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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1921)
10 THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 2, 1921. Conference Plan Of Armour & Co. Gets Under Way Employes and Management j Representatives Hold First J Meeting Featured By Election Contest. The first meeting of the plant con ference board of the local branch of Armour & Co. was held Saturday morning, the meeting being on the order of a "get acquainted" gather ing. Several -representatives of the company, among who"m were Oak ley C. Willis, general manager of he local branch, and J. E. O'Herin general superintendent of all the Ar mour plants, made addresses ex plaining the- conference plan. As a "climax of the spirited elec tion for representatives from the em ployes Thursday, a recount of the vote was demanded by J. B. Brown of the engine room, who was de feated by Frank Barta of the elec tricians by one vote. In the recount Frank Lauer, acting as teller, an nounced Eatta had gained a Vote and Brown had lost a vote, with the final result of 48 to 45 in favor of Barta. The following were elected as em ployes' representatives to. the ton ference board: Beef division, An drew Smith and Charles Casper; pork division, Peter Bolner and Joe Moore; production division, Patrick Keenan and Arnold Sargent; me chanical division, T. J. Hurless and Samuel Marcoe; precinct 1, Wesley Moravec; 2. Hugh McCormick; 3, .Mike Shummy; 4, G.. C. Jensen; 5, Edward Kosiski; 6, Max Schnieder; 7, William A. Curran; 8, James E. Whetstone; 9, Charles A. Murphv; 10. Bishop F. Arnold: 11. Frank Barta.and 12, William Hardman. The following are representatives of the management: At large, Wil liam McGuigan, G. W. Brackenbui v, U. G. Graham, B. -J. Boyle, f. C. Rowe, John Wall, Thomas Green and Otto Williams. Precinct repre sentatives are: Precinct 1. R. L. McCullough; 2, Edward Starr; 3, Thomas J. JPurcell; 4, Charles Mol ner; 5, John -Newton: 6, Arthur H. Adams;, 7, Michael Hickey; 8, A. J. Stevens; 9, J. H. Meagher; 10, J. R. Hyerlv: 11. ihomas Wakefield: . .Carl E. Magnuson, C. R. Orchard was named chairman of the confer ence board and P. N. Jewett, secre tary. The local conference board will . hold" monthly meetings with special meetings at the call of the chairman. Kinkaid Favors Bill For Merger in Land . Offices at Alliance Washington, D. C, May 1. (fpecial Telegram. Judge Kinkaid, when his attention was called to a kill introduced by Senator Norris . lonsolidating the offices of register tnd receiver at the land office at Alliance, Neb., said that he had not ' Introduced such a measure because I general bill applying to all -land offices was pending before the public land committee of the house,- giving the Secretary of the interior au thority for consolidation at his dis cretion. . , "The house has Rassed such a bill on several occasions, but has met with defeat in the senate. Person ally 1 see no reason why the two offices should not be consolidated in the Alliance land office. I am in formed that the present incumbents of those offices desire to quit, but until some affirmative action is taken looking to the consolidation of the , offices I suppose they will continue to serve. If ' Senator Norris' bill should come over to the house, and there is seemingly little chance of yetting a general bill through, I will make n effort to pass fhe Norris bill." Grl Killed and Five Other Persons Injured ; When Bomb Explodes Johnstown, Pa., May 1. An 18-year-old girl was killed and five other persons "were injured tonight at South Fork, near here, when a bomb sent through the mails, ex ploded in a store. Annie Raneri was killed and three of her sisters, a brother and an unidentified man, were injured. The package was addressed to her father. The girl opened the pack tge in the store and as she removed the . last wrapper, the explosion occurred. One side of the building was blown out and the store vyas wrecked. According to the police, Raneri had been threatened recently. U. S. Ready to Negotiate Upc on British War Debt Chicago Tribone-Omeha Bee Leased Wire. Washington, May 1, Secretary of the Treasury, Mellon, it