''l'Hfci BUU: UMAHA, TUBSUAX, MAY. 3. 1921. Logistics Kept Atlantic Fleet at Home During Early Part of War and Prudence During Latter Part, Declares Daniels Mm Mil 1(61 Y 1 , 1 ft J T 1 r a 1 Admiral Mara mmmrnr tA .ivTrfil.f In. th. iMmAn .Tnlftnitlnn if th. anw. .Wh.t Aiilli hat hnipmrd had Derails emljeri brokta through U Brttlab cordon! Admiral Bodfera speclsl Blwioa to Bsditj bj. By JOSEPHUS DANIELS. Form.r Secretary af ths Nsvy. Cssyri.hr. 1921, tiy J.ha F. Dills. Cssjrlfht by Nstlsssl Niwuaiar Senlc. Cosrlht la flraat Brllala. Caaada aad throuthsut Frssot. All tisht m.rws, laeludlaa rrasiistlM lata forslis laaiuaaaa, Iscluilss. lha 8caodaaala. Uasuthsrlitd nsrlatlas, tor any surset lerblioss. "Why don't you send Admiral Mayo and the powerful Atlantic fleet into the war zone?" men asked me during the war statesmen, naval offi cers, civilians. Men still ask me why I didn't send Mayo and his dreadnaughts to the North sea. Probably the man who was most interested in the answer to this ques tion was Admiral Mayo himself. He wanted to go. He wanted a chance to meet the Germans. He could think of all. sorts of arguments why he should be allowed to take his fleet and lie in wait for the enemy somewhere in the North sea, and every time he thought of a new one, he offered it question upon which division in and out of It was a there was a the navy. My own first inclination was to dispatch our whole fleet, except a few vessels necessary for coast pa trol to waters where the chance for a fight was more promising than on this side of the ocean. Blocked by Logistics. Cut against this inclination, and in answer to Admiral Mayo's per suasion arose a very definite and substantial argument "Logistics." The naval and military readers will understand at once what I mean and the force of the argu ment. Possibly my civilian readers may be a little puzzled. It is rea sonable enough to suppose that the word "logistics" refers to logic, and so to some well-considered strategy or tactics. Commonly it does have reference to logic, and. in its par ticular use by naval experts, to what might be termed the logic of hard facts. Before defining it further, and showing its application to the prob lems we are considering let me tell a little story suggested to me by this mention of logic. A prominent and influential man was one dav trying to persuade President Wilson that a certain proposition he had made was right and wise and even imperative. When lie found that he was failing he summed up his effort in the em phatic declaration: "But. Mr. President it is logic, the inexorable logic of situation." "Yes," said the president, ' would be all right except for thing. "What is that?" asked the man in deadly earnest. His sense of humor was unhappily deficient. The president smiled, and then said quietly, but conclusively: ;'There is no such thing as logic." And the president was right in the particular instance under dis cussion. There must be no such thing as logic if logic is to be an obstacle to doing the big and brave and daring thing in a time of emer gency, or to doing ''the common sense, practical thing. Logistics Explained. But there are hard facts, and these hard facts constituted the log istics ot the navy sucn lacis as nad to do with oil and coal and beef and bread and supplies of every kind. ' An army "goes on its belly, a navy on its logistics. They both mean the same thing. The navy term is more elegant, if less under standable. In 1917 we did send over a di vision of powerful battleships under the the "that one command of Admiral Rodman, which served with the British grand fleet to the end of the war and the surrender of the German fleet. Their splendid service won the admiration of their British comrades, but these battleships were coal burners and did not interfere with logistics as the sending of the entire fleet would have done. Our main reason, then, for refrain ing from sending the whole of the Atlantic fleet to the North sea was because the allied powers and the operating department of the Ameri can navy agreed that the utilization of the tonnage it would require in order to keep it supplied with oil and coal and food was not justified by any chance there might be for a sudden sally of the German fleet. It was very difficult to supply fuel oil enough for the British fleet. Our destroyers and our biggest battle ships were oil burners. To send them over would have added to the fuel problem. Tonnage the Great Need. Tonnage