not wait until they finally awake to the golden opportunity that exists
to secure one of the 27 awards. Send your name to the club manager and you
will be supplied with full and complete details of the campaign, together with the
list of our subscribers who take the paper by mail in your home town.
Every subscriber to The Bee is entitled to vote when making their subscrip
tion payments. Of course, new subscribers are given twice as many votes as old.
In sending in your subscription for renewal, be sure and ask for votes for your
" favorite club member. In your town or neighborhood there is someone who is tak
ing part in the $25,000,000 Help Yourself Club. Encourage these members by
asking for votes when you make your subscription payment.
Membership Entry Blank
The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club
5,000 VOTES
I nominate
(Mr., Mrs. or Miss)
Street No Dist. No
City State ...... '
As a member of The Help Yourself Club
Address '..
This nomination blank will count for 5.000 votes if sent
to the manager of the H. Y. S. Club. Only one blank will
count for a member. Fill out this blank with your name or
the name of your favorite and send it to The Bee. The name
of the person making the nomination will not be .divulged.
Will include all territory Inside the
City limits of Omaha south of Pacific
street, west of the river to Seventy
second street. Including Ralston, Belle
vue, i'ort Crook and Aver)1.
One $1,113.00 Maxwell, -one $200.00
11. 4s I.. Deposit and one $100.00 H.
Si I.. Deposit will be awarded In this
R. W. Sage, 2619 S. S3d St..
Mrs. C. A. Christensen, 622 Cedar.
Ernest Hsrngren, 2015 S. 7th. St...
Martha Ebert, 2402 Poppleton
Mrs. Thomas Seize, 2318 I St
Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 1837 S. 12th..
Frank Kennlson. 1509 S. 26th St..
John Salerno, 723 Pierce St
Frank Sterba, 12 Ex. Bide., S. Y.
C. O. Philips. 1624 Polk St
Fred Stroeh. 4942 South 6th
Mabel llogan. 2408 S. 24th........
Ed Julls, 6808 S. 30th. t
William Murray. 3024 S. 32d Av.
Mrs. Fred Kaiser, Bellevue. Neb. .
Mrs. J. N. Williams. 3608 S. 23d..
Pernlce Wawrz, 3926 L St
Mabel Oarevett. 825 Bancroft
Mrs. Alfred Pederon, 2019 Dorcas.
Mrs. F. Marecek, 8218 S. 20th St...
Theo. A. Isaacson, 2117 S. 31st...
Mrs. Anna Ruppert. 2014 Martha..
Mrs. C. A. Kauth. 1822 Bancroft...
John Kwasnlewski. 2857 Oak
. 5,810
. 6,390
. 6,690
. 6,510
. 6,600
. 6,490
. 6,120
. 6,480
. 6,130
Mrs. Katherine Hnwes, 3024 8. 18th
Miss C. O'Halloran. 2791 S. 1.0th...
H. Hakenholz. 2323 Monroe...'.:..
Iva Siesrel, 1724 Dorcas
O. H. Evans. 4fc50 S. 40th
Mrs. E. D. Haworth. 1773 S. 8th.'...
George Peterson, 3412 Wright
Aage Jorgensen, 3520 S. 20th ....
Will Include all territory inside the
rKy limits of Omaha and on, and
north of Pacific street, west of the
river to Eighty-third street and as far
north as -Maple street. .
