Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1921, Page 9, Image 9
v . - "' .... ....... ... . . ... ' " ' . - ' .. . ' ' ' .' - - ' . ' ' ' " : -V' ' " " ' ' ' ' ''.'" v THE BEE: ' OMAHA MONDAY, MAY 2. 1921.. News of Special Interest to Iowa and Nebraska Farmers ----------------- Paradox Noted In Mieep and Lamb Industry While Number of Animals on Farms Below Average, Re. ceipts'at Market Un usually Heavy. "t """ A paradoxical situation exists in the sheep and lamb industry at the present time, according: tot statisti cal matter recently sent out by the United States department of agri culture. Despite the fact that the number of sheep and lambs on farms January 1, was far below the average for the past 20 years, re ceipts at primary markets during the first three months of the cur rent year have been, unusually heavy. The United States Bureau of Crop Estimates has figured it out that there were 48,615,000 . sheep on farms January I. With but three exceptions this . was the smallest number so far reported. since 1900. On the other hand, receipts of 68 markets during the first three months of this year showed an in crease of 734,000 head or 17 per cent over the receipts during the corresponding period In 1920. Dur ing the same period local slaughter increased 22 per cent, while stocker and feeder shipments, which repre sent the number going back to the country for feeding or breeding purposes, decreased 348,529 head, or 59 per cent. Alarming Features. Such a situation is now without its alarming features to students of the trade who foresee the liquida tion of an unusually Urge percen tage of everything salable, includ ing much breeding stock. ' . Reports from the great sheep producing areas of the-northwest in dicate that because ol financial dif ficulties still further liquidation will be necessary during the coming summer and fall. Reliable infor mation strongly suggests the pos sibility of this process being to such an extent that the range sections and many middle western and east ern areas will be left with a smaller number of breeding sheep than at any time during the past 20 years. The heavy receipts at central markets during the first three months of the year may be traced to several causes. Owing to the drought over much of the range area last summer, many western range lambs and sheep were sent for feeding to sections of Idaho, Montana, Colo rado and elsewheTe where feed was reasonably plentiful.. , Much of this stock was not marketed until after the first of the year. ' ;'; Forced to Sell Stock. "- During January " "and February, financial pressure forced many ranch owners to sell breeding stock, in- ewes, which, would.--otherwise have been held for Iamb production. The open winter in these sections made it possible to ship stock, whereas in normal, years severe WMthar would have retarded or wholly, prevented such movements. In many sections it has been a com mon practice to hold for breeding purposes as high as 40 per cent of the ewe lambs out of each crop. Re liable reports from range districts in dicate that unless the financial situa tion changes, materially, not more than 10 per cent of this year's crop will be held. The stagnant wool Market, coupled with lower prices for sheep and lambs, last summer's unfavorable climatic 1 conditions . in much of the . ranee country, and money stringecy have been the chief factors which have brought about the condition in which a majority of flock masters now lina themselves. . ' Anticipate Light Receipts. Many members of the trade antic ipate a period, of comparatively light receipts during the month of May, as is generally the case. This, it is believed, will bring' about some ad vance in prices at that time. On the other hand, some of the closest students of the industry look for fairly liberal supplies. " In taking thi view, they assume that Colorado-fed lambs will continue coming to mar ket, though in decreasing numbers, up ta about the middle of May. This movement has been retarded con siderably by depressed . trade and price conditions. v Cattle Prices Reach New . ' I.nw Marie nn Omaha Market " Cattle are selling bri the Omaha market at a lower price than before the war and prices are off more than they have been at .any time during the last decade. With re ceipts of 8,000 head on the Omaha market one day last week, prices took a 10 to 15 cent slump, and. the $8 steer has almost disappeared from the market. The best handy weight beeves sold up to $7.90 with no heavy beeves over $7.57. . If Your Tractor GoetL Or Won't Go at ATI, Look for Mice Family ", It's an old story that a mouse can make an elephant climb a tree or do most any other undignified stunt, but who ever heard of a mouse put ting a full-grown tractor on the blink. , ' " This is what happened to a trac tor owned by a farmer near Elwood, Neb. Recently said farmer took a day off and put his tractor in shape for the