was in those critical days desperately needed for the transportation of troops and of sup plies to sustain and munition the troops. Everytliing else that could be spared had to be sacrificed to this supreme need. The allied armies and navies were dependent upon provisions which we must send. To have sent any considerable part of the Atlantic fleet overseas would have meant depleting the scant enough tonnage available for the forces already in the war zone. This, it was thought, Avould be unwise. Logistics kept the fleet at home during the first months of the war, but there was another thought in mind also when it was suggested that we send over all our vessels. This was no selfish consideration. It grew out of the feeling that if through any accident in fog or storm German battleships or battle cruisers should evade the vigilance of the British fleet and make their way into the Atlantic the only force the world could look to for protec tion was our Atlantic fleet. If the Germans had possessed the nerve and daring to make a dash for the open sea; if tbey had preferred to risk destruction and death rather than accept the humiliation of sur render, I think it is quite possible that enough of their fast battle cruisers could have broken through to play havoc before they were over hauled and sunk. In such event the presence of the Atlantic fleet, unen gaged and ready for instant action, would have been the hope and com fort of our allies and the proof of our good judgment. Germans Lacking in Audacity. After our troops began crossing Municipal Coal Yard Chief Issue in City Campaign in Lincoln Lincoln, May 2. (Special.) A municipal coal yard is the chief issue in the Lincoln city campaign which ends tomorrow. Charles W. Bryan, brother of the famous William Jennings Bryan, and former mavor of Lincoln, is again a candidate for mayor, following a se ries of attacks on Lincoln dealers m which he charged they were making exorbitant profits on- their coal. Bryan is running with a municipal coal yard as a platform. His chief opponent is Frank C. Zchrung, also a former mayor. Three present members of the city com mission are candidates for re-election in addition to five others. The city commissioners choose their mayor as is done in Omaha. Bryan has declared that if Zcli rang gets more votes than he docs aid they are both elected to the com ihission he will support Zehrung for 1 mayor and he is demanding that Zen a ih amp with him. But ichrung has aeenneo tu ;m n agreement Wayne Hospital Invites Public to Inspect Rooms Wayne, Neb., May 2. (Special.) Wayne hospital is making exten sive preparations to celebrate Na tional Hospital day, May 12. The public will be invited to inspect the x-ray rooms where demonstrations will be held. The operating rooms in this hospital are supplied with the latest appliances of modern surg ery. Opportunity will be given to visit the laboratory of research where Dr. Lutzen carries on the "vital center" investigations that have been attracting quite wide spread interest ' Cmnd Island Jail Breaker Returned From Illinois .Grand Island, Neb.. May 2. El mer Eldridge, referred to here by police as the "master mind of the extensive automobile thefts discov ered in central Nebraska some weeks ago by Chief of Police Morse of Kearney and Sheriff McCutchan ot Grand Island, and who later broke jail with two others and escaped, was brought back from Illinois by Sheriff McCutchan and is again held for trial. Intercepted letters to a s wcethcart -led to his recapture. .Scotland, S. D., Loses One Of Pioneer Newspapers Sioux Falls, S. D., May 2.-( Spe cial ) The tyans of the Scotland Citizen-Republican, one of the plo tter weekly newspapers of Scotland, S. D.. will be moved to Parkston, ' here publication will be continued. The paper will be continued under lie i.aic o the Citizen-Republican. Four Towns Anxious . To Have Reformatory T ;M!n Hav 2. f.Snecian Four Moliraska towns with ambitions for 9 ctat rpfnrmaforv for voune crim inals have asked the state board of control to look over sites betore coming to a decision as to the loca tion r,f tVio new $300,000 institution. which the recent legislature provided .. . . ... . , 'T t . should be bunt immeuiaieiy. inu towns are: Ashland, Grand Island, North Platte and Lincoln. Members of the board stated to day that a decision would be reached in a short time. It is probable that rliamhpr nf rnmmerc( rpDrescnta- tives from these towns will appear betore tne board previous