THE BfclE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. APRIL 28. 1921 9 0 Society OMAHA organizations are not the cold, heartless groups we have often been led to believe, but rather they are tho most appreciative and wish to show their kindly spirit on all occasions. The society of Fine Arts is no exception and on Tuesday, when their president f the past two years, Mrs. Ward M. Burgess, was honor guest at a luncheon at the Country club, given by the board of directors, she was the recip ient of a gift from them. Three volumes of Ruskin's "Stones of Venice" and five volumes on "Modem Painters" were found at her place when she arrived at the affair. The books were bound in mo rocco leather. Roses and spring flowers formed an attractive centerpiece for the luncheon table and a grate fire burned cheerily in the room. Covers were placed for 15. M Alice Nelson Bride of George C. Shedd The marriage of Miss Alice Nel son, daughter of Air. and Mrs. L. H. Nelson of Humboldt, la., and George C. Shedd of Omaha took place at high noon Wednesday at the home ot the bride s sister, Mrs. M. M. Stucker. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Kdwin II. Jenks. Snapdragons and sweetpeas were used through the rooms. The couple had no attendants. The bride wore her traveling cos tume of navy blue with hat to match and her corsage bouquet was of sweetpeas and sweetheart roses. Immediately after the ceremony breakfast was served for the guests, who included only immediate rela tives. The bride attended school in Des Moines, la., and has recently been making her home in this ctiy: Mr. Shedd is a member of Phi l'si fraternity at the University of Ne tf, braska, from which he was grad uated. He is well known as a writer, having contributed to current maga zines and having been the author -f several novels. Mrs. II. H. Shedd of Ashland, Misses Julia and Minnie Nelson of Humboldt, la., and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shofstall of Kansas City were out-of- town guests. Mr. and Mrs. Shedd left Wednes day afternoon to spend several months in Colorado, returning to Omaha in the autumn to make their home. Clio Club Celebrates Birthday. The Clio Study club celebrated its 21st birthday anniversary with a luncheon at King Fong restaurant Tuesday when the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: Mrs Charles Powell, president; Mrs. F. Fales, secretary; Mrs. Edward Mc Eachron, treasurer. Mrs. W. R. McFarland entertained the club at a theater party at the Sun following the luncheon. Other members of the club are: Mesdames Robert Mcliachron, R. M. Cathers, W. D. Pcrcival, A. N. Eaton, T. L. Travis, W. C. Ross, Brice Crawford, i B. F. Betebenner, J. Marrow, D E. Jenkins, O. A. Scott, Ed Story and Miss May Evans. For Miss Ellsworth. Mrs, John C. Haarmaiin enter tained at a dancing party Tuesday evening at her home in honor of her sister, Miss Florence Ellsworth, who is appearing at the Orpheum theatc ihis week. A jazz orchestra, composed of .former school friends of Miss Ells worth, furnished the music. The color schenfe "was carned'out in orange and blue? roses and spring flowers being used throughout the rooms. Fifty guests attended. '- Afternoon Tea. One of the loveliest affairs of the week will be given Thursday after noon in honor of Mrs. George N. Quillman of Dallas, Tex., by her daughter. Mrs. W. A; Fraser, whom she is visiting. The event will be a tea at the Fraser home. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. John L. Kennedy, Mrs. James Love Paxton, Mrs. Mil Gates, Erna Reed, Louise Clarke, Dorothy Judson, Dorothy Belt, Elizabeth Barker and Vcr nelle Head. Luncheon for Nurses. Mrs. W. P. Haney entertained the members of the graduating class of nurses of St. Catherine hospital at luncheon at her home Tuesday. Cov ers were placed for Misses Mary Kemp, Catherine Coughlin, Louise Fitzpatrick, Lenora Grady, Alice Keman, Mary Lynch, Frances Pritchard, Christine Schell and Helen Walsh. The commencement exer cises will be held Saturday evening at the Creighton auditorium. For Mrs. McShane. Mrs. H. H. Baldrige was hostess at a luncheon at her home Wednes day in honor of Mrs. John A. Mc Shane, who is here from Coronado Beach, Cal., visiting at the W. D. Hosford home. Covers were placed for 12. Tea for Mrs. Stallard. A tea will be given Friday after noon by the women of the Foreign Missionary society of