Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: omaha, friday. akil 22. iuai.
Intimate Affairs
In $tokcst Case
Told by Mother
""e stimony to Show Defendant
Was Ideal Mother Given
In Divorce Trial of
N New York, April 21.-lntimate af
(airs in the life of Mrs. Helen El
wood Stokes were related by her
mother, Mrs. Emma Miller, in the
trial of the divorce suit of V. E. D,
Stokes. " ' .
The incidents were to show that
Mrs. Stokes was an ideal mother to
her children and to refute charges
that she even would think of an
other, let alone half a 'dozen or more
corespondents y.. ..
Mrs. Miller, said that - when she
heard ot the marriage of hef daugh
ter to the millionaire, she said she
has thrown her life, away." .' ", '
"Hal Billig was. never more at
tentive to Helen (han to Beatricd
and Mariclla,. my other daughters.
His attitude toward hec was that of
brother to sister," said Mrs. Miller.
This was the reply when asked
by Mrs. Stokes' attorneys to describe
the .deportment of Billig, one of the
Mrs. Miller said further that Hal
Tiillig and his mother hid visited
the Miller home in Denver for
months at a time, and she was thus
able to note the relationship existing
between the young man and her
daughter. With several emphatic
nods, Mrs. Miller characterizes as
"absolutely false"' .the testimony of
Juliette Gassner. a one-time nurse to
the Stokes children, who had stated
that she had saw Billig embrace and
kiss Mrs. Stokes on the stairway of
the Miller home.
Mrs. Miller related in marked de
tail, incidents to show her daughter's
affection for her children, such as
always putting them to bed and hear
ing them say their prayers.
On" one of Mrs. Stokes' trips to
New York in the fall of 1917. jewelry
amounting to about $30,000 was
Stolen from her. Juliett Gassner
testified that" on this occasion Mrs.
Stokes remarked. "Saw Mr. Stokes
will learn about my jewelry." ; Mrs.
Miler denied that Mrs. Stokes ever
made such a trip, adding:
"I gave my daughter most of the
valuable pieces of jewelry she had.
Mr.' Stokes gave her very "few. Some
of the pieces she bought herself..
"There were 40 pieces stolen.
Seven of them were found in the
pocket of a waiter on a dining car
at Buffalo. His name is Williams.
We are trying to .convict him, hut
Mr. Stokes Lis paying for his de
fense." "Tt is my jjelief," Mrs. Miller went
on. "that ..Mr. -Stokes has the
jewelry." y
At this. Attorney Smyth turned to
Mr.-Stokes-with a broad smile and
akcrt: "Have you it in your pocket
now?" Mr. Stokes, who1 seemed to
tajce the question quite seriously,
shook his head. . .1
jMenihcrs of Whisky Ring
Arrested After Battle
tV .Cleveland, April 21. Nine mem
"hers of what police say is one of the
J'iKgtst whisky rings in the country
'Were arrested last night, following a
;sgun battle fn which one bandit was
shot and wounded after an unsuc
cessful attempt to hold up the Inter
state Chemical company.
. According to the police, the band
"has been in operation for months and
i responsible for a number of big
alcohol thefts.
In a raid on the home of the men
.tonight, an automobile, a quantity of
-tires and several thousand dollars
worth of stolen, goods; were rec-
overed. '
Protest Framed Against
Issuances of Greek Money
thcns; Aptii, 21.r-(By The Asso
ciated Press. V Protests against the
issuance oi ,500,000,000 drachmas in
paper money "by the Greek National
,bank are" being framed for presenta
tion to the Hellenic government, by
the international, financial commis
sion, which exercises control of tha
public debt of Greece.
Belief is expressed here that the
government .will not heed the com
mission's protest, as it is generally
: recognized the nation is driven to
this expedient as a remedy for the
serious financial situation of the
.country and to finance the Anatolian
campaign. .
Former Noted Physician
1 Dies in County Poor House
.Leadville, Colo., April 21. Archi
bald Malcolm "MacLean, former
prominent doctor and titular head of
' the clan of MacLean, a noted Scot
tish family, died today in the county
poor house. Fifteen years ago Dr.
MacLean had charge of the Iron
Silver Mining company's hospital.
His .brother. Dr. Donald MacLean
' of Detroit, a few years ago was presi
dent of trie medical, association and
another brother was a prominent
physician at Salt Lake.
:;- . For several years Dr.. MacLean
has been mentally incapacitated.
Bishop Stuntz's Assistant
In Iowa Dies in Hospital
'' Des Moines. Ia.. April 21. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Dr. J. F. St. Claire,
'' one of the most widely known Meth
k 'dist ministers in Iowa and for 20
years assistant to Bishop Homer C
Stunt, died at Iowa Methodist hos
pital here today.
' Dr. St. Claire formerly lived in
' Des Moines but had more recently
' ' made his headquarters in Council
.- Bluffs. As Bishop Stuntz' assistant
" he was in charge of financial affairs
i cf the church for the state.
Small Fortune Discovered '.'
In Home of Aged Recluse
" Red Cliff, Colo.. April 21 -Near.y
$1 .2,000 in cash, hidden in a cabin
owned by Charles Miller, aged
recluse, who died recently, was dis-
, covered today by Eagle county of
ficials. The money was secreted be
hind picture frames, tensus, crev
ices and pigeonholes.
