Till UJ1A11A, il U.N DA I , AfKlLi 11, IVZl. I if u ft Classified Advertising Rates lie per Pl.e liiuiit mi wotris (o line i day lo per tins pp. day, tonaecuttie days J.o per Una per day. 1 consecutive days lid ir line pr day flu consecutive days No ade taken for te Itiaa a tolial of 8fce. These raict p,l ltbr la the Dally T Sunday Be. All advertisement ap pear Id both morning and evening daily papara for t li on rnarie. CO.TIIAl"r HA I ts ON APPLICATION. Want ada accepted at tba following cf- ftceSI MAIN OFFICE. 17111 and Farnam Sla. Bomb Sida Philip Department Store Council Bluffs 16 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TTLER JOOO. THE BEE will not ha responsible for mora than ona Incorrect luaerllon of an advertisement ordered for wore than ona tima OLOUl.NO HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11.45 A. M. Xlornlna; Kdltlon 8:00 P M Sunday Edition 800 P. M.. Saturday D E&TH"&F U N E R A lTn O T I CE S. DACE I.nrcn Dennis, 2830 So, Thirty fourth air. t t, April 9, aged ;i I vpars, at .". local hnspiul. Deceased is survive. 1 by Ins who. Ann, and inotlu-r, Mrs Catherine Dace, Riishville, III 6 nromcrs, .1. IV , Winchester, 111.; W M., Huahvillr, III.; II. II. Sun Krlndu i'rI. ; V. U. I.ns Angeles. Cal. ; Ilnyt M., Conpertown, 111.; P. 1)., Peoria, III. three wsters. Mrs. Otis Birdsall, Du blin. Minn ; Mrs. Charles I;. Colo, Jaok nnville, Jll , Miss Clarlnn Dacp, Rush Mlla, III. Iti'iniilna removed from Hoff man Kuuprsl home Monday morning at i o'clock for burial at Rushville, III MONHoK Ida A year. April . 19J1, ,e 65 funeral service v. Ill bp held from family residence. 21145 Nonh 20th street, Sunday, April 10, t 3 o'clock p. ni. Interment West Lawn cemeterv. 1'rlciids Invltp.l. Deceased Is survived ny two sons, iicorge o., of Beatrice Neb., and Frank H of (imnha; onp .later, Mrs. Hucliaiian, and one brother, Arthur .MidillPton, both of Omaha . A K .SON Alhcriina l. h'k til years. luoiiiiij. 1 tt uays; neioved Louis Carlton. April 7. 191M. nifo of Funpfal Kundiiy afternoon at 0 clock from family realdencp 170S Clark atrcet. to Swedlah MPthodlst thurch, lSth a nd Hurt titivets, at 2-30 purest jutwn I rlMiiIs WPlcoinc. cpniptery. IHIi. funeral of Kdwnrd .lohniton, former lliHynr of .S,,ii()i Omaha, who died at Ilia borne In Florida, will l,p hpld from lirpwpra Funeral Home, :4th and i; SiV,' .a.'- at 3 p' '" ,,r- '" Wheeler' ...... .nuns: ouriat nt urucr and lernptery. 1'ark CARD OF THANKS. e . .i ''xprrss our ncpr. tlianlia for the many expressions of sympathy -ml for the beautiful f lower In our l?mlhre,Vfmel,t' Jhn -llash0" "' - FH!LEIlAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER" . OMAHA'S DEBT Trrov AMBULANCE. 8H! M Thirty-third and F.rrfim Y " HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 South 16th St. DougUa 1226. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Und.irtakera and Embalmera. Phone H. 105. otflce ifill Farnam. 4''OR AMBULANCE call South t,80. Korlsko Funeral Home. 23d aid O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON IB 14 Douglaa St. Douglas 8244. J Uendereonr, 1 9J 'a rna m. DougUa 1248. JOHN bATH, 1S04 FaVrmT'DTlfeS. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on BtFeTrcaraTeie phone Tyler S00. Wo are anxious to re utore lost articles to rightful owneri. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS 6T RY. COMPANY. I r'. Ar,'U "' ,lat-1 silk unbrellH, black handle, brown ring, ivory tipped ribs Tyler 0502. Reward. SARI.U fur with small platinum diamond 1 111. 2.11 Emmet street, Wcu?;er 04D3 Uiv'.ird, LOSTA part airedale female dog. re ward. Dr. Warta. Omaha. DUNDEB district, black cat. white breast r-i' lL''!j!iluit"l'le reward. Har. 1236. peIrsalT iJU. SALVATION Army Industrtal home aollolta your old clothing, furniture inagazlnea. We collect. We dlatrtbut , .Phone Doug 4131 and our wagon will I'?!1; . ' and Iti'Pect our new home. U10-1112-1114 Dodge. St. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. J. W. or .Marie Bryan, on or aftr April 8. J. W. Bryan. 4526 X. S6th St. PIPKINS NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 1107 Suite 808. Taxton Block. Omaha. Neb. Swedlah massage, massuese 209 S.20. D.5877 FRANK V, Everything settled, write. Father. Please AY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A 6WOBODA. 1413 FARNAM STREET. A BABY GIRL for adoption. Please write Box 134. Madison, Neb. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler 1433. KENT Vacunin cleaner, II up. Wal. 1147; MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. MASSAGE CALL DOUGLAS 9549. SWEDISH MASSAGE. 317 Neville Block ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aids knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles: hemstitching, plcjt edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Blk. Douglaa 19SC. Neb. Pleating A Button Co.. 18ud Farnam St.. . 2d floor. Douglas 6670. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 2056. Night Col. 8812. 1 JAMES ALLAN. 818 Nevlllo Blk. Evidence ; teemed In all rases. Tyler 1136. Contractors. 1 WILL furnish material and build good, strong 10x16 garage, two coats of paint, for 8125. Stevens, 4409 S. 22d: South 0527. I DO all kinds remodeling, repairing. See my book of plans of bungalows and garagea. Alvln Dickson, So. 8794. ALL kinds job repair ork, cement, brick, plastering a specialty: walks, floors, retaining walls. Phone Douglas 8655. BRICK, plaster, cement work. Wal. 4367. CEMENT work and painting. Web. 0618. Furs. AVE remodel jour furs and make them like new. Furs stored and Insured against alt losses. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., ' 203 S. 15th. Doug. 7288. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy. Stage ond Ballroom Dancing 'jaught. .eason by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Tyler 6648. KEEP'S-HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Spe cial attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. 2681. Tfpl.PiriO School for Dancing. 2421 Farnam. Dour. 7850 Painting and Paper Hanging. If It's a House to Paint, L. R. Spenee & Son. general painting and decorating; members of Master Painters Association. D. 7145, Web. S317. BOVAT & SCHACHT artistic Interior deco rating, bettPr painting and pappring. Web. 4044. Har. 1002. Office. Room 303 Leflang Bldg. Phono Dg. S076. HOUSES and screens painted, repaired, hung. Wal. 6122, between 7:30 a, m. to p. m. 5'1RST-CLASS paper hanging and paint Ing: Harray A. Clapp. Douglas 4908. PAINTING, paperhangtng and wallpaper cleaning. ; J. Nau. Walnut 46(7. Ci E. JONES, painting and paperhanging; first-class work. Harney 2994. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, patent atty 17H Dodge. Sturgaaa A 8turgess, registered patent at torneys. 433 Petere Trust Bldg,. Omaha. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRT CtX, 402 N. I6th St. Doug laa 6048. Intprlo- varnishing, enameling: floors re flnh'..pl. waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4821. let Sher-pard haul It. Black earth. mulch-T cshes, 4', Walnut 1214. i BRINGING UP I I ' ' 1 1 i "i 1 " 1 rrr; : 1 I VE BEEN MARRIED JUVT A f EsR, AND I'M THE HAPPIEST MAN us THE WORLD PAXTON-MITCHEI.L. CO.. :7th and Martha Sis.. Omaha, Neb. Hrass. bronze, aluminum and machloa Itray Iron caatlngs. SAKKTY razor blndea aharpencd, new ra aora, razor bladea sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co., 1522 Dodge. ll N. 16. r AXTON iioiTURKlSHATUr Maaaage, hot 4acka. CONCANNON HItOS.. TYl.KR 6731. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at lilalto Drug Store. 15 th and Douglaa Sis, Omaha. Neb. SUITS SAVE 60 PER CENT. 1. n. GROSS. 1CTH ST. DOUGLAS 6049. 402 N FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for pricea. I he h-naien Co.. liUI Howard St. HAl'LINC moving, all kinds. 12 hour; orders taken for black dirt, fertilizer, Web.6502 ' ' Registered physician, strictly conflilenllal, conaultation free, appointment only, Har ney t;;:i2. THEATRICAL costumes for amateur theatricals, etc., to rent at Theo Lieben & Son, lfilli Howard St., Omaha. FROM to date on 1 am not rcsponsibl for any accounts charged to me by my wife of 1136 N. 19th. r . J. .lohnson. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBrnn Electric, 31S S. 12th St., Omaha. A. OLSEN, auto express, furniture moving ana Hauling.. Tyler tbon. Omaha, Towel Supply. 2u7 S. 11th. P. 0528. Dressmaking, reas. guarantee. H. S50. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. Dg. 3158. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION beginning 1 :30 p. 111.. Tuesday, April 12. We will sell consignments of fur niture from several homes; must be sold Tuesday afternoon, as parties aro leaving city. Consisting of oak dress ers, gag, oil and coal ranges, oak rockers, fumed oak dining sets and many other articles too numerous to meiuiun. Call us if you have anything to sell. OMAHA AUCTION COO.. Rear 2201 Cuming. Doug. 072S. Col. 2419. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer in drums, xylophones, etc.. instructions, repairing; address 2761 Davenport St., for cat. Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedals. VIOLIN making and repairing, bows re halred. expert work, Jerome Carter, room 1, Krenzer block. A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent. Everything In art and music BIGGEST phonograph bargains In Omaha, oniaes t-noneigrapii Co., 1404 Dodge. STEGER & SON walnut case Upright; nno condition; nig Bargain. Doug. 3066. Player piano, practically new. Wal. 3309. KIMBALL organ, good condition. Wal. 2716. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. ' 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS. V, Cl Farnam Bldg. & E.'s; bargains. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, IHxSft foot platform, also 28-incti Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office. 17th and'Farnam Sts. Phone Tyler 1000. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sll needles and part. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Dioglaa 1873. FOR SALE Finest quality white clover honey, case of 6 10 lb. pails, $11.60: 2 cases, $22; 5 cases, 30; f. o. b. Dunlap, Iowa. E. S. Miles & Son. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show "es. etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. vnr. nin ana lougias. D. Z724. ainuuKU at $3.60 and $4. per load. New and used lumber. Micklin Lumber & Wrecking Co, 1828 N. 21st St., Web. 0459. STTTTS SAVB 60 PKR cent. OUAXO D. B. GROSS. 403 N. 1CTH ST. DOUGLAS o04 FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent, 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. D. 3128. S AFF.S BARGAINS. 12th & Farnam. OAi? -UjO j, j. Darlght Safe Co. INDIAN RELICS, 100 pieces for sale at trade eoual value. Box o-25. Bee. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold ind traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and urnlture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. 706 N. 1& WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestlo column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. LADY WITH 7-year-old daughter wishes position as housekeeper, object borne. Have furniture. Box 0-23. Bee. Laundry and Day Work. CURTAINS and Webster 2450. bundle washing done. DAY work. 40-45c per hour. Sou'h 4597. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. MECHANICS WANTED OMAHA TAXICAB COMPANY 27TH AVE. AND HARNEY STS. SEE SHOP FOREMAN. SIGN AND BULLETllIhvters wantedT to take over territory. Must have Ford truck. Our men averaged $3,600 last year. References required. Art Bulletin System. 3JWade street, Cincinnati, O. BE a detective. Great demand: travel? particulars free; 'write Dept. 609, Amer ican Detective System. 1966 Broadway, BE a, detective; experience unnecessary; get particulars; exceptional opportun t k ,ravel; salaries; expenses. Hart- lyDetectlve AgenyKansasCity.Mo. BE A DETECTIVE. 350-$ioo weeklyT travel over world; experience unneces ary. American Detective Agency. 799 Lucag. St. Louis. MEN wanted for detective work: experi ence unnecessary. Write J. Ganor. for mer V. S. Gov t. Detective, St. Louis. WANTED Wood earvprs. Steadv work through summer: probably longer C. tV. Parker. Leavenworth. Kan. '$200 "later WlXrlg'Zy'S!: 1471, Omaha Bee. .V--rr- T rpKS! S power. 