i 4Hi lifct: U.UAHA, SATURDAY, AfKllj 3U, ltf.il. Cappcr-Tinclier Grain Exchange Bill Is Endorsed President of Dourd of Trade Says Most of Proposed Re forms Already Under wav per-Tincher bill for the regulation yi grain exchanges was endorsed in principle by Joseph P. Griffin, pres ident of the Chicago Board of Trade, testifying before the house agricul tural committee today. Mr. Griffin criticised the bill in some of its details and offered mi- cation. lie told the committee that the Chicago Board of Trade had al ready undertaken to carry out most of the reforms proposed by the meas ure, notably by abolishing indem nity transactions. "I take it -rliat the only one of the many bills offered in this con nection that is receiving serious con sideration from the committee is the Tincher bill." said Mr. Griffin. "The other bills which have been propos ed are destructive; they would de stroy the existing marketing ma chinery. The Tincher bill has many elements of constructive vatue. In principle we endorse it; in precise detail it needs amendment largely to meet practical developments in the grain trade." Mr. Griffin read extracts from the report of the board of directors of the board of trade on April 12. rec ommending numerous changes in the rules regulating grain transactions along the lines of the Capper-Tin-cher bill. He told the committee lie was pleased to note that the bill recognized the necessity for hedging because, he said", "there can be no hedging without future trading and there can be no future trading with out speculation.1' "A market without hedging would be like Hamlet without Hamlet," he said. "It couldn't exist. The fluc tuations in the grain business would wipe out the capital of every dealer if there were no hedging." Mr., Griff in said that although the prohibition of indemnity transac tions would involve a great sacri fice on the part of some dealers, he believed this should be done because such transactions led to "over spec ulation." Negro Woman Who Is Shot By Enraged Man Near Death Shot in the breast, twice in the left leg and twice in the right arm, Stella Beard, negro, 2411 Blondo street, lies wounded, probably mor tally, in the St. Joseph hospital. I'o lice are seeking William Johnson, negro, in connection with the shoot ing, which occurred at the home of Maudie Turner, 2706 Parker street. Bennie Bay, Maudie and Douglas Turner, who were in the house at the time, told police Johnson had threatened to kill the woman, who had deserted him a mouth ago. Mrs. Brandeis May Enter Movies Friends Say She Has Ambi tious As Producer Alimony Sufficient Capital. San Francisco, April 29. (Special Telegram.) San Francisco friends of Mrs.-Madeline Frank Brandeis, divorced w ife of E. John Brandeis of Omaha, will not be surprised if she enters the moving picture game, not as an actress, but as a producer. She has ambitions in that field, her friends say, and with the $400,000 alimony which the Omaha courts have just granted her, she would represent "capital" even in that in dustry, which deals so lightly in "Million-dollar productions." The first hint that her friends here had that all was not going happily in the Brandeis family was when the young wife aiyl her infant daughter arrived in San Francisco last winter, and after a visit . of a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frank, they departed for southern California. Mrs. Brandeis then wrote the scenario of an allegorical play for children. Not content with the scale on which any commercial studio would produce it, she organized her own company, built a studio at the beautiful country home she was oc cupying and had the picture made under her direct supervision. The cost of the production was said to be $25,000. Onawa, la., Bank Closed Onawa, la., April 29. The Citi zens Bank of Onawa, a state insti tution, was closed today by the Iowa bank examiner. Slow collec tions and bad loans given as the cause. On March 22 the deposits were $114,000. No statement as to liabilities given out today. I j vv uy ixui v ci i f) Good Clothes? When You Can Buy an , Expertly Tailored and Perfectly Styled Spring Suit Made to Your Measure at Vat - t Here are the very latest and newest effects in the-fjrfe fabrics, pin stripes, serges, worsteds, tweeds, checksum plain arid in novelties Ydur style selections are unlimited. We will tailor the cloth into any style you desire. PERFECT . FIT GUARANTEED. . We Are Tailors Not Agents N. W. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. Open Saturday Ereningt Till 9 P. M. 9 igher Grade Shoes at lower prices A positive fact -at Omaha's New Specialty Shoe Shop And to be aisured every shoe manufacturer represented on our shelves has a reputation that they are proud of. THINK OF IT High Grade Oxfords and Shoes in the new ball strap and brogue styles now so fash ionable for young men, as well as dozens of others, all at the low price of $5.00 and $7.00 All shoes sold at these prices are a savins of $2 to $3 and in some instances more. 