Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1921, Page 9, Image 9
9 Society TT-RMA Sells, formerly of Omaha, H. is now studying under Adolph " bolm whose ballet comes here with the, Little Symphony next week at the Brandcis, She will not come to Omaha with the ballet this season but will be featured next year by Mr. Bolm at the Metropolitan in New York. Miss Sells when in this city studied with Miss Mary Cooper. Miss Frances Farenfight studied with Miss Cooper at the same time and has sine been featured as Mile. Dagamara in the Pavley Oukrainsky ballet. White-Flupatrick. The marriage of Miss Lctta. Fit Patrick and liarl White of this city, formerly of Pittsburgh, took place Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. H. Beard, the Rev. J. F. McCarthy of ficiated. . ' The attendants were Miss Irene Fitzpatrick, sister of the bride, and Kay Northern, cousin of the groom. The bride wore her traveling suit of dark blue with hat to match. Her corsage bouquet was of roses and sweetpeas. The ceremony was followed by a dinner of 24 covers at, the Beard home for relatives. . The couple, will make a short eastern trip and will be at home at Drake Court after April 21. Afternoon Bridge. Mrs. Ralph Coad will entertain at a bridge party Thursday afternoon at the Blackstone, Seven tables will be set for the game. The guests will include Mesdamcs Robert Edwards. Fred Daugherty, .Amos Thomas, Albert Sibberns'en, Charles Rurgcss, Jack Summers, Yale Holland, George Engler, John Hanighen, jr., Milton Peterson, William Ritchie, jr., Charles Mantz, Wayne Selby, Bernard Smyth, Richard, Peters, Myles McFayden, Carroll Belden, Richard Coad, T. E. Dailey, Robert Turner, Misses Mary Fuller, Ruth Carter, Marie Patterson of Los Angeles, Corrine Elliott, Ltiella Peterson, Marian Coad, Ruth Kins ler, Josephine Congdon, Louise Dictz'and Olga Metz. ' To Have Role in Follies. Mrs. Louis Burgess has been asked by the Junior league to appear in the Junior league "Follies" here at the Gayety on May 7. Mrs. Bur gess, who was formerly Rosie Quinn of New York, well known in theatri cal circles in the east, has accepted the invitation and will; probably have the leading dance " role in the performances. There will be both matinee and evening performances, the latter to be followed by a supper dance at the Athletic club. Solo -Dancer MASV L A ViafrUiA torn j Luncheon at University Club. Mrs. R. D. Neely and Mrs. D. C. Robertson entertained at luncheon at the University club, Wednesday. Covers were placed for 46 guests. Yellow jonquils, lavender, sweetpeas and yellow butterflies ' formed the dccorat;ons. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Sidney Smith of Hart ford, Conn.; Mrs. Max, Beghtol of. Lincoln, and Mrs. Walter Hope well of Tckamah. '., .-, Mary Virginia Louis, daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. Karl Lewis and niece of Mr. and Mrs.' George Brandcis, is the youngest solo dancer who will appear in the recital of Missi Pleas ant Holyoke's pupils at the Brandeis April 13. Little Mary Virginia has studied, for the last two seasons with Miss Holyoke. This will be her first ap pearance, as a soloist. Among the other young solo dancers in the re cital are: Lucille McGrath. Helen Brown, Virginia Alclous,,. Charlotte Brant, Jean Potter, Margaret Martin and Virginia Langfclner. Mildred Rhodes Becomes a Bride A most attractive home wedding took place Wednesday evening at the Walter H. Rhodes residence when Miss Mildred Rhodes, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Rhodes, became the bride of R. Ware Hall, son of Mrs. R. S. Hall. The ceremony, performed by Dr. E. H. Jenks, took place before an altar of- Easter lilies, ferns and palms. Snap dragons1 and Columbia roses were used through the rooms. Miss Marian Judson of. Chicagb, cousin of the bride, acted as brides maid. She ' was gowned in pastel shades' of chiffon made with low bodice and sleeves in colonial style. Her; colonial bouquet was of fv. pink and white sweetpeas and roses,' Afternoon jRejeitaL: Pupils of Eleanor Jane Lear gave S,he,' gift of the bride, a pidiiu recital al Hcyfiuuc uifccs-i puuiiuiiu nt& sapiiuc tm day afternoon.-.' ihose taking part were Janet Ballard.