'J PfLf J nn t.S-t. 2U ANNOUNCEMENTS. HELP WANTED MALE. FOR RENT-ROOMS. FARM LANDS. j fT 77". j j I j ; j Miscellaneous Announcements. Professions and Trades. Rnarrl and Rnoms Miocene; !,nj'J il I 1VP Sfnrlr I Imnlin l.trriin FATHER " v.& c utvtLooE I cs nxoyTlNA v , 1 s- aUMt WOlsl'T- r TI4t-p.-ri s, - "C'' 1 I ' j I 1921 BY INT'L FBATURt SERVICt. INC. jJ ( . ' 1 " u.iuj. t v Lyiuvn 1 1 Z111U11U VI1U1II III MOLER BARBER COLLEGB. 110So.4th. Write for catalog. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT HUREAL. 121 N. 16th St. Phono Douglas 1112 WANTED First-class papcrliaugerii and painters. 1 70S Cuming. Douit. s"r.:i. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANT1CD Salesmen who are producers, to sell charter member life insurance contracts. New plan of organization. Hundreds of South Dakota business and professional men affiliated. A reliable, and profitablo proposition open for real salesmen. Good territory open. Writs at unci'. Policyholder's J.lfo In surance Company. 607-10 Sioux Falls National Bank hirudin?, Sioux Kails, S. D. MEN $.1.50 an hour selling guaranteed waterproof kitchen aprons. Needs no laundering. Sell to every house. Dainty, durable, economical Dig monev. Sainoio free. Thmins Mfg. Co., Dept. 2527. Day ton, Ohio. WA NTKD Harness salesman. Experi enced harness and saddlery salesman to sell this lino to llio retail trade in Ne braska. Good nropos'tinn for a qood 1 man. Address Tennessee Harness Com pany. Nashville, Tennessee. THREE good salesmen, one as crew man ager for household specialty. c. F. Adams Co., 623 S. 16th St. CLOTHING SALESMEN Store. So. Side. 'tulips Dept. Miscellaneous. MEN w-anted to set nins nt Farnam Bowling Alley, 1S07 Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. W ANTED Young ladies vvliu desire to prepare for office position to enroll In our short courses of shorthand, tvpe wrlliug, bookkeeping and general office training. Individual Instruction, tuition payable monthly. Call and see us about it or telephone Doug. 7413 DWORAK SCHOOL OK ACCOt'XTl NO. (2d Floor. Wead Bldg.. ISth and Farnam.) Professions and Trades. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WOMEN MAKE $9 to $15 daily selling the New Barry clean Dry apron to house wives. Economical, serviceable. At tractive Rlnghnm rubberized. Samples free. Barry Jlfs. Co., Courtney Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. LADIES Introduce silk hosiery, private homes, experience unnecessary $20 weekly, 3 hours daily. 110 delivering. Marvel Co., Box 171, City Ha'll Station, New York. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid rnd homelike places always advertised EXPERIENCED white cook, small family, no laundry, references. W. J. Dynes, Harney 4760. MAID for general housework family; good home and wag 373;i. sma'l Wal. OS, RELIABLE white woman to operate curtain wash machine. Call Harney 0048 Sunday and evenings. COMPETENT white maid, general house work, no washing. Reference. 3722 Pacific. Hnr. 1250. AVANTEli Competent cook, good wages, must give best references. Walnut 07 44. COMPETENT white girl for second work. Mrs. A. W. Gordon, 361 1 Jackson. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. YOUNG men. women, over 17, for postal mail service; S120 month: examinations. April; experience unnecessary, for fro particulars of instruction write J. Leon ard (former civil service examiner). 909 Equitable Bldg.. Washlnetin. D. C. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade: big demand: wages whilo learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-City Barh-r College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT '-CHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, eomptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English Rnd commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for larg; Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, "'eh. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. McConney, 1102 Farnam street. Omaha, Neb. TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS A Co.. 411 McCague Bldg FOR RE PIT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be moro convenient for you? If so, then call The Bee A'ant Ad Dept., Tyler 1000. and we will ..oi only furnish you with a complete .-oom list of choice vacant rooms fu Omaha, but also keep your number on our ' Want to Rent" list for further refer ence in case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. WALKING DISTANCE Nice large south front room, private home, em ployed couple or gentlemen of good reference. Harney 7193. gentlemen, best ney 7475. board, reasonable. Har- VERY desirable rooln, connects with bath, private home on rar line. Web. 4929. FURNISHED room in private home, mod ern. board if desired. Dg. 6410. COOL, well furnished room with bath, close to'car. Walnut 5547. FURNISHED RMS Modern, reasonable. Web. 415. FURNISHED room, also garage. Ty. 2362. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST CP HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND HEADERS. TYLER 1000. WANT A. 1129 S. 28TH ST. Nice place to live; well furnished 2-room. cozy apartment; light, gas and heat furnished; close to ear line; wpII located. ill 4 CHICAGO Newly furnished house keeping rooms; walking distance. Doug. 0223. LIGHT-HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent by Tuesday, also sleeping rooms. 1817 Capitol. TWO connecting nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 634 S. 28th. Har. 444. 4 NICE rooms for light housekeeping. Walking, distance. Call Tyler 0954. NICELY furn. light hkpg. rms. No ob jection to rhildrpn, 516 N. 23d St. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms $6. $8 nnd $t. Call Tyler "924. 1S06 CHICAGO Light housekeeping rms. D. 51 i 1. NICEI.Y furnishpd. clean libt housekeep ing 1'cms. Wb. 0802. TWO hkpg. rms. walking I'E. '104 NICE, MODERN front room, 823 So. 20th. Koi:is,er"'d l'a'cnt office FOR CHOICE HOARD AND R M. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YO(J WAN IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. "lOO AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. MEALS ill private home, close In. one or three meals a day, as desired. Ty. 36..l. .'121 DAVENl'ORT boarif. -Furnished rooms with Unfurnished Rooms. unfur. rms, 2634 Hamilton. Web. 2830. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. WE have a 3-rm. and bath, completely furnished, apartmant, 2,'ilh and Harney, to rent for $93. This is worth the money. Bedlord-Johnston Co., Douglas 1734. 2 ROOMS, liiteheupitp, private bath and sleeping porch. Call Col. 1399. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. UNFURNISHED rooms, close In, heat and water furnished. Dg. 397 7. Room 220. FOUR-ROOM heated apartment, janitor service. $50. Maple Court, 1811 Maple, Web. 4943. MOREI'.N J-room apartments, $30 and $40. Call Colfax 3176 between 8 a. ni. and D p. m. 2 unfurnished rooms, all modern. $12 month. .11)18 N. 29th, Col. 440S. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses SMALL houso or flat, 3 or 4 rooms, from May 1, by elderly couple without chil dren; preferably in district near 24th and N streets. Man steadily employed. Box O-l 9, Omaha Bee. WANTED To RENT By responsible Omaha family, 7 or 8-room iiouse in West Farnam or Dundee, 'telephone Walnut 2758. FOJR RENT Business Property. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 S. 18TH ST. MOVING AND "STORAGE7 MOVE IT YOURSELF. Do you busy people know es pecially those who have to put in a full day's worn that you ' can rent a one-ton Ford ttuck and Drive It Yourself night or day and do all your trucking or moving. Handle your own stuff und cut your cost half in two. We never vlose. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Douglas "622. MDVINO, PACKING, STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing; and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4161 FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OK HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, 3107-11 Howard St. Douglas 2. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 3409 UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davemort. Doug. 8908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. DOGE For want of room must sell Aire dale terriers. High class stock. Pedi greed. 2 male puppies, 10 weeks old, S20 and $25. -Mature brood matron. 2o years of age, $25; a proven mother of duality pups. A sacrifice, guaranteed. Address at once. Oliver N. Summers. Dep'. cf Poultry Husbandry, College of Agriculture, Lincoln, Neb. SPECIAL baby chick sale Saturday; broil ers, 12c; "plenty of them, pure bred reg istered, 15 varieties of highest quality, 13c to 30o each. These chicks are from one to two wepks old. National Chick Co.. 718 N. 16th St. - REDS, thouroughbreds, eggs $1.25 setting Colfax 2245. SINGLE comb blk. Minorca pullets. 1229. PUPPIES for sale. 6023 N. 30th St. ANCONA EGGS for hatching. Col. 3624. HORSES AND VEHICLES. TEAMS for ice, lumber, heavy hauling; farm chunks, horses, mares, western range horses for light delivery and peddlers' wagons. M. C. Peters Mill Co.. 9th and B Sts. Tyler 0209. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE COME AND LOOK THESE BARGAINS OVER. FREE DEMONSTRATIONS. Ford sedan, a dandy, late model. Two Fort coupes, good condition. One Ford touring without starter, an exceptional value. Older Fords. Prices ranging from $73 to $200, both roadsters and tourings. HUGHES-PARMER CO., 143-155 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs. Phone 954. "HERE IS THE CAR FOR YOU'' 1921 Liberty-six, driven 6.800 miles; good condition: newly overhauled: five cord tires; reduced to less than half of cost price for immediate sale. Best of reasons for selling. Act quick. Call So. 3479, Sunday. - FOR SALE E-TON WHITE TRUCK Never been used, now on dealer's floor; also 4 new Douglas trucks. Spe cial price for oulck sale. J. E. MARR Doug. 9069. City NaajBajikBlds. SOME bargains in used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson, Douglas 3500. 1920 BUICK 6-passenger. excellent condi tion. Many extras. Must be seen and demonstrated to be appreciated. Har ney 6570. i 7-pa.-senger Jordan demonstrator. Carrie same guarantee an new car. PETERSON" MOTOR CO. 8718 Farnam. Har. 6066. 1917 FuRD tourine. bargain. Maxwell tourir..?, newly painted, good condition. Alsj Oakland touring in best of condi tion. So. 3593. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSM-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sts. HUDSON touring car. good location; reasonable; owner leaving city. Douglas 7436. 6-PASSENGER Stearns-Knlght, looks and runs liko new. at a bargain. Can ar range tprrns. Tyler 4143. FORD 6459. SEDAN, like new, call Harney 7-PASSENGER Willys-Knight, lust Ilk.? new at a real bargain, terms, liar. 515.). WILLYS SIX touring, excellent condition, priced right, terms. Wal. 1567. FORD truck for sale cheap, fornla. Harney 4562. 2S7 Cali- 191S ALLEN CAR for sale or trade. Cuming Dr.dg. 8733. f1Tlnd 1708 Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and tock. $8,1.0 Equity Land Exchange, St. Paul, Minn, SEE JIGGS AND MAGGIE IN PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY ; . . (I BIG bargain, K.400; one-thlr.l cash, gar den and 40-acre crop In improved IfiO acres south Missouri. W. F. ilerriam, Taneyeomo. Mo. Nebraska Lands. FOR IMMEDIATE possession. 105-acro farm, 9 miles south of I'laltsmouth. 2 miles east of Murray, in the best farm ing district in Nebraska. $210 per acre. 15 acres now in oa'.s, 2o acres in wheat, this goes with place, fair, easy terms. 5 per cent Interest. C. B. SCHLEICHER. 912 Vinton. Tyler 0905. Pennsylvania Lands. LOW priced farms for sale in good dairy country. $20 to $73 peracre. The E. IT. Shreve Real Kslato Co.. Union City, Pa. Texas Lands. 5C AN ACRE CASH Texas school lands for sale by the state at $3 per &ore; 6c per acre oath, balance In 40 years. 6c per cent interest. Send 60 postage for further informa tion. Investor Publishing Co., Dept. 20, San Antunio. Tex. Wisconsin Lands. LANlxiToGY SPEC I AL NU M B Eft just out. containing 1921 facts of clover land In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands w-here farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology. It is free on request. Address Skid-more-Rlplile Land Co., 433 Skidmore Itlehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Kerllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doue. 2715. 