spring "drive." After pol ishing it up, giving it a fresh drink of gasoline, with dessert of the fi nest cylinder oil and. otherwise per forming all the stunts which should please any well-behaved iron horse, he tried to start it. But it refused to start; simply sputtered and spit a . few times and then laid - down on the job. Experts were called in and after considerable investigation and probably the usual amount of profanity, it was found that a family of mice had been making their win ter home in the carburetor. ' Moral: The rvoxt t-tre your trac tor balks.. Ito'i 1 ' The Bee want ads. are business Plan Garden on Paper Before Planting By FRANK RIDGWAY. Haphazard gardening methods have probably caused more dis appointments and failures among home vegetable gardeners Vian any other single factor. Before sticking a spade or a' hoe in the ground a plan of the garden should be worked out. System is just as important to the man who is to operate a tiny back yard plot as it is. to the commercial gardener or tarmer. a careiuny ar ranged planting plan is even more essentional to the small gardener than it is o the larger operators be cause 01 nis uijuiea amount u.i tJn--. Row System Best. , There are various methods oi planting, but the row system . is generally advocated by practical gardeners. Planting in beds rut out the sunlight, and the plants are not so easily cultivated. There is a better distribution of sunlight on the plants where the rows run north and south, rather than east and west or in an oblique fashion across the plot. The row system lends itself more readily to the drafting of plans in advance of planting. When the planting is done in rows, the tall and dwarf plants can be arranged to an 'advantage. The growth of small plants is often stunted by being in the shade of tall plants. This may be avoided by the proper arrangement of the rows. In drawing lines on the chart to repre sent rows arrange such tall crops as corn, pole beans, and staked tomatoes along one side of the garden where they will not ' shade low growing vegetables like bunch beans, dwarf peas, andonions. Mistakes in Seeding. Making definite plans on paper be fore it is warm enough to. begin planting will enable the gardener to avoid buying a surplus of seed. Most gardeners who try to do gardening work without plans buy more seed than they actually need, and often they plant the seed thicker than is necessary. . Both money and labor are wasted,' for thick seeding means that thinning will lwve to be done or the plants will be crowded or the growth of the young plants will be checked. The mistake that is commonly made, where the principal object of the gardener is to get the seed in the ground, regardless of the kind and arrangement, is that the ground 'is covered with a dozen or more varieties that cannot be grown in a crowded space successfully or kinds of vegetables that will not be used. Rotate the Crops. A trick that is worked successfully and one that beginners will be safe in trying is to plant one-halt of the area one week and the rest a week later. This may be done with such crops as beans, beets,, radishes, and lettuce. . V. . , . . It takes much - more, plant food where a succession of crops is grown than it does where only one crop is sown. To help out the soil fertility problem a different crop should be used in the second planting, because plants .'require different kinds and amounts of plant foods. . - such vegetables as cabbage and cauliflower should not follow each other because they are attacked by the same kinds ot insects and diseases. If the same plot of ground is used by a gardener year after year, it is important that the crops be rotated. Plant root crops in the rows where leaf crops were grown list year. This is a rule successfully followed by mafty growers. Expert vegetable gardeners do not advise beginners to try ' planting companion crops throughout the garden the first year. But it is worth while, trying out a tew simple com binations. Radishes, for instance, mature rapidly and early, and may be planted with parsley. Kadishes may be planted between the rows of early cabbage or early peas, for they will be pulled and out of the way before these crops need much room. Sugar Led Exports From Philippines Development of Industry Re sponsible for Heavy Increase Shown in Imports. ' i. . Sugar jumped to the position of first importance in the export trade of the Philippine Islands during: 1920. In 1919, sugar was in fourth place, being exceeded in value ,by hema, coconut oil and tobacco pro ducts. Hemp has long ranked first among Philippine products, and while sugar frequently has come next in order, this is the first time, at least in many yeajs, that 'sugar has outranked all other exported commodities. These four principal exports, sugar, hemp, vegetable oiS and manufactured tobacco, had a value in 1920, of $125,188,154, while the total value of