Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1921, Page 17, Image 17

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Parties ""for
vi course you are planning a
May party now that May days will
joon be 'with us. It is always one
of the beautiful memories of child
hood those golden hours at the
May party.
Ever think about having a neigh
borhood May party? It is so much
more democratic than having the
party for a select few. This year,
instead of the usual impersona
tions, ask the neighborhood school
to help you arrange a -pageant. The
characters should depict the land
' .ng of the Pilgrims and other his
:orical events. ......
This will give a new twist to the
May party, Desides serving a most
ielightfully American purpose. If
possible,-arrange for music as the
:hildren march. And after the
arcn 10 uie paric or picnic
grounds, there must be a substan
,ial ' luncheon. Perhaps the box
unch is as good as any for this
If the child has a warni, nourish-
ng breakfast, the cold box
luncheon will suffice. What should
50 into this box to form an" ade
quate as well as a ptcasant sur
prise for the youngster? '
Of course, there must be sand
wiches. And for the element of
surprise we must have fillings a
little out of the ordinary. Slice
day-old bread thin. Run cooked
chicken through the food chopper.
Moisten it- with mayonnaise and
season with salt. Spread on the
bread. Trim off crusts and wrap
each sandwjch in waxed' paper.
Canned chicken from a reliable firm
makes very good sandwiches.
- - " - " o
Run it through the chopper and
softened butter or a very little
mayonnaise if it is not already
Tioist enough. i
Cream cheese and olives chopped
;inely and ground walnut meats
nake a delicous sandwich filling. If
t is not moist enough to spread, a
.ittle creamed butter may be worked
in.. This filling is particularly good
on brown trj?ad. Some of the tash-
lonanie tearooms cnarge z$ cents r
a sandwich made in this manner.
, Bermuda onion and cress sand-:
tr 1 i a era hL'HH i - i i i r a n a m n
ftiw" iruij uim.i inn tj vJ t- v. v. --
muda or Texas onion and soak it in
cold - water generously sweetened
with sugar for several hours. Then
chopped watercress. Moisten with
jmayonnaise and spread ligthly on a
' thin slice of white bread. Complete
. i i '
me sanowicn ana wrap in waxeu
paper. , ;
Cream cheese spread with jelly or
jam or marmalade is always a pala
table sandwich filling.1
Include some plain bread and but
ter sandwiches to be eaten with
stuffed eggs. Do you .know how to
make stuffed eggs?
' ': Hard boil the desired number of
eggs. Peel off and cut in half and
coop out the hard yolks. Mash the
yolks with a silver fork. Add salt,
a very little dry mustard and suf-
i ificient mayonnaise to moisten. Pack
'" whites. PIacp turn trto-et-her and
wrnp in vsacu yapci. niiiuuc
x lie l ansian swecis miximc is al
ways welcomed by children and ii
Whose Automobile
Do You Ride In?
Your Sister' Rich Husband's?, 4
Your Fashionable Friend's?
The Taxicab Company's?
And Why Not Your Own?
Because You Can't Afford It?
Thafs because you haven't investigated the
many partly used and rebuilt cars in our show
.rooms.'. f'-' ". V V'v'
Better look at them now or somebody else will
get the one you want Then you will continue
to use the street car to get from place to place.
Prices from $300 up, on good rebuilt and re
painted cars of most any make.
Cadillac Touring Rebuilt
Dort Sedan, fine condition.
Olds Coupe, good as new.
Willys-Knight Coupe, good.
Chevrolet Touring, out five weeks.
Hudson Super-Six, rebuilt and painted.
Maxwell Touring. t ; .
Buick Touring, winter and summer top
And many others. Prices right and terms'
far better for them than a quantity
of sugar candy. To prepare this,
scald a dozen figs and the same
quantity of dates. Remove the date
stones and run dates through the
food chopper. Add a little lemon
juice and sufficient powdered sugar
to make the mixture stiff enough to
handle. Roll into small balls and
then roll each ball into either finely
chopped or shredded cocoanut.
Wrap each in waxed paper.
Fruit, cup cakes or cookies should
find place in the box of luncheon.
Salmon Recipes
Salmon With Mayonnaise
Salmon is delicious when served
cold, just as it is taken from the
can.' It may be served with either
cold Bearnaise, Tartar sauce or
mayonnaise, lemon juice or vine
gar. Break up salmon, remove skin
and bones. Serve on lettuce leaves
garnished with sliced boiled eggs
and sprigs of parsley. ,
Combination Salmon Salad
1 lb. can Salmon
3 hard boiled eggs
2 heads good, firm lettuce
1 small can peas
- 4 cucumber
Shred the salmon lightly with a
fork, cut the lettuce into fine strands,
and mix both together lightly, then
add the peas freed from all moisture,
and decorate with finely sliced cu
cumber and egg cut into rings
Served with Mayonnaise, this salad
is very fine. Place on lettuce leaves.
