I 12 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1921. h j Classified Advertising Rates lHo per line (count klx word to line) 1 day ic per line per day. 3 eonseeutiv dsvs lie pr tin prr day. 7 consecutive dart Ho per lln per day, SO eonseeutiv dy No ad taken fur lea than a total of tit. The rates apply either to th Pally or Sunday Be. All advertisement ap pear, la both morning and evening dally papers for tli on charge. CONTRACT RATES ON ' APPLICATION Want ad accepted at the following of fice : MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam SI. Houth Sid 4935 South 24th St Council Bluffs.,.., IS Scott St. . WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYI.LR 1000. THE BEE will not be responsible for nor than on incorrect intartion of an advertisement ordered for mor than one time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. ' Evening Edition... 11:1$ A. M. Morning Edition 9:00P.M. Sundry Edition 9:00 P. M Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. PARKER Fred 8hltnn, 332 Meredith ave., April 1 6th. aced 85 year. Funeral services from th Tamlly residence Tues day at X p. m. Remain leaving Omaha Tuesday evening for burial at Clean, New York. Deceaand '. survived by hi wife, Jennie I'arker, and on sister, Mr. . I. Cook of Olean, New York. , M'MCIl-D- Don Charles, gd 63 years; resldenre 2133 North Twenty-seventh street. Deccssed Is survived by wife, of. Omaha, and mother, of Stoughton. Wia Remain will be shipped from Heafey Heafey chapel Milnilay at t p, m. to hi nlil home. Stousjhton. Wis. BXCAX Mary B., aged 70 years, wife of the lata Cordon O. Bran, died April 17, a', a local hospital. Remain were forwarded from family residence. 1135 Houth Twenty-eighth atreet, to St. Joseph, Mo for Inter ment. TIIOMA9 Clyde O.. aired 80 years, resi dence 1121 Ho. 23d St. Survived by his wife, two daughters, two brothers and one slMter. Funeral from Cole-McKay Co' parlor. 2616 Farnam St., Tuesday at P. m. Friends welcome. SHONQUIST Ben.inmln TV., aged 87 year, father of Mrs, Emma Kessler, 3(103 North Eighteenth treet, April 17. 1931. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST AMBULANCE KSKJg ,, Thirty-third ard Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER. Fl'NERAL DIRECTORS. 701 South mill fit. DnUKlx 132 HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Und-rtaker and Embslmere. Phono H. 305. Office 3611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South fiSo. Knrlsko Funeral Horns, 23d and O St. FLORISTS. LEE L.LARM0N .SK' 1114 DouKla St. Douglas S344. t,. Henderson. IM Farnam. Doualas 1344. JOHN BATH, 1!M Farnam, D. 14I. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth. William and Methodejka Matulka. 4204 Mid City avenue, boy. Alof and Lilly Carlson, 1513 North Forty-flnt avenu, girl. Jam and Amy Bar, Fifty-fourth and TJ street, boy. Burt and Catherine Shaffer, hospital, box. T'ranlr and Bos 8vacina, SJ0 South Eighteenth street, boy. Arthur and Nora Green, 401T North Twenty-lth atreet, boy. George and Oladya Durfee, !!4 Dorca street, boy. Capt. Ralph and Florence, quarter No. S, Fort Omaha, girl. Henry and Minnie Koehler, 810 South Twenty-fifth treet, girl., Death. Kzekel Glover, 9, gOl North Forty sixth street. Margrete Halverson, 18, 8717 Wirt streei. Rena Mcanor. 40, 3134 Douglas street. Ulda E. Bachelor, US. hosoltal. William T. Haynes. 5, 4818 Military avnue. MARRIAGE . LICENSES. The following persona were issued per rr' to wed: William Roberts, 3S, Omaha, and Ida Arila. it. Houtidale. P. Fred W. . Hoese, ?5. - Omaha, and Te Rfe Wallace. 19, Omaha. Jame Miller, 23, Omaha, and Anna EppI, !. Omaha. Murl C. Finney. 83. Omaha, and Mary H. Cogan 81. Omaha. Milfnrd Ti'.ld. 60, Omaha; and Lizzie Taylor. 43, Omaha. Robert Gt Allen, 23, Omaha, and Anna Dyer. 30. Omaha, Bvrl B. Harlan. S3, Omaha, and La Vera Swart;:. 18. Lincoln. Neb. Glenn E. Perham, oyef.!t, Omaha, and Mnrle William, over 18, Omaha. Newton H. Murphy, S3, Omaha, and Murinn l.lvlngaton; 38, Spencer, la. John W. Taylor 59, Omaha, and Vesta Bradv, 39. Omaha.' Wllber F. Canoni Omaha, 88, and Ev lyn Townflcnd. 28, Omaha. Edward Campbell. 38, Omaha, and Jen nie Schuler,, 80, Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phons Tyler W are anxloua to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS 6T. RT. COMPANY. LOST fo terrier pup, near S6th and Farnam. Call Harney 4329. PERSONAL. TRR SALVATION Army Industrial horns . solicits your old ' clothing, furnltur. magazines. We collect. W distribute Phon Doug 4135 snd our wagon will r-aU. Call sad Inspect our new home, 1110-1132-1114 Dodg Bt. SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A RWOBODA. 1418 FARNAM STREET. Swedish massage, maasueee 209 8.20. D.C377 WEAVING, old, rugs remade. Tyler 1438. RENT Vacumn cleaner, $1 up. Wal. 1147. MASSAGE 210 North Beventeeht St. VASS AGE CALL DOUGLAS 64. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION. sld. v knlf, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sires and styles: hematltchlng. plcjt edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 183 Brown Blk. Douglas 1838. ' Keb. Pleating A Button Co.. 1801 Varnara St., 3d floor. Douglas 6870. Contractors. I WILL furnish material and build good, atronr 10x18 garage, two coats of paint, for 12o. Stevens, 4408 S. 22d. South 0S3T. e - ' ' ' I DO all kinds remodeling, repairing. See my book of plan ot bungalows ahd garage. Alvln Dickson, So. 3714. ALL kinds job repair work, cement, brick. plastering a specialty: walks, floors, ' retaining walls. Phone Douglas 8558. BRICK, plaster, eement worit. Wal, 4567. CEMENT work and calming. Web. 0418. Dancing Academies. LKA'RN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy. Stsg and Ballroom t Dancing 'taught. ... Lessen by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN, impress Theater. Tyler 8848. KEEPS-HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Spe , clal attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dr. -2-S81. TTaI Pinu School for Dancing. 343t IVei-rllie Frnro. Doug. 750. Detectives. SELIABLB Detective Bureau. Rallwav Ex. Bldg. Doug. 30S. Night Col. 3813. JAMES ALLAN. 318 Nvlle Blk. Evidence eenred In all rase. Tyler 113 Furs. remodel your furs and make them like new. Fun stored and , Insured ' against all losses. . KNEKTER ALASKA FUt CO.. 188 81 18th. Doug. 7388. Painting and Paper Hanging. CALL W. F. BOVAT. artistic interior decorating-, better painting and papering. 1 Webiter 4044. WALLPAPER cleaning dont right, work guaranteed, price right. Cock, Doug. INTERIOR rarnlshmg. enameling, floors waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4821. FIRST-CLASS paper hanging and caint rwg; Harray A. Clapp. Dou1a 4909. FaDMTTNQ, paperhanglng snd wallpaper . cleaning., & Jin, Walnut 4687. BRINGING UP DIDNT tTELL. YOU TO CO TO pThl THE STATION on NEW Pit ITLtJ f Mt- ll CM OK THE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1710 Dodge, Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS"; pay th beat ' orlc with urlvlleitti to buy back at small profit. OROK9 JI5WKT.RY CO.. 40J N. 16tb Bt. ou la 0049. WE RENOVATE- Wilton rugs on th floor in your home with the Hamilton lieach Carpet Washer, no Injury to sizing. Electrlo Rus Cleaning Co., Harney 4966. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO., 27th and Martha St., Omaha, Neb. . Brans, bronze, aluminum and machine, any Iron caatliiRs. PAXTON HOTEti TURKISH 3ATH. ' Manias, hot jack. CONCANNON BROS.. TYLER 6731. THEATRICAL costume for amateur the atricals, etc., to rent at Theo. Lleben A Son. 1516 Howard St., Omaha. QTTTTQ save so per cent. 403 N. i6TH ST. DOUGLAS 6049. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Druit store, i&tn and UouglR Kts, uinana. Ken. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Writ for price. The Ensign o.. . evi Howard St. , BOOKS ' opened, closed, posted; day or evening?; trained accountant, aat u 32. Be. SAFETY razor blade bharpened. new ra zor, razor blade sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 1523 M Dodge. 103 N. 16. NliW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. I.eBro Electric, SIS, S. l?th St.. Omaha. A. OLSEN, auto express, furniture moving and hauling. Tyler 6658. Omhha Towel Supply. 207 S. lltli. D. 0628. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. BARGAIN in used range. .Jewell gas range. No. 183-18; 4-burner, hlgB -oven, broiler, warming oven; nickel trim: good shape: crated. Reg. 375, priced at J29.50. Writo Box Y-1485, Omaha Bee. OMAHA PILLOW CO. MnttreBsea made over In new tick at half the price-. of new beda. If07 Cuming. Doug. 2467. ROUND FUMED oak extension table, practically new, sell cheap. Douglas 5916. LEAVING city, must sell housahold fur .nituro. Walnut 3570. DAVENORT for sale, 2C23 Charles St. Call Webster 2756. Pianos and Musical Instruments, GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer la drums, xylophones, etc., instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog. Phone Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedal. Violin making, repairing, bows repaired, ex pert work. Jerome Carter, 1 Frenzer Blk. BIGGEST -honogrnph bargains in Omaha. . Shlae Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodfje. PLAYER piano, good condition and 100 rolls of music; 8200. Webster 2741. Clothing. QTTTTC save so per cent. O U 1 1 O D. B. GROSS, . 402 N. 16TH ST. DOUGLAS 504B. i Typewriters and Supplies- TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. - "AH MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine guarnntced. Central Typewriter Exc. Dougla 4120. 1812 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. ft E.'a; bergalns. elO Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, 3xS4 toot platform, also 28-'r.ch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust f.n, Inquire at Omaha Bee offlcei 17th and Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1000. SERVING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needle and part. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. ' Du?taa 1971. FOR SALE At 50 cents on the dollar miscellaneous pieces of office . furniture and fixtures all the very best and in good condition. Call at. 421 City. Na tional bank. No dealers. , KINDLING at 83.50 and 34. per load. New ana usea lumber. .MIcKlm .bumper & Wrecking Co. 1828 N. 21st St.. Web. 1463. - WE. buy. sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co, S. W. Cor. 11th and Dougla D. 8724. C A PTTQ BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. kixix uu j. j. Darlght Safe Co. FULL dress sulta and - tuxedos for rent, 108 N. 16th 8t. John Feldman. D. 3128.' ARTISTIC bird houses. Phone Harney 8638. WANTED TO .BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold snd traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 8146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes snd urnllure. Ty. 26JS. A. ZavetL 708' N. 18, WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, makes suits, fancy gowns. Remodeling, out by day. Harney 4453. COLORED girl wanta housewerk. Webster 0265. Call Laundry and Day Work. CURTAINS and bundle, washing done. Wfbster 3460. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED High-class refrigerating en gineer, who can take charge of cold storage plant, who thoroughly under stands erection of machinery, pipe-work and capable of handling men. Steady employment and good salary to the right one. Send refeerence with your. answer. Box K-84, Bee. FIREMEN, brakemen. beginners. -11 50 3200, later $300. Write Railway, Box 1471. Omaha Bee. MOT.ER ttARHRft rnr t .vn tm 110 8o. '4th. Write Ibr catalog. - OMAHA -EMPLOYMENT BUREAL. ' 131 N. 16th St. Phone Douglas 1113 . Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN wanted selling wholesale di rect to consumer an article of absolute necessity on a commission basis. Must have your own conveyance. Salesmen making $5,000 a vear and up. This proposition Is worth investigation. Apply Omaha Wholesale Grocery Co., J3th and aCspitol avenue. THREE middle-aged salesmen of pleas ing personality to call on my Uvev list of proxpecta; an accumulative proposi tion where each sale produces you more business. Must be a sticker. See Mr. Larkin, between 10 and 12 a. m.. 404 Mtckel Hldg. - (fT3 C NtE WHEfH HAVE - I BEEN POT ON THE SST I ENTCRTMNMCNT jKi COHMITTE.E. FOR. TVIE 'J'lTRKE ood nr. l-smen, o-e ua crewmal-i!-ar, fn- hr'iri'roid , Hoer'alty r t. Adams Co.. til K. lia Si. .. . . - ... r- FATHER AvNO MEET THE fSEXT TRAIN J HELP WANTED MALE. Agents snd Canvassers. (1.60 PER DAY paid on lady in each town to distribute free circular for Economy Non-Alcohollo flavoring;. Per manent pos. P. E. Barr Co., Chicago, Miscellaneous. TEACHER or advanced student, summer months. Splendid experience, pleasant work, S350 three months, 1200 two month. Address Box Y-1488, Omaha -Bee. WANTED Practical farm hand, single, at once; tractor. Butt, Merrill' farm, Shi mile south of Omaha, near Gil- more. MEN wanted to set pins at Farnam iowimg Alley, isi)7 Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladles who desire to prepare for office position to enroll In our short courses in shorthand. tvDe- wrltlnif and office training. Day. and evening classes. Individual instruction. Tuition payable monthly. Call and see ua or reipniinne uouKias 7416. DWORAK SCHOOL OP ACCOUNTING. Slid Floor Wead Bldg. Uith A Farnam Sts. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls to learn dressmaking. Apply 602 South 18th St., Douglas 7271. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column ot The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid end homelike places always advertised. WANTED Experienced maid to live in nouse ror laundry and chambermaid work, references required, apply Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, Harney 0632. RELIABLE young woman to do light wor ana neip witn ooy 7 years old. Must sew. Mrs. F. D. Wead, 602 S. 40th St. H. 0171. EXPERIENCED white cook In- small 'family; references. Mrs. W. H. Hynes, 432 N. S8th St. -Tel. Harney 4760. COMPETENT white girl for second work. References, 622 N. 38th St. Har. 0744. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework, no laundry. Walnut 0788. WANTED White woman for housework; good home. 4508 Izard. GOOD white woman for laundry work. Webster 5031. WANTED A white girl for plain cook ing. Telephone Har. 0068. Miscellaneous. - LEARN AN INTERESTING PROFES SION THAT WILL INSURE STEADY EMPLOYMENT. WAGES PAID YOU WHILE IN TRAINING. EMPLOY MENT OFFICE. ROOM 615, NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING. 19TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. SUMMER work, teacher, advanced stu- mciil; reai neaiin giving, enjoyaDte va cation; 1330 three months, 3200 two months. Address, Box Y-1487, Omaha Bee. LADY, cultured, Intellectual, preferably teacher: splendid opportunity to learn good business; salary 31,800, advance ment. Address Box Y-1486. Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn uMju-r iraae; nig aemana; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Well known cash market, inuo.1, grocery, aeucaiessen ana fruit departments. On the main street, Sioux City. la.; established business; 315,000 monthly. Excellent, equipment, all new. Business widely advertised; highly rec ommended. Requires 815,000 to- 120,000 to handle. Address Box Y-1490, Omaha Bee. WANT to hear from owher having busl- Farnam atreet, Omaha, Neb. TO GET :n Ar out of business. aee LEWIS e o.. til Mccague Bldg DAIRY, ao cows, equipment route brings v.- u,r. auureaa iv-na, umana Hee. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT -JCHOOL. - Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wlr , i?s,.t?Ie'Pn'' clv ervlce and all bngilsn and commercial branches. Write, , call or phone Douglas 1668 for large Illustrated catalog. Addresa BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. "Teb. ; Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 320 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 683n. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If o, then call Th Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will ..ot only furnish you with a complete -oora list of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number on our ' Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case, you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. LOVELY, clean room, modern, private Dungaiow, on car line, excellent neigh borhood, close In, employed lady pre ferred. 34 Week. Tyler 6887, Web. 4929. LARGE nicely furnished room for 1 or 2 persons, all modern, private home; 34.60 per week. 2708- Cuming. Harney 3810. 1 OR 2 ' MODERN rooms with adjoining bath; private family r fine location, one block to car line. Walnut 6093. NICE LARGE south front room, suitable for two gentlemen ; must bee seen to be appreciated. Har. 7196. THREE ROOM apartment, suitable for family. Furnished or unfurnished. Douglas 6181. 2301 DEWEY AVE. Room adjoining bath in home with couple, walking distance. riarney uiij. 609 S. 22nd Clean, cozy rooms, suitable for one or two people. Right down town. NICE room, private family, gentlemen preferred. 1123 N. 26th St., Har. 4468. PLEASANT southeast room, one-half block to car, good location. Harney 1910. FURNISHED room in private home; meals If necessary. Wal. 8371. 2613 CAPITOL' AVE., neat clean front room. Harney 1130. FOUR big rooms, all modern Web. 0646. FURN. rms.. mod., reasonable.- Web. 2415. FRONT sleeping room. 311 N. 18th St. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST F MOUSE KEEPTNG ROOMS IN CITT. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000 WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE nrvfflt1 ev rtlTO , nt-n t-t nun j AD. - 2218 DOUGLAS Nicely furnished house keening apartments, slngls rooms, .all modern. Tyler 5846. THREE furnished light housekeeping rooms, no children, immediate posses sion. South 1660. MODERN room, walking distance, with !'ous.-l;ceplnif privileges for lady eni "'i''",l. nou'ns 4D0 1. HOUSEKEFPING lunms. 515 N. i'3d St.; I n shiention iu children. D. 6012 Registered U. S. Patent Offic fl J DO A. l-bAX- - r I'm tiCK or , I TALXINC, TO YOU RE Azi fOU- rrJ not FOR RENT ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. MODERN light housekeeping rooms, 1814 N 18th St. Webster 6068. 2 UNFURNISHED light rooms, Web. 3836. housekeeping HOUSEKEEPING roomB. To? 5! 25th Ave. Doug. 8367. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOJT WANT1 IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. '300 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETv LIST OF ROOMS. 835 PARK AVE. Room for two gentle men who will appreciate the advantages of living In a good home; meals nicely - served; reasonable. Harney 0417; FOR RENT APTS. AND' FLATS. Furnished. 2-room furnished apartment; 606 So. 21st Ave. Rent $40.00. See Janitor or call. E. E. AUSTIN Tyler 0785. Sunday, Tyler 2968 1305 First National Bank Bldg. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 8-roonl apartments, steam heated, walking dis tance. Brown Apts., 608 N. 21st St. j;ougias bb44. THREE rooms and bath, completely fur nished; wost; line proposition, and walk lng distance; $75 to good party. Doug las 1734. FURNISHED apartments, children al lowed. Call Webster, 0S6 or Doug. - 5711. 1 rms., heat and bath. 311 N. 25th, $7.60. Unfurnished. FOR RENT May 1 or sooner, 6-room apt.. strictly modern with all up-to-date ap pliances, unusually light, situated In beautiful Elwood apts., 49th and Dodge, Dundee. Call Walnut 1342. Peters Trust Company, v Specialists In npnrtment management. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT One of our choice office suites facing Farnam street, consisting of reception room with 2 private of fices adjoining. App(y Room 400, First National Bank Bldg. SEE F. D. WEAD. 810 8. 18TH BT. DESK space. 609 Paxton. Doug. 1411. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. FOR SALE Team of heavy work horses. Call Walnut 0567, Updike Lumber & Coal Co. ' MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT YOURSELF 4 Do vou busv neoDle know es pecially those who have to put In a full day's worn that you can rent a one-ton Ford truck and Drive It Yourself night, or day and do all your trucking or moving. Handle your own otuff and cut your cost halt In I wo. . W'e never close. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Douarla 3622. FIDELITY rPRvAv CD. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HDI'SFS AMP! IPlDTMfVTQ 1107-11 Howard St. DouKlas' 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and planes, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA V!t T iTnmnn 806, Bouth 16th. Doug. 4188 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 1400 UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, lucking and storage. 1606.Davarsort. Doug. 2908. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE . QUICK Snappy Bargains In Exchanged Cars. New 1921 Essex touring. . New 1921 7-passenger Oldsmobile. New 1921 4-pass. Oldsmobile pacemaker. New 1921 Oldsmobile truck. One 1921 Nearly new Scripps Booth. Ridiculously low price. For quick sale Look us over. Bring the old car along. TERMS IF DESIRED. Neb. Scripps Booth Co., 3569 Farnam. Phone Doug. 5383. New Oldsmobile Pacemaker New, t.1.800. Terms to responsible jyU.3 Ly. Phone Tyler 4134. WILL trade Franklin Sedan car, al most new, for six room residence In good section Omaha. Will pay differ ence In cash. JOHN TRIPP Conant Hotel. SOME bargains in used !'"urd cars. Mc- Larrrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, ,15th , and Jackson, Douglas 3600. 