Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSO A 1', Al'RIL 28. 1921.
1 1
Speculation ou
ft Naming of CO. P.
it a
Cliainnan Rife
ams of Iowa and Docr of
Washington State Strongly
en of; Thompson of
Ohio Candidate.
Washington Correspondent Omihi lire.
Washington, D. C, April 2?.
(Special Telegram.) Within six
weeks the republican national com
mittee will meet in Washington to
select a chairman to succeed Will
H. Hays, postmaster general.
John T. Adams of Iowa, vice,
chairman of the committee, is in
the national capital and yesterday
had a lone talk with President
Harding. Elmer Dover, formerly
t of Ohio and riow of Washington
state, is also in the city. The pres
lrnre of Adams and Dover has
stimulated gotsip over the Hays
duuecession, a,s both men are
strongly spoken of for chairman. It
is recognized that the president" may
have some difficulty in reaching a
decision upon the man of his
choice., to be intimated to the com
mittee. Popular With Committee.
Mr. Adams, the vice chairman, is
very popular with the committee
through his long service, and his
splendid work in the last campaign
is familiar to the president. And
there are those who believe he was
treated shabbily when they raised
.Ha cry of loyalty against him for
imus nc wroic lunir oeiorc inc
United States entered the war
against Germany.
Mr. Dover is an old friend of the
president and has strong backing in
the committee. He is in touch with
Ohio politicians and is highly
thought of in the far west.
Carmi Thompson of Ohio, anoth
er friend of the president, is a can
didate for the chairmanship. At one
time he was in the limelight as a
possible cabinet appointee. Mr.
frf r t .
and it is suggested in Ins behalf that
llv' could devote considerable per
oral attention to the office.
-N, New a Possibility.
A. T. Hert of Kentucky, one of
the most popular and widely known
members of the national committee
and who was exceedingly active in
the executive management of the
last two campaigns, is considered
available timber.
Senator Harry S. New of Indiana
5s frequently discussed as a possibil
ity, but his friends declare he would
not seek the place and would accept
it only on direct request from the
When the national committee
meet in June the reorganization
and strengthening of the woman's
bureau will have been effected on
n import scale, the details being
'Vow in course of arrangement.
Suit for $10,072 is
Filed Against Convict
Lincoln, April 27, (Specfitl.)
sscii Kcr, prominent young
farmer living near Harvatcy;,has
brought suit in the district court
here against Herberts S. Harris,
formerly superintendent of the
schools at Harvard who is now serv
ing a sentence of one to 20 years in
. the penitentiary for shooting young
I Aker last May.
j Aker asks for $10,072 damages. -:
Harris and Aker were both paying
attention to the same girl. Harris
hid in the back of Aker's automo
bile following a dance and shot and
slightly wounded him when Aker
and the girl started to drive home.
Scotia American Legion
, Entertains With Boxing
Scotia, Neb.. April 27. (Special
Telegram.) Reuben Beck Post No.
150, American Legion, gave a ban
quet to the members of the G. A.- R.,
Sons of Veterans and the members
of the Scotia Community club. Over
70 attended. Music was furnished
by the Scotia orchestra. Ray Horn
er acted as toastmaster. The Legion
members for the entertainment of
their guests put on two lively boxing
matches. -
Aged Holbrook Man Is
Killed When struck by Auto
Beaver Uty, -Neb., April ii ispc-
rial.) George Lathrop, ;, was
struck by an automobile at a grade
crossing near the Burlington station
in' Holbrook and died as a result of
his injuries. The car was driven by
Miss Emma Phelps, 15.. Her father
was with her. Lathrop was old and
feeble and quite deaf. The car was
ving at slow speed and he was
struck by one of the fenders..
Continued Rain and Snow
Help Crops Near Sidney
Sidney. Neb.. April 27. (Special
Telegram.) The continued rains and
snows have advanced fall wheat far
ahead of last season, . Spring wheat
and oats have been . sowed pro
lifically. The rye crop is doing fine
and will be ready to harvest in June.
A large acre of , corn and potatoes
will be planted. Fully 85 per cent of
fall wheat will germinate.