-i Mary Louise Brc-wn, Bcrnice Dugher, Florence Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Gardener, Susan Hosier,- Bernice Kulakofsky. Virginia Langfellner, Frances Lin- dee, Mary Ellen Lucke,. Hope Ly- The ' bridal gown was of French satin- trimmed with Duchess lace taken from the wedding gown of the bride's mother. It was made with low bodice, short sleeves and long train in princess styles TTie rulje veil was draped with orange man, Jane Marshall, Margaret Mar- blossoms sent from California. The fn, Marjone Quivey, Sarah Rich, Ruth Richardson, Helen Richard son and Margaret Smith. To Entertain at Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Daniels will entertain : at a bridge party at their home Monday evening. . for Mrs." Caldwell. ?' Mrs. .S., S, Caldwell entertained at luncheon 'at her home Wednesday, honoring Mrs. Victor Caldwell, jc. Covers were placed for 12. Personals Mrs. W, B. Young will spend this week-end in Lincoln. ." Clara Walsh Leland. artist, is i guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walsh. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hansen and two sons of Omaha are spending several days in Lincoln. Mrs. Yale Tfollanci will; go to St. Panl, Minn.,-the .latter part of the month to. spend several weeks. Edward Slater returned Tuesday from California. Mrs. Slater and small son will remain for two weeks longer. .. , Miss Belle West and Miss Maude Grebe will leave early in May for an eastern trip including Boston and New York city. brides ornaments were a pearl neck lace worn by her mother on her bridal day and a platinum diamond and sapphire .pin, the gift of the groom. Her colonial bouquet was ot white sweetpeas and orchids. Jasper Hall, brother of the groom, acted as best man. . The ceremony Avas followed ' by an informal reception for the wedding guests. - ; The bride attendedBrowncll Hall here and the Art Institute in Chi cago. She was an Ak-Sar-Ben maid of. 1919. , Mr. HaU was graduated from Yale. , Mr. and Mrs. Hall left Wednes day .evening for the east. They will sail April 16 to spend three months traveling in England and on the continent Mrs. Hall's traveling cos tume was a smart suit of gray with hat to match. . Upon their return to Omaha they will be with the bride's parents for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wolf have taken an apartment at the Black itone. Their son, Justin, who has been attending school in the east, is' ivith them. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rees of Springfield, III., who returned with Miss Henrietta Ress from Hawaii, nd who are visiting here, leave Fri day for their home. Mrs. Anderson . Long and Miss Vlyrne Gilchrist left Wednesday fvening to spend 10 days in Chicago. They will be the guests of Miss Mil dred Grim at Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baum and daughter, Catherine, of Philadelphia, who have been wintering in Hono lulu, are now in California for a ihort stay. They may stop in Oma ha later in the month when en route home. Mrs. Charles Dietrich of Hastings, who will be in Omaha Friday- to at tend the luncheon honoring Mrs. H. H. Wheeler of Lincoln and Mrs. Draper Smith of Omaha, carriers of Nebraska's electoral vote to Wash ington, will go on that night to Cleveland to attend the meetings of the National League of Women Vot ers. April 11-16. The remainder of Nebraska's dele Ration to Cleveland, so far as known at the present time, includes: Mrs. Draper Smith, Omaha: Mrs. W. E. Barkley and Miss May Gund, Lin coln; Miss Zona Berg. Superior; Mrs. C. I. French, Fairburv, and Mrs. C H. Rockwell of Valeatint, , Humane Society Tunior Leaeue. ' T : T t U XT1 I Humane society are being organized in Omaha under direction of Miss Eleanor Dickman, who has met with remarkable success in the -few months since she undertook the work. The members sign an appli cation which has to be approved by their parents in which they promise to be kind at .home, at school and at play; to protect all life; to help enforce the laws for the protection of birds and animals; to watch for acts of cruelty and try to prevent them if possible; to promote the Junior League by telling of its use fulness and do all they can to keep themselves well and strona Doctors Wives Club. 1 The Doctors Wives club enter tained at a tea at the Fontenellc 'Wednesday afternoon. Pink roses and sweetpeas formed the decora tions. Mrs. Frank Conlin and Mrs. W. P. Wherry were hostesses. Mrs. Fred C. Hill accompanied by Mrs. Howard Kennedy gave several vo cal numbers, Ninety guests at tended. There are 30 members in the club. ' Friday Luncheon. At the luncheon Friday at the Fon tenelle, honoring Mrs. H. H. Whel ler of Lincoln and Mrs. Draper Smith of this city, the following will be at the speaker's table: John L. Ken nedy, Judge Howard Kennedy, Nor ris Brown and W. A. Baxter. Among the additional reservations j for the affair are those made by Mrs. .. L. Burker for eight guests, Mrs. W. A. Baldwin for six, rs. Howard Kennedy for eight, arid Mrs. Charles Horn for eight. Theater Parties. Mrs. C. M. Pitts entertained 4.1 members of the Central High Girl's Glee club at a matinee party at the Orpheum Wednesday. -. Carter Lake Kensing club entertained 35 guests. Mrs. D. A. Frankel had a party of 12 at the matinee. B, Drevick entertained 10 guests Wednesday evening. HOLDING A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of . , ' Revelations. of a Wife The Surprise the Telephone Brought , Madge. I could not help a quick, furtive glance at Dicky and Edith to see what effect Lillian's luncheon invita tion to Edith would have upon them. But if any plan of theirs had been thwarted by the invitation,' there was no indication of it from either of them. Edith murmured a per functory and properly grateful as sent to Lillian's offer, while Dicky began .teasing Marian, a pastime of which he as well as the child never tires. "There won't be many of us left at home tomorrow," Mrs', i Durkee pouted. "Only Marion aim, Madge and I" : . "And Katie and Jim," Alfred in terposed laughing. "But perhaps some of the neighbors will come in and keep you from getting lone some." "Get along with1 you!" his mother scolded. "We'll find plenty to do. Madge, I can help you all day to finish up anything you want done." "I shall be very grateful for your aid," I returned sincerely, for I was anxious to get everything in such shape that I would not need to re turn to the house if we found what we wished at the east end of the island on our projected trip. And I know what a notable housekeeper Mrs. Durkee is, what efficient aid she could give nie. A Busy Morning. Never was her efficiency more ably demonstrated than it was the next morning after we had speeded pn their way the city-bound members of our families. They had' decided on walking to the station because of the delightfulness of the spring morn ing, and little Mrs. Durkes gave a comical sigh of relief as we turned back from .the veranda after waving them good-bye. "I'm always glad to get people off early," she sail, as she led the way to the kitchen, where Katie was al ready at work upon the dishes. "If you've anything you cau do by yourself, Madge," my little neighbor observed, "run right along over. Katie and I will do these dishes in a jiffy and over as soon as we've finished. There isn't a thing to do Mrs. Creigh Is Re-elected Leader Current Topics Department Mrs, Mary I. Creigh was unanious ly re-elected leader of the current topic department of the Omaha Woman's club at the annual business meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. J. Welshens was chosen assistant leader and Mrs. Jb.. E. Stanfield was re-elected secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Creigh has been department leader for so many years that she herself cannot tell exactly how long she has served. She was first chosen leader more than 25 years ago, serv ing for a period of 10 or more years, resigning on account of sickness. She was again elected in 1914 and has held the office since that time. The department will be entertained at tea at the home of Mrs. Creigh Tuesday afternoon, April 12. Yeslft$.Smifh Resinol "We always keep n jar on hand. It is the best thint I know for ec zema and similar ills, and It is so gentle and soothing it is excellent for curs, burns, or sores.- We use Kesi nol Soap also It's ideal for the com plexlon and bath. Yes, you can get all the Resinol products from your druggist." 