This quantity makes sixteen portions.
Reduce ingredients proportionately,
if desired. -
Salmon Au Gratin
Remove skin and bones from 1-lb.
can salmon, add 2 eggs, 2 ounces
butter, stock from salmon can, sea
son with salt and pepper. Mix and
beat in bowl, add 1 cup soft, stale
bread and enough milk , to soften.
Eake in buttered deep dish until top
is nice brown.
Salmon With Macaroni
Pick one can of salmon into small
pieces. Make one pint of ordinary
White sauce. Put a layer of boiled
macaroni broken in inch lengths in
the bottom of baking dish, next a
layer of sauce,' then a layer of
sal-mon, 1 continuing until dish is
filled. Sauce should come last and
sprinkled with buttered crumbs.
Bake until brown.
Baked Salmon With Tomato Sauce.
1 lb. can salmon
, 1 cup tomatoes ,
J j cup water
1 slice onion
Clove or two
1 tsp. vinegar
2 tsp. butter
l'i tsp. flour
Yi tsp. salt
. Pepper to taste ,
Cook tomatoes, water, onions,
cloves 20 minutes. Melt butter, add
flour and stir into hot mixture. Add
salmon and put in baking pan. pour
around half the sauce and bake 25
minutes, basting often. Remove to
hot platter, pour around remainir-g
hot sauce and garnish with parsley.
This will serve six persons.
For Silver
A piece of camphor gum placed in
the silver closet will be of great as
sistance in keeping the silvers, from
tarnishintr. If the silverware is to
be put away, clean it well with silver
polish, put a thick coat of vaseline on
it, men wrap in tissue paper uu
store. It will be without a mark of
tarnish when you again put it into
use. . J-
Chasing Suhr
beams and
Rainbows !
"E. S. B." writes to beg me to give
a little talk on the folly of "chasing
auhbeams and' looking for the un
I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint
her because I'm not sure that I be
lieve in "the unattainable."
History bears me out. Think how
folks laughed when first men began
to fly. Think how absurd a "horse
less carriage" once seemed. f
The seemingly unattainable comes
true when the dreamer who can face
failure and. suffering and privation
and disappointment and the scorn of
his fellow men wins at last to the
consummation of his hopes and
Read the story of Pallissy, the pot
ter. Study the life of Galileo. And
when you have finished ask yourself
what is really unattainable.
Life. to the courageous soul. is a
matter of making dreams come true.
"Chasing rainbows" is an imprac
tical way of escaping real effort It
is like sitting in an easy chair and
thinking what a good figure and fine
digestion and clear complexion you
might have if you'd get out and take
a lot of wholesome exercise in the
cleansing outdoors. Chasing rain
bows is one with the wish to cure
disease with chocolate caramels,
not in limousine luxury are dreams
made to come true.
Wnr J anvthinor constructive ac
complished in this world of ours by
idling along after the fanciful,' the
evanescent. A rainbow is lovely,
but after all it and the moon and the
Little Dipper represent the impossib
ly distant, the beauty of limitless
space. Of course no one can get
the Little Dipper down out of the
sky, no matter hoy long a ladder he
Rut- rhasiticr sunbeams! That's an
other matter. . That is having enough
poise and sense ot values to Deneve
in the warm glow of sunshine that is
sure to follow the dipgicst and cloud
iest of days. That is . reaching .out
toward loveliness and then setting
your teeth and making up your mind
that, however hard the trip, it's
worth while taking.
Perhaps you want to be sure that
youll know the difference between
the seemingly attainable and the ut
terly impossible. But that can't be
guaranteed. It cannot even be fully
What looks unattainable to "E. S.
R maw he rmlv verv difficult of at
tainment according to the lights of
her friend. I he mina mat can con
ceive a solution for-a difficult prob
lem is willinir to work, to strusitk.
to make experiment after experiment,
1 Money back without flutrtion
in B.I... -nl finanl. Mil IS -
' the treatment of Itch. Een,
Rinworm,Tetter or ojnw
in tkls dlmiH. T'7 thla
treatment M our i
Sherman 4 McConnell 8 Dh StoreeV
At the Bowen Store there is a
perpetual exposition of the
most beautiful. y ,
Overdrapes -
that could possibly be gath
ered together by one house,
and the very best in
In our drapery department
you will find much to admire
and think about especially
when you study the H. R. k
Bowen Co. prices ;
. Overdrapes
Pretty Madras, overdrapes
with Valance, trimmed with
. edging to match; made to fit
any ordinary sized single win
dow, per pair - -
$2.95, $3.95 and '
,., $4.95
Cretonne ' ,
' ' Overdrapes
with Valance, ready to hang,
2 yards long. Dozens of pretty
patterns. Per pair, only .
