Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 14

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Help Yourself Club
ate to
d Win
i ; :
LIKE a dynamo. that keeps on working up power: The Bee's $25,000.00
Help Yourself Club is getting bigger day by day. - Some, of the
club members have already started to take advantage of the extra vote
offer, whereby they can secure 100,000 extra votes for $25.00 worth of sub
scriptions' turned in by May 14th, at 10 P. M., and for every dollar above
the $25.00 they will receive 4,000 extra votes.
It is easy to understand why it is to the interest of the club member
to get in the race now. The proper time for a member to do big work is
right now, true, many persons will undoubtedly enter the competition
weeks later but the person with foresight and ambition will grasp this op
portunity today.
A club member taking the fullest advantage of the present extra vote
offer will advance their standing by thousands of votes. Votes are what
the member wants. Votes are what will win the awards, and the rapid
way of securing votes is by securing subscription payments from old and
new subscribers.
The winning of jthe $7,800.00 home or the $4,440.00 Cadillac may
depend entirely on what the club member does in the way of securing
subscriptions during this period. It is really a very deciding factor and
the farsighted person will not have to have this explained to them
very often.
In a great many of the towns covered by The Bee, members have been placed
in nomination by their friends; - look over the list of those entered from your town
and if they are not up and doing, get in the race yourself. These prizes are for
you as well as for the other fellow, and opportunity is very often overlooked by
the watchful waiting kind, but the smart one who realizes that the good things of
life must be gone after hard is the one who is going to win these larger awards.
Some people are always complaining that they never had an opportunity. If you
have been waiting long for one, here it is. It has arrived.
' r Take advantage of it. Fill out the entry blank on this page, send it to the of
fice of the H. Y. S. Club manager-you will be supplied with all forms necessary.
; It is all to gain and nothing to lose.
i ; -jt 4,
-r i 7n- j, - x-c- i-v; h a .. i-v.Lfcf.. v- V-i;
'i htTh i - . If"
Quaa mmmsaamm
This is the floor plan of the "Martin-Built" HOME in Minna Lusa addition, the first capital award in The
Omaha Bee Help Yourself campaign. The HOME is located at 2578 Titus Ave. Lot is 44x120 and is in
Block 13, Lot No. 20. This HOME will be open for inspection today from 1 to 5 p. m.
H 2d Capital --"IIL-b
b Award j
I .
For $25.00 in sub
scription payments.
One hundred thousand ex
tra votes will be given to
each and every club member
who sends or brings $25 in
subscription payments to the
H.Y.S-Club on or before
May 14, 10 p. m.
The extra votes are given
in addition to the regular
votes as shown in the vote
schedule and price list.
Under this arrangement
one can readily see that it is
advantageous to get in and
do your work now. as this
is the best offer of EXTRA
votes to be made during the
entire campaign.
The Standing of the Club Members as They Appear in This Issue
Include the Entry Blanks and Coupons Received Up to Thursday Noon
Will include all territory inside the
city limits of Omaha south of Pacific
street, west of the river to Seventy
second street, including Ralston, belle
vue, Fort Crook and Avery.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
A L. Deposit will be awarded in this
H. W. Sage, 2619 S. 83rd St 6,760
Mrs. G. W. Peck, 2010 Spring St., 5.040
Floyd Sigler. 1921 Missouri Ave.. 5, 000
James Ourada, 6120 S. 18th St. ..6,000
Mrs. C. A. Christansen, 622 Cedai 5,000
Susan M. Chase, 2429 S. 21st St. ..5,000
Ernest Herngren. 2015 S. 7th St. . .5,300
Martha Ebert, 2402 Poppleton ....5,170
Mrs. Thomas Selzle, 231S I St 5,190
Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 1937 S. lith ..5,000
V. Finoeehiaro. 811 Woolworth ....6,170
Frank Kennison, 1509 S. 26th St... 5, 000
J. Stefacek, 1601 Vinton St 5,000
Mrs. C. H. Specht, 2201 PoppeltonG,000
John Salirno. 723 Pierce St 5.000
Mrs. W. T. Abels, 716 Hickory 6.000
Mrs. A. M. Firra, 1321 S. 26th ..5,090
Thomas D. Sullivan. 4018 S. 27th ..5,040
Frank Sterba, 129 Exc. Bide. S. Y., 5,000
C. O. Philips, 1624 Polk St. ...
Fred Stroeh. 4942 So. 26th . . .
