Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Revolving Fund
Will Speed Up
Omaha Paving
Provision in New City Charter
For Sale of Bonds by
Council One of Most Im
portant Improvements.
Omaha's public ( improvement pro
gram starts off under exceptionally
favorable auspices, due to the suc
cess of Lity Commissioners w. u.
Ure, and Roy N. Towl of the ac
counts and' finance and the public
improvements departments.
These officials incorporated in the
new city charter a provision which
authorizes the city council to sell
bonds with which to finance public
improvements, particularly paving.
An ordinance will be presented to
the city council next Tuesday, pro-
iding for the sale of $300,000 bonds,
the proceeds vfrom which will en
able the city to promote new pav
ing under more favorable conditions.
Commissioner Towl held a confer
ence with the paving contractors
esterday and it was agreed that pav
ing work will be started May I, I he
assurance that the city will have, the
money ready for1 the contractors as
their work progresses serves as an
incentive for thetn to get busy. Un
der the old system the contractors
were required to accept city war
rants which had to be discounted ii
the holders were in a hurry for
working capital.
Fund to Be Replenished.
This new revolving fund for pub
lic improvements will be replenished
as the property owners in the various
improvement districts pay in their
special taxes and in that manner tnc
city will finance its own paving im
provements and be in a position to
expect and demand more favorable
bids from the contractors.
One of the first jobs to be started
will be the paving of the Dodge
street hill and intersecting streets.
Another important job will be Vin
ton street, from Thirteenth to Twen
tieth ' street, a district, which has
been pending for 18 months. Other
paving districts are: Curtis avenue,
Thirtieth to Thirty-fourth; Fifty
eighth, Military avenue to Benson
hurst; Forty-eighth, Military avenue
to Maple; Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth,
Military avenue to Tratt; Minne
Lusa avenue. Redick to Mary; Kan
sas avenue. Twenty-seventh to Thir
tieth; Thirty-second, Curtis avenue
t Redick, and many smaller dis
tricts. Important Improvements.
This plan of the city financing its
public improvements-through a re
volving fund is said to be one of the
most important municipal improve
ments of the present administration.
City Commissioners Ure and Towl
worked a long time on the details of
the plan and succeeded in
placed in the new charter which is
ready for the governor's signature.
Every paving contractor will know
'wt his money is ready and that he
will be paid as his work proceeds
and when the work has finally been
approved the last payment will- be
made. He will be able to meet obli
gations promptly and the experience
in other cities where this plan has
been tried has been that lower bids
have been received and contractors
are more eager to keep faith with
the city. , .
Bodies of Six Nebraska
Soldiers Being Sent Home
Bodies of six Nebraska soldiers
killed in overseas service will arrive
in Omaha Iriday morntng over me
Northwestern railroad. They were
Corporal Thomas O. Shields, Up
land; Alfred S. Londberry. Lynch;
Clifford Ryan. Emerson; Fred W.
Peters. Veldel; Lynn J. St. Stock
well. Butte; John C. Sandall, York.
Eight Iowans are included in the
soldier dead. The American Legion
will have charge of funeral services
in each town.
Special Election May Be
Held to Vote on Charter
Omchans may vote pvi the new
city charter at a - special election
within the next two months, Mayor
Smith said yesterday. The charter
bill passed the lower state house
Wednesday and now awaits the gov
ernor's signature.
Seven major improvement projects
will be voted on at the same June.
The city legal department is drawing
up ordinances providing for the sob
mission ot the cnarur.
More Truth Than Poetry
from cellar to
in most every home are
pieces of furniture that
could be made useful and to
look like new with little repair.-
" t: ,
There, is much use in
every piece you ; have laid
aside. Send them to us.
When they leave
Our Repair Department
and are delivered 'to your
home, you will admit it
: would have been most waste
ful to have discarded any
thing so good.' - (
You'll Save Money
your home will ba better
furnished and you will he
pleased" you had the work
done by the
Howard St. Btw. 15th & 16th
When Charles was King of Hungary.
In nineteen-seventeen,
Each day or two a bullet flew
Careering past his bean.
And when upon his royal throne
To rest he sat him down,
A chargeof shot would. like as not,
Remove his jewelled crown.
He iicver had a moment's peace
Until the moment when .
He flew the coop, and now the stupe
Would like the job again!
When Charles was King of Hungary.
In everything lie ate
At lunch or 4ea would often be
Corrosive sublimate. ,
While cyanide of mercury
Was mingled with his wine
And made him illas such stuff will
" When he sat down to dine.
Assassins of assorted kinds
Were always on his track,
Until the day he got away
Yet now he'd fain go back!
When Charles was King of Hungary
Rude murderers would lurk , .
On every hand, who foully planned
To get him with a dirk.
He got but very little sleep
For thinking how he'd feel
If in his chest there sank to rest
A half a yard of steel.