1921 LIBERTY, good condition, 6-cord tires, newly, overnauiea, must to seen and demonstrated to be appreciated. A real bargain. Call Tyler 68K7 or So. "479. WILLYS-KNIGHT coupe, model 88-4, with five wire wheels; In excellent condition; at a bargain. Box 0-43 Bee. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th Biid Harney Sts. SEVEN Passenger Willys-Knight, model ss-ti touring. win tase oiner car in trade. Walnut 157. OAKLAND COUPE for sale at very rea sonable price. Terms arranged. Col fax 0228. USED car, bought, sold and exchanged. Trawver Auto Co., 2210 Farnam Bl. NEARLY NEW 6 PASSENGER BUICK TOURING. HARNEY b5. Miscellaneous. CEDAR BATTER YY separators treated and dry. You save 50 per cent ny ouy Ing direct from our mill. Bay View MIH, 861-663 Thornton Ave., San Fran cisco. FARM LANDS. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY SPECIAL NUMBER Just ut. containing 1921 tact or ciover iana in Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a home or a an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm land where farmer grow rich. erd at once for this epeclal number of Lsndology. It Is free on requeat. . Address Skld-morr-Rlehlc Land Co., 433 Skldmore IUehls Bldg.. Marinette. Wis SEE JIGCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY DEE U MOO A.RE THE NEW aOTLER VEVAND ACCOROlN TO HER TELEPHONE TOR MRb.JI4 CONVERSATION I'M TO BE, TREATED I RELIEVE - A ONE OF 1921 BY INT'L FlATUM FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. 180 ACRES and stock, $8,000. Equity i.and Exchange, St. 1'nul, Minn. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omahu rualdences. " E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 638 Keellne Bldg. FARM LOANS, lowest rates, best terms. PAUL PETERSON, 33 Douglas Blk., Omaha. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FAR MSI O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. luw to siii.uuu maae promptly. -F. P. WEAD, Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th' Bt Miscellaneous. LOANS WANTED No delay In closing loans on real estate. Apply now. . W. T. viKArlAM, Doug. 1633. Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buv or rHI Omaha Real Eatato foe FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1423. LIST homes and Income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Doug. 1968. WE SPECIALIZE JN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nal'l Bldg. Douglas 8787. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT- REAL ESTATE: Sells, Rents. Insure 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 0633 PT TTTRPTPXTQ REa-l estate .d. IJCinJDriiNO Ins. and Rentals 605 Omaha Nal'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 2183 W: G. SHRIVER RKAlDeTB 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1638 THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1508 Dodge Bt Douglas 1848. LI8TING8 WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. DUNDEE DOUBLE CORNERS We have two of the most sightly corners on Fifty-second street; price right. ALFRED THOMAS & SON, 604 First National Bank. GLOVER & SPAIN Can -sell your property. Douglas 2850. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, $17,760.00. Neat triple brick flat; close In, ' on street with good future: income $2,160 per year: Investigate this today. RASP BROS., 213 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 0721. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. A CLIENT, formerly conducting general store, desires to engage in mercantile business. Will exchange northern Min nesota farm land for stock of merchan dise. General store preferred. G. How ard Smith, Lawyer, Thief River Falls, Minn. ' REAL ESTATE for sale or exchange. Have 800 acres In a body, central Iowa, three sets Improvements, Want good city business property. Hansen, 600 Iowa Building, Des Moines, Iowa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 80 acres of good sandy loam soil in Loup county, Nebraska, at $25 an acre, or will ex change for sedan or 3-passeiiger coupe. L. F. Diddle Co.. Marshfield, Wis. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee Dundee Bungalow. ' Five good sized rooms and bath, finished In oak In main rooms, choiue south front lot near 49th and Underwood; price $7,000. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 2282. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prop'hy. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 9 Rooms Walking t Distance. Strictly modern, hot water heat, lot 45x69; price only $5,500; part cush, why pay sent?. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldlg. Doug. !2S2. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. North Miller Park Bungalow 6-room strictly modern bunga low, all on one floor; one room' finished on the second; full ce ment basement, furnace heat; oak floors and oak finish; built-in bookcase and built-in buffet; built in features In the kitchen; dandy large lot 165 feet deep on paved street; paving all paid. Can be Itandled on very reasonable terms. ' Owner has bought a larger house and must seJ at once. - Payne Investment Co., . 