Hanscom Park Methodist church in the church par lors in honor of Mrs. F. W. Stallard, who leaves shortly to reside in Cali fornia. - Personals. Mr. and Mrs. William Spear have returned to Fremont following their eastern honeymoon trip. Mrs. Spear was formerly Miss Marguerite Schneider of Fremont and is well known in Omaha. Mrs. Sidney Beach of. Chicago, ; who has been visiting her sister, A Mrs. Lester Drishaus, leaves Thurs I. day to return to her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilchrist will return next Monday from Excelsior . Springs. Junior League . Two of the most beautiful numbers in the Junior league revue to be pre sented May 7 at the Gayety theater will be the "Ballet of Flowers' and the "Swing Song." The Ballet of Flowers will be led by Miss Adelaide Fogg, who will be assisted by Misses Emma Nash, Jane Stewart, Margaret Lee Burgess, Eli nor Kountze, Dorothy Higgins, Bar bara Burns. Marcelle Folda and Dor othy Davidson. In the "Swing Song" will appear Mesdames Jack Webster, Harold Pritchett, Harry Byrne, Jack Sum mers and Messrs. Charles Allison, Philip Chase. Judson Squiers and Norman Curtice. Captains for Christ Child Flower Day Headquarters for the annual May day flower sale Saturday, for the benefit of the Christ Child society, will be located at 203 South Nine teenth street, with Mesdames L. C. Nash, A. V. Kinsler, Arthur Mullen, J. V. Kennebec, W. T. Burns and Miss M. L. Proulx and Miss Nan Murphy in charge. Following are the captains and some of the assistants: Meads mes VI'. J. Hynra. W. M. Jeffera. M. J. Coakley. NI1I Klti'hn Thomas Hwift. .Tames O'Neill. 8. .Salerno. .1. A. ('. Kennedy. Teter Jolly. Oeorge Morton. Thomas yulnlan. J.upsa Brlrk. Frank Selby. Thomas Onldcn. Mark Coad. W. 1j. Carey. Fletcher. John J.. Kennedy, K. A. HlRKlns. Alhan Sommar. Leo Marilgan, Orella Narhtlgal. John Hussle. N. Seller. John Mcfreary. Mary McOreary. Alvin Johnson. Penn Fodrea. Shields. T. P. Redmond. Jack Schall. W. H. Roberta. .1. Delaney. M. J. Schwartz. F. J. Srhller. James Reed. James Fltigerald. S. B. Doyle. Misses . Ohpeila llayden. Blanche Kinsler. Margaret Mcllufh. Tiara Conlin. May Mahoney. Mary English. Mary Cotter. Ruth Wall. Ellen Creighton. I Fox. R. Rosshach. M. T. Riley. Marlon Coad. Mesdames Roy Byrne. A. J. Tusa. 'harlps Knowlei. M". (.' Lansing. J. K. Elklns. F. J. Ilespecher. T. H. MrDearmon. W. H. McKnight. J. A. Bender. J. A, Sanders. I.eo Hoffman. M. Lewis. W. N. Jainleeon. James Burke. W. J. Alltngham. Arthur Offerman. Hobson Manllck. Jack O'Brien. John Jamleson. W. A. C. Johnson. W. M. Anderson. Will Coad. J. M. Harding. Frank Thomaa. E. .1. Dea. J. Welch. Will Thomas. J. J. Rossbach. B. '. Reefe. P. F. O M alley. B. J. Dugan. V. J. Creedon. P. J. Gillespie. Will Wood. A. T.- Crelgh. C. F. Crowley. C. F. Walker. Genrga Sutton. Misses Agnes Tighe. Mlnette Rousseau. Clair H. Woodward, Alma Hagan. Mar.lorle Barrett. Allco O'Brien. Irene McKnight. Kate Morrlsey. Kvelyn McCaffrey. Etta Wallace. Mary O'Brien. Keglna Connell. Patricia Naughtln. Mildred 'Srack to - Wed A. L, . Stewart Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Mildred Srack of this city to Augustus L. Stewart of Fremont. On Saturday, April 9, an announcement party was given in Fremont, Neb., to 24 of Miss Srack's intimate friends by her aunts, Mrs. Grovcr Spangler of Fremont and Mrs. John Ryan of Omaha. Miss Srack is the daugh ter of Mrs. George C. Johnson of this city. The wedding will be a quiet home affair and will take place on Wednesday evening. May 11. Rev. William H. Buss of the Congrega tional church of Fremont will offi ciate. Miss Catherine Huscnetter of Fremont will act as bridesmaid. Mr. Stewart is the son of Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stewart of Cedar Bluffs, Neb. He attended Wesleyan uni versity and also the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Miss Srack formerly lived in Fre mont but for the past several years has resided in Omaha. Mrs. Walter Dawson will enter tain informally at her home Thurs day afternoon, complimentary to this bride-to-be. The guests will include only intimate friends of Miss Srack. For Recent Bride. Rose McNamara and Elsie Reiter entertained at a miscellaneous shower for Mrs! Harry Mitchell Monday evening, at the home of Miss Reiter. Decorations were in green and whjte. Mrs. Mitchell was formerly Miss Mildred Clough. Those present were: Mesdames L. B. Clough, C. C. McCracken, A. Masilko, Ralph Zimmerman; Misses Cassie Bierman, Anna McNamara and Grace Simpson. Dancing Party. Miss Gertrude Stein will give a dancing party Monday evening, May 2, at Hanscom park pavilion. The honor guests will be Mrs. I. Rosen blatt, formerly Miss Etta Faier, who was an April bride, and Miss Molly Stein, fiancee of N. S. Rothenburg, who will be married in June. Dance Rehearsal. Piinils of Miss Adelafde Fotre. who will be presented in a dance recital Saturday evening at the Brandeis theater, will meet at the theater Sat urday afternoon for a dress rehearsal. Women Magistrates (Br International wa Service.) One of America's leading judges is Miss Katherine Sellers, whose word is law in the juvenile court of the District of Columbia. It was while practising law in Washington that Miss Sellers attracted wide at tention, so much so that she was ap pointed to her position by former President Wilson. HOLDING A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife What Happened Beside th Lonely Road. The young son df the car owner who had been so discourteous to us stared delightedly at Lillian 'when she finished her summary of his fa ther's needs after the youth's apology for the treatment accorded us. "Oh, I say!" he exclaimed. "That's simply ripping! I never thought of Dad before in just that light. But it's tt truest thing that was ever said about him. He does need something to take hiin down, but you see he has more money than is good for him," the young man's flush of embarrassment grew deeper. "There's no one who has any power over him. So I'm afraid there isn't any chance of his getting put in a corner say, that's an awful ly funny idea!" "One never knows," Lillian re plied demurely, "sometimes the most unexpected things happen." Gym Classes to Present Pageant The evmnasilllll classes of the Y. W. C. A. will present a pageant, "Festival of Play," at the City Au ditorium Tuesday evening, May 3, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. DeWitt Babbitt, as "Ameri ca," presides as queen, with the "Spirit of Fellowship," Miss Mary Tewell at her side to direct the fes tival as the queen commands. American girls, home-born ana im migrant, from many lands play their merriest games before the throne. Girls from other lands shyly watch the happiness which they have never known. America sends the Spirit of Fellowship to bring them to her and each one tells of her longings. America presents their plea to her own daughters and calls for helpers to free them from their burdens and to teach them the games of all na tions which the American girls play. Mrs. D. J. Adams will take tlw part of the "Chief Trumpeter," and the Girls of Other Lands are: "Chi na," Miss Bea Swansou; "India," Miss Svea Johnson; "South Amer ica," Miss Dorothy Gray; "Africa," Miss Leta Hines; "Mohammedan Lands," Miss May Leach. The program will -include a Swed isfi clap dance, highland fling, Jap anese dance, Norwegian mountain march, Zouave drill, Indian club iiriti ant he following American games: "Hark, Hark the Lark," "Twinkle, i winkle Little Mar, "Yankee Doodle" and a Virginia reel. The pageant, which was written by Miss Florence Dtirkee, will be di rected by Miss Lucy Jane Giddings, physical director. More than 400 women and children will take part. Clubdom Baptist Mission Quarterly. The Woman's Baptist missionary quarterly will meet' Friday at the First Baptist church, Twenty-ninth and Harney streets. Mrs. Carl Gray will lead the de votionals at 10:30 a. m. Luncheon will be served at the church at 12:30 and Mrs. W. T. Elmore of Lincoln, a former missionary worker in In dia, will speak on "Foreign Mis--sions." Amateur Musical Club. Members of the Amateur Musical club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. H. Smails when Mrs. Smails and Helen Smails acted as hostesses. Taking part in the pro gram were Mrs. Walter Silver, Mrs. W. H Smails, Mrs. George Barker, Mrs. Conrad Young. Mrs. William Schnorr, Mrs. E. A. Baird, Mrs. Har ry Nicholson, Mrs, Harry Steele, Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy, Miss Belle von Mansfelde. and Miss Helen Smails. ' Kappa Sigma. Kappa Sigma club of Omaha and Council Bluffs will entertain at a dancing party Friday evening, May 6, at the Fontenelle ball room. Members of the active chapter at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, will be