f i Paris Undress Features Mad Spending Orgy 'Vailing Leaves" Dress, ifare Legs and Painted Rose bud Garter Win ' V Admiration. By C. F. BERTELLI. I nl. trust Kertlre Staff Oorrcnontlrnt. Paris Anril 26 While the French government is desperately trying ex pedient after expedient to raise the 39,000,000 francs necessary for this year's budget, society in Paris is in dulging in an orgy of extravagance, in gambling unbeaten in the history of the republic. ,o the republic twith private Ii Bois Pas tdmialure casi rate homes on the Avenue 'assy transformed into .if 111 ifti m v. j, j .-.-.. nicrlilN, at hnrrarat and poker instead of bridge, the passion lor risking large sums has extended even to the poorer people. Literally incredible sums are wag ered daily on the races. The reason for this is said to be the inflation of the currency, by which everybody in France, has ostensibly five times more cash than before the war. Mushroom millionaires arc spring ing up daily with each drop in the value of the franc. The Sunday din ners at the Ritz, which had become known as the smartest functions in i'tope, have degeneratea into an ijfesition of bare backs, barbarous GUY L.SMITH sirvick nasr; 2S63 Farnam St. Phone Douf. 1970 HUDSON and ESSEX AUTOMOBILES Troup Auto I Supply Co. 2027-29 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 5230 A OMAHA A complete stock of Quality Accessories . for all cars. WM. PEPERK0RN Auto Service Station 8415 No. 30th St. Omaha Phone Colfax 0112 GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING ELECTRICAL SERVICE MACHINE WORK Colfax Garage al i a m.M. rvif ioat General Carafe Service Accessories, Auto Repairs and Battery Serrice Station ALL MAKES nEP AIRED of K ECHARGED BATTERIES "EBUILT Downtown Address: Columbia . Battery Service Station 257S Harney St. Phone Tyler 8090. Buy a Columbia Guaranteed against repairs lor one year. Council Bluffs Automobile Co. Phone 2691510-18 Pearl St. Goodyear Tires and Accessories For Cars and Trucks Press Service for Solid Tires REPUBLIC TRUCKS ) 5 jewels, fat wallets and ostentatious clothing. James Morton Winslow, leader of the young old set, was especially con spicuous. A group of debutantes were insisting upon teaching him the steps of the new dance the Giron dclle despite the fact that his 80 years necessitates the use of a cane. Mrs. Richard Owen, nee Hilton, eranildaucrhter of Ttid?e Hilton of New York, has sprung a sensation. She is wearing 32 jade bracelets, reaching above the elbow. She is beinar outdone, however, bv a portly matron whose shoulder is adorned by a tattooed butterfly. Another furore is caused by a red haired beauty who is wearing a sacerdotal robe, explaining that it was given to her by a priest. An other is wearing a Chinese mandarin robe with her hair arranged on her temples, maiden fashion. The greatest sensation of all. how ever, was reserved for an anonymous beauty, who, conceiving the idea of revealing nature, has a new "falling leaves" dress, "he wears no stock ings, but has sandals. Realizing that she needed some aaornmeni lor contrast, she is wearing a painted garter an inch above her. knee, the garter being an imitation rosebud. It caused many exclamations of ac niiration while she yas fox trotting. President Harding Grants 30-Day Respite to Matters President Harding has granted a 30-day respite to Thomas H. Mat ters, Omaha attorney, under sen tence to the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth for violation of the na tional banking laws. This is the third executive stay of sentence given Matters. Sutton (Xcb.) resi dents protest pardon of Matters. National Tire Shop Hermann Nachschoen, Prep. Cor. 17,th and Capitol Ave. Omaha Phone Doug. 6427 A Large Stock of Used Tires and Tubes Expert Vulcanizing, Tire Repairing . and Retreading. , HB li ureas U 1 c We Are Building Better Than Ever Steinhaur&Nickell 600 4th St. Phone 869 Council Bluff NASH 6 and 4 CYLINDER PASSENGER CARS AND NASH TRUCKS All Kindt of Repair Work. Wa Specialize on Nash Care and Trucks. Car Washing and Simonlrine. SERVICE CAR Budget Is Presented , To British Commons; Debt to U. S. Reduced By The AMriatd Ttft. London, April 26. Austen Cham berlain, former chancellor of the ex chequer, taking the place. of the pres ent chancellor. Sir Robert S. Home, presented the budget in the house of commons