100 to $10,000 made promptly. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 S. 18th St. Wanted To Borrow. WANT $10,000 10 years, first mortgage on 265 acres, black, level, alfalfa, sec ond bottom, $250 land, well improved, mile to static n in northwest Missouri, near Iowa line. Address Box YU477, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or aell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 14241. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787. WE can sell your home, lot or invest ment property. Realtor service. GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 2850. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to aell your property? List it with .C. A. Grimmel. Omaha Nat'l -Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT- REAL E S TAT E: Sells, Renls, Insures 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 0633 P. J. TEBBENS REAL ESTATE .Ins. and Rentals 603 Omaha Nat'l Hk. Bldg. Douglas 2182 W. G. SHRIVER f 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid. Doug. 1636 JjIST hnrries atrl income pnmerty with GKUEN1G REALTY CO, 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Dou: 1966. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglaa 1345, I WANT to buy a good five or six-room modern bungalow, well located. Box X 74, Omaha Bee. GOOD buy, three lots, three blocks north of Benson car on 65th ; sign on lota, cash or terms. Walnut 6084. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Resl Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. THREE LARGE lots, a bargain for cash. Hazelton. 64th and Mason. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. BEAUTIFUL new oak bungalow and garage. Just being completed. 36,600; easy terms. Douglas 1734 days. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE TO exchange for apartments or flats, ftne 160 acres all tillable Iowa farm, grove, orchard; hog-tight fences; 8 room house; 23 miles east of Sioux City. "Worth, the money. Address Box K-17, Bee. FOR SAI.t: or exchange for Omaha prop erty, modern Lincoln residence; close in, good income property, for particulars call Harney 7246 or address Mrs. G. .A. .lost, ::010 Dodge. WANTED Have quarter section, Kittson county. Minnesota", near good town, SO area under plow, to exrhange for stock of new carg, land clear of all encum brances. I4 Kennedy, Frnzee, Minn. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN, Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban Dmo'ty. Cob 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. A BEAUTIFUL HOME On a paved boulevard In the West Farn.iin district, amidst very pleasant Rurroundings, we aro now offering a lovply eight-room 'stucco, with th most exq uisite of interior. Bui.t three yeara ago for a home, by t r. owner, who knows bow, he now riesires a smaller homp, his chil dren, having married off meanwhile. Ext: a hand-picked oak flooring throughout, specially selected hard wood finish downstairs, white enamel and mahogany up. Magnificent boamrd ceilings, a charming fire-place, threw pets of beautiful French doors, a handsome built-in sideboard, the best of electric fixtures and builders' hard ware. Four real bedrooms, three of which are vradtcally slipping porches. Pplpn did bathroom with built-in tub, tiled floor end vn inscot. Large attic. Vapor vacuum hrat; storage and laundry rooms in basement. rvblfi garage. Fvetything complete. Quality of material anJ workman- j ship tensidered, we will match this home against any in Omaha, bar none, j DENNEY, ' 524 PAXTON BLOCK, : DOUG. 2400. Omaha Real Estate nnd Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880, FULL BF.E Drawn ' I , I I iimaha, A pril 9. Cattle Hogs Sheep 6,2,n 1 l...i 6,6X4 7.74 1 9.713 .6.S60 9.216 9.966 4.45S 7.624 6.3SS 1.4:4 (..i.2.4 10,329 57 6,200 25.296 45,rsS 4S.3SS in. 266 43,992 44.195 23.007 49.1 74 41.479 30,141 60.779 .:4.7j 3S.994 78.205 46.302 Receipts were: Official Monday official Tuesday Official Wednesday. Official Thursday . . , Official Friday Estimate Saturday.. Six days this v k . . , Same day last w k . , Same day 2 wk ago Samo day 3 wk ago. Same day year ago.. Receipts and disposition of live stork at the Union Stock Yards. Omaha. Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., April 9, 1921: RECEIPTS CARS. ! Cattle. Hogs. Wabash 1 I nion Pa' itic . . C. N. , past & N.- W .. west C., St. P., M. II. ... C, B. & W west '., K. I. iV P.. east . ('.. R. 1. S- P.. west . . . Chicago Great Western Total Receipts DlSPOSITlo.V- Morris & Co Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co Armour Ci J. W. Murphy Dold Packing Co Total . . II 9 3 . . 6 1 . . 1 92 Hoc. . . 999 . .132S ..1317 . .1582 ..109S .. 228 . .6752 HEAD. Cattle Cattle were noniinallv Meady to day. Receipts were only 67 head and as all of them was stockers and feeders no sales were reported. Receipts huvo been a little heavier this week than last, but lack of demand has been the main cause of tho 75c6$l.oo decline that has been noted on practically all grades of cattle. The heaviest and plainest kinds showed the greatest losses and are back to the low point of the year. Sines beef started breaking so sharply there lias been al most no demand for siockers and feeders. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves. $7.1 5 ?i 8.25; fair to good beeves. f700f!i,7.i5; common to fair beeves. $6.5o (rtl.OO; good to choice yearlings. $7.7..'?i) K25; fair to good yearlings, $7.007.75; common to lr.ir yearlings. $6.00j 7.00: choice to prime heifers. S7.00fy7. i.0; good to choice heifers. $5.756.75; choice to primo cows, $6.25'&6.76; good to choice cows. $5.255r6.00; fair to good cows, St.ro (g'5.25; common to fair cows. $l.0Ofi. 4.00: -rood to choice feeders. $7.354US.OoT fair 10 good feeders. $6.7547.25; common to rair feedeYs, $..7jC.75; good to choice stockers. $7.258.0o: fair to good Block ers, $6.507.25: common to fair stockers. $4.50ji)6.00; stock heifers. $1.60(3 6.25 ; stock cows. $3.7o&3.00; stock calves, $5 n 7.50; veal calves. $o.0US.50; bulls, stags, etc., 33.S0fc6.S0. . Hogs About. 