THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, APRIL 12. 1921. fmp rovement m Business Slight, But Is Evident ipeedier Return to Prosperity Is Predicted for Second Quarter oi Year by Experts. By HOLLAND. Considerably mora thtn $60,000, 000,000 represent the face value of stocks and bonds which are listed on the New York Stock exchange. As a whole they reflect our indus trial, railroad and commercial life. Therefore if our national wealth be about $300,000,000,000 then approxi mately one-fifth of this wealth is to be found in the negotiable securities which are listed upon the New York Stock exchange. About 20 years ago almost all of the dealings in this stock market came from orders placed by those who live in New York City, or who do business here. From other parts of the country not more than 40 per cent of these orders came. Today, according to the estimate made by J. Edward Meeker, who is the econ omist to the committee on library of the New York Stock exchange, 80 per cent of the business carried on in the exchange is due to orders re ceived from other parts of the conn try and only 20 per cent from orders which come from New York. Export to Gain. In vltt of thw authoritative figures It would appear that almost all of the transactions now carried en In the atoek ei.'hang reflect a not very encouraging opinion an to the value of securities which in lieli- In other parts of the country. Tht-. however, would he a superficial ludament. TM transactions in nv p.. nchange are not to De laieen as a indication or ouainna imm'". ".' ri soma of the embarrassment that now prevail, particularly the rail way alluatlon and thr falling offf In our j foreign trade. Hut tne uesi opinion that these are of almost momentary im-j nArl.n. The rallroed altuatlon Is cer tainly to be eatiefactorlly handled and j there la no doubt that after Kurope ! In a position to buy American commodities , our exports of these commodities will gain and in some Instances heavily. 1 Some encoursging symptoms of tha feelinr of confidence which unaueatlon- ' ably prevails Is discovered in recent Inci dents. For instance, when the American Telephone and Telegraph company ralaed a few days ago Its dividend rate from 3 per cent to per cent. Ita action was sometimes spoken of aa very daring, certainly courageous. Of coura It waa assumed that this dividend Increase was voted solely for tha purpose of making tha roporate' stock end bond attractive as an Investment. But if there were condition that wera regarded as permanently de pressing, this corporation would not hava ventured to Increaae Its dividend. ' Money Flowing This Way. Then again, a change has taken place In the money' currents. For months the outgo of funds from New York to the Interior has been steady. Now a change has been reported. The current has shift ed. Funds are flowing from the interior to New York and the Indications are that they will continue thus to flow. It is fair to Infer that the. current would not have been reversed In this way were not condi tions Improving In the Interior. Late In the autumn and again in the winter so confident were f hose who were In a poslttori to offer reliable judgment that an improvement would be observed early In the spring and that the' peak of depression would be visibly passed oy that time, that It waa deemd worth while to report .these views in this, column. That opinion hvnow Justified, for while the Im provement is still slight, .yet it is Im provement. Some of the authorities low say that this business Improvement will so continue that It will be much better In the second quarter of this, year than It was In the first and that the Improvement will continue th oughout the year. Home differeucea of opinion It is true exist as to the time when the certainty of a return of normal conditions can be acknowledged. Some, put the date- early In the summer or at the beginning ef the autunSn, ,wKlle others fi New Tear'a dav' Of 1S23 as a time When there can be celeDration of the restoration of prosperity. ., . , . He Confounded. Hie Critics. .. Some who have had excellent oppor tunity for making an estimate of , the amount of wealth which was accumulated by E. C. Converse who died suddenly . at Fasadona, Cel., on Monday of week believe that he accumulated 350.000,000. Whatever the inventory of his estate may revoal there can be no doubt that-It 'Will show that Mr. Converse waa to be num bered among the richest of Americans. ' The beginnings of 'his fortune were made through his association with and de velopment of the tube manufacturing industry.-, He was not favored by family fortune' when he began. The fortune was increased greatly when the Tube company was taken over by the United States Steel corporation as an essential part of that organisation. Mr. Converse came to New York after retiring from . Industrial activity and he astonished some of- the veteran bankers here by venturing into the banking field. One of these bankers said that Converse oould put on the overalls of a workman and begin the manufacture of a tub from. im raw material up to tne limine prod uct and could do If more' cheaply and with greater skill than any othVr tube manufacturer. But that was a very differ ent thing from banking and especially banking in New York City. Some of our banker looked at Mr. Converse askance, predicting that he was on the way to a grievous fall, In that way repeating the experience which some other had met with wno wnen paat miaaie lire ana after con spicuous success in Industry undertook to become New York backers. "o Dismayed. Mr. Converse, however, was not ' di mfd by criticism. He originated the Liberty bank, whose early liquidation was predicted, but to the confusion of those who t made the . prediction. . He was the originator of the Aster Trust and later of the Bankers' Trust, and his organiza tion became In .time among the leading banking influence of New York. Mr. Converse bad a keen eye for ability, even finding It In unaccustomed places. Thus it waa that he measured the latent abil ity of Henry P. Davison, when Davison was a teller In a little bank. He placed Davison la a post of great responsibility ana that Judgment waa , vindicated. - So also he discovered the unsurpassed talent which Thomas W. Lament possessed end gave Lamont opportunity, which, having been accepted, ha made him oonspiouous among American and International fi nancier. .