Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Fathers and Sons
Wait Unon Women
) at Banquet Table
Mothers and Daughters Enter
, tained at Feast Prepared By
Men of First Congrega
tional Church.
Men members of the First Central
Congregational church, Thirty-sixth
and Harney streets, occupied th
background at the Mothers an'.
Daughters' banquet in the church
chapel last night. It may be better
said that the men were merely a part
of the scenery.
, Probably for the first time in many
( days mother didn't have to worry
about the dinner or interrupt her
' mating to wait on dad or daughter.
..She sat like a queen at the dining
ftble and had 25 or more white
coated male members of the church
answering every nod of her silver
crowned head or wave of her, dear
old hand. There weere plftity of
good tnings served and although in
experienced the dads who waited on
the table bad probably watched
mother do it so many years they
seemed to know all the tricks of be
ing a good servant
Outshine Their Daughters.
One proud mother led in four
daughters and she wasn't the worst
looking girl in the group by aiij
means. Jn many instances mother
made daughter look to her laurels
at the, banquet for niother'might be
old, but she proved last evening she
Jiad up-to-date ideas when it came to
dressing for a banquet. Then too,
the daughters were at a disadvantage
because gray hair goes so beautifully
with almost any color. , N
While the mothers and daughters
4 were dining upstairs, the men were
shunted into the basement, where
they munched sandwiches and drank
coffee without mother being present
to watch after their needs.
Everything was done by the men.
The food was prepared by a corps
of kitchen police under the com
mand of Harvey Millikeii.
Dinner Half . Hour Late.
At 6:30, time to go in to dine, the
.were not. They were 30 minutes
late with the food, so mother was
handed another little laugh.
As the mother's and daughters- en
, tercd the church tbey were greeted
I-.. 1 - c t
tee. all dolled un in dress suits and
tuxedos. The committeeemen were
Mayor Ed P. Smith, Harley G.
Moorhoad, . J. A. Linderholm,
Charles Sherman. Joe Wright, E. H.
Rentier, George Paine, De" Forest
ft-ru'vrm on,! Tf K mtftl Tli
had pleasant duties to perform.
They escorted the ladies to the
cloak room where R. R. Kloke, acted
as ladies' maid.
Frtllmvinor tho Kanntipt a inast nrn.
gram was carried out. Mrs. W. A.
Willard was toastmistress. The fol
lowing toasts were given: "To the
Daughters." Mrs. D. C. Edgcrly;
"Our -Mothers," Miss Frances
T.inderholm: "Another Viewpoint,"
Dr. Abby Virginia Holmes; "To Our
Hosts,' Mrs. Frank G. Smith; sing
ing led by Miss Elizabeth Hutchin-
Man Who Shot Youth H
'" Exonerated of Blame
, . Minneapolis, Minn., April 27.
( Special Telegram.) R a y m o nd
Johnston, deputy internal revenue in
spector, was exonerated by a coro
ner's iury of blame for his fatal
' shooting of Arnold Eckstrand. 22, of
Stromsberg, Neb. The jury gave a
verdict of justifiable homicide...
Eckstrand entered Johnston's
apartment in iSt. Paul by mistake
Saturday night , and was shot when
Johnston awoke and mistook him for
a burglar. ' - .
Accompanied by a nephew,, R. E.
Stron, Eckstrand came to St. Paul
to attend the graduation exercises of
his sister. Miss Agatha Eckstrand,
who was to receive her diploma as a
nurse at Mounds Park sanitarium
Wednesday. The two visitors were
guests of Roy Gunther whose apart
ment is in the same building as
Johnston's. Coming home late and
being unfamiliar with the building,
Eckstrand and Stron entered the
wrong apartment.
' Paxton Commercial Cluh
Entertained at Ogallala
Ogallala, Neb., April 27. (Spe
cial.) The regular monthly banquet
of the Keith county Community
club was held here. Over 200
people attended. A special in
vitation was extended to the mem
bers of the Paxton Commercial club
to be present. Twenty members were
present and each one responded with
, a talk full of co-operation and en
: thuciasm for western Nebraska and
Keith county. O. M. Gunnell of
Paxton, one of western Nebraska's
earnest sett ers. sdokc on co-opera-
;.Jton. Reports ot various committees
t snowed mat a great interest is oemg
taken m duo woric ana results are
being obtained.
: The banquet ended with an infor
'. mal dance.