to tne de cision and a personal visit to the dif ferent towns by the board is pos sible. ' . Man Given 90 Days in Jail For Jumping Board Bill Beatrice, Neb., May 2. (Special Telegram.) Michael O'Leary, rep resentative of the Defense league, pleaded guilty to "jumping" a $40 board bill here and was sentenced to 90 days in jail. The case against his "pal," L. E. Carter was continued. The men, officers say, have cleared $200 in Beatrice through the sale of two magazines, "Over Here Digest" and "National Warriors," publishers of which do not exist They operated in Kansas towns and at Wichita, Kan., the two men registered as Dewey and Allen Folk. CHOCOLATES . INNER-CIRCLE CANDIES" A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work GvaranUad 1513 Doiiflu St. . Tat.' Doug. 0188 ft i s.JM the Atlantic in large numbers there was always the risk that German cruisers, would appear suddenly, at tacking and sinking transports. Looking back now I find it difficult to believe that the Germans did not attempt to do this thing. Had they succeeded in even one or two cases it would have meant much to them. They lacked the audacity. As things obviously approached a climax and victory hung in the bal ance in 1918, I felt the possibility of a bold venture by the German navy was so great that it must be con sidered most seriously. It seemed to me that the Germans were likely to make one splendid dash in a risk everything effort to win the war. I dispatched a division of dread naughts overseas under the com mand of Admiral T. S. Rodgers, with specific instductions to be vigi lant fo rthe appearance of any pos sible German cruiser, and, at all haz ards, to give protection to the Amer ican troop transports. The British fleet and Admiral Rod man's division were based on Scapa Flow. Might Have Sunk Thousands. If the miracle of escape had hap pened, one German raider, free, and in the vicinity of Brest, could have sunk troopships with thousands of men before it could have been sunk, unless powerful dreadnaughts stood between the transports and danger. So Admiral Rodgers' division was based on Bantry bay, in a position to intercept. If we had failed to take this pre caution and an enemy cruiser had eluded the blockade, what would l.ave been my condemnation? Had we through such a neglect or error of judgment lost the lives of any of cur men I could not have forgiven myself, and the country would not l.'ave forgiven me. But the Germans'' were too prudent to make this venture. Under like cir cumstances, I believe, sooner than make possible an ignominious slir itndcr, such as Ave witnessed at Scapa Flow, the men of the Amer ican navy or the British navy would have died in the resolve to at least go down in the last dash against the enemy. Question of Rank. There was a minor difficulty which was involved in the proposal to send Admiral Mayo and the At lantic fleet to the North sea. 1 mention it only to assert emphat ically that if considerations of naval strategy, considerations affecting the coiumon interests, had made it wise to send Mayo and his ships, this particular difficulty would have been brushed aside as a man flicks the ash from his cigar. It lay in the question which naval officers and others raised as to whether Admiral Mayo, being sen tor in command, would displace Ad miral Beatty, commander-in-chief of the British ,grarid fleet, or be sub ject to his direction. It was a question of rank which in peace maneuvers would have been a question of much importance, but in the world's hour of agony and need it mattered far less than, other things. Mayo Eager to Go. At least so thought Admiral Mayo, whose only wish was to get into the war zone and to be where the biggest chance lay for a big fight. He would have gone gladly conceding the ranking position to the officer who commanded the largest fleet and who .was most fa miliar with the fighting ground the North sea. It is one of my regrets that Mayo and Beatty and Rodman did not get the chance to go after the Germans together. I have an idea that had they been turned loose and told to "go get 'em" they would have found a way. (Another article by former Secretory Daniels will be printed tomorrow.) Healthy liver Healthy life Your liver healthy or clogged, active or sluggish makes all the difference between a vigorous, xi cheerful we ana low . , CARTERS TTLE IVER mints and fail ore. Tc subdue itnhh&rn lirer, oreryf come consti pation, dizzi ness, bilious- 1 PIU.jS fiMU. inrlioMrrlnn. tiMiiafhjt