-, The early crltlesrn and Implied censure that this Industrial leader enould under take to become a banker In New York vas ended within a few years so that' it wa afterward satd that Ttlr. Converse was as remarkable a constructive force ta banking as he had formerly been In Industry. Presumably more than half, per haps much the greaterpart of hi forune, was accumulated after he had entered banking, for all hi venture In that field were justified and the stocks of the vari ous Institutions which he created and which he controlled at last were quoted at figure which compared well with the quotation for the stock for ny other bank in New York. , Legion to Insist on Debate By Nonpartisan Officer Beatrice, Neb., April il. Spe cial Telegram.) A. C -Townley, president of the Nonpartisan league, is booked for an address here on May 7 and members of Bitting Nor man post, American Legion, will in sist that he debate William Langer, formerlv attrrnv o-eneral nf KnrtVi . - Dakota,. or Governor Henry Alleu cf Kansas. L. H. Laughlin, com mander of the post, will, try to get In touch with Townley' relative to the debate. KsssM City Produoe, Kentas City, Mo., April 11. Eggs Cn ahanged; first, 32c; seconds, lie. Butter Unchanged; creatnary, 48e; asking. 15c Poultry Unchanged; hena. Its; broil ers, 60c; roosters, 14 9 1 to. Chicago Potatoes. - Chicago. April XI. Potato Steady; receipts. 64 cars; northern whit, sacked aad bulk. 85995e per cwt.; new Florida IKJi"; 87. T6 9 3.00 .per bbl.; No. 1, 34.7597.00 per bbl Kansas City Hay. Kansas City, Mo.. Aprtt It. Hay Cn ebanged; No. 1 timothy. 118.39928.09: No. i,.pI!iI1?4.i1M814',0i bolc eUfAlfa. 113.0093100, THE GUMPS And waix MTaYM&rAAtU BOX A.N0 who AONa$X YWE BlllAANo AutTrsR A. PROSPECTOR arOuC OR OIL. I Live Stock Omaha, April 1L Receipt were: Monday eatlmate Cattle. Hags. Sheep. 4.300 3,600 10,000 Sam day laat week, 8,88 Same 3 weeka ago... 6,251 Earn 8 weeka ago... 4,173 Same day year ago. 10 3,370 5,471 7.523 53 11.393 11,868 11.768 1,533 Hecelpta and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for 34 hours ending at I o'clock p. m., April 11, 1321. RECEIPTS CATtS. Cattle Hogs Sh'pH.M. i 0 r A flt p --" S I ii 66 ! 4 SI 3 1 t .. 49 47 1 . 'i '. lit 100 1 ! M,i80ur Pacific Union Pacific 57 23 73 C. A. N. W east CAN. W west. C St. P.. M AO. c B. a y , east c.. B. & Q., west C. R. I. P., east. Illinois Central .... Chi. Qt. Western ... Total Receipts ..153 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle H6gs Sheep. 477 1,124 1,206 487 1,4S t.2t 393 1,347 2,531 375 1,368 5,713 791 384 26 1,133 ...... 67 16' 1 19 49 6 ' 180 .... 82 361 102 334 102 132 30 85 8 8 ...... . . ..... 848 ...... .. 4 . 21 ...... 49 .... ...... 18 ...... ...... 16 87 ...... ...... 268 484 1,31 2,298 18,3V) Morris A Co Swift A Co Cudahy Pack. Co.. ArmoUr A Co Independent , J. W. Murphy Deld Pack. Co. ... Lincoln Pack. Co... So. Omaha Pack... Hlggins Pack. Co.. Hoffman Bros. . ... Mayer. & Vail .... P. O'Dea Wilson A Co Benton A V. Bant.. F. P.- Lewis J. B. Root A Co... J. H. Bulla Rosenstock Bros. .. F. O. Kellogg yerth. A Degen .. Sullivan Bros. ... ., M.-K. C. A C. Co.. E. O. Christie Baker John Harvey Jensen A Lund. ... Dennis A Franelst. Cheek A Kreb Oaha Pack. Co. .. . Midwest Pack. Co. M. A. Wallowlts .. Smiley Other Buyers Total Cattle The week tart out with a very moderate run of cattle here about 4,300 head, a compared with 5,600 head a week aco. Other points, however, reported lin e's! supplies. A. big share of today a re ceipts were stockers and feeder and with only a light supply of beef on hand the market held about ateady. bearish new of other market. Be.t steers here, both light and heavy, eold up to 28.00O-8.26. Butcher Mock waa in rvojy ht supply and the ratny: active ira w than last week' low close. In tooker and feeder the trade continue very dull, and today", liberal offerlnga sold from steady to 2 So or more lower than lat 'ououtlona on cattle: Good to cbole beeves. 37.762J8.25: fair to good beeves. 37. 001(97.76: common to fair 7.00l good to choice yrnf,"' i'Jif. 8 25: fair to good yearlings, J007.7o, common to fair """'Vs.J?'? choice to prime heifers. 37.OOC7.60: good to choice heifers. 38.7508.76: choice .to prime cows. 36.35 9 6.76 ;. good to choice cows. 35.354J6.00: fair to good 93.25; common to fair cows. ;0;: 2od to choice feeders. 7.S88.00: fair fo goed feeders. 8.757.26: common , to fair feedera, 35.76e).76: good to choice suckers, 8?. 8.00: fair to good .tock ers. 36.607.25; common to fair tfck in 34 504.00i stock heifers. 8.ii Stick' cow 3S.75O6.00. stock c Ives, 5 00 7 50: veal calves, 8.0S.60, bull, stags, etc.. 13.60 96.50. BEEF STEERS. . No. 20.-. 93;. 19.. u,. 18.. !?:: 10. 24.. 865 I lit 48., ....109? 7 20 ..1133 7 45 21 1J 1289 7 90 81......12B :"ll 8 10 20. .....1487 7 50 8 00 I 36 7 50 7 85 ETSSR9 Au nci js..c. .i 878 7 45 7 75 18... 744 704 ... 887 .'..1016 ... 1T. ... 740 14... IS YEARUNG8. 6 60 8 . . . ' 7 60 39.... COW8. I 40 23.... 6 90 ... ( 25 17.... HEIFERS. .782 T 10 8 30 . 136 .1070 ,.1093 ,.1314 26 9I 8 928 18 1048 6 76 00 t 40 i 75 6 80 10... 