Donald Sinclair, 2305 S. 23rd .
Robert Victor. 2803 Poppleton .
Mabel Hogan. 2408 S. 24th . . .
Ed Julis. 6806 S. 20th
William Murray, 3022 S. 22nd .
Mrs. Fred Kaiser, Bellevue, Neb.
Anton Nelson, Avery Neb
J. G. Whalcn, 1146 S. 32nd
Mrs. Ernest Williams, 302
W. Elliot. 1309 8. 3 1st
Avin F.Barton, Lyons 5,030
Walker Thompson, 181 N. 31st Ave. 5,000
Mrs. A. E. Waack, 2222 Howard ..5,000
Mrs. E. English, 1005 S. 88th Ave. 6.090
Mrs. May Mayor, 4154 Chicago ..... 6,030
Mrs. C. L. Case, 2874 Corby 5,000
O. T. Peterson. 3009 Harney ....5,260
Marten J. Dineen, 933 N. 26th ....6,000
Mrs. F. Wageman, 8862 Franklin, 6,000
Mrs. Chas Peklo, 1614 N. 35th ..6,000
Blanche Snyder, 723 S. 25th Ave., 6.010
Frank Fry, 4018 Charles St 6,000
Mrs. N. Nygard, 231 Dresden Apt., 6,000
Byrle Burton, 521 S. 25th 5,000
H. J. Tilly, 2710 California 6,009
R. L. Murray, 4(24 Jones 5,000
Samuel Beach, 1008 So. 29th 5, 0H0
Jules E .Merle, 3425 California ..5,060
P. F. Gutschewski, 8527 Charles ..6,000
Vivian Divaid, 220 N. 23rd 5.000
Frank L. Blair, 625 Lincoln Blvd., 6,000
Richard Tizard, jr., 220 16 No. 23d.. 5,070
. . .6,000
. .v5.H0
, a 5,270
. .5,000
, . .6.000
. . .6,000
S. 32nd, 6,040
Husak. 6538 S. 38th 5,000
N. Williams, 3608 S. 23rd, 6.010
Mrs. J.
Z. Erstich, 1925 S. 24th .5.000
Pete Placash, 6406 S. SOth 5,000
Bernice Wawrz, 3926 L St 6,110
John Krajicek, 6026 S. 22nd 5,000
Vallie Madura. 4621 S. 32nd ....5,100
Mabel Garevett. 825 Bancroft 5.000
Mrs. Alfred Pederson, 2019 Dorcas, 6,000
Lillian M. Daily, 4746 S. 19th ..3,020
Mrs. F. Marecek, 5218 S. 20th St... 6,010
Thco. A. Isaacson, 2317 S. 31st ..5.010
Mrs. Anna Ruppert, 2014 Martha. 6,010
Mrs. C. A. Kauth, 1822 Bancroft ..5.050
John Kwasniewski, 2857 Oak 5,000
Mrs. Katy Truehaft, 4436 S. 18th, 6,000
Joseph Miklas, 8G02 Spring ,5.000
Mrs. Katherine Hawes, 3024 S. 18th 6,010
James Uhlir, 1245 S. 14th 6.000
Miss C. O'Halloran, 2791 S. 10th ..5,000
H. Hakenholz, 2323 Monroe .6,020
An early start means a
strong finish.
Will Include all territory inside the
city limits - of Omaha and on, and
north of Pacific street, west of the
river to Eighty-third street and as
far north as Maple street.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. 4 L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
& L. Deposit will be awarded in this
This $4,400.00 7-passenger . Cadillac touring car is the second
capital prie. The equipment, 35x5 Goodyear CORD tires all weather
tread on rear wheels and ribbed tread on front wheels. One extra
35x5 Goodyear CORD tire (either all weather or ribbed). One extra
Goodyear tube, one set Weed chains, one front bumper, one tire cover
for spare tire and block letter monogram to be specified by the owner.
CADILLAC CO., OF OMAHA, NEB. The car is now on display
at the salesroom of this company.
THIS IS the entry blank. You can nominate yourself or come friend. It costs
nothing te enter and try. Send this blank properly filled out and person entered
will be supplied with forms for work.