6.20O hogs were received today and the trade was very uneven ruling steady to 10 15c higher earlv and closing at declines of 15j25o. The late market was very dull and druggv. Good light hogs sold to shipper., as high as $9.359.60, the latter price being the days' top. Bulk of receipts moved at $8.008.73. Extra heavv hogs ranged on clown the list to $7.0O&7.75. Com pared with a week ago light hogs are closing nt small declines with heavv grades 2,",50i' lower. Average, trade is not far from SOW 35c lower for the week. Sheep and Lambs No sheep or lambs were received today and the trade was nominal. The market th'.s week has been featured by a little stronger tendency on light lambs with heavy grades closing 25'59c lower. Fat sheep are about 25c higher for tlio week. Rest fat lambs are now selling- at $9.10-9.45 with shorn inmos up to $s.35. Heavv lambs an; ouoteil down to 87. 234rs.no. Top ewes this week reached $6.50. paid vesterdav. Prices for feeding and shearing 'stuck re mained -unchanged. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Best fat lambs, 89.23 ci' 9.50; medium to good lambs, 38.509.0O; plaiu and heavy lambs. $7,504(18.50: shorn Iambs. S6.7ij) 8.35: good to choice ev.-cs, $6.00ftJ6r,o fair to good ewes, $5.75 $6.00 ; cull ewes! $l.r0Si 3.00; feeder and shearing Iambs, $7.754j8.50. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co., Doug. 2627. April 9. Art. I Open. I High. Low. Close. I Yes'dy Wht. May -luly Rve May July Sept. Corn .' , 1 1 1.34l3! 1.34 I I 1.12 1 1.13 I I I I L33i.il 1.34 I.II14I 1.13 I 1-341,4 1.12 I.29I.A 1.30 14 1.03',! 1.04 I .93 4 1 .96 I 1.291,; l.OSli .9554 1.30", I 1.29U 1.03 71,1 1.03 J, .95',j, .93-!. I M ay July Sept. Oats Mav .Tulv Sept. .691,, 631-.J .66i.il I .37i;l '.38',! .39-.! 60!.8j .fi33i I .063 .59', 636 .66 .60 I .39 'i .6314 .06 .63; 1 .661 .37 741 .39Vi! .401.1 .37 .3 8 ; .33", .39 ! 401.1 39 Pork I May I July I Lard I -May I I '13.30 16.10 13.15 113.73 116.10 I 16.10 116.10 10.03 10.13 110.00 110.40 I I 9.20 I 9.60 '10.13 I 9.97 110.40 .Till v Ribs May July 110.40 I I 9.20 I 9.60 110.60 I I 9.32 I 9.70 10.00 9 32 9o0 ( 9.2(1 I 9.60 Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, April 9. Ca tt le Receipts. . : , r i f ,k' ,,wf eers, 50r(f;7oc lower; she stock ntld bulls. 254?E0o lower: canners and stock cows nnd h-lfers. weak to 20,- lower slock calves, steady to 23n higher; stockers and feeders mostly 25c lower Hogs Receipts, eoo head; generally V nest .12ri-rmund hoir- to packers, $9.10; bulk of sales. $S.50(i7 9.1 0. Sheep Receipts, none: market for the week; sheep anil light lambs mostly steady; heavy lambs. 15((i23e lower. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. 3306 FOWLER AVE.. 7 rms.. mod. cx ht.; i lots, chicken house, fruit trees. $700 1BhJ!laI-"L'L5;'-,f;i' 60S H"'"- r-- 0200. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and tnveal ment. 642 Peters Trust. Doug. 8097. HOUSES for colored, small pavment down. Davis. 2330 Grant St. Whsier 2420. D. K. DUCK' Vr IX). buy anSj-fMiomeH. South. ' Hanscom Park Bargain. 21st and Haskell; well located, modern home; 3 large rooms dow n, 2 sleeping rooms and bath up; full cemented basement; slgl llv corner lot on paved street; 1 block from boulevard and car line; $.',,300, about 16 cash. Shedd Investment Co., 637 Railway Exchange. Doug. 4234. We Males Omaha RESIDENCE LOANS Monthly Installment Plan, Prepayment any time. Also Loans on Business Properties Liberal Optional Privileges. Reasonable Commissions. for The Bee by Mc Ala ruts Cop. night, li'r.1 InU . tint iet'al Nov Aliril 9, 1921. Ylir;ti receipts today were iotiM'1 erulily luri-r than the average re cently, arrivals heing KM cars, against i2 cars last Salnnlay and 19 cars a year ago. ("urn arrivals today were 32 cars, against 57 ears a week ago. Oats receipts today were 4 cars. Wheat prices ranged un chatiKed to 2c lower, generally lc to 2c off. Corn was unchanged to Vic up. No oats were reported sold. Quotations were noniinallv 'jc high er. Kyc and barley were strong. Freezing temperatures over the 3 i greater part ol the grain belt pre ! vailed this ' morning, with snow re ported 111 sectiims 01 lowa. me northwest and northern Illinois, (.'old weather over the entire district for the next two davs or more is pre dated. WHEAT. No. 1 hard: 1 car, Sl.llTi?: t cars, $1.37. No. J ;-;;rd: 1 ear. $1.37: 6 cars. $1.36; 1 car Sl.S.-Oi: cars, $.35; 1 cur. $1.33 (smutty;. -i car. 1.30 (very smutty). No. 3 hard: 3 cars. $1.23; 1 2-5 cars. $1.32: t car, $1.22 (smutty); 2 cars, $1.31 (smutty ) No. bard: 1 car. $1.30'; 2 cars. $1 2 ears, il.29. 30: No. 5 hard: 3 cars. $1.2Si,i; 31.28; 1-5 car. $1.25 (musty); cars, car, J1.20 (very smutt- ). Sample hard: :1 car, $1.26. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. $1.4::. corn. : No. No. No. 2 white: 1 car, 49 lie 3 while: 1 car, 49e; ; lar, 4'ic 4 white: 1 car, 49c (dry), 1 car, cars. 4714c. 2 yellow: 1 car, 49c. 3 yellow: 2 cars. 47ijc. 2 mixed: 1 car. 47 Ue. 3 mixed:: 2 cars. 46c. RYE. 4: 1 car, 1.23. BARLEY. ISe; 2 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 3. I car. 51'-. i 4' 1 car, 5!c. i Rejected: 2 cars, 49c (must. ). PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Receipts Today. Wheat 945.000 Corn 328.000 Oats 215,000 Shipments Wheat S19.000 Corn 558,000 Oats 325,000 Yr. Ago. 369. 000 29S.O0O 321,000 225,000 1 6S.000 1 24,000 CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS Week Year Tod a v. A'o. Ago. Wheat "4 25 'Om JOT, 7) ';'; Oats i;a n i KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS W'heat 22 4 165 v: Corn 11 ,; 7 Oats 4 x ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS Wheat 121 mi m Crn ,lM , ,( OM!1 in n NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Minneapolis I.,4 l . t- 13 I I :; j Miniin n Winnipeg 159 OMAHA RECEIPTS A 19.: 2.;:; Sll IPMENTS. ;i VY Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley . Shipments Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley a r To.li . 1 113 '. "i . 1 '. 4 . 47 . .-il . 