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. & I,. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
ft I.. Deposit will be awarded In this
Fred O. Wltte, 3517 Seward 10,660
Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, 3804 Karnam. ..18,580
O. W. Hendee, 4204 Burdette 11,160
A. D. Klein. Jr.. 4806 Dodge ..47,380
Kloj-e B. Morell, 544 S. 25th Ave.... 46, 710
O. J. Wright, 2310 Howard .....19,340
James Addeson, 2411 N. 18th. ..6.600
W. T. Ziesel. 3314 Decatur '.. . . . .11, 930
H. Peterson. 120 N.- 2Mb .5, 690
Dr. Frank G. Smith, Blackstone. .. .47.780
Louis J. Kchafer. 113 N. 26th. ....... 6.760
Mildred Plsnk. 2714 Burt 49.290
Mrs. Anna Morenelli, 858 S.- 21st. .. .11,670
Fred Keogh, 220 N. 19th 6,180
A. Hicks. 2716 Miami ...7,800
R. H. Ackley. 2607 N. 24th . .11.370
Mrs. Emily Winner, 119 N. 20th. ... .49,790
Kedwig Michel, 2411 N. 58th 6,280
Gertrude Levin, 2051 N. 19th 10.400
Louis Blewits. 2771 Burt 10,480
R. E. Holbrook, 3556 Pacific ..48,340
Marten Troufelt, 2435 Hamilton.. ..10. 400
Herman Nachshoen. 413 X. 18th 16,210
Dejsle I). Harrop. 2567 Douglas 1 1 . SSO
tume to the eminent American paint
er, J. Campbell Phillips, whose
works are well known at the Metro
politan Museum, and the Lotos club,
and have been hung in many Fifth
avenue galleries. Mr. Phillins par
ticularly requested Norma to wear
the niagnificicnt Spanish shawl in
which she appears in one scene in
"The Passion Flower." This gor
geously embroidered, heavily fringed
antique shawl is of white crepe de
chine with brilliant flowers and
spreading vine designs, and cost the
neat little sum of $1,200. Miss Tal
madge has practically started the
great fad for Spanish shawl evening
wraps, which is so apparent this sea
son. Railway Director Dies.
Elizabeth, N. J., May 4. F. H.
Davis, 61, officer and director of
more than a dozen railroads, died
here yesterday. He also was an offi
cial of a number of other business
enterprises, including the Newport
News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock
C. A. Wier, 1915 Charles 11,270
C. F. Slosson, Jr., 4906 Cuming 48,760
Ida Karback, 1433 N. 20th 28,580
J. K. Mcintosh. 4160 Chicago 46,690
Mrs. Mary Engel, 2706 Cuming 24,660
Mrs. A. E. Waack, 2222 Howard 60,680
Mrs. E. English, 1005 S. 38th Ave.. . .21, 310
Mrs. C. L. Case, 2874 Corby 10,310
O. T. Peterson, 3009 Harney 6,800
Marten J. JJineen, 938 N. 26th 16,370
Mrs. Chas. Peklo. 1614 X. 36th 6,680
Blanche Snyder. 723 S. 25th Ave 15,800
R. L. Murray. 4424 Jones 6,340
Mrs. Bessie Beach, 1008 S. 29th 10,480
Richard Tisard, Jr., 220 N. 23d 6,070
Harold Anderson, 3116 Marcy 11,860
Josephine Shumaker, Loyal Hotel. .-.16,250
T. D. Paganis, 411 S. 16th 5,290
E. H. White, 567 S. 33d 6,000
Mrs. W. J. Whitaker, 4804 Dodge 6,480
L. N. Swanson, 4129 Lake 5,'030
Mrs. B. N. Clausen, 4809 Underwood . 5,240
Mrs. Marie Coulter, 3009 Harney 6,000
Mre. R. L. Pattison. 218 Turner Ct... 5,000
Sam Wolf. 2316H N. 30th 5,000
Rev. N. C. Hanson. 1713 N. 25th St.. 6, 000
W. J. Duve. 3223 Seward 5.010
Mrs. C. M. Tomandl. 4507 Charles 6,070