mnA fhtfi blues there is nothing on earth so good asCrtf'iLttliUrwrUk. Purely vegetable. Snail lfll-SBaIl Dose Smll Met Cuf icura Soap IS IDEAL" For the Hands BcMp.Oliitin nt ,T!eifrn,0cv'Vi j whtrf. TorMntp.M Emm Honey back without qnettioa if HUNTS GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES . (Hunt's Salve and SoaoMall in I tbe treatment ofltch, Ecferaa, !Unwemi.Tcttrorotber!tch- I in akin diaeaaea. Try Una' Uealaant at our riak. - Sherman A McCenncII S Drug Stores Affords protection against in fectious diseases. All prudent persons should avail themselves of this dependable germicide. AT MtUO STORES BVBRYWHERB IN THE it Omaha Bee's 125,000 This, "The first Extra Vote Offer" is now in force and in, as follows: III addition to the recular vote allowed on subscription payments, as shown in the voting schedule, we now make the Club Members the following offer: 100,000 extra votes will be given to every Club Member who sends or brings $25.00 in subscription payments to the office of the manager of the H. Y. S. Club, on or before Saturday, May 14th, at 10 p. m. The larger the amount thte Club Member sends induringthis period, the larger the extra vote ballot will be. For esample: $20.00 turned in will receive 101,000 extra votes, $27.00 will get 108,000 extra votes, etc. All subscriptions sent in to data apply on this offer. Subscription payments are woith more extra votes during this period than they will be during any other time of the Club Campaign. Many names are hicng removed from the list. These are people who are not going to take an active part. There still remains many localities that are either not represented, or the Club Member is not active. If you live in a community poorly represented, send in your name and become a Help Yourself Club member. It costs nothing to join and you have an opportunity of winning- big rewards. The Entry Blank can be used for the purpose or a letter sent drect to the Club Manager. , The Capital Hep Yourself 111 STANDING OF THE CLUB MEMBERS The standing of the Club Members, as they appear in this issue, only includes the votes re ceived and counted at this offiiee up to p. ra., last Saturday. The standings wili be changed again in next Friday's paper and will include the votes that are received and counted at the H. Y. S. Club office before 8 p. m., Wednesday. . BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE USED In order to insure accuracy, a Burroughs Adding Machine is used in tabulating the votev THE $25,000.00 LIST 1 S7.80O.OO Home, First Capital Award 194,440.00 Cadillac, Second Capital Award 1 $1,500.00 Conservative Saving V Loan Deposits. Third Capital Award 8 $1,115.00 Maxwell Touring Cars, First District Awards 8 $ 200.00 Building and Loan Deposits, Second District Awards 8 $ 200.00 Building and Loan Deposits, Third District Awards Total Number of Awards 27 7,800.00 Mina Lusa Modern Home Tf tjSj JSJ11- Campaign Closes June 25th, 1921 The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club Not good after May 13, 1921. Must bo voted or mailed on or before expiration date. 10 FREE VOTES FOR ,.M Street No Dist. No. City .State Good for 10 free votes when sent to the H. Y. S. Club on or before above date. No coupon will be transferred to another after being received at the office of The Bee. Vote Value of Subscription Payments . Tbe Dally anil (Sunday, Morning or Evening, by Boy Carrier In Omaha, Council Bluffs and in towns where Carrier Boy service is maintained. New 2 Years ....120.40 1 Year 10.20 6 Months .. &.10 .1 XfnnthM . . 2. Aft Morning or Evening With' oat Banday Dy carrier Boy Serrlca, Tsw 2 Years . . . .$15.0 1 Year 7.80 8 Months .. 3.90 Sunday Oaty by Boy lamer 180,000 76,000 32,000 12.000 186,000 62.000 22.000 10.000 2 Years . 1 Year . . 8 Months ..$10.40 ... 620 .. 2.60 Kew 76,000 32,000 12,000 Morning. Evening and Sun day by Boy Carrier. New t Year 118.00 152.000 6 Months . . 0.00 68,000 3 Months .. 4.(0 28,000 Dally and Sunday by Mall. New 2 Years 115.00 136.000 t Year 7.50 62,000 6 Months .. 4.00 22,000 3 Months .. 2.00 10,000 Dally Only by Mail, With out Sunday. New- 2 Years $10.00 76.M0O, 1 Year 6.00 38,O0O 6 Months .. 2.50 12,000 3 Months .. 1.25 5,000 Sunday Only by Mail. New 2 Years ....$ 6.00 32,000 1 Year 2.60 12,000 6 Months .. 