8 B THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. APRIL 10. 1921. Convention of Second District The 18th aiinu.il convention of the Second district, Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, will meet in Omaha Wednesday at the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. L. M. Lord, president of the district, ill preside, and mem bers of the Woman's club of the rail way mail service, Mrs. J. G. Hart, president, will act as hostesses. The conference opens at 9..50 a. m. The singing of "America" will be led by Mrs. J. A. Quinn, accom panied by Mrs. Ray .1. Abbott, dis trict chairman of music. Dr. Mel vin R. Laird, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church, will give the in vocation. 'The address of welcome will be delivered by Ma J. G. Hart,; and the response will be given bv Mrs. F. H. Whitmore, president of the Valley Woman's club. '. Miss Kathertne Worlcy of Lin coln, state chairman of Americ-itma-tion and member of the State Board of Control, will be one of the prin cipal speakers during the morning session. Mrs. T. J. Gist of Fall'City will speak on "Scholarship"; Mrs. F. H. Cole, state chairman of civics, will talk on, "What Civil Service Means in the Second District," and Mrs. C. A. Sherwood, district chair man of endowment fund, will also.i address the meeting.- Frank Gardner .Hale . of ' Boston wilt give a gallery talk at the Omaha public library on .''Antique. Jewelry and Enamels," at 1:10 p. m., through the courtesy of the Omaha Society of Fine Arts. ..'' The afternoon session will open at the Y. W. C. A. at. 1:45 p. m. The speakers will be Dr. Frank Smith, pastor of the First Congregational church; Mrs. Addison E. Sheldon of Lincoln, director in the General Fed eration for Nebraska; Louise Orms bv Thompson of Central City, state chairman for child welfare; Dr. Kathleen O'Connor Sullivan dis trich chairman of health; Mrs. W. T. Johnson, district chairman' of legis lation; Mr. W. H. Loechner, dis trict chairman library extension; Mrs. C. H. Mullin, 'district chairman literature; Mrs. John R. Hughes, state chairman of industrial and so cial conditions; Mrs. H. J. Bailey, district chairman of civics; Mrs. A. N. Howe, district chairman of home economics: Mrs. K. L. rranz, UiS' trict chairman of thrift; Mis Alice Loomis of Lincoln, state chairman home economics; Mrs. Eva Morse, welfare worker, Swift Si Co., and Mrs. Nora 'OShea, recreation worker. . Music will be furnished by Miss Grace Poole Steinberg and members of the Omaha Woman's club chorus, accomoanied by Mrs. DeEmmett Bradshaw. iThe evening session opens at 7:30 o clock. The speakers will be JDr. Harold Gifford, Mrs.-John Slaker, president -of the Nebraska Federa tion of Women's Clubs, and Mrs. W. C. Edmiston, district chairman of conservation. State officers who will attend include-Mrs. E. B. Penney of Fuller ton, vice president; Mrs. P. C. Perry man of Ord, corresponding, secre tary, and Mrs. J.' W. Welch of Oma ha, treasurer. .Musical numbers, will include a whistling solo, "The Birds' Call," Mrs. Florence Stuneberg and choral numbers by the Omaha Woman's club chorus. - Through" the courtesy of Mrs, Mary Conant a room adjoining the parlor at the Conant hotel will be at the disposal of the delegates ana visiting club women. Current Topics Depart ment to Hold Social Meeting.' The current topics department of the Omaha Woman's club will hold a social meeting Tuesday, 2 p. m.,' at the home of the leader, Mrs. Mary I. Creigh, -112 North Thirty-second avenue. --,.,.' Vocal solos will be given by Mrs. W.: C.' Slabaugh, accompanied by Mrs. Mayme Vroman, and readings by Miss Helen Sailing. - Tea will -.be served following the program. 