Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAY 2, 1921.
Omaha Trims Tulsa in Second Game oi Series by 8-2 ScorePlay Today
- . '. ;
Contest Called
In Sixth Frame
Because of Cold
Griffin and Lelivelt Knock
Out Home Run Blows
Oilers Collect Runs
r j
In the First.
Haying in a cold drizzling rain,
and on a diamond that made good
fielding impossible, the Omaha Buf
faloes again chalked up a victory
over the Tulsa Oilers in the second
game of the series here yesterday
afternoon in a six-inning affair, the
count being 8 to 2.
"Pug" Griffin of the Buffalo herd
and his war-club were again in the
limelight. He smacked a home run
over the center field fence during
the initial inning and when he strol
led up to the plate amid the cheers
of the small crowd of fans in the
fourth round he knocked a two-base
blow to left field that caused the
spectators to forget the cold and
start stirring up the old "pep." Grif
fin's circuit clout tied the score, as
Haney, first man up, had doubled
and scored on Hoogtand's bad throw
to third.
Lilivelt Gets Homer.
Manager Jack Lelivelt also heaved
a wicked stick in yesterday's game.
The Buffaloes' field boss lifted the
horschide over the right field fenci
for the second homer of the contest.
The Omaha manager was allowed
the -privilege, to walk around the cir
cuit during the fourth inning. The
wallop sent Griffin over with the
score that put the herd in the lead.
In the following inning Lelivlt
sent the sphere sailing into right field
for a double. The wallop scored
Ryan with the fifth tally.
The Oilers jumped on Hurler
Harry Baumgartner in the first
" frame, scoring two runs before the
stanza was over. McGinnis, first
man up, walked an went to second
when Wuffli singled through short.
The Tulsa shortstop raced down to
third when Tarker singled to right,
after' Davis had popped out. Mc
Ginnis and Todt both scored when
Bennett knocked out a double base
hit to right. Wuffli was napped off
lecond. when Griffin made a pretty
peg to second after picking Davis'
high fly out of the air.
Ryan Scores.
The Buffaloes started after Pitcher
Hoogland hard in the first inning,
scoring two runs on a double, home
run and one error. Burch's pets went
scoreless and hitless for the next two
Innings and then Lelivelt scored
Haney in the fourth when he
knocked a homer.
Ryan walked in the fifth and Leli
velt whanged out his double, scoring
the Buffalo third sackcr.
By the time the sixth inning came
around the clouds . were dumping
their contents on the diamond in such
rapid order that the bench warmers
in the dugouts were seen scampering
off to the club house. The sudden
departure of the "extras" from the
park, and the fact that the field was
becoming saturated with moisture,
resulted in Umpire Guthrie calling the
game, but not until Cole, Baumgart
ner and Haney had scored on a
single, sacrifice, walk and Adams'
error. ...
The same teams play again this
The score:
St. Joseph Wallops
The Oilers; Bonowitz
Hits Circuit Clout
St. Joseph, Mo., May 1. St. Jo
seph blanked Oklahoma City again
today, and took the final game of the
series, 5 to 0. Joe Bonowitz drove
the first ball pitched by Ramsey in
the eighth inning over the left field
fence. It was one of the longest hits
ever made at the local lot. Score:
Pitt, rf S 1 0f"Volly. t 3 3 1 0
Moor. If 0 2 llCo'rldon. rt 0 t 1
Shaley ulS SlH1ihr. If 4100
Harper, cf '4 11 OiB'wltsx. cf 4 2 4 0
llraty ;t J o 5 1 neatly, lb 2 1 13 0
Or' ham. lb 2 OlM'D'nald, ss 2 0 3 i
Wright, 3b 3 0 3 3Nufer. 2b 4 0 13
I,one, c 2 1 S 1 Crosby o 3 1(2
Allen, p 2 0 0 2 Wllkus, p 3 0 0 6
Ramsey. pOOOOl
xBreeen 1 0 0 0 Total 2k 7 2T 15
Totala 3 6 34 111
xBreen batted for Allen In eighth.
Score by Innings:
Oklahoma City 0 0 0 0 0 o o 00
St. Joaepn v o o u J 3 l x a
Summary Runs: Connolly, 2; Fisher,
nonowtts. Croaby. Errors: Heat ley. Long.
Runs and hits: Off Allen, 4 and I In t
Innings; off Kamsey. 1 and 1 tn.l in
ning. Earned runs: St. Joseph, 3. First
Use on balls: off, 3: oft Alien, l;
off Ramsey, 0. Struck out: By Wllkus. 6;
by Allen, 3; by Ramsey, 1. Left on bases:
Oklahoma City, 0; St. Joseph, ft. Home
run: Bonowitz. Pouble play: Wllkus" to
McDonald to Heatly. Sacrifice hits: Moore.
McDonald. Corridon. Wllkus. Hit by
pitched ball: By Allen, Corridon. Time of
game: 1:3. umpires: Holmes and Buck
Superbas Annex
Tenth Straight
Victory, 3 to 0
Brooklyn Wins Without Aid
Of Base Hit, Making Two
Runs on Walks and
Brooklyn, N. Y May 1. The
Brooklyn Nationals won their 10th
straight victory, Grimes shutting out
Philadelphia, 3 to 0, today, lne
Superbas virtually won without the
aid of a base hit, scoring two runs
in the first inning on two passes, a
sacrifice, Ring's wild pitch, and a
fielder s choice.
