Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Gas Leak Starts
$24,000 Blaze
Hill Steinbach Building in
Fremont Practically De
stroyed bf Fire.
'"Yremont, Neb., April 22. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Fire starting from
C gas leak in a coffee urn" is be
lieved to have been the cause of
i." blaze that practically destroyed
tUe Hilf Sttinbach buHding early thfc
teaming, Rutting two business places
and causing damage estimated at
$24,000. The loss is partly covered
by $18,100 insurance.
The Finch cafeteria on the ground
flcror was completely destroyed.
C!ris Matteson, employed to fire up
tk stoves in the restaurant, left thu
lunch room but a few moments be
we the alarm was turned in. He
lit the coffee urn before departing
uwi it it believed that the escaping
(inn in the room was ignited in this
rfcanner. - '
The offices and workshop of the
Icmont Sign Service company on
ths second floor is practically a to
tal loss. A new stock of material
had just arrived a few (fays ago and
was destroyed. A clock in the cafe
teria stopped at 4:47, which is sup
p6sed to be the time of the ex
plosion which shattered all the win
dows in front of the building. This
is the third fire in the same block
within the last month.
Chadron Lawyer Seeks
; Again to Practice Law
Lincoln, April 22. (Special.)
Allen G. Fisher, Chadrt (Neb.) at
torney, who was disbarred by the
Nebraska supreme court January 30,
J920, has filed an application With the
court for a cancellation and satisfac
tion of the judgment.' He says that
he has scrupulously obeyed the or
der of the court, and has been
sufficiently punished.
Since July 20, 1886, he has been
practicing law at Chadron and he is
now 57 years of age, with a family,
no capital and no training for any
other profession. He asks the court
to modify the decree,- which struck
his name from the roll of counsellors
at law in Nebraska. The disbarment
order was indefinite as to time. The
application : was filed by Julge Ben
Baker of Omaha.
The state senate yesterday allowed
Newton Rule, chief complaining wit
ness against Fisher, $1,300 for losses
growing out of the alleged malicious
prosecution by the attorney, which
was included as a part of the
specifications against Captain Fisher.
Presbyterian Convention
Central City, Neb., April 22.
(Special.) About 70 women dele
gates attended the Kearney Presby
terian convention in session here
this week.
Group 2 Bankers
Meet in Fremont
Financial Institutions in Good
Condition, Says President
Fremont, Neb., April 22. Spe
cial Telegram.) Nebraska bankers
of group two, about 300, gathered
iu Fremont today for their ,23d an
nual convention. The attendance U
the largest in years. For the first
time, the bankers brought their wives
to the convention along with the mcu
and women employes in the banks.
Vice, President D. V. Blotter, Al
bion, due to the resignation of Pres
ident Maley last year presided al
the opening session.
Daft V. Stephens, president of th-:
Fremont State bank, delivered th-;
address of welcome. In commenting
on the present situation, Mr. Ste
phens said: "Most of ks consider
these to be hard times but they
are really substantial with the fi
nancial institutions of the country
protected by the federal reserve. If
it had not been for the restriction
forced upon the Janks by the board
they would have toppled over
under their own weight by their in
capacity to take care of themselves.
But now some of the restrictions
should be removed." -
A banquet and ball was held at
Hotel Pathfinder.
Supreme Court Calls
District Judges to
Help Clean Up Docket
Lincoln, April 22. (Special.)
Availing Itself for the first time of
the constitutional amendment permit
ting calling in of district 'judges to
sit on the supreme bench in order to
facilitate the work and progress of
the court, the Nebraska supreme
court announced today it has ar
ranged to sit continuously from May
9 to June 13, in two divisions, hear
ing arguments alternate weeks.
Two district judges have been
called upon each week, as follows:
May 9 W. E. Stewart and Fred
Shepherd, Lincoln.
Mav 16 W. A. Redick, Omaha,
and W. V. Allen, Madison.
May 23 T. B. Raper, Tecumseh,
and E. E. Good, Wahoo. i .
May 30 A. S. Troup, Omaha, and
R. R. Dickson, Blair. .
June 6 E. J. Clements nd W. M.
Morning, Lincoln.
Dr James S. Wilson of Omaha
Speaks at Nebraska City
Nebraska City, Neb., April 22.
(Special.) Dr. James S. Wilson of
Omaha was the principal speaker at
the Presbyterian church here before
an audience of young men, members
of the Westminister Brotherhood. He
talked on the "Dedication of Life for
Christian Duty." A banquet was j
served by the women of the church. I
Make Your Old Furniture Like f'ew
A S-p4a aalta. vaaafcalateraa' la
taatfcaratt Tttoar ar iaaeatrr, allk
a-UBf trahwa aIUa4 . aad aaw
aaria ant la MlM far aae
Douglas 9097
T lllaatraie aor law arlct
wa amta a S-lea avar-
toRea aaltc. BrtnK aa
atraated taraaahaat. ay-
later in neastuai
Vetear Tapeatrr,
iw farnMa
and Slla Cavern FREE.
alia - eavara
la aaaatlfal arataaaa a
Bllaa 4aaaaak. aaraak
alaalar aaaa, will aaaaa
VMf fanhaM Wa, m
Hfatuaa. A aaaeial al
ter an tkaaa jaat-avaaf
alia eavara tku waeaa
9-aiaea ea sa
American Upholstering Co.
ir ltk lata Street, "f Oaaaalta Caatle BattL
.Special Prices far Hatala aaa Tncatera.