807 5 00 7 747 aTrtrw.Tt a ANT) FSEDERS, 11.... .1177 .1067 8 75 7 20 18.. lie BULLS. 4 05 1......1S40 4 SO CALVES. (60 11 468 6 70 7 00 4 815 8 00 3 26 3 . 193 t 6 ...1576 60 ... 93 214 nM Th. week anens out with a run of 8.600 hogs. Advtce from other market were extremely bearish and the local trade suffered a sharp decline, ruling mostly a half dollar lower and eloalng 6075o lower. Shipper demand was ef limited volume and packera were indifferent buy mrm thvouffhaut. . Beat bacon hoga topped at 38.90 and bulk of tha receipts sold at 17.5098.60. Nsa, Av. 84.. 346 fih. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 3 7 50 43. .216 ... 1 SO 89.. 292 .40 7 76 63. .235 tT..ltl 40 7 71 ft. .185 T 90 7 90 8 20 8 40 66. .283 .., 8 16 69. .246 140 4e. .247 ... 8 35 76. .38 78 81. .204 ... 8 60 70. .203 ... 1 69 Sheen About 100 eara or fully 30.O0O aheD and lambs war received this morn ing and the trade ruled lower under the weight of heavy supplies. Declines of about 26a were observed on good light and handy lamb with others so much as 60c lower. The lambs trad as a whole was quoted 26960o lower than at last week's close. Best lambs eeld around 33.00. Fat sheen were aenerally steady with good ewes selling up to 36.1898.26. ' There was very little Inquiry for feeding or shearing atocic Quotations on sheep: Best fat lambs. 13.7699.09: medium to good lambs, 28.09 98.60; plain and heavy lamb. 87.2698.00; shorn lambs.- 66.6098.09; good to choice ewes, $6:00 9 6.50; fair to good ewe. 3.5.25 6.00; eull and canner ewe. 11.6093.00; sneering lamps. 87.8sgs.oo. . . . Sletu Ctty Ura Stock. ' Sioux Ctty. Ia. April 11. Cattle Re celpte, 1,60 head; market strong; fed steer and yearling. 38.9008.36: fat cow . and heifer. 33.7697.76; canner, 81. 5893.60; veals. 16.098.00; feeders. 36.0097.60: calvea 34.6097.00; feeding cows and heifers, 33.0096.25. Hon lteeeleta. 1.100 head: market 26 ' e lowsr n tee lower; light. i.8.J0; mixsa, . a . A . w . -a. v.. ) i . 1 iTMiiii " " aneep Jteceipta. i.ies; market ataaay. B8. Joseph I4ts Stock St. Joseph, Mo., April 11 Cattle Re eelpt, 3.600 head; market 15916c lower: steers. 86.6098.76: eow and heifer. 82.00 98.35; calve. 34.60 7.00. Hogs Receipts. 4.000 head; market 26 87 7698 66 bulk of sale, Sheep Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady to 3 So lower; lambs. 83.00 9 3.26; ww, London Meaey. London. April 11. Bar Silver, cer ounce. 34Hd Money Hi per oent. Discount Rates Short bill, fm per oent; three month bill. 6U06 3-11 per cent. Silver. New York. April 11. Bar Silver Do I meeUe, 8i4c; foreign. IS, I Mexican Dollar 41 a, OH rAINf OP Guess- orsicue QlfA Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Financial SbcNttaflirrkEiincfle By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. New York, April 11. With the movement of prices, either down or up, apparently adjusted to a steadily narrowing orbit, the stock market's irregular recovery today calls for no particular comment. Wall Street ascribed it alternately to the resump tion of negotiations in the British labor crisis and to , the vague im pression that the president's mes sage to congress tomorrow will be of reassuring character. Probably both considerations had something to do with the attitude of the mar ket; especially since speculative Wall Street buys and sells not only on the basis of what it thinks con cerning the day's developments, but of what it imagines other people may think. The averting of the labor crisis un doubtedly influences sterling exchange, which today was quoted fully four cenrs over Friday's lowest. As for the presi dent's, message. It aeems to be pretty well known ulrparlv what will be its DOlitlon on the questions of foreign relatione and the public finances; but It is always pos sible that such other questions as the railway problems will be brought up in such a manner as at least to encourage hope of co-operation by the government in tne eriort at its solution. But the financial community's exper ience does not suggest very strongly that political events or documents will greatly affect the drift of things. Wall Street predicted such results before the election and before the Inauguration, and tha mar ket continued In practically the same con dition as before. Few of today's changes In price were Important; they occurred In an Inactive market, and practically all the advances were scored by Industrial stocks which have been under recent specula tive pressure. Money rates continued firm. Mew York Genera!. New York. April 11. Flour Unsettled: Spring patents, 38.1698.76; spring clears, te.eospi.oo; winter straights, I6.8bff 7.zs; Kansas straights, 37.7598.25. corn Meal uuii: line white ana yellow granulated, 31.9092.00. Rye Easy: No. 2 western. 31.6914. r. o. b., and 31.65 H, c. 1. f.. New York. Buckwheat Dull; sound milling, 32.75 3.85 per 100 pounds. Wheat Spot, weak: No. t red. 81.63m No. 2 hard, 31. 67 Vs. and No. 2 mixed durum, 31.61 U, c 1. f.. track New York; No. 1 Manitoba? 31.75 spot Corn Spot. easy. No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white. 11 hie: No. 3 mixed. 77c. c. L f. New York, 10 days shipment. oats spot, easy; no. i white, tic. Hay Quiet: No. 1. 31.60ei.60: No. 3. 11.40 91-60; No. 3, 31.2591.36; shipping, 11.1091.20. Hop Steady; state, 1920. 34940c; 1919, 18920c: Pacific coast, 1920, 27930c; 1919, 20 e 22c. Fork Quiet: mess. 28.oo29.00: fam ily, 338.00940.00. Lard Easier; mlddlewest, 210.35910.45. Tallow Dull, special loose, 6c asked. Rice Quiet: fancy head. 6Kffi?c: blue rose choice, 84 94c. Chicago Liv Stock. Chicago. April 11. Cattle Receipt. 