1.25 6,000 Renewal subscription pay ments will be given half as many votes as new subscriptions. Membership Entry Blank The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club 5,000 VOTES Date 1921 I nominate (Mr., Mrs. or Miss)' Street No. Diet No. , As a member of The Help Yourself Club Signed Address City . ..State This nomination blank will count for S,000 votes If sent to the manager of the H. Y. S. Club. Only one blank will count for a member. Fill out this blank with your name or the name of your favorite and send it to The Bee. The naino of the person making the nomination will not be divulged. DISTBlCT MO. 1 Will Include all territory Inside tbe City limits ot Omaha, south, of Faclflo street, west of the river to Seventy second street. Including Ralston, Bello vne, Fort Crook and Avery. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one 8200.00 B. ts 1.. Deposit and aim 8100.00 B. I Deposit wlO be awarded In this district. Fistula-Pay When Cured A mild system of treatment that cares Piles. Fistula aad eta. Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a severe sargieal op eration. ro Chloroform. Ether or other ceneral anesthetic need. A care gasranteed in every ease accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid natil cored. Writs for book on Rectal Diseases with nsmes and testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent people who have bees permanently cured. DK. E. K. TARRY Sanatorium, Peters TyusLBIdr. (Bee B:dg.) Omaha. Neb. R. W. Sago. 2511 B. 33d St... 50,750 Mrs. C. A. Chrlstensen, 622 Cedar. .16,610 Ernest Herngren, 2016 S. Tth St.... 48, 590 Martha Ebert. 2402 Poppleton. ... . . . 6,810 Mrs. Thomas Seize, 2318 I St 16,490 Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 193? 8. 12th. . .42,160 Prank Kennison, 1600 8. 26th. St... 16,860 John Salerno, 723 Pierce St 12,260 Prank Sterba, 129 Ex. Bid.. S. Y. .11,300 C. O. Philips, 1624 Polk St 6,390 Fred Stroeh. 4942 South 26th 6,590 Mabel Hogan. 2408 S. 24th 10,590 Efl Julls, 5806 8. 20th.... 10,780 William Murrey, 3024 S. 82d Ave.. 6,510 Mrs. Fred Kaiser, Bellevue. Neb. ..11,450 Mrs. J. N. Williams. 3608 S. 25d. .. 16,010 Bernlce Wawris, 3926 U St. 11,400 Mabel Oarevett. 825 Bancroft 6.CO0 Mrs. Alfred Pederson, 2019 Dorcas. .17,680 Mrs. F. Marecek, 6218 S. 30th St.... 48,760 Theo. A. Isaacson, 2317 S. 31st.... 6.490 Mm Anna Ruppert. 2014 Martha. . .16,890 Mrs. C. A. Kauth, 1823 Bancroft. .. .11,480 John Kwaanlewskl, 2857 Oak 16,450 Mrs. itatnerine Hawes, 3024 S. 18th. 11, 460 Miss C. O'Halloran, 2791 S. 10th.... 6.120 H. Hakenholz, 2323 Monroe 5,480 Iva Slegel, 1724 Dorcas 12,790 O. H. Evans. 4550 S. 40th 6 120 Mrs. E. D. Haworth, 1776 S. th 6,160 George Peterson, 3412 Wright 5,010 DISTRICT NO. 2 Will Include all territory inside the city limits of Omaha and on, and north of Pacific street, west of the river to Eighty-third street and as far north as Maple street. One 1,I1S.0 Maxwell, one 1200.00 B. A I,. Deposit and one CI 00.00 B. 1 Deposit will bo awarded la this district. O. W. Hendee, 4204 Burdette 11,150 Fred O. Wltte, 3617 Seward 10.560 Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, 3804 Farnam. . .13,580 A. D. Klein, Jr., 4800 Dodge 47,380 Kolye B. Morell, 654 S. 26th Ave.. .. .46,710 C. J. Wright. 2310 Howard ...19,340 James Addeson, 2411 N. 18th 6,500 W. T. Zlesel, 3314 Decatur. 11,930 H. Peterson. 120 N. 25th 6,590 Dr. Frank O. Smith, Blackstone. . ..47.780 Louis J. Schater, 112 N. 26th 6,760 Mildred Plank, 2714 Webster 49,290 Mrs. Ann. Morenelll, 868 S. 21st. ... .11,670 Fred Keogh, 220 N. lth 6,180 A. Hicks. 271 Miami 7,800 R. H. Ackley. 2507 N. 24th 11,370 Mrs. Emily Winner, 11 N. 20th 49,790 Hedwlg Michel, 2411 N. 68th 6,280 Certrude Levin, 2061 N. 19th 10,400 Louis Elewltz, 2771 Burt 10,480 K. E. Holbrook, 2556 Pacific 48,340 Marten Troufelt, 2435 Hamilton. .. .10,400 Herman Nachshoen. 413 N. 18th 16,290 Dessle D, Harrop, 2667 Douglas 11,680 C. A, Wler, 1916 Charles 11,270 C. F. Slosson, jr., 4906 Cuming 48,760 Ida Karback, 1423 N. 20th 23,680 J. K. Mcintosh, 4160 Chicago 46,690 Mrs. Marit Engel. 2706 Cuming 24.660 Mrs. A. K. Waack, 2223 Howard 50,680 Mrs. K. English, 1006 S. S8th Avs.. . .21,3X0 Mrs. C. L. Case, 2874 Corby 10,310 O. T. Peterson, 3009 Harney.... 6,800 Marten J. Dlneen, 938 X. 26th.. 16.370 Mrs. Chas. Peklo. 1(14 X. 35th 6.580 Blanche Snyder. 723 8. 25th Ave 16,800 R. U Murray. 4424 Jones 6.340 Mrs. Bessie Beach. 1008 S. 29th 10,480 Rlohard Ttsard, Jr., 220tt X. 23d 5,070 Harold Anderson. 3116 Marcy 11.850 Josephine Shumaker, Loyal Hotel. . .16,250 T. D. Pagants, 411 S. 16th 6.390 E. H. White, 507 S. 33d 5.000 Mrs. W. J. Whitaker, 4804 Dodge 6,480 1.. N. Swansnn, 4129 Lake 6,030 Mrs. B. Clausen, 4809 Underwood. 