'Bowen s" This Model was $140.00 You Save $40.00 Because Bowen is now offering it for $100 And, as Usual, You Make ' Your Own Terms Columbia'' Grafonolas and Colum bia Records are made by the old est and largest phonograph com pany In existence. a ' - Come in "and see what 1 .big values these new prices give Your old machine taken as part payment on any new Gmfonola, Make your selection Now of the standard retired COLUMBIA RECORDS we are offering for 59c Howard St., Between 15th and 16th Mrs. Kinsler Re-elected President of Tuesday Musical Club Mrs. A. V. Kinsler was re-elected president of the Tuesday-Musical club at the annual business meeting Tuesday afternoon at the Fontenellc hotel. Other officers chosen are Mrs. O. T. Eastman, vice president; Mrs. S. Hoxie Clark, recording sec retary; Mrs. H. W. Pierpont, mem bership secretary; Mrs. A. D. Dunn, treasurer; Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm, au ditor, and Mesdames S. S. Caldwell, Lucien Stephens and R. B. Howell, directors. Mrs. C. W. Axtcll will probably be appointed chairman of the pro gram committee. here today, for 1 was up by day break and went over the rooms with the duster and oiled mop. And I'll let the beds air until later in the day."' , . "I can help make beds. Auntie Durkee," Marion interposed, eagerly, "So you shall, my lamb." Mrs. Durkee'hramcd upon the child, "I'll call on vou when I'm ready." "Wouldn't you like to come with me now, Marion?" I asked. ' I need someone to help me over there who can run up and down stairs easily." "Then I'm just the one you're looking for," the child caroled hap pily, dancing over to me and slipping her hand in mine. , I was glad indeed of Marion s light feet and willing hands in the hours of the busy forenoon that fol lowed. She was so enthusiastic about helping not only while I was alone, but when Mps. Durkee and Katie came over that we finally were compelled to banish her to the lawn for fear of her overdoing. Aroused From Sleep. A hasty pick-up lunch in Mrs. Durkee's (lining room, another hour of "last things," and we stood in the upper hall, with the satisfying con sciousness of a task well completed, of a dismantled house, ready for the moving vans. "There'll- be only the beds." Mrs. Durkee said practically, "and Katie and Jim know how to fix those. I'll send the linen to the laundry for you, and you can get it any time. And Katie either can have dishes and cooking things from me for Jim and herself over here, pr she can cook over at my house, just as she pleases." ' "Eef you pleeze," Katie said timidly, 'T like shoost a few tings over here. I no vant mooch." "Anything you like, K:tie," Mrs. Durkee returned heartily. "And now, Madge, I propose that every one of us take a nap for a)i hour or two. I'm going to have steak and baked potatoes, and new asparagus for dinner, and I won't have to see about any of it for three hours yet, so I'm going to have a nap. I'll put Marion to bed over in my house, so you won't have a thing on your mind." SRe bustled away, and after a last stroll through the rooms to see that nothing had been overlooked, a last h& tot lom Costf Jmtm Much fafift upon SQQtnq our tittle Zed, (DMe, -trddemizc dffsoneOezy genuine toa SHIS PETERSEN -PEGAU BAKING CO. ma PETERSEN -PEOAU BAKING CO. ALSO MAKERS Of TJPTOPRRBiDK Bags and Suit Cases at the New Price Level Ss You can buy a real ;itVin...ft en leather basr. made over a good, durable frame, with snap catches, good lock, leather Miring and sewed-on corners as low as $121 'nun,, t UilL' "iwr t " Fiber Suit Cases that are strong and good looking, very much like leather in appearance, yet they are considerabv -n-er than leather ones. We are showing them at $2, $3, $3.75, $4 and $5. FRELING & STEINLE 1803 Farnam Street HERE 15 YEARS' Phone Douglas 2793 OMAHA PRINTING COMPANY E222L HtkiixJ mms fARXAN as in. COMMERCIAL PRINTERS-LITHOGRAPHERS STEEL OlEEMBOSSEKS bOOSC LEAF OCVICCS I appreciative examination of tie din ing roori decorations winch Dirkv and Jim !'ad so cleverly restored that one couH hardly tell they had been hurt, I went to niy-room for the nap which I realized I sorely needed. It seemtd to me that I had barely touched t!ie pillow before I was wak ened by a long pealing ring of the telephone. But an itvmatirnt dance at my wrist watch told me thi-t I had slept twr, hours, and I wearily dragged nxsclf out of bod and went to the branch telephone in the upper hall. "Who i'. this, please?" cnine a rather colorless feminine voice in an swer to my "Yes," with a rising in flection. "This i Mrs. Richard Graham," I returned, conscious that my voice was distinctly ungracious, but there Sowen s. Fix Up Every Room in Your Home at These Extraordi nary Prices! . ;-Curiam 0em to Gladden ' Windows '' and -1 'Purses J - - These ' Formerly Sold for: vlearly Double' the Price!: ...''Vte-'fliese-Unusual Offerings i& 'Sprni. Very good patterns' in Filet Net Curtaain good,?.' 