18,000: beef steer, uneven, steady to 2 Bo tower; top Deer steers, sv.zo; bulk, (7.759 8.60: butcher she stock, bulls and veal calves generally steady; bulk fat cows and heifers, 35.26 7.6Q bologna bulls, mostly 34.2694.60; butcher grades, largely so.ouo.ti); duik veaier to packers, 37.00 97.60; efockers and feeders, 25c lower; bulk, 36.7697.60. Mogs Receipts, 50,000; opened 26960c lower, later mostly 2696 Oo lower than yesterday' average; some medium off more; closing weak at day's bottom prices; bulk 200 pounds and down, 39.00 w.ovi duik ztv pounas ana up, ss.OOIar 8.76: pigs, fully 26c lower: bulk desirable pica. 39.20 9 8.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 24,000; some sheep and heavy lambs and year lings, 25o higher; other steady; wooled Iamb top, 310.00; bulk, 38.7599.50; good te choice 107-pound wooled lamb, 37.76; horn top, 89.00; bulk, 38.0098.76; choice 107-tound clipper. 7.25; choice 116 pound shorn yearlings, 36.50; choice 111 pound pu)p fed shorn ewes, 36.00; good to choice 137-pound wooled wethers, 36.60; '" iot cnoice 3-pouna spring lambs, St. Louis Live Stock. East SL Louie Tlla it Receipts, 8,000; steers steady to strong. !S'J'i.fP on& 'if l0: Ught yWlH" and heifers. 26o higher ta is n.M r. .T loads on light mixed steers and heifers; ZY1: lo 1,0 n'nr; bulk, 35.50ft I ,J bAt. iindg low! canners, Bteady; bulk. 83.25ai.26! v.i ...if . bulk, 38.2598.60; stockera and feeder; steady; bulk, 35.7696.76. ..S;? Tx v Hri closed ".''J-'00. 15 t0 lower; 200-pound weights Off most; top, iio.00: bulk 29 sn XYk.Yv'1' medium and heavy weights. !.ili,:":,pae,k,r w- J6c lwr; pigs id 1 lu,I,tr ium to Sheep and Lamb Receipt, 1,000: mar ket fairly active, lamb. 26c lower; other 9 8.60; old.VeVbreug'iit'lo.OO. ul' 'gB Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas Ctly. April 11. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Rnint. hed; market for all classes dull; beef ate, 15 950O lower; heavy kinds weak est; early top. 28.40; bulk, 37.0098.00: practically nothing doing on canner bulls and feeders: bidding unevenly loweS fat she stock mostly 25o lower: some off more; choice yearling heifers, 37.5597.66; ehoceC.0l?'.00989io?"iV, "" d Hogs Receipts, 18,500 head; market rainy active, uneven mostly 26940c lower; best sorted light to shippers, 38.85; lb.w'.r,0L?35-76,7 "f Pl" "t0 strong to 10c higher: others snd sheep steady; ewes. 36.00; lambs, 39.26. New York Coffee. New York, April 11. According to some reports, fully 1,000,000 bags of coffee have been purchased by broker operating for the Braiillan government, but today' of ficial cable ahowed no Improvement In the primary market, and prices here were lower nnder scattering liquidation. The opening was at a decline of 7 to 16 points and July contracts sold off to O.Olo during the afternoon with the de cline accompanied by reports that some cost and freight offers were lower. That delivery closed to 6.03c, with the general market eloalng at a net loss of 10 to 20 points. May, 5.69c: July, 6.09o; Septem ber, 6.43c; October, 6.66c; December, 6.84c; January, 0.9 Jc; March, 7.06c. Spot coffee dull; Rio 7s. 6e; Santoa 4a, U9c Now York Sugar. New York, April 11. The local market for raw augar waa quiet today and while n sales were reported, the undertone waa a little unsettled and offering were quite liberal at quoted prices. The com mittee made no fresh announcement and their price remained at the 6o level for Cub a c. 1. f equal to 6.02c for cen trifugal, although uncontrolled sugars In cluding Porto Ricos and full duty sugars were available at equal to 6.11 for cen trifugal. . Unseed Oil. Ytuluth. Minn., April 11. Linseed On track, 11.64 US'; arrive. 1.64. OH, LOOK WHAT LOOK AT THE COLOR IT ROBINS ECrCa BLUE- THICK MUVT BE OrA6 OOOCatM IM HOW MUCH OO YOU TNNK. IS IM HERE. OH Give ACjOESS 0J CAN WAVE THE ALt OVER PERFUME New York Quotations Range of prices of the leading stocks furnished by Logan Bryan, Peters Trust building: Sat. High. Low. Close. Close. ' RAILS!. At. T. & S. P.... 79 7 7914 79 Bait. & Ohio 38t 33H 33 33 Canadian Paclfio 113i4 113 11 S 112 N. Y. Central..,.. 6814 7tt 7 68i Ches. & Ohio 68 Vs 68 Vt t,S 68 68 12 69 87 68 12 Erie R. R Ot. N pfd Illinois Central.. Mo., Kan. & Tex. K. C. Southern.. 12 69 Vi 87 69 87 2 25 69 87 2 24 17 74 62 33 68 24 73 25 25 Missouri Faciltc N. Y.. N. H. & H. 16 Northern Pac. Ry. 74 Chl. & N. W 81 Penn. R. R 33 Reading Co 68 C R. I. P 25 Southern Pac. Co. 74 Southern Rv (20 P., JM. & St. P... 24 Union Pacific 115i 16 12 IH 33 67 25 73 20 24 116 16 73 61 32 67 25 73 20 24 20 24 115 US Wabash 7 7 Am. Car & Fdry. 123 123 138 Allts-Chalm. Mfg. 36 36 86 36 85 87 65 '86 29 63 64' '80 Am. Loco. Co 86 Haldwin Loco Wks 88 Beth. Steel Corp.. 66 Colo. Fuel Iron. 29 Crucible Steel Co.. 80 Am. Steel Fdrys.. 29 Lackawanna Steel 62 Mldvale Steel, Ord 26 Pressed Steel Car. 86 Urn. Iron & Steel.. 60 85 86 65 29 83 29 il 23 86 62 43 80 86 86 66 29 83 29 61 28 86 62 43 80 Sloss-Shef Stl, Iron 43 United States Steel 81 COPPERS. Anaconda Cop Mln. 37 87 87 36 87 36 11 10 . 21 45 32 18 18 JO 12 37 37 11 10 22 46 33 10 18 11 12 60 Am. Sm.. Krg. 1:0. ii a"" Butte. Sud. Mln Co 12 Chile Copper Co... 10 Chino Copper Co.. 22 Calumet & Arizona 45 10 21 46 32 -8 IS 10 12 48 37 36 41 Irsplra. Cons. Cop. JJ Kennecott ConDer. 10 Miami Copper Co.. 18 iscv uons cop to. ii Ray Cong Cop Co. 12 ITtnli f!onnar Co SO 49 lNUUSTKlAO. Am. Beet Bug. Co Atl. O A W I S S 37 35 36 Am. Internat Corp 42 41 42 Am. Sum. Tob. Co 74 72 73 74 Am. Tel. & Tel.. .105 105 106 106 Am Zinc, Ld sra.. 8 8 s Brook n Rap Trans 12 Bethlehem Motors. 