guests of the local alumnL On Saturday evening the Ne braska chapter will give a dance in Lincoln which a number of Oma hans will attend. Candle Club. Mrs. L. D. Wells entertained mem bers of the reading circle of the Can dle club Tuesday evening at her home. The circle . will meet the fourth Tuesday of each month here after. Miss Carlotta Corpron -read a group of poems by Rabindrath Ta gore. When residing in Bombay, India, Miss Corpron entertained in honor of this poet. Fine Arts Society. The Omaha Society of Fine Arts will hold its annual election of of ficers Thursday, 2:30 p. m., at the Fontenelle hotel. The president, Mrs. Ward Burgess, requests that all members be present. Card Party. Vesta chapter Kensington club will give a card party Thursday afternoon at Masonic temple. Resinol a safe, reliable skin treat ment used for years to heal czna and other itching, banning skin affections. The remarkable soothing, healing action is dua to ingredients so gentle and harm leas as to be suited to baby's delicate skin or tha aaast irritated surfaces. Sold fry oil drucgut. Tstal reuaast . Tvt. 4-T. B jl. BaMaMra, 114. The young man started and looked at her much as the chauffeur had c'onc, then he also slnilcd as if some sudden amusing thought had struck him. "Say, but it's awfully good for you to take-it like this!'' he said heartily. "I shan't forget it. I'm afraid Dad's going to try to do something un pleasant like bringing a motorcycle cop in lure if he can find one, but if he does, I'll" "My dear boy," Lillian interposed, "you will hamper me 'very much, and do yourself no good if you so much as open your mouth in our de fense, , no matter what your father chooses to do. Let mc assure you now, that powerful as your paternal ancestor appears to think himself, he is absolutely powerless to em barrass me or alter my plans in any way if he should bring a dozen mo torcycle cops with him instead of one." "I Hope You Succeed." The young man looked at her searchingly again, then he laughed outright. "I hope you succeed in providing the corner," he said understanding as he lifted his hat and went back to the big car over which the chauf feur was stooping. Jones raised himself and touched his cap as the young man ap proached. Then the two entered in to a low-toned colloquy, dotted with chuckles and discreet glances in our direction. Jones did something mysterious just under the plate hold ing the speedometer and the clock, and in a few seconds the motor as mysteriously returned to life. Then with Ted walking back to give any necessary warning, Jones began to A Happy Thought 1 v 'ft YVr yr-J HEMS OVEN BAKED BEANS The thought of them puts your appetite on edge! Sweet as nuts ! Richly fla voredsome with the deli cious tomato sauce for which Heinz is famous) Easy to digest 1 OENu BAKED That's tin s secret of their unbroken jackets and mealy centers, their sweet flavor, ease of digestion, and body building nutriment Which kind do you prefer ? HEINZ Baked Beans with Pork and Tomato Sauce HEINZ Baked Pork and Beans (with out Tomato Sauce) Boston style HEINZ Baked Beans in Tomato Sauc without Meat (Vegetarian) HeInZ Baked Red Kidney Beans One of the K7 back the big machine over the wind ing road. It had not yet turned the first corner when the siren of a motor cycle sounded warningly, and Jones in answer sounded the powerful horn of the big machine. I saw Ted throw up his arms as a signal and spring aside into the bushes as a motorcycle came around the corner, skidded sickeningly, then came to a full stop while its uniformed rider a slight youth not much older than Ted fairly tumbled off. "She's a Dangerous Character." "What's the trouble here?" he asked a bit chokingly from his sudden stop. Lillian advanced to meet him. "There is no trouble," she said. "Why are you here?" "Why!" he began, blustering a bit until he caught Lillian's glance, and then suddenly changing to a more respectful tone. "A gentleman on the road outside here just called me and told me that 'some people were stag ing a riot in here and obstructing the road, and building fires and I don't know what else. He's a responsible party. I've heard of him," his tone breathed the awe of wealth and posi tion which affects many minor of ficials. "Of course, I'm bound to look into things, but maybe " "Officer!" The word sounded raucously from the throat of the pompous individual, now hot and