Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1921, Page 2, Image 2
Husband Held On Suspicion of Wrecking Home Family of Man Seeking Di vorce Suffering From Nerv- out Shock Following . Mysterious Explosion. On suspicion that he knows some thing of the mysterious explosion which wrecked the rear half of Mrs, Blanche Davis? home at 3802 North Eighteenth street, Sunday night, po- . ' t I I 1 A nee are noiaing ner nusoana, ca, who is seeking a divorce from her. Davis denies any connection with the bomb placing. He 'suspects a "certain enemy," he, told potice of ficers. His landlady, Mrs. Christina' El ston, 2883 Capitol avenue, supports his alibi that he was at home when the outrage was perpetrated. Mrs. Davis and b,er ihree sons do. not believe him capable of the act. : The Davis couple made a prop erty settlement when they separated June 20. 1920, by which Mrs. Davis acquired the home at 1626 Locust, , in which they then lived arff! some diamonds. The divorce action was dismissed April 1, 1921, but a new suit was filed the- next day. All of the Davis family who were home at the time of the explosion wore suffering front nervous shock yesterday. vvinaow oanes or many nouses in the neighborhood were shattered, wooden splinters were driven like nails into nearby houses and a large . board wasjodged in a window across the street. ' The explosion was heard all over North Omaha. ' Allies Give Germany Until May 12 to Pay (Continued from fae One.) After an hour's consideration, the council adjourned until 5 p. ni. The interval of a few days pro vided for in the .ultimatum to Ger- u:auy win urn uc iui mc yuiyuac wi negotiation, it was stated, but to give the German government time to re fect,, negotiations being considered at an end. Since Germany wade her latest "peace gesture" through Washington, it was considered possible the allies would choose the United States as their intermediary 'in sending any ultimatum to Germany. M. Jusserand, the French ambas-. sarlnr in Washington, has cabled here the outline of a conversation he has had with secretary of State Hughes. rlne American government, the am bassador reported, desires to take no attitude on the reparations question that would irritate the allied govern ments. Secretary Hughes said that the State department has no further communication to make to Germany, the message added. Secretary Hughes indicated a pref erence that Germany should settle without the occupation of the Ruhr valley, as jsuck '"occupation suggested a kind of war, M. Jusserand's cable said. ! Th conversation, the ambassador , stated, was entirely, informal and sympathetic. " " ! ? British Gam Ends. London,, May 2. The British dele gates yesterday, at the meeting of the Allied. Supreme council, secured rrnk armnt In fhpir nlpa for delay of the occupation of the Ruhr basin to compel Germany to carry out the reparations clauses of the Versailles treaty and also adoption of the British policy of issuing an ' ultimatum,' with a time limit which would allow Germany to decide upon the ourse she will follow. ; Frenth Note Made Public. Paris, May. 2.-rrXBy. The Associa-j ted Press.) The reparation commis sion made public its note to the Ger man war burden commission on re parations. The communication in forms the German commission of the intention of the reparations cornmt's siqn to establish the amount of dam age for which Gerrnaay o under the treaty of Versailles. Meanwhile . the reparations com mission notiiii... the war burden com mission that 12,000,000,000 marks in gold are due .today. . , Germans Still Hopeful. Berlin, May 2. (By The Associa ted Press.) The German govern ment , does not propose to get into touch with the London conference while awaiting President Harding's 1 answer to the German proposal. This -declaration was made by a membftf of the government who, in discussing the rumor that sugges- that -Germany present fresh counter proposals direct to the supreme coun- j eil at London, said: 5o long as tne floor to v ashing lon is open for us, we do not pro pose to knock at other doors." r Three Men Fishing in Lake Drown When Boat Upsets O'Neill; Neb... April "2. (Special Telegram.) Forrest Shearer, Tom Enstein and John Kolpp, all of Stuart, were drowned in Dora lake, IS miles south of Stuart. The three men, with Dr. .David Stuart, jr., wer,c fishing on the lake when the boat tipped over, thrownig