2 American Can Co. 28 12 12 13 2 2 28 28 79 79 34 33 20 20 56 44 72 12 15 15 2 28 79 33 20 56 43 72 Chandler Mot. Car SO Central Lthr. Co... 35 Cuba Cane Sug Co 20 Cal. Pack. Corp... 68 CaU Pet. Corp 44 Corn Pdcts Kfg Co 73 Pisk Rubber Co... 15 13 Gen. Electric uo..ui 134 lio'j u 11 Wm, TVlg,'l 1 1 1 (ien. Motors Co... 13 13 13 13 Ooodrlch Co.' 38 37 88 37 Am Hide. Lthr Co 9 9 9 U. S. Ind Alcohol 66 66 86 Inter. Nickel 15 14 14 Internat Paper Co. E7 66 66 66 14 67 40 14 13 Keuy-spr gi la Tire 40 40 40 Keys'ne Tire, Rub 14 14 14 Internat. Mens Mar 14 13 13 Maxwell Motor uo. t 6 6 6 Mexican Pet. 140 139 139 139 Mid. States Oil... 18 13 18 13 Pure Oil Co 33 33 7 10 68 32 60 72ti 89 23 73 36 " 76 47 10 40 21 29 39 40 91 33 Willys-Over. Co.. 8 Pierce Oil Corp.. 10 Psn-Am. P. & T. 69 Plsrce-Ar. Motor. 33 Royal Dutch Co... 60 U. S. Rubber .Co..' 73 Am. S'r Rfg. Co.. 90 Sin'r Oil A Rfg.. 23 .Sears-Roebuck Co. 76 Strom. Carb. Co. 36 Studebaker Corp.. 78 Tob. Products Co. 47 Trans-Con. Oil.... 10 Texas Co 41 U. S. F'd Pr. Corp 21 U. S. Sm R. & M. 29 White Motor Co., 40 Wilson Co., Inc.. 40 Western Union... 91 West. El. & Mfg Am. Woolen Co.. 73 8 10 68 32 60 73 90 23 74 36. 77 47 10 40 21 29 40 40 91 10 68 32 "t 68 72 90 23 73 36 76 47 10 40 39 91 47 71 72 72 Total sales. 376,500. Money Close. 7 par cent. Marks Close. -.0163; Saturday's close, 0162 Sterling Close, 3.93; Saturday's close, 3.91. Bonds. The following quotation are furnished bv Logan & Bryan, Peter Trust building: Am. SmlL & Rfg. 5s 74 g 76 Am. TeL Col. 6s. 1946 82 82 Armour 4s, 1939 78 79 B. ft O. Ref. 6. 1995 669 68 B. & O. Cvt. 4s. 1933 66 65 Cal. Ga. Ur.1. 6s. 1937 859 85 C. M. A St. P. Gen 4s. 1932 649 64 C, M & St. P. uen. at net. 48, 2014 C R. I. P. Ret 4s. 1934... D. R. O. Col. 4?, 1936 Ot Nor. 4s, 1961 111. Central Joint 5s. 1933.... Mo. Pac Ref. 5s, 1923 Mo. Pac. Ref. 6s, 1926 Mo. Pac. Gen. 6s, 1976 Rio Grande W. 1st 4s, 1939.... St. L. & S. F. Gen. 6s. 1937... St. L. & 8. F. P. L. 4s. 1950 60 58 St. L. & S. f Adj. tss, i6e.. St L. ft S. F., Inc. 6s. 1660. S. T. ft S. W. Inter, 5s, 1952.. Wilson 6s, 1941 ,. K. a Sou. 6s, 1959........ C. O. W. 4. 1959 Sea Bal. 4s. 1989. ........ ., Colo. Southern 4s. 1935.. C. O. 5 I. R. T. 6s Hud. 4 Man. Ref. 6s New York Curb Stock. The following quotations are furnished oy Logan .Bryan: Allied Oil Boston Montana . . .. 13 13 .. 64 60 ,.15-1C1 1-16 ..11-16 1 ,.. 69 6 ,.. 1 1 ,.. 89 8 ... 19'2 ... 19- 1 ... 4f 4 ... 119 12 ...139 140 10 20 ... 4 4 ... 79 7 ..13-10 1 .. fcll-16 ... 7 7 . .. 15 15 Boston Wyomlns: ... Cresson Gold Cosden Oil Consolidated Copper Elk Baaln Federal Oil ... Glenrock Oil IMand oil Merrlt Oil Midwest Refining Co. .. Silver King of Arizona.. Sapulpa Oil Simma Petroleum ...... Tonopah Divide , U. S. Steamship , U. S. Retail Candy .... Whit Oil ' Chicago Stocks. The following quotatlona are furnished by Logan ft Bryan: Armour A Co. pfd 90 Arm. Leather Co. common 12 Armour Leather Co. pfoV. 89 Commonwealth Edison Co ...109 Cudahy Packing Co. common 49 Continental Motors 6 Hartman Corporation common 70 Llbby, McNeil Llbby 10 Montgomery Ward Co 17 National Leather 7 Reo Motor Car Co.. 22 8wlft & Co 99 Swift International 24 Union Carbide Carbon Co 62 Dried Fruit. New York, April 11. Evaporated Applo steaay; i&iirormaa, r,c5C; state, 6 913c Prunes Firm, California, 4916o; Orsgons, 6916c. Apricots Steadier; choice 23c; extra choice, !7o; fancy, 25c. Peaches Quiet, standard. 13 c; fancy, 17c. Ratlins Steady; loose muscatels, 249 26c: choice to fsncy seeded, 24923c; st d less, 26 927c. Dry (foods. .New York, April 11, Cotton goods and cotton yarn markets were steadier today. Raw silk was firmer Heavyweight bur lap for Calcutta delivery were held 30 points higher. No Improvement was re ported In the buying of linens for future delivery. 58 9 69 86 67 64 9 64 799 80 749 75 89 9 90 84 & 85 77 78 689 63 87 0 87 62 Iff Oi1 46 0 47 66 9 66 889 89 749 75 60 60 389 87 73 73 60 60 649 85 669 63 BROKE LOOSE! I KNtVtrD HOME IN GOOD HEALTH APTEft A VEfVf UmE-OIAC OOORNC- I SATACC THE-WAT iNYNEiTERM Or THc- gOAOT- i-OOfXlfVO- BACK TOWAfcb Omaha Grain April 11. 1920. A sharp break in Chicago ' wheat futures during late trading today caused the cash market to be almost at a standstill. Not enough sales were made to afford a basis lor quo tations. Bids were considerably lower and the bulk of the arrivals, which were substantial, were carried over. Corn ranged c up to Vic off. the bulk unchanged at c off. Advance was shown in some No. 2 yellow. Oats were unchanged from ouotations Friday, none being sold Saturday. Rye was nominally lower and barley nomnally unchanged. Tho United States vsible supply of wheat decreased 586,000 bushels the past week; corn decreased 180,000 bush els and oats decreased 486,000 bush els. Export sales of wheat in all positions today were placed at 400, 000 bushels. WHEAT. . ' No. 3 hard: 1 'car (smutty), 31.27. . No. 4 hard: 2 car. 3124; 2 cars. 31.23. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (durum3, 31.27; 1 car (special billing), 8. 26. CORN. No. 2 white: 2 cars, 49 c; 2-8 car. 49c No. 3 white: 7 cars, 48c; 1 car, 48c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car (dry), 60c; 1 car, 49 c; 1 car, 49c. .... No. 3 yellow: 1 car (loaded out). 48c; 2 car (shippers' weights), 47 e; 2 car. 47 c. No. 2 mixed: 4 cars. 47c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (near white), 46 c; 5 SamplVmlxed: 1-8 car (dry). 46e. ' OATS. No. 3 white: 1 car, 84e. - No. 4 white: 1-8R car, 34e. No. 2: 2-S car, 31.32. -CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Today Ago Ago ott :::::::::::.-. 