Th6 score:
Neale. rf 4 2 0 0 Olson, ss 10 4 6
Ra'llnaa. !hl 0 1 4 J'hnefn. 3b 3 0 0 0
Willis's, cf 4 2 2 HOilfflth rf 2 0 0 0
Meusel. If 4 0 1 OlZWheat, If 4 2 4 0
W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet
Tulsa 4 692 0MAHV a a .420
Wichita 10 6 .67't Moines 6 .So 7
Jnplln 6 .616! St. Joe R .357
Okla. City 2 S .S71;Soo City 4 t .SOS
Yesterday's Results.
Omaha, 8) Tulsa, t. (Called end of sixth,
Joplln-Sloux City, postponed, rain.
St. Joseph. S: Oklahoma City, 0.
Pes Molnes-WlrhUa, postponed, rain,
Today's Gomes.
Tnlsa at Omaha.
Senators Give
Top Berth to
Speaker's Tribe
Athletics Beat Washington,
5 to 1 Mogridge Knocked
. Out of Box in
Washington, May 1. Washington
relinquished its lead in the American
league today when it was defeated,
5 to 1, by the Athletics. Bryan Har
ris, pitching for the visitors, yielded
only seven scattered hits, and struck
but nine men. Moeridgc was hit
freely before he made way for a
pinch hitter in the sixth. Rain de
layed the start of the game an hour.
The score:
Dykes, 2b 5 3 6 6
Witt, rf 4 0 10
Duran. 3b 6 3 0 3
C.Wal'er, If 4 1 1
FWal'er. lb 0 7 0
Perkins, e 4 3 1 1
.T.Wal'er. cf 4 2 3 0
G'U'way ss 4 2 11
BHarris, p 3 0 0 1
Totals 38 12 27 10
Haney, s . .
Ryan. .".If . .
ninla-on. 1U
Griffin. If .
Lelivelt, lb
Ie. cf ....
CWe. rf
.a s
... 1
...s s
... 1
... 1 1
Baumgartner, p 3 1
0 0
0 S
X,lnn!. as
WuffU. b . .
IWt. If ....
Davis, rf
Parker, lb . .
Bennett. f .
Thompson, 3b
Query, c . . .
Hoglnnd. P .
Adams, n ...
.36 a ft IT 1 1 12
..S100 01X
. .a
. .
Totals 33 T 1"
'Vvro out when game was called on ac
count of rain and cold.
Score by Innings:
Omaha S 1 3
rulsa S 9 0 0 x S
Summary Tao-haae hits: Bennett,
Haney, Lelivelt. Griffin. Sacrifice hits:
4uen, Thompson, Stopleton. lilts: Off
toaglaml. In S 1-3 Innings; off Adams.
In 3 ?-S Innings: off Baumgartner. T in
innings. First base on balls: Off Hoag
land. 0 in S 1-3 Innings; off Adams, S la
St-3 Inning ; off Itaumgartner, 3 in In
nings. Struck out: Br Hoagland, 3 la S 1-3
Innings; by Adams, 1 In S 3-3 innings; by
Bnnmgurtner. 3 in innings. Passed ball:
Btapleton. Earned runs: Omaha, S: Tnllaa,
2. Time of game: 1:15. I mplres: I). Guth
rie behind the bat; He Lave on bases,
Joe Thomas Wins 150
Mile Motor Classic
Fresno, Cat., May 1. Joe Thom
as won the thifi annual lSO-rmile San
Joaquin Valley classic here Satur
day in one hour 29 minutes 64-5
seconds, driving at an average speed
of 100.4 miles per hour.
Thomas' teammates, Roscoe Sear
les. Eddie Hearne and Eddie Pullen,
finished second, third and fourth,
Ralph DePalma took the lead at
the twenty-fifth mile and held it
until he developed motor trouble and
later tire trouble. He tried valiantly
to regain first place, but his motor
caught on fire and forced him out
of the running .at the eighty-first
mile. '
American Polo Team
Beats British Four
Sunbury, Eng., May 1. - Mem
bers oi the American polo team, C
C Rumsev; Thomas Hitchcock jr.,
J. Watson Webb and Devereaux Mil
urn today defeated a team composed
of Earl V. Hopping, Louis Stoddard,
Robert E. Strawbridge and an Amer
ican from Cambridge university
named Sanford, 7 goals to 1. Rumsey
alightly strained his beck, but it is
believed the injury is not serious.
BrennanY Tonsils Cut
Out ; Miske Go Cancelled
St. Taul, May 1. Removal of
tonsils has forced Bill Brennan of
Chicago to cancel his bout with
Billy Miske of St Paul, scheduled
for St Paul May 9, it was announced
iMr .
Judge lb S 1 7 1
Milan, rf 10 11
Rice, cf 4 2 2 0
Lewis If 6 0 10
SHarris, 3b S 1 4 0
Shanks. 3b 4 116
O'R'urke. ss 2 1 3 4
O'rrlty. c 4 0 8 2
M'grldge, p S 1 0 1
Schacht, p 0 0 0 1
C'urtney, p 0 0 0 1
Brower 10 0 0
xMlller 10 0 0
Totals 34 7 27 16
xBrower batted for Mogridge in sixth.
xMiiler batted for SctacBt in eignm.