! $2.95 and $3.95
Many select , patterns of
Cretonnes for " aprons and
laundry bags, at, per yard
59c, 65c and 75c -
Bed Set
Very pretty Bed Sets, full
size with scalloped edges and
cut corners, trimmed with edg
ing to match,' at x :
$9.75, $12.50 and
- $17.50 each ':'
if only there is the slightest forward
movement to encourage new effort.
The folks who struggle after what
their more matter-of-fact friends call
"unattainable" have in them a ca
pacity for seeing beyond the present
to the glorious possibilities of the fu
ture. They have the dauntless qual
ity that takes a Peary to the frozen
north. -
To be the friend of one of these
dreamers, who will endure any disap
pointment Jo make his visions realize
themselves, is a thankless position
that I grant and one of great dis
comfort withal. It's a great deal
easier to suffer for your own "viskn
Specials for Saturday
Extra Lean Pork Roast, Ib.l3ie
Fresh Spare Ribs, lb 12 He
Choice Steer Short Cut Sir
loin, per lb .....22c
Choice Steer Shoulder Steak,
per lb..... ,15c
Choice Steer Rump Roast, per
lb. at 1994c
Pure Lard, 2 lbs. for ,25c
Choice Steer Beef Roast, per -lb.
at...., 12Jjc
Sugar-Cured Bteakfast Bacon,
per lb 17Se
Sugar -Cured Picnic Ham, per
lb. at ...13?4c
We carry lull and complete line of fruits nnd vegetables at the lowest prices
Washington MarEtet:
there arc
Isp Makers jo(diTcpqivi
Good for growing children
good for grown-ups good for'
everybody '
1 1 cokiahis . p
The longer you chew, the
better they taste. Good for
breakfast, lunch or supper.
In triple-sealed packages'and in bulk at your grocer!
0 ' '
for particular people
' Hundreds of people look forward each weekend to
the Special Ice Cream which we prepare for Sunday
dewert. VANILLA NUT.a combination of fine Vanilla
Ice Cream and the very best English Walnuts, is the
blend this week.- Any Harding! dealef will supply it
splendid" than to stand by an4 watch
the struggles of one you love and
cannot aid. Its far simpler to strug
gle on toward your goal than to sit
idly by and see the struggle of an
other. But we who love those who
chase the "unattainable" can do no
nobler thing than to conquer our un
faith and cheer them on their way. --
Poor Fish
Consider the poor goldfish and
help him appreciate life I If you have
no castle in which the slippery little
swimmer may creep for rest, get a
paint brush 1 Paint the lower half of
the bowl and bottom with dark
Best Creamery Butter, lb . . .45c
Large Fairy Soap, S bars for. 25c
Rub-No-More Washing Powder,
per pkg. .4c
Libby's Milk, 2 cans for.... 25c
4 rolls toilet paper for.... 25c
Special No. 8 Coffee, 3 .bs.v$l
Jello, all flavors, per pkff . . . .9c
Tangier Prunes, G-lb. wood
boxes, per box 99c
Gr:ipe Juicj, por quart 59c
Cdrolcne, par an 9e
Best Rice, 4 lbs. for. ..... . .25c
insist upon
its our guar
antee ottae
1 30 1
Ote'-v ...
green paint. The goldfish will then
stop swimming so frantically and
glide peacefully through the dark
ened waters.
Keep your house clear of rubbish
and keep disease germs down.
Ash Grove Portland Cement
naa great strength and dura
bility, because it is correctly
proportioned, properly burned.
ground extra fine and tested
Hourly to insure uniformity.
For foundations, sidewalks.
garages, porches, basements.
ew., speeuy ,
, ' i ' 1 '
giir w-HTTT'? y jfTJH (T77
p J) LJJ , op
CocktailSaiice &!29&
Snider's TaU ITomato A
Earo. Gallons, Red
Karo, Gallons, Blue Label. 57c Powder ...... . . ...... . .45c
Grape Juice, pints .. . . ... .39c Cash Habit No. 3 Pumpkin 16c
Basko Vanilla and Lemon ; No. 3 Fancy Spinach .....23c
Extract .............. i . 32c Potatoes, peck ...... .29o
Jiffy Jell ... . . . . . . .liy2c Onions, peck . . . . .20c
Yacht Club Salad Dressing. 35c" Grapefruit, fancy, each .10c
Between the Two
Vote for
Catsup - -
Saturday Only
Crisco, 1 lb. 20c Mazola,
Fink Salmon,.
tall 16c
Navy Beans, lb . . . 7c
Basko Evaporated
Milk ..;....12V2c
Basko Coffee, lb.30c
Blue Rose Rice,
lb. !7c
Large Gold Dust 34c
Label. 67c 12-oz. cans Royal Baking
Chili Sauce
,Bya.; 2fttji I
Found 1 ,
tfn-i 11
Nebraska tWz Company
tW"."-':--'".XV?; -
Howard at 18th
Howard, Between ISth it 16th
IK .
WuMMBt'vm stoat - - '