37 6i n KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS Today Ago Ago Wheat 39? ' n. Corn - 81 J fa 4 at see ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Ago Ago ..... . in 147 8 .rvuct. - - " am ea Corn Oats 81 " NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS Week Year Today Ago Ago Minneapolis 33 1 Duiutn ' Winnipeg ...10 i - OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts ' , Today Ago Ago 9 74 82 1 TCheat H H Corn 3J JS Oats 5 1 Rye J Barley . . Shipments Wheat 92 u Corn 46 63 60 Oat 10 8 31 Rye v. J Barley PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Toaay xearAso Wheat ,, 1,490,000 647,000 Corn 667,000 622,000 Oats 464,000 867,000 Shipments- Wheat 717,000 384,000 Corn z65,ou jv,uou Oata 230,000 238,000 EXPORT CLEAKANIJfca. Week Ago Year Ago Corn 3,129,000 ' Corn 189.000 Oats 223,000 Visible Grain Supply. New York. April 11. The visible supply of American and bonded grain shows the following changes: Wheat decreased &so,ouu ousneis. Corn decreased 284,000 bushels. Oats decreased 670.000 bushel. , Rye Increased 14,000 bushel. Barley decreased 254,000 bushels. New York Money. New York. April 11. Prim Mercantile Paper 77 per cent. Exchange strong. Sterling Demand. 83.11: cable. 33J2. francs uemana, i. isc; csoies, i.ioo. Belgian Francs Demand. 7.42c; cables. 7.44c. Guilders Demand. 34.62c: cables, 84.72c Llres Demand, 4.63c; cables, 4.54c. . Marks Demand, 1.62c; cables, 1.63c. Greece Demand, 7.23c. ' Argentine Demand, 83.87c Brazilian Demand, 14.00c. Montreal 10 per cent discount. Time .Loans Firm: 60 day. 80 days. 6 months, 7 per cent. Call money, firmer; high, 7 per cent; low, 7 per cent: ruling rate, T per cent: closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 7 per cent; last loan, 7 per cent. New York Cotton. New York, April 11. -The Improvement In the British labor news, with stronger cables from Liverpool, lnduolngheavy buy ing of cotton by Liverpool, wall Street, the trade and New York ootton sources today, caused first price to advance 24 to 30 point. Later Increased pressure caused reactions of About 10 point from top. The market held very steady, until toward mid-session, standing at Its beet 35 to 38 points up, but lost five point on the forecast of fair and warmer weather. The advance extended 86 to M point net higher, with a reaction of 8 or 7 points under scattered realising, end the market wa quiet around midday. The south was a moderate seller, but the tecnnicai position was firmer after last week' liquidation. New York Produce. New York, April 11. Butter Firmer; creamery higher than extras, 494l0c; creamery extras, 4949o; firsts, 46 48 c. Eggs Weak; fresh gathered extra first 3D 30c; firsts, 2628c. Cheese Irreeular: atate. whAle miiv flat held apeclal. 37 39c; state, whole omit ua,is, irean specials, Z9qrz40. Live Poultry Steady; broilers, 45c0 91.16; ohlckens, 36940c; fowl, 36c; old rooster, 18c; turkeys, 3036o western chicken, boxes, 3262c; fowls, 56f40c; old roosters, 23037c; turkeys, 450620. Dressed Weak. New York Meted. New York, April 11. Copper Qnlet; electrolytic, spot and nearby, l34c; May Iron Nominal; No. 1 northern, 827.00 9 35.00; No. 3 northern. 82S.OO!7.00: No. 3 southern, 328.0026.00. .Tin Firm; spot and nearby, 330.00 80.25; futures, 33O.O030.85. Antimony Dull; spot, 6.1206.260. Lead Quiet; spot, 4.26a, zinoTf'"Iy.:.:a,lt 8t- O"1 delivery. pot. 4.624.7c , , Chicago Prod nee. Chlcgo, April 11. Butter Higher; creamery extras, 46c; standard. 4340, Eggs Lower: receipts, tfl.046 cases; firsts. 2424e; ordlnsry first. 3031c; at mark, cases Included. 21$'2Sc. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 83c; springs, 34c. london Metals. London, April 11. Metals Standard copper, spot, 69 7s 6d; electrolytic f72 10s; tin, 1163 3s 6 d; lead. 30 16s; sine. 26 16 "WHERE iLirFT A SWATTER tt ANt WOUNDED HEART-. ePtCTEO NT RSYUfcM TRtPTO BE- THE NrVppievro t ufe and YNfVTlWOUi.& RRtMC-BACK TO AU STRALIA TH & ONP iTrVKT WOULD LIC-NT THt PATHWAY OPrWT LONtrSOWVE UfC rsex.ia V Chicago Grab By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire, Chicago, April 11. New low levels were made. for May wheat, corn and rye, with , prices for oats at nearly the lowest of the year with the close around the bottom. There were net losses of 2 3-4 to S 58c on wheat, with May leading, corn was off 1 3-4c to 2 l-8c, oats lc, rye 3 S-8c to 4 3-4c, and barley l-2c lower for the day. Lack of good buying, with general liquidation in in wheat and all other grains, was the main factor. News was-mainly against the mar kets and the pessimism and discour agement tha. prevailed on all sides added to the depression. Pressure of cash wheat in the youth west, where farmer r eeUing wheat at 31.20 to 31.40 that they refused over 32.50 and held for 33 earlier In the feason, com bined with reselling of cash wheat by in terior millers to terminal markets in the outhwest offset the effect of the export buying and carried May down from 31.84 to 31.38. with the close st 31.28 to 31.28. The big selling was by J. Rosenbaum Grain company that operates heavily in the southwest and was said- for a large St. Louis operator who has been long, but the trade attributed it to be against cash purchases In the southwest. Buying was mainly against previous sales with a little by ex porters and- against bids. Export sales at the seaboard were 400.000 bushels to Italy. Export bids at the gulf were 1 to 8o lower and cash prices In all markets were off sharply, Minneapolis being 2 to 6c .lower and premiums at Chicago on reds were 10c lower. Heavy Corn Buying. Heavy buying by several large local shorts held corn values around 69 to 60c most of the day. In the laat half hour the break In wheat atarted a general selling movement and prices dropped to new low levels, 67 c with the close at 68 to 68c Lower temperatures over the oat state caused uneasiness and slight strength In prices for a time, but were offset by the break in other -grains and prices for May dropped from 88 to 36 c arid finished at 86 to 87c Cash prices dropped c with 62 cars In. Shipping sales were 80,000 bushels. ... Rye dropped -to 31.25 and finished there. Seaboard houses were fair buyers, while shorts and holders sold