Score by innings:
Phlladelpihc 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 05
Washington 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
Riimmrv rtuns: Dvkes. C. walker. Per
kins, 2; J. Walker. Judge. Errors: Dykes,
Milan, S. Harris, Shanks. O'Rourke. Two
base hit: Galloway. Three-base hit: Du-
Kan. Stolen, base: o Rourke. acru:ce mis
B. Harris. Double plays: Galloway to
Dvkes to r. Walker: Shanks to Glvarrlty
ti Judge. Left on bases: Philadelphia, (;
Washington, 13. First Dase on Dana: rr
B. Harris, 6; off Schacht, 1. Hits: Off
Mogridge. 10 in 8 innings; off Schacht, 1
In 3 innings; off Courtney, 1 In 1 inning.
Hit by pitched ball: By Mogridge, C.
Walker; bv B. Harris, Milan. Rica. Struck
cut: By Harris, ; by Mogridge. 4. Wild
pitch': Mogridge. Losing Tiitcher. Mogridge.
Time of game: z:o. umpires: vonnouy
and Moriarty.
Tigers, 3; Browns, 1.
Detroit, May 1. Detroit mad it three
straight from St. Louis today by winning,
3 to 1, in 11 innings. Kolp weakened in
the 11th, passing three men. Young then
singled. Tobin made a bare-handed catch
of Vcach's liner in the 10th, holding Veach
to a single and preventing Detroit from
winning at that time. The score:
Young. 2b (322
Bush, ss 6 2 2 3
Cobb, cf ' 14 0
Veach, If 6 3 2 0
Shorten, rf 4 0 10
S 0 1 3
4 113 t
3 0 7 0
2 10 2
10 0 3
110 0
0 0 0 0
K'nctchy. lb 4 113 1
Myers. !b 3 13 2
Nel. cf 3 0 0 0
O. Miller, c 3 0 4 0
Grimes, p 3 10 3
Totals 20 5 27 12
W'taone. 2b 4 1 2 1
RMlH'rss 4 2 12
Lee. lb 2 0 10 0
MWh'at c 0 7 1
Ring, p 3 0 0 6
Totals 30 7 2414
Score by Innings:
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Brooklyn 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 3
Summary Runs: Olson, Johnstone. 2,
Errors: Rawllngs, Lee. Two-base hits: Z.
AVheat, 2. Sacrifice hits: Rawllngs. Olson,
Griffith, bouble plays: Konetchy to Olson;
Wrlghtstone to Rawllngs to Lee; Myers
to Olson to Konetchy; Williams to Wright
stone; Grimes to Olson to Konetchy. Left
on bases: Philadelphia, 6; Brooklyn, 6.
First base on balls: Off Ring. 3: off
Grimes. 3. Hit by pitched ball. By Ring,
Olson. Struck out: By Ring. 5: By Grimes,
4. Wild pitch: Ring. Time of game: 1:42.
Umpires: Brennan ana fcmsne.
Giants, 7; Braves, t.
New York. May 1. The New Tork
Nationals won another eaay victory from
Boston today, 7 to 2. Toney pitched splen
did ball after the opening Innings, and
drove In two runs, when Smith was In
tentionally passed In the sixth inning.
Walker and Smith drove into the right
field statid for home runs in the fourth.
The score:
Poell. cf 5 3 4 01 Burns If 4 3 2 0
C nbury 2b 6 2 4 01
8'worth. rf 6 0 2 01
Cruise. If 2 0 2 0
Fc.rckel.3b 4 0 0 1
Holke, lb 4 12 1
Ford, ss 4 14 1
CTNell, c 4 0 6 2
M'Q'llan. p 2 1 0 1
xEayrs 10 0 0
Fllli'glm, p 0 0 0 l
xGlbson 10 0 0
B'croft. ss 3 0 2 4
P'terson ss 0 0 0 0
Frlsrh, 2b 6 16 3
6 0 2 0
Toung, rf
Keller, lb
Walker cf
Rapp. 3b
Smith, e
Toney, p
4 0 3 0
4 2 2 0
3 13 4
3 3 2 0
4 10 1
Totals 35 2T 12
Tobin. rf 6 111
Gerber, ss 4 3 8 6
Slsler lb - 3 1 15 2
J obson. cf 6 12 0,
Wetxei If 2 0 10
xW'ams, If 0 0 0 0
Gle'son. 2b 6 1 3 2
Lamb. 3b 8 0 2 11
Lee Sb 0 0 0 1!
Billings, e . 4 0 3 l!
Kolp, p 4 0 16
xSevereid 10 0 0
Jones, Sb
Blue lb
A's'tth, o
Oldham p
Ehmke. p
Totals 37 SO 191
Totals S3 11 33 16
xBlue out for interference at bat.
xWllllams batted for Wetiel in ninth.
xSevereid batted -for Lamb in ninth.
. xOne out when winning run was scored.
xKeilman batted for Oldham In seventh.
xHale ran for Hellman In seventh.
xBasler batted for Ehmke in eleventh.