today. Its leading features, removal of the xcess profits duty, was announced some time ago. The chancellor's estimates of revenue and expenditure of a year ago have been borne out with remarkable accuracy, a surplus of 230.5O0,0OO only about 4,000,000 less than the estimated surplus being recorded., No additional taxation is proposed and there wilt be no further reduction of taxation in the current year. The house was chiefly interested iri details concerning debt reductions, especially the announcement that the debt to the United States had been reduced by 75,000,000 during the past year and that interest on the v.ar debt to the United States must be provided for next year. He announced that in two ysars the external debt had been reduced by 203,000,000, and said the re maining 5 1-2 per cent five year notes maturing at New York in November, amounting to $11,000,000, would be paid off. Gasoline Price. Drops. Gasoline . dropped 3 cents in price yesterday. This brings the price of gasoline down to 22yi cents per gallon. This is the first time since 1917 that gasoline has reached such a low level on the retail market. R. M. VAN NESS Construction Co. Ground Floor, Grain Exchange Bid. Omaha, Neb. Phone Douj. 6514 GOODYEAR TIRES AND TIRE ACCESSORIES. BELT PACKING AND HOSE Today, more than ever, Good year Tires for passenger cars offer the utmost in economy and satisfaction. Improvement after improvement has been effected in them in the past fewmonths. Our clinchertype Cords, for example, are now made larger, with thicker tread and stronger carcass and bead. Our larger size Cords, our fabric tires, and our inner tubes, too, are bigger, stronger, more durable than before. You can get Goodyears, now, from, your nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer. The Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company Offices Thrtrngkout the THIS SIGN MEANS SERVICE WHEREVER YOU SEE IT THE BEIS OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 27. 1921. Hootch HoUnd Tips Drinker 8 on Only Way To Fool Volstead Chicago, April 26. Joe Maeiezew ski today put out a hot tip to hootch hounds namely: 'if you're going to fool Mr. Vol stead do it all the time, stay drunk; don't save up thirst.' Taking a tip from the foolish vir gins who let their lamps go empty when the getting was good, Joe pur chased a quart of scotch just 13 min utes before the eighteenth amendment became effective. "Now i'm set. When I'm thirst', I'll know where to go," said he. 1 For 18 months Joe rjsisted tempta tion. By exercising all of his will power, he allowed the dust and cob webs to settle on the scotch. Last night the words pf caution died on Joe's lips and he pulled the cork. He had one drink. Then he agreed with the inward voice invit ing another and had some more. Then there was a cyclone that spun the house around. A pink elephant rooted on the door and snakes ap peared from unexpected places. ' It was a wild night. Joe appeared at the police station and wanted to trade an empty quart bottle for a. chunk of ice. He was hatlcss, coatlcss and one shoe was gone. "I used to like it,"' he sobbed. ''But I laid off too long. Can't stand it now. I'm a ruined drinker and I ain through.1" Because of the presence of tannin mangrove wood is rot-proof, accord ing to French engineers who experi mented with it four years. G. & G. Tire & Vulcanizing Co.' GOODYEAR TIRES TUBES ACCESSORIES EXPERT VULCANIZING TIRE REPAIRING AND RETREADING 2415 Leavenworth Tyler 1281 Them Before World MOTOR INN SALES CO. 8th and Broadway Phone 914 Council Bluffs CHEVROLET Automobiles and Trucks 9 C ERVICE CAR C O M UDay and Nlfht Service U U All Kind of Repair Work, Auto Accessories and Night Car Washing. Concord Club to Hear Lecture by Frenchman On Conditions in Europe Maj. Ninovi Pcchkoff who will address the Omaha Concord club at its luncheon at the-Rome hotel to morrow, has had an amazing career, not only during the war but since the armistice. He fought with the French foreign legion until desper ately wounded in the trenches of the Champagne and oil his return to his regiment ftcr the amputa tion of his right arm served on the eastern front, .being present with General Brusiloff when the collapse of Russia came and later being as sistant to the French high commis sioner in the Crimea, the Caucasus and iii Saloniki. Since