Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    IMtt tilLf. UMAHA, TULSDA. MAX 3, 1921.
Pal of Dead Mail
Pilot to Escort
Cortege by Plane
iVill Sprinkle Flowers ou
Grave; Funeral Military;
College and Business
Firms to Close.
Princess Louise of Belgium
Tells of 'Mangled Soul' on
Eve of Marriage to Philip
An air mail plane will drone high
above the funeral cortege of Pilot J.
T. Christensen Wednesday at Blair,
Keb., and drop flowers on the grave
n condolence of his death in the air
nail service.
Pilot "Tex" Marshall, pal of Chris
tensen, will fly the plane.
Air mail pilots and mechanicians at
he Omaha air mail station will at
end the funeral in a body.
Full Military Honors.
The American Legion will con
duct a military funeral for Pilot
The body arrived in Blair at 9 a.
.n. Monday from Cleveland, where
hristensen met death last Friday
(vhen his plane crashed to earth in a
'og and caught fire from an explo
iion of the gasoline tank.
Christcnsen's mother and his
brother 'of Recine, Wis., and
5. M. Moore of Chicago, as
sistant superintendent of the Chi-:ago-Omaha
air mail route, accom
panied the body. .
To Honor Memory.
Mrs. I. T. Christensen, wife of the
mail pilot, received messages of
sympathy from air mail pilots from
all over the country.
Rev. R. H. Vig of Dana college
ind Rev. W. P. Underwood of the
Crowcll Memorial home will officiate
at the funeral services.
Dana college academy, of which
the mail pilot was a graduate, will
close for the services. All business
houses in Blair will be closed
to honor the memory of the flyer, a
former resident of that citv.
7 Killed by British
In Clashes in Erin
Cork, May Seven persons were
killed Sunday by the police and
members of the military forces in
clashes in Counties Cork and Tip
perary. In an ambush crown forces hi Kil
3orrey, County Cork, two Irish re
publicans were killed and five others
captured, two of whom were wound
ed. There wi-re no crown casualties
in the fighting, which lasted an hour
and a half.
A police patrol which was -fired on
from a house in Tipperary returned
the fire, killing' two men. One of
them, James Maloney, is said to
have been the son of P. J. Maloney,
Sinn Fein member of the British
House of Commons from the south
division of Tipperary.
, Three other fatalities occurred in
minor clashes.
Private Weldon was shot and killed
y a civilian in Castle Reagh, Coun
ty Roscommon.
, An official report of the shooting
states that John Bergin, when fatal
ly wounded in an encounter at
Loughlin, six miles from Castle
Reagh, admitted that Under orders
he had shot Weldon.
10-Story Fall Doesn't
Worry Him, He's Only 6-1
Chicago, May 2. Christ Ahrens,
54, fell 10 flights in the Merchants'
Loan and Trust building when the
:able of the freight elevator broke.
Building attaches dug into the de
bris, expecting to find him dead,
but he escaped with only slight
injuries. "1 guess I was born to be
hanged," the old man remarked.
Dividends Paid as Credits
On Insuranee Held Income
Washington, May 2. The su
nrenie court refused today to review
iecisions of New York courts hold
ing that dividends applied as credits
toward insurance premiums was not
income, internal revenue officials ap
pealed from the decree below which
was in favor of the New York Life
Insurance company.
Bill for U. S. Judges to Give
All Time to Office 0. K.'d
Washington, May 2. The Dial
bill requiring federal judges to de
vote their entire time to the duties of
their .offices was reported favorably
today by the senate judiciary committee.
Daughter of King Leopold
II, Released From Mad
house, Writes Book De
scribing Tragedies
Of Royalty.
By International SerTlc.
London, May 2. "I owe nothing
but misfortune to my royal origin.
My life represents a succession of
fatalities of which I was powerless
to avert the final denoument. I
have been a victim ever since my
girlish feet were led into devious
paths. I have always suffered defeat."
These words come from Princess
Louise of Belgium, the daughter of
King Leopold II, who in her book,
"My Own Affairs," published recent
ly, retraces "the road of my Calvary."