637 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.. D. 1781. North of Kouritze Park $800 Down. Six-room, strictly modern bun galow, all on one floor; oak floors throughout; partly oak finish; full cement basement; furnace heat; dandy nice soith front lot on paved street; paving all paid,' Price $3,800. Payne Investment Co., 537 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781. Choice Bungalow. Five large rooms and bath, fin ished in oak, built for home: garage, east front lot, one-half block to Sherman Ave. car; noth ing like this for $5,300; part cash. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Poters Trust Bldlg. Doug. 22S3. MILLER PARK DISTRICT. Beautiful five-room home, story and half plan; brand new; oak and enamel finish; east front; immediate posses sion; can arrange terms of $500 cash Call Mr. Grant, Walnut 6373. COLORED. For sale. Six-room house, strictly modern, large lots, $2,750, small pay ment down, balance like rent. Call Webster 0606. 3306 FOWLER AVE.. 7 rms.. mod. ex ht.j 3 iota, chl:keo hou, fruit trees. $700 cash. bal. mo. -Crelsh. 00 TKur. D- 0200. HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Dav'ls. 2530 Grant SL Webster 2420. v. L-)1 THEM TAKE! MY ADVICE. AN' ST ON THE NE.XT TRAIN OACK WHl-E. -VDOVE. S-.CT THE HWt r- SMVICt. INC. First Woman is Executed in Erin Resident of Farming Class Executed in Scotstown Dis trict of Monaghan. By' The Associated Press. Dublin, April 18. First execution of a woman- in the strife in Ireland is announced. She was taken from her home in the Scotstown district of Monaghan today, and killed on the bank of the river. The woman, who was Kitty Mac Carron, about' 45, belonged to the farming class and lived with her parents in a mountainous district About midnight a pa?ty of masked men entered the house. The victim struggled, but the as sassins fastened her hands behind her back and led her, pleading pitifully, down a lane, where the body was found with a bullet wound, through the check. A card was inscribed: "Soies and informers beware. Tried, convicted and exesuted by the Irish republican army." Dublin, April 17. Nearly I.UUu Irish emigrants embarked at Queens- town yesterday and today for the United States. Battle Over Beer for Medicinal Purposes Waxes Hot in Congress Washington. April 18. The drys are bombarding congress with ap peals for legislation prohibiting the prescription of beer for medicinal purposes and the wets are quite as vigorously protesting against any move in this direction. The Anti-Saloon League is pro moting- the proposed legislation and has lined up with medical' associa tions and hospitals, "The officers of tbc National Retail Druggists association have followed the lead of the physicians and have gone on record against beer as a medicine," says the league. "Under the law the druggist is the only one who can sell it for medicin al purposes, and tliese officehs of the druggist association realize the menace which it is to a respectable trade." It is expected that the bill to prohibit medicinal beer will be. in troduced this week. In the mean time, the regulations concerning it are being perfected. Attorney Is Restrained j By Wife Who Asks Divorce Daniel Horrigan, an attorney, was sued for divorce in district court yes terday by his wife, Olive, who al leges that he has struck her and oth erwise treated her with extreme cru elty. She asks an order restraining lijm from interfering with her or their child, 7, at their home, 1314 North Thirty-fifth street, during the pendency of the suit. They were married in 1904. , , Three Republics Pledge to Aid Costa Rica in Near War Washington, April 18. Guate mala, Honduras and Salvadore, members of the new Central Amer ican union, are pledged to declare war simultaneously with Costa Rica against Panama, if Costa Rica deems such action necessary in view of the present boundary dispute with Pana ma, according to official advices re ceived here today. reXl estate improved North. COLORED. For sale. Six-room, strictly mod ern, oak: floors, built-in features, one block from car line, larse lot, small payment down, balance like rent. Call Webster 0606. $4S0.00 CASH. Balance monthly and , you can move right into thl new 6-room, all modern bungalow. Oak and enamel finish, high grade plumbing, good neighborhood. Call Mr. Cole, Douglas 7413. - MINNE LUSA home and lot offer th best opportunity to Invest your money Phon Tyler 1T. J. B. ROBINSON, .real estate and Invsaft ment M3 Petr Trust. Doug. n7. D. K. BUCK A CO. buy nd sell homes. South. 4-room house. 6407 South 33d,-' $1,760: will take $700 down, balance easy terms. Call Doug. 6621, 460 Brandels Theatei Bldg. 4-ROOM house and two acres, price $4,000, $1,600 down, balance $35 per month. Call Doug. 6621, 460 Brandels Theater Bldg. ONE ACRE and 3-room house, price $1,660, $760 down, take car also. Selling Your House by Phone You may get lots of phone calls when you try to sell your house yourself but how many people actually come but to see it? Let us BRING the buyer to you, and make a sale for you. Creigh, Sons & Co. Established 186.8 Doug-. 