the armis tice he has again covered every one of the European and Asiatic coun tries. He is in Omaha in the course of a tour of 25 American pities at the invitation of the American commit tee for devastated France and "through the courtesy of the French foreign office. He will speak on the subject "Putting Europe To gether Again." Major Pcchkoff is 37 years old, distinguished by 10 major decora tions and bears around his arm the gold cord of a regimental citation that is possessed by but two regi ments in the French , army. He speaks perfect English, having visited this country often before the war and having many friends here. More than 75 per cent of the dia mond workers in Rotterdam are idle. 1 Arthur Bosenblum. lawyer, removed to 12 First National bank building. Tyler 4010. Adv. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. Farnam at 26th St. Phone Harney 0710 CADILLAC SALES AND SERVICE DUNDEE. GARAGE 4918 Dodge St. Walnut 05B4 STORAGE ACCOMODATION FOR 2S0 CARS Car Washing Day or Night PHONE US ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT ln.:ra CRONIN TIRE REPAIR CO. 4630 So. 24th St. Phone So. 0679 TIRE REPAIRING : and : VULCANIZING SERVICE CAR --,1X3 '":::! NORTH SIDE GARAGE 2307 N. 18th Street Phone Webster 0307 OMAHA OUR BIG SERVICE CAR WILL PULL YOU OR CAR RY YOU ANY TIME, DAY OR NIGHT. PHONE US. , Auto Accessories, Storage, Repairs and Car Washing psara lii ecu P. A. CLARKE & COMPANY GARAGE SERVICE .COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES ROAD SERVICE Phone Walnut 0716 6001-03 Military Ave. Commissioner Ure Speaks At University of Omaha Commissioner W. G. Ure explained the workings of the department of fi nances at the University of Omaha yesterday. Dr. D, E. Jenkins, presi dent of the university, endorsed Mr. Ure's candidacy for commissioner. "Pay your own way," the speaker urged, telling of former misappropria tion of funds, selling of electricity at less than cost, and renewing of the bonded debts as instances of the electric light company or the city failing to pay its own way. Wallace Banner, president of the Good Government club of the Uni versity of .Omaha, announces that commissioners will speak at the school every day until election. Leavenworth Warden Resigns Leavenworth, Kan., April 26. A. V. Andersen, warden of Leaven worth federal prison, today an TAILORED AT :PASHIOTi..RVRK B I - S W I N G HE WEARS THE BOESW1NG SUIT, A NORFOLK STYLE TO WHICH OUR TAILORS AT FASHION PARK HAVE APPLIED THE COMFORTABLE COPYRIGHTED BI-SWING EXPANDING SLEEVE fa jLaA see OUR WINDOWS TODAY JOHN A SWANSOM.ms. nounced that he had telegraphed hi resignation to Attorney General Daugherty to take effect June 1. Pythians to Confer Rank On Class of Candidates Nebraska lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythias, wiH confer the rank of knight on a class of candidates at its castle in Odd Fellows' hall, Four teenth and Dodge streets, this even ing. Esquires from Jan Hus lodge will be among the candidates. Ne braska's team will also confer ths rank of knight at the grand lodge meeting to be held in Lincoln May 10 and 11. Pythians visiting in the city are especially invited to attend the meeting tonight. There is much activity among the iron mines in Alabama and in the last few weeks many mines have re sumed operations. CUSTOM SERVICE WITHOUT THE ANNOYANCE OF A TRY-OX READ Y-TO-FUT'ON CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN W$m Owned JXCHANGES Telephone Monopoly Is a Myth There is no telephone monopoly in this country. There are approximately 20,000 cities and towns in the United States that have telephone exchanges. ... The Bell System operates in about 5,000 towns, while independent companies operate in the other places. But Independent and Bell Systems join to gether to furnish nation-wide telephone service. - northwestern Bell Telephone Company gnoaonoDonooonono g CADILLAC g a Service and Repair S 3 Department g 26th and Farnam Streets p jj We make it right. g O Our satisfied customers arc O Q our best asset. Q Q Have your Cadillac attended by efficient, capable me- g 2 chanics, who, through con- z U stant practice, can do it for V 2 less in the long run. D C 0 J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. p O Service Department C SaonononoDonononc COMPAI... OUR VALUES ALWAYS s&m? $zss: 3? ill: