Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1921, Page 12, Image 12
ihlS bfcU: UMAHA, TJHUKSUAY, A PHIL '21, 1921. 12 s s i Classified Advertising Rates ISe prr lin (count six words to line) 1 day lee per lint per day. consecutive days 13a per lino prr day, T eonecutle day 14a r Una per day, 10 conaecutive days No ads taken for less than a total ol S5e. These raia apply tithrr to ttie Daily or Sunday Be. All sdvertiaement ai pear in both morning and avaninc daily paper tot the ona charge. CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION Want ads accepted at the following of fice : MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam Sm. .South Side 4931 South 24th St. Council Bluff 1 Seert St. WANT A IS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000. TUB ?XK will not ba responsible for more than ona Incorrect Insertion of an advertiser ;nt ordered for more than one t''cLOSrC HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:4 A.M. Mornint Kdltlon 0:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 0 :00 P. M Saturday NKl.tU' ' Ernestine Marie, little daughter of Mr. and Mr. Krnet Nelson, :"! ropi-ton Ave., April- 20. aged 11 montns. at a local hospital. Remains at Hoffmann funeral home unt.l 10 a. m. Friday, whn they will be taken to the home for funeral serv lee at !:"0 p. m. Interment Weal Lawn cemetery. - Pl'TNAM Mrs. Amanda M. of Lincoln. Neb., at midnight April 19, 1921, aged Ta year, lit th homo of her daughter, Mrs. (Jould Diet, In Omaha. 'unral services will be held Thursday afternoon from her late residence, Lin coln. Neb. ' JJAVKS Daniel S. nged 61. He la aur vlved besides hi wife, by four eon. Frank and Pnnlel of St. Paul, Neur., Jerome and Edward of Omaha. Funeral from resiiten.-e 1004 So. 34th St. a. ;30 a. m to St. Peteva church at 9 a. m. Interment Hoiy oepuicner. SllONyUIST Benjamin W aged 87 year, April 17, 1831. Funeral Thursday aft moon at 2 o'clock frem residence of daughter, Mrs. Emma Kcssler, :U03 N. ISth St. Interment, For ert Lawn cemetery. Friend welcome. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST 'lfno A MBULANCE S? ,4 Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Tl South Hth St. Douglas TIE A FEY & HEAFEY,' Undfrtakera and Rbalniera. Phen H. 5(1S. Office 2S1I Farnam. rOH AMBULANCE call 8outn 8. K'nrlako Funeral. Home, zso wo ura. "florists. LEE L.LARM0N ronteneile Florist 1114 Douglt m. Douglas ':44. T.. Henderson. IM" Farnam. Douglaa i:4. JOHN FATH. 1804 Farnam. P. ll. " BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ' . Birth. , , , Robert and Tr.a Cole, hoapltal, girl. John and Anna Boetel. hospital, boy. Ave r.nd Marana Ferer. boapital. boy. Frank and Agnes Magda. Sixtieth and I. streets, girl. .... 4V. Oottllaf and Edith Kroeger, S551 South Twenty-fifth atreet, boy. Fred and Cleophas Brightenburg. 1924 South Twenty-aeventh street, girl- Fred and Olga, Mathlen. 730 Bancroft trCha.rleaTa.nd Joaaphlna 'JVilson. :028 Dor. e"FronketandrlEthel Grave. 5Sa South Forty-ninth street, girl. Lolghton and Ruth McCnalln, t4 South Twenty-sixth street, boy. Otto and Elsie Vater, ISIS Jorth Twenty-ninth atreet, girl. Frank an Emma Shively, 42:0 T,aH niore avenue, girl. , I.. X. and Lillian Clark, 3720 Elllsoa Avenue girl. Charles and Winifred Burk, 6305 Mili tary avenue, girl. - Oharlra and Ethel Hitching, hospital, girl. Sherman and Helen Gray, hospital, boy. John and Rosa Oarris. hosoital, girl. -Harry and Mary Barton, 3010 S atreet, 'jolin""and Ohio Wullaney, !54 Marcy treet, girl. William and Margaret Lohe, hospital, - bov. J Tie and Margaret MoOaffln, hospital, bo'. ' - J. Fdga ' and Bessie Sinclair, hospital, boy. . ' falisteo and Refujia Pe Loa, 482" South Twenty-Mlxth atreet, boy. Hervcy and' Helon, Hance, 614' South Twenty-ntuth street, girl. Deaths. , Clyde O. Thomas, 30. hospital. Daniel Barthlett Sargent, 81. 2224 Web ster street. Max AVelnstMn, !, hospital. Eloennr Mildred Gruidel, infant, 440 South Seventeenth atreet. Fred Skelton Farker, 65. 5328 Meredith atreet MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been issued licenses to wed: John J.Boyce. 52. Lincoln. Nob., and Ma'ola NetcotL. 14, Lincoln. Neb. Angell M. Hogan. 20, Omaha, and Thel ma Stein, 20, Chicago. Michael J. Slovak 26.. Omaha, and Louise I. Bate, 26, Omaha.- . Herman Schweer. 3L Pender, Neb., and Marian Fegley.; 21. West Point, Nob. Nordln,4jr.. 22,-Omaha, and La Vaugltn Chi'istla Lehuhoff, JL Omaha.. Jesse Miller, 22, Oninha, and Carrie Puilmr.n, IS, Omaha. ' '' ... ITarvey W; Grubba, 26, North Bend. b., and Roaa M. R?ckr. 16, Fremont. Neb.- John IL Fen'yman, 24,' Omaha, and Louisa Kronse. 22, Omaha. - - Jolln Carmlchael, J4. Council Bluff, and Mary Murphy, 88. Council Bluffs. BUILDING PERMITS. Mrs. H"' Mtl'ef, 321 North Forty.-flrst averiUK' frnmW dvfVi','ne-85,000. -,Afuiuel Cohn. 4022 2LrtYi Twenty-fourth sjtreat, sioro building." f-.SOO. i R. P. -Ilimllton. 512 North Fifty-first atreit, fram and brick eneer aweiung. 