was said -"at the Treasury department today.'is , ready to discuss with the State de partment, the matter of notifying the British government-that the United States is prepared, to negotiate for funding the British war debt to this countrv. It is assumed bv government of ficials that the notice to Great Bri ain of this decision will be forward ed withia a few days and actual dis cussions are expected to follow short- , !, Because of the long time that j has elapsed since the matter was first" taken ' up informally, it is thoorht that there will not be much farther delay. Financial representa tive of the British government prob .. My will sail for the United States at toon as word is received from the State department. Red Cross at Alliance Close Home Service Bureau Alliance Neb., May 1. (Spe cial.) The home service bureau of the Alliance chapter of the Ameri can Red Cross has been permanent- - ly closed. The local board will con tinue to function however, and will , hold the funds -on hand in reserve for emergency. ' It is expected that local ijhorch organizations will take v the chapter' work-of contributing f Id thing an! supplies tt the Near Lit Relief, THE GUMPS Q WHlrOOU? LOOK gSf .--rup-ti VrtDV, SS? f ' PPESS ACCORDING N ANW-KOvM tx VOV LIVE WTS 1 GCZS OUT ANt HAW OS A.' ) H 'J v JW To LFDr,ro J l&HM A ROSIER CRemoH- GW A vAR UN A ( W 15 H tV'LL M v a " Gary Welcomes Probe of Charges Of Selling Prices Says Action of Federal Trade Commission Involves Ques tion of So-Called "Pitts- burgh Base." New York, May 1. Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the board of directors of the- United States Steel corporation, declared that he wel comed investigation by the federal trade commission into charges that the corporation and 11 of its sub sidiaries had practiced unfair . com petition in interstate commerce through the system of having Pitts burgh as a basing point for selling prices. lt is a mistake," hesaid, "to sup pose the proceedings are directed against the United States Steel cor poration or any other manufacturing concern. They involve a . simple question relating to the Pittsburgh base, so-called." Many, if not all other lines, he said, carry out similar practices. These consist of establishing a system ot base prices and plus prices. Except for rails, steel, wherever made, is delivered under this system at the Pittsburgh base price, plus what the freight would have been from Pitts burgh to the delivery point. Pitts burgh is known as the basing point in the steel industry. --' The complainants, who are west ern purchasers of steel, contend, Mr. Gary said, that Pittsburgh should not be the only basing point, but that others should be established. "I will be glad to have the matter fully considered and, if possible, a judicial and final decision reached," Mr. Gary said. "The question is far reaching." " He declared Pittsburgh was desig nated the basing point by common consent among the general trade long, before the United States Steel corpo ration existed. It has secured stabil ity in business, which has been of substantial benefit to the general trade, he said. Until recent' years the system was satisfactory to everybody concerned, he continued, but lately complaint has been made by residents of local ities other than Pittsburgh, alleging that the eustom resulting in building up Pittsburgh and vicinity to the prejudice of other places. Norris Requests More Information Before .Drafting Grain Bill Washington, May 1. Bills look ing, to, tne regulation or gram exchanges were considered by the house agricultural committee and Chairman Norris of the senate agri culture committee also announced he was waiting for additional infor mation before drafting a measure on the subject, which he expects to in troduce in the senate. Senator Nor ris said he had conferred with ex perts from the1 Agriculture depart ment and the federal trade commis sion. ' .' Senator Capper, republican, Kan sas, whose but relating to gram ex changes was referred to the secre tary of agriculture for reconimenda- . 'J I - .!