Colhy Sails for England
' New York, April 21. Bainbridgc
Colby, former secretary of state,
sailed today for England. He will
be abroad, about two months on
fcujiness. ' ' '
World Prohibition
Will Be Reality Soon
British Leader Says
Chicago, April 21. World prohi
bition will soon to be an established
fact, according to Dr. Caleb W.
Saleeby of London, who is touring
America as chairman of the executive
committee of the World League
Against Alcoholism, representing
about 2.i nations.
"You know," he said "the popular
impression that England is body and
soul against prohibition is all wrong.
The impression is given to the world
by an international lie factory which
has its headquarters in London. Lit
erature, printed in all languages is
sent from these headquarters telling
the world how much better off Eng
land is without prohibition.
"Just now, the English press is
against prohibition, but public opin
ion will soon make the press and
parliament change their views."
Dr. Saleeby is the inventor of the
English helmet which was used dur
ing the war and from which the
American helmet was modeled.
Dividends on War Risk
Insurance Ready Soon
Washington, April 21. Director i
k hi i hn wv. i nne ni me oureau
v. .... - j
of war risk insurance announced
that the first checks In payment ot
dividends to policy holders on gov
ernment converted life insurance will
be mailed from the bureau in about
two weeks. .
Owing to.the amount of clerical
work involved in the payment of the
diVirUnris thi anniversary dates of
which have passed, it is expected that
it will be June 1 before all of the
dividend checks will have been
mailed from Washington.
Holders of converted policie which
Uavm heeri in fnrce for one vcar will
receive, following "their anniversary
date, not less than ?l per thousand
of insurance and those in force for
two years will receive two dividends.
Golden Rule Policy
Urged for Industry
Boston, April 21. Application of
the eolden rule to the cotton manu
facturing industry was urged as a
cure for industrial problems by K.
13 T rrciitinl nf the ational
J J , A-W V, J' - -
Association of Cotton .Manufacurers
at the opening session ot me annual
rnnv.ntinn "A live and let lice
policy ultimately would be the plat
form on which American industry
would survive, he said. t
He sounded an optimistic note for
the future of the business and cited
nf manufactured i
goods in central Europe and Asia
and the lessened production rcsuu
,ng from the 48-hour working week
in the plants.
U. S. Plane Found in Mexico
Thought to Be Pearsons
Anril 21. A United
States army airplane, mentioned in
recent Mexico City dispatches as
i,,. ;r.T hopn fnnnr? in the vicinity of
Vega De Bos Ladrones. North Coar
huila, Mex., is believed to oe mt
one lost in Mexico last February by
Lieutenant Alexander Pearson,, jr..
officers at the tigtith corps area
headquarters said here today. '
Tli. Alemvrrv nf a man's body;
mutilated beyond recognition, could.
not be accounted lor as lieutenant,
Poarcna later made his wav to safe
ty, it is believed that the body was
probably that of a Mexican peon.
Chicago Society Leader
Leases House in JKeno
rVn'i-arrr, Anril 21. Since HlOit
. v-t..v.&w, - -, -
people can see only one reason tor
living in Keno, cnicago society was
unusually interested by the. news
that Mrs. Mason' Phelps had taken
a six months' lease on a Refio home.
It had been rumored for some time
J tU cm rirrles that all W3S not
well between Mason Phelps, inter
nationally known amateur goner ana
sportsman, and his wife.
The Phelps wedding in 1913 united
two prominent families and was one
of the important social events of
the year.
Federal Co-Operative Plan
Of Road Building Endorsed
Greensboro, N. C, April 21. En
dorsement of the federal and state
co-operative plan of road building
and a recommendation for its con
tinuation with a federal-appropriation
of $100,000,000 a yqar. for five
years, out of funds received in pay
ment from loans to foreign govern
ments, were voted at today's session
of the United States Good Hoads
association. sA resolution authorized
the appointment of a committee to
take the matter to congress. ,
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, act gently on the
bowels and positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets. - The pleasant, sugar-coated
tablets are taken for bad breath by
all who know them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gen
tly but firmly on the bowels and liver,
stimulating them to natural action,
clearing the blood and gently purifying
the entire system. They do that which
dangerous calomel does without any
of the bad after effects. . .
All the benefits of nasty, sickening,
trriping cathartics are (fcri.ed from
DrT Edwards' Olive Tablets without
gririnz, pain or any disagreeable effects.
Dr. fTm. Edwards discovered the
formula alter seventeen years of prac
tice among patients afflicted .with
bowel and fiver complaint, with the
attendant bad breath.
compound mixed with olive oil; you A
Will JUlvW UiCAiA kjy uiai vu.
Take one or two every night for a week
nd note the effect. 15c and 30c.
Guticura Soap
The Safety Razor
Shaving. Soap
The Omaha Bee has one $7,800.00 home, 9 automobiles and 25 other valuable awards to be distributed to
energetic .men and women in the states of Nebraska and Iowa. Do you want one? Look over the list of mem
bers entered and if your name is .there make your first step towards owning one of these awards by getting
some friend to give you a subscription payment to The Omaha Bee. If your name is not there, fill in the entry
blank and send it to the H. Y. S. Club manager. The best extra vote offer of the campaign is now in force.
You may earn 100,000 extra votes if you send in $25.00 in subscriptions before May 15th, -4,000 additional
votes for each additional dollar. The club is just starting. Systematic effort will win for you untold rewards.