Malignant faces, peered at him
Wherever he would glance.
And yet, at that, he'd go to bat,
To take another chance!
Servant girls seem to do pretty well under the open chop rule.
Some of the plays that have been imported from Europe seem to prove
that there was a shortage of ice over there, during the war.
The man who has devised a golf club that registers every stroke will
never need to make but one of 'cm. '
Butler and Zimman
Latest Additions to
Dahlman Ticket
The names of Dan Butler and
Harry B. Zimman, city commission
ers, have been added to the Dahlman
slate for the coming election, it was
announced yesterday.
The ex-mayor's lineup, to be
known as "The United Seven," in
cludes Dahlman.' Joseph ,Koutsky,
John- Hopkins, H. W. Dunn anaVJ.
B. Hummel, besides Butler and Zim
man. Campaign headquarters, with J. H.
Hanley in charge, opened yesterday
at 210 South Seventeenth street.
Hanley obtained leave pf absence
from his duties as federal orohibi-
tion officer untiSMay 4.
F. A. Shotwell, Harry S. Byrne
and C. F. Bossic are other officers
of the Dahlman campaign committee.
Jackson" New Prefix for
Central Phone Numbers
"Tarksnn" will he the orefix for all
central telephone numbers after May
1, when the new directory will ap
pear, say telephone company , offi
cials. , i
Tyler numbers will be changed to
ATlantic: Colfax to KE nwood, and
South to MA rket.
The downtown Tyler or new, AT
lantic office will be put over to the
automatic machine switching basis
some time this summer, said A. F.
AfrArlams. district commercial man
ager. Letters announcing the changes
will oe sent. 10 suoscnucr. t
Little Improvement Noted in
Condition of Clifton Hannon
Little improvement has been noted
in Clifton Hannon, one "of the vic
tims of ' last "Saturday night's fatal
shooting on the South Side, in whicn
Joseph Howard, 717 South Thirty
first street, was killed by Detective
John Herdzina.
Hannon is in the Ford hospital re
covering from bullet wounds in h;3
head and right arm.
Paul Kane, 3106 Marcy street, who
was shot through the right, groin, is
recovering from his wound at the
South Side General hospital. '
French Chamber Votes to
Penalize German Imports
Paris, April 14. The chamber or
deputies todav adopted the bill pro
viding for a SO per cent tax on Ger
man imports as a penalty on Ger
many because of nonfulfillment of
its reparations obligations. . The
vote was 383 to 79.
Bold Daylight
Holdup Staged
By Two Bandits
Highwaymen Threaten to Kill
"V ictim Waylaid on South
Side Take Monev
And Watch.
Ttvo highwaymen staged' a hold
daylight holdup on the Sooth ide
Police suppressed the, report un
til late yesterday afternoon while de
tectives and patrolmen searched the
South Side for the bandits.
Thomas Martin, 5502 South Thir
ty-first street, was the victim of the
He was walking to his home for
lunch about noon, when two men
accosted him at Twenty-ninth and
S streets.
Both men were heavy set and
neatly dressed, he told the police.
throw up your hands! growled
one of them as he thrust a revolver
under Martin's noc.
His companion threw his . arm
about Martin's neck and drew him
back over his hip, bending his back
in such a way as to make him help
less. Then the other highwayman
searched the victim and took his
watch and $22.
Martin was released and still cov
ered by the bandit's pistol, was ot-
dcred to be on his way. j
"Don't shout or turn around or i
Miss Lucile Steiner
Is Thursday Bride
ff( fv
The marriage of Miss Lucile
Steiuer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Steiner, and John M. Ryan
of this city took place Thursday
morning at St. Philomenas church.
Father J. B. Borer officiated. The
attendants were Miss May Boyle and
Lawrence Sullivan. Tlic ceremony
was followed by a breakfast at the
home of Mrs. P. 1. Boylcthe brides
maids mother. Following a trips to
Mr. R van's home, the couple will re
side in Omaha,
Brief City News
I'll blow your head off!" the armed
bandit warned him.
Martin said the highwaymen did
not escape in an automobile, .
They fled north on Twenty-rnnth
street, he said.
Martin hastened to South Side po
lice station to report the holdup.
Search of the South Side by de
tectives failed to reveal the bat
Will Entertain Candidate The
Chamber of Commerc will entertain
t h 1 4 nominees for city eommlsslon
ershlps t luncheon next Thursday.
Each will make, a three-minute talk.
Slabbed From Auibuuli Stabbing
fioio ambunh, an unknown assailant
cut a four-Inch gash In the ley of
.T. E. Kern, city fireman. 611 South
Twenty. fourth street, at Thirtieth
and Miami streets Wednesday, night.