Roland Preisman, 1018 N. 32d 5,000
Horrace Srhaeffer, 4225 Cuming ...5,000
Emmet Wiemer, 416 S. 42d 5,050
Mrs. C. E. LInneman, 1633 Victor. ... 6,000
Will include all territory inside the
city limits of Omaha an and north ot
Maple street, west of the river to
Eighty-third street and north to Sara-cant
street. Including Florence and
the Carter Luke district.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. ft I Deposit and one $10.00 B. &
V. Deposit will be awarded in this
Edna Lawrenson, 7711 N. 28th Ave... 10,680
Fred B. Nichols, 3415 N. 24th 11,040
A. L. Frederick. 2568 Whltmore 49,740
Mona Harris. 2964 N. 47th Ave. 11,680
Henry Christensan, 6904 Minne Lusa
Blvd -.11.610
C. D. Schnell, 2428 Crown Point 11,200
G. J. Emery, 2564 Pratt 49,590
LLeo Daniels. 2302 Maple 60,650
Airs. Kope Teaesco, zvav Lincoln niva. e.iiu
Violet Brotchie. 6020 Florence Blvd.. 18,660
A. H. Mayer, 2438 Ellison ,. 5,760
Mrs. L. M. Thlrtle, 6006 N. 30th i.. 6,389
Oliver Cole, 4738 N. 40th .6,180
Mrs. W. W. Davis. 8929 Flor. Blvd.. .12, 210
Louixe Shumate, 1484 Plnknty 16,870
Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8511 N. 29th 10,650
C. Hall, 2879 Vane.... 6,140
Dr. W. A. Oerrie, 6616 Flor. Blvd 5,210
Winifred Travis. 2861 Fowler 6,280
Mrs. J. W. Rodebaugh, 3180 Mere- ,
dlth 11,280
Mrs. J. M. Streeter, 4008 N. 34th
Ave v.... 6.190
Mrs. Henry Veldman, 8620 N. 30th... 5,380
Mrs. O. L. Tracy, 2811 Browne 6,17rO
Mrs. E. D. Perrin, 3120 N. 47th 10,30
P.en Ferrell, 3410 N. 24th 5,000
Mrs. J. A. Wilson, 2713 Camden 6,000
E. I. Johnson, 5035 Plnkney 0,000
Mrs. N. P. Sass, 2569 Meredith 6,000
Mrs. C. L. Rogers, 3125 Tucker. 5,020
Mrs. J, E. Dalton, 102 Locust 8.000
Mrs. H. E. Young, 6338 N. 36th 5,010
W. P. Bohsn. 2578 Evans 6,000
Mrs. W. McKenna. 2018 Emmet 6.040
Address Your Entry Blank and All Communications to THE. OMAHA BEE "Help
For further information, subscription blanks, etc., call, write
Opens at 9 a. m. 312 Peters Trust Building (Bee Building)
Cut in Federal
Reserve Rates
Expected Soon
Action of New ork Banks Re
garded as Forerunner of
General Reduction in
Other Districts
Washington, May 4. Reduction
of the federal reserve board redis
count rates in the farming districts
as a relief measure in the agricultur
al credit situation was regarded as
probable tonight by some treasury
officials who commented on the ac
tion of the New York reserve bank
in lowering the rate on commercial
paper from 7 to 6 per cenf.
Coming after the reduction from
Home is at 2578 Titus Ave., "Minne Lusa" Addition.
Lot 44x120. Block 13, Lot No. 20. Modern in every way.
Geo. W. Allen, 1707 Manderson 5,010
Mrs. F. E. Waters. 3621 N. 18th.'. 6,000
Flank Woodruff, 3821 N. 24th 5,000
C. Flnkle, 2018 Manderson 5.000
Mrs. R. E. Moore, 6002 N. 28th Ave... 5.000
W. E. Stutenroth 2456 Camden 5 090
Will Include all territory in the city
of Council Bluffs. Including the Malta
wa district.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B.
ft L. Deposit and oao $100.00 B. ft X.
Deposit will be awarded in this district.