, Error May Retard New
Ogallala High School
Ogallala, Neb., April 27. (Spe
cial.) Trouble is brewing in Ogal
, lala over the fact that the new $80,-
fMYI titfytl crhnrtl ktnrlc whirfl WW
voted at a recent election, are not
r legal. Some minor advertising mis
: take was made which is apt to make
I a new election necessary. - Interested
. parties claim that a new election will
' show a majority of three to one in
r favor of the bonds. At the last elec
' tion they carried two to one. - During
the past year the school board has
. had to'house the pupils in very poor
i. nnarter outside of the high school
nuuding ana aiso m inc oascmcni ui
the building. The legal error may
. . . ,
retard building for another year.
Beatrice Commissioners
Grant Pool Hall Permits
Beatrice, Neb.. April 27. (Spe
'cial.) At a meeting of the city com
missioners billiard and pool hall
licenses were granted to the follow
ing: E. W. Clancy. Ashenfelter &
Emery, Roy Hamilton, Drew Jamie
,on, Frank Hobbs and S. M. Palmer.
' The matter of extending an electric
line to Glenover, a suburb of
Beatrice, was discussed but no ac
tion taken.
Bee want ads litle, but mighty.
8 A
i $
All aboard! Let 'er go.
Joe Martin and three newly-imported mechanicians preparing for a
speed trial on the Universal City track in their four-monk power "Light
ning Lizzie."
The .individual from Borneo on the forward and of the racing car
ii particularly adept at changing tires while the car is in motion. He
frequently "pinch-hits" for the brake.
Many complaints agahrst the lux
urious treatment accorded Bebe
Daniels during her stay in the
Orange county jail at Santa Ana.
Cal., for speeding have been filed
with the authorities. During her
10-day improsonmcnt she received
400 pounds of candy and 2,000 let
ters. Her cell was lavishly fur
nished. Tom Santsclii is putting into
scenario form some of the experi
ences of his 12-year screen career.
They are beiug incorporated in the
new series of out-of-doors pictures
he has just signed to make for Pathe
A movement to curtail the send
ing broadcast of autographed photo
graphs of stars to whomsoever re
THE Empress has en Its stellcr act or
the new vaudeville show opening ther
today. "Mixtures," which ia really a
mixture of nongs. dances and clean humor.
Leon Leonard, Mildred Mason, Lew Leond
er and Helen. Beth are the principals whs
take part tn this musical menu. A featured
act of the show will be offered by Wes
ton's "Models d'Art," poseurs who re
produce famous sculptured masterpieces.
Walman ana Berry wiiu .,
Music," present a little classic, a nun
jaai and a little of everything. "The
Boy From -Our Neighborhood," lan
ihairn. haa incorDorated tn his offering
an extremely funny line of patter in con
junction with a number of comedy songs.
fh! wnek at Ih? Orpheum the bill is
hn.Ho.l hv the sinclnit comedienne, Eliza
beth Write. .She is appearing in her new
musical skit, "Love Letters." In this she
portrays four different characters. The
act is presented in five handsomely
mnuntod scenes. One of the featured parts
of the bill is contributed by the musical
comedy star. Carl McCullough. His song
numbers are particularly popular. In his
offer-in. "Snulrrcl Haven." he is capably
assisted by Tom Elliott at the piano. Flo
Lewis presents a unique act in which
comedy Is blended with vocat work and
dancing. True Mice, a most arou vum
edlan. is the laughing lilt of the show.
His quiet method especially di8imgui?nci
his fun-making.
For widely divtrie'l novelties, one filed
upou another in confusing though delight
ful rapidity, it Is doubted if any musical
show ever seen at tne uayeiy couia com
nara with (he numerous surprises pre
sented by Ethel (Snappy 1 Shutta and
"Town Scandals." the season's closing at
traction at the Gayety. The good, clca.i
fun and .the many musical numbers are
freniientlA- lnterruuted by vaudeville acts
of highest quality. Only today and to
morrow rejnaln er tne current season.
Ladles' matinee today and tomorrow at
2:15 p. nu
Cus JIlU's cartoon omedy. Mutt and
Teff. Is scheduled at the Brandeis theater
for the week beginning next Sunday, May
1. This season's offering Is called "Mutt
and Jeff at the Races," and is said to
be the best of the series offered thus lar.
ftaReasan" Er"n
' Excellent Business Location
' At 205 South 19th itrect 1,400
for inspection apply
207-9-11 South 19th Street. Douglas 1350.
Also offices on second floor of Kennedy Building.
i w i i i i '
quests them is peing sponsored by
Bessie Love. This item, originally a
courtesy of players to their admirers,
has grown into a wholesale traffic
and incurred vast expense. Charles
Ray mails out nearly 30,000 pic
tures a month. Each print costs
upward of 6 cents.
Downtown Programs.
Rialto Douglas Fairbanks in
"The Nut."
Sun Norma Talmadge in "Ghosts
of Yesterday."
Strand Wallace Rcid in "The
Love Special."