Vote Value of
The DAILY and Sunday, Morning or
Evening, by Boy Carrier in Omaha,,
Council Blufta and in towns where
Carrier Boy service is maintained.-
2 Years ..
1 Year ...
6 Months
3 Months
.. 10.20
, . 6.10
.. 2.66
The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club
5000 VOTES
I I nominate
(Mr., Mrs. or Miss)
Street No
City State ..
As a member of The Help Yourself Club
Morning or Evening Without Sunday
by Carrier Boy Service.
. New
2 Years $16.60 136,000
1 Year 7.80 62,000
Months 390 22.000
S Months 1.95 10,000
Sunday Only by Boy Carrier.
2 Years $10.40 76,000
1 Year 6.20 12.000
Months 2.60 12,000
Evening and
Boy Carrier.
Sunday by
.$18.00 162.000
. 9.00 68.000
. 4.50 28.000
Daily Only by Mail, Without Sunday
2 Years $10.00 76.000
1 Year 6.00 S2.000
6 Months 2.50 12,000
S Months 1-26 6.000
Months . . .
Months .. . .
Daily and Sunday by
Years $18.00
Year 9.00
Months .... 4.60
Months 2.25
Sunday Only by Mail.
Years $
Renewal subscription payments
will be given half as many
votes as new subscriptions.
W. Hendee, 4204 Burdette
Fred G. Witte. 3617 Seward ....
Mrs. C. J. Hubbard. S804 Farnam,
A. D. Klein, Jr.. 4806 Dodge ...
Kloye Morel!, 654 S. 25th Ave..
C. J. Wright, 2310 Howard
James Addeson, 2411 N. 18th ...
W. T. Ziesel, 8314 Decatur
Mrs. John Baier, 2212 Mason .
Geo. D. Tobey, 4409 Wakely ...
H. Peterson, 120 N. 26th
Beryl Burton, 621 S. 26th Ave.
Dr. Frank G. Smith, Black stone
C. V. Goltry, 628 N. 17th 5,000
Claude M. Gates, 801 Park 5.210
Louis J. Schafer, 112 N. 26th ....5,080
Mildred Plank, 2714 Webster 5.000
E. B. McClure, 604 N. 26th 5,010
Eugene May. 624 S. 28th 6,010
Mrs. Anna Morenelli, 858 S. 21st ..5,170
Fred Keogh, 220 N. 19th
A. Hicks, 2716 Miami
R. H. Ackley. 2507 N. 24th ...
Roy Williams, 3520 Hamilton . . .
Clara Keller, 2301 Leavenworth .
Mrs. Emily Winner, 119 N. 20th ,
Hedwig Michel, 2411 N. 58th .
Miss G. Glevin, 2051 N. 19th ...
Louis Edewitz, 2771 Burt
R. Vreeland, 200 Aberdeen Apts.,
Betty Cockanc, 4681 Mason
Fritz Koenig, 112 N. 81st ...
L. W. Perkins. 3218 Decatur ...
Geo. A. Hill, 4011 Cuming ..,
R. E. Holbrook, 3556 Pacific ..
H. L. Mitchell, 132 N. 40th ...
Ruth Marsh, 729 S. 18th
Marten Troutfelt. 2435 Hamilton .
Ralph B. Figge, Goodrich Hotel . . ,
Herman Naehshoen, 413 N. 18th ,
Dessie D. Harrop, 2567 Douglas .
C. A. Wier. 1915 Charles
C. F. Slosson, Jr., 4906 Cuming ,
James Kenney, 8413 Ohio ,
Mrs- E. D. Perrin, 3120 N. 47th .
W. R. McLean, 218 S. 20th St
Mrs. W. M. Rutzer, 4813 Chicago. .
Chealey Hodder, 2304 N. 60th Ave.
J. C. Ashmore. 81? N. 22nd ,
Ida Karback, 1433 N. 20th, St. ...
Jamea Sauers, 1412 Sherwood..,
J. K. Mcintosh, 4160 Chicago ...
C. J. Mahoney. 124 S. 31st
Mrs. Mary Engel, 270C Cuming '.