Girl Ball Player for Whom
Train Stopped, Recovering
Virginia Longnecker may play
ball again soon. An operation on
her knee at Presbyterian hospital
t"week is pronounced successful.
t her release may be a matter of
weeks yet.
The little girl hurt her knee while
playing ball. A Union Pacific train
slopped at her home, near wanoo,
to rush her to the Omaha hospital.
. Plant Corn Early,
Lodgepole, Neb.. April 27. (Spe
cial.) George Kintz, who farms ex
tensively, begun planting corn a
week ago. A few other farmers will
start the first of the week, JLhis is
two weeks earlier than usual in this
Plan Class Plav.
Lodgepole, Neb.. April 27. (Spe
cial.) "Mary Millions" is the title
of the play which the senior class of
the Inra! tiiffti school i nrcnannff.
The class consists of eight members,
aix girls and two boys.
Friends Hope She'll Unite
Divorced. Brandeis. Couple
"A real Brandeis" in looks is the
first exclamation of all who have
seen the above picture of the little
heiress, Miss Marie Madeline
Brandeis, whose father and mother
were divorced in Omaha Monday.
Ishe has the large brown eyes,
dark hair aud features which at
once proclaim her connection with
the wealthy Omaha family.
That the baby's strong re
semblance to hcrSather might some
day be the means of reuniting the
recently separated pair was the
hope voiced by relatives and friends.
"I hope I may live long enough
to see that day," said one close
Striking Likeness.
,l: i i A "t
.stranger unngs nave iidijcncu,
another commented.
When Marie Madeline's aunt,
Mrs. Ruth Brandeis Stern, now liv
ing in Paris, glimpsed the baby's
picture, she was at once struck with
its likeness to her own baby picture,
said Mrs. Herman Colin, aunt to
Mrs. Stern and Ervine John Bran
deis, the baby's father.
French Chamber
Gives Premier
Confidence Vote!
Ruhr Basin Will Be Occupied
1 If Acceptable Guarantees
Are Not Made by Germany
by May 1.
By The Associated Trets.
Paris, April 27. The Chamber of
Deputies Tuesday gave Premier Bri
and full liberty of action after hear
ing his report on the reparations con
ference and by the declaration, "If on
May 1. satisfactory proposals, with
acceptable guarantees are .not made
by the German government, the
Ruhr will be occupied," the'1 cham
ber voted confidence hi the govern
ment, 424 to 29, with 59 deputies ab
staining from voting.
M. Briand said he had full con
fidence that if the Washington gov
ernment decided to .transmit the
German counter-proposals they
would be such as to safeguard the
interests of the allies on reparations.
"But," he added, "there is another
violation of the treaty of Versailles
which Germany cannot invoke the
impossibility of fulfilling, namely,
disarmament, which it has failed to
carry out." ,
Allies in Agreement.
In his statement M. Briand said
that France and Great Britain were
completely in agreement so far as
fl. .,,;, jirl ri rrtrriv. mpn ,ntes
was concerned. He reviewed an tne
violation by Germany of the treaty
of Versailles, laying especial em
phasis on Germany's failure to dis
arm in accordance with the treaty,
its refusal to pay 1.000.000,000 gold
marks on March 23, failure to trans.-
ter its gold reserve and nonpay
ment of 12,000,000.000 gold -marks
remaining due on May 1.
The premier declared that the Ger
man proposal that Washington medi
ation was-"another dodge to gain
tune, and continued
"We have confidence in the loy-
alty and perspicacity ,ot the. govern
ment oi the united Mates to taKe
only such initiatives as it is certain
are in conformity with the interests
of the allies. But so far as France
is concerned, our dispositions are
taken for the day when the debt
comes- due."
This was greeted with cheers from
the chamber.
Boys Find Body" of Wealthy1
Contractor Hidden in Swamp
Chicago, April 27. The body of
Rohert H. Brethold, son of a wealthy
building contractor, was found by a
boy in a swamp near Romeo, III., to
day. - The cause of the death was a mys
tery as there were no marks of vio
lence. Some of the dead man's
pockets were turned inside out as
though he had been robbed, but
$300 was found in his vest.