Moon Tom Mix in "Hands Off."
Empress "Sunset Jones."
Neighborhood Houses.
- Grand Pola Negri in "Passion."
Hamilton Mary Pickford in "Re
becca of Sunnybrook Farm."
A special cast of well-known musical
comedy players and a beauty chorus of
charming young misses are promised.
Towl Outlines Plans
for River Drive, Parks
.and Boulevard System
"Wc have the finest river scenery
in the world," declared Commission
er Roy N. Towl, speaking at the
University of Omaha Wednesday.
"We need but take over the waste
land near the river and have a river
drive better than Kansas City or
Minneapolis. One can see for miles
across the Missouri river valley from
the bluffs near the river."
By buying waste land and reclaim
ing it Mr. Tovl hopes to build bet
ter parks and boulevards at a low
cost. He spoke of the work in San
Antonio, Kansas Citv and Minneap
olis, in reclaiming almost worthless
Judge A. L. Sutton 'will speak at
the university Thursday, John F.
Murphy Friday and Mayor Ed P.
Smith Monday, under the auspices
of the Good Government club of the
University of Omaha.
Nebraska City Grade School
Pupils Stage Caruivai
Nebraska, City, Xcb., April 27.
( Special.) Six hundred students (of
the grade schools held their first
athletic carnival of the' year at Hay
ward park. The program consisted
of drills, folk dances and exercises
and was witnessed by a large crowd.
The event was under the direction
of Coach Garges of the department
of athletics.
square feet of floor space. )
Three Boys Escape
From County Jail
Bend Window Bars, Creep
Along Ledge 140 Feet and
Descend Scaffolding.
Three 16-ycar-old youths escaped
from the county jail ilate Tuesday
night by bending the bars at one
of the west windows of the juvenile
ward, using a huge iron-barred door
as a lever. They crept 140 feet along
the ledge five stories above ground
and then descended by a temporary
scaffold erected by masons repair
ing the front of the building.
The boys are Elmer Hansen, 16,
brought back from the Kearney In
dustrial school to be a witness in
prosecution of Frank Keegan for
alleged abetting of the robbery of
Mans Jurgcns, Florence farmer; Earl
Adamson, 16, Sioux City, charged
with stealing a gun, and Henry
Lectch, 16,Sioux City, charged with
passing bad checks.
Two other men escaped by the
same scaffolding last September.
Artificial Breathing
Imparts Life to Infant
Born Apparently Dead
An hour of artificial breathing ad
ministered by Dr. W. H. Taylor to
an infant apparently born dead in
the Methodist hospital resulted in
giving life to the baby and bringing
joy to its parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Henderson, 3323 Lafayette av
enue. The babe was born 19 days ago.
As the newly-born babe did not be
gin to breathe after birth, attend
ants gave it up as lost. But Dr.
Taylor inserted a tube down the
throat of the seven-pound mite of
humanity and breathed into its
After half an hour of this there
was no reaction whatever. But Dr.
Taylor persisted and after more than
an hour the infant, drew a breath
and is today healthy and normal.
Brief City News
Boost "Free" Bridge; A statement
issued yesterday by the free bridge
committee declares such a bridge will
mean more business for Omaha.
Doctor Bcnci- After a month's ill
ness in St. Catherine - hospital, Dr.
B. A. McDermott was reported yes
terday so much improved that he
will soon return to his home.
Boosts Gas Bonds Unless the $1,
000,000 sas utility bonds are voted
at next Tuesday's election it will be
necessary to increase gas prices, R.
B. Howell announced yesterday.
More Receivers Receivers to look
after the Lion Bonding company in
Texas and Indiana, have been ap
pointed. They do not interfere with
the efforts of the state of Nebraska
to rehabilitate the company.
Hotel Man Sued Charles Henos,
4772 Maple street, proprietor of the
King "hotel and Congress cafe, was
sued for divorce yesterday by his
wife. Dorothy, who alleges that he
gambles and has failed to support
Poor Pickings A child's bank
containing 16 cents and an empty
purse comprised the loot obtained
by a burglar who entered the home
of City Health Commissioner Ed
wards, " 332 King- street, Tuesday
night. '
Building Strike Tohn M. Gibb,
secretary of the Building Trades
council, declared yesterday that or
ganization will forbid its members
to work on new building jobs If the
contractors continue to try to en
force a 20 per cent reduction.
Damages for Girl Lillian Baker,
Omaha university student, won a
verdict of $3,000 in District Judge
Goss' court yesterday 'against the
Grand Rapids
.will preserve your food
longer and materially re
duce your, ice bills.