, ' Would -you have your own HOME or car; your own ex
i, nrnrtovrv ' Then thp thintr for vou to do is to enroll
llUdiru I'1 "i'' VJ .
at once in The Omaha Bee
The Omaha Bee will give away to members ot tins cluD
daring the next ten weeks a beautiful $7,800.00 home, nine
. automobiles, and 17 other cash deposits in the Building &
Loan Association. , By giving away is meant without the ex
penditure of money on your part. The beautiful five-room ;
bungalow, the first capital award, valued at' $7,800.00, is the
best buy in the city for this amount of money. The only '
price you will have to pay to own this home or one of the
other 26 awards, is the agreeable task of securing subscrip
tion payments for The Omaha Bee from your friends. This
can be done during part of your spare time each day. There
is no better time to make the decision to enter and take an
active part than today. Every day you hold off means one day
less to work for votes. The list of arly entrants is printed ,
in this ad late entrants arc being added daily many names
are being removed from this list daily. They were people,
who entered thinking this was a something-for-nothing cam
paign. Such is not the case. The winning of these awards
means work, but work whereby you are liberally rewarded.
Here is an opportunity for you to secure a start in life. These
awards range in value from $7,800.00 to $100.00. The win
ners of these awards will be repaid for their efforts and their
spare time. Leaving the money situation out of the question
and assuming that you want a home and a, car for the pleasure
it will give you, your friends and your family. The Omaha
Bee holds out to you, with a special pride in their merit, this
magnificent group of awards and says "Take; One." The
kind of people who are enrolled in this club this far are both
earnest and deserving, the kind ycru would choose as a com
petitor. The intent to devote part of their time during the .
next few weeks to the accumulation of votes, whieh they in
tend to trade for awards. If you knew that by working these
next few weeks part of your spare time, or, in fact, all of
your time, you could get a $7,800.00 .home, wouldn't you do
it? Here is the opportunity. Suppose you did not win the
first award. There are 26 others. The least among them is
worth your effort. It is worth careful thought. It may
mean the difference a few weeks hence between having a
fine home or automobile or not having either. Send your
name and address to the Help Yourself Club manager and you
will be supplied with, all the necessary forms for your use.
Any person, man or woman, married or single, is eligible
to compete. No employe of The. Bee or dependent member
of their family may compete.
Votes are issued on subscription, payments from new and
old subscribers to The Omaha Bee. These payments may be
made direct to the Club members as they are supplied with
receipt books and are authorized to accept these payments.
The number of votes given depends on the amount paid and
whether the subscriber is new or old. An old subscriber is one
who was taking the paper April 10th, and is given half the
number of votes a new subscriber receives. - . "
The other way of securing votes is to clip the free 10
vote coupon front each issue of the paper. Fill out as directed
and send to the manager of the Help-Yourself Club. Each
and everyone counts for ten votes.
The price of, the paper and the number of votes given for
the different payments is shown' in the "vote schedule in the
receipt book and in this advertisement.
Atlub member is in no way restricted as to the locality
in which he may secure subscription payments and free vote
' coupons. You are privileged to obtain these in your own
district or in any other district. The object of dividing the
territory into districts was to assure candidates that a certain
: list of prizes must be awarded in their district, , irrespective
of the vote in other districts.
In addition to the regular vote allowed on subscription
payments as shown in the voting schedule, we make the club
members the following offer:
100,000 EXTRA votes will be given to every" member
who sends or brings $25.00 in subscriptions to the office of
the club manager in Omaha on or before Saturday, May 14,
at iO pm. s . . , . ... . ,
The larger the amount you send in during this period, the
larger will be the number of votes you can earn.
The territory" Covered by The Bee has been divided into
eight districts and a complete set of awards have been assigned
to each district and are as follows: ,
i One $1,115.00 Maxwell automobile, one. $200.00 B. & L.
deposit, one $100.00 B. & L. deposit. " These .awards will be ,
given to the three people in each of the eight districts having
the greatest number of votes to their credit at the close of the .,
campaign after the grand prize winners have been eliminated.
No person knows in which district the capital awards will
' be' won. . .
It does not make any difference how many votes a club
member ha3 in any other district, if you have the greatest
number in your own district after the grand awards have
been eliminated, you will be given the first district award,
which, in this case, is a Maxwell automobile.
The $25,000.00 List of Awards:
l-47 SO0J0O HOME, First Capital Award.
1-44,440.00 Cadillac Auto.
1-410&j00 Conservative B. & L. Deposit.
8 $115.00 Maxwell Automobiles.
8 $200. 00' B. & L. Deposits.
8 $100 B. &L. Deposits. v
Total number of awards, 27.
Ten per cent cash commission to all iot
winners ifxthey turn in $50.00 or more.
t Vote Value of
Th DAILY and Sunday, Morninf or
Evnin(, by Bey Carritr in Omaha,
Council Bhiis and in towns whero
' Carrier Boy aarvica ia maintained.
' New
2 Yeara ......... .$20.49 180,000
1 Year 10.20 70,000
' C Months 8.10 32.00.;
S Months ; 2.56 12,000
Morninf or Evcninf Without Sunday
by Carrier Boy Service.
2 Yeara .. ....IU.60 JS0.000
1 yMr 7. SO 02,000
Months 0 22.00W
"3 Months 1.95 10,000
Sunday Only by Boy Carrier.
2 Years "...$10.40 10,000
1 Year S.20 S2.000
" C Months ......... 2,60 12,000
o - ,
Help Yourself Club.
Morninf, Evening and Sunday by
Boy Carrier.
