Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1921, Page 17, Image 17

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Sweet ; Peas and
Their Culture
Of all the annuals that brighten
our gardens during the summer
months the sweet pea is, perhaps,
first favorite. For cutting purposes
it is unrivaled; indeed, the more free
ly it is cut the longer it goes on
flowering and the bigger the blos
soms, while as a decorative feature
in the garden it is hardly to he sur-
hedge of sweet peas is
tiassed. A hedtre of sweet peas is a
delightful thing both as regards tra-ibest, must be at least six feet high,
or six in . a five-inch pot, , early, in
February (he may have even .gone
the length of sowing each seed in
a little pot of its own), and as soon
as the hrst shoot has pushed its .lit
tle tip through the surface, he, has
removed his peas to the cold frame,
there to grow at their-leisure until
the moment . comes" to plant 'them
out in April. They should be given
short twigs to at first, until
they are tall enough to .find their
own way to the big pea sticks,
which will be placed on either side
of the trench, and, if they are to
support the modern sweet, pea at its
The following are among some of
the best sweet peas of,' the modern
type in culture, and are recom
mended, by competent; authorities:
Light blue, Mrs. Tom Jones; dark
blue, Lord . Kelson Spencer and
jack Cornwall V. G; blush pink,
Airs. Hardcastle Sykes and Valen
tine; blush lilac. Elegance;, carmine,
John Ingman; pale cerise, Hope;
cream,: Felton's Cream; cream pink.
La France; crimson,. Charity . and
Sunproof Crimson; lavender, George
He.rbert and R." F. . Felton; lilac,
Dorothy and Ivanhoe; mauve, King
Mauve; - orange, Tangerine; vpink
orange, Edrom Beauty; scarlet
orange,' 'The President; picotee
edged, cream ground,' Jean Ireland;
rose. Old .'Rose and -RosabeUe;
scarlet, Scarlet Emperor; striped or
flaked, Senator Spence "
Christian Science. .Monitor.
; .- .
Vegetable Soup. "
A knuckle bone is-very inexpen
sive and gives a very good flavor
of well-matured fertilizer should then j f" ;h
pepper, lots ot papriKa iior coi-
crance and beautv.
Introduced into England about the
year 1880, the sweet pea has found
its way into all classes of gardens,
and while it is easily grown, there is
hardly any flower which is so im
proved by careful treatment. The
last 20 years have seen a wonderful
development in the sweet pea and the
great frilled flowers of brilliant color,
born on stems a foot long, produced
by careful culture from the best mod
ern sweet-pea seed, would astonish
the gardeners of the mid-nineteenth
Seeds sown in the open in March
and April in ground which has not
been specially prepared for them will
no doubt yield plenty of sweet
scented, blossoms, but to bring out
the full possibilities of the sweet peas
of today, a littje care is needed. If
.a row of sweet peas is to be planted,
a trench, at least the depth of two
spade thrusts should lie dug, the top
layer of soil being ' laid carefully
apart at one side of the trench and
not mixed with the subsoil. A layer
Efficiency In
the Home
' "A fur coat and she with only
two sheets in her home. How
shocked ma would be." The little
lady who made the remark had been
raised in the Rocky Mountain sec
tion, where one acquires a sense of
Yet, how many homes, are run
without proper equipment. Just
think how many of your
acquaintances are running with an
equipment that makes for ineflicien
cy. What can we do about it?
' Every housewife should go over
her home thoroughly at stated in
tervals and take an inventory. Be
gin with any one room. Let us say
you are beginning with the bedroom.
Perhaps you keep thvs bed linens in
some part of the bedroom. Write
down the word sheets. Write the
number on hand, including those in
the laundry and on the beds, the size
and condition. A similar account
might be taken of towels, and so on
through each item the house , con
tains. A woman who had been taking ac
count of her silver, found that she
had only six salad forks. Then one
day she saw a sale advertised.
Those are housewives who do not
give their homes or husbands a
square deal. They look upon the
home as a necessary incumbrance
wished upon one with marriage.
Yet many of these thoughtless tolks
need but a word to cause them to
think of the home in an entirely dif
ferent light.
An woman's time is well spent in
improving her home. Any progres
sive woman is justified in discarding
the germ-disseminating broom of old
and purchasing a modern vacuum
cleaner. And the woman who feeds
her family home-made bread, invests
in a bread-mixer before she feels
free to indulge in the luxury of ex
pensive personal adornment.
Go. over your home. See if you
have an efficiency equipment. Have
you sheets and towels) Have the
things to make a home a real home
and then and only then go in for
the luxuries in personal adornment.
Add a little mace to the batter
when making fruit cake. It blends
nicely . With the fruit flavor.
be laid at the bottom of the trench
and some of the s,oil replaced upon
it, about half filling the trench. These
digging operations are best carried
out in the autumn, but if this has not
been done, they should be seen to as
early in the year as weather condi
tions permit. The top layer should
be carefully replaced just before the
sweet peas are planted out in April.