Veterinary Arrested for
. Death' of Illinois Woman
Mattoon, 111., April 27. Dr. J. H.
Nichols, a veterinary of Paris, 111.,
was indicted today for murder in
connection with the death on Easter
Sunday of Miss Ethel Crume of
Mattoon, to whom he is accused of
having sent poison through the mail.
He was ordered held without bond
i when apprehended.
is nii)rNv J
"If I were to find this photograph
among my own things, I should set
it down as one of my own baby
pictures," Mrs. Stern wrote to the
mother, and other relatives.
Mattie Madeline is 6 months old
and is now with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frank of San
Francisco at Beverly Hills, outside
Los Angeles. Mrs. Madeline
Brandeis left here yesterday to join
Lovable Little Person.
Young Mrs. Brandeis' divorce ac
tion has had absolutely no effect on
the pleasant relations which have
always existed between her and her
husband's relatives.
"I think she is the dearest, clev
erest, most lovable little person,"
said Mrs. Cohn, ah aunt of Mr.
Mrs. George Brandeis echoed the
same sentiments.
The young divorcee was enter
tained at dinner at the Brandeis
home Monday night and was es
corted to the train when she de
parted, by Mrs. Colin and her son,
Loyal, a cousin of Ervine Brandeis.
Miners Refuse
New Proposals
Of Operators
. M.
Opposing Factions in British
Strike Make Little Progress
Toward Settlement -An-other
Conf crenceToday.
Bj The Associated rrei.
London, April 27. A three hours'
conference today between the miners
and the mine owners with Sir Robert
"Stefhcnson Home, chancellor of
the exchequer,, presiding, brought the
disputants in the- coal strike no
nearer an agreement, although the
mine owners amended their pro
posals. '
However, hope was expressed over
the fact that the miners had agreed
to meet Sir Robert Wednesday
morning, after which the chancellor
will have a separate conference with
the mine owners.
In a statement issued after today's
conference, the miners' . federation
says that on both the fundamental
issues at stake a national pool of
wages and a wages. board the mine
owners' new proposals represent no
advance at all . toward' an agree
ment." '
The proposals of the owners were
as follows:
First, that for a temporary period
any change in wfages shall ' be on a
flat rate basis in each area.
Second, that the wages rate shall
be calculated on the area instead of
",ra"'V r.Z r
i iiuu. ina inc owners snail lorcgo
profits for three months,
Of these 'proposals, the miners
say: Firt, the miners' demnd for
flat rate advances. and reductions on
a national basis are in no way met;
second, that ' the areas are only a
minqr variation from the old dis
tricts and, third that capital, having
always based its claim to reward cn
the assumption that it takes the risks
of the industry,, it should bear losses
in limes ot depression as it reans
in gooa iimes. .
tXew Officers Installed
By the Omaha Rotary Club
. fcw. officers were installed . by
the Omaha Rotary club at its noon
meeting in the Rome hotel yesterday.
They are B. Park Billings, presi
dent; Harry Koch, secretary; J. H.
Beveridge, first vice president;
W. E.. Reed,' second vice president.
These officers were selected by
the new board of directors which
was elected in January. Dr. C. B.
Atzcn read the official report of the
recent Dubuque district conference.
Committee reports completed - the
meeting which Was purely business,
following thq rcgu far weekly lunch
eon. - ',, -
Hot water
Sure Relief
Nebraska Solon
Holds Record for
Bills Introduced
Measures to Amend Harm
Loan Act and Provide Pub
lic I. C. C. Hearings of
Importance to State.
Washington Correspondent Omaha Bee.
Washington, D. C, April 27.
(Special Telegram.) Congressman
McLaughlin of the Fourth Nebraska
district holds the record for bills in
troduced by an individual representa
tive, 24 measures falling into the
basket yesterday being credited to
the man from York. Some of these
bills are of prime importance to the
great agricultural interests of the
state, notably his bills to amend the
federal farm loan act and to provide
for public hearings and public decis
ions for the Interstate Commission
and the Federal Reserve board.
McLaughlin's bill to amend the
federal farm loan act provides for a
maximum loan of $25,O0 to one bor
rower in place of $10,000 maximum
under existing law.