- If- lion, said ne nau laittcu wuji mi. Wallace and that the secretary had indicated the desirability of holding a conference of all friends of the leg islation. Policeman Sent to Jail Under Prohibition Law Salt Lake City, Utah May 1. J. E. Smith, iwiio surrendered bis badge as patrolman upon the demand of the chief of police when he "was arrested yesterday by' federal offi cials and charged with violation of the prohibition law, was sentenced to three months in jail by City Judge Fred W. Crockett today! .The , judge held that Smith was doubly responsible in that he had violated 'a law he was charged to see was observed. A still, said to have been used at Smith's residence for the making of moonshine whisky, was confiscated. - Pittsburgh Snow-White Lamb Compared With Conditions oh Stage Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, May 1. The nauglrty bedroom comedy, garter shows bare legs, bare backs, indecency, profaniy, vulgarity all these are to be chased from the stage, the Drama league acting as the chaser, in accord with recommendations submitted at the league's convention by Chester B. Story of Pittsburgh. "Pittsburgh is a snow-white lamb," said Mr. Story, "compared with con ditions on the stage today. Maybe the reaction has been caused by war unrest. A "back to normalcy" move ment is needed and this must be led by the Drama league." - ' . .. ,The stage, Mr.. Story declared,' was penning too much toward the specta cular, the stuff that appeals only teethe eye and not of the ear and brain. He declared the time had now come for a revival of the spoken drama, Applicants Jp Army '. .Training Camps Are Limited to But 1,200 Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Washington,- May 1. Only 1,200 applicants for free practical military training of civilians can be received this year at the summer military training camps in each corps area, the War department announced, owing to the limited appropriations. Throughout the whole country only 10,000 men can be accommo dated at the training camps. ' V According to the plan, the govern ment pays all expense of training. In return the candidate, in considera tion of his time, will be taught five of the most essential principles of American citizenship? First, how to serve his country in peace and war; second, how to take care of his body, build up his health and live a happy, vigorous life; third, habits of self-control, resourcefulness, self-reliance and other elements of a man ly character; fourth; discipline and a sense of order; fifth, co-operation and teamwork. " ' Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham In his lecture the other night the Wild Onion school teacher dwelt at length' upon the rapid flight of time. but his audience didn't seem to think so. v The Tickville photographer an nounces that, he 'has just received a new mountain to be -used in photo graphs. But Slim Pickens don't like that idea. He says when he has his picture taken he wants to be the biggest thing in it. Atlas Peck took his watch to pieces this week, and has got it to running again with the exception of two or three of the smaller wheels. . Copyright, 1921, George Matthew Adams. W H Y Do White Marks Appear on the . Finger Nails? The finger nails, possibly more thari any other part of the body, have al ways been regarded with something akin to a superstitious awe. Aropnd thenv have' sprung up many legends and beliefs, ranging all the way from the harmless tales of European folk lore to the dread tabu of the Poly nesians, where the s curse of one's finger nails is held to lead to a linger ing and terrible death. It is probably because of this ancient veneration for ,the nails that a number of legends have been woven about the origin of the white marks which appear during their growth the half-moons which are supposed to have a certain significance, the tiny spots which mean something else an the conjunction of these marks which is believed to foretell success or disaster. As a matter of cold hard fact, however,' the white marks on the nails have nothing to do with anything outside the body, but are the result of bruises or acci dental knocks wjiich the delicate tis sue of the finger "nails sustains while it is in the process