perspiring from his hurried walk in the wake of the motorcycle. "I de mand that you" arrest that woman. She's a dangerous character. The motorcycle officer hesitated, looking helplessly from Lillian to the heavily breathing owner of the big car. Ted started forward violent ly and paused, at a warning glance from Lillian. Jones, the chauffeur, who had stopped the backing of the big car at a gesture from his em ployer, sat stolid as ever, watching everything from tinder the visor of his cap. A furtive glance at him showed me a gleam of quiet amuse ment in his eyes, and I knew that he y-r ajt u Ha. Varieties anticipated seeing his haughty em ployer discomfited in some way. At the word "arrest" Marion gave a little choking cry and clutched at my hand. I bent to herewith a hur ried whisper:; "Don't you know that mother al ways comes out all right? Just fiirySoMMlle.HI . iTtjktfciaWfiiaiiailaj 1 FAIRY SODA l toVwntwarj. A sample page from Iten's Handy Helper, which has 82 pages oj valuable hints for prepar ing lunches and meals. i. h. n. t POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. Just a Word About Electric Light Kates The Nebraska Power Go. asked the city commission for increased rates to give it greater revenue. The city commission decided that the company was not entitled to additional revenue. BUT- The commission found that certain large users of eleq-, trie power were paying less than cost some as low as 5 of one cent per kilowatt, while the average home consumer paid 6 cents, or seven times as much. For Example-; In 1920 one of the large packing companies paid $122,533 for the elec tricity it used. The city commission determined to wipe out this dis crimination. It raised the rates of the big users and cut the rate of the "little fellow" from .6 to 5 J .cents. The big users didn't like it. They have objected. But the majority of the commission went ahead and lifted the burden from the "little fellow." URE as City Commissioner led the fight in the city commission. He conducted the principal investigation of light company evidence. He pointed out its flaws and weak points. He drafted the new ordinance which cut the rates. URE is up for re-election next Tuesday. He should be re-elected. Vote For URE watch her, Marion, and see what she's going to do." Every one was watching Lillian, and if we were unconsciously look ing for a sensation she provided one. With her eyes fixed steadity upon the young officer, who stood nearest her, she drew from her gown a tiny Tten's Handy Helper 16 Marguerites (24) ' Standard recipe with boiled 'jcing: 1 c. sugar. i c. water. 1 egg white. 1 1. vanilla or 'i Tb. lemon juice. Add. boiling water to sugan Boil gently without stirring .after boiling begins. Boil until the syrup spins a thread more than a foot in length when dropped from the spoon. While the syrup is boiling, beat the egg white until the bowl can be in verted without the egg slipping. Add the hot syrup slowly to the egg, beating constantly until the mixture is of the consistency to spread. Drop onto crisp Iten Fairy Soda Crackers. If the icing becomes stiff be fore the marguerites are made, mix in a teaspoonful of hot water and set the bowl over the tea kettle or in any other hot place. Marguerites should be served the day they are made. If they are to be served later they should be crisped in a hot oven for a few minutes. Variations 1. Add to icing, just before placing it on the crackers: (I) Vz to 1 c. nut meats ground or cut fine. One whole nut meat may be placed on top of each marguerite. (D 12 to 1 c. chopped figs, raisins, dates, pineapple or any com bination. A piece of fruit may be placed on top of each mar guerite. (3) Vi to Vi squares melted choco late. (4) 1 c. shredded coconut. (5) 14 to 12 lb. marahmallows cut in small pieces and melted over hot water- ( Continued on Fas 7) POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. badge and a card, and held them to ward him and said: "You perhaps would like to know the identity of the person you are arresting." (Continued Tomorrow.) A coating of pure linseed' oi! will lengthen the life of willow furniture. A postal card re quest brings you a copy of Iten's Handy Helper. Address, ITEN BISCUIT CO., 1246 Capitol Ate., Omaha. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. o3 :-Kx fx V The same quantity of cur rent would have cost ordi nary home consumers $682,650. '