$10,000 Loan Too Small.
"This bill is greatly ngeded
throughout the central west," said
the congressman.
"The practical successful farm in
eastern Nebraska and Iowa ranges
from 160 to 320 acres, the value an
acre being between $200 and $300. ..A
loan of $10,000 is entirely too small
to help either in the purchase of the
farm or its improvement."
Of his bill doing away with star
chamber sessions of the Chamber of
Commerce and the Federal Reserve
board and making their hearings and
decisions public Mr. McLaughlin
"My bill requires those boards
when rendering decisions to publish
the names of members supporting the
action and those in opposition, as is
done by the supreme court."
Policy Wrought Havoc.
"If this bill had been a law when
the federal reserve board inaugurated
its drastic deflation policy, which
wrought much havoc to the agricul
tural interests of the country and all
but produced a national panic, the
board would never have dared sug
gest such a policy, let alone enter
upon it.
Mr. McLaughlin also reintroduced
his bill with certain modifications .to
regulate packers. Other bills he in
troduced provide for the donation of
captured German cannon to the cities
of Wahoo, Osceola, Aurora, York,
Seward, David City, Wilbur. Crete,
Milford, Hebron, Beatrice, Fairbury
and Geneva.
Valuable German Police
Dog in Seattle Poisoned
Seattle, Wash., April 27. Victor
Belle, German police dog attached to
the Seattle police department, and
her 2-months-old puppy died from
poison last night at the home of their
owner, Police Lieutenant Harry
O'Brien. Lieutenant O'Brien pur
chased Victor Belle while in Stras
burg, Alsace-Lorraine, during the
Avar and later won the sweepstakes
prize with her at Taris. She was
valued by Lieutenant O'Brien at
TTN every operation from the moment
the raw material is purchased until
the car is sold. Studebaker, because of
its enormous production and its stand
ardized methods of manufacture, is able
to make important savings these savings '
are reflected in the price of the car to you.
This is a Studebaker Year
2554 Farnam St. Omaha Phone Harney 0676
F. O. B.
Advertisers Seeking
Greater Efficiency Per ,
Inch of Space Used
Washington, April 27. Although
there has been no considerable reduc
tion in advertising space used.
American business men during the
present period of business depression,
are seeking greater efficiency per inch
of space, according to the domestic
distribution department of the Cham
ber of Commerce of the LTnite.i
This department has just complet
ed a survey made for the purpose ot
determining what manufacturers, re
tailers and wholesalers are doing to
cut overhead expenses as a means of
meeting the demand for lower prices.
"What have you done to reduce
your publicity to a normal basis?"
was one of the questions asked. More
than a fourth of those answering
said that they had cut down adver
tising space, but that was in part
balanced by reports from many
others who found depression a justi
fication for an increased use of ad
vertising. '
U. S. Observers Senl
To Far East Republic
Washington, April 27. The State
department announced the sending
of two American observers from the
embassy at Tokio to investigate con
ditions in Chita, the new far eastern
republic, the president of which is
A. S. Tobinson, former Chicago
lawyer, who fled from Russia to the
United States 17 years ago. .
Maj. William J. Davis, assistant
military attache, and Dr. James F.
Abbott, commercial attache at Tokio.
left for Vladivostok April 22, directed
to report on political, military and
economic conditions in the republic.
"The sending of these observers,"
said the State department, "does not
imply in any way a recognition of
the so-called far' eastern republic."
Newspaper Correspondent
Fined $1 on Libel Charge
Chicago, April 27. Leonard G.
Edwardson, Chicago correspondent
for a New York paper, was fined $1
and costs by Judge Thomas Taylor
on a charge of criminal libel against
Judge Charles A. McDonald, chief
justice of the criminal court. The
case resulted from articles written
by Edwardson concerning reports
that the 1919 world series base ball
scandal cases would not be brought
to trial.
Diamond Sale
Only a few days left in our diamond discount
sale which closes April 30th.
A deposit will hold (tone
at discount pricing, de
livery to be made later.