12 v- Ac A:: Progress of the Crops Weekly prop bulletin f die uirriciili oral bureau of the 4iiialm ( humher of I 0111 inerpp: Tho past week has been generally un favorable for nsriculture unless It lie fa vorable to get progress toward normal conditions in this unusual season. Nor- 111J.11J mis season means that vegetation fiiau sianu stilt for several days till time ..u,..io-.-, up WHO It. 1 wo cold waves have come in from the northwest, both accompanied by light ,-. ... ...,,,.. j ,e rango country the moisture was in the form of snow, and wnno too light to be of much benefit to vegetation and not accompanied, by very low temperatures v. its hard on voung stock Western Nebraska and Kansas. inch, reeded moisture, was very much benef.'.ed by the rain of Thursday, which Tanged from ,25 to .60 Inch. The white wheat which is the main crop r.f that district, was reported as showing damage from the ,-old dty weather of tho last veok in March. Moisture and cool weat'i phnr"1 ai'1 l u"lova tno vitality of the The extreme, east has li.nl unseasonably warn weather with charncteristiu effect on vtgetatlon. Should the cold wave present ,),., Missouri valley on Untl urdar and which seems to be of suf. Helen, volume to overspread the entire country, i-.-acli the eastern fruit districts undoubtedly the daniHKe would be great lH'Jll "' ' r;s ''"in the northern and eastern districts indicate un usually fawn-iii,;.. fruit prospoeis, and v e tI,", caU,,lt,IiU' ron"'-s with anxiety. I ho south has had only scattered and ! I ' ."""J '""''""1 temperatures ' crops and planting of 0111 and c.i.,,1, ,lvo made rapid pr.-, , ibe April cup report of the t i,i-e,i S.:;tr3 l.-oj.arti icr.t 0f AgrieulUre ' ..n ftrmn our jr. diction of last wed: 1 1- t th" winter Vbe.-.t croo Is in ,,..ii.. .!: vorable show s' spring condition. The report lie altogether 11 1, I ; stance of a gain of 3.1 por ,.,,, t , ,.,,( Don of the crr.p between December I. and ' , ii" .i-iiiinsi a normal averse 1 of 4.8 per c-ni. Given this com!, lb. 11 for wir' V lie: r mul i,o f .. ........ se.,1tr;, oM.lr,,. f......... - ... - -i-iy , - -' ''irt.ne ooiHlllle'l.v lir til' spring wheat, crop It conservative , say that tho stago is fairly set for a billion bushel evh.nt crop. It inu-t In borne In niliid, however, that this ;s not a prediction. Crop estimates made thr-e months in advance of harvest are not worth the papir ;.'iey are printed on. In all sections- of the country the farm ers have their srnim; work well in hand? with abundance of help available at mod erar.i wages. In l eva. Kansas anil parts of Nebraska a surplus of farm hands are reported. In Canada, particularly in the oilier districts like Ontario, go v. -rumen la I agencies nr cotlea v. .ring to .lisirii-'.i--farm laborers through their colonization organization. There is u veritable flood ot 'old country f-trni laborers Chicngn I, he Stock, Chicago. April 9. if. s. Bureau of .Markets.) Cattle R-M-eipts, :a'x . h-id; (omparcl with week :-g... beef sl.-t.s mostly 7,'.cfj $1.00 lower. Ii- av.es off m.... 1 ; bulk cows, lieif.-rs, bulls, stocl ers rind' feeders generally r.ne. lower; better grades veal calves, steady: hi'h's. i;l r,-ie lower Hogs .Receipts. .iion head ; 'market ne ttle, strong to IS.; higher than yesterday's bpllpr grades up most; top, $9 30- lineup cal top, $3. Mi; bulk 2HO-lb. down, $9 :,.,i,e 9.80; bulk 220-lb. up, $ 1.30 8.30; 'pigs. Sheep Receipts. 6,000 head: receipt, to day mostly In packers, direct: comiarcl with week ago lambs steady to 2e higher sheep, steady. "'h"v.i. piloiijt City I. lie Mock. cnou ny. in.. Ann 9 r R- f-l o .v s eetpts, 1 2a head; market steadv : ste.-rs and yearlings. $3.008 2."'- t it I nnd heifcro "1 r.eii - r. n . ' ' - i'.l .m; veals, $4.00 .K.IIO ; feeders $". Ml-.i-,7.65: CI.: K. $,i.00(,7..',0, feeding coms '.i:,. : hi-tf.-rs, $::.23ci 3.73; siockers, ;, m.r -,; -, ; Hogs Receipt. 4, .Mi. I head n-ir'v- mostly icitir.,- higher: light, v -01 ,'-, ' mixed. i..:..l! S.!; h-.ivv. t ;..'.'. '1 -.-1 bulk of sates. S S '. 9 nil, S,.,,,, xot limited. I in-red nil. 1 Duiuth. Minn.. April -J. Luiierd u.i I track, $1.55'i Gl-571.4. Financial n AflVAMlM'l-l lt II A M-WIVC j by iiv,iimvn utnt hu 1 1.0, I llic;li;il I rillllMe-iilililini 1,- c l.e.le I ,1 ,11, New. York, .pnl 10.- I.at week's alternating movements on the ,-IihIc e.chani:e. with pines li-ani; when 1 ...n .1....1; 1 1.. : ...... t.lll lllliniy i.uv.i iivviiui.i hi -n cent ar.it falling- again when money recovered to 7, pioes ili.a even ii: I so artificial a slock market as now exists, the immediately dominant in. llnence is the money 111.11 Ui. lor. that tines not make the gcncial m' - nation any easier to read. On ll.. contrary 1 1 10 failure tT money iatc. to relax distinctly, 111 1 liw it list .1 1 ul in tin' huge flow of foreign gold .md the rising reserve hank ratio.-, has served to increase perplexity. I he past w eek's Mgns ot greali r it, isc in the Wall Street nionev nun l-et, hul with rales Hi verthelcss In Id at exceptionally high figntes tor tin. season, have ilircclcd attention again to the nllrilv ahiiormal character m" ic silnalioii. The 1 1 1 i 1 1 ti tin of itohl in the New York federal reserve hank, through transfers from interior tanks and mild immntatiotis from loreign countries is il.self a logical enough incident, in the light ot pa.-t experience. New 1 orli Big (nailer. lle.-icllon In lr,nl. ;ilw;l. ,-;nises ?-. - I'tiMiK'iit of Inn 11 .v i. .ir i'miI.cIs 1,1 er.-illtor markets. As l-i-t m c,.j, ii,,. fen-tit se.ie.iiH ot the I ih,,i :i;i!.y. York Is the cie.ln.ir a 11, 1 tin- i'i,,,v i.f 1,- s.-rve mntiev In New YiMk. lit a tine nf slackening trade an.1 small, r u f , M .- it. Is a perfectly familiar inm-i i t N.'W York is in. w- the creditor ,f tlel foreign Uiaikels ui 11. II. -1', . 1 . - II;.. w h.'ll world -wide trade lea. Hon a. '. sioiied s-uiill.o' repayment by the m,,i... -ill): nations to the reniral ninni-v m ii i . Hold shi,tiietils to 1,1,11,1,1-1 wen- ill,. ,. I:il,.'ll by sellle nt. II is true l,,,, tb, 1 a.'Ut.- crisis of 1, ur own ,,. p. on. C.iM.,eS. New York IIS.-. I to ill.ol ,;ohl I" liifgo 11 mils from lan...-, inn in 1 was because llo- hi. 1.1 v;is a, t ua 1 1 hum hi in a premium to reliev.- a t . iu;m.i 10 i , v U'iti.