New '
1 Year ....... ....1.00 1S2.000
Months 9.00 69.000
1 Months , 4.50 28.00U
Daily and Sunday ,by Mail.
2 Years ....... .$1 00 152,000
1 Year 9. 00 08,000
Months 4. SO 2S.00O
3 Months 2.25 10,000
Dally Only by Mail, Without Sunday
2 Year .....$10.00 76.000,
1 Year 5.00 JJ.000
Months 2. SO 12.000
S Month 1.25 ' 5,000
'Sunday Only by Mail.
- New
2 Years $ $.00 62.000
1 Year 4.00 22,000
Months 3.00 10,000
Renewal subscription payments
will be given half as many
votes as new subscriptions.
The standing of. the Club Members
the entry blanks and coupons
. . . ' DISTRICT NO. 1
Wilt Include all territory inside tha
city limits of Omaha south of Pacific
street, west of the river to Seventy
second street, including Ralston, Belle
vue, Fort Crook and Avery.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B V L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
dk L. Deposit will be awarded in this
R. W. Satte; 2519 S. 83rd St.' 8,760
Mrs. G. W. Peck, 2010 Spring St., 6,040
Floyd Sigler, 1921 Missouri Ave..6,00i)
James Ourada. 6120 S. 18th St. ..6,000
Mm. C. A. Christensen, 622 Cedar, 5,000
Susan M. Chase, 2429 S. 21st St. ..6,000
'Ernest Herngren. 201R S. 7th St. ..6.300
Martha Ebert. 2402 Poppleton 5,170
Mrs. Thomas Selzle. 2318 I St 5.190
Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 1937 S. 12th ..5,000
V. Finocehiaro, 311 Woolworth ....5,170
Frank Kennison. 1509 S. 26th St... 5, 000
J, Steacek. 1601.Vinton St 5,000
Mrs. C. H. Spechl. 2201 Poppelton, 6,000
John Salirno, 723 Pierce St. ....6,000
, Florence McHale, 718 Hickory ....6,009
Mrs. A. M. Firra, 1321 S. 26th ..5.090
Thomas D. Sullivan, 4018 S. 27th .,5,040
Philip Lang, 2765 S. 12th 5,000
Frank Sterba, 129 Exc. BIdg. S. Y., 6.009
C. O. Philips. 1624 Polk St. ....... .6,009
Fred Stroeh. 4942 So. 26th 6,001
Emma Souden, 3511 Center 5,000
Donald Sinclair, 2305 S. 23rd ....5,000
Robert Victor. 2803 Poppleton ....6,000
.Mabel Hogan. 2408 S. 24th 5,020
Ed Julis, 6806 S. 20th 6,110
William Murray. 3022 S. 22nd 6,270
Mrs. Fred Kaiser. Bellevue, Neb. ..5,000
Anton Nelson, Avery Neb 6,000
J. G. Whalen. 1146 S. 82nd 6.000
Mrs. Ernest Williams, 3022 S. 32nd, 6,040
W. Elliot. 1309 S. Slst 5,000
Joseph Husak. 6538 S. 38th 5,000
Mrs. J. N. Williams, 3608 S. 23rd, 6,010
Z. Erstich, 4925 S. 24th 5,000
Pete Placash, 540C S. 30th 5,000
Bernice Wawrz, ?92 L St. ......5,110
John Krajicek, 6026 S. 22nd .' 6,000
Vallie Madura, 4621 S. 32nd ,...5.100
Mabel Garevet,t, 825 Bancroft ..... 5,000
Alfred Pederson, 2019 Dorcas ....5,000
Lillian M. Daily, 4746 S. 19th ,.6,020
Mrs. F. Marecek. 6218 S.Oth St.. 6,010
Theo. A. Isaacson. 2317 S. Slst ..5,010
Mrs. Anna Ruopert, 2014 Martha. 6,010
Mrs. C. A. Kauth, 1822 Bancroft ..5,050
John Kwasniewaki. 2867 Oak 6,000
Mrs. Katy Truehaft, 4436 S. 18th, 6,000
Joseph Miklas, 8002 Spring 5,000
Mora vote will be given
during, tha first four.
weeks than at any other
period of the. campaign.
'Enter club today. Just
three days eld.
Will Include all territory inside the
city limits of Omaha and on, and
north of Pacific street, west, of the
river to Eighty-third street and as
far north aa Maple street.