John Henrickson, Jeweler
Established 1862
Series 21 Speoal-Six
Two-Passenger roadster
SO'horifowtr, US-inch tahnlbatm
$1750 f.o.b. Detroit
sregAUsix coupe : smso
. .82650
.. 2750
Students Resent
Charges Made by
University Head
Trustees Perfectly Willing to
Accept Resignation of Pres
ident Hodgdou of Val
' paraiso Institution.
V alparaiso, Ind., April 27. Many
of the students and the faculty of
Valparaiso university resented today
President Hodgdon's statement al
leging bolshevism and communism
in Valparaiso university, fostered by
its. faculty. It is understood that the
trustees were perfectly willing to ac
cept Hodgdon's resignation. It is
said the trustees have elected for
temporary president and vice presi
dent, Professors John E. Rcessler
and A. A. Williams, who have been
professors here for many years. .
President .Hodgdon sent in his
resignation yesterday and today he
gave out a written copy in which he
repeats the accusations of bolshevism
and communism in Valparaiso uni
versity and their being fostered by
its faculty.
He also says:
"Valparaiso university is one of
America's greatest potential assets.
It should offer opportunity for the
expression of all the great ideals
connected with the development ' of
university life in America. For many
years Valparaiso has stood for the
best in American manhood and
womanhood, ' denying tull oppor
tunity to no one knocking at its
He closes:
"A fujl expression of the vision I
have for a great American educa
tional institution seems impractical
and I therefore tender my resigna
tion to take effect August 1, 192J,
and respectfully request a leave of
absence, the period to be determined
by you, sufficient to prepare for work
in other fields of activity."
' It is said the trustees announced
the future policy of the university
will be on the plans laid down by
its founder, S. B. Brown, and his
partner, O. H. Kinsey. This is taken
to mean that dances and fraternities
will be discouraged and games will
not be invited with outside schools.
The three great federations in Eng
landminers, transport workers and
railwaymen have a combined mem
bership of more than 4,000,000.,.
Polaris. .
16th at Cap
F. O. B. South Ba4
Scientists Hear of
New Possibilities of
Old Sol Cook Stove
Washington, April 27. Advantages
of the Old Sol cook stove, operated
24 hours a day on sun heat alone,
were explained to the National Acad
emy of Science here by Dr. C. G.
Abbot of the Smithsonian Institute.
The device is as yet a luxury, he ad
mitted, but added that Mr. Abbot
had done everything but fry on the
solar cook stove at Mount Wilson,
Cal. He displayed a can of beans,
saying they were solar cook stove
canned, which looked good and "tast
ed better." -
The apparatus, Dr. Abbot said,
was a "concave, parabolic, cylindric
reflector," through which ran a tube
of ordinary cylinder oil to absorb
heat from the reflector and apply it
to the cooking compartment, insula
tion retaining heat in the oil "Over
night. Cooking temperatures were
automatically regulated by a float de
vice, he said, while a simple clock
work mechanism kept the reflectors
pointed to the sun.
Fortune for Old Books
London. April 27. Mr. Rosen
bach of Philadelphia has just spent
abou $40,000,000 on rare books
from old English libraries.
He bought the treasures of S. R.
Miller's library, most famous in
That's Why
You're Tired
Oaf of Sorts-Have No Appetite
Yonr Liver Is Sluggish
will help put you right jw,
in a few days,
. , . I a wrmM
and give na- A A !TIv"q
wire b cnance r A flaw
7cH j lEiy-s
rect the im.
mediate effects of constipation, relieve
biliousness, indigestion and sick head
ache. taaQ P10 Small Dace SmaO Price
All Work Guaranteed
1513 Douglas St. Tel. Dour
; Constipation is the fore
runner of 5 of ail
K human ilia It Krinora
on more suuenng.
more sleeplessness.
more ill-temper than
' any other single cause.
RID of constipation.
jl Nor do you have to take
any nauseating, griping
tek medicines to do it. Take
RICH-LAX is a new treatment. It cleans
the system, removes the poisons from the
body, and puts you in shape to accomplish
things. And RICH-LAX does this without
leaving you weak and half-sick, as you
al ays feel after taking ordinary laxatives.