July and September. Visible stocks Increased 14,000 bushel for the week. Pit Note. Highest wheat price early 'wa on buy-' lng based on damage to the winter Wheat crop by the cold weather, which was below rreezlng In many parts of the southwest. Crop experts In Kansas sent report deny ing any damage and caused selling by early buyers. Heavy, selling of May against purchase of July at 21c to 18c difference wa a feature of the trading. The decrease of 686,000 bushels in the visible was the smallest in months and compared with 606,000 bushels last year, while the total Is 17.877.000 bushels, com pared with 44,281,000 bushels last year. Chicago stocks are down to 951,000 bush els, a loss of 67.000 for the week. Exports- wera 2.19.000 bushels, from the United States ports. Canada ha exported 101,000,000 bushels wheat and flour from September 10 to February 1. Chicago corn stocks decreased 869,000 bushels last week and are 13.045,000 bush els, while the visible made the first re ductlon In many weeks, with a loss of 180, 000 bushels against 168,000 bushels last year, being 32,716,000 . bushels against 6,604,000 bushels last year. Receipts were 167 cars and shipping sales 80,000 bushels. Premiums Decline . Premium on cash wheat at the gulf declined le to to today, with a slow de mand and lnoreaeed offerlnga Italy took 400,000 bushels, but the demand other wise was slow. Last half April loading at the gulf was quoted at 24o over, and May at 11020c over Chicago, May, f . o. b. The seaboard Intimated It would pay 17 Q17HC over May, c. 1. I. Buffalo for No. 2 hard, very quick: shipment, but no sales were reported. Domestic shipping sales aggregated 13.- 000 bushels -wheat, 60.000 bushela core and 80,000 bushels oat. Premiums on not wheat were easy witte red unchanged to 10 lower and hard winter unchanged at 2c higher: No. 1 and No. 3 red was if iio ana no. i hard 99110 over-May. receipt 89 car. Outside market were weak with St. Lout 896c, Kansas City 2 4c and Omaha 4o lower, while at Minneapolis premiums were unchanged to 6o lower with a rather slow demand. - CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Oraln Co. Doug. 2627. April 11. Art. I Open. High. I Low. I Close. I Sat. Kay July A . . a a. a V V Path way ofaV Vi I 1.84 1.841 1.28 1-1.28 1.84 I 1.13 L13( 1.10 ( 1.101 1.11 1.10 1.80 1.26 1.351 1.80 1.031 1.04 1.10 1.10 1.08 .764 .754 .93 .92 .95 .804 .80 .68 ' f .68 .60 .64 .64 .14 .61 .634 .66 .664 .84 .664 .87 ',88 .36 .87 ..'.ST .39 -.39 . .38 . .S8 .39 .40. .40 .39 .89 v .40 18.80 116.63 16.62 J15.75 ' 16.10 18.88 15.90. 14.90 16.10 10.D7 I19.U. 9.97 10.15 10.50 10.6S : 10.3S 10.37 10.67 9!0 120 8.90 ISO-- 1.31 9.65 9.63 9.30 9.30 9.70 Ry May July Sept. Corn May July Sept Oats May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May. July Rib May July - Minneapolis: Oraln. Minneapolis. Minn., -April 11. Flour TJnchanged. - ' . Bran 117.018.00. Wheat receipts, 263 ears, compared with 273 cars a year aro. Cash Ne. 1 northern. 31.40 01.50; May, 81.34; July, 3118. V urn IN a. yellow, evgsdve, Oats No. 3 white, 83 8)330, Berley 4768o. Rye No. 3. 81.85 1.36. Flax No. 1, 31.5391.66. Kansas City Grain. Kenya City.' Mo., April 11. Wheat- may, si.jsh; jury, xi.sgv. Corn May. S04e; July, S44c; Sptem- ovr, eoc, Omaha Hay Market. Recelot of rjralrla h slfaie. im. Demand fair, to good only on better grade of hay and alfalfa. Beat grade of al falfa firm and higher. Pralrl remains eioaay. Oat and wheat straw sVady. Lower graae ot prajrle and alfalfa slow rales. No. 1 upland prairie hay fll.0013.00 No. j upland pralrl hay 9.00 10.00 r.o. s upiana prairie bay...., 7.000 8.80 No. 1 midland prairie hay..., 10.00tl:09 No. s midland prairie hay,.., (.00 9,00 rxo. 1 towiana prairie hay..,, 3.00 No. t lowland pralrl hay,,,, 7.00 Choice alfalfa 10 00 No. 1 alfalfa 17.60 Standard alfalfa-1...., 13.00 No. 1 alfalfa .. .......... 8.60 No. 3 alfalfa" 7.00 8.00 8.00 33.63 30.00 17. to 11.00 8.00 Oat straw 8.00411 9.00 Wheat straw 7.60 8.00 London Wool. London, April 11. At the wool auction sale 9,791 bale were offered. Competi tion was slow. tiood wools were un changed, but Inferior grades were Irregu lar and freauently were withdrawn. Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. (Copyright, 1921. by Chicago Tribunt Co.) . BM! Goes ANOThfr TIRE STAR Poor umO.1! PULLED A QoNe This time Gor the letters Mixed. WWVTDIO NVRi XANO?R Tims will tslx To hB COMYiNUEO Bonds and Notes The following quotations furnished by the Omaha Trust company: Apprx. Price ld American T. T. Co. 6s, 1922 97 7.35 American T. T. Co. 6a, 1924 96 7.30 8.25 7.65 8.22 7.70 7.04 8. 05 7.35 7.07 8.25 8.05 8 30 7.36 8.05 8.10 9 94 9. Mi Anaconda 7s. 1929 92 Armour 7s, 1930 96 Belgian Govt. 8s, 1911 97 Belgian Uovt. 7s, 1945 97 Bethlehem Steel 7s, 1922.... 99 I.ethlehem Steel 7a, 1923 8 British 6s. 1922 95 British 5s, 19:9 89 British 6s, 1937 95 C. B. & Q. Jt. 4s, 1921 99 C. C. C. & St. L. 6s. 1929.., 8 Christiana 6s, 1945 9fi Cudalty Packing Co. 7s, 1933 99 Denmark 8s, 1946 99 ' French Govt. 8s, 1945 98 B. F. Goodrich 7s, 1925 ..... 90 Japanese Govt, lxt 4s, 1925 82 Japanese Govt. 4s, 1931 fit! Morris & Co. 7s, 1920 9S'H Norway 8s. 1940 10i No'thw'tern Bell Tel. 7s. 1941 99 N. Y. Central 7s, 1930 100 it Ponn. R. R. Co. 7s. 1930 101 Sn'thw't'rn Bell TeL 7s, 1926 9G Swedish Govt. 6s. 1939 82 Swift & Co. 7s, 1925 96 Swiss Govt. 8s, 1940... 104 U. S. Ruhber 78, 19.10 101 West'gh'se Elec, 7s. 1931 99 9.30 7.76 7.95 7.5 6.95 6.85 8.05 7.87 7.88 7.I.S 7.30 7.03 New York Uund. The followinc Quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, Peters Trust building: Atch. Gen. 4s. , 77 tip 77 B & O. Gold 4s Beth. Steel Ref. 6s Cent. Pac. 1st 4s.. C, B. A Q. Jt. 4s C. M. & St. P.