Meanwhile, the careful grower has
rirobablv sown his sweet peas, five
or), add diced carrots, parsnips; on
ion, and later diced celery, r When
vegetables" ' are' tender, but not
mashed, add" a little - macaroni or
home made noodles. When. done,
remove bone and serve. Care must
be taken , not to overcrowd-soup
vegetables. . ;' .. ...'..' v
Asbestos is the only proper' lining
for doilies. . . '' , '
' Devilled Crab v
fr 1
A c1vIh:hiu3 fisli diali di-wll-d
crab.' " Put medium sized live crabs
in boiling water with a liti'e salt and
cook them fur 25 to 30 minutes, ac
cording to size. Take them up, re
jnove the claws, scoop out all the
creamy part from the large shell,
putting away the gills and b:.g which
arc found on top of the inside of the
shell: and pull out nil the meat from
the cla-ws with a fork.' Clean the
crab shells to use for serving. Re
duce' a cup ot thick Veloute sauce
with half a cup of thick cream, then
two vcrv finely chopped onions, .. a
tablespoonful of chopped parsley,,
two chopped red chillies, and the
creamy part and meat of the crab ex
cept that taken from one of the
claws. Stir all together and place
the mixture into the shells, 'smooth it
over, sprinkle the top with browned
bread crumbs, place on a' baking pan
Snd cook. in a quick oveu from .lo to
20 minutes.. . Then ta,ke;Up
nish the ton with the meat from the
claws.. Sprinkle the tops.with a little
finely chopped parsley, chopped, hard
add a desertspoonful of chutney, a j boiled eggs' and pieces of beet root.
teaspoonful of chili sauce, a tea- j Serve 'on lettuce -leaves -with ' quar
spoonful of mustard, a pinch of salt, j tered lemons. '-
j ru 1 1 i sji sj it' t uu l
..... i
'Follow the Beaton Path"'
Over 22 year in the same location. We started with 1,000 square feet.
Today we use over six thousand. The right price, courteous treatment and
prompt service is the answer of our ever-growing success.
Special Sale
Lay in your supply today
We received over 200 gross
for this sale-
Elona Human Hair Nets, per
dozen 506
Wear-Ever Human Hair
Nets, per dozen. .81.00
Venida Hair Nets, two
for -25C
$1.50 T.aTrefle or Azurea Face
Powder Is ....086
35c Bandoline ........ .25c
75c Pinaud's Tivoli Face Pow
der ,..596
30c' Woodbury's Facial Soap
for Y.... 21C
3-inch Powder Puffs 106
$5.00 Silver Plated Gillette
Razor not the army kind,
for .......82.50
H-lb. can Beaton's Cold
Cream 256
$2.00 Djerkiss : Perfumes, per
oz . .$1.15
$1.35 Jicky Extruct, "per oz.,
at S56
Ideal Extract, Houbigant's. per.
oz. .......82.49
Films Developed Free When -Prints
Are Ordered. ,'
Buster Brown Cameras. 2 '4 x
3H, each ...... V.. 2.50
$1.50 Photo Albums, loose leaf,
7x11, each 986
Mozart Americanos
Box of f0. ... .
15c Rothe'nberg,
Box of 50.'....
. .$4.00
2 for 25c La Azorn, Pals, 106
Box of 50... ..84.00
8c Autocrats . . 56
Box of 50. .,..,...82.50
Boys' Stilts, adjustable to any
, height, per pair. . .81.00
Women Who Value - --
Their Beauty Use
Graham Beauty
Secret . ;
Stir.ple to Apply -Immediate
Results '
J Apply, cream thickly to face and.
2 Allow it to dry, thoroughly. '
3 Wash off wilh eold water. -
4 Massage with Graham's Skin Pur.
Wrinkles disappear.
Blackheads are eliminated.
Coarse pores refined. - J ' :
Skin left fine, clear and slowing. '
r,0e I.avoris .20e
50c Pcpsodent Tooth Paste
for .....39c
$1.25 Listerine 79e
SOc Phenolax Wafers. . . .20
$1.10 Nuxated Iron . . . . ; 89i
$1.25 Lyko Tonic 98
, 40c CsKtoria 24c
$4.75 Iiorlick's Malted Milk
for .-.82.89
5c, 4-o. Peroxide Hydrogen,
at...,. ' lOt
50c Orazin Tooth Paste, 34e
60c Coconut Oil F.mulsion,
at 39
COc Herpicide 39
25c Mentholatum .17r
(!0e Syruo Fitta ...49C
$1.50 Fellows' Syrup Hypophos-
phites 81.19
51.15 Tanlae ......... .S9c
100 Hinkle Pills... 25
DeMar's Bug and Insect De
stroyer, per pint bottle, 25c
DeMar's Disinfectant, a gen
eral disinfectant 35
Life Buoy Soap, fer cake, 8
1 2c Jap Rose Soap 8
Per doen .......... .92
35c Energine 25
Beaton's Straw Hat Cleaner
for ................. 10'
l!0c Colorite . . . . : .22
Mothproof Bags, all sizesy from
50c up.