811,000. "11 LOST, FOUND AND REGARDS. FOK ARTICLES LUST on atreet oakj teie nhona Tyler 800. Wa are anxious to. re store lost artielex to rightful OH!i:e. OMAHA St COUN'CU. BLUFFS ST. RY, COMPANY. " I.OST--Drk Brown For Fur, "from auto between end Dundee csr line, Cuming . St.. to 40th, then Hamilton to 36th. Re ward. Wal. 2647. BOSTON bull terrier, brindle white head and neck, brindle spot on top of head, screw tail. Tag No. S389. Call Col. 0283. Reward. - LOST Boston bulldog: 4 white feet; per .. feet-dat between ears; corkscrew tail; 310 reward. Phone Harney 3M6. LOST Whlta Collie, 11, months old. with even golden marking on head. Reward. Douglas 6018 or Douglas 8252. LOST Union book containing bills. B. R. C. A. Lodge 1248. Name on case and Iiook. Phone Coll ax 165.1. LOST Momlay afternoon Amethyst bar . pin. downtown district. Reward. Har ney 1607. v LuST Key ring, awitch, coach and small . keya, near 26th and Farnam. Har. 1260. Reward. AIREDALE dog, 8 months old, mala, tatf No. 2188. Reward. Harney 8132. . PERSONAL. ZAYADSKY'S auperior sulphur steam baths and Massages. Try this wonder ful treatment tot Holds, rheumatism, lumbago. Halt price from now until Jewb-h Easter. Coma and ba surprised. 1448 N. ISth St. Web. 6678. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home) . aolleiu your old clothing, furniture, magaalnea. W collect. W distribute Phont Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. . Call and Inspect our new horn. , 1110-1132-1114 Dodga 8t AT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS SWOBODA. 1418 FARNAM STREET. Swedish massage, masauea 30 S.20. DM11 WEAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler. 1433. UK NT VacumB cleaaar, 1 an. WaL 1847. ' MASSAGE 210 North gewnteehl St. ' MASSAGE CALL DOUGLAS (548. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, orated buttons, all aize and atylan; aesnatltching, plcot adging, eye let ost work, buttonholn. pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Cc 303 Brawa Blk. Douglaa )(. Ken. Pleating Button Co.. 1804 Farnam St.: Si floor. Douglas 8610. Contractors 1 WILL fmrnlsl; material and build good, atraaig 10x16 garage, two coat of paint, far lilt, Stetana, 440 a 320. South UT. BRINGING UP TO TELU ME J CXJ UK.E. IT HERE IN THE COUNTR ANNOUNCEMENTS. Contractors. I DO all klnda remodeling, repairing. See my book of plana of bungalow aud garages, Al vln I Dickson, So. J784. BRICK, plaster, cement work. ,Wal. 4667. t'EMENT work and painting. Web. 0618. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIOHT. Fancy, Stage and Ballroom Dancing taught. LesMon by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Tyler 6041. KEEP'S HOTEL "ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Spe cial attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. 2681. Tal Pii-if. School for Dancing. 2421 Farnam. Doug.' 750. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 205C, Night Col. 8812. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Bllt Evidence eecured In all cases. Tyler 113b Furs. Wf; remodel your fur and make1 them like new. Pure atored and insured against all lossea. KNlihTKK AiiASKA lU'lt CO.. 203 S. 13th. Doug. 7288. Painting and Paper Hanging. CALL W. F. BOVAT. artistic interior dee orating, better painting and papering. Webster 4044. 1VALLPAPKR cleaning done right, work guaranteed, prices right. , Cook, Doug. 461. FIRST-CLASS house painting and paper hanging to exchange fur Ford. Wal. 0402. INTERIOR varnishing enaifieling. floors waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4821. FIRST-CLASS paper hanging and paint ing; Harray A. Clapp. Douglas 4900. P1NT washing, wall paper and window shads cleaning. Clauer, Colfax 2268. PAINTING, paperbanglng and wallpaper cleaning. J. Nau. Walnut 4667. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge, Miscellaneous Announrements. TIT A MONTHS We p- the bet1 UlflULyjLVUO pTlct w)tn rtvllegs to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th 8t. loug la 6048. PAXTON-MITCI1ELL, CO.. 27th and Martha Sta.. Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and naci)ln gray Iron castings. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH 3ATH. Massage, hot ,iacka. CONCANNON BROS.. TYLER 67S1. THEATRICAL costumes for amateurs th atricala, etc., to rent at Theo. Lleben A Son, 1516 Howard St., Omaha. QTTTTQ save 50 per cent. O U X X O D. B. GROSS, . 402 N. 18TH ST. DOUGLAS - 504. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store. Hth and Douglas Sta., Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for price. The Ensign Co.. (07 Howard St. BOOKS opened, closed, posted; daya or evenings; trained accountant. Box O 32, Bee. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra sora. razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co., 1522 i Dodge. 103 N. 16. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric, 318 S. 12th St.. Omaha. A. OLSEN, auto express, furniture moving and hauling. Tyler 5658. PATCHING, plastering and foundation work 'W. 5455. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 . 11th. D. 0528. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticks at half the price of now beds. 1T07 Ou-mlng. Doug. 2467. ROUND FUMED oak extension table, practically new, sell cheap. Douglas 6915. HEAVY brass bed, box springs and mat tress. Call Douglas 1074. Pianos and Musical Instruments. Violin making, repairing, bows repaired, ex . pert work. Jerome Carter, 1 Frenzer Blk. BIGGEST nhonograpii bargains in Omaha. Shlaes Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dodge. Clothing. QTTTTQ save 50 per cent. J OU1IO , D. B. GROSS, , ' x 403 N. 16TH 8T. DOUGLAS 6049. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. , All M'AKES. hnughl. Bold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. ' Get our prleca bfnr you buy. Every machine rnarsnteed. i Central Typewriter Exc. -v.-ouxias I20. ir3 rarnmn. PROTJt:TOGRAPH8, F. E.'a: bargains i;i Faniam Biag. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard ' scale. 3!x3H foot platform, also 25-inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust , fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office. 17th and Farnam Sts. Phone Tyler . 1008. " ' V ' ' . ; 1 SEWING MACHINES, Wa rent, repair, sell nced- and part. MICKEL'S 18th and Harney. Ovgiaa 1973. KINDLING at 33.50 and 34. per load. New and used lumber. Micklhi Lumber & Wrecking Co. 1828 N". 21st St.. Web. "453. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha fixture A Supply Co, S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 3724. Q A IT l7Q BARGAINS, 12th Farnam. OAT Zip y . I. Darlght Safe Co FULL dress aulla and tuxedo for rent. 10S N. 16th St. John feiaman. v. ai-s. WANTED TO JtUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bougbtreoid and traded. J. C Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 8148. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and urnltur. Ty. 258. A. Zavett. 7S N. I WANTED SITUATIONS Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Th Bee. Lota of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them Laundry and Day Work. WANTED family washings. Colfax 4878. DAY work. 40-45o hour. So. 4587. HELP WANTED MALE. . Stores and Offices. WANTED Office clerk or bookkeeper for ravine businert. Must be ambitious and hav ability to adapt, himself to I futura executive'. tosltion. Godd '.:-.r in ytr-.L... Clvc all particulars. Box X-lt, Omaha Bee. m. r v 7Z r?7 FATHER I CERTAINLY DO IVS cV DARNEO ICHT HEALTHIER THAVM THE CITX- WOULDN'T "OU UIKE . TO LIVE IN THE CTX? HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG MAN with eome retail millinery experience wanted immediately aa as sist ant manager of Sioux City's largest millinery department. Good opportunity for advancement. Replies treated con fidentially. Address Omaha Bee, Y 1191. . Professions and Trades. WANTED High-class refrigerating, en gineer, who can take charge of cold storage plant, who thoroughry under stands erection of machinery, pipe-work and capable of handling men. Steady employment and good salary to the right one. Send refeerence with your answer. Box K-84, Bee. DENTAL LABORATORY man wanttfd. Must be good and fas. Plate and gold worker. No "boozers" or floatera want ed. Permanent position and execellent salary to right man. Reference. Hayes Dentists, 2d & Brady St., Davenport, Iowa. WANTED Capable Oliver typewriter re pair man at San Francisco; permanent position If well lecommended as to honesty and reliability. Address Oliver Typewriter Co., 365 Market St., San Francisco. EXPERIENCED shoemaker wants a posi tion in or near Omaha. Po O. Box 361, Council Bluffs. MOLER BARBER COLLEGB. 110 So. '4th. Write for catalog. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT BUREAL. 121 N. 15th St Phone Douglas 1112 WANTED: Piano finisher, A Hospe Co., Council Bluffs. ' Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED. Traveling salesmen in Iowa and Ne braska to sell egg cases aa a side line. ACME BOX CO. S9th and Pacific Streets. INTELLIGENT well at pearing salesman to travel for well known manufacturer ir Nebraaka and wetem Iowa nation ally advertised line. Connection profit able and permanent. Successful appli cants will recoive two weeks train ing at factory. Ask for Mr. Harris Wellington Inn Thursday morning. Fyrac Mfg. Co. Rockford, 111. SALESMAN wanted to sell Bluebird gum machines and gum on commission; 35 on each sale; grocery, confectionery, restaurant and general trade; territory western Iowa; want only men with education, appearance and ability; our salesmen are making big money. Mr. Bryan, Conant Hotel, Omaha. WANTED Reliable concern manufactur ing line of Fordson tractor equipment desires to engage a real live-wire ex clusive sales representative to handle our line In the state of Nebraska. A real opportunity with attractive proposi tion offered to the right party. Y-1492, Omaha Bee. THREE middle-aged , salesmen of pleas , lug personality to call on my llvev list 1 nt nrnsDerta An noeilmiilntivA nrnnnui. t ion where each sale produces you more business. Must be a sticker. See Mr, Larkin, between 10 and 12 a. m., 404 Mlcfcel ldg. THREE good salesmen, one as orew