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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1921)
J i TlIK HKK: OMAHA. SUMJAY. - MAY 1, 9 A Annual May Sale of Linens An even$ of great importance to every housewife .who cares to replenish her linen closet. Large assort ments at low prices. Complete Line of Corsets Wc wish to call your attention to our new corset seection on the second floor, where expert corsetieres are at your service. - emu EVERYBODY STORE" . ! 3 'C '! i 5 I1 nnuai i vi ay Bringing With Them Unusual Opportunities to Do Economical Buying In the matter of satisfactory selection the May Sales offer particularly interesting choice. For these great assortments are specially assembled for these sales. They are made up of fresh, fine merchandise, selected with rare discrimination as to style, critical judgment as to quality and a fine sense of value giving. Every featured occasion will, we believe, be found most advantagebus in , putting into effect the summer plans of our patrons. The Daintiest of White Materials ; I ,VeVUV. I m At Prices That Represent Wonderful Values For the dainty summer frock, skirt, blouse or for your undergar ments, you will find that these values are most extraordinary. Here, are. a few of, the many you will find in our big new department- tali Y . -the second floor. r " - Z&W ii? H-i: : . , .Duretta Cloth, 29c yar ' ihe celebrated. JLJuretta cloth, a iabnc greatly ' used, for; boys suits, nurses' uniforms, . sejsarate skins, and Sport blouses; it -isv36' inches wide and hag a beautitul luster finish.- v. .'". . ... Dress Voile, 65c yard 40-inch di-tss voile, a beautiful quality ; made of finc yarn with , tape edge an . , excellent value, for 65e yard. Wash Satin, 89c yard "- White cotton wash satin, a fabric with ' all the appearance of high-class satin; greatly used for skirts and undergar- . 4ut;iim, yy mines muri ... -, White Poplin, 59c yard 36-;nch white poplin; an excellent qual ity ,"ith beautiful, lustrous finish." : . . ferie Cloth, 26c , 8G-inch, lingerie cloth; a very fine quality, without dressing 'or filling of any kind r much used for undergarments and children's dresses. Nainsook, 29c yard Fine nainsook, 36 inches wide, sheer, closely woven quality. A quality; much used for children's dresses and undergar ments. ' Voiles, 65c yard ..Beautiful voiles in handsome .plaids and stripes, its. well as neat figures and lace effects. These will make good-looking dresses or shirtwaists, and ai-e very reason ably priced; - Second Floor An Enormous May Sale of Colored Embroidered Dress i t i A I 'A - VI ' i 3 1 t I ia '-: 40-inch di-ess voile, a beautiful quality I Lin I n I -. ' .1 IP: I. j J ,:,;, Eles 4" i Monday Vhite Batiste, 75cyard Very fine imported white batiste, 38 inches wide; this is an unusually fine qual ty and. is priced very. low at',75c yard. White Sherrette, 39c yard A very popular fabric for summer wear; it has all the. appearance of linen and re tains beautiful finish after laundering; 10 inches wide. , Swiss Organdie, $1,50 yard Imported Swiss organdie, a quality made from unusually fine yarn, with very high grade finish which is permanent, 45 inches wide. White Gabardine, 75c yard White gabardine, 36 inches wide;ithis quality has the wool finish and of fine weave much used for summer skirts and suits. . . I : Annual May Sale of Silk andi MusUn ingerie ; To Introduce Our Beautiful New Section on the Second Floor V ones 98c a yard Xlong. put this time of the year one is confronted with many rew requirements for one's "wardrobe and ,for the rest of the yfajnily. 'rltis- with this thought in -mind that this May sale was planned. Wanted merchandise has been aggregated for your choos J ing andyou will find the prices reasonable. Yes, in each instance, considerable less than usual and we have planned a group of specials presenting each new development in; fabrics of summery daintiness which endow the wearer with a distinctive mien as well as a cool, refreshing comfort, and is sure ta gladden th hearts of fashionable women. ; Dainty Cotton Underwear at Special May Prices A very special purchase which was. bought on purpose-f op this reafe May event -corrsist--ing of the finest and most beautiful dress voiles you have seen for many seasons. They come in dainty colors, both light and dark and are exquisitely embroidered with silk in contrasting colors. Some have beautiful figures as well as embroidered motifs. This price, at which they are offered for Monday, Is Y2 their intended selling price. 36 and 40 inches wide, . - Every piece will make handsome dresses for the coming season. See Window Display. ' Swiss Organdie $1,25 yd. Dress Voile 50c yd. Fine imported swiss organdie in every possible shade. 