$1.00 Nelson's Assorted Choce
' lates, per pound box, 69
$1.00 Chocolate-covered Fil
berts, per' pound ...... 59
60c Lowney -lb. Bitter Sweet
- Chocolates 40
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention
15th and Farnam Streets
Courtney Bldg. 17th and Douglas Sts.
72 PAGES r.
Handsomely Illustrated in Colors
TT is not often , that yoii get an oppor;-
X tumty to secure so valuable a cook book aba ;
lutely free, and it is not often that we can make
theofier. It's too expensive. r ; ' r r
72 pages full of the, best, most delicious recipes--
prepared by the most ' noted cooking experts the
country affords. V , V U..- '. :
Remember, we do hot ask ; you - to buy. a -can. of '
baking powder, or send us one penny." Sirhply sayi-.
"Send me your latest, beautiful cook book" and you
will receive it promptly. ; :
Peddlers and house-to-house canvassers have been
for sale and as an inducement are offering a cook book;
egg beater or some other trinket with every, canboughti
To our customers and friends, we are offering our ,
handsome cook book absolutely free. Jf you are in need! " v
of one it will be unnecessary for you to buy something '
you do not want Take advantage of this free offer.''
( Grocery Department
- Inn, bit lvarrn1o.f1 RutrftT
Greatest Money Savings on Pure
Foods to Be Quoted in Omaha
Komis Fruits Peache3,
Pears, White Cherries,
Blackberries, Plums,
25; per doz .
Del Monte Fruits, No;
3 cans, 3 for $1.00;
:do2.-.,-.;l 7vi.....'
Pork Tenderloin and Sweet Potatoes.
(Four portions.)
1 H lbs. pork tenderloin.
; 1 teacup salt.
"i teaspoon pepper.
4 large sweet potatoes.
Wipe the tenderloins which have
bven prepared by cutting into small
pieces (by the butcher), l'lace in a
small roaster and put in a hot oven.
W hen brown on each side, season
with salt and pepper. 1'are potatoes
and place in pan with meat. Haste
every 10 minutes with one-fourth cup
of water if there are not sufficient
drippings to baste both potatoes and
meat. Cook until the potatoei
done (about 45 minutes).
To use up spinach or other green
fill ramekins with greens, chopped
fine, make a depression in center with
spoon, and in each hollow drop ait
. egg. rason ana bake.
Come Once Sfl fTTL. 1608-10.12 V
and You 0 Harney St, I
Saturday Specials That Are Real Values
Best cuts Fancy Steer Pot Roast, Prime Rolled Rib Roast, Small Lew Fig Pork Lofa
per lb. . . .... . . .12te2 per lb 27ttJ . Roast, pet lb
Lean Pig Pork Roast, Fancy Fresh Beef Tongues, Fancy Young Veal Breast,
per lb. per lb 20 per lb IZttC
Fancy Fresh Dressed Hens; Fancy Fresh Dressed Stewing Armour's Shield or SwtftfwJn;
per lb '.32 Si 4 Chickens, per lb 27 Chester Lean Bacon, lb. .29
10 lbs. Best Cane , TQ 48-lb. sadTdold tO OC 48-lb. aack Puritan d QC
Sugar 17 C Medal Flour. ...... V or Blue Bell Floor ol
10 bars Oriental White Soap 10. bars Electric Spark 5 lbs. Pronea ' .
at ...... ........ .53 . Soap 48c at v,rrrimr.oe
5 lbs. Best Rice E lbs. Hand-Picked Navy Keltegrt Cora Flalces, :
at OS Beans 25 per pkg ......... .-.T.VC
'v ""cvav'1'' Tall cans Elkhorn Milk, 12 Early June Sifted Peas,
.Np. 3 can Solid Pack Tomatoes, DoZ(n , t .S148 can, 12tt;do8 81.48
can, U'ic; doz rz
E. 3. Peaa, per can. . . . . . .10 We are still continuing our Introductory Sale on Central Special
Dozen ... 25 Coffee 3 lbs. Central Special Coffee, 98 lb free.
Note the following Fruit prices and realize the real values we ars giving t
No. 3 can Sunk is t Pineapple.-. .... ,25c
, No. 8 ran 'Sunkist Royal Anne
Cherries '. , 28c
No. I J, M. Arrieots, per ran.....23e
Per don. ................... .$2.35
No. 8 can Del Monte Apricot 35c
8 cam.... 9ftc
No. J can Sunkist Peaches. 25c
No. 3 can J. M. Peachea, per can. .23c
Per dox... S23S
No. 3 can Peaches or Apricots. . . .15c
No. 8 cans Del Monte Pears, ean...3Sc
1 cans 98c
No. 8 can Sunkist Fears.