Mrs. W. C. Riley, 109 Angle Ave. 10.250
Gertrude Sullivan, 813 Ave. B 16,850
L. R. Roberts, 162 W. Bdwy 6,400
Ray C. Wilcox, 627 E. Bdwy 6,180
Anna Ward, 1006 5th Ave 17,810
Mrs: M. A. Smith, 2304 Ave. D 15,560
Rev. A. F. Catlin, 129 4th St 10,480
A. W. Gelger. Jr.. 426 Damon 16,850
Dorothy Lcnlhan, 653 Harrison St.. . .10,15
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1908 3d Ave.. .21,610
Harold O. DeVol, 1012 7th Ave .6.310
Mrs. W. J. Relnts, 1222 6th Ave. 17,800
R. P. Bolln, 2008 4th Ave 12,590
Mrs. Peter Jensdn, Oakland Ct 21,650
Mis. F. R. Scholes. 641 Mill 6.490
Lawrence Gallagher, 2408 Ave. A 6,360
Van Llddel. 2401 Ave. A 5,800
A. W. Anderson. 3431 3d Ave 10,410
Mrs. Iva M. Ford. 805 S. 18th 60,260
R. D. Edwards, 2310 Ave. C 10,450
Mrs. J. W. Head, 3485 3rd Ave 6.040
F. H. Moran. 114 S. 1st St 6,000
Msry Cahill. 123 W. Broadway ...5,350
John Kennedy, 1921 4th Ave 5,000
Ernest Taylor, 2407 Ave. C 5,080
P. McGee, 218 3d St 5,040
Mrs. L. C. Davis. 1417 Fairmont Ave. 6,080
M. Qreno. 1022 E. Broadway 5,150
Paul Brackney, 20 N. 1st 5,000
Lou Dunlay, Grand Hotel 5,1 SO
Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan, 2026 Ave. A 6,010
Katherine Malone, SU Ave. A 6.000
Will Include all the territory In the
slate of Iowa outMide the city of
Council Bluffs and the Manawa dis
trict. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one
B. ft L. Deposit and one $100.00 It.
ft I.. Deposit will be awarded in this
Francis Delanty, Dumphries. ...... .10.850
Emma Marsh. Villrsra 12.010
Thelma Lindsay, Sidney 17.890
Alice Hubbard, Persia.'. 17,760
Myrtle Rogers, Perctval .11.810
Audrey Nlpp. Mlneola ll.i-O
Mrs. June Fickel. Hustings IS, 420
Al Christenson, Weston 10,560
Thomas Page, Honey Creek 6.280
Harlen Klutts. Mondaniln.-. 63,810
Helen Holbrook. Onawa 5.410
Mrs. Nettle Batchelder, Rlverton. .. .16,890
John . Olllete, Atlantic... 11.460
Sadie Hughes, Orlswold 5,93
E. E. Asthelm, Glenwood 11.980
Olcn C. Silllk. Missouri Valley 15.980
Mrs. Gladys V. RusspI. Logan 10,580
Mrs. Ellen Tucker, Weston 11.46-1
Arizona Byrd, Henderson 5.09:i
James Atkins, Neola 21.840
Marlon Caughell. Carson 23,490
Ruth Knlnht, (ilenwood IT.Pn
7 to 6 per cent by the Boston re
serve bank, the action of the New
York bank was considered as indi
cating a gradual reduction of rates
on commercial paper in other dis
tricts of a uniform 6 per cent rate
throughout the country.
At present the only reserve dis
tricts maintaining the per cent rate
are Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta
and Dallas. Governor Harding of
the federal reserve board has just
visited the Chicago district andsome
officials expressed the belief his re
port of conditions would probably
determine the attitude of the board
toward adoption of such a method
for easing the farm credit situation.
Reduction of rediscount rates on
commercial 'paper as a means of
assisting farmers is understod to be
favored by Comptroller of Currency
Crissinger, although the board has
shown a disposition to go slowly in
any change of rates.
The Switzerland Synod of the
Protestant church has decided to al
low unmarried Swiss women to act
as ministers. .
The standing of the club members, as they appear in this issue, only includes
the votes received and counted at this office up to 3 p. m., last Saturday. The
standings will be changed again in next Friday's paper and will include the votes
that are received and counted at the H. Y. S. Club office before 6 p. m., Wednesday.
In order to insure accuracy, a Burroughs Adding Machine is used in tabulat
ing the votes.