all exports was $151, 123,855. Of this amount sugar ac counted for $49,619,260, or 33 per cent; hemp represented $35,862,000, or nearly 24 per cent; coconut oil and copra were valued at $26,985, 756, or about 18 per cent; cigars brought in $12,721,138- or- slightly over 8 per cent, while the balance was ,made up of miscellaneous pro ducts. -Of shipments to the United States sugar was valued at $39,348,934, hemp at $20,614,026. copra and co conut oil at $21,874,207 and cigars at $10,546,303. Of the total exports $105,216,262, or nearly 70 per cent, went to the markets of the United States. The value of goods imported into the Philippines during 1920 was $149,438,282, as compared . with $118,639,054 in 1919. Of the total imports, $92,289,778, or about 62 per cent in value, were taken from the United States.- It will be seen from these figures that exports from and imports to the Philippines were very nearly equal last year, a small trade balance in favor of the islands being shown both in general com merce and in trade with the United States. Eight attendance officers iu Seattle, Wash., constanty search the city in passenger outomobies and roadsters for school children who have a ten dency to play, "hookey,' HOME GARDENERS' GUIDE VEGETABLES BUSK BRAN'S POLE BEANS BEETS ; CABBAGE, EABLT... CABBAGE, LATE CARROT CAULIFLOWER CORN, SWEET CUCUMBERS EGGPLANT ENDIVE , LETTUCE MELON'S, MUSK MELONS. WATER ONION PARSLEY PARSNIPS , PEAS : , PEPPER POTATO , RADISH sAisiKv SPINACH SQUASH TOMATO TURNIP Seed. Distant tt plants Beady for use from 10,0 rt. row. In rows. Row apart. seed In about 1 t. in.- - I rt. 45 to & days 1 pt. 1 ft. ' i ft. 65 to 90 days 2 oz. 4 in. .1 ft. o to 76 days , 1-1 os. IS in. 2" ft. 100 to i:0 days , 1-3 01. ft, . 1 ft. 126 to 180 days 1 os. 4 in. 114 ft. 7S to 100 days . 11 os. 1 ft. t, ft. 100 to 136 days H pt. 100 hill 1 ft 4 ft. S to n0 days -OS. 4 ft 4 ft. It It tb days , l-l ox. 3tt tt. S ft. 150 to ISO days 1 os. 1 ft. 1H ft 0 to 76 days 1 os. 1 ft. It ft. 6 to 100 days 4 01. 4 ft. t ft. lit to 140 days 1 os. - S ft I ft. .120 to 140 days 1 01. J in. 1 ft 1J5 to 160 days V, os. 4 in 14 ft. 100 days os. in. lh ft 125 to 160 days 1 pt. . . in. - 1 ft. 60 .to 7S days , 1-S os. 1 t. t ft. . 140 to 150 days 1 pk. 1 ft. 314 ft. 0 to 140 days 1 In. 14 ft. - 20 to 60 days 1 os. In IVi ft. 125 to 160 days 1 os. 4 in. 16 in. 30 to 60 days 1 Pkt. J ft. 4 ft. 60 to 75 days 1 pkt. 4 ft. 4 ft. 100 to 125 days 4 os. In 1 ft. 60 to 75 days Iowa Farm Bureau Outlines Plans For Coming Year Executive . Committee Com pletes Details at Meeting New Activities Made Pos sible by Legislation. Business of a routine nature took up the greater part of the time at the annual meeting of the executive committee of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation held recently in. Des Moines. Certain details of the pro gram for the year, hitherto incom plete, were rounded out and plans in augurated for the development of new phases of federation activities, now possible under the legislation secured through the Thirty-ninth general assembly. A number of speakers appared he fore the committee in the interest of various enterprises that fit in? with federation work. W. P. Dawson, chairman of the legislative com mittee, submitted a report of federa tion labors during the recent session of the legislature. L. A. Andrews ex plained the possibilities of service for Iowa farmers under the new law permitting the organization of farm credits corporations. Knute fcspe reviewed the work of the federation of co-operative livestock shipping associations. The matter of extending financial aid to the committee of 15 for the purpose of conducting a survey pre liminary to the development ot a more orderly and efficient system of marketing livestock was discused. As the leading state in the pro duction of finished meat animals, it was pointed out tha,t Iowa is keenly interested in this problem and it was the unanimous opinion of the meet ing that the federation should sup port the project. TO this end it was voted to appropriate $1,500 to' help get the work under way. Following Secretary Cunning ham's report of his recent visit to Washington, there was a general discussion of problems of transporta tion, taxation, tarm credits, etc. The resolutions reads as follows: "Be it resolved by the executive committee of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation: That in view of the con struction placed upon the provisions of the Esch-Cummins law relative to what shall be considered a fair re turn upon, the property owned by common carriers and the consequent intolerable burden placed upon the farmers of the state in the form of execssive freight charges and In view of the encroachment upon the prerogative of the various state authorities, which is sought to, be justified by this act, the American Farm Bureau Federation is respect fully urged to do all in its