the men into water about 12 feet deep. They had on their waders and were heavi ly dressed, which caused them to sink quickly to the bottom. Man Seriously Hurt in Car. Crash Expected to Recover Beatrice, NebV May 2. (Special.) J. W. Kelly of Beaver City, Neb., mho was seriously, injured last week in an auto accident' north of the city, was wtported slightly improved yes terday and it is-now thought he will tecover. He has been unconscious most of the time- since the accident occurred. Block Damaged, by Fire at Wymore Will Be Rebuilt Beatrice, Neb., May 2. (Special.) The Joseph Hurtz block in Wy more, which was badly damaged by fire last week; will be rebuilt as soon as the insurance adjusters finish their work, it is said. The Jacob stock of notions, etc.", which wis? badly damaged, will be moved to Sfiother location. House Damaged by Bomb Blast s " f f8? l 1 . !S"" ''"mj. mi. r ,. ,,, " ' i" a"""" ft 1 J ' I I ' i i jr ' Newberry Set Free A By Supreme Court (Continued from Page Onr.) to the federal constitution to em power congress to regulate expendi tures in congressional and presiden tial primaries. He said he had in tended for some time to take action and that the supreme court's decision would only hasten this step. Some senators, however, took the view that while the supreme court's decision knocked out the present law, so far as it' related to primaries, the statement -of Justice 'McKenna indi cated that a new law, exactly similar tor the one just nullified, would be up held. An effort towards action along these lines may be attempted after more thorough study of the opiu" ions. May Resume Seat. Senator Newberry was at his home in Detroit ; when the decision was handed down. Following his con viction on March 20, 1920, the sena tor withdrew temporarily from the senate announcing that he would not participate in its proceedings until he was set free by -the supreme cdurt.. It -is expected that he will now .re sume bis seat in the senate. The supreme court decision does not finally settle the question of Mr. Newberry's right to his seat in the senate. The senate priveleges and elections committee still has before it the charges filed by attorneys for Henrv Ford. Detroit automobile manufacturer, charging unlawful ex penditure and. corruption in the elec tion following the primary. Sena tor Spencer of Missouri, chairman of the subcommittee which has been investigating the Newberry case, said: Will Continue Probe. "Our work is entirely unaffected by the court's decision and before it was . announced we had made , our plans to continue our hearing., Wc will take it jip in the near .future and will give both sides an opportunity to present any additional evidence thev desire. The committee. will not allow the evidence at Grand Rapids to be resubmitted, but will conhne itself to . the new evidence that it.niav be desired to present both as to the primary aiid the election. We have two.iunctions; one, to determine whether Newberry was elected; two, as to whether, jn that election there was anything that would disqualify him from serving as a senator in the senate of the United States." Senator Spencer said he thought the investigation would be renewed in two weeks, and that it will be dis posed of very quickly. "The ultimate question 'for solu tion here." said Jutice( McReynolds reading the majority ' opinion, "is whether under the grant of power to tegulate 'the manner of holding election congress may fix the max imum sum which a candidate therein may. spend or advise or cause to be contributed and spent by others to procure his nomination. No Support for Argument. "We find no support in reason or authority for the argument that be cause the offices were created by the constitution congress has some in definite power to regulate elections for 'senators', and representatives de rived from section four." - Justice .Pitney, speaking also for Justice Brandeis and Clarke, said: , "I concur in the judgment revers ing the conviction of plaintiff in er ror, but upon grounds fundamentally different from those adopted-by .the majority.,, my view being, that there is no constitutional infirmity in tfie act of congress that underlies the in dictment, but that there was an error in, the submission of the case to the jury that calls for a new. trial." Chief Justice White said: Predicts New Law. "Although I am unable to concur H