The $25,000.00 List
1 $7,800.00 Home, First Capital Award
1 $4,440.00 Cadillac, Second Capital Award
1 $1,500.00 Conservative Savings & Loan Deposits, Third Capital Award
8 $1,1 15.00 Maxwell Touring Cars, First District Awards
8 $ 200.00 Building and Loan Deposits, Second District Awards
8 $ 100.00 Building and Loan Deposits, Third District Awards
Total Number of Awards - - 27
Betty Eacrett, Malvern 17,810
Rev. G. B. Bauman, Mlnden 6,69)
Gayle Wolfe, Malvern 5,140
Mrs. Billie Iwen, Schleswlg 5,160
June Oviatt, Shenandoah... 53,840
Francis Claussen, Manning 10,280
B. I. Mart. Emerson 6.160
Mrs. Ona Johnson, Pacific Jet 53,830
George W. Moore, Bartlett 6,190
Bert Graham, R. 1, Logan , 6,000
Nellie J. Solieder, Thunnan 5.00U
Gladys Mavis, Harlan 6,0'0
Eva Hough, Oakland 5,000
Mrs. Glea Harris, Avocs 6,000
Bernard Franklin, Hamburg S.OOo
Ivar Averlll, Stanton 5,000
Merle Andreas, Oakland.. 6,000
Dorothy Hull. Hepburn 21,040
J. H. Hudgens, Walnut 17.940
Merle B. Travis, Carson 6,810
- Will include the following counties in
the slate of Nebraska: Cass, farpy.
Douglas (outside the city ot Omaha).
- Saunders, Hntler, Polk, Merrick, Nance.
I'lalt, Colfax, Dodge. Washington
Burt, Cuming, Stanton, Madison
Boone, Antelope. Pierce, Wayne, Thur,
ton, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell one $200.00
B. ft I.. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
ft L. Deposit will be awarded In this
Mrs. Lulu Owen, Ashland.. 62,1190
O. C.'Hobak, Nehawka ..7.480
Zetta Lower, Valparaiso... 16,890
J.'H. Domingo, Weeping Water 6.430
V. H. Hoerstmann, Fremont 63,890
George Jacobs, Cedar Rapids 10,680
L; N. Warrick, Blsir.. 11,710
F. J. Bortusiah, R. 4. Clarks 6,610
John Otto, West Point 10.370
A. H. Christensen, Stromnburg 15,810
Louise Figenbaum, Springfield 10,480
Winnie McMillan. Rholby 5,890
Wm. Andrews, Belhvood 17,820
Vivian Dee, David City.... ...15,610
Gladys Hendricks, Elgin 20,060
F, R. Hoppock, Fullerton 11,680
Sarah ,Rausch, Lindsay 5,660
Coldie Voung, Meadow Grove 17,529
W, L. Scott, Osceolu .6.421
f irsio Pinson, Platte ticnter 5,420
Vim. Ryan. Pilger 11,280
A. D. Allen, Decatur 5.860
W. C. Wilde. 823 S. 8. Norfolk 5.480.
A. M. Sanders, Plattsniouth 63,680
Willis Lawrence, R. 1, Platte Center. .6, 270
F. L. Brown. Schuyler 5.820
Helen M. Wynkoop, Central City 5.890
C J. Ilaviland. Norfolk 6,260
Floyd Buchanan, Silver Creek 63,870
Henry J. Haynea, Oi-tavla 11.710
Si.m Davits, Wayne ...63,740
R. V. Kennedy, Tckamah 40,820
Joe Krajlcck, Arlington 17,40
Fred Boss, Columbus... -. 6,290
Elmer Nordland. Columbus 11,860
. Koch, K. 3. Columbus 6.420
Opal Adams. Valley 17,230
D. P. Hill, Genoa 17,380
Henrietta Miller, Oakland 63,820
W. C. Halsey, Oakdale 17,420
Clifford Cunningham, Wahoo 17,880
Herman Buhk, Beemer 6.860
H. A. Homann. Elkhorn 6. "70
F. T. Wigingfbn, Schuyler 5,840
Gordon Smith. Lyon 6.490
A. E Stafford. Rising City 11.390
Illinois Republican
Scores Civil Service
Rule for Postmasters
Washington, May 4. Expressing
an indignation which lie said he
shared "with the 7,500,000 voters
who made up the republican ma
jority last fall," Representative Wil
liams, republican, Illinois, broke into
a congressional proceedings yester
day with a demand that all postmas
terships be made immediately avail
able for appointment of the "loyal
and true workers of the party."
"Why, they are talking about civil
service examinations for postmaster,"
Mr. Williams exclaimed. "My opin
ion is that if the president had in
sisted upon all his cabinet members
taking the examinations they are
giving out to postmaster applicants,
nobody but Hughes and Hoover
would have qualified."