1 An invitation is extended to all club members. A small admission fee will be charged. Will Go East Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX A Troubled Bride. Dear Miss Fairfax: Before mar riage a few weeks ago my family thought the world of my husband. He In turn loved or seemed to love my mother. Since- we have been married, life has been one series of quarrels. My husband and I do not live with my family comprised of mother, sister and brother but visit fre quently, as wo are clone by. I love my family, but also I love my husband. They say he Is selflsh, arrogant and snobbish, and refuse to have him. enter the house. If I do mt go home occasionally, T am miserable, whereas If I do my husband feels hurt. PAULINE. Time and a great deal of tact on the part of you two young folks will probably take care of the situa tion. You have each other and your new round napptness togetner. Doesn't that incline you to be gener ous? Your people are unconscious ly no Uoubtr a little Jealous. They see you in a new home. They miss you. A little humor, a little gener osity, and a-great deal of love from you and the young -husband who ought to bo 'grateful to the home that reared you, and I know all will be well. Miss Izetta Smith, with Miss Dor: otjiy Collier will leave early in May to be gone six 'weeks on an eastern trip. They: will visit in Chicago, Sy racuse, New York City, Hartford, Conn., and other eastern points. En- route home Miss Smith will stop at Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111.,, where she . will attend the commencement exercises and act ' as usher at the graduation of a former schoolmate, Miss Phyllis Tenney. - ' Nearly $150,000,000 worth of build ing work is being held up in Phila delphia, due to labor and material prices. Giving a Girl a Bouquet. Dear Miss Fairfax: Is there Im propriety in giving flowers to a young lady with whom I am epioyedin ofliice with a number of other clerks men and girls? There is nothing more than an acquaintance existing between-us, and while I give them only to please her, she has requested mo. not to give her any more. .. Will you please inform me if there is any justification for her decision unless it be-for -the reason that the gifts com ing from me are distasteful to her? II. E. S. Your gifts make the girl conspicu ous and cause office gossip.1- Perhaps the girl realizes that you -don't care deeply for her and feels that - it's foolish to subject herself to-, com ment-and speculation under these circumstances, i Perhaps she feels that the flowers are an expense she doesn't want you' to incur. Why not aslc ,her ? I can only speculate on the matter. She's in a position to tell you the facts. i ff ill llip im WnTTHE3S ! wmmaai EJIXIHKI S. B. COR. 16th . JACKSON-STS. - ill imil 'wm l m at Downw I Few realize that styles change ?n t furniture just as they do in dress, but i.'.' i.1 1 i Ml I a mp uiruugn convince you. our store now will Fresh New Modes 1 The Anticipated and Present Vogue in Tailleur and Costume Suits Are Responsible for the Di versity of Styles There are the severely tailored models that rely on their distinc tion of line semi-tailored styles, some embroidered, some plain, smart little box coat affairs rich with braid or embroidery but the list is too long. Sufficient to say that almost every authen tic spring- model of the better type is fjjlly represented in the materials of the season. .For Bright April Weather ' US T- because Easier has passed it does not follow that Spring apparel has lost its charm. ; ,. Those to whom Fashion is " LIFE, who pride themselves on Ibeing first with "the new" are already eager for the fresh thrill ,.of new garments. Many have held bacl( possibly with the hope of ' greater economy. And many others in fact, almost every wo .. man to a degree does not feel the maximum urge or the new things until she is face to face with the Ibright sunny days of April, when X Spring is on in full swing. Hundreds of Attractive Taffeta Frocks - . Suitable for All Occasions A "many occasions" dress deserves a place in every woman's ward robe. Do you know of. anything which