Ihe -conclusion of the vant of power of congress and in the judg menrcf reversal as rendered, I am nevertheless of the opinion that there should be A judgment of reversal without prejudice to a new trial be cause of the grave misapprehension and grievous misapplication of the Southern Planter Teaches Pet Geese To Bring Him Fish Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wire. Natchez, Miss., May 2. J. T. Kerr, planter, of Concordia Parish, Lu., and member of the Fifth district levee board, has a pair of trained wild geese. He says they are equal in intelligence to the famous hunt ing hog of ,Col. Tucker Gibson of Natchez and Tensas Parish. Mr. Kerr has just finished teach ing the geese to fish. He declares they knew how to swim and div?, so it was only necessary to teach them to catch the fish and bring them to the boat which he row$ alongside. .."-, Speaking., of.. the geese, Mr.i Xerr, said his greatest trouble was" teach ing them to select only perch,, basx or trout. He says, they learned that! as he is ready-to demonstrate-at Lake St. John, in Concordia Parish, at any time. ' statute upon which the conviction and sentence were, based." .. , . . : The chief justice, referring to the majority contention that "'cohgres-s was without authority to regulate primaries; declared ". tne ; proposition is a suicidial one" and predicted new legislation that would $et asiie to day's decision. I. "1'" Union Leader to Study Conditions in Europe Washington, May 2. W. . H, Johnston, president of the Interna tional Association of Machinists, will sail from New York Wednesday to study conditions in western Europe, Italy and Russia. Mr, Johnston said he expected to devote -two months to his tour, which he has planned to attempt to develop some method of marketing American .products abroad. - After a short stay in England, France and Switzerland, ' Mr. John ston said he would go to Russia. , "We are very desirous of knowing the true facts of the Russian sit uation," he said; "Especially would we like to know their ability to pay for the goods which we are able to produce in abundance." . Ord Parents and Teachers Organize Association Ord, Neb., May 2. (Specials Parents and teachers of Ord school children held a spirited Meeting to organize a parent-teacher association. Superintendent Staley of Hastings city schools addressed the meeting. The following officers were elected fof the coming year: President, Mrs. S. J. W. Brown; vice president, Miss Louise Barstow; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.' George Parkins. x . " You Can NOW Purchase . Any Pair in the Store; Regardless of Former Price . (Including InUrwoVen and Holeproof) Former VaJuos to $1.50 LEOtJ'S Stonj No. 1 coMo.i rremier Lloyd George Plans Visit to U. S. New York, May 2.--Davis Lloyd George, premier of Great Britain, will visit the United States some time this year, probably in the late summer, if - conditions in England permit, said Mrs. Lloyd Jenkins of Ashbury Park, N. J., who arrived here oh the steamship Lapland. She added that the premier told her it was the dream of his life to come to America. "I was born in Wales" said Mrs. Jenkins, "and a relative gave me a letter of identification to Premier Lloyd George. I visited him and in our conversation which took place less than two weeks ago, he told .me it was his life's dream to visit this country. ,H& asserted that, con ditions permitting, he would come here sometime this' year, probably (during the late summer months." Broken Bow1, Organizing r Permanent Rotary Club Broken Bow,-Neb., May 2. (Spe cial.) A Rotary club is assured for Broken Bow. George L. Griggs of Alliance, speqiaj representative of th district governor, perfected a tem porary organization.-which started with 21 members. - The officers of the present organization are F. R. Purcell, president; L.. Wr. Wilson, vice president; A. W. Melville, sec retary, and J. C. Leonard, treasurer. A 6 o'clock banquet was enjoyed at the Grand Central hotel as the initial of the weekly dinners which are to be held by this club. The final in stallation of the order will take place within a month or six weeks. 2 K. Y. Probationary Cops Held for Bartender's Murder New York, May. 2.