45 in. wide, for Mon day sale, $1.25 yd. : Dress voile in a large assortment of. ' pretty : patterns on dark ground. All 40 in. wide.. Sale price, 50c yd. Pillow Cases, Sheets and Sheetings At May Sale Prices Housewives will welcome this great May 'sale, of bedding and will save by purchasing now for preseht as well as future use. The prices are lower in every instance than they perhaps ever will be. ' Sheeting, 49c . 72 and 81-inch bleached sheeting; a quality that will give good service; no dressing or filling.: Pillow Cases, 25c 42x36 and' 45x36 pillow cases. -These, are made of good quality of muslifv.and is unusual value for 25c each. ... ' Bed Sheets, $1.39 Pillow tubing, 39c yard Bed sheets; a heavy weight, quality made from splendid sheeting. These have neatlv hemmed ends and are for full. size beds. Size 81x90 inches. Pillow Cases,' 59c Round thread pillow cases ? an ex cellent quality, much used for hand em broidery work; size 45x36 inches. ' Second Pillow tnMnrr in the ift-inr-Vi T-wrirlfli"' a quality without dressing or filling, ' Pillow Cases, 65c Muslin pillow : cases, size 45x36 inches. These are made of fine mus lin,' with neat hemstitched edge and at tractive embroidered designs on ends. Floor Petticoats, 95c Muslin petticoats, shadow proof, straight tailored effect with scalloped bottom'. Envelope Chemise .Made of dainty .nainsook are attractively , trimhied-with' lace and embroidery, cami-' sole or fitted shoulder top. . Gowns, 95c Nainsook gowns, in plain tailored effects, or daintily trimmed with lace in empire and kimono style. .- Petticoats, $1.95 - Muslin and nainsook ' petticoats with dainty embroidered flounces, fitted waist. Envelope Chemise $1.45 These dainty nainsook chemise afe trimmed with val lace and medallions, camisole or fitted shoulder top. Gowns, $1.95 Nainsook gowns in kimono and empire effect with trimmings of hand embroidery and lace ribbon run. Petticoats $2.95 . Muslin and nainsook petticoats, trimmed with exquisite embroidery and lace flouncings.; 'Special, $2.95. Others priced up to $1650. Envelope Chemise -i $1.95 Fashioned of dainty nainsook, with touches of hand embroidery and trimmed with val, 'lace and embroidery, $1.95. Others up-o $12.50. i Gpwns, $2.95 Gowns of! nainsook, kimono and . empire effect, elaborately trimmed with laces and embroidery ribbon run. Special, $2.95. Others up' to $10.00. Exq uisite Silk Lingerie Underpriced foriMay Sale Envelopes Chemise $1.95 Crepe de. chine envelope chemise with camisole .or fitted shoulder top,, trimmed with val lace and dainty rosebuds, ribbon "run. Envelope Chemise Others of crepe de -chine and satin in flesh, white and all the rainbow shades $2.95, $3.95 to $18.50, - i Silk Gowns $3.95 Gowns', of heavy quality crepe de chine in tailored models, full width and -length. Silk Gowns Gowns of crlpe de chine and satin in , flesh and the rainbow shades, elaborately trimmed with la,ce, chiffon and hand em broidery, ribbon run $5.95, $7.95, and up to $18.50. ' '. . Setoni Floer Silk Camisoles $1.50 i Camisolos of satin and crepe de chine, bodice and 'fitted shoulder top. Others in satin aftd; crepe de chine, trimmed with rosebuds, 4aee and hand embroidery $1.95 to $3.95. :r, ! ' Sillf jStepins, $3.95 Stepin of crepe de chine and satin, lace and hand-embroidered trimming, fitted waist. "" ! . . ... -TV White Blouses Hope Muslin 15c 36-inch "Hope" muslin; this celebrated, quality offered at 15c yard. Limit of 10 yards, to a cus tomer. For Wear With the Rummer Skirt ' One's wardrobe-is. not -complete without one ;or." more of these dainty white blouses. There is such a' large variety of them; that it is a , pleasure to .make your .selection.. .'..j; ..; Voile, batiste, organdie, georgette,. net Jineo and many others, are equally popular. They . are beauti fully trimmed with laces, embroidery,' pleating-and tiny tucks. Be certain to come in and -see them. he prices are so low that you will be pleasantly surprised. -. Third Floor There Art So Many Uses for Lates and Embroideries When They Are Pretty Like These Here For the summer frock, the infant's hist dress, or for its tiny pet ticoat, or perhaps a dainty bit of lace forjyour reck. There is no end to the many uses that is made of laces 2nd embroideries this season. They are used on everything. ... J J , Organdie Flouncings, 40 and 27 incljcs wide, in colors and white. They- come in French embroidery and narrow pleating. An assortment of 18-inch Flouncings !are especially desirable for infante' dresses. Edges and insertions may be had to match. For the soft, fluffy frocks the 36 amf 27-inch laces in filet, chan tilly, radium and net, also the narrow vlls and cluny laces from 5c a yard up. i - - : . Min Floor. '.. Aj ' ' ' .