" Score by innings:
St. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12
.Summary Runs: Tobin, Jones, Ain
smlth. Errors: Tobin, Lamb, Oldlram.
Three-base hits: Oldham, Gerber. 2; Blue,
Jacobson. Sacrifice hits: Jones. Gerber,
Sister. Double plays: Slsler to Gerber to
Slsler. Left on bases: St. Louis, 8; De
troit. 13. First base on balls: Off Kolp, 6:
off Ehmke. 2. Hits: Off Oldham, 4 in 7
innings: off Ehmke, 2 In 4 Innings. Struck
out: By Kolp, 3; by Oldham. 4; by
Khmke, 1. Winning pitcher: Ehmke. Time
of game: 3:28. Umpires: Owens and ChllU
Indians, 5 s White Sox, 1.
Chicago, May 1. Joe Morris, making his
first stsrt of tho season for the Chicago
White Sox. had two bad innings today, in
which Cleveland bunched hits behind a
couple of passes and won the final game
of the series, 6 to 1. Coveleskta held
Chloago to six hits, three of which were
made by Falk, and one of which was a
home run. . The acore
J'ieson if 4 0 4 Ot Hooper rf 3 1 3 0
J'hns'n, lb 3 0 15 OlJ'hnson. ss 3 1,32
Spea'er.ef 4 11 0J Collins, 2b 4 0 8 4
Graney, rf 5 18 0 Sheely. lb 4 0 8 0
G dner, Sb 2 0 0 4 Falk If 4 8 4 0
Sewell, s 3 1 1 2'Strunk. cf 4 0 4 1
S nson. 2b 3 2 1 SIM'lllgan, 3b 3 0 10
O'Neill c 3 2 1 OiSchalk. e 8 0
Cle'icp 3 0 1 6Morris. p 2 1 1 3
. jxMurphy, 10 0 0
Totala SO 7 21 ltlM'Wney, p 0
. -": . Totals 30 27
xMurphy batted for Morris In eighth.
' Score by innings:'
Cleveland . 0 0 I 0 0 9 3 06
Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Summary Runs: Graney, Gardner, Sew
ell, Stephenson, 2: Falk. Two-base hits:
Sewell, Speaker, Stephenson. Home run:
Falk. Stolen base: Gardner. Sacrifice hits:
Johnston, Hooper. Johnson, Gardner, Co
veleskle. Double plays: Strunk to Collins to
Johnson; Gsrdner to 8tephenson to John
ston. Left on bases: Cleveland, 8; Chi
cago, 6. First base on balls: Off Morris.
7: off Coveleskle. 1. Hits: Off Morris. 7
in s tunings; off McWeeney. 0 in 1 In
ning. Struck out: By Coveleskle, 1. Losing
pitchier: Morrla Time of game: 1:27. Um
pires: Evans and Hlldebrand.
Pennsylvania Women Beat
Bryn Mawr Fencing Team
Bryn Mawr, Pa., April 30. The
University of Pennsylvania women's
fencing team today defeated Bryn
Mawr college in what was said to be
the first foil tournament between
women's college teams ever held in
America, ' The score was six matches
to three.'
Totals 87 8 24 6
xEayrs batted for McQuillan In seventh.
xGlbson batted for Fillingim In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Boston 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 02
New York 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 2 x 7
Summary Runs: Ford. McQuillan, Kel
loy. Walker, 2; Rapp, Smith. 3. Errors:
Chrlstenbury, 3; Cruise, McQuillan, Fil
lingim, Bancroft, Frlsch, Young. Two-base
hits: McQuillan, Walker. Home runs:
Walker, Smith. Stolen base: Southworth.
Sacrifice hits: Rapp. Left on bases: New
York, 10; Boston, 10. First base on balls:
Off Toney, 1; off McQuillan, 6. Hits: Off
McQuillan, I In I innings; off Fillingim.
2 In 2 innings. Hit by pitched ball: By
Toney, Cruise. Struck out: By Toney, 2;
by McQuillan, 3; by Fillingim. 1. Losing
pitcher: McQuillan. Time of game: 1:30.
Umpires: McCormick and Hart.
Cards, 1; Reds. 0.
St. Louis, Mo., May 1. Fournier's triple
and Lavan's long fly in the second inning
decided a pitchers' battle between Haines
and Marquard and gave St. Louis a 1 to 0
victory over Cincinnati today. The score:
Bohne. Sb 3 0 1 UMann, cf 4 13 0
D'ubert lb 4 3 7 4
Roush. cf 4 13 0
Duncan If 4 0 4 1
Schultx. rf 4 3 10
T'rp'rcer. 2b 4 I 2 5
H'rnsby, 3b 4 1 0 !
Fonseca, 2b 3 0 4 JlF'urnler, lb 2 1 11 0
See, rf 8 13 0'M'H'nry, If 3 13 0
Crane, ss 2 0 3 3'Lavan ss 3 0 2 4
Wlngo o 3 0 0 OlDIlhoefer, c 3 0 6 4
M'quard. a 2 11 0! Haines p 2 0 12
Napier, p 0 0 0 li
xBressler 1 0 0 0 Totals 28 7 27 17
Totals 2 5 24 121
xBressler batted for Marquard in eighth.