- Gen. 4s. C. & N. W. Gen 4s L. N. U. 4s New Yerlt Ry. 4s.....;.... Nor. Pac. P. L. 4s Reading Gen, 4s...; t U. P. 1st 4s U. S. Steol 6s U. P. 1st Ref. 4.i S. P. Cv. 6s S. P. Cv. 4s , Penn. Con. 4s Penn. Gen. 4 C A O. Con. 6s Ore. S. L. Ref. 4s Sellers. ... 6710 68 ... 83fc8 82 ...73 73 : 984(81! 99 ...65 65 ... 7 i ... 82 &' 82 28'22 ... 76 4 tgi .76 ... 79 79 ...60 tp 80 ... 95 95-, ... 75U 76 ... 93 ... 78 79 ... 85$ 86 78 78 ... 82 82 ..: 794 79 Foreign Exchange Rates. Following are today'e rates of exchange as compared with the par valuation. Fur nished by the Peters National bank: Par Valuation Torts v Austria .30 , .0028 ' .195 .0734 .0137 .27 .1800 4.86 3,91 .193 .0709 .238 . .0164 .195 . ;0730 .198 .94.19 .0073 .27 .1620 .0015 '27 .1965 .195 . .1736 .8926 Belgium Czecho-Slovakia ..... Penmark Kneland France Germany Greece Italy Jugo-Slavia Norway Poland Sweden Swltserland ......... Canada Liberty Bond Prices. , New York. Aorll 11 Pri,.. r 1 j,... bonds at noon tnrisv first 4s, 87.40; second 4s, 87.44; first 4s. 87.60: second 4s, 87.66; third 4s, 90.74 fourth 4s, 87.08; Victory 84s, 97.60: Victory 4s, 97.66. ' Liberty bonds closed: 3s, 90.00; first 4s, 87.40; second 4s, 87.44: first 4 14s, 87.70 second 4s, 87.64; third 4s. 90.60: fourth 4s. 87.60: Vlctnrv i? 97.86; Victory 4s. 97.68. Turpentine and Rosin. ' Savannah. Ga.. ADrll 11. Turnentln Market firm. 43c: sales. 229 bar- rels; receipts, 193 barrels: shipment, 325 barrels; stock, 4,616 barrel. Rosin Market firm; no sale; receipt, 449 casks: shipments. 1.406 casks: stock. 76,958 casks. quote: b, d, e, f, o, h, 33.90; r 18.46; K. M, N, WO, 34.05; WW. 34.28. AfoYoaMaluna PROGRESS? Or do roa feel that Ton sr rW to a post in th race for t)uutcil Independence I Peter Perkins has suluau book, "Getting Ahead," that points ta way to sore race. And it doe not oVpenH 00 brilliancy or tha site of yoor pay check otirf your . ahflitr to tare rrwemstjralrv and timet on a monthly basis. Write today aad we will forward "Get. tmg Ahead by pnwsy prepaid, witJsocjt cost of cjbfigatioav KRLEBEL8CQ cInvetiment'Baniers 137 South La SsIU C3QCAQO GRAIN 17E solicit your consignments t Y of air kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kan sas City and Sioux City markets. We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located at ' Kansas City, MImwmI Get in touch with one of these branch offices, with your next grain shipment The Updike Grain Company The Reliable Consignment Howe" C3ES South Side Stocly Yards Superintendent . Back From West Coast Trip V. H. Schellberg, superintendent of the Omaha Stock Yards company, returned yesterday from a visit to the Pacific coast and Intermediate points. "While we have been having Ideal weather nearly all winter, with many days of regular summer weather, the reverse has been the rule in Cali fornia," said Mr. Schellberg. "Snow on the ground in the orange grovea looked strange to me and that is what I 6aw, with thr. orchardista scurrying around in an attempt to save their citrus fruit from frost. "The fruit growers of the Pacific coast are up against the proposition of low prices (or their products the same as the farmer and live stock grower of Nebraska." Accident in Which Boy, 4 Killed, Held Unavoidable Joe Corenman, 4, son of Louis Corcnman, 5217 South Twenty-fifth street, who died in the South Side General hospital Friday afternoon 30 minutes after he was hit at Twenty-fourth and Q streets by a truck driven by William Kersigo, 4407 South Fortieth street, for the South Omaha Ice Cream company, came to his death through an un-" avoidable accident, the coroner's iurv which held an inquest on the South Side yesterday decided. Testimony showed the. boy walked into the path of the truck. Hog Prices Decline 50 to 75 Cents a Hundred Pounds Hog prices took a big drop on the local market yesterday, registering a decline of from 50 to 75 tents lower than Saturday prices, the bulk of the sales going as low as $7.50 o hundred. About 8,500 hogs were received yesterday, which was more than 2,000 above the hog receipts for the same day last week. Buyers retired from the trade early Saturday, leav ing about 900 hogs that were unsold and carried over on yesterday's totals., . ' I South Side Brevities A. P. Conaway. painting nd paper hanging. Phone Tyler 3584. 2223 Vinton atreet. Adv. Upon the request from our customer th doll contest will be extended until Saturt d.-v. April 6, at I p. in, Railroad salvage, new tankrupt stock of furniture, glassware, hardware, granite ware. E. Vaks, 2610 N St., ;.'i70. Adv. To let. May 1st, etcre room, 4708 8. 34th St., In one of the best retail loca tion on South Side. Rent reasonable. A. L. Brrgquist. The Woman's Aid society of St. Lukes Lutheran church will meet Thursday aft ernoon at 2 at the borne of Mrs. J. Q. Jacobson, 4530 South Eighteenth street - Beatrice Man Hurt When Car Overturns in Ditch Beatrice, JvTek, April 11. (Special Telegram.) B. J. McCartney of the Federal Tire company was injured when a car in which he and two young women were riding went into the ditch and turned over ' a few miles west of Blue Springs. Mc Cartney was severely cut and bruised and his car smashecd. The other occupants escaped unhurt. The accident occurred when another car conjing up from behind tried to past the one in charge of McCartney. B Anaconda Copper Mining Company 7 Secured Gold - Bonds, Series "B" Due 1929 V Yield 8J5 , Circular on request for OB-884 The National City Company Omaha First National Bank Blag. Telephone Douglas 3818 li; i mill I Omaha., Nebraalc . Lincoln, Nebraska. Hasting, Nebraaka Chicago, IlUaoia 4 Sioux CH, Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska Gmera, Nebraska Dea Moines, Iowa - ' Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa , ; ' VHationai errv uffi)