- Two proba tionary patrolmen attached to the police training school, were held without bail yesterday charged with the murder of Charles Hanson, a bartender iti Brooklyn Saturday night. . .; ' Wife Names Sister in Suit : Against Her Husband Los Angeles, May 2. Accusing her husband of paying undue atten tion to her sister, Mrs. Henrietta Mayer will seek separate rnainte-: nance from Joseph Mayer through a suit. Steamer Floated Block Island, R. I., May 2. The Portuguese steamer Mormugao start ted for New Lo,ndon yesterday un der her own power after having been floated by tugs from the west side of "Block Island-where she was grounded in a heavy fog Friday. All of her 448 passengers were trans ferred to naval vessels Friday night and Saturday and taken to New Bed ford. ID 3 Pair for $1.75 GOING our Qfll U OF BUSINESS 315 South 16th St$ J Elimination of Objectionable Tax Impossible Latest Estimates of Revenues And Expenditures Makes Reduction in 1922 i Unwise. Chlc&co Tribune-Omaha Bee Leaded Wire. Washington, May 2. Secretary of the Treasury Mellon's latest esti mates of probable revenues and ex penditures during the next fiscal year caused congressional leaders who have talked of eliminating objection able taxes without providing sub stitutes to admit today there is no longer any chance to carry out such a program. ' The secretary's recommendations relative to revision of tax laws were anticipated and followed largely the policies approved by the Treasury department under the former admin istration. The unexpected features of his letter to Representative Ford ney, chairman of the house ways and means committee, and Senator Penrose, chairmon of the senate fi nance committee, was the revision of estimates which resulted in wiping out the surplus from current rev enues which it was proposed to ap ply toward the reduction of the floating debt. Having eliminated this expected surplus which, exclusive of public debt expenditures, had been esti mated in former Secretary of the Treasury Houston's annual report to amount during the fiscal year 1922 to $962,110,773, the bottom has dropped out of the proposal to reduce taxes to the extent of the portion of this amount which would be applied on the floating debt. Secretary Mellon makes provision for sinking fund payments and other miscellaneous debt redemption funds, totaling $551,354,865 and winds up with a prospective deficit of $18,234, 033 in the fiscal year 1922. Representative Fordney called the attention of the house today to Secretary Mellon's estimates and ob tained permission to have 5,000 extra copies of the Mellon letter printed in order that it may be widely dis tributed. No May Day Rioting Anywhere in Country Columbus. O., May 2. Quiet ob- corvanr nf fav Hav thrniitrhniit the United States despite attempts to , - . - J . a! 1. ,LA agnate ueuiuiisuauuus iiuuuu nit distribution of literature has "given assurance of the return to normal conditions in America," said a state ment issued here today by Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty. School Teacher, 28, Shoots Self While Family Watches Salt Lake City, May 2. Miss May Brown, 28, a school teacher, took her brother-in-law's pistol yesterday morning, walked from the house to an orchard at the. rear and while, members of her family watched from the windows shot herself in the heart and died instantly. As she left the house Miss Brown said she was go going for a walk and when i 6he reached the orchard placed the re volver to her breast and fired. She had recently suffered a mental break down, members of her family said. New Truck Will Be Added To Ord Fire Department Ord, Neb., May 2. (Special.) The city council at its last meeting under the present membership voted to purchase a new fire truck for the volunteer fire department. This will give Ord one of the best equipped fire departments in a town of its size in the state. The new engine will be housed in the new city hall. for FREE Dont Fall For the Street Car Company's Bunk Vote for VOTE BRIDGE Omaha Omaha Woman's 101st Birthday Saddened by Death of Grandchild On the eve of her great-grandma's 101st birthday, little Kate Walker. 