Score by innings:
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
St. Louis , 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 1
Summary Run: Fournicr. Errors: Dun
can, Crane, Lavan. Three-base hits: Four
'tier. Stolen -base: Daubert. Sacrifice hits:
Kohne. Lavan, Haines. Double plays;
Crane to Fonseca to Daubert; Torporcer
to Dllhoefer; Lavan to Dilhoefer. Left on
bases: Cincinnati, 4; St. Louis, 6. First
hase on balls: Off Haines, 1. Hits: Off
Marquard, 6 In 7 innings: off Napier, 0
in 1 inning. Hit by pitched baH: By Mar
quard, Fournler. Struck out: By Haines,
3. Losing pitcher: Marquard. Time of
game: 1:21. Umpires: O'Day and Quigley.
Pirates, it Cobs, 0.
Chieago, May 1. Chicago was unable to
hit "Babe" Adams' pitching today, and
Pittsburgh won, 2 to 0. Only three singles
were made off Adams. Doubles by Whitted
and Schmidt in the second inning scored
Pittsburgh's first run and the second was
a home run by Carey in the sixth. The
score: -
. AB.H.O.A.I AB.H.O.A.
Bigbe. rt 5 2 1 1 i Flack, rf 4 10 0
Carey, cf '3 13 OiM'll'cher, ss 4 0 4 5
M'nvllle ss 3 0 3 S!Terry 2b 4 12 4
C'tshaw, 2b 2 0 1 2' Grime... lb 2 112 0
Whitted 3b 3 3 4 llxWarner 0 0 0 0
Tierney, 8b 4 0 0 3!Maisel cf 4 0 6 0
Grimm, lb 4 0 13 HBarber. if 3 0 10
Schmidt, c 3 1 2 1. Deal, 3b 3 0 0 1
O'Fa'rell-c 3 0 3 1
Vaughn, p 3 0 0 3
W. L. Tct.l W. L. Pet
Pittsburg 12 3 .SlnlOlnrlnnatl 1 10 .41:
Brooklyn 11 6 .SSBoton 10 .315
Chicago 8 6 .oillMPhilnrie!.
N. York 8 6 .6 151 St. Louis
' Yesterday's Results.
Pittsburgh, 2; Chicago, 0.
New York, 7; Boston, 2.
St. Louis, 1; Cincinnati, 0.
Brooklyn, 3: Philadelphia, 0.
Today's flames.
Pittsburgh at Chicago.
Boston at New York.
w. L. ret. i w. i,. pet.
Cleveland 13 6 .TOBlPotrolt 1 1 .&00
Washing. 10 6 .6671 Chicago 4 7 .561
N. Tork 6 .500! St. Louis 5 S .357
Boston 6 6 .6001 Philadel. 4 S .SOS
Yesterday's Results.
Detroit, 2; fit. Louis. 1.
Cleveland, 6; Chicago. 1.
Philadelphia, 5; Washington, 1.
Today's Games.
St. Louis at Detroit.
Washington at Philadelphia.
New York at Boston.
State Schools
Preparing for
Big Track Meet
Reports From Small High
Schools Throughout Ne
braska Show Wealth
Of Material.
Mit'aukee B
Columbus . 6
St. Paul 6
W. I.. Pet.
7 8 .467
W. L. Pet.
Ml'eapolls 7 3 .700
Indianap. 8 4 .667
Kan. City 7 6 .5SR
Louisville 7 3 .467
Yesterday's Results.
Toledo, 9; Columbus. 4.
IndianspolUtj 4; Louisville, 0.
Kansas City. 10; Milwaukee, 7.
St. Paul-Minneapolis, postponed
Today's Games.
Columbus at Toledo.
Minneapolis at St. Paul.
Kansas City at Milwaukee.
Louisville at Indianapolis.
At Memphis Little Rock, 2; Memphis,
2; (10 innings; darkness).
At Chattanooga Atlanta, 6; Chatta
nooga, 2; 11 innings).
At Nashville Birmingham, S; Nash,
vllle, 6.
At New Orleans Mobile, 7; New
Orleans, 0 (first game); New Orleans, 0;
Mobile, 3 seven innings, by agreement).
Salt Lake, 3; Seattle, 2.
Sacramento. 4: Portland. 3.
. San Francisco, 1 ; Los Angeles, 0 (first
game): Los Angeles, 1; San Francosco, 0
(second game).
Vernon, 13; Oakland, 0.
Illinois Defeats
Iowa University
Leaders of "Big Ten" Confer-
ence Have Easy Time
Three Homers Made. .
Adams, p 4 0 0
Totals . 31 6 27 16
Totals 30 S27 14
xWarner ran for Grimes In ninth.
.Score by innings:
Pittsburgh 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 !
Chicago .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Summary Runs: Carey, Whitted. F.r
rors: Blgbee, Maranvllle. -Terry, Grimes.
Two-base hits: Whitted, 2; Schmidt. Home
run: Carey. Sacrifice hit: Whitted. Dou
ble play: Whitted to Grimm. Left on
bases: .Pittsburgh, 2; Chicago, 6. First
base on balls: Off Vaughn, 6; off Adams,
2. Struck out: By Vaughn. 3: by Adams,
3. Time of gams: 1:29. Umpires: Rigler
and Moran.