6,240 Mrs. Marie Coulter, 3000 Harney ... .6,000 W. F. Stutenroth, 1201 Farnam 6,090 Mrs. R. L. Pattlson, 21 Turner Ct... 5,000 Sum Wolf, 2316 H N. 30th 5.000 Rev. N. C. Hanson. 1713 N. 2ith St.. 6,000 W. J. Duve. 3223 Seward 6,010 Mrs. C. M. Tomandl, 4507 Charles 6,070 Roland Prelsman, 1018 N. 32d 6,000 DISTBlCT NO. S. Will Include all territory inside the city limits of Omaha on and north of Maple street, west of the river to Eighty-third street and north to Bar geant street. Including Florence and the Carter Lake district. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one S2O0.00 B. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. A I.. Deposit will be awarded In this district. F. dna Lawrenson, 7711 N. 28th Ave.. .10,680 Fred B. Nichols, 3415 N. 24th ..11,040 A. L. Frederick. 2558 Whltmore 49,740 Mona Harris. 2964 N. 47th Ave. 11,680 Henry Christensan, 6904 Mlnne Lusa Blvd 11,610 C. D. Schnell, 2423 Crown Point 11,200 G. J. Emery, 2654 Pratt 49.590 Leo Daniels, 2302 Maple 50,650 Mrs. Rose Tedesco, 2939 Lincoln Blvd. 6,110 Violet Brotchle. 6020 Florence Blvd.. 18, 560 A. H. Mayer, 2438 Ellison 6,750 Mrs. L. M. Thlrtle, 6006 N. 30th 6,380 Oliver Cole, 4738 N. 40th 6,180 Mrs. W. W. Davis, 3929 Flor. Blvd.. .12.210 Louise Shumate, 1484 Plnkney 16,870 Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8511 N. 29th 10,650 C. Hall. 2879 Vane 6,140 Dr. W. A. Oerrle, 5616 Flor. Blvd 6,210 Winifred Travis, 2861 Fowler 6,280 Mrs. J. W. Rodebaugh, 3180 Mere dith : 11,280 Mrs. J. M. Streeter, 4008 N. 34th Ave 6,190 Mrs. Henry Veldman, 8620 N. 30th... 6,380 Mra. O. L. Tracy,-2811 Browne 6,170 Mrs. E. D. Perrln, 3120 N. 47th 10,380 Mable Venn, 2360 Grand Ave 6,000 Den Ferrcll. 3410 N. 24th 6.000 Mrs. J. A. Wilson, 2712 Camden 6,000 E. I. Johnson, 6033 Plnkney 5,000 Mrs. N. P. Sass, 2569 Meredith 6,000 Mrs. C. I Rogers, 31C5 Tucker 6.020 Mrs. J, E. Dalton, 1902 Locust ..5,000 Mrs. H. E. Young, 6338 N. 25th 5,010 W. P. Bohan. 2676 Evans 6,000 Mrs. W. McKenna. 2012 Emmet 5,040 Geo. W. Allen, 1707 Manderson 6,010 Mrs. F. E. Waters, 3621 N. lSth 6,000 Fiank Woodruff, 3821 N. 24th 6.000 O. Flnkle. 2018 Manderson 5,000 Mrs. R. E. Moore, 6002 N. 28th Ave... 5,000 DISTRICT NO. . Will Include all territory In the city of Council Bluffs, including the Mana wa district. One Sl.US.OO Maxwell, one 200,00 B. L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. L. Deposit will be awarded In this district. Mrs. W. C. Riley, 109 Angle Ave.. .. .10,250 Gertrude Sullivan. 813 Ave. B 16,860 L. R: Roberts, 162 W. Bdwy 6,400 Ray C. Wilcox. 627 E. Bdwy 6,180 Helen Neal, 2002 Ave. G 10.340 Anna Ward. 1006 5th Ave 17,810 Mrs. M. A. Smith, 2304 Ave. D 16.660 Florence Yarwood. 1020 Ave. B 16.400 Rev. A. F. Catlln, 129 4th St 10.480 A. W. Geiger, Jr., 4 1! G Damon 16,810 Dorothy -Lenllian, 652 Harrison St. ...10.160 Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1908 3d Ave.. .21,510 Harold O. DeVol, 1012 7th Ave 6.310 Mrs. W. J. Rclnts, 1222 0th Ave 17.800 Wm. Knlcely. 631 W. Broadway 11,890 R. P. Bolin. 2003 4th Ave 12,690 Mrs. Peter Jenson, Oakland Ct 21,660 Dennis Johnson, 1281 E. Pierce 6.360 Mrs. F. R. Scholes, 641 Mill 6.490 Lawrence Gallagher, 2408 Ave., A 6.360 Van Llddel. 2401 Ave. A 6,800 A. W. Anderson. 3431 3d Ave 10.410 Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 305 S. 18th... K. D. Edwards,. 2310 Ave. C Mrs. J. W. Head, 3485 3rd Ave... F. H. Moran, 114 S. 1st St Mary Cahlll, 122 W. Broadway.. John Kennedy, 1921 4th Ave... Ernest Taylor, 2407 Ave. C V. McGee,. 218 3d St Mrs. L. C. Davis. 1417 Fairmont M. Greno, 1022 E. Broadway Paul Brackney, 20 N. 1st ... Marcus Peterson, Co. Bluffs. . . . Lou Dunlay, Grand Hotel Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan, 2026 Ave. A. Katherlne Malone, $11 Ave. A.. ....60.260 ....10,450 6,040 5,000 6,360 6,000 6,080 5,040 Ave. 6,080 5,160 6,000 6,000 5,180 5,010 5.000 DISTRICT NO. 5. Will Include all the territory In the stote of Iowa outside the eity of Conncll Bluffs and the Manawa dls tr'et. One $1,118.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft I.. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Francis Delanty, Humphries ..10,850 Emma Marsh, Vllllsca 12,010 Thelma Lindsay, Sidney.. 17,890 Alice Hubbard, Persia 17,760 Myrtle Rogers, Percival 11,810 Audrey .Nlpp. Mlneola 11,720 Mrs. June Flckel, Hastings 16,420 Al ChrlBtensen, Weston ..10,560 Thomas Page, Honey Creek.... 