One $1,1 15.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. 4 L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
eV L. Deposit will be awarded in this
W. Hendee, '4204 Bardette 6,00
Fred G. Wltte, 8617 Seward .7,850
Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, 3804 Farnam, 5,670
A. D. Klein, Jr.. 4806 Dodge ....6.010
Kloye Morell, 654 S. 25th' Ave., 6,340
C. J. Wright, 2310 Howard 6,800
James AddeBon, 2411 N. 18th .'...6,160
W. T. Ziesel, 3314 Decatur 5.260
Mrs. John Baier, 2212 Mason ....6.130
Geo. D. Tobey, 4409 Wakely ...... .6,010
H. Peterson. 120 N. 26th .... t .. .6,000
Beryl Burton, 521 S. 26th Ave. ..6,050
Dr. Frank G. Smith, Blackstona ...6,060
C. L. Goltry, 2S N. 17th 5,000
Claude M. Gates, 801 Park 5,210
Louis J. Schafer, 112 N. 26th ....6.080
Frank Plank, 2714 Burt 6,000
E. B. McClure, 604 N. 25th 5,010
Eugene May, 624 S. 28th 5,01
Mrs. Anna Morenelli, 85H S. 21st . .5,170
Fred Keogh, 220 N. 19th 5.140
A. Hicks, 2716 Miami 5.200
R. H. Ackley. 2507 N. 24th 6,000
Roy Williams, 3520 Hamilton ....5,000
Clara Keller. 2301 Leavenworth ..5.000
Mrs. Emily Winner, 119 N. 20th ..6,000
Hedwig Michel, 2411 N. 58th ..6.000
Miss G. Glevin, 2051 N. 19th ....6.000
Louis Edewiti. 2771 BUrt ....5,010
R. Vreoland, 200 Aberdeen Apts.. 5,000
Betty tfockane, 4681 Mason 5,080
Frit Koenig. 112 N. 31st ....6,000
L. W. Perkins, 3218 Decatur ....5,000
Geo. A. Hill. 4011 Cuming ....6,000
Ri E. .Holbrooke 3656 Pacific .. .5,000
H.-L, -Mitchell, 132 N. 40th 5,000
Ruth Marsh, 729 8. 18th ....... .6,040
Marten Troutfelt. 2435 Hamilton ..5,070
Ralph B. Figge. Goodrich Hotel . .. .5,000
Herman Nachshoen, 413 N. 18th ..6,000
Nora Nevin, 2809 Hamilton 5,000
D. Robinson. 2601 Parker 6,090
Dessie D. Harrop, 2567 Douglas -..5,090
C. A. Wier, 1915 Charles 5,190
" C. F. Slosson, Jr., 4906 Cuming ..5,050
James Kenney. 3413 Ohio 5,000
Mrs E. D. Perrin, 3120 N. 47th ..5,010
Ma. W. M. Rutzer, 4813 Chicago ..5,000
Chesley Hodder, 2304 N. 60th Ave., 5,020
J. C. Ashmore. 81 N. 22nd .. 5,020
Sergt. L.- Ward, 15th and Dodge. 6,000
Ida Karback, 1433 N. 20th St. ....5,100
THIS IS the 10-vote free coupon Save it for yourself or some club member.
A club member can secure these votes-In their own district or from any other
diatrict. -
The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club . , 1
5000 VOTES !
I nominate
(Mr., Mrs.
Street No.
City : State ............
As a member of The Help Yourself Club , .
Address .
This nomination blank will count for 6,000. votes if sent to the manager
nf the H. Y. S. Club. Only one blank will count for a' member. Fill out this
blank with your nsme or the name of your favorite and send it to Tha Bee.
The name of the person making the nomination will not ba divulged. .
No Losers10 Commission to all non-winners- No Losers
Address Your Entry Blank and All Communications to THE OMAHA BEE "Help Yourself Club"
(Club Closes June 25, 1921) . Omaha, Neb. (Club Closes June 25, 1921)
For further information,' subscription blanks, etc, call, write or telephone . .
Office Opens at 9 a.m. 312 Peters Trust Building (Bee Building) Telephone Tyler 1000
James Sauers, 1412 Sherwood .... 6,000
W. R. McLean. 218 S. 20th St 5,000
J. K. Mcintosh, 4 160" Chicago ....5,500
C. J. Mahoncy. 124 S. 81st 6.000
Mrs. Mary Engel, 2706 Cuming ..5,080
Walter Thompson, 1?1 N. 31st Ave 5,000
Mi?. A. E. Waack, 2222 Howard ..6,000
Mrs. E. English, 1005 S. 38th Ave. 6,000
Mrs. May Mayor, 4154 Chicago .... 5,000
Mrs. C. L. Case, 2874 Corby 6,009
O. T. Peterson. 8009 Harney ....5.250
Marten J. Dinecn, 938 N. 26th . . . .6.000
Mrs. F. Wageman. 3X62 Franklin, 5,000
Rose Bernstein. 629 S. 81st 6,020
Mrs. Chas Peklo, 1614 N. 85th ..6,000
$4,440.00 CADILLAC
Will Include all territory Inside the
city limits of Omaha on and north of
Maple street, west of the river to
Eighty-third atreet and north to Ser
geant street, including Florence and
the Carter Lake district.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. & L. Deposit and one tlOO.OO B.
A L. Deposit will be awarded in this
Edna Lawrenson, 7711 N. 28th Ave. 6,120
Fred B. Nichols, 8415 N. 24th ....6.060
J. E. Wright, 2806 Mormon ....6,000
A. L. Frederick. 2558 Whitmore ..5,160
Mona Harris. 2954 N. 47th Ave.. 6,120
Mrs. Fred Schultz, 8008 Stone Ave., 6,000
J. J. Wie, 4016 N. 24th 6,000
Ed Devere, 2907 N. 24th 6.000
Howard Haden, 8002 N. 24th ....5.000
J. J. Murphy, 3027 Emmet 5,000
John Kenney, 3212 N. 21st 6,000
Mrs. J M Bloom. 2422 Sprague ..,.6,000
Wilbur Gran, 1610 Evans , 6,000
Douglas Conners, 4024 N. 24th ....6,000
Mrs. Roy Minix, 2202 Grand ....5,000
Wm. Mc Williams. 2410 Ames ....5,000
A. E. Carter. 6407 Maple 5.000
Henry Christensan, 6904 Minne
Lusa Blvd. 5.210
C. D. Schnell, 2423 Crown Point ..6,000
C. J. Emery, 2554 Pratt ..6.660
Leo Daniels, 3302 Maple ,.6.000
Chas. Mitchell. 2221 Lathrop ..5,000
Thomas Mahcr, 220S Emmett ....5.070
W. H. Campin, 2716 Titus Ave. ..6,00")
Mrs. L. B. Lake, 2426 Spaulding . .6,000
W. E. Rishling. 1472 Pinkney 5,000
Mrs. Rose Tedesco, 2939 Lincoln
Blvd i ...6,000
Violet Brotchie, 6020 Flor. Blvd. ..5.090
A. H. Mayer, 2438 Ellison 5,040
Mary Nissley, 16214 Maple 6,020
Mrs. L. M. Thirtle, 6005 N. 80th ..6,010
Mrs. Edgar Welch, S910 N. 17th '..5,000
H. J., Tiller, 24th and Lake ...... 6. 00O
Oliver Cole. 4788 N. 40th .5,010
H. W. Herrington, 7624 N. 30th ..6,020
Clifford Harrow. 8717 Mcridith ....6,010
Mrs. W. W. Davis. 8929 Flor. Blvd. 5,600
Louise Shumate, 1484 Pinkney ,...5,000
' More votes will be given
during the early part of
Will include all territory in the city
of Council Bluffs, including the Mana
wa district.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.03
B. 4 L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
aV L. Deposit will be awarded in this
district.. .