Organize Lodge Pole
Valley Ball Circuit
Lodgepole, Neb., May 1. (Spe
cial.) The Lodgepole Valley league
is the new name for the league com
posed of the following towns along
the Union Pacific railroad: Chappell.
Lodgepole, Sidney, Peetz, Potter and
The officers elected are: W. L.
Bates, Kimball, president; J. M. T.
Pearson. Sidney, vice president; E.
H. Shallenberg, Potter, secretary
treasurer. Season opens May 15
and continues until in September.
Each team is. fo play entirely home
players and no salaries will' be paid
to any man.
The schedule is being arranged this
week and the ball will start rolling
next week. . This is a good move for
the towns to take and promote home
baseball.. .
American Assodabon
Urbana, III., May 1. (Special.)
Illinois continues to lead the "Big
Ten" conference base ball race after
defeating Iowa on Illinois field Satur
day afternoon by the score of 12 to 2.
The game was featured by three
home runs by Illinois and one Dy
Illinois made Iowa a gift of one
run in the initial frame. McCurdy,
Illinois first baseman, being responsible.
Before the Hawkeycs could retire
the Illinois sluggers six runs had
been registered. This put the game
on ice for Coach Lundgrcn's men.
Vogel and "Swede" Helstrom hit
the pill for a circuit clout apiece in
this frame. Breckcr was driven from
the box. Froheim, who replaced
him, pitched . airtight ball for four
innincs. but his teammates were un
able to back him up with the stick.
In the fifth inning frolieim. ianoeu
on one of McCan's curves for a
home run, thereby carrying off the
lion's share of the honors of his
In the seventh inning, McCurdy,
Illinois first sacker. came through
with a home run. During the re
mainder of the game both sides
seemed to lose their pep and neither
team, registered any markers.
Holdrege Gun Club
Wins Second Shoot
Holdrege, May 1. (Special.)
The Holdrege Gun club drove to
Elwood last Tuesday and defeated
the Elwood Gun club by a total of
10 birds on a 500-bird shot. This
makes the second scalp the Holdrege
shooters have ' annexed, having de
feated Kearney in a recent shoot.
43 Westfall
33' C. Christiansen
43! G. E. Winger..
40A. Christiansen
H. Hilsaueck.
P. Hllsabeck..
C Kingbury..
P. Palmer . . .
C. B. Morgan.
W. BeTgstrom.
Dr. Meradeth..
Thos. Hufford.
K. Olmstead..
L. Bunny
43!C. K. Stephens..
46C. Plllenger....
SiF. H. Hanosch..
44iR. H. Heath...
-(H. .Jorges
46 J. R. Gano....
Lincoln, Neb., Mav 1. Nebraska
high schools are interested in track.
This interest is much greater than
in preceding years, it is indicated in
reports being received at the office
of the director of athletics at the
University of Nebraska.
During the past week the first an
nual selective interscholastic pentath
lon has been conducted under the
auspices of the University of Ne
braska. Results will be forwarded
this week to the office of Head
Track Coach Henry F. Schulte.
The following reports from Ne
braska high schools show something
of the interest the students are show
ing in track and field sports:
Bartley Eighty per cent of the
boys out for track. Boyd Teter,
weight man, has held the Red Willow
county championship in the shot put
for two years. He is expected tO'
show up strong at the state meet
this year. His best record has been
42 feet, 10 inches.
Gothenburg Very Strong.
Gothenburg Thirty men out for
track. Will enter the district meet
at Kearney. Donald Holmes is one
of the leading athletes. He does the
120-yard high hurdles in 18 seconds,
the 200-yard dash in 25 seconds and
the 880-yard run in 2 minutes. SQ
seconds, as well as featuring in field
Alliance Twenty men in the
squad. Frank Dailey, one of the
leaders, is doing the 100-yard dash
in 10 3-5 seconds, 220-yard dash in
24 seconds, pole vault at 10 feet, 6
inches and high jump at 5 feet, 3
inches. Ralph Garvin is broad jump
ing 20 feet and throwing the discus
85 feet.
Diller Twenty men on the squad.
This is the entire male enrollment
of the school. John Starr has been
doing the pole vault at 8 feet, 11
inches, high jump at 5 feet and discus
at 8,3 .feet.
Bess in Meet Again. '
University Place Twenty men
out. Lester Bess, the captain, has
been throwing the discus 113 feet,
putting the shot 38 feet, 6 inches,
broad jumping 19 feet, high jump
ing 5 feet, 2 inches, and running the
880-yard run in 2 minutes, 30 sec
onds. Fairmont Will enter the pentath
lon. School is featuring both track
and base ball sports.
Poole Small school but every
High school boy and part of 'eighth
grade out for track.
. Dcwitt Eight out of 30 boys
competing in track. L. Milder has
made the following records: High
hurdles, 19 3-5 seconds; low hur
dles, 32 seconds; 50-yard dash, 5 3-5
seconds: shot put. 36 feet, 11 inches;
discus throw, 98 feet, 8 inches: high
jump, five feet, five inches; 100-yard
dash, 10 2-5 seconds, and broad
jump, 20 feet, 3 inches.
' Beatrice Looks Good.