1 c
Campaign Closes June 25th, 1921
The Omaha Bee
Help Yourself Club
Not good after May 14, 1921. Must be voted or
mailed on or before expiration date.
M .... v..
Street No. .Dist. No
City ..... State
Good for 10 free votes when sent to the H. Y. S. Club on or
before above date. No coupon will be transferred to another
after being; received at the office of The Bet
Alvin Barton. Lyons 37.900'
R. E. Strasburg, Polk...; 37,980
Mrs. P. E. Buck, Fremont 5,290
Mrs. Wade Pruitt, Humphrey 6.000
Anton F. Votova. Schuyler 5.870
G. C. Smith. Albion. ...12,020
Charles J. Svoboda, Prague. 6,160
Chas. Riepl, 1730 No. D, Fremont 6,260
Anna Blumm, Scrlbner 6,470
J. C. Olcott. 3450 17th. Columbus 5.280
E. F. Cushman. Kennard 6,120
B. W. Stlts. -Wann 6.010
Frank Pallas, Pender 6,030
Mabel Brazda, WeBt Point 17,020
Nellie Dwyer, Colon 6,010
D. E. Hayes. Herman 6.000
Jessie B. Kay. Wlsner 5,050
Ida Ruther. Stanton -. 5.000
K. J. Muff ley. St. Edward 6,000
Jens Jensen, Lyons 20,050
a E. Anderson, R. 4, Norfolk 6,000
Cedrle Anderson, Wausa....- 6.110
J, M. Fox. Gretna .V 6,000
Laura Kolena, Creigliton ....31,510
Mra. Edith Schooler, Rosalie 5,150
George F. Dovey, 'Plattsmouth 6,000
Mrs. Archie Roberts. North Bend ...6 000
Lydla Seyersdahl, Madison 6,000
Marie Rowaldt. Yutan .- ;.. 6.010
Emma Fredstrom, Oakland 6,960
Mildred E. Johnson, Mead ...5,010
Will include the following counties in
the state of Nebraska: Otoe, Nemaha,
Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Uage,
Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jefferson,
Thayer, Fillmore, York, Hamilton,
Clay. Nuckolls, Webster and Adams.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
It. ft I.. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
I.. Deposit will be awarded In this
Mrs. Oils Wolford. Clay Center 8.960
Thomas Roster. Beaver Crossing 5,710
Ruth Wells. Blue Springs 17,860
Gladys Savior, Bruning 10,480
Battle Stables, Carleton 6.300
Eleanor Shoff. Fairbury 17.860
Geo. Whltesell. Kenesaw 16,680
Mrs. Lyda WolfsUIII. Superior 12,140
Francis llimburger, Wymore, 10.810
Frank C. Bruning, Milford 5,4o
Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Glltner 19.470
Chas. Lnunie, Alexandria. .. 17,460
Mrs. Dick Harper, Davenport 11,580
Raymond L. Crosson. Hastings 13,070
Mrs. 11. Anderson, 1324 H St., Lincoln. 5,660
Mrs. B. F. Jordon, York 17,6 Itf
Mrs. Marie Morris. Hebron.... 11,810
Tillle Nnlte. Auburn, R. i 37,840
Mrs. Mark Hall, Auburn 62.890
Robert Moore. Nelson 11,510
Emma Woodie, Peru 62.980
Will Brookley, Edgar.. 17,340
Mrs. Deon Kite, Auburn 62,780
Velva Balr, Fairmont ..6.860
A. C. Bek, Seward 5.160
Rev. L. A. Moser. Harvard ,...16.080
Vera Grosshaus, Sutton ......6.180
K. L. Knits, Deahlerv 6,120
Margaret Ahrens, Falls City 6.340
Mrs. Thomas Brown, Geneva.. 6.070
Agnes Krasomll, Aurora 6,00ft
Gall Parson, Humboldt 6.0:0
A. E. Pratt. Tobias 6.000
William McKerver, Cordova 6,000
Rev. R. B. E. Hill, Tahle Rock i.ooii
W. B. Lee, York..-. 6.000
Mrs. Chan. Fowler, Nebraska Cliv 7.i?0
Yourself Club," Omaha, Neb.
or telephone
telephone Atlantic 1000
Liver and Bowels
Right Always
Feel Fine
There's one rtgbt way to speedily tone
up uie ei ana Keep
the bowels tegular. sCm-
Carter's Little
Liver P Mi never
lau. minions
will testify
that there is
nothing so
crood for bil
iousness, indigestion, headache or sal
low, pimply skin. Purely vegetable.
Small Ptll-Ssaall Dose-Small Pries
The Bee want ads are business
Will include all territory in the state
of Nebraska' not included In Districts
Number 6 and 7. also territory in South
Dakota, Kansas and Colorado,
One $1,115,00 Maxwell, on $200,00
B. ft T Deposit and one $100.00 B. &
I.. Deposit will be awarded In this
district. .
If. S. Holme, Scottsbluff ,.. 17,890
A. C. Monkman, Elm Creek 10,470
W. B. Shelton, Paxton 20.260
Martin Nlelson. Da-nnebrog.. 17, "8n
Julia Burkland, - Sutherland 17.48H "
Mrs. E. T. Blgelow. Smithfieid 5,S9n
Dick Pullman, Sargent 12.78(1
Elizabeth Ralston. Orleans..., 52.5li
Neva Wetzel. North Loup 17.64ip
Mrs. Merle Spotts. Imperisl w5.5:'ii
Mrs. Minnie Calmer, Gothenburg 10,76c
Mae Dick. Cambridge 17.710
Mrs. Ethel Copeland. Bridgeport 33.78
Gladys Moore, Blooinlngton 10.S2J!
Mrs. C. M, Taylor, Benkelman 11,010
Hilda Jai-obson, Araphoe 17,660
J. E. Williams, Alliance 10.;o
Mrs. Margaret Miliigan. Arnold ;.S,5t
frigna Peterson. Eddyville, 11, Mo
Osoar Peterson, Sumner 6.40
Bert Brownell, Chappell S2,50
P J. Mlnner. 109 W. 6th, Grand 1S..37.6S0
Mrs. A. Callahan. Gerlng 11.480
Dr. D. A. Rundstroui. Curtis 16.270
Mrs, Walter Borden, Gordon 10,400
Mrs., Edna Isaacson. Cozad ...17,380
Mrs. Bertha A. Eber, Kirk... 11,690
K. H. Edwards, Scottsbluff.. 17.620
W. K. Harris. Bortrand 16,380
Mrs. Grace Redtfelt, Mlnden. ...... .17,510
George Gardner, Bayard 10,340
"Melba Fhilhrlck, Ord...., 17.840
C. B. Dosact, Axtell 6.3S0
E. O. Nlsley, Lexington 17,840
Wm. Halsey, Lebanon 6.190
Fern Gates, Stamford 16.290
Chas. Johnson. Jr., Manvllle 15.360
Mrs. Emll Stelnke, II old rem 17.860
Mrs. Clay Funston, Ogallala 44.870
A R. Ie. 719 N. Loaust, S. Tlatte. .62.44 1
Mildred Reed. Lexington 7,040
Blanche Myers, Sutherland 16.280
H. II. Stevens, 320 8. Vine, N. Platte 6.010
Mrs. II. C. Rosecrans. Juleaburg 6.020
C. H. Blackburn. Mitchell 6,150
Fern Bts, Franklin.. 5,290
Allle Nichols. IJ4 X. Syc. No. Platte. .o.tiOo
C. E. Grlsham. Lodgepole 33.010
John Firth. Long Pine 5.000
Mrs. Rav Rathbun. Hayes tenter 5.04s
Philip Mender, Campbell 6.UK1
K. C. McKak. St. Paul 6,000
elma Weatherwax. Sidney...... 6,000
Edw. Norlander, Keystone T
Ruth Walsh Shelton 1,000
Mrs. Robert Smith. Ord 5,M,n
Mr. Ins H. Harslrbiigr-r. Oconto. .. .6.060
Harvey Thompson. Ravenna 5.000
Helen Loomls. Gibbon 6.000
Mrs. Phillip Seefus, Scotia 5.9S0
No Extra Votes
After May 14th.