Mrs. W. C. Riley, 109 Angle Ave. ...5.OS0
Gertrude Sullivan, 81$ Ave. B 7,060
L. R. Roberts. 162 W. Bdwy ......5,000
Ray C. Wilcov, 627 E. Bdwy 6.550
Helen Neal, 2002 Ave. G. 5,020
Car) Shearel, 230& Ave. A 6,000
C. C Coleman. 2201 W; Bdwy 6,000
Anna Ward, 1006 6th Ave. C. B. ..6,470
Peter H. Harkett. 107 Wash. Ave.. 6.000
Mrs. M. A. Smith. 2304 Ave. D. ..6.080
Felix S. O'Neil, 2514 Are, B. ....5,100
Mrs. S. Hendrix, 2321 Ave. A ....5,000
Wm. Cohn, 208 N. 10th 5,000
Mrs. Tracy Lindsey, 2701 5th Ave., 6,000
Florence Yarwood, 1520 Ave. B ..6.000
,1. C. Zimmerman, 1124 4th Ave. ..5,000
A. L. English, 416 6V G" ...6,120
E. E. Eakcs. S124 Ave B ......6,000
H. A. Gerber. 1635 5th Ave. . . .'..5,020
Rev. A. F. Catlin, 129 4th St. ...6,100
Chris Lau sen. 423 N,' 7th . . .; 5,000
F. C. Hendricks, 332 Glen Ave 5,000
W. A. Smith. 423 Benton 6,000
A. W. Geiger. Jr., 426 Damon ....5,070
Dorothv Lenihan, 552 Harrison St, 6,040
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin. 1908-3 Ave,. 5.010
Harold O. De Vol. 1012 7th Ave. ..6.190
Mrs. W. J. Reints. 1222 8th Ave. ..6.000
Mrs. F. Nygard, 231 Dresden Apt. 6,000
Byrle Burton, 621 S. 25th 6,000
Wm. Knicely, 681 W. Bdwy. .. . .5,000
Marie Walters, Grand Hotel 5,000
The first Capital award
the $7,800.00 Home will
be open Sunday, 1 p. m.
to 5 o'clock.
You Are Invited.
Date . . ,
or Miss) . .
.Diat. No.
as they appear in this issue include
received up to Thursday noon.
Will include all tha territory in the
state of Iowa outside the city of
Council Bluffs and the Manawa dis
trict. 'One $1115.00 Maxwell, oae $200.00
B. L. Deposit and one 100.00 B.
A L. Deposit will be awarded in this
Francis Delanty. Dumphrics ; 6.000
Emma Marsh. Villisca 6,110
Mrs. Wayne Sollider. Thurman ..,.5,000
H. L. Nelson, Stanton 6.040
Thelma Lindsay, Sidney ........ 5,00 J
Mrs. Glen Henderson. Shenandoah, 5,000
Elsie Ballenger, Shenandoah 6.070
Alice Hubbard, Persia 5,040
Myrtle Rogers. Percival .5,000
Mrs. S. W. Graham. Mo. Valley ..6,070
Mrs. Paul Bernett. Mo. Valley ....5.000
Audrey Nipp, Mineola 5,000
Mrs. June Fickel. Hastings ...t. .5,060
Mrs. N. Townsend, Hamburg .,,.6,040
Mae Million, Hamburg 5,000
Hildred Miller, Farragut 6,100
Reka Christensen, Riverton ......8,000
Al Christensen, Weston 5,000
Thomas Page, Honey Creek 5,000
Harlen Klutts, Mnndamin 5.000
Helen Holbrook. Ottawa 6,000
Katherine Flynn, Pacific Junction. .5,060
Mrs. Nettie Batcheldor, Riverton. . .6,000
John Gillete, Atlantic 6,020
Fred Tanke, Avoca 5,060
Miss Sadie Hughes, Griswold .,..5,080
John Nickois, Walnut 5,000
E. E. Axthelm, Glenwood 6,000
Glen C. Sillik. Mo. Valley 6,100
Gladys V. Russell, Logan . '.5,040
Mrs. Ellen Tucker. Weston .5 000
Arizona Byrd, Henderson 5,000
Mrs. W. Jensen, R. 4, Co Bluffs. .6,010
M.B.Travis, Carson ..6.010
James Atkins, Neola 6.000
Kate Grimes, Woodbine .5,oou
Marion Caughell. Carson 6,000
Ruth Knight. Glenwood 5,000
etty Eaekkertt, Malvern ....... .6.000
Rev. G. a. Baugman, Minden . ...n.uuu
Georgia Bates. Oakland 6,000
Will Include the following counties
in the state of Nebraska: Cass, Sarpy.