Mason City Planning a big rural
school senior high and triangular
meet with Broken Bow and Ans
ley. Twelve boys out. Myrle Hall
tossed the shot 34 feet, six inches,
and ran the 800-yard run in 2 min
'utcs and 30 seconds. He is credited
with making the 220-yard dash in
24 2-5 seconds.
Beatrice T we n t y - e i g h t out.
Douglas Myers has been doing the
following in the events: shop put,
44 feet; discus throw, 113 feet; 220
vard dash, 25 seconds; broad jump.
18 feet; 120-yard high hurdles, 18
Arlington Fifteen out for track.
Mason McKibben has been running
the 880-yard-run in 2 minutes. 30
seconds; broad jumping, 15 feet',
7 inches, and ' throwing the dis
cus. 75 feet.
Osceola Thirty men out for
track. Ralph Richly is doing the
100-yard dash in 11 3-5 seconds; 220
yard dash in 25 seconds; 440-yard
dash in 57 seconds;, high jump at 5
feet, 3 inches, and broad jump at
18 feet.
Callaway Twenty-eight out for I
track. Superintendent Rosene is
giving a ticket to Lincoln to the
best athlete in at least three of the
pentathlon events. Rex Watkins is
doing 5 feet, 8 inches in the high
jump, 90 feet .in the discus, the 880
yard in 2 minutes, 24 seconds;
120-yard high hurdles in 2,0 seconds;
220-yard dash in 26 seconds.
Fremont Twenty out for track.
Willis Stump has been doing the
100-vard dash in 10 3-5 seconds, pole
vault at 10 feet, 220-yard dash in 24
McCook Eight out for track.
Have a strong list of dual meets
and other competition lined up.
Albion Thirty out for track.
George Fitzsinimons has been put
ting the shot 44 feet, 6 1-2 inches.
Ross has been hurling the discus
114 feet. Wcitzel and Russell Hos
ford also have been showing good
Aurora Twenty out for track.
Verne De Maranville has been do
ing the 880-yard run in two minutes,
seven seconds, 120-yard high hur
dles in 19 seconds, 220-yard dash in
25 seconds. He has been making
better than 5 feet in the high jump
and throwing the discus 85 feet. .
Indiana Loses Two
Games To Buckeyes
Columbus, O., May 1. Ohio
State defeated Indiana in two seven
inning games yesterday. Delay in
ctqrtincr tliA framcc owintr tn wri
grounds, caused officials to cut the
games to seven innings each. I he
first came score was 2 to 1. ahd the
second, 6 to 3. Score:
First game: rt H K
Indiana 1 3 4
Ohio State 2 5 6
Batteries: Walker and Mlnton; Shaw,
Griffith and Huffman.
Second game:: Jt H k
Tnrlinne 3 7 10
Ohio State 11 8
Batteries: Walker, Campbell and Mln
ton; Fish and Huffman.
Pitcher Gets Sore
Arm; Chicago Loses
Chicago, May 1. When Fritz
Crislcr, University of Chicago
pitcher, developed a sore arm and
had to quit, U Isconsin batters
slugged two relief httrlers hard, de
feating the Maroons today, 7 to 1.
n it E
Wisconsin 7 9 2
Chicago 1 1. 4
Batteries: Paddock and Davey; Crisler,
Dixon, Talmer and Tarrtly.
Pikers Defeats Drake
In Dual Track Meet
Des Moines la.. May 1. Wash
ington university of St. Louis defeat
ed Drake university here- yesterday
in their dual meet with a score of 76
to 59. Kraemer of Washington
broke the Missouri Valley record in
the discus throw when he tossed the
platter 137 feet, 3 1-2 inches.
Frank Moran To Fight
Carpentier In London
New York, April 30. Frank Mor
an, Pittsburgh heavyweight pugilist,
returned from England today. He
said he had an agreement with Major
Arnold Wilson, a London boxing
promoter, to meet Georges Carpen
tier in London in September regard
less of the outcome of the Carpcn-
tier-JJempsey fight.
Track Meet in Sidney .
Draws Large Crowd
Lodgepole, Neb., May 1.' (Spe
cial.) The track meet held in Sidney
was a successful one and a large
crowd attended the meet. Sidney, had
14 men entered and Lodgepole made
a splendid showing with only three
men jn the meet. Two first place
honors and ; one second were . the
events won by Lodgepole.
Bartley High Wins
County Track Meet
.. McCook, Neb., May 1. In he
county track meet in Bartley yester
day, Bartley High school won first
place with 67 points. McCook was
second with 51J4 points. Indianola
High was third and Danbury was
fourth. . It was a most interesting se
ries of events, with a number of sharp
, Coe Defeats Knox
Cedar Rapids, la.,- May 1. Coe
defeated Knox, 71 to 60, in a dual
meet Saturday.
Amateur Base Ball
Players Must Return
Uniforms To Backers
Amateur ba;-e ball players who
were members of teams connected
with the local association last season
and who are playing with other
clu'is this year, must return their
192ft uniforms to the backer of the
club to which they belong, if they
intend to play the remainder of the
season with the saiullottets in Oma
Arcnrilintr to Ihe riilra of the
association, a player ran be sus
pended from the association for not
returning base ball naranhcrnalia to
the backer of the team on which he
Ogallala Tennis Team
Challenges Any Club
Ogallala. Neb.,. May 1. (Spe
cial.) Much interest has been taken
in lawn tennis in Ogallala again this
year and at a meeting yesterday new
officers for the Ogallala tennis asso
ciation were elected. t.