0200 608 Bee Bldg. Drawn for The Bee by McManu CopyriKht, 1921 International New Sorvica VQIIR HEALTH - South Side Judge Frees Men Nabhed by Detective Agency Member Membership in a private detective agency is not sufficient authority to make arrests, Judge Dunn told Hans Sugart, Thirtieth and Q streets, yes terday, when Sugart . boasted he had arrested five men for fighting in his soft drink parlor Sunday night and then called the police. The five men, Mike Nick and James Dasifoll, 2921 Q street; John Sacks, John Ritonyo and Paul Sacca, 3118 R street, were discharged by the judge, while Sugart was given a lecture on sleuthing in general. Su gart "displayed a membership card in the Hartford Detective agency of St. Joseph, Mo. Case of Actor Who Stabbed Man Put Over by Judge When the mother of Leo Loner gan, 2208 O street, reported her son was unable to attend South Side po lice court yesterday because of knife wounds, the case against Ray mond Blackburn, Des Moines actor, charged with cutting Lonergan, was continued to Wednesday. The pair got into an argument Sat urday night in Poppes restaurant, Twenty-fourth and N streets. Blackburn declared Lonergan tried to flirt with his wife. Lonergan suffered knife wounds in the left side of the head, abdomen and thigh, according to the police. Marie Condon Is Winner In Prize Doll Contest Marie Condon, 8, 4408 South Twenty-second street, won the prize doll given in the story contest con ducted by the Philips department store, Twenty-fourth and O streets, which closed Saturday night. The store was crowded with contestants and their parents and friends from 3 until 9 p. m,, during which time they were entertained by music by a five-piece orchestra. To safeguard against disappointment among los ers in the contest Manager Philip Greenberg gave every child in the contest a teddy bear and whistle. t ; a ration Offices on Regist South Side Are. Opened Registration offices were opened yesterday in the South Side city hall and will be open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. today. Full registration of South Sid? voters is anticipated because the po litical pot is bubbling merrily and women, especially, are taking an a tive pat in the campaign for th clecaion May 3, Strong Box Containing $200 , Is Stolen From, Fort Crook An iron strong box, weighing 100 pounds, and containing $200 and vai uable records, was stolen Saturday night from the paymasters omce in the barracks at Fort Crook, Lieut. Charles E. McDonald reported to South Side police yesterday. Funeral of Mrs. Burk Funeral services for Mrs. Cather ine Burk, 70, former resident of Omaha for SO years, vho died Sat urday in Sioux City, were held yes terday at 4 p. m. in the Brewster chapel, the Rev. R. L. Wheeler of ficiating. Burial was. in Graceland Park cemetery. South Side Brevities To let, May 1st, storo room, 4703 S. 34th St., In one of th best retail loca tions on South Side. Rent reasonable. Al L. Bergqulst. Adv. - . "Sylvia" Is the name "of the annual operetta to be given by th choru classes of South High under Miss Mapel Ship herd's supervision, some time in May., Railroad salvage, high-grade furniture, new and used; Iceboxes. $4 up; new cot tone mattresses, $6; garden tools. E. Vaks, 2610 N St. 80. 2370. Adv. The annual "Passing Show," for the benefit of the athletic association of South High, will be given May , by various departments of the school, under the supervision of several different teach ers. Detective John B. Sczepanlak Is rejoic ing over the arrival at his home, 3307 Gold street, Sunday, ot a bouncing boy. Mother and rhlld are reported as doing nicely. The father has been a member of the South Side police fore for a number of years. South High's final debate, th ona that will decide the championship of this district, will be held April 21. In the school auditorium. The opponent will be Commerce High and South will uphold the affirmative Sid of the state ques tion. The team Is expecting a large at tendance at this debate. Detailed arrangements are being made for the annual Vellum Carnival at South High to be given In the gymnasium, April 22. There will bo a hort enter tainment. Ice cream cones, candy, con fetti, whistles, balloons, a fish pond and fortune telling. Everyon Is assured a good time. The South Side Merchants' association of Omaha will hold Its regular monthly meeting tomorrow night at South Side city hall. Philip Greenberg, proprietor of Philip' department store, will deliver an address on tbs "Value of Advertising." Miss Elinor Dlckman of the Nebraska Humane society will give an Illustrated ad dress on the work of the Humane society. Rupert Rashki and Fred Oleson will make three-minute addresses on Humane society work. More' Unrest in Petrograd. Stockholm, April 18. Advices tell of reports of further labor un rest in Petrograd. These declare that in consequence M. Zinovieff, the governor has written to the newspapers in an effort to check the movement. Dietz Party Returns. C. N. Dietz, Gould Dietz and their mother returned Sunday night from Long Beach, Cal. A party of friends and relatives welcomed their ar rival at the Union station. Convention to Gain Recognition For Irish Opens I Organization Meets to Out line Campaign to Be Con ducted in U. S. to Secure Moral Support. Chicago, April 18 Irish Amer icans from all sections of the couutry gathered today for the opening of the first national convention of the American association for the recog nition of the Irish republic. Leaders in the movement to gain American recognition of Ireland were on the program for the two day assembly. 