. .6,010
. 5,810
. .5,300
. .5,260
. .5,010
. .6,000
. .5,060
, 6,020
Will include all territory inside the
city limits of Omaha on and north of
Maple street, west of the river to
Eighty-third street and north to Sar
geant street, including Florence and
the Carter Lake district.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. & L. Deposit and one .$100.00 B.
eV L. Deposit will be awarded in this
Edna Lawrenson, 7711 N. 2th Ave. 6.120
Fred B. Nichols, P.415 N. 24th 5.060
J. E. Wright, 2806 Mormon ....5,009
A. L. Frederick. 2558 Whitmore ..6, 169
Mona Harris. 29545 N. 47th Ave, 6.200
Mrs. Fred Schuitz, 3008 Stone Ae., 5.000
Mrs. J. J. Wie. 4016 N. 24th 5,000
E3 Devere, 2907 N. 24lh ,.5,000
Howard Haden, 3002 N. 24th 5.000
J. J. Murphy, 8027 Emmet 5,000
John Kenney. 3212 N. 21st 5.000
Mrs. J M Bloom, 2422 Sprague 5.000
Wilbur Gran, 1610 Evans 5.009
Douglas Conners, 4024 N. 24th . . . .5.000
Mrs. Roy Minix, 2202 Grand .,..5,000
Wm. McWilliams. 2410 Ames ....5,000
A. E. Carter, 6407 Maple 5.000
Henry Christensan, 6904 Mimic
Lusa Blvd t 5,210
C. D. Schnell, 2423 Crown Point ..5,000
C. J. Emery, 2554 Pratt 6.650
Leo Daniels, 3302 Mnple 5 000
Chas. Mitchell, 2221 Lathrop ..6,000
Thomas Maher, 2206 Kmmett ....5.070
W. H. Campin. 2715 Titus Ave. ..5,000
W. E. Rishling. 1472 Pinkney 5.000
Mrs. Rose Tedesco, 2939 Lincoln
Blvd. 6,000
Vioiet Brotchie, 6020 Flor. Blvd. .,6.090
A. H. Mayer, 2438 Ellison 5,040
Mary Nissley. 1621',i Maple 5,020
Mrs. L. M. Thirtle, 6005 N. SOth ..6,010
Mrs. Edgar Welch, 3910 N. 17th ..6,000
Oliver Cole, 4738 N. 40th 5.010
Clifford Harrow. 3717 Merifiith ....6,010
Mrs. W. W. Davis. 3929 Flor. Blvd. 6,600
Louise Shumate. 1484 Pinkney ....5,000
C. J. Norman. 6324 N. 87th 5,000
Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8511 N. 29th . .6,280
Mrs. J. W. Vance, 8701 Ames ....5,000
Gladys Rogers, 1234 Military St.,
Fremont 6,000
Thclma Lindsay, Sidney 5,000
Mrs. Glen Henderson. Shenandoah, 6,000
Elsie Ballenger, Shenandoah 5.070
Alice Hubbard, Persia 6,040
Myrtle Rogers, Pcrcival 5.000
Mrs. S. W. Graham, Mo. Valley ..6.070
Mrs. Paul Bcrnett, Mo. Valley ,
Audrey Nipp, Mineola
Mrs. June Fickel, Hastings . . ,
Mrs. N. Townsend, Hamburg .
Mae Million, Hamburg
Hildr,ed Miller, Farragut
Keka Christensen. Riverton . . .
Al Chribtensen, Weston
Thomas Page, Honey Creek. ..... .5,000
Harlcn Klutts, Mondamin 5.000
Helen Holbrook, Onawa..., 5,000
Katherine Flynn, Pacific Junction. .5,060
Mrs. Nettie Batrheldor, Riverton. . ,5,000
John Giliete, Atlantic
Miss Sadie Hughes, Griswold
E. E. Axthelm, Glenwood . . .
Glen C. Sillik. Mo. Valley .
Gladys V. Russell. Logan . . .
Mrs. Ellen Tucker, Ve3ton 5 000
Arizona Byrd, Henderson 6,000
Mrs. W. Jensen. R. 4, Co Bluffs. .6.010
M.B.Travis. Carson 5,010
James Atkins, Neola 5,000
Kate Grimes, Woodbine 6.000
Marion Caughell, Carson 6.000
Ruth Knight, Glenwood 5.000
Betty Earkkertt, Malvern 5.000
Rev. G. B. Baugman. Minden ,...6.000
Georgia Bates, Oakland 6,000
Katherine Adams, Dunlap 5,000
Anna Lindahl, Red Oak 6.000
Margaret Collins, Dcnison 5,010
Chas. Ehle, Walnut..: 6,000
.. .6,000
, .6,000
. .5,020
. .6,000
. .5,040
Will include all territory in the city
of Council Bluffa, including the Mana.