Two excellent clay courts have
been finished and the club now boasts
of 25 live members. . Both single and
double tournaments will be started
next week and trophies put up for
the winners.
The club wishes to secure matches
with clubs in other cities, in western
Nebraska, and will welcome corre
spondence to that effect.
Columbia Crews Win
Animal Rowing Races
Derby, Conn., May I. Under
rainy skies and over a smooth two
mile course Columbia crews made a
clean sweep over Yale in the rowing
races on Lake Housatonic, winning
both the junior and 'varsity events,
the former by three lengths, and the
latter by a length and a quarter.
! Police Stop Lewis
! Bout-L)lue Laws!
Wichita, Kan., April 30. Police
stopped the wrestling bout between
Fd (Strangler) Lewis, heavyweight
wrestling champion, and Dick
Davfccourt here tonight at mid
night. Lewis won the first fall in
1:32 1-2. The wrestlers had been
on the mat 17 minutes to the second
fall when the police interfered.
c i--- I .11.. I it,.
officers to interfere, lliey stated.
The crowd swarmed around the ring
demanding the bout be finished.
College Came PoM toned
Manhattan, Kan.. May 1. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The Drake-Kansas
Aggie base ball game scheduled for
Saturday was cancelled on account
of rain. The Haskell lndians-Aggin
track meet was postponed until
By tha. Pictureiqu i
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Union Dept.
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J K TT Ham m I
A concentration of all
things desirable for your
summer holiday at all
Big and little hotels; camps.
High mountains, deep canyons, prime
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Good motor roads, horseback trails.
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City and country, mining camps and
Scenery of wonder, and ohl
Such air and sunshine.
Lew Samatr Tan't Fans Btgia Joaa ht
May it "Deciding Month" for summer
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Wntt for illustrated booklets, "Colorado's
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tion advertisement "N."
Union Pacific System
4241 Totals 414
Next Tueaday the Klwood Gun club come
to Holdrege for a return shoot.-
Cozad High Wins
Cozad, Neb., May 1. (Special
Telegram.) The Junior High of
Cozad won nearly every event in
the grade field and track meet held
here Saturday afternoon. Over 500
spectators were present.
Semi-Pro and Amateur
Indianapolis, May 1. R. H. E.
t.oulavllle ...0 S
Indlanapolla 4 t 1
Batterlea: Knob, Tlncup and Kocher;
Cavet and Benllna,
Milwaukee, May 1. R. H. B.
Kansas City 10 I 1
Milwaukee 7 14
Batterlea: Ames, Williams and L. Mc
Carthy; Schaalc and Cosset t.
Toledo, May 1. H. H. E.
Columbua i..4 8 2
Toledo 10 3
Batteries: Rush, Hald. Bowman, Sher
man and Wilson, Bartley; Bedelnt and
Lauba. ,
s Omaha Goblins I.9e.
Beatrice. Neb., May 1. By bundling
hits In the seventh and ninth Innlngt.
"Stub" Life's Beatrice ball club defeated
tha Omaha Colored Goblins In a whirl
wind finish, 7 to t.
H. H. E.
Beatrice 7
Goblins 10 3
Batteries: Dull and Mathews; Raghlln
and Grey.
Benkelman, 14: Stratton, 7.
Benkelman, Neb., May 1. Benkelman
defeated Stratton, 14 to 7 In the opening
game of the Tri-county league.
Batteries for Benkelmsn, Hlgftina and
Bchaffer; for Stratton, Eller and Chap
Umpires: Meschelle and Mann.
V. P. League.
Lodge Pole. Nh May I. (Special.)
The towns of Oshkosh, Broadwater, Lls
co and Lewellen, on the, branch line of
the Union Pacific railroad, organized a
base ball league to play base ball dur
ing the season. The league playa all
home men and no salaries to be paid.
Only the four towns entered the league.
The name of tha organisation has noJ
been learned.
Randolph High Wins.
Randolph. Neb., April 8fl. (Special.)
The Randolph High school basn ball team
defeated the Hartlngton team here ill
to . The game was the local's match
from the first hall, Hartlngton never
getting near enough to be even dangerous.
This Is the first game of tha series for
the high school championship of northeast
Nebraska. Bloomfield will play here Moo-ay..
You Will Never Regret Voting for
The Only Ex-Soldier
Candidate for
City Commissioner
Will Make Good
He is Clean
He is Capable
He is Fair
He is Courageous
He cannot be
Hopkins' election means
that, the ex-service men,
and the younger genera
tion of Omahans ' will
have representation on
the city commission. Vote
for Hopkins on May 3.
42 O
Prrvlnua Public Service!
Attorney I-'rrternl Land Bank.
Member Ptate I.eB-lslnttire, 1917.
Census Enumerator, 1020.
V A Vote for
is a vote for a man who has
always made good in any de
partment. A better person cannot be found
to take care of the taxpayers'
HUMMEL h?8 thoro".h knowledge
of city affairs and has
made good in the past.
Vote for Honest Joe