6,280 Harlen Klutts. Mondamln 63,810 Helen Holbrook, Onawa 6,410 Mrs. Nettle Batchelder, Rlverton. .. .16.890 John Glllete. Atlantic 11,460 Sadie Hughes. Griswold 5,980 E. E. Axthelm, Glenwood 11,980 Glen C. Sillik. Missouri Valley 15,980 Mrs. Gladys V.. Russel, Logan 10,580 Mrs. Ellen Tucker, Weston 11,46) Arizona Byrd, Henderson 6,09.) James Atkins, Neola 21,840 Marlon Caughell, Carson 23,490 Ruth Knight, Glenwood 17,950 Betty Eacrett, Malvern 17,810 Rev. G. B. Baugman, Mlnden 5,690 Chas. Ehle. Walnut 17,900 Onyle Wolfe, Malvern 6.140 Mrs. Blllle Iwen, Schleswlg 6,160 June Ovlatt, Shenandoah 53,840 Francis C'laussen, Manning 10,280 B. I. Mart, Emerson 6.160 Mrs. Ona Johnson, Pacific Jet 63,830 George W. Moore, Bartlett 6.190 Bert Graham. R. 1, Logan 6,000 Nellie J. Snlleder, Thurman 6,0 Gladys Ms vis, Harlan 6,0'ift Kva Hough, Oakland eiooo Mrs. Glea Harris, Avoca 6,000 Bernard Franklin, Hamburg.., 6.000 Irar Averlll, Stanton 5,000 Merle Andreas, Oakland 5,000 DISTRICT NO. 6. Will Include the following counties In the state of Nebraska: Cass, Harpy, Douglas (outside the city of Omaha), Saunders, Butler, Polk, Merrick, Nance, Piatt, Colfax, Dodge. Washington, Burt, Cuming, Stanton, Madison, Boone, Antelope, rierce, Wayne, Thur ston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox. One $1,115.00 Maxwell one $200.00 B. I. Deposit and one $100.00 B. L. Deposit will be awarded In this district. Mrs. Lulu Owen, Ashland 62,690 G. P. Hobak, Nehawka 7,480 Zetta Lower, Valparaiso 16,890 J. H. Domingo. Weeping Water 5,420 Roy Combs, David city 34.710 V, II. Hoerstmann, Fremont 63,890 George Jacobs, Cedar Rapids.. 10,580 L. N. Warrick, Blair 11,710 F. J. Bortuslah, R. 4, Clarke ,..6,610 John Otto, West Point. 10,370 A. II. Chrlstensen, Stroinsburg 15,810 Louise Flgenbaum, Springfield 10.480 Winnie McMillan. Shelby 6.890 Wm. Andrews, Bellnood.. 17,820 Emma Wlttmus, Chalco 10,280 Mrs. Carl Bush, Creighton 17,610 Vivian Dee. David City 16.610 Gladys Hendricks, Elgin 20,060 F. R. Hoppock. Fullerton 11.680 Carrie Monahan, Gretna 17,380 Sarah Rauach, Lindsay i 6.560 Goldle Young, Meadow Grove 17,620 W. L. Scott, Osceola 6,420 Eusie Plnson, Platte Center 6,42o Wm. Ryan. Pllger ...11,280 Rev. McClenhan. Primrose 17.480 A, P. Allen. Decatur 6,860 E. C. Wilde. 823 S. 8, Norfolk 6,480 A. M. Sanders, Plattsmouth. 63,680 Willis Lawrence. R. 1. Platte Center. .6.270 F. L. Brown. Schuyler 6,820 Helen M. Wyncoop, Central City 6,890 C. J. Havlland, Norfolk 5.260 Floyd Buchanan. Silver Creek 6.1,870 Henry J. Haynes, Oetavla.... .11,710 Sam Davles. Wayne..- .....63.740 R. V. Kennedy. Tckamah ,.40,820 Joe Krajieek, Arlington 17,460 Fred Boas, Columbus 6,20o Mrs. Mary Harvey, David City .11,430 Elmer Nordland. Columbus 11,860 a. Koch, R. 3, Columbus 6.420 Opal Adams, Valley 17,230 D. P. Hill. Genoa 17.380 Henrietta Miller, Oakland 53.820 AV. C. Halsey, Oakdale 17.420 Clifford Cunningham, Wahoo.'. 17.820 James R. .Irlinek. Plattsmouth 17.620 Herman Buhk, Heoncr ....6.860 K. C. -Battler, Plattsmouth ......5,410 Allen Block, North Bend 5,260 H. A. Homann, Elkhorn 5,370 F. T. Wlgington, Schuyler 5,840 Gordon Smith, Lyon., 5.490 A. E. Stafford. Rising City 11,390 August Retnklng, Papilllon 5,810 Alvln Barton, Lyons 37.900 R. E. Strasburg. Polk 37,980 Mrs. P. E. Buck. Fremont 6,290 Mrs. Wade Prultt, Humphrey 6,000 Anton F. Votova. Schuyler 5,870 G. C. Smith, Albion 12,020 Charles J. Svoboda, Prague 5,160 Chas. Rlepl, 1730 No. D, Fremont. . . .5,260 Anna Blumm, Scrtbner 5,470 J. C. Olcott, 3420 17th, Columbus 6,280 K. F. Cushman, Kennard 6,120 B. W. Stlts. Wann 6,010 Frank Pallas, Pender 5.030 Mabel Brazda. West Point 17,020 Nellie Dwyer, Colon 5,010 I). E. Hayes. Herman 5,000 Jessie B. Kay. Wlsner 5,050 Ida Ruther. Stanton 5,000 K. J. Muff ley. St. Edward 5,000 Jens Jonsen, Lyons .....20.050 ('. E. Anderson, R. 4, Norfolk '..6.000 Cedrlc Anderson, Wausa 6,110 J. M. Fox, Gretna 6,000 Sarah Gllmore, Blue Hill 17, Mrs. B. Anderson. 1324 H St., Lincoln. 5 Mrs. B. F. Jordnn, York 17, Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron ...11, TIIllo Nolte. Auburn, R. 2..; 37, Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn '.62 Robert Moore, Nelson 11, Knipn H. Stewart, Auburn ... 6, Dmma Woodle, Peru 62, Mrs. N. Mclntyre, Nebraska City 6, Will Brookley, Edgar ...17, Mrs. D-on Kite, Auburn -62, Velva Balr, Fairmont... 