1 The session opened with the in vocation by a representative of Archbishop Mundelein of Chicago. Mayor Thompson welcomed the delegates. Other speakers presented today included Harry J. Boland, as sistant to Eanimon De Valera; Frank P. Walsh, counsel for the as sociation, and Donal O'Callaghan, lord mayor of Cork. Miss Mary MacSwiney, sister of the late lord mayor of Cork-. Miss Mary Mac Swiney, sister of the ate lord mayor of Cork, who died in Brixton prison, was on tonight's program. "We seek for Ireland," Mr. Bo land said, "the application of those noble principles for which you fought the war. We seek your sup port so that the age-long struggle may be consummated in the recogni tion of Ireland by the United States. The struggle has resolved jtself into a question of money. We will come to you again for a new loan for(the republic. This convention must re solve today so to organize so that when the call comes you will be pre pared to supply $100,000,000 should Ireland ask it in the name of liberty. "An effort is being made in Amer ica to create the impression that Ire land is unreasonable in its demands. Ireland insists in only one right the right' of the Irish people to de termine fori themselves how they shall be governed. This is all Ire land asks this and a peace with honor." , McFadden to Propose Measure to Abolish Currency Comptrollei Washington, April 18. Legislation abolishing the office of comptroller of the currency and removing the federal reserve board from possible domination by ,the Treasury depart ment will be pressed by Representa tive McFadden of Pennsylvania, chairman of the house committee on banking and currency. Mr. Mc Fadden has considerable support for the bill and expects its passage. In line with the purpose to give the federal, reserve board greater in dependence the McFadden bill pro vides that the secretary of the treas ury no longer shall, be a member of the board. The present law provides that the secretary of the treasury shall be ex-ofncio chairman of the board. The McFadden bill provides a place on the board for the assistant secretary of the treasury in charge of- fiscal bureaus, but it is held by Mr. McFadden that this would not mean that the treasury would exer cise such an influence over the poli cies of th board as is possible under the present law. Pittsburgh Man Arretted For Death of Little Girl Pittsburgh, April 18. John Miller, , 38, former member of the city fire department, was .arrested in connec tion with the disappearance and death of Nadine Krcmer, 8, whose body was found in a stable near her home Saturday night. Officials later gave out a statement that Miller had admitted killing the child. Officials said Miller insisted that the girl had entered the stable of her own volition last Tuesday even ing, that she fainted before he had harmed her and that after he had found it impossible to revive her, he deposited the body in a hole in the floor. ' Airplanes Used in Search For Murder-Bandit Trio Abe'rdeen, S. D., April 18. Avia tors and posses have been scouring Brown county today for three ban dits who last night shot and killed Clarence Netland, 39, storekeeper at -Tacoma Park. Hetland was shot " when he reached for a gun on the cash register when the men ordered him to throw up' his hands. Real Estate Transfers Omaha Loan and Building Assn. to George O. Dyck. et aU 63 St., Ill ft. N. of Bedford Ave., W S. 60x133 ...$ 3E A. John Falen and wife to Jo Nackenoff and wife, Decatur St., 180 ft. T. of 27th St., N S, 0xl2S 3,00 Charles M. Smith and wife to James D. Lockard, 13th St.. 243 ft. ff. ot Carter Blvd., W S. 40x35 Jennie A. Sautter to Charles M. . Vandas. S. . Cor. 10th and Ban croft Sts.. 63.6x61 16,00 Catherine Hahn and husband to Warren B. Dennis, Orand Ave., 160 ft E. of 22d St., S 8, 60x136 3,000 Chris Kjeldgaard and wife to Anna . . M. Chrlstenaen. Uth St., 60 ft. S. of Deer Park Blvd., B 8. 60x180 Phyllis O. Tebbens to Irene Reld and husband. Pratt St.. 170 ft W. of 18th St.. S 8. 40x136 1,260 Edgar H. Scott and wife to Paul Bradley, Jones St., 00 ft. E. of 63th St., N S. 60x130 2,30 Cora M. Fitzgerald to Laura I. Iwton. Harris 8t 60 ft E. of ' 30th Ave.. 3 S. 60x100 f,36 William 8. Wilcox to Albert Ooet- schel, 8. w. cor. 60th and Pierce St.. 63xl28U 680 Mary C. Rlngwalt and husband to u. a. Mcioun uo.. istn Bt, i ft. 8. of Pierce St.. E 8. 44x6 6,000 Oeorge T. Morton and wife to A. K. Longpre. 33th St.. 344 ft B. of Center St. E S. 60x136 I Charles W. Martin and wife to John P. Murtagh and wife, Tltu Ave.. 174 ft. W. of 25th Ave., 8 S. 44x120 T,4 Jams W. , Murphy to Befu T. Maxaon and wife. N. W. cor. 13th and J St.. 40130 S,1S Samuel Msncuso and wife to O- tano Castro, et al. 12th St.. ft S of Dorcas St.. E S. 66x133 ... 2,30 Dulcl A. Baad and husband to Nel A. Peteron. t al. noeior Blvd., 180 ft W. of 20th St., N 8. 46x123 i6 Qeorge F. .lone nd wlf to Mar tin w. jiautstnger. isuret , 236 ft E. of 26th Ave., 8 8, ISrttl 6.7t Frank Pecha and wife to Jake B. Williams. 17th ft., n it . ot Martha St.. W S. lx6 1.300 Msrtln Hall and wife to Wallace Ross Ilsger. et al, corny St.. J. ft. K. of 30th St.. N 8. 40x127.. t.ttt Wallace Ross ilsger and wife to Herman Cohn, Corby St., 3.t ft E. of 30th St., N 8. 40x137 3.600 Cyrus R. Mrfotter and wife to James MRnaison. n. w. cor. 30th and Indiana Ave.. Sx6 7.260 Nettie Wlkoff nnd husband to Viola M. Schrocder, N. K. Cor. 34th and Mason St., 44xi:i , list I ) x A 1 A ' si r-VJ-F J-- "vei