Cuaiaatced tt Our Store. We in to wre tbtt
Rich-Lu will pleue you that we want you to
come to our More and ft a bottle and try it en
tirely at our rtok. I( it doean't tuit you. if It isn't
the beat laxative medicine you erer used, simply
tell u so and wo will promptly rciuod tbe full
purchase prist, (
Sherman AMcConnell 5 Drug Stores.
IP you are nernas, despondent, weak,
ran down, throash excess or other csases.
we want to mail you our book which tells
a hoot SKXTOHIQUE, a restoratiTS remedy
that will ooet you nothing If you are Bot
cored or benefited. Erery min needing a
tools to onreomtj personal wtaknau, arte,
bookd get thi trmrn book at ooca.
449 Berry Block. NashvUle, Tenn.
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets
If your skin is yellow complexion
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
you have a bad taste in your mouth
a lazy, no-good feeling you should
take Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub
stitute for calomel were prepared by
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study.
Dr.Edwards'01iveTabletsarea purely
vegetablecompound mixed withohveoif.
Vou will know thera by their olive color.
Tohavea clear, pinkskin, brighteyes,
no pimples, a fcding of buoyancy like
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on
the liver and bowels like calomel yet
have no dangerous after effects.
They start the bile and overcome con
stipation. Take one or two nightly and
note the pleasing results. Millions cf
boxe3 are sold annually at 15c and 30c
A mild system of
itectai Diseases in
e ration. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anesthetic uied.
A cot guaranteed in every rase accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid until
cored. Writ for book on Rectal Diseases, with namea and testimonials of more thaa
1,000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY Sanatorium, Peter Trust Bdf . (pM Bldf .) Omaha, Neb.
England, containing early Enplih
poetry and . religious tract. Ims
"Everyman." painted about 15.10 an 1
believed to br the only copy known,
he gave H.i20.
World's Champion Knthrr
Gets Bad News 20th Time
East St. Louis. 111., April 27.-
"He's the 20th." declared Mrs. Sid
ney Johnson when her husband
came home from work.
"Again!" gasped the city's cham
pion father, as he took the new baby
in his arms.
The Johnsons have been married
23 years.
Brighten the
of your home with
The heavy volume of business ;
done daily in our Drapery Do- ;
partment insures customers of
the very latest and best pat
terns procurable in
when the selection is made at
this store, and needless to say,
our prices are such that you
can afford to hang the best
class of draperies in your
home. Here are some wonder
ful values:
Pretty Madras, overdrapes '
with Valance, - trimmed with
edging to match; made to fit
any ordinary sized single win
dow, per pair
$2.95, $3.95 and
with Valance, ready to hang,
2 yards long. Dozens of pretty
patterns. Per pair, only .
$2.95 and $3.95
Many select patterns of Cre
tonnes for aprons and laundry
bags, at, per yard
59c, 65c and 75c
Bed Sets
Very pretty Bed Sets, full size
with scalloped edges and cut
corners, trimmed with edging
to match, at
$9.75, $12.50 and
$17.50 each
jGBowon (d
out si kwu s a
Howard, Between 15th ft 16th
No more equeezing and pinching to ret
rid of those unsightly blemished, black
heads. There is one simple,- tafe and
iure vay to get them out and that it to
lissolve them. To do thia, just ttt almut
two ounces of calonite powder from your
druggist sprinkle a little on a hot, et
iponge rub briskly over the blackheads
for a few seconds wash the part and
svery blackhead will be gone.
Pinching and squeezing out blaekheadi
make large pores and you cannot get hII
t the blackheads out this way while
:his simple application of calonite powder
ind water dissolves every particle of them
and leavea the skin and porea in their
natural condition. Any druggist will sell
ycu he calonite powder and about two
Junets will be all you will ever need.
I Money bark without question
hjl (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fall In
ft the treatment of Itch, Besema,
I A Ringworm, Tetter or other lteh
I J , -LI Jtl . ... T.M (kt.
treatment at our rials.
Sherman A McCennell S Drag Storea.
- Pay Whini Cured
treatment that cures Piles, Fistula and ether
a snort time, without a sever aursrieal on.
h m