wa diatrict.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell,.one $200.00
B. 4 L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
A L. Deposit will be awarded in this
Mrs. W. C. Riley. 109 Angle Ave. ..S.O'O
Gertrude Sullivan. 813 Ave. B 7,060
L. R. Roberts, 162 W. Bdwy 5,000
Ray C. Wilcox, 627 E. Bdwy 6,550
Helen Neal, 2002 Ave. G 5,020
Carl Shearcl, 2305 Ave. A 5,000
Anna Ward, 1006 6th Ave. C. B. ..6,470
Peter H. Harkett. 107 Wash. Ave., 6,000
Mrs. M. A. Smith, 2304 Ave. D. ,.,5,080
Felix S. O'Neil, 2514 Ave. B 6.100
Mrs. S. Hendrix, 2821 Ave. A ....5,000
Wm. Cohn, 208 N. 10th 5,000
Florence Yarwood, 1520 Ave. B ..6,000
Mrs. L C. Zimmerman, 1129 4th
Ave .....6,000
E. E. Bakes, 3124 Ave B 5,000
H. A. Gerber, 1635 5th Ave 6,020
Rev. A. F. Catlfn, 129 4th St. ..6,100
Chris Lausen, 423 N. 7th 6,000
F. C. Hendricks. 832 Glen Ave. ....5.000
W. A. Smith, 423 Benton 5,000
A. W. Geiger, Jr., 426 Damon ..,.6,070
Dorothy Lenihan, 652 Harrison St 6,040
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1908-3 Ave..o,uiu
Ha'old O. De Vol, 1012 7th Ave.
Mrs. W. J. Retits, 1222 6th Ave.
Wm. Knicely, 631 W. Bdwy. .
Marie Walters, Grand Hotel ...
R. P. Bolin, 2028 4th Ave ...
Alleen Earenfisht. 446 S. 12th .
Mrs. Peter Jensen. Apt. 1; Oakland,
Mrs. J. H. Herrington, 2769V4
H. L. Nelson,
. .6,190
. .6,000
, .5.000
. .5,000
Will include the following countiea
in the state of Nebraska: Cass, Sarpy,
Douglas (outside the city of Omaha,)
Saundera. Butler, Polk, Merrick.
'Nance, Piatt, Colfax, Dodge, Washing
ton Burt, Cuming, Stanton, Madison,
Boone, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne, Thur
ston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
Il L. Deposit will be awarded in this
Will include the following counties
in the state of Nsbraskal Otoe, Ne
maha, Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson,
Cage, Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jef
ferson, Thayer, Fillmore, York, Hamil
ton, Clay, Nuckolls, Webater and
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. A L. Deposit and one $100 DO B.
A L. Deposit will be awarded in this
Will Include all the territory in the
state of Iowa outside the city of
Council Bluffs and the Manawa dis
trict. One $1115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. A L. Deposit and one 100.00 B.
A L. Deposit will be awarded in this
Mrs. Lulu Owen. Ashland 5,090
Bernard Monnick, Hooper 5,040
R. E. Stranburg, Polk 6,000
G .C. Hoback, Nehawka 5,620
.etta Lower, Valparaiso 5,100
J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water ..5,040
Roy Combs, David City 6,470
V. H. Hoerstmann, Fremont ....6.0S0
Mrs. Ida Dudley. Wisner 5.070
Geo. Jacobs, Cedar Rapids 5,020
I.N. Warrick. Blair 6,070
Rev. Seibert, Papillion 5.100
F. J. Bortusiah, R. 4. Clarks 5,000
John Otto, West Point 6.000
Florence Gardner, Wayne 5,100
A. H. Christensen, Stromburg ,...6,090
Louis Loe, Stanton 6,000
Louise Fiegenhaum, Springfield , . 5,000
Winnie McMillan, Shelby ,.5,000
Ida Helgenberger, Scribner 5,070
Mrs. Leonard Danbom, Albion ,...6,000
Wm. Andrews, Bellwood 6.040
Monte Wrgiht, Boone 6.000
Emma Wittmus, Chalco ..6,000
Mrs. Carl Bush, Creighton ...6,060
Vivian Dee, David City 5,060
Gladys Hendrick, Elgin 5,000