She gives to the world some amaz
ing revelations of the intrigues at
"the most corrupt court of Europe."
where she lived for more than 20
"Married in 1874 at 17 to Prince
Philip of Saxe-Coburg, I expected to
find in marriage the joys that a hus
band and child can give. I have had
bitter proof to the contrary."
Imprisoned in an Asylum.
For 33 years she was tied to a
husband she loathed the marriage
was annulled in 1907. In 1898 she had
been placed in an asylum "mad, for
leasons of state." There she remained
until, after seven or eight years, she
( scaped, and in Paris was declared
"Driven to Munich by the war,
then to Budapest, taken prisoner by
Hungarian bolshevists, I have sur
vived the European tempest, and I
have seen all those who disowned
and crushed me beaten and punished.
"On the day when I was being
f searched by Hungarian bolshevists I
heard one of them say to another;
'Here is a king's daughter who is
poorer than I am.' "
Of her wedding day Princess
Louise speaks with horror.
"I am not, I am sure, the first
woman who. after having lived in
the clouds during her engagement,
has been as suddenly hurled to the
ground on her marriage night, and
who, bruised, and mangled in her
soul, has fled from humanity in
"I am not the first woman who
has been the victim of false modesty
and excessive reserve, attributable,
perhaps, to the hope that the deli
cacy of a husband, combined with
natural instincts, would arrange all
for her, but who was told nothing
by her mother." .
Tr Emnress Francis Joseph Prin
cess Louise attributes her later mis
fortunes. She remarks with Ditter
ness that-she has known the hatred
.li,V1i nature cannot conceive, "the
hatred of my son for his mother."
Tsaf Was Magician.
Concerning ex-Tsar Ferdinand of
Bulearia. her brother-in-law, Prin
cess Louise relates a strange story:
"I have seen, I still see m htm, a
kind of modern necromancer, a fin
de siecle magician , . . rie must
have been possessed by a power be
yond this earth. But he did not be
lieve in God; he believed in the
devil ... . ,
"I asked myself to what fanatical
sect, to what satanic brotherhood he
belonged in his early days, doubtless
with the idea of furthering his ambi
tions and his extraordinary dreams
of the future.
"I remember that in our palace Sit
Vienna Ferdinand would sometimes
ask me to play for him when we were
alone in the evening. He insisted
upon the room being only dimly lit.
He would then come to the piano
and listen in silence.
Would Strike Pose.
"At midnight he would stand up
solemnly, his features drawn, con
tracted. He then looked at the clock,
and listened to the first of the 12
strokes, and when they were nearing
the end he would say: 'Play the
march from "Aida."'
"Then, withdrawing to the middle
of the room he would strike a cere
monial attitude, and repeat incom
prehensible words which frightened
"Ferdinand used to articulate caba
listic formulas, stretching out his
arms with his body bent and his
head thrown backward. Among the
mysterious phases a word which
We want you to take a
ride in the LaFayette,
because we know it will
be a bette r advertisement
than we can ever print
LaFayette-Hayward Co.
Farnam St. at 28 tk Phona Harney 034S
You have always known there would be such a car
"V & -
Princess Lw4tse
mmmmmi 1 1 1 li.i.ijjj.iju,i .nuiMJl'jjui'uu '
a frightened 'no.' I must have
looked as pale as wax. Ferdinand's
features took on a sinister expres
sion. He, too, turned pale, and in
a hoarse voice he threatened me,
saying sneeringly: 'Take care, you
will repent this, by 'kophte.'"
The prince of Coburg and Prin
cess Louise were often the guests of
their relative. Queen Victoria. 1
John Brown Repulses Prince.
Princess Louise, describing
Queen Victoria's evening drives at
Windsor and in the Isle of Wight,
"Preceding the queen, a plaid on
his arm, a flask of whisky swung
over his shoulder, came John
Brown, the faithful Scotsman,
whose doings occupied such a prom
inent position in the Court Circular
i "He led the way, ensconced him
self in the brake drawn by two gray
horses and the drive which lasted
about two( hours began.
"Evven 'the queen's children ex
perienced John Brown's autocracy.