quite answers the purpose of a taffeta for dances, dinner parties .and other informal affairs? Smart street dresses in tailored or semi-tailored effect and frocks in bouffant styles with graceful drapes or adorable pleatings, clever sash effects or embroidery work or gayly colored yarn to add to their attractiveness are here for j'our selection. Our entire selection of dresses are very low priced, ranging $25.00, $35.00 and Up s and Coats Are an Important Feature of the Spring W ardrobe Both comfort and style are combined in these wraps of Chamoistynes Rom)na Velour Veldyne Orlando Tricoline The styles are so distinctive and individual. Dolman and cape effects are extremely popular as well as the practical bpx coat with the belt. . While suitable in weight for early spring, wear, they are not too heavy for wear all through the summer. - Crey, Ostrich, Silver-Pine, Navy arc the wanted colors. Prices range from $25.00 Up W rap MESS "EVERYBODY STORE" A 1 - The. Home of . Home Outfits Happy is the wife with the de lightful task of furnishing a home today. Never have we had so much GOOD arfd beau tiful furniture to choose from. It is surprising how. reasonably one can furnish 3, 4 or 5 rooms. . 3-Room Outfits, $199,00 -4-Room Outfits, $275.00 5-Room Outfits, $345.00 1 As Always, You Make Your. Own Terms 1 SAVE Dollars in This Soring Furniture ! ard Revised Prices ! Homemakers who have been wait ing the stabilization of the furniture market can buy here with confidence on easy terms. ' The Home of Nationally Advertised Gas Stoves Refrigerators Here yoli will find the "Direct Action" Gas Stove with Lorain Over Heat Regulator and other ,makes $29.50 and Up Gurney -Refrigerator that" give the maximum ' of it. f rigeratiort with' the least ice, 'and other makes afc--i $14.50, $19.50 Up Free Tickets to our Dance at Empress Rustic Garden Monday Eve can be obtained at store 25 prizes for the ladies. Sale of RUGS 4-6x7-6 Japanese . Grass Rugs, only $2.45 Neat 6x9 Japanese Grass Rugs, only $5.45 Fine 8x10 Japanese Grass Rugs go at $7.95 7-6x9 Wool Fiber Rugs,' good design $13.50 9x12 Velvet Rugs with long nap at $36.75 Handsome 8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs at Beautiful 8-3x10-6 Velvet Rugs, only $34.95 Well Woven 9x12 Axminster Rugs at $39.50 Exquisite 9x12 Velvet Rugs at Restful Reed Sleepers, a beauti ful model in attractive brown finish, with large hood, rubber tired wheels, easy springs and deep upholstering, 50 Sulkies at $6.95, $8.50 Up Go-Carts, $9.75, $12.50 Up $41.50 i $72.50 Moving Packing Shipping By Experienced Furniture Men with Padded Auto Vans. ... I $5.50 Oak Dining Chairs at $3.45 ,$89.50 Ivory Dresser at $39.50 For House Cleaning! Monday! Galvanized ! WATER PAILS I 10 QT' 2 I size ,onry Jf iHE These are large size pails tint will come in very handy around "housecleaning" time. Good Brooms MARVO Cedar Oil Carpet Sweepers Curtain Stretchers . . . 31c 39c $1.29 $1.95 $1.50 Sprustex Mop Outfit. .98c 25 Feet Garden Hose for. .$4 75 50 Feet Garden Hose for. .$9.45 36-in. Wood Plant Boxes.. $1.29 30-in. Steel Plant Boxes.. $1.98 Long Handle Dust Pans at. . .25c Acme Ice Cream Freezers. . .65c Good Electric Irons only.. $3.95 it : n . i or 'Jl i i if $69.50 Four Post $29.00 Fumed Oak Mah. Beds $29.50 Rocker at $14.95 Nationally. Advertised Simmons Combination Outfit A white enameled Bed with heavy continuous posts, a high riser, link fobric spring com plete with good tOO Cn Mattress, for. . OU Dining Table Square pedes tal model in solid fumed oak with 42-inch extension top, onlyd!y,..at.... $16.75 r See This New ELECTRIC hnn FREE! $25.00 Worth of Records! I HOOSIER I $1.00 j Weekly puts this time and la bor saving H o o s i e r kitchen cabi net in your home. No tiresome wind ing, just an easy running motor that never runs down never gets wit of order. It is the big gest value in the phonograph world today, at $1 10 I i i i i I I I Em