F. R. Hoppock, Fullerton 6,070
Carrie Monahan, Gretna 5,010
Sarah Rausch, Lindsay 6.000
Mrs. Roy Drummond, Lyons 5,009
Goldie Young. Meadow Grove ....5,000
Mrs. O. H. Bimson, Oakland ....6.000
W. L. Scott. Osceola 6,000
Susie Pinson, Platte Center 6,000
Wm. Ryan, Pilger .' 6,080
Rev. McCIenhan, Primrose 5,000
Lois McEveny, Rising City 6,000
Vera Weble, St. Edward 6.000
Rev. E. H. Pontius, Mynard 5,080
A. D. Allen. Decatur 6,000
E. C. Wilde, 823 S. 8, Norfolk 6,000
Wilis Lawrence, R. 1, Platte Center. 6.000
Anton Votaba, Schuyler '....6,090
A. M. -Sanders, Plattsmouth .;. ...6,060
F. L. Brown, -Schuyler 5.070
Helen M. Wynkoop, Central City ..6,060
C. J. Haviland, 407 Philip Ave,
Norfolk ..5,080
Floyd Buchanan, Silver Creek 6.000
Henry J. Haynes, Octavia 5,020
Sam Davies, Wayne 5,720
Chas. Bull, Albion 6.000
R. V. Kennedy, Tekamah 5.180
Joe Krajicek, Arlington 6,000
Fred Boss, Columbus 6,000
Mrs. Mary Harvey, David City 6,000
Emma Fredstrom, Oakland 6,000
Vera Hardy, 1071 20th, Columbus, 6,000
Elmer Nordland, Columbus 5,840
G. Kock, R. 8. Columbua 5,010
Opal Adams. Valley 5,010
D. P. Hill, Genoa 5,000
Henrietta Miller. Oakland ...6.230
W. C. Halsey, Oakdal 6.010
Clifford Johnson, Stanton 5,090
Clifford Cunningham, Wahoo .... 6.000
James R. Jelinek. Plattsmouth ....5.020
Herman Buhk, Beemer 6,000
K. C. Sattler, Plattsmouth 6.000
Allen Block. North Bend 6,000
Mrs. Otis Wolford. Clay Center ..5,8(0
Ray Ryan, 421 N. Blat., Hastings. .6.000
L. Y. Moore, Auburn 6.070
R. F. Luthy, Aurora 5,070
Mrs. L. C. Oden. Beatrice .. 5,000
Mrs. Clyde Foulk, Beatrice 5,000
Thomas Foster, Beaver Crossing ..6,000
Ruth Wells, Blue Springs 6.070
Gladys Saylor, Bruning .- 6.000
Hattie Stables. Carlcton 5.000
Mrs. Emma Howard, Chester 6.000
Mrs. Henry Sittler. Deshler 6,010
Lillian Kiersey, Dunbar 6.000
Eleanor Shoff, Fairbury 5,100-
J. S. Kasinger, Fairbury 5.000
Ed Orker, Glenvil 5,000
Ellis Price, Harvard 6,070
C. C. Blois, Humboldt 6.000
Geo. Whitesell, KeneBaw 6,090
Louis P. Anderson, Marquette ....5,000
Irene Forbes, Milford 6.110
Mrs. Martin Layton, McCool ,...6,000
Luella Kriter, Odell 5,000
Thelma Nelson, Pawnee City ....6,100
Mrs. Myrtle Anderson. Seward ....6,080
Gertrude Miller, Seward 6,000
Mrs. Lydia Wolfskin. Superior ....6,000
Faith Dedrick, Superior 6,100
Francis Himburger, Wymore ....6,000
Elsie Wellman, Waco 5.0no
Nellie Oglesby, Tobias 5.000
Frank C. Bruning, Milford 5,000
Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Giltner ....5.100
Harriett Shacklelton, Beatrice ..'..5,020
Chas. Launie, Alexandria 6,020
Mrs. Dick Harper. Davenport ....5,080
W. Crosson. 706 W 2nd, Hastings, 5,060
J. G. Pelham, Beatrice 6.100
Sarah Gillmore, Blue Hill 6,000
Mrs. B. Anderson, 1324 H St, Lin
coln 6,010
Mrs. B. Jordan, 728 York Ave. York 5,000
Mrs. Marie Morris Hebron 5,000
Lillie Nolte, Auburn. R. 2 6.010
Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn 5,010
Robert Moore, Nelson 6.000
Ralph R. Stewart, Auburn ..5,000
Emma Woodie. Peru.l 6,000
Mrs. N. Mclntyrc, Nebraska City... 6, 010
Will Include all territory in the
atate of Nebraska net included in
Districts number six and seven, also
territory in South Dakota, Kansas
and Colorado.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. A L. Deposit and on $100.00 B.