"It happened that the prince of
Wales, afterward the great King
Edward VII, once wanted to see his
mother on urgent and unexpected
business. But John Brown opened
the door of the queen's room and
said decisively:. 'You cannot see the
queen, sir.' "
sounded like koptor, koft or cophte
was often repeated. One day I asked
him to write it down. He traced let
ters of which I could make nothing
excepting that seemed to recognize
some kind of Greek characters.
VI Call the Devil and He Comes."
"After these seances I questioned
him, because while they were pro
ceeding I had to be silent and play
the march from 'Aida.' He invariably
answered: 'The devil exists. I call on
him and he conies.'
"I did not believe this; I mean to
say, I did not believe in the devil's
actual visit, but I was nevertheless
a little frightened, and when my
brother-in-law once again began his
incantations I would look round to
see if there was anything extraor
dinary in the room. But there was
nothing unusual, excepting Fer
dinand and my own curiosity and
perhaps the unrevealed vision of both
our futures."
Later, at a dinner, Ferdinand said
to Princess Louise: "You see every
thing here. All is my kingdom. I
lay it, myself included, at your feet."
Again that evening he said, brusque
ly: "It is the last time that I shall
offer what I have offered. Do you
"I shook my head and murmured
Delegates After
Naming of U. S. Diplomat to
Vatican Not Contemplated
Washington, May 2. Appoint
ment of an American diplomatic rep
resentative to the Vatican is not Tin
der contemplation, said a statement
issued today at the White House in
response to repeated inquiries as to
the possibility of such an appoint
ment being made.
"Many inquiries have come to the
president relative to a contemplated
nomination of a diplomatic repre
sentative to the Vatican," said the
statement, "and the president has
thought it best to answer all of them
by the public statement that no con
sideration has been given to such a
step and there will be no occasion
to consider it unless congress by the
enactment of law provides for such
representation. The president does
not understand that any such pro
posal has been made to "ress."
Czecho-Slovakia Makes
Treaty With Roumania
Prague, May 2. Roumania has
concluded a political and military
agreement with Czecho-Slovakia, it
is announced. The two countries
mutually agree to defend their ter
ritorial integrity and to act together
against restoration of the Hapsburgs
in Hungary.
Now that the tire prices have dropped there will
be an unheard of demand for tires. Car owners have
been waiting for this time to arrive. A desirable con
tract is open in Omaha for responsible party who has
backing to swing a sizable deal. Advertiser is nation
ally known maker of one of the best known standard
tires. We are not satisfied with our present market
ing arrangement here and will give broad co-operation
in the establishment of your permanent Omaha
business as a big dealer in our tire. We make a
standard price guaranteed quality tire, well known to
you, and no pioneering is necessary. Rather you can
swing right into an important volume of business with
consequent immediate profit. This is not a piker
proposition and someone is going to take it on and
make a successful business connection quick. Address
or telephone Mr. Woodruff, Care Fontenelle Hotel,
for appointment.
Bread is half
the meal
YJfVHETHER your bread is pure and
v dean, means much to your family.
If it is scientifically baked; if it contains
all the health-giving qualities in palatable
form, it is the bread you want.
Ever since we began to bake, we have
studied to make a loaf so good, so whole
some, so pure, so scientific in every way
that it would be accepted as the highest
standard in bread-making.
We believe we have achieved this goal
in BETSY ROSS Bread.
The ingredients are selected, not
alone for their purity, but so proportioned
and blended as to produce the perfectly"
balanced ration. It is scientifically pre
pared and scientifically baked, is both
nourishing and digestible and builds
health and vigor.
Don't say "bread"-Soy "BETS Y ROSS
Your candwich booklet it waiting to be called for.
M. W. A
1922 Meeting for Omaha
Omaha delegates to the state con
vention of the Modern Woodmen of
America, 600 strong, will go to Lin
coln Tuesday and make an effort
to bring the state convention to
Omaha in 1922.
The delegation will have a special
train and will be accompanied by
the American Legion band. Plans
for a big demonstration by the
Omaha delegation have been made.
Fremont is the otherVity compet
ing for the 1922 convention.
German engineers have developed
an engine of the Diesel type for airplanes.
Former Cashier of Wrecked
Bank Brought to Prison
Lincoln, Neb., May 2. Herbert
H. Barge, cashier of the Farmers
State bank at Hoskins, Neb., until
it was taken over by the state bank
ing department and closed two
weeks ago,' has been brought to the
Nebraska penitentiary here to serve
one to 10 years, on each of two
counts charging embezzlement ag
gregating approximately $11,000.