For Re-Election as
City Commissioner
War conditions are passing. The time is ripe
for "Onward Omaha."
That includes
New and Better Paving
Additional Sewers 1
Reduction of Grades
Widening of Streets to Carry
Traffic of Greater , Omaha
You will always EAT "with satisfaction" at Brandeis Stores Cafeteria Service 9 a. m. to S:30 p. m.
Better Service in barber work or manicuring in our Men's Barber Shop, 4th Floor, Main Store
Omaha Will Talk for
Months About
Purchase Sale of
Selling in a Regu
lar Way, Right
Now, at $65 to $70
- - . '. . v , . ..... '
v a
" W
For Men and Young
- 'Men
ered these suits wc offer f3r Saturday
good values at from $90 to $100. This year
they-are priced in a regular way. at from
$65 to $75, but a special purchase from Hart
Schaffner & Marx enables us to offer about
two hundred and fifty of these suits for Satur
day at $50 each. '
The Reason for This Sale
These suits are classed by Hart Schaffner & Marx as odds and ends, that ia
there are not all sizes in all the styles in this lot. There are only a few suits of each
number, but the values are so extraordinary that each Of the two hundred and
fifty suits should be out of the house before 6 o'clock Saturday night. This is an
excellent .opportunity for the man, old or young, who wants to be dressed up to
date at economical prices. , '
1 . " Ken's Store lecond Floor .
Saturday at 9 o'clock .Commences
Our Biggest Sale of
A Real, Old-Fashioned
Sliirt Sale
3000 Shirts
at $1 Each
A.bout,3000 good shirts at a price so low
you will have to scramble to get yours
when our doors swing open Saturday morning.
About 1000 of these Shirts are seconds, but
they are seconds of high grade cloth from one
of our best makers, and the imperfections are
very, slight; they would be cheap at twice this
price; all styles; either collar attached or neck
band shirts with soft or stiff cuffs; sizes 13
to 17; this sale will Hot last long it couldn't
with such values, so get here early and don't
be disappointed. . ;
Athletic Union Suits lor Men 1 O
Sizes 34 to 50, special, per suit, i aa0
Men 'a Knit Union Suits All shapes; every
size, 34 to 50; 1 Og
per suit, . la 9
Men's Cter Main Fleer
Qualities That Should
Sell Up to 9.00
Shoe Buying
V- -I 11 ..
Pair &8CS , yPfnunuy
of the Season
Demonstrating our leadership in giving greatest values in Men's Shoes,
Real shoes, men- the'best leathers and workmanship, shoes that look, wear
and fit well. Come early and be assured of the best choice. . ;
, Without exception this is the greatest shoe buying opportunity- of the
season, They are all of qualities that should sell up to 9:00; at 4.85 . .
Extra Salesmen to
serve you promptly
Every Pair Guaranteed
to Give Satisfaction !
Main Floor Men's Store f
Get your Summer
Oxfords NOW!
yt;Wardrobe Trunks
At $39, $45, $50 and $65
Brandeis Stores Is the exclusirer agent In Omaha
for the distinguished "Mendel-Drucker" WaTdrob
Trunk. In this trunk you Till find every conserr
able, useful desire has been provided for clothes,
shoes, hats and accessories all kept In perfect con
dition. - ', , V. ; A
U. 8. Hand trunks, Worth 10.00 Just 100 more of
these Indestructible fibre hand trunks to be sold
Saturday. They hold twice as much as the average
suit case and will fit neatly into the tonneau floor
of an automobile; regular 10.00 value;' 4 Qf"
Saturday at , - tTVO
Leather Traveling Baga-100 genuine leather hags
and suit cases;
regular 7M
and 10.00 vak
uee. ; Y u. r
choice ; Satur
day, at-
$5 and $6 Italian' Hats
These hats are head
and shoulders above
the ordinary soft hats,
are unmatchable for
their . lightness in
weight, fineness of
texture and richness of colors; they include every
conceivable style and were made to sell , o aa
tor 6.00i and s.00; cpeeial, Saturday at, OeUU
Men's Cloth Hats They will be extensively worn
this season. They are blocked in the same way
that the soft hats are and make a dressy hat for
street or auto wear. We show several neat suiting
patterns that are light and comfortable; r XLf
special, Saturday at, a&adU
New Caps for Men and Young Men Let us show
you the new models that will head the 1921 cap pro
cession and at a price which no other storo will
give you equal quality for. Q (f and O f(
Priced for Saturday at, OeUU abaUU
Boys Hats and Caps An" immense puithase of
boys' hats and caps for Spring and Summer wear;
very imaginable shape and color shown; regular
1.00 and 1.50 values; spatial, for Saturday, Ef-
Main Floor Men's Star