6, A. C. Bek, Seward 5, I'eter Fischer, Clay Center 5, Rev. L. A. Mojer, Harvard 16, Vera Grosshaus, Sutton ...6, E. L. Knitz. Deshler ....5, Margaret Ahrens, Falls City 6, Mrs. Ella Sedorls, Brownville 6, Mrs. Thomas Brown, Geneva .,..6, Agnes Krasmoil, Aurora 5, Gall Parson, Humboldt ?...6, A. E. Pratt, Tobias 6, DISTRICT NO. 7. Will Include the following counties In the state of Nehraskat Otoe. Nemaha, Kichardsen, Pawnee, Johnson, 4,age, Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jefferson, Thayer. Fillmore, York, Hamilton, Clay, Nuckolls, Webster and Adams. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 p. tt I.. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft I.. Deposit will be awarded la this district. Mrs. Otis Wolford, Clay Center ..8,960 Mrs. L. C. Oden, Beatrice 6,380 Mrs. Clyde Foulk. Beatrice 11,040 T homas Foster, Beaver Crosalng 5,710 Ruth Wells, Blue Springs 17,860 Gladys Say lor, Brunlng 10,480 Kattle Stables. Carleton 5,300 Mrs. Emma Howard, Chester 10,760 Lillian Klersey, Dunbar.. 5,820 Eleanor Shoff. Falrbury 17,860 Ed Octer. Glenvll 6.280 Geo. Whltesell. Kenraaw 16,680 Mrs. Martin Layton. McCool 6.120 Luella Krtter, Odell 5.4G0 Thelma Nelson. Pawnre City 18,160 Mrs. Lyda Wolfskin, Superior 12.140 Francis Hlmburger, Wymore 10,810 Elsie Wellman, Waco.. 5.360 Nellie Oglenby. Tobias 17.610 Frunk C. Brunlng; Milford 6,48o Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Gtltner 19.470 Harriett Schacklcton, Beatrice 17.310 Chss. Launle, Alexandria 17.460 Mrs. Dick Harper. Davenport 11,580 Raymond L. Crosson. Hastings. .... .13.010 J. O. Pelham, Beatrice 5.280 - DISTRICT NO. $. Will Include all territory In the stale of Nebraska not Included In District Number 0 and 1, also territory In South Dakota, Kansas and C olorado. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.1111 B. ft L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft L. Deposit will be awarded in thl district. If. a Helme. Scottsbluff 1 Mrs. V. Conner, Kearney, 1407 Avs 8.12 A. C. Monkman, Elm Creek 10 W. B. Shelton. Paxton 20, Martin Nlelson, Dannebrog 17 Julia Burkland, Sutherland ....17 Mrs. E. T. Bigelow. Smlthfleld 6 Lick Pullman, Sargent 13, Ji hn Runge, Ravenna 16 Ed Hale. Parks 6, Elizabeth Ralston, Orleana 52, Eugene Henry, O'Neill 11 Mrs. B. I. Harshbarger, Oconto 10. eva Wetzel. North Loup 17 Mrs. Merle Spotts, Imperial 5, Mrs. Minnie Cslnier. Gothenburg. . ..10. Mae Dick. Cambridge 17, Mrs. Ethel Copeland. Bridgeport 33, Gladys Moore, Blonmlngton ...10, Mra. C. M. Taylor, Renkelinan 11, Esther Smith, Bartley 6, Hilda Jarohson, Araphoe 17, J. K. Williams, Alliance 18, Mrs. Margaret Mllligan. Arnold 5, tigna Peterson, Eddyvllle II, Oscar Peterson, Sumner 5 Marie Lewis. Anselmo Mra. D. F. Lewis, Kearney 19 J. H. Bragg. Wauneta ....5, I3ert Brownell, Chappell 62, P. J. Mlnner, 109 W. 6th. Grand Is.. 87 Mrs. A. Callahsn. Gerlng Dr. D. A. Rundstrom, Curtis... Mrs. Walter Borden. Gordon.... J. P. Cooper, Arcadia Mrs. Edna Isaacson, t'ozad J. T. Warders, Maryvllle. Kan.. Mrs. Bertha A. Ebcr. Kirk H. H. Edwards, Scottsbluff W. K. Harris. Bertrand Mrs. Grace Redtfelt. Mlnen... George Gardner. Bavard Melba Philbrlck. Ord C. B. Dosset, Axtell E. G. Nlsley, Lexington wm. Halsey, Lebanon Fern Gates. 8tamford Chas. Johnson, Jr., Manvllle Mrs. Emit Stelnke, Hnldrcge Mrs. Clay Funston, Ogallala A. R. Lee. 719 N, Locust. N. Platte Mildred Reed. Lexington Blanche Myers, Sutherland H. H. Stevens, 320 S. Vine. N. Platte 6, Mrs. H. C. Rosecrans, Julesburg 6, C. H. Blackburn. Mitchell i. Fern Betts, Franklin 5. Ante ivlchols. 914 N. Syc. No. Platte.. i 11 16 ....10, ....1 ....17 6 ....11 ....17 ....16 ....17 ....10, ....17, 6, ....17 S, ....16. ....15, ....IT, .44, .16,2 C. E. Orlshsin, Vodgepole -.3.1. John Firth, Long Pine 6. Mrs. Ray Rathbun. Hayes Center J, I'nuip iercier, CampDeu ,.j K. C. McKak, St. Paul 6, A elma Weatherwsx. Sidney ....6, Edw. Nnriandcr. Keystone 52 '.4r. Address Your Entry Blank and All Communications to THE OMAHA BEE "Help Yourself Club' Omaha, Neb. For further information, subscription blanks, etc, call, write or telephone OFFICE OF THE "HELP YOURSELF CLUB" Office Opens at 9 a.m. 312 Trust Building (Bee Building) Telephone Tyler 1000 911 r.o t to 81 1) 84D 890 610 140 980 420 340 780 360 16'J 190 080 18,1 120 340 OKI o;o on 0211 ooo ,070 2fif . .OS0 480 890 .7 SO 450 450 5lfl 42n 780 .640 .7 tilt 710 TS 820 01 0 9 l.ll 660 90 39i .4Sil .1611 260 .420 6f ,630 4S( .270 ,400 460 .ISO 240 690 620 3S0 .610 340 840 280 840 190 2ft 360 ,8i:o 8T0 44" 01 SO 01. 1 1NI) 290 000 nio ooo 04i o;s 0011 ooo T