man ager, for household specialty. C. F. Adnms Co.. 023 S. 16th- St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Farm man and wife, young; no family; must be practical farmers. Ap ply F. C. Bliss, room 264 Exchange Bldg., Stock Yards. MEN wanted to set pins, at Farnam Bowling Alley, 1S07 Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices.' EXTRA salesladies wanted for afternoons and Saturdays. New York Waist Store, 16th & Farnam. Salesmen and Solicitors. WAXTKT Ten canvasscra; this, proposi tion pays $1 per hour. Apply Mr. Shcl don. Room 111 Paxton Hotel. Doug. 543 Household and Domestic. girls ' Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ada. Good, wall-paid and 'homelike placea always advertised. RELIABLE young woman to do light work and help with boy 7-years old. Must sew. Mrs. F. D. Wead, 602 S. 40th St. II. 0171. WANTED White girl for housework; small .family; good wages. Mrs. Q. H. Pratt. 3504 Woolworth Ave. Har. 0633. WANTED at once, girl, to assist with housework. Call Wal. 6114. WANTED White woman for housework; good home. 4608 Izard. V Hotels and Restaurants. Woman Cook for Cafeteria Serving 600 to 700 noonday meals. Must be competent. APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Swift & Co. Z'X'TH SIDE. . Miscellaneous. vV VNTED Ten canvassers; this proposi tion pays 1 per hour. Apply room ,101 .Millard hotel. Mr. Sheldon. Phone Doug. 0924. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladle and boya to ieam barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge SL Trl-CHy Rnrher College. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Well known cash market, meat, grocery, delicatessen and fruit departments. On the main street, Sioux Cl'.y,' la.; established business; 815, Out) monthly. Excellent' equipment, all new. Biini.ness widely advertised; highly rec on mended. Requires 315,000 to 320,000 to tiandle. Address Box Y-1490, Omaha Bee. . , V ANTED Man or woman wlio has some 38.000 or 310,000 to Invest for half In terest tn one of :h largest detective agencies In the middle west. Write Immediately. Box. 0-45, Omaha Bee. WANT to hear fro an owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. McConney. ilOS If' GET In or out of business, see LEWIS A Co.. 411 McCague Bldg EDUCATIONAL. - DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, ahott. hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglaa 1563 for larg' Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. ' Boy lea Bldg.. Omaha, "en. Van Sant 8chool of Business. Day and Evening Schoole. 238 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6830. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. 1 2116 TIARNKTJST. Nice larse front room, i suitable lorttno, also smaller room, 1 ,v ir 1 iV Registered U. S. Patent Office I WOULD IF THE gg OUT IN THE COUNT FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS 7 Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for youT If so, then call Tha Bee .Vant Ad Dept.. Tyler 1000, and we will ,.oi only furnish you -with a complete -oom list of choice vacant room In Omaha, but also keep your number on our 'Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver ttaers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want. Ad Dept. PLEASANT room, adjoining bath in mod ern private home, on Sherman Ave. car line; nice location; very reasonable. Call Webster 4928 after 8 p. m. LARGE comfortable room in private home for one or two ladles. Excellent board nearby, walking distance. Har. 1838. 204 8. 26th Ave. 1 OR 2 MODERN rooms with adjoining bath; private family; fine location, one block to car line. Walnut 6093. NICE LARGE south front room, suitable for two gentlemen; must bee seen to be appreciated. Har. naa TWO' modern sleeping rooms for gentle man or couple; 2 meals; rent rcason . able. Dg. 6635. ONE large front room, also sleeping rooms. 113 S. 20th. Douglas 6855. MODERN sleeping rooms, 'cloBe in, 34 and 35. 410 Sweetwood Ave. NICE room, suitable for two ladies, home privileges. Colfax 2134. 2613 '4 CAPITOL AVE., neat clean front room. Harney 1130. FRONT room, suitable for two men. JS313 O St. South 2234. DESIRABLE rooms, reasonable. 1421 Dodge. BARGAIN, mod, rm. Hanscom. D. 1442 MODERN sleeping looms, Doug. 6115. FRONT sleeping room. 211 N. 18th St. Housekeeping Rooms. Light Housekeeping Rooms in New, , .Modern, Fire-proof Building, Rent, $42.50 Per Mo. Light, airy, convenient Jiousekeeplns rooms, comfortably arranged; private bath with hot and cold water the year round. Largo clothes closet with dis appearing bed. You only need a very small amount of furniture to main your room comfortable and homelike. Steam heat furnished when necessary. Location Very Desirable. Ten minutes walk to business district; One block from car lines. Tou will have to see these rooms in order to fully ap preciate them- Note the low rate. 342.50 per month. Drake Rental Agency. 