-al baiikinj: stl u.ii ion. When Ill-it i v. e, ,1- .1 ;ol til- aft, i panic r..ii.l,iii.-iincnt bad l tun. i he n,,;a would go back iii much Lire, r .omnul.. i,, l.onilon. Jn 1907 u ,. Import. ,) Sll:;,.ni:l O"0 gold, but in is-H and l!n.:i our n- , t .jrts were $ .' I I, (nni.Mini. ..u . h.oveo r, the very process of debt pa.vinent. wbn-li i-ileed us to send sle il litiKc sums of Hul.J to Europe in the older trade rcaiiiols i forcing Europe to send gold to Am.-riia. Two Former Itesiills. But there the analogy with pivi ;..(.' Jerio.is f.topn. Two results used alna.i to follow that double process III before the war very low money runs, both at London and New York, with tin. result that interior markets coul.l bor row on easy terms in New York to set the commercial maihiniiy noing aKni". --no! reinvestment by Loudon of its aeelllliu !:. I -ed capital ill other countries, nolnblv cur own, on a larger s.-ab- than e . r. If the present set I iein.nit u.io working true to form, we should li.o e lui.l par ticularly easy money at New Yorl.. lore l.i-for.- this, followed by g; eat im-r. as.- of American investment in Eurnpo in secur ities. Whether or not this Is to be the mil eome in the long flit un- tin re have thus tar be.-u no vjgns of j.. Chi irain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. ( hlc.-igo Trihuiie-Oniiilm Bee, I eased Wire. CliiraRO, 111., April -Grain iin're moved upwartf and finislied around the best of the day. Colder weather over the agricultural regions, coni- ' hiiied with evening up and a lan;e volume of ihanKuisT iro mnear to dis tant months, featured the 1 radinjj;. At the close. May wheat was .M.: lower and July li? higher, while corn and oats showed gains of l-S(i .i-St ; rye. 3-8fofl--, and barley was un changed. Lowest prices of the season were witnessed during the week, with a fair recovery from the iiiM.ie figure-, due mainly to the oversold rnndition of all markets and the subsiding of. liquidatii ti. Wheat finished ,1 1-4'ii-lc lovcr. with Mav in 1 ho lead, torn was off .)-(, the latter on Sep tember, while oais gaitu-l l-4or.i 8, the latter on- July. lve was 1 -lc higher on May and 1 1 -S'c; 1 .v4c low er on distant inonibs. Karlcv was up 1 -4c for the week. Provisions dropped lo the low.'-!, since I'll?, pork losing $2. 30; lard, 57 1 -2(i'i o5c. and short libs wire 97 l-'c lower than a week ago. Shorts Active P,ucr. Frro.im; vv.alh'r over tl-.e winter vvl at stale.-, vitb t -111 per . lures of 2S deuie-s at Dodge I'tty, wesiern Kansas, an.l re ports of an inch 01- more of i.-e over wr-t-ern lowa and Nebraska, brought a.tiv-i buying of July wheat to cover shorts, as fears of damage were entertained. Local operators were tho best buvers of July and on the advance there ni-s heavy selling by commission houses In gen eral, but their offerings were absorbed on a moderate setback which was recover.! at tho las-t. A number of th-- l,ni;eci commission houses sold May at $1.24 aiet over and followed the market down. V large part of the trading was in s. Ilii.' May and buving .Inly at 211:22c sprea-t, Iho big discount for July making it popu lar with traders, while at th-- same t.me they were easily seared by any adverse news. S-al rl bouses bounht May. Corn trail' is were good bnyors ear-.-, tried to lift prices, and sot. I out later at the same juices to a slni-le over. A fair business v-.ns on in i hanging. The week's piimary movement was th.- lightest, at this time In five years. Indications are that the lending industry may buy corn this- week. Shorts in oats wire active buveis 011 tb cold weatlr-r a-i-1 liuhi offerings. 1'rn s moved up readily and .loseii strum:. Rye was Ink 11 by seaboard evpnrle.s an.l shorls. I. oral operators are short ait il.-liv .Ti' s of rye an-l the s-;il,oard Is l""g ry.-. i iff-rings of ca--h lols were Ufcl.t and prii.es ail aro.iii'l were high. r. Pit Notes. Wh.at traders are (rhjnjr the wenfh-r over the v. ini.-r wheat . oiietr.v. '11- u en t lierina n do-s not, proniis-. any warm, vvealller for several days. Those who nil bearish advaui e t tic- a rgiitneit! s- that Willi tho higher aiutude in western Kansas, whore temperatures are lovvesi, the wheat. rop is one to two weeks behind that; ti tho .southern an-l sent hw-.-stern sec tions and that littb- ila-.nag.- is likely fi.nii the freezing weather as the crop Is not far enough ndvaiucl. At the same time, numerous shorts were active in coverli g. For the present, Weather over tl.iv is .1 leg factor 1:1 ing watch. -d rnoro demand, ha s. .1 on the cold. winter win at country tho trade and is b. closely than is the ef Buying of'oats was vveallier and t-ri--.p. .-ts p .tailing.; in the west. nats that are up may be. hurt somewhat and Co.- se-'lmg m tho northern s--'ti..n d laj-d. 'i l;e tnarkt: has I.. an ov.-r-olil of Int.- aid it is not easv-Mo buy a large line without affecting pri, A d"-r"ase of nvr 3r.o.ni.o bns'iels in oats stocks at Chicago K expected lo be shown in t lie visible supply statein.nt Monday. Shipments from hero for thi week were Six. "00 bu.-,h"1.1 ill excess of ill.- lee- Ij.tS. A wide range of prices for wheat -i l.rimr. paid by European havers. Ani wcrp Paid fl.79l, per bush -1 ' for Jxn.ie.ft bushels, lilll.j-lh. Argentine wb-at for Ap.it '-hipnu'iit and $2.o,". for IBn.nno bu h.-N No. 1 Manitoba fur slnpni.nt bv Mav 17 spa n paid $l,9u"-i for r:l.i'i"l bu. I..-'.. i,l '..-H.. Argentine wheat afloat. Spring rains in Eon. p.- a-- g.-..r(;;e reportp'l as scanty. , .s,,,.,-i;ll lv in France. Winter wheat In tho United Ko s-.b-m is in good condition. Minncnpolis (.rain. Minneapolis, Minn., Apni 9. urchatigeil. Brai. $ I 7,00 lj 1 on. Wheat ic rip: i -C 1 lati rni-ti-a: -I-'!-.iir v i- h 1.9 carp a vear aio. ''-'li . rn. $1.47'2'.j 1.37 i4; Mav, $1 1 n-.rt::. 'Jh: J"i- $1.2 3. Corn No. 3 vellow, .'".rMc. nats ... 3 white, Z'llZit:. U.ii lev 47 -i ..'" Kw N. $ ::7-:i t 38. l-'iax N-i. 1. 8I.1T', srl.r.S'j. St. J.im di Lire Stock. St. .l... ph. Mo . April 9 i,o: r. -;pN. : t- ...inai: .--t.- ts. y.'.On ,h s ; -; - ei-'l - c ' ' ! -. r,l,'-,,; calves. 1 lo f Mi.-ep nemiuai; ff 6 00. ni. A 1-Hii.l,-; lumbs, $i.2j '. elpl- I 2.10; . -,oo b.-vd: wes, $i.2S Vl