16-months-old South Side baby, died Sunday night. Her great-gandma is Mrs. Pat Convey, 5207 South Fiftieth street. , "Grandma" Convey was sad yes terday because no one brought her any birthday gifts. She is as strong and active as a woman of 50, but says she has no rules for longevity. "I was never sick a day in my life," she said. Of nine children, only three are living. One is the 65-year-old son with whose family she makes her home. Beatrice Boy Wins First In Declamatory Contest Beatrice, Neb., May 2. (Special.) In the Southeastern Nebraska De clamatory association at Wymore, Earle Adams of Beatrice was given first place in extemporaneous speak ing and Jack Barr of Superior, second. Pauline Stanley of Superior was awarded ' first place in the dramatic class. The winners will represent the southeastern district at the state contest to be held in Lin coln sometime this month. i Morningwear That's Inexpensive "Ginghams and percales that are fresh and colorful, styles that are becomingly youthful, characterize the offerings of the new house dress section on the second floor. A dainty "dress of per cale, crossbafred in blue, pink, lavender or black, with trimming of white is excellent for $3.25. Bungalow Aprons in a Variety of Colors and Styles Are Priced From $1.35 tip BOWEN'S- Thor Electric Vacuum Cleaner So eaty to operate; to easy to own if purchased at Bowen'f. The Thor, equipped with rubber-nozzle comb, makes it possible to pick up hair, thread, ravelings, etc. A $55 Cleaner $J()75 See them demonstrated at the Bowen Store. QnAMASVAUX UVW STQtH Howard Between 15th & 16t Rustle of Salary Cheeks Alluring To Society Elite Many New York Social Lead ers Desert Tea Tables for Careers in Business World. New York, May 2. No longer ilocs society level its spiritual lorg nettes at its feminine members who punch time clocks rather than play with tea cakes. American ladies dc luxe know that the clashing of the, social cymbals is tiot as sweet music as the rustling of the salary check. They, as well as their sturdier sisters, have sampled of the exhilarating brew of freedom and have found it more potent than the strongest of strong wines. The latest of Dives' daughters to show her economic freedom is Mrs. Lydig Hoyt, who has signed a con tract to appear in motion pictures. But Mrs. Hoyt is no Dionecr from the social ranks in the world of work. The trail has been blazed before her by not a few of her own set. Miss Symphorosa Bristed, for in Fine gingham in plain blue, pink, lavender or black, with Swiss trim ming of the same shade hemstitched in black, a dress priced $5. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Frevious Public Service: Attorney Federal Land Bank : Census Enumerator, 1920; Member State Legislature, 1917. Hopkins Is Entitled to Your Vote stance, takes her place at her desh in the oilices of a certain well-known magazine exchange every morning promptly on the stroke of 9. Mrs. William Laimbor who was formerly Miss Nathalie Schenck, is now better known in banking circles than in the social ones where only a tew vear nun she was a Iradf i- Mrs. Charles Carroll Martin, on time Alice Potter of Newport, has wearied of society and is engaged in the photograph business in a prom inent Fifth avenue studio. Miss Kathcrine Force, who m a sister of Mrs. William K. Dick, has been in the real estate business for; a year and a half. Miss F.thel Carhart is on the staff of a well-known decorator, while Miss Agnes Duryce and Mrs. L' Sydney Cancre report daily .it a big stove. Mrs. Hoyt however, seCms to be the first distinguished daughter of New York's social world to embark upon the career of a movie actress. Lady Diana Manners and one or two other noted English women have acted for the screen and some Ameri can women of equal prominence have appeared on the legitimate stage. Iti her chosen field, however, Mrs. Hoyt has taken the lead. Students to Give Play Ord, Neb., May 2. (Special.--The commencement season of the Ord High school will open this week with the presentation of the junioi play Thursday night, a comedy drama, "Cousin Kate." Looking one's best at all times necessitates a careful selection of home wear, and when modish dresses may be purchased for such small sums, choosing is pleasant. Dainty stripes, blues and yellows mostly, -and long ruffled col lar and cuffs of white organdy in a frock that is just $4.50. Housedress Section Second Floor POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT The Parting Injunction in 1917: "Boys, you can have any thing you want when you get back home." The Parting Injunction to the 'Voters of Omaha today: Give Us a Vote for JOHN HOPKINS The Only Ex-Soldier Candidate -For- City Commissioner if HOPKINS Were Not Capable The ex-service men would not recommend him.