Douglaa (outside the city of Omaha,)
Saunders, Butler, Polk, Merrick,
Nance, Piatt, Colfax, Dodge, Washing
ton Burt, Cuming, Stanton, Madison,
Boone, Antelopa, Pierce, Wayne. Thur
ston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox.
One $1,1 IS.00 Maxwell, one $200.0
B. L. Deposit and ona $100.00 B.
A L. Deposit will ba awarded in this
Mrs. Luln Owen, Ashland ....... .5,090
Bernard Monnick. Hooper ........ 5.040
R. E. Strasburg. Polk 5,000
G X. Hoback. Nehawksr t. ,,6,620
Zetta. Lower, Valparaiso . . .6,100
J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water ..5.040;
Roy Combs, David City ...6,470
V. H. Hoerstmann, Fremont ....5,060
Mrs. Ida Dudley. Wisner ....... .6,070 i
Geo. Jacobs, Cedar Rapids 6,020
.1." N. Warrick, Blair 6,070 ,
Rev. Seibert, Papilliort 6,100
F. J. Bortusiah R. 4, Clarks 6,009
John Otto, West Point .......... .6.000-
Florence Gardner, Wayne . ... .. . .5,100-
A. H. Christensen, StrombUrg .,.5,09
Louis Loe, Stanton 6,000
Louise Fiegenbauin. Springfield ,.6,000
Winnie McMillan, Shelby 6,000
Ida Helgenberger, Scribner .6,070
Mrs. Leonard Danbom, Albion .... 6.00( :
Wm. Andrews, Bellwood ..5,040
Monte Wrgiht, Boone 6,000
Emma Wittmus, Chaleo .....6,000
Mrs. Carl Bush, Creighton ........ 5,069
Vivian Dee. David City 5,080
Gladys Hendrick. Elgin .....6,000
F. R. Hoppock, Fullerton 6,070
Carrie Monahan, Gretna .......... 5,040
Sarah Rausch, Lindsay -6.000
Mrs. Roy Drummond, Lyons 5,000
Goldie Young. Meadow Grove ....5,000
Gladys Haverfield, North Bend ....6.0S0
Mrs. O. H. Bimson, Oakland .,..5,000
W. L. Scott, Osceola 6,000
Susie Pinson, Platte Center ......5,000
Wm. Ryan", Pilger 5,080
Rev. McClenhan, Primrose 6,000
Lois McEveny, Rising City 6.000
Vera Weble, St, Edward 5,000
Rev. E. H. Pontius, Mynard 5,080
A. D. Allen, Decatur 6,000
E. C. Wilde, 823 8. 8. Norfolk. . . .6.000
Wilis Lawrence, R. 1, Platte Center. 5,000
Anton Votaba, Schuyler. . .5.000
A. M. Sanders, Plattsmouth 5,060
F. L. Brown, Schuyler 5.070
Helen M. Wynkoop, Central City ..5,060
C. J. Haviland. 407 Philip Ave..
Norfolk 5.080
Floyd Buchanan, Silver Creek 6.000
Henry J. Hsynes, Octavia 5.020
Sam Davles, Wayne 5,720
Chas. Bull, Albion .- 6,000
R. V. Kennedy, Tekamah ........ 5,1 80
Joe Krajicek, Arlington ,...6,000
Fred Boss, Columbus 5,000
Mrs. Mary Harvey, David City . . . .5,000
Emma Fredstrom, Oakland 5,000
Vera Hardy, 1071 20th, Columbus, 5,000
Elmer Nordland, Columbus 5,340
G. Kock, R. S, Columbus .... 5,010
THIS IS THE entry blank. You can nominate yourself or some friend. It costs
nothing to enter and try. Send this blank properly filled out and person en--
tered will be supplied with . form for work. ......
" " -------- -. - - T
J The Omaha Be e
I Help Yourself Club l' I
I Not good after May 2, 1921. Must be voted' or mailed 'on1 or
before above expiration date. - v ,
Street No.
1 . Good for 19 free votes when sent to the H. Y. S. Club' on or before above
I date. No coupon will be transferred to another after being received at
the office of Th Bee. . . .
. .
Will Include the following counties
In the state of Nebraska i Otoe, Ne
maha, Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson,.