Woman Scfks Dlvowe Mrs. Ida
McGinty aeeks a divorce and . $500
monthly alimony from Krank Mc
Ginty, realtor in the Securities build
ing. He is worth $500,000 and has
an income ot $30,000 a year, she
Clubs to Be Guests The Nebras
ka Power company will entertain
members of the Rotary, Lions, Con
cord and Kiwanis clubs at lunehoons
next week. The entertainments will
be staged Tuesday , Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday noons at the
power company. ,
$148,000 In Bonds The city will
pay $14$, 000 intersection and sewer
bonds May 1. This leaves $100,000
in sower bonds, maturing September
1. as the only bonds of this kind to
be retired this year. All bonds must
be paid off as they mature, siuce the
new city charter provides for no re
newals. Kviction Xotlet-s Kour families
living in the middle of the street at
Twelfth and Izard streets had evic
tion notices served on them yester
day. The city wishes to open the
fstreet. The families are those of
Mrs. Maty poyd, M. Tokeszky, An
drew Paroeial and J. Krejer. Mrs.
Boyd has lived there 16 years, she
said. . ,
Destroyed Will, Charge Tharry
Neal, alleged sen of the late John
Neal. millionaire dintrlct manager Of
the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco company,
asserts his "father" destroyed the
will, a copy of whicn, probated In
Winston-Salem, N. C. gave large
blocks of company stock to F. A
Shotwell, Omaha attorney, and his
daughter, Marearet. Tharry a moth
er. Mary 'Harbin Xeal, known in Ok
muliree. Okl., as Mrs. l"m McCoy,
joins her son in suing for one-half
of Nears estate.
The First and Original
Cold and Grip Tablet
tablets 30c,
Be sure you get
The genuine been this signature
Home of the
The Place to Buy
Your Tiano-and Why
. Piano buying at Burgess-Nash is
just as easy as purchasing any other
commodity. , "We carry only stand
ard makes that have an acknowl
edged reputation for quality and
Our prices you will find are much
lower than those asked elsewhere for
pianos of equal quality. 5 The fact
that most people understand this is
the reason why we" supply so many
of Omaha's leading homes, with
their musical instruments.
Tha ronnfatinn and fitandinff' of
this big store is back of, every piano it sells. When pur
chasing from us you may feci eonfidentof haying secured
a better piano at a lower price, that will give ypti greater
satisfaction. ,- . . ' - -
..... . , s.
You can pay a small amount down and the balance in
easy convenient monthly payments. " v ' ' ,
Ester '
Marshall Weaaell
Setoff Brother
Marshall 4 Wendell
Ftasosta -
Iran ra4
Kshler a Campbell
Chick artnc Aaipiee
Betir Brstaers ,
rvn tr
messh mm
Our Downstairs Store Is Filled With
Dependable 1 New Spring Merchandise
You'll Feel Well Dressed in One of These
Women's and Misses -Navy, Blue
Draperies and
for the Window
Lace Curtains
$2.59 pair
' Nottingham lace curtains.
yards long; these are of
very fine net and in hand
some designs, $2.59 pair.
Curtain Scrim
39c yard
36 inch Curtain scrim; this
is of excellent quality in neat
colored figures, also 'Vith
plain centers with colored
Window Shades
95c each
- Window shade in the
popular green color; these
are seven feet long and com
plete, with fixtures. '
Figured Cretonne
59c yard
36 inch figured cretonne
in new handsome designs
and in light or dark colors,
59c yafd, y
Suits a $24.50
for navy blue is always goodyou don't' tire of it, even
though you wear it several seasons. There are only
50 of these suits, but there are many styles from which
to select, including box style flaring models of the more
tailored effect. Silk embroidery, beads, stitching, braid
and buttons add to their attractiveness.
The Separate Skirt
; Is Almost Indispensable
for all around wear and even though
you have a suit, an extra skirt would
not only give you lots of service, but
would save your suit skirt. Then, too,
the plaid skirt is very smart when worn
with the suit jacket, -
Downstairs Stora
One large bargain "square of silk remnants in lengths from IV2
yards to 5 yards, consisting of plain taffeta, messaline, satin, silk pop
lin, silk shirting, also many stripes, plaids and figured. All 36 inches
wide. Special sale price, $1.00 yard. ,
Downstairs Stora
A Real Corset
Js What' Every Woman
Is Looking for Now
There is something
about Spring that
makes us all want new
garments, from the tai
lored sailor hat to the
shining oxford, and a
corset is the most im
portant bit of the
feminine apparel. Too
little care has formerly
been given to the buy
ing of corsets, but
now the careful buyer
examines carefully the
material, boning and
workmanship of a cor
net before buying it.