A L. Deposit will be awarded ia this
Francis Delanty. Dumphries 6,000
Emma Marsh. Villiaca 6,110
Mrs. Wayne Sollider, Thurman ,...6,000
The first Capital award the
$7,800.00 Home will be
open today, 1 to 5 p. m.
you'are INVITED
Mrs. Phillip Seifus, Scotia 5,000
H. S. Helme. Scottsbluff 5,160
Mrs. V. Conner, Kearney, 1407
Ave. 8th ., 6,000
A. C. Monkman, Elm Creek 6,080
W. B. Shelton, Faxtop 6.010
Mrs. Clay Funston, Ogallala ,5,090
Martin Nielson, Dannebrog 5,610
A. R. Lee, 719 N. Locust, N. Platte, 5.0K0
Julia Burkland, Sutherland 5.000
Mrs. E. T. Bigelow, Smithfield ..6,000
Dirk Pullam, Sargent . , 5,000
Dale Kipp, St. Paul 5,000
John Runge, Ravenna 5,000
Ed Hale, Parks 6.0u0
Elizabeth Ralston, Orleans 5,000
Eugene Henry, O'Neill 5,070
Mrs. B. I. Harshharger. Oconto ..5,000
Neva Wetzel. North Loup 6,000
Mrs. Esther Hunt. Lexington 5,000
Mrs. Lester Steadman, Lexington ..5,100
Mrs. D. T. Heynen, Kimball 5.000
Mr. Merle Spocts, Imperial ....6,000
Mrs. Floyd Ray, Holdrege 5,060
Opal Cobb. Holdrege i.... 5,000
Mrs. Minnie Calmer, Gothenburg ..5,100
Maud' Johnson, Gothenburg ....5,000
Sylvia Stump, Edison 6,070
Mrs. R. D. Harington, Cozad ....6,070
Marie Woodruff, Cozad 6,000
W. H. Rice, Chappell 6.000
Mae Dick, Cambridge 6,040
Ada Karn. Brule 6,000
Mrs. Ethel Copeland, Bridgeport ..6,000
Gladys Moore, Bloomington ....6,080
Mrs. C M. Taylor. Benkelman ....6,020
Esther Smith, Bartley 6.000
Hilda Jacobson, Arapahoe 6,200
J. E. Williams, Alliance 5.000
Mrs. Margaret Milligan, Arnold ....6,000
Signa Peterson, Eddy villa 6,000
Oscar Peterson, Sumner 5,070
Marie Lewis, Anselmo 5,000
Mrs. D. F. Lewis, Kearney 5,090
J. H. Bragg, Wauneta 5.000
Bert Brownell, Chappell 6.090
P. J. Minner. 109 W. 6th. Grand Is, 6,060
Mrs. A. Callahan. Gering ........ 5. OK 0
Dr. D. A. Rundstrom, Curtis 6,000
Mrs Walter Borden, Gordon 6.020
J. P. Cooper, Arcadia 5,000
Mrs. Edna Isaacson, Coxad 6,000
J. T. Warders, Maryville. Kan 5.010
Reuben Engstrom, Holdrege 6,040
Mrs. Bertha A. Eber. Kirk ..5.050
H. H. Edwards, Scottsbluff 5.000
W. K. Harris, Bertrand 5,000
Mrs. Grace Redtfelt, Minden 6.000
Geo. Gardner, Bayard .,..6.010
Melha Phiibriek. Ord 6.050
C. B. Dosset, Axtell 6,000
The $25,000.00 List of Awards:
147,800.00 HOME, First Qapital Award.
l$4,440.00 Cadillac Auto,
1-4100.00 Conservative B. & L. Deposit
. 8 $1,115.00 Maxwell Automobiles.
8$200J00 B. & L. Deposits.
8 $100 B.&L. Deposits.
Total number of awards, 27.
Ten per cent cash commission to all non
' winners if they turn in $50M0 or more.
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