Gaga. Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jef
ferson, Thayer. Fillmore, York, Hamil
ton, Clay, Nuckolls, Webster and
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. at L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
4 L. Deposit will be awarded in this
district. :
Mrs. Otis Wolford, Clay Center ..6,340
Ray Ryan. 421 N. Blat.. Hastings. .6.000
U Y. Moore, Auburn R.07O f
R. F. Lnthy, Aurora 6.07O
Mrs. L. C. Oden. Beatrice 6,000
Mrs. Clyde Foulk, Beatrice 6,000
Thomas Foster, Beaver Crossing ..5,000
Ruth Wells. Blue Springs 5,070
Gladys Saylor, Bruning .....,... .5.000
Hattie Stables, Carleton 5.000
Mrs. Emma Howard, Chester ......6.000
Mrs. Henry Sittler. Deshler 5,040
Lillian Kiersey, Dunbar 5.000
Eleanor Shoff. Fairbury 8,100
J. S. Kasinger, Fairbury 6,000
Ed Ocker, Ulenvil 6,000
Ellis Price, Harvard .....5,070
C. C. Blois, .Humboldt 6.000
Geo. Whitesell, Kenrsaw 5,000
Louis' P. Anderson, Marquette ....6,000'
Irene Forbes, Milford 6,110
Mrs. Martin Layton. McCool ....6,000
Luella Kriter, Odell 5,000
Thelma Nelson, Pawnee City .,..6,100
Mrs. Myrtle Anderson, Seward ....6.0K0
Gertrude Miller, Seward ,,8.000
Mrs. Lydia Wolfskin, Superior ....6,000.
Faith Dedrick, Superior ..5,160
Francis Himburger. Wymoro ,...6,000
Elsie Wellman, Waco ....6.000
Nellie Oglesby, Tobias 6,000
Frank C. Bruning. Milford 5,000
Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Glltner ,...4,100
Harriett Shackloiton, Beatrice ....5,020
Chas. Launie, Alexandria ......5,020
Mrs. Dick Harper. Davenport 6,080
W. Croson. 706 W 2nd, Hastings, 5,060
J. G. Pelham. Beatrice 5,100
Sarah Gillmore, Blue Hill 5,000
Mrs. B. Anderson, 1324 H St., Lin
coln 6,010
Mrs. B. Jordan, 728 York Ave. York 8,000
Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron 6,000
Miss Tillie Nolte, Auburn, R.'8 ... .6,010 '
Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn ....... .6,010
Robert Moore, Nelson ,'.6,000;
Ralph R. Stewart, Auburn ... i ... .6,000.
. Will include ail territory in tha
state of Nebraska not included in
Districts number six and seven, also
territory in South Dakota, Kansas
and Colorado.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200,00
B. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
A L. Deposit- will be awarded in this
district. :- ' '
Mrs. PhHIip Seifus, Scotia .6,000 .
H. S. Helme, Scottsbluff .., 5,160
Mrs. V. Conner, Kearney, 1407
Ave. 8th 5,000
A. C. Msnkman, Elm Creek- 580
W. B. Shelton, Paxton 6,010
Mrs. Clay Funston. Ogallala 6,090
Martin Nfelson,' Dannebrog ......5.610
A. R. Lee. 719 N. Locust, N. Platte, 5,030
Julia fcurklaod. Sutherland .5,000
Mrs. K. T. Bigelow, Smithfield ..5.000
Dirk Pullam. Sargent ., 8,000
Pale Kipp, St. Paul 5,000
John Runge, Ravenna 6,000
Ed Hale, Parks .......6.000
Elizabeth Ralston, Orleans 6,000
Eugene Henry, O'Neill 6,070
Mrs. B. I. Harshbarger. Oconto ..6,000
Neva Wetzel, North Loup 5,000
Mrs. Esther Hunt, Lexington ..... .6,000
Mrs. Lester Steadmah, Lexington ..6,100
Mrs. D. T. Heynen, Kimball .,..,,.6,000
Mrs, Merle Spotts. Imperial ....6.000
Mrs. Floyd. Ray, Holdrege 5,064
Opal Cobb, Holdrege. ..6,000
Mrs. Minnie Calmer, Gothenburg ..6,100
Maude Johnson. Gothenburg ....6,000
Sylvia Stump, Edison ., ....6,070
Mrs, R. D. Harington, Coxad ,...6,070
Marie Woodruff, Cotad ......... .5,000
W. H. Riser Chappell 6,000
Mae Dick, Cambridge 6,040
Ada Karn, Brule 6.000
Mrs. Ethel CoDeland. Bridvenort ' .6. 00ft
rGladys Moore, Bloomington ....5,080
Mrs. C M. Taylor, Benkelman ....5,020
Esther Smith, Bartley ....... .6,000
Hilda Jacobson, Arapahoe ....... .6,200
J. E. Williams, Alliance ,...6.000
Myrtle Benson, AxteD . . . . . . . . . .6,089.
Mrs. Margaret Milligan, Arnold ....6,000
Signa Peterson, Eddyville .'...6,000
Oscar Peterson, Sumner ,...5,070
Marie Lewis, Anselmo., ......... , .5.001
Mrs. D. F. Lewis. Kearney . .5,090
J. H. Bragg. Wauneta" 6. 000 ,
Bert Brownell. Chappell . . 6,090
P. J. M inner. 109 W. 6th, Grand Is., 5.060
Mrs. A. Callahan, Gering ....... .5,080
Dr. D. A. Rundstrom, Curtis ...... .5,000
Mrs Walter Borden, Gordon ...... 5.020
J. P. Cooper. Arcadia .5,000
Mrs. Edna Isaacson, Coxad . . ..... .6,000
J. T. Wardeia, Maryville. Kan 6.010
Reuben Engstrom. Holdrege 5,040
Mrs. Berths' X. Eber, Kirk ...5,050
H. H. Edwards, Scottsbluff , 5.0OO
W. K. Harris, Bertrand ..5,000
Mrs. Grace, Minden 4. ,..,6, 000
Geo. Gardner.' Bayard .6.010
Melba. Phllbrick, Ord ,..v 6,050
An early start meant
strong finish..
. . .Dist. No.
State " . . .