Such an examination
will reveal the. worth
Royal Worcester
$2.00o $5.00
Wool Soap
2 for 15c
A special purchase of this
soap enables us to sell it at
this price for Friday and
Saturday. 2 for 15c
For the New Suits or Sep
arate Skirts , You Will
Be Interested in These
at $2.95
Heavy quality, all
silk georgette
blouses, lace or em
broidery trim, in
flesh, French blue,
IBisque, navy, also
all white.
Downstairs Stora
Garment Bags .
55c Each; 3 for $1.50
This is an exceptionally low price on thesa
moth-proof bags, for they are the largest
A Sale of 50 Dozen Well Known Brands of
Men's Shirts at $1.49 each
First quality shirts, made coat style, double French cuffs in beautiful
range of patterns, are here for your selection.
Men's Hose, 4 pairs for $1.00
Mercerized cotton hose with reinforced heels and toes, elastic ribbed
tops in all colors all sizes, are specially priced for Friday.
Mechanics' Black Sateen Shirts, $1.19 each
Black Beauty, cut lull and roomy, sizes 14 to 18. Very special, $1.19.
Levi Strauss Koveralls for Boys and Girls
For boys'-Blue denim with red trimmings, high neck, long sleeves.
For girls Khaki with blue and red trimming, high neck, long sleeves.
Sizes 1 to 4, $1.00 suit 5 to 8, $1.25 suit. ,
Hosiery Specials
17c pr.
Children's stockings, a good,
medium weight cotton, black
only, 17e, 3 for 50e.
Women s
Women's lisle stockings,
made with double soles, toes
and heels; black, white,-navy,
brown and gray, 50c pair.
WHte for free
booklets on the
care and feeding
of your baby.
Condensed Milk
ftonfrn Build ing NWTrk
Aunt Jemima Will
Demonstrate Howard
Ranges Saturday at
Union Outfitting Co.
Hot Coffe With Aunt Je
mima Pancakes Served
to Every Visitor.
The superior construction of
the Howard Range makes it the
pride of every housewife who
owns one, for she knows that her
Baking Days are almost always
an assured success; then, too, a
small amount of fuel does both
her cooking and baking.
Aunt Jemima (herself) will
serve George Washington Coffee
and pancakes fried in Mazola
Oil, covered with Nucoa Nut But
ter and Karo Maple Syrup.
' Advertisement
Moncv back without outition
hj) (Hunt'a Salve and Soap), (all III
r th treatment oi Men, ttcKma,
A Rina-worm, Tetter or other Itch.
: . -t. ji...... Trw thia
treatment at our risk..
Says His Prescription
Has Powerful Influence
Over Rheumatism
Mr. James H. Allen uffered fnr years
with rheumatism. Many times this ter
rible .disease left him helpless and un
able to work.
He finally decidca, after years of
ceaseless study, that no one can be free
from Theumstism until the accumu
lated impurities, commonly called urie
acid deposits, were dissolved in the
joints and muscles and expelled from
the body.
With this idea in mind he consulted
physicians, made . experiments and
finally compounded a prescription that
quickly and completely banished every
sign and' symptom of rheumatism from
his system.
He freely save his discovery to
others who took it,' with what might
be called marvelous success. Aftei
(years of urging the decided to let suf
ferers everywhere Know, about his dis
covery through the newspapers. Sherman
& McConnell S Drug Stores has been
appointed agent for Allenrhu in this vi
cinity with tht understanding that he
will freely return the purchase money on
the first two bottles to all who state
they received no benefit.
Sharpens Vision
Sootheaand heals the eyes andstrength
ens eyesight quickly, relieves inflam
mation in eyes and lids ; sharpens
vision and makes glasses unnecessary
in many instances, says Doctor. Drug
gists refund your money if it fails.
Just Apply This Paste
the Hairs Will Vanish
(Boudoir Secrets)
The judicious use of a dclatone
paste insures any woman a clear,
hairless skin. To prepare the paste,
mix a little of the powdered dela
tone with some water, then apply
to the objectionable liairs for two c?
three minutes. . When the paste is re
moved, and the skin washed, every
trace of hair will have vanished. No
pain attends the use of the delatone
and it will not mar' the most sensi
tive skin, but to insure results, see
that you get real dclatone.
Affords protection against In
fectious diseases. All prudent
persons should avail themselves
of this dependable germicide.
Eases Quickly When You
Apply a Little Musterole.
And Musterole won't blister lilts
the old-fashioned mustard plaster.
Just spread it on with your fingers.
It penetrates to the sore spot with a
gentle tingle, loosens the congestion
and draws out the soreness and pain.
Musterole is a dean, white oint
ment made vim oil of jnustard, It
is fine for quick relief from sore
throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis.croup, stiff
congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, turn
bago, pains and aches of the back or
frosted feet, colds on the chest.
Nothing like Musterole forcroupychil.
then. Keep it handy for instant use.
3oc and 65c jars; hospital size $3-W