These are only two of
the many better features
of Grand Rapids Refrig
erators, and these two
will soon return to you in
saving the purchase price ;
of your Grand Rapids
They are so designed,
constructed and finished
they have become nation
ally known as ice savers
and food keepers.
priced up from
We have a size for
every home, be it the
small apartment or-the
large residence.
Select your Refrigera
tors from the large stock
we are now showing. -
. Howard St., bet. 15th and 16th
street railway company for Injuries
sustained when she was struck by a
car at Twenty-fourth and Evans
streets, October 4, 1920.
Water Rnit Cornea I'p John L.
Webster and W. C. Lambert will go
to St. Paul, Minn., next Tuesday to
defend the city and utilities district
in a suit brought by the Cudnhy
Packing company to collect $40,000
Save $185.00
Wouldn't you like to save $185.00 and
wouldn't you like to own a beautiful
Player Piano
We want you to come into our piano de
partment and let us show you this player piano
which can be bought at nearly $200.00 less than
the original price. It is brand new, but in moving
it became scratched and marred and therefore
the price has been reduced.
Seldom, if ever, do we offer a bargain like
this and you should take advantage of the bppor
tunity to secure it for your own.
Fourth Floor
Light Weight Rugs
. For the Home
When the warm days are here, it seems so comforting to
have cool-looking rugs, instead of thick woolly ones. Then, too,
it's quite an. economy to put away the more expensive rugs, to
save them from summer wear and dust.
When the family moves outdoors, the
Grass Rugs for the Porch
Are Indispensable
for while you want something bright it must also be cool looking.
1 Our summer rugs are that kind and the assortment is now
very complete, at moderate pricings.
Third Floor
The Corset
For Rest
or Woric
The R. & (5. Corset is
so carefully designed that it
is not only a comfortable,
but also a becoming corset.
It controls the figure lines
and , moulds them into per
fect proportions. For house
work, athletics or business it
is the ideal support. It rests
the body and at the end of
the day one may find plea
sure in a dance if still com
fortably corseted in a
R. & G. Corsets
Priced from
$2.00 to $5.00
' Stcond Floor
in alleged overcharges for water
after the city bought the water plant.
Actress Robbed Elizabeth Brice,
headliner at the Orpheum .theater,
reported to police that clothing
worth more than $1,500 was stolen
Tuesday from her room at Hotel
High Kirks A protest against
Pretty9 Trim Mina Taylor
Dresses for Summer Wear
So dainty to wear around
the house and plenty pretty
enough for street wear;
practical and cool, so that
household tasks seem almost
a pleasant pastime even on
warm days. And think of
the long, pleasant hours you
will spend on the porch in
a month or so.
New aprons have come,
too, and are already quite
popular with women. Both
Mina Taylor aprons and
dresses are made of the
finest quality of materials
and with the finest work
manship. Plaids, checks,
stripes and plain colors
trimmed with contrasting
colors- are here to select
from at $3.95 up.
Second Floor
of all fourteen candidates for city commissioner who is
equipped for the job of Superintendent of Public
No other candidate
ever laid out aload;
ever supervised a paving job; 4
ever superintended sewer construction;
ever directed the building of public works of any
These are the things which a superintendent of Public
Works must direct.
Towl has done these things.
Towl is a trained civil engineer that's his business.
The Man
appointment of J. C. Klnnler United
States attorney here w'as aent by
Rev. F. A. High yesterday to Attor
ney General Daugherty because Kin
sler's attitude on prohibition Is not
satisfactory to the Anti-Saloon
Doiiblo Funeral Today The dou
ble funeral for Theodore and Ruth
s-Eta Com:
Both Charming and Useful
Are These
Knitted Capes
for they can be slipped over the sheerest of
summer frocks and not mar its crispness one
bit. These capes are being shown in attrac
tive color combinations and give that dress
up appearance by the brushed wool scarf or
trimming. Their graceful folds almost cover
the dainty frock and the trimmings lend the
final becoming and smart touch. A variety
of styles are shown, some fuller than others
and with the wool used in different ways.
Every bright color imaginable is happily
combined to form these capes favored by
fashion for present and summer wear,
Soeone Floor
Don't Wait Until Just Before
Mother's Day
to buy tome little remembrance and then realize "there is not
much left for your selection. Now our assortment is very
complete in cards and pretty hand decorated booklets with
engraved sentiments. Moderately priced.
Main Floor . .
Who Knows
Anderson, killed in a motorcycle ac
cident last Sunday, will be held to
day at 2 In the Swedish Free Mis
sion church, Twenty-soventh and
Marry streets. High school and con
firmation classmates of the young
brother and sister will be pallbear
ers. Rev. A. A. Nelson and Rev.
Charles Savldge will officiate. Burial
will be In Prospect Hill cemetery.
2 J