121 Drake Court 22d & Jones Sts. Telephone Douglas 2S05. Office Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. and Sunday Afternoons. CALL, FOR COMPLETE LIST f P HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITT. WE HAVK THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHABSB FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. "V ANT AD. LIGHT housekeeping, room, nicely fur nished, block to car line, light and gas furnished. Harney 3737. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms for couples, employed. 634 S 38. Har. 4447 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 516 N. 23d St.; no objection to children. P. 6012. 3 LIGHT hskp. rms., mod., new decora tions and furniture. D. 7442. TWO light housekeeping rooms, 2634 Ham ilton. Phone Webster 2830. MODERN light housekeeping rooms, 1814 N. 18th St. Webster 6068. ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Ave. Doug. 8367. 607 S. 26th Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOIT WAN" IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY? "100 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS - FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. NlNE-room colonial house, all modern, up-to-date, 4118 N. 23d. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. THREE rooms and bath, completely fur nished; west; fine proposition, and walk ing distance: 375 to good party. Doug 1 1734. THREE ROOM apartment, suitable for family. Furnished or unfurnished. Douglas 6181. ' 1 rms., heat and bath. 311 N.25th. 37.60. Untumished. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. FOR RENT Business Property. ONE of our choice ofCice suites facing Farnam St., consisting of reception room with two prlvaie offices adjoining. Ap ply 400, First National Bank Bldg. DESK space, 6U9 Paxton. Doug. 1411. BEE F. P. WEAD. 810 8. 18TH 8T. Garages and Barns. PRIVATE garage, 42d and Douglas. Har. 43. "MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT YOURSELF Do you busy people know es pecially those who have to put lu a full day's wora that you can rent a one ton Ford truck and Driie It- Yourself night or day and do all your trucking or moving. Handle your own stuff and cut your coat half tn two. We nevet closn. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Duuitla r22. FIDELITY STORAGE prj AND VAN V-,V' STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS, REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL SERVICE. . COMPLETE LIST OF nniSKS AND APARTMENTS. 1107-11 llouard St. fcjUEV 0i88. 1 y-n$m SEE J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE IT bO HEA.LTHX- KNOW THAT ONLX KEEP? -tOU HERE0 i-et-oti utt3 HERE IN 'bl NEARb AKnW 1 1 11 HE WAb A 'tC! doctor - rn".r V u r 1 1921 ot Int t Fiatori Sihvmci. Inc. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. MOVING MOV1NO PACKING PACKING STORAGE STORAGE SHIPPING SHIPPING FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. 1107-U Howard St. Doug. 02S8. (Formerly 16th and Jacleson St.) FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for houaehold goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South ICth. Doug. 416J METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 3408 UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us e&timate your moving, lucking and storage. 1606 Davarsort. Doug. 3908. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BEFORE YOU BUY For rebuilt and guaran teed cars see the firm with the reputation. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. . HARNEY 0710. FARNAM AT TWENTY-SIXTH QUICK , SnappyJBargains In Exchanged Cars. New T2l Essex touring. New 1921 7-passenger Oldsmoblle. New 1921 4-pass. Oldsmoblle pacemaker. New 1921 Oldsmoblle truck. One 1921 Nearly new Scrlpps Booth. Ridiculously low prices For quick sale Look us over. Bring the old car along. TERMS IF DESIRED Neb. Scripps Booth Co., 2559 Farnam. Phone Doug. 6683. One-Ton Republic Truck Rebuilt, like now, with body and cab, only 3800; 2-ton Master truck, run less than 600 miles, only 32,000; 2-ton Republic truck," painted and rebuilt, like new, only 31,400; H4-ton Maxwell truck, used only 9 months, 3650. Several other real snaps In used trucks. Terms if desired. Andrew Murphy & Son 14th and Jackson St. Republio Truck Dist. New Oidsmobile Pacemaker New, ' 31.800. Terms to responsible party. Phone Tyler 4134. New Oidsmobile Pacemaker New,' 31,800. Terms to responsible party. Phone , Tyler 4134 STOLEN and recovered 1918 Bulck. Tour , ing, first . class condition, will be sold to highest cash bidder, submit sealed bids to Chas. E. Siefken, Special Agent, 360 Brandeis Theater building, car can be seen at Central garage. SOME ' bargains tn used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co.- The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson, Douglas 3500. WILLYS-KNIGHT coupe, model 88-4. with five wire wheels; in excellent condition: at a bargain. Box 0-43 Bee. OAKLAND COUPE for sale at very rea sonable price. Term arranged. Col fax 0228. USED cars, bought, sold and exchanged. Trawver Auto Co. 2210 Farnam Street. Miscellaneous. CEDAR BATTERY Y separators treated and dry. You save 50 per cent by buy ing direct from our mill. Bay View Mill. 661-663 Thornton Ave., San Fran cisco. FARM LANDS'. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and clock. 38.001). ' Equity Land Exchange. St, Paul. Mtpn. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY SPECIAL NUMBER Juat out, containing 1921 facts of clover land In Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a home or aa an Investment you aie thinking of buying good farm landa where farmere grow rich, serd at once for this special number of Landology. It Is free On request. Address Skid-more-Rlehls Land Co., 433 Skldmore Rlehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wia. FINANCIAL, Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omahu resiliences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC.. 638 Keoline Bldg. FARM LOANS. lowest rates, best terms. PAUL PETERSON. 33 Douglas Blk., Omaha. ' OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 271S. 3100 to 310,000 made, promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg., 310 S. 18th St Miscellaneous. LOANS WANTED No delay In closing loans on real estate. Apply now. W. T. liKAliAM, Doug. 1533. Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buv or HI Omaha nRl KMitte FOWLER & M'DONALD 1130 City Nut. Bk. llldg. Douglits 1424. W. G. SHRIVER nB 1047-9 Oiuiha Nat. Bk. rlldg. Doug. 1638 DO YOU ONE! r 1 1 z REAL ESTATE WANTED. lIST homes nnd Inr-nine irnt)rtv vlth GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Doug. 186U. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787. HAVE inuulrle for homes do you want to sell your property? .List it witlr C. A. Oriminel. t'mana Nat'l Bk. Bio g, rTT3 VTPTinn REAL ESTATE": i-AAVXVJUA X sells. Rents. Insure 360 Peter Trust llldg. Doug. 063 3 PT T i7nn tr MQ real estate .J. 1 LlDD XLliN O Ins. and Rental 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 2182 THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1608 Dodge St, Douglas 1146. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED, DUNDEE DOUBLK CORNERS We have two of the most sightly corners on Fifty-second street; price right. ALFRED THOMAS & SON, 604 First National Bank. GLOVER & SPAIN Can sell your property. Douglas 2850. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 80 acres of good sandy loam soil in Loup county, Nebraska, at ?25 an acre, or will ex change for sedan or 3-paesenger coupe. L. F. Diddle Co.. Marshfield. Wis REAL ESTATE for sale or exchange. Have 800 acres in a body, central Iowa, three set Improvements. - Want good city business property. Hansen, 600 Iowa Building. Pes Moines, Iowa. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee Stucco Bungalow $6,950. Owner will accept the above figure on his cozy 6-room home if sold "immediately. Oak floora throughout, oak and whlta enamel finish, newly decorated: full base ment, stalra to floored attic. A dandy little home if you act at once. Reasonable terms. Alfred Thomas & Son, REALTORS. 604 First Nat'l Bank. Doug. 0064. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prop'hy. Col. 1408. REXLnESTATEIMPROVED" West. West Farnam Home On 37th St., near Farnam; good 2-story and attic, 8-room modern frame house, finished in quartersawed oak and pine; large attractive living room and dining room, convenient kitchen first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath second floor; maid's room, third; full cemented basement, hot air heat, garage, cement drive. East front lot. Price 310.500, but must be sold. Want offer, i Reasonable terms, shown by appointment. Fowler & McDonald REALTORS. "Doug. 1426. 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. BARGAIN, DUNDEE HOME. Six rooms and sleeping porch, oak finish, strictly modern. Possession at once, price 38.500. Terms 32000 cash. Balance easy terms. S. P. BOSTWICK, Ty. 1506. Close In $500 Down 4-room cottage; city water, toilet, sewer and gas; large lot; a chance for some laboring man. 1216 B. 17th. St. Price reduced to 31,600. . P. J. Tebbens Co. 805 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone D. 31 8i. 7"-ROOM HOUSE s for 33,500. Located closs In on corner lot. 90x130 at 1204 North 27th. atreet. v This must be sold this week. W. 11. OATES. D. ug. 1294. C47 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 821 Paxton Blk. - Phone Tyler 4888. North. A MODERN HOME Hot Water Heat, Com plete Plumbing, Electric Light, Paved Street, All for $4,000.00. 4039 Amrs Ave. Has large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; two splendid bed rooms and fine bath on second floor; excellent plumbing, hot water heat, paved street, fine garden and chicken house. 