Divorce Court.
I'rtlllniia lllrd.
Helen I.ytlo agalnat Alvernon, tteatrttnnk
Elnl Wallrnnnclt clnt I.awrnc,
cruelty; Glutted t. Bristly flmt Golds,
drmrtion; Olnf Gitngeatad acalnut MUdrril,
rrutlty; Telia Vroom&n Bfalnat Lee, non-upport.
jaiiiM iiiiiiii;i!iiii!!iiiiiiiiiii!ilBii!iii;li
THEY began Monday and were attended by
large crowds of well satisfied shoppers. De
lighted with the fine quality of merchan
dise offered at prices within their reach these shop
pers learned that these opportunities were not the
results of accident. They learned that these op
portunities were the products of a carefully devised
system. System in buying, in personal responsi
bility, in the management of .evfery department, in
the arrangement of overhead expenses system in
the search for bargains, in the scrutiny of goods, in
the fixing of prices. Equally important has been
that systematic arrangement of our own financial
for giving low prices. We give them as a good business proposition. The system by which we are able
to overbid in quality and underbid in price has come to be known as the Lookout in the Foretop. That
system is ever operating for the advantage of our customers and the enlargement of the public service
field occupied by Brandeis Stores.
"Always on the Job"
For Women Who Know a Real Bargain
300 Georgette Crepe and Hand-Made Voile
Omaha's 'Supreme Blouse Department
Second Floor West
Splendid Selection in Broken Lots
THESE are just off blouses in broken sizes ; left over
from our big sales and season's regular stocks; they
are, therefore, blouses of the quality that has always
upheld the value-giving reputation of Brandeis Stores,
even when sold at much higher prices. There are 300
blouses in this lot, of Georgette Crepe and Hand Made
Voiles. Styles are new and attractive; in white and the
light and dark suit shades ; every size in this lot, but not
all sizes in every style;
Specially Priced at 1.95
. Now Is the Time to Buy
Wall Paper 50 off
This Includes Oar Entire Stock
30-inch Oatmeal Papers
Non-fadeable quality ;
shown with cut out bord
ers; per roll
sale price,
TiaHu and RTarfi rooms: bor-
ders and ceilings to match, - 1 A p
w ana
Basement West
30 inch Tiffany Blends
Leather effects and grass
cloths ; a number o f
choice shades; per 34 C
roll; sale price,
per roll,
These Notions
Have New May Sale Prices
Peart Buttons, all aiiee, per card ....54
Wash Edging, fast colored; special,, per bolt 5
Cotton Tape, 3-yard bolts, each 2e)
Finishing Braid, special, per bolt..... JO
Cotton Tape, 6-yard bolta, each 5
Bias Lawn Tape, per bolt 54
Rick Rack Braid, per bolt ,.,-5(t
Best English Safety Pins, per card 5)
Good Metal Thimbles, special, each 3
J. P. Coats' 6-Cord Machine Thread, black and white,
4 spools for... 256
Sewing Needles, 2 packages for 5g
Good Rubber Sanitary Aprons, special..... 39J
Silkens Crochet Cotton per ball 9t)
Wood Coat Hangers each. 54
Stocking Feet, all sizes, psr pair 5t
Main Floor South
Special at 89c
UNION SUITS In regulation and bodice
6tyles with loose or tight knee; also close
gore styles; in white only; ; $9c
all sizes; special, per suit,
Special at 69c
lisle and muslin; in long or short sleeve
styles and sleeveless; sizes 69 C
2 to 16 years ; special, per suit,
Third Floor Center
"Jim-i-nee, they're fine!"
Tom Sawyer
for real boys!
They Wash Well They Wear Well
That 's why. we call them "Washwear."
Just the Suits for Boys, for they are made
to last, and stand the hard wear.
Boy's Clothing Department Third Floor East
Special Sale of Toilet Goods
now in full swing everything at great savings!
" " 1 ' " m qmw ii iiiMii iinEuyum ,u m inMMMiiU!ilJiMt!fuii