No. 8 caa J. M. Fears, per can . . . 25e
Per do $2-90
No. 8 can Del Mont Peaches, can.. 35c
8 cans .-. 88c
Iten's Fig Bars, Pr lb .25c
Faner Assorted Cookies 35c
Coma and sample Itea Products.
McComb'fl Home Made Chocolates, 70c quality, ElQo Crispy Peanut Brittle, lb. OQ
Saturday, per lb for ..................
Cloverbloom Creamery Package But- Guaranteed Fresh Country Egtts. I Young American or Wisconsin Chew,
ter. per lb. .................. .41c per doz 23c per lb ; jt5c
Bread Rolls, doz..,12 ORTMAN'S FOR BAKERY PRODUCTS Milwaukee Rye Bread,
French Rolls, doa. .206 Special three.layer Cakes, each ...... t... 506 e&cb - 30d
Extra Fancy Strawberries, box. .206-356 I-Fresh Green Peas, per lb- ...,.156
Onion Sets, per quart.. .....56 I New Potatoes, per lb ...7'46
Sucar. Best Orftrtolated Suzar,
10 ior ...82
Flour,. Blue Bell, 48-lb. Sack. . . .$1.93
Nomis No. 1 White Cherries, 17c;
three for ..... . ; . ..... 4. , . . . . .50
White Bear or Wedding Breakfast
Preserves', 22-oz jars. . ...... . 25
Peas, Cora, Tomatoes, 6 Jfor.... .59
Olives, Large Queen, Quart Jars: . .43)
Bice, extra fancy Blue Rose,
6 lbs. for... .....27$
P and 0 Soap, 10 bars. . .......... .63':
Jap Bose Soap, 3 bars for. ....... :25
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per doz ...... . 23
Butter,. Best Creamery. . ; ; ... .42?
New York Cream Cheese, per lb. . . .26
Advo Peanut Butter in bulk, per lb. 18 "
Golden Santos Coffee, per lb. . ... .22? :
Table . Supply special, per lb. . . . . .306
ly lb. &aro Dark syrup...
iy2 lb; Karo White Syrup...
Upton Cocoa, can. . . . .226
Advo Jell, per pkg. .... .10?
Prunes, 3 pounds for. . . .35t?
w seu aariwErtS
Some baking .
cans.. He sure
Pound can of Calumet contains 'fall' 16 oz.'
powders come in 1Z ox. Instead ol lb oi
yw get a pound when yoa want it. .
. Send for the cook book today address ' '
4100-2t Fillmore Street
the kixhost remit Mi
Spafhetti, Eff Noodloa and
other Macaroni Products.
Special -layer Cakes, eacfi, 506
- Bread Rolls, dozen 126
French Rolls, dozen ........ .206
MUwaukee Rye Brea4 30
Meat Department
No, 1 Rolled Bib Roast; lb..... .....25
No. 1 Hind Quarter, Lamb, lb..... . 254
No. 1 Front Quarter, Lamb, lb. ..... .10
No. 1 Spring Lamb Stew, lb. ......... 5$
No. 1 Spring Lamb Chops, lb ....... . 10
No. X Pot Boast, lb. '. ; . . .'. .12
No. 'I Boiling'-Beef," lb: . . : .74 '
No. 1 Veal Stew, lb.. ....... 10 .
Veal Roast lb.,.,.....;:;.......12 '
Pork Roast lb... ........ ...... ...12
Strawberries, pints,
tor .......306
Strawberries, quarts,
Bananas, lb. ,' . .106,
- 'New Potatoes; J ibs. ;
- for' .. .i -256
Lemons; extra large, -'
per dozen ........196
Large Lemons, per
, dbzen ..........19
Iten's Cocoanut Bars,
per lb. ...... V.. .27
Iten's New Carnival
Fingers, lb. .... .39
i In trial sacks of 1
f dozen for ......10
Itett's Graham Crack-
CigaiS Just Inside the door CigaiS j
- k; 8c Value, Special, 5c
!iadia, McCordy-Brady Hand-Made,' Antonella Camel,
l-'lor De Intal. Lewis Single Binder .
- 10c -Value, Special, ' 2 f or 15c .
Mozarty Rosemont, El. Sidelo, . Meditation, La Saramita,
?rincess Mercedes, Mongo Park, El-Tovar
, I2y2c Value, - Special, . 10c
Mozart, Harvester, Mendel, La Azora, La Saramita.
- We are exclusive distributors; for Tadema-Tampa made
lear Havaha" eigars. , '
Between the Two
Vofte for
m i I