THE BEE; OMAHA. FRIDAY, APRIL 8. 1921. 1 .riai mi 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 ii ti m 1 1 ii mi i in mi t i:tfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0mmm9mm9mmwmmmmmf I'm.itimutiiitiaiiitiiriiiciiiiia'.aiiStiaiiafiiiiiiicriiiiii.i.iiM.tiiiiiivimiii;:!':!!:)!:!!:!! ia!ia)iBiiai!MiiBiia',a ,s'.(',a:.a . .......... ,- a OmahaV New Model Food Center ! apfnk TODAY FOR YOUR INSPECTION I OPENS TODAY FOR YOUR INSPECTION t. I I, I, III I III I . Ill I II III. I .III I I I I I .. . I . I I .11, .. . I I ini I ... I I I ... I I I I .. I I I I I ...HI I H I ' ' V' I flowers an-l draped flags. Demon- the store, each under the supervision of an export in his line. They will include meats and fish, bakery goods, groceries, coffee, delicatessen, candy, fruits and vegetables, cigars and to bacco. More than 50 clerks will be employed throughout the store. ! The management of the store de clares prices will compare favorably The Fooil Center" to Have 8 i in the ctly. There will be a truck Big New Omaha Grocery to Open Doors Saturday Departments, Each Run by Expert Many Novel Features. The Food Center, 1814-18 l-'arnam .streeC which has been unoer the course of construction fpr some time, will be opened for business Sat urday morning under the supervision of Harry Kavich, president and gen eral man igr. The store room is finished in Alaska marble, plate glass and mis sion oak, and is said to be one of the most sanitary places of its kind in the middle west. Wherever goods arc handled only marble and plate glass l.ave been used in the fix tures. Tin figures, costing 5100,000. were made in Omaha and installed by the Omaha Fixtures and Supply company. Eight Departments. There Tvill be eight departments in Tn tl Mr of the store room there will be m office where customers may pay their talephone and light bills. On the balcony there will be a ladies' rest room. To Have Ice Pant. One of the features of the equip ment is the 80-foot refrigerator, fur nished wjlh a 20-ton ice manufactur ing plant. The refrigerator is made completely of plate glass and mar ble. Starting from the store Friday noon, there will be a parad to an nounce the opening of the Food Center Saturday. To Hold Parade. There will be 100 automobiles and trucks in the line, most of them rep resenting some big commercial con cern with which the new concern will do business. Friday evening there will be a public rcption. The store room will be !.corated in smilax, palms, I strations of food to be sold at the store will be made. Lunches will be j served and each visitor will be given I a souvtoii There will be plenty of music affd the reception will continue , until midnight Prune and Nut Sandwich . Bread Two cups graham flour, one-half cup cornmeal, one and one-half cups flour, one-half cup brown sugar, one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon soda two teaspoons baking powder, two cups prunes, cooked, stoned and chopped, one-half cup walnuts chopped, one-half cup molasses, two cups of sour or buttermilk. Sift all dry ingredients. Add prunes and nuts, molasses and sour milk, mix well, pour in two greased bread pans and let stand 15 minutes before bak ing. Have a moderate o n ai ! bake about 45 minutes. i Apricot Gateau. Cut sponge cake in thin sljces or use iady fingers; put a layer of cooked apricots and a layer of cake alternately, having four layers. Pour over all a boiled custard. Serve very cold. Prune Toast One cup prunes cooked, ne table spoon corn starch, one tablespoon leniim juice, one-half orange (juice and grated rind). Heat prunes ith orange and lemon; sw.eeten if neces- i I I li.l I I I I .. -. ( . . I' ; , T sary. Drain prunes from juics and cook syrup until thicck. Dissolve cornstarch in cold water, add to prune juice and cook until thick. Stone prunes, add to juice and sr o hot on French toast or cold with whipped cream. TOLEDO SCALES! Over Twenty installed in thU beautiful new market. j Over Twenty installed in thU beautiful new market. 1 foodGenteF It glTftU IHIMI.I TU Ml I I AND ' J I Tl4, l Vfc Protect Our Customer i Strtic. and j I 1 OlcQO M .T. By Using ' Sales Branch o 1 I tfBV Toledo 1 13th and I I ScaleS f fWgf Scales I J.,k.0B I I $ 1W V'' No Springs HI I $ 'W&'Tk. Hon" Weight f Doug. 7682 J mm h m v - Burglary Protection for the Food Center The New Food Center has spared no expense in obtaining the best of everything in order to serve the public in the most highly efficient manner. la keeping with these high standards and their excellent facilities for service, they carefully" chose a firm when placing their ' Burglary Insurance wfco tfey realized would "Fay the Claim First." Tie result of their decision I hHarrvAKochCo I I "Pays the Claim First' Insurance, , 640 Pint, National Bank. Surety Bonds, Tyler' 0360.' Investment Securities. , I a I : Midwest Milk I i the ne w UIIIU IUIUU4 IU Ul will sell When you want the best ask for "Midwest'? WE DO NOT RETAIL FROM WAGONS I I I I I TO better accommodate our thousands of patrons; to make their shopping easy, and to render them more efficient service, we have secured space in Omaha s Newest Market 1814-16-18 Farnam Street where one can secure Ortman's Quality Bread and Pastry at all times. i I j JttMMM MM.SJ j I Branch Offices I CENTRAL MARKET TABLE SUPPLYj EQUIPPED WITH THE All Forms of Insurance on BAKER SYSTEM OF j I nrrnrrTD A TTHM : KLT IluLiini ivy ii j i i i I UIIIU IUIMU1 IU 1JH Were Written by H. A. WOLF COMPANY Insurance That Fully Imures Saunders-KenneJy BIdg. i i w E I manufactured and installed j th. in the $kodGenle& for tka Grocery, meat, fish, butter, egg, delicatessen, coffee, cigar and tobacco depts. f Made By j in 1 Omaha 1 Omaha J Men -J i Omaha Fixture -Supply Co. j 1101-3-5 Douglas Street - - - Omah i MADE IN OMAHA Used for all refrigeration manufacturing ice-cooling drinking water. Complete plant installed and guarantee r i i i !i With Growing Omaha .Realizing that such a store as S" would vastly increase tlie value of our property, we have gone to a great deal of expense to improve this building. v. X Extending our best wishes for : -. . theuccess of &ib6dGenle& Glover & Spain REALTORS 919 City Nat. Bank;Bldg. Slater Co., 506 Keeline Bldg. 1 theShodGefihy : V "II IU Ul b. "WABV "i Makes ike dinner more jznjoyaoie BirtteFNut "P Coffee Delicious w nun OMAHA, NEB. 9 Inc. Si I I Trade at the "Food Center" But Be Sure You Ask for "Alamito" Quality Products For your own health's sake, drink more milk, "Mother kature's" 'own health food. Of AlamitoMilkWhiteDairy v Leavenworth at 26th. Douglas 0409 Phones:. Co. Bluffs, Red 2874 1 i I i 1 Omaha's Finest Market Bids You Welcome - Accept This Announcement as a Personal Invitation to Attend The Formal Opening of the Food Center Friday, April Eighth 2 to 10 P. M. It is with considerable pride that the management of this new business institution solicits your approval of its accom plishment in bringing to such successful completion this acknowledged super-market. Music- Refreshments- -Souvenirs No merchandise will be sold during the formal opening. iKTTera'THINGfcTYa-E 1814-16-18 Farnam Street i