power to obtain a repeal of those provisions of the law by which such burdens and encroachments appear to receive their sanction." Bottom Falls Out of Butter Fat Market - The farmer with a big bunch of cows upon which he depends for a substantial part of his yearly in come by the sale of cream is "out of luck" lately. Cream prices have slumped along with many other farm products, and it is altogether likely that a ( further drop is due before prites again take the up-grade. . At Kearney, Neb., this week, the price of butter fat dropped from 41 cents to 33 cents in one day, and similar reports come in from numerous oth er towns throughout the state and Iowa, Buyers say cream is coming in in larger quantities now than for many months. Pastures generally, are further advanced than in previous years and this is given as one 'rea son for the flooded condition of the market. Progress of the Crops. WrrUly Crop Bulletin of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce,. Too much emphasis is apt to bo put on the '"kick-off of the crop season. It will be observed that a good crop often re sults from a very poor start. This season's abnormally early start has already been lost throughout the west, and 'It la only from the far east that we now hear "the season Is two to three weeks early." A continuous series of "cold waves" has re tarded vegetation during April. For the past three weeks the country west of Omaha has had below normal tempera tures. Moisture during the period has been unevenly distributed, nowhere excessive for April, and, in the high altitudes, gener ally In form of snow. In the Mississippi valley and eastward the cold waves have been less persistent, and the moisture abundant. Growth! of vegetation has been correspondingly more rapid. But frost damage from two severe cold waves which reached almost to the Atlantic coast did very considerable Injury to tender vegeta tion, and early fruits so 'that April will leave Its "regrets"- In all districts. During the past week the south got a lot more rain in the lower Mississippi val ley and west gulf coast, where It has been wet for several weeks. Replanting of corn and cotton, la extensive In Mississippi and Louisiana: planting is at a standstill In eastern Arkansas and rust In small grains Is spreading In Texss and Oklahoma. Light rains have relelved drought to a de gree In the eastern part of the cotton belt, hut It is not till we get to the coast Plain that really favorable conditions ex-' 1st. Harvesting of oats Is under way In Florida. Thus, from April till October will tire sound of reaping be 'heard In this fair. land. Wheat' and. . grasses have made good progress In all . parts of the country, ex cept local damage to wheat along the southern stretches of the belt, where more complaint Is made of rust, plant lice and chinch bugs. The districts complaining are mixed farming sections, and it is not ex pected that the total damage will be ma terial. Seeding of spring small grain crops Is completed up to the high! altitudes In northern Montana. North Dakota got con siderable rain a weeg ago, and reports her spring wheat coming up to a good stand and her farmers greatly encouraged. Mon tana still needs rain the entire upper Missouri country . needs moisture and warmth to start crops and pastures amt to make better conditions for live stock, some losses of lambs resulting from . present conditions. The Paclflo northwest has had cold snd wet weather with frost heavy enough! to do a lot of damage. The fruit districts of Idaho which escaped Injury from the early freeses which: did se much dam age In the Interior "got theirs" on April 25. It is to be hoped the damage may prove leas than official reports now Indi cate. ' . 1 The southwest shows no Improvement la rr.e drought conditions reported for some weeks, rom - central Texas to the Paclflo coast hard conditions confront stockmen, and In the high irrigated valleys fruit growers have suffered greatly by the eold wave of April 25, which reached almost to the Mexican border. California, however, escaped this late freeze and reports her fruit damage from the preceding week less than reported. Valencia oranges are be ing picked in the California orange belt, and alfalfa Is being fcarvested in Arizona. Prices for Tame Hay Show Slump; All Markets Dull Limited Demand Causes Un usually Slow "Movement . Large Surplus Still in Hands of Farmers. At the beginning of the second quarter of the present year, the hay markets of the country continue very dull. Prices of tame hay have de clined $3 to $4 a ton since the first of the year and the movement gen erally has been very slow because of the limited demand, it is pointed out in an article in the Market Reporter of April 23, published by the United States Department of Agriculture. On January 1, it was estimated that onlv 25 to 30 Der cent of the I marketable surplus had been shipped irom the principal