31,000 cash will handle, then 340 per month. Payne & Carnaby Co 616 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016 Today's Bargain We h'ave a 7-room house, three nice, largo rooms on- first floor; four bedrooms and bath on sec ond floor; full cemented base ment; splendid heating plant. This home is located Just one block west of the Prettiest Mile ... at 6102 North 22d ,St. Nice large south and east front cor ner lot, lots of fruit and shade ' trees. Priced very reasonable and can be handled with about 31,000 cash. ( Payne & Carnaby Co. 616 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1016. $1,750. Just a Jilock from the Miller Park schooihouse. Five rooms all on one floor. Large cemented base ment with new 'furnace. This house has somewhat of .an un finished appearance on the ex terior but is of very good value. There is a small cottage on the . rear of this property which can be rented for around 310 per month. Terras 3200 down 822 "per month. Amos Grant Company REALTORS Douglas 8580. 330-2-4 Brandeis Th. Bldg. Must Sell 1714 Military' avenue. Six rooms and bath, all modern; large lot: paving paid. Price la right at $4,200, but make us an offer, P. J. Tebbins Co. 605 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone Dg. 2183. NEARLT NEW BUNGALOW. I LOTS. OAK finish, press brick foundation, full cement basement, all mod., large chick en house. Immediate possession, well lo cated with big future. 4 blks to car line. About 31.600 cash will do. RASP BROS., 212 Keeline Bldg. Ty, 0721. Drawn for The Bee by McManiu Copyright, 1921 International New Service) HE STARVED l$jf$ TO DEATH I Mgh REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. Near Miller Park District 5-rnom strictly modern bun galow all on one floor; oak floors throughout: mostly oak finish; full cement basement, furnace heat; dandy floored attic; nice lot. Price 35,50031.000 cash, 'balance monthly. House vacant, poasession at once. Payne Investment Co., (37 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. . Douglas 1781. $8,000 Near 24th and Manderson, nine rooms and attlci strictly modern and up-to-dato, Oak finish in living rooms. Hot water heat. Amos Grant Company REALTORS, Douglas 8380. 330-2-4 Brandeis Th. . ONLY $2,000. Five room house, modern except fur r.ane, 3300 cash and balance like rent. Call Tyler 1506. Bemis Park. 1026 North 33d street, seven room modern house, garage. Phone Harnoy 2049. $4,900. ' Near 24th and Maple we have a six room house, on two floors. Strictly modern in every respect with oak finish in the living and dining rooms. Paving paid. Can handle this for about 3800 down. Amos Grant Company REALTORS Doug. 8380. 330-2-4 Brandeis Th. Bldg, 3306 FOWLER AVE., 7 rms., mod. ex ht.j 3 lots, chicken house, fruit trees. 3700 cash, bal. mo. Crelgh, 608 Bee. D. 0200. M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer the beBt opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. HOUSES for colored, email payment down. Davis. 2630 Grant St. Webster 2420. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest' ment. 642 Peter Trust. Doug. i7. D. E. BUCK CO. buy and sell homes. South. South Omaha. Good 6-room house, partly modern; corner lot; fruit and barn; 32,600; terms. Amos Grant Co., REALTORS. 330-34 Brandeis Theater Bldg. D. 8380. ONE ACRE and 3-room house, price $1,650, 3750 down, take oar also. 4-room house, 6407 South 33d. 31,750; will take 8700 down, balance easy terms: Call Doug. 6621, 460 Brandeis Theater Bldg. 4-ROOM house and two acres, price 34,000, 31.500 down, balance 335 per month. Call Doug. 6521, 460 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. $3,800. Can give immediate) possession, six rooms all on one floor, strict ly modern. Lot 60x121. Building on the rear suitable for a garage. Amos Grant Company. REALTORS Douglas 8380. 330-3-4 Brandeis Th. Bldg. 3400 CASH 354 per mo. will handle this new 6 room ali modern bungalow. The view from this house Is the best in Omaha, overlooking the Missouri val ley for miles. An ideal place to live. Call Mr. Cole. Wal. 5432 evenings or D. 7412 days. NEARLT EW BUNGALOW. 8 large rooms and bath, 4 entirely finished in oak, fully modern, tn the tin eat of repair, fine east front lot, 1 Mock to Fort street car, immediate possession. A real snap at 35,500, about 31,500 cash, RASP BROS, 313 Keeline Bldg. Ty. 0721. Don't Make a Mistake It has been our experience in the real estate business that people will build a fine home on a poor lot. There is a knack in picking . out a good building: site and if you are looking for a lot for that home you have in mind it is well to consult someone who has had experience. We have a number of choice lot"! in all the different localities of the city and would be glad to assist you in selecting your homesite.' , J. J. MULVIHILL, Realtor 200 Brandei Theater Bldg. MONTCLAIR Fivfj-Room Bungalow, $5,950 . Five-room strictly modern bungalow at 3108 Hamilton Street, oak through out, furnace heat, dandy basement, 60-foot lot, paving paid. We can handle on attractive terms and give possession on short notice. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT A Real Bungalow, S8.850 Eight-room strictly modern bungalow. Large living room with fireplace, paneled walls. Two fine bedrooms, bath and kitchen with all built-in features, first floor all finished in oak. Three nice aleeping rooms second floor, dandy basement with laundry facilities. Two blocks to ear line and school. One of the best built homes on our list. Located at 42d and California streets. Shown by appointment only. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS .- New Five-Room Bungalow, $6.350 Easy Term Beautiful new atrictly modern E-room bungalow. All built-in features. Oak throughout, furnace heat, dandy basement, all plastered attic. How Vacant, . immediate possession. We can sell this on a reasonable cash payment, balance same as rent. BEAUTIFUL HOME For Sale or Trade Eight rooms, hot water heat, quartersawed oak, fireplace, tiled bath and shower, toilet, bath and billiard room in basement, large 90xl8S-foot lot, beau tiful shade trees. House in excellent condition, both inside and out. Now vacant, immediate poasession. Two blocks to two ear lines, one of the best bniit homes in the city and must be seen to be appreciated. Price $16,000 on reasonable terms, or owner will trade for a smaller home, well located, and carry back difference. SIXTY ACRES - West Dodge For Sale or Trade One of the best 60 -acre tracts in Douglas County. Twenty minutes' ride from 16th and Farnam streets. Short distance to paved road. Forty acres tn alfalfa, twenty acres in corn. No improvements. Owner will sell on good terms or trade for residence or income property. TWENTY ACRES For Sale or Trade Possession at Once If you are looking for the finest 20-acre tract in Douglas county, let us show you this one. Improvements consist of a good 6-room cottage in fine repair, good barn, chicken house, tool house, largo cave, bricked and ce mented. Fruit and grapesalfalfa, all kinds of flowers and shrubbery. Electric lights, windmill, water in kitchen, telephone. Land lies exceptionally fine, on main road close to paved street. Owner will sell on good tenna or trade lor residence In Omaha, well located. Possession immediately. J. L. HlATT COMPANY "BETTER VALUES" Hiatt Bldg., 1914-16 Douglas Farmers' Union Asks Congress to Probe Situation Resolutions Demand Conimu tfy sion dc zippoiuiea to ue tefmine "What h Wrong With Agriculture." Washington, April 20. Congress was urged in a resolution adopted by the National Farmers' union to appoint a joint commission to de termine "what is wrong with agri culture" and to enact legislation to "correct the established evils." "The farmers have been branded as profiteers," sa'id the resolution, "and have been accused of taking or threatening to takf, measures which would result in a dangerously diminished quantity of available products," adding that the country was entitled to know the facts and that congrcsS was the only agency equipped to "ascertain the truth." On the other hand it charged farmers have been discriminated against in credit and transportation and that they had been forced to sell their product below the cost of the production, while residents of the cities had been compelled to pay "five or six times more for food than the producers obtained." Secretary of Agriculture Wallace urged that the farm organizations take constructive steps to build up an organization to protect and pro mote agriculture. Resolutions were passed for the appointment of committees to re port on the losses of the farmers and the amount of credit extended in comparison with other industries and also on the "unfair practices and discrimination aganst co-operative concerns." Members of the Farmers' .union were said by Mr. Reed, their secre tary, to have $30,000,000 invested in co-operative organizations, which did a turnover in business volume last year, of over $600,000,000. "When you see boards of trades and chambers of commerce patting any farm organization on the back, he continued, "it's not worth a cuss to the farmers," adding that "we have blood in our eyes for that crowd." Jefferis Introduces Bill To Build Mint in Omaha Washington, D. C. April 20. (Special Telegram.) Representative jefferis introduced today a bill ap propriating $300,000 for establish ment of a branch mint at Omaha and providing for officials and em ployes to conduct the same. A like bill was introduced by Senator Hitchcock last week. Mr. Jefferis is now looking up data to support Omaha's contention that a mint should be located in that city. "REAL ESTATE IMPROVED" Miscellaneous. FOR SAiE PRICED RIGHT ( rm-modern home on east front lot, 3 blocka from street car. Home la espe cially well built and has oak floors throughout with oak finish la living and dining rooms, with white enamel bedroom, bath and kitchen. The walls are neatly decorated. Bath has tile ' floor with floor tub and pedestal lava tory. Collins. Wal. 0127. BUILD IN HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT Your home should be built In Beau tiful Parkvale, where the streets and alleys are paved, where the house are all new end where the public improve ments are ali in. Yon choose yonr lot, 20 choice lots to choose from; I will build your home from your own plans. You pay one-fifth cash and the balance no more than rent that's fair. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor Doug. 0589. 312 Brandeis Thea. BM(. Phone Douglas 3352 Tyler 0063 1 r