of formation un der the skin at the base of the nail itself. Sometimes' poor circulation will cause a 'number of Jhese white marks, because the nail is improperly fed at the time it is being formed, but strikine the hand against some! solid object is responsible for the majority of them, even though we may not' be conscious of the injury at the time. (Copyrigjjt, 1921, Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) Where It Started I Interrogation and Exclamation Points The interrogation point (?) is. de rived by placing the letter "q over the letter "o," these being the first and last letters of the Latin "quaes to" (question).- The point of ex clamation was made by placing the letter "i" over the letter "o," making the word "io," a" Latin exclamaton of joy. ; w. 'r " ..'.,' , (Copyright, 1921,. Wheeler Syndicate, Ine.) South Side Brevities THK 7AQEH OARAGK for rent.: 30th and Q fits. Telephone So. SJSJ. Adv. Fer S.le Fresh Jersey cow, tested. L. O. Leaders, rapUUon, Tl, Spruce 1305. Adv, THE BUTTERFLY AND ' THE WORM More Truth By JAMES J. MISTAKES WILL HAPPEN Algernon, along the lane, In, his motor car came humming, Just as the six-thirty train At terrific speed was coming. Though the bars began to drop Algy tried to hurry under, Neither he nor train could stop, , Now he knows he made a blunder. Ladder leaned against a wall, Inconvenient, people found it, Notwithstanding which they, all Excepting Willie, walked around' it. He Walked under, stern and grim, Not the least bit superstitious, Which, since it fell down on(him He admits was injudicious. Argus dpticted motor cop Fancied Ethelred was speeding, - Loudly called to him to stop But the lad went on unheeding. Thought he'd gaily cry "Farewell," When the motor cop-was shaken, Now-he's in a grated cell Quite convinced he was mistaken. Herbert had a case of gin, "Which with fear and trepidation He one evening carried in On arriving at the station. When his arm got stretched and sore Gave it to a colored porter Who. of course, was seen no more z Now he knows Jie hadn't or' ter. r jMEr rg TOO FRIENDLY. Step should be taken to prevent- the army engaged in the war on rum from fraternizing with the enemy, v STRICTLY NONPARTISAN. , There is going to be no more' politics in. the postoffices. The best qualified man in every town can be the postmaster, provided only that hp is a good republican. POETIC JUSTICE. The bandits who robbed an umpire were probably trying to show him how it felt. ..- (Copnight, 1921, br the Bell Syndicate. Inc. I Jewel, Flower, Color Symbols for Today V By MILDRED MARSHALL. Today's talismanic gem is the pearl. Symbolic of, youth and purity, it was. believed .by the ancients to guard those who wore it from bad fortune. However, it must be worn against the flesh, as otherwke its beauty will be lost. ' The natal stone' for today is the AMUSEMENTS. Tonight wAEi!k Mat:, Wed. & Sat. Wed. end Sat. Mats.25c&50u No fher MUTT AND bm-'" JEFF AT THE RACES fMtff the kiddie to I II It H ate Mutt and Jeff alive. It will bring joy to their little hearts SKS, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.80 HCT Four Night Starting Next Sunday The World's Greatest Musical Comedy, "THE SWEETHEART SHOP" with Harry K. Morton and the original company. . Tickets: 50c to $2.50. Seats tomorrow. ft Matinee Daily, 2:15; EveryJNIght, 8:15. ALBERTINA RASCH; GENE GREENE; "MOONLIGHT!" BESSIE 'BROWN ING Burke & Betty; Kitner A Reaney Emerson Baldwin; - The Two Reck tors; Topioi of the Day; Path News. Matinees, 15c to 50c; some 75c and $1.00. Sat. and Sun. Nights, 15c to $1.25. EMPRESS LAST . TIMES x TODAY DAN HOLT A CO., presenting "The Moonshiners;" HAYDEN, GOODWIN ROWE, "Tare;" JEWEL A RAYMOND, "Just Kids;" MARIE, CORRELL A CO, in "An Athletic Sur. priss;" Photoplay Attraction, "GOD LESS MEN," a Coldwya Production. BASE BALL TODAY' OMAHA VS. , TULSA Game Called 3:15 p. m. Box Seats at Barkalow Bros. 3 Than Poetry MONTAGUE ' - emerald. It brings good luck to those who wear it, as it bestows on them the power to read the future, if an ancient supejstitution is to be be lieved. It is also said to endow its wearer witfy unusual intelligence. Today's lucky color is white, ac cording to the Orientals, who believe that those who wear it on this date will make many, friends. . The lily of the valley "brings good luck to those who wear it on this i day. (Copyright.. nrl. Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) PHOTOPLAYS. Now Till Sat. ALL A AXIOM Master' Mind Reader Ask him the question nearest your heart. HE SEES ALL KNOWS ALL. POLITICAL ADYEBTISKMrTXT. I . Between the Two " j . . . Vtie Foir Romance in Origin ' Of Superstitions . ' By H. IRVING KING. Planting by the Moon. Dwellers in cities do not realize how important a part the almanac plays in the raising of crops. In all countries the widespread belief is among farmers that, in brder to do well, crops planted im mediately"after the new moon. All except tubers they should be plant ed in the. dark of4he moon. This idea runs back to the time when man first constructed for himself a mood-goddess out of the earth's satellite. , In fact the underlying idea is older than the mythologies, being the first attempts of primitive man to comprehend and connect up the natural phenomena by which lie was surrounded. . The ancients regarded the moon as the source of moisture, and the ul timate cause of the growth of plants, as the .sun. was the source of heat. They evolved the "doctrine of luna sympathy" by which the waxing and waning of the moon affected vege table life. Therefore seeds planted at the time of the new moon got a .good start, waxing in vitality as the moon waxed in size. This for all crops which produced abbve ground got out of darkness as the moon did. But for the tubers, which increased in darkness under ground, they should be planted when PHOTOPLAYS. TODAY TOMORROW "lilOWliVlilllJM! liter TOMORROW NIGHT, ELECTION RETURNS. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. IEMI0D Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. (Copyright. 1921. by Chicago Tribune Co.) the moon, also, was in darkness, thus getting the full benefit of the "luna" sympathy." This theory runs back through the whole history of agriculture the writing of the great Roman authors are full of it. In the mythologies the most ancient moon goddesses were intimately connected with agriculture. It was Isis who first discovered wheat and barley and instructed her br6ther-riusuand Osiris in their cultivation. U. P. Agent "at Capital Washington, April 30. (Special Telegram.) A. L. Craig, general passenger agent of. the Union Pacific, who has been east look ing over the offices of his company, was in Washington today. He be lieves that business is onthc up grade. MS "HIS .GBEATEST SACBJFICI T0M0BB0W SIGHT, ELECTION RETURNS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT VOTE "Tom" rifOTOPIAYS. vfflJ I I Now and All Week maas4 CLAIM !Fl0Wir ! LARRY SEMON mgr, "i "ThelHick" V trj! ATTRACT! Oft . - ; Tomorrow Night . vh V'YiY'Y?T Election Returns 1 i Empress Rustic ; tartar tl , Under Personal Direction of ' j , Wilfrid Udoux . Admisoin For City Commissioner The present high standard of Omaha's playgrounds and recreation centers is due to Falconer's efforts. A Vote Tuesday, May 3rd for FALCONER is a vote for the continuance of the happiness of Omaha's kiddies. Do You Know the' Bible? (Cover up the anaweia. reed the fiuei tlons enil If )ou tan unewer them. Then look ot the answers to see It jeu ere right ) Follow these Questions and An swers as arranged bv J. WILLoUN KOY 1. What son of Abraham was founder of a great colony? 2. Who were the Libertines re ferred to in the Bible? 3. At what time was Fentecoat held? 4. What was the name of the father of the apostle James the less? . 5. Who was Euodias, 1 6. Who was Balac? Answers. 1. Midian, the founder ot the Mid ianites. 2. Jewish slaves who had obtain ed their freedom. 3. Fifty days after the Passover, i. Alphaeus. B. A Christian woman at Thilippi. See Phillippians iv. 2 6. A captain associated with De borah in the judgeship in Israel. (Copyright, 1921, Wheeler Syndicate, lne.1 NI0T0PLAYN. Now Playing Y O U W I L REMEMB;ER TTDEATTYS' ID Co-Operative Cafeterias We ' Appreciate , Your - Petronage. rOLfTlCAL ADVERT! KEMKNT FOR m SQDK3 ) $wrr I Falconer