timothy produc ing states. From a survey just com pleted by the United States Bureau of Markets, it is estimated that 60 to 65 per cent of the surplus has now been marketed, leaving 35 to 40 per cent yet to be shipped before the new crop arrives on the market. In a review published during the week of January 8, it was estimated that 40 to 45 per cent of the hay in Ohio, Indiana, andIllinois had al ready been marketed, while iir the other timothy states, including Michigan and New York, 20 to 25 per cent was estimated to have been sold. At this time the surplus to be marketed is estimated to. be almost the same in all these states. This would indicate a heavier movement from the northern and eastern states during the past three months than, from the central western group. Less Alfalfa Held. From 65 to 70 per cent of the alfal fa crop is reported to have been marketed up to April 1, compared with 35 to 40 per cent on January 1. While this leaves a smaller per centage for alfalfa than timothy, jt does not necessarily show a better movement of alfalfa during the. past three" months, for the reason that the alfalfa movement had been heavier than the timothy movement up to January 1, and there was a smaller surplus of that time. The reports do indicate, however, that stocks in various alfalfa sec tions, as in the timothy sections, have been evened up and that Idaho, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska have now reduced- their marketable sur plus to nearer the percentages shown by the other states. Practically all the hay has been shipped from NeW Mexico and Arizona and new hay is now appearing on these markets. Re ports from Montana show, a light movement in that state, with only 30 td 35 per cent of the surplus mar' keted to date. Because of the low quality of much of the alfalfa which is yet unmarketed and the prevailing prices and market conditions, which in many instances do not permit re turns in excess of the cost of pre paring and , delivering th hay to market, it is thought by many deal ers in the central western states, n JfOUlXr VW-I ' Poultry supply dealers say there is an unusual demand for Anconas and Black Minorcas this season so much so that. there is much specu lation as to the cause ofvthis sudden popularity. Is it because both breeds lay a plentiful sapply of white eggs or is it that the widespread ad vertising these varieties have receiv ed is now beginning to have its effect? Most likely the latter, as there are numerous other varities that lay white eggs and whose rec ord of production is equally good. There can be no question but that the advertising a variety receives has much to do with its popularity. When did white Orpingtons gain fame? Not until . Kellerstrass had spent thousands of dollars in advertising them the length and breadth of the; land. How about White Rocks? No one will dispute the fact that the advertising U. R. Fisher has given this variety is responsible to some extent at least for. its present strength. Then there are the An conas the variety mentioned above as having obtained unusual popu larity this season. Can any one doubt that H. Cecil Sheppard ghotild be credited for this? No one has ad vertised the AricOnas so widely, or so praiseworthy as Sheppard. Thus it would seem that most any variety that is a standard variety can gain the popular acclaim if properly pre sented to the public. There are godd points favoring all and it only re mains for some enterprising fancier to back them with an advertising campaign. ' '. , ' You cannot succeed with the finest birds in the best sort' of habitation unless care is exercised to see that proper sanitary conditions prevail. Cleanliness is one of the most im portant essentials ' to success with hens. Not only should the poultry house be cleaned and disinfected reg ularly but ventilation should be such as to insure pure, fresh air at all times without permuting ' , of draughts of dampness: Pampness and poor ventilation art the causes of many poultry ills, par ticularly colds and roup. These can be largely prevented by eliminating the cause. Be careful in the selection of stock to raise. Be sure that you know something of the parentage of chicks. You should know that they are stan dard bred .and that the parent stock is strong and vigorous. You should find out something concerning the egg records of parent stock and know whether the chicks you have are bred for" egg production. A lit tle investigation now will save you much future trouble. Better go slow at first and be sure you are' on the right track. . ft mis Poultry Lice An ea$-applied powder that s sure death to nearly all kinds of lice . Pratts Powdered Lice Killer An occasions! application keeps poultry practically free from lice. )W Af-ney Mmek If YOU Aim Nt 3mtUn4" Prtitt Food Company Pklla-eleUs Clucsro -Terenie ' that a considerable part of this al falfa will not be baled and market ed. On the west coast the movement of alfalfa has been about normal, and it is estimated that not, over 25 per cent of last year's crop remains unsold. New. hay is being market ed in the southern part of Califor nia.' Much Prairie Hay IJeld. While " reports from Texas, Ar kansas and! Oklahoma indicate that 70 to 75 per 'cent of the prairie hay has been marketed, the report? from the whole prairie section shbw that only 50 to 55 per cent of the crop intended for market had been ship ped up to April 1. The estimated percentage of hay. to be marketed in the ; various prairie producing states on April 1 are as follows: Montana, .60 per cent; Wisconsin, 60 per cent; Missouri, 40 per cent; Kansas. 