'Your visit to our store .'will convince you. For your convenience, our store open till 9 p. m. BOWEN'S Springtime Thoughts lead one to more and better furnishings for the home, and the Bowen Store with its Quality Furniture at Value-Giving prices is, as always, the shoppers' favorite store at which to buy. Sectional Panel Nets An unusually large number of values await the Saturday shopper in our Dra pery Department. One is positively sure of having the opportunity to make their se lections from an immense stock, and buy ing at Bowen's always means a saving,as these few items and prices prove. Dozens of other values equally as good are like wise offered. Irish Point, Filet Net, Swiss, and Notting ham Panel Nets for curtains and lace shades. "ine quality Swiss Paneling, 9 inches wide by 2Va yards long. Foftner price, $5.50 per strip. For Saturday selling, per strip:. . .$2.95 Imported Lace Paneling, 8 inches wide by 2V& yards long. Former price, ,.$4.00 per strip. For Saturday selling, per strip .$2.75 Marie Antoinette Panels in white, 8 inches wide by 2' yards long. Former. price, $4.25 per Itrip. For Saturday selling, per strip $2.65 Fine Voile Paneling in white and ivory colors, many beautiful patterns Former prices, $4.25 to $2.75 per strip., . For Saturday selling ....... .$2.95 to ,$1.25 Filet Net and Nottingham Paneling, large range of patterns and colors. Former prices, $3.00 to. $1.50 per strip. For Saturday's .selling . . .$1.45 to 75c 3-Piece Overstuffed Duofold Suite Consisting of ;Duof old, Rocker and Chair ; each covered in Velour of a fine, ricn quality. Duofold makes into a bed. 'Rocker 'and Chair have full spring seats Former Price was $425 $9s7 Saturday Selling Price, Only ................. ' V Chiffoniers and Chifforettes In Walnut Mahogany Ivory Oak $60.00 Walnut Chifforette 40.00 Oak Chiffonier, with mirror 45.00 Fumed Oak Chiffonier, with good mirror , . . 75.00 Mahogany Chiffonier 55.00 Ivory Chiffonier .... .................. ... .... .$31.00 . 2U0 .23.00 . 42.00 . 29.00 Big Values in Library Tables $28.00 Quartered Oak Table, 26x42, now $14.00 38.50 Fumed Oak Table, 28x48, now . 22.00 "67.50 Mahogany Davenport Table, 20x66, now .... 39.00 10.00 Solid' Oak Table, 24x24, now ...........', 4.95 T" .:Ptt Nil- JA Buy a Boweri Value-Giving Buffet and Save Dollars $115.00 Mahogany Buffet........' ...'....$75.00 $120.00 Walnut Buffet $76.50 $117.50 Walnut Buffet $67.50 $67.50 Fumed Oak Buffet $45.00 $45.00 Wax Oak Buffet.... $27.50 $45.00 Golden Oak Buffet $27.50 $52.50 Fumed Oak Buffet $33.50 $95.00; Jacobean Buffet $65.00 Room and Stair Carpets In no other line is the superiority of our values more marked than in. our carpet section. Here you find a splendid assortment of Worsted Wilton, Axminster, Vel vet, Body Brussels in colors blue, rose, taupe, green, brown and in the newest and choicest patterns, ranging In price from $1.65, $2.45, $3.25 and $4.15 .Per Yard Dining Suite In Solid Oak Family size Pedestal Table. $16.00 Medium size Buffet ...$24.75 Good substantial Chairs. . . Oval Front China Cabinet . $3.75 .$26.00 OMAAJZALUE CWNC STORE Howard St., Between 15th and 16th 1614 FARNAM SI- OMAHA, NEBR. The Advertising Columns of The Bee Offer Many Attractive Bargains Today Sluggers Plentiful At $50 Apiece During Strike, Witness Says Chicago, April 29. Sluggers and gunmen were so plentiful in Chicago that they could be hired at any time for $50 each, "Sam Fischer testified at the trial of 14 members of the Upholsterers' union, for acts of vio lence, during a strike from August, 1919, to April, 19.U Fischer previ ously had testified he had been em ployed to beat and cripple scabs by union officials. He named two of the men who are now on trial Edwin E. Graves, international vice presi dent of the union, and Roy Hull, business agent of the Chicago local as the persons who had paid him and their assistant sUiggers for their operations. He explained in detail how the sluggers, if they could not put a man in the hospital for a month or two, crippled him so he would not be able to work. U. S. Marshal Serves Formal Reprieve for T. II. Matters James C. Dahlman, United States marshal, served a formal stay of commitment to prison on Thomas II. Matters yesterday. ' The stay was signed by President Warren G. Harding with his official seal. ' . The stay is a further reprieve of 30 days, FLY IN or PAY TOLL At prlnt, tha atraet car company's $226, ' 000 a yer tell bridg .make everybody but an aviator pay to (at into Omaha. Vote for a Free Bridge FREE BRIDGE COMMITTEE o. 1I 1512 Douglas Street Exceptional Values in Coats and Wraps Saturday will find hosts of Omaha women taking advantage of the wonderful values provided in these two big lots of Newest Wraps and Coats. t(875 Values to $35.00 Values to $49.50 All the new and favored materials are here, to satisfy your most exacting ideas. Styles enough Values of Merit in- Tailored Suits $2 1 $32 $43 Value to $45.00 Values to $65.00 Values to $85.00 Stunning new creations, developed from -the most favored fab rics. These sufits are offered in. the majority of instances at about one-half their true worth. ' -See These Beautiful- New Blouses af$495 Great shipments arrived for initial showing in our new store; . we secured these blouses at tremendous price concessions and offer them to you on the same basis. rOUTICAb ADVERTISEMENT. POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT, POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. I m THE MAN who has given Omaha honor able, faithful and . capable public service in every office he has filled, and has always fought for clean, honest and efficient city govern ment in Omaha. r.'. . . : fi.M& ? 4 RE-ELECT URE City Commissioner n