40 per . cent; Iowa, 50 per cent; Nebraska, 45 per cent; North Dakota, 50 per cent; Minnesota, 45 per dnt; South Dakota, 50 per cent; California, 50 per cent; Arkansas, 20 per cent; Texas, 30 per cent and Oklahoma, 40 per cent. The price decline which began last May has continued and the average price for- No. 1 timothy at the principal markets which was about $29.50 a ton at the beginning of the year, is now about $25.25 and $19 a ton lower than at the cor responding time last vear. Alfalfa has declined from $27.50 for No. 1 on January 1 to about $24.25 a ton at the present time, compared with $37 on April 1, 1920. Prairie hay is practically un changed at about $16 a ton as the average price for No. 1 upland, but is down $13 a ton from the price of May a year ago. Taken as a whole, hay prices are lower than at any other time during the past two years. - Alliance Furnishes Camp . Ground for Auto Tpurists Alliance, Neb., May 1. (Special.) Automobile, tourists passing through Alliance will have the priv ileges of a spacious camping ground within the city limits. The city park board has set aside a half block of ground adjoining the city , park for this purpose. A pavilion, with all modern conveniences,1 including hot and cold running, water, has been erected on the ground and every facility ' for the accomodation of camping 'parties will be at hand. Pained signboards will be placed along all roads leading into the city directing tourists how to reach the camping -ground. The accommoda tions of the park will be free to the public. Pawnee City Seniors-Visit Wesleyan on "Snekk Day Pawnee' City, Neb., May 1'. (Special.) The senior class of Paw nee City high school held their an nual "sneak day" and about 30 mem bers drove to University P4ace, more than 90 miles, in automobiles, where they were the guests of Nebraska Wesleyah university. Members of the faculty accompanied them. Spark plugs', of British manufac ture are "made to tit the American automobile,;' while the American spark plugs, as a rule,. will not serve for BntisjMnade cars or motorcycles. Barney Oldfield says: : "I wouldn't accept a car and drive it to my garage without full coverage v Liability, Fire and Theft, Property Dam age and Collision Insurance." "April tl Issue the Nstional Underwriter" A Word to the Wise is Sufficient! HairyAfochCo "PAYS THE CLAIM FIRST" " f Surety Bond Insurance Investment Securities 640 First National Bank Building Tyler 0360 I Service... ta the Careful Handling of All Order for Grain and Provision for Future Delirery m All the Important Markets W Operate Offices at Ptvntt Wire Cormcctiow " h All Offices Except Kansas City Omafca, Nebraska - ... Liaecln, Nebraska Hastiafs, Nabraaka Cfcicago, Illinois Sions City Iowa Holdrefe, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Daa Moines, low Milwaukee, Wisconsin Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Missouri WE SOLICIT YOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, KANSAS CITY and SIOUX CITY Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention The Updike Grain Company THE RELIABLE CONSIGNMENT HOUSE Don't Forget to - 1 1 ; 1 Five Million Dollars in Bonds were voted by the People of Omaha to buy the Gas Plant and pay for supplies on hand and accounts due and receivable. Vote on the m UYJ 11 When the plant was taken over by the Water Board there was no money whatever' turned over for working capital. N ' Improvements .in the gas making plant, and extension, of distribution mains are now necessary to render more 'efficient 'and greater service. If tomorrow, the people of Omaha vote YES on the gas bond proposition, the Water Board can make the needed improvements, extend the gas mains and thus increase the earning power of the plant. v . .The bonds will not increase taxes, because, not only will the interest there on be paid out of the increased earnings, but likewise the principal, over a period of 30 years. V Moreover, as a result of 'such im provements and extended service, the increased income of the plant will ulti mately result in reduced gas rates to the consumer. ''. ' , ' Metropolitan Utilities District. v By R. B. HOWELL, . General Manager. It Hill Clean M Ultimate Reduction in GAS m