36 inches.. wide. -v-' "' v $ .95 , values for V. .';..-. ... SOf- 1.15 values for . -..v;,. .65f 1.35 values for'. .75: 1 ' Curtain Nets Just arrived some very attractive Curtain Xets for Lace Shades and Curtains.- All-Over patterns, 50 inches wide, at, per yard $1.60 Small Bird patterns, 42 inches wide, at, per yard 1.55 Small All-Over patterns, 36 inches wide, at, yd. ..... 1.25 Madras LOT I Colored madras, 50 inches wide, in short lengths, .worth up to $5.50 per yard; Our New Price, per yard $1.45 LOT II Colored madras, 36 inches wide, some full pieces, worth up to $2.50 per yard; Our New Price, per yard 95 LOT 111 Colored madias, 30 inches wide. In many colors and patterns, worth up to $1.75 per yard; Our New Price, yard.. 65 .Fancy Bordered Voile. In cream, white and beige shades. Splendid qualities and patterns. Ranging in prices from 75c to $1.10 per yard. Our New Price, per yard, 59 .Fancy Bordered Marquisette- In cream, white and ecru shades. Formeu prices 75c to. 95c per yard. . ' 1 Our New Price, per yard, 49 .Plain Marquisette Special - Very fine quality merccrifed Marquisette in cream and beige shades; 40 inches wide. Worth up to 75c per yard. Our New Price, per yard, 49 It Wat $375 s - Cane, Mahogany Living Room Suite Chair, Rocker, Davenport 3-Piece Suite for $195.00 Full spring construction, loose cushions, cpvered In lich velour, has four extra pillows and bolster roll. , Give Baby a New Carriage We Have the Lloyd Loom- Woven Carriages Attractively Finished in Ivor; Frosted BrQwn, Brown or Gray Upholstered In Artistic Corduro; Lloyd's Promenade Cab. $14.5' Lloyd's Spacious Gondola. 29.0 Lloyd's Pullman Sleeper.. 44.0f Lloyd's "Aristocrat" 54.00 Large Oil Mops And 4 oz. bottle of Oil, complete for 65c Solid Oak Foot Stool Upholstered ia fine grade ' moleskin, for 74c Bovren's Guaranteed Bowen's Large Big Value Carpet Guaranteed Aluminum Brooms, 5 wetter, Electric Irons Percolator, 33c $1.95 $3.95 $1.25 OMAHA'S VALUBsiPlVING STORE sHoward St., Between 15th and J6ths was no rVktutment in the voice at the other end of the wire. "We ar given to understand that you are looking for a house, Mrs. Graham," the giirl said smoothly, 1land we think we.Jiave just the ris'it property lor you." (Continued Tomorrow.) YouCan Furnish Your Dining Room at Very Low Price Saturday Union Outfitting Co. Smashing Reductions for a Great ONE-DAY. Sale Range at High as 50 Off. Complete suites as well as sin gle pieces can be had in every wanted style, wood and finish. A hint of the savings being- dis played in our windows now. The Union Outfittinpr Co., lo cated out of the High Rent Dis trict, with its eight half -block lonjr floors of furniture at new LOW prices, never considers a transaction complete until the customer is fully satisfied. As always, you make your own terms. Advertisement Shave With Cuticura Soap The Neyj Way Without Mutf 1 Chemically txacl! Ash Grove Portland Cement is made under the supervision of recognized Cement experts- leaders in the Cement industry. Ash Grove Portland Cement is ground unusually fine; of exact chemical composition, and uni formly burned. Ann HTf 3 PORTLAND CEMENT SUPCWINK MO UPfOSTaONA Mm II 1 Tt I M ' 1 I i i 1.M Constipation Is the fore runner of 85 of all human ills. It brings on more surf ennsr; " more sleeplessness v more ill-temper than T. any other single cause.' r But YOU CAN GET RID of constipation.; Nor do you have to take W any nauseating, griping , ; a medicines to ao it. xa&e RICH-LAX is new treatment - It cleans v the system, removes the poisons from the body, and puts you in shape to accomplish -.. things. And RICH-LAX does this without leaving you weak and half-tick, as you aUayt feel after taking ordinary laxatives. CunnMtd it Our Stora. W art so Mire that Rich-Lax will pleate you that we want you to come to our atort and get a bottl and try it en tirely at our risk. If it docan't auit you, tf it iaat t the beat laxative medicine you enter used, aiaphr ft tell us so and wa will preoutUy refund tte full 1 purchaac BiKt, Sherman at McCoimeH S Drue Stores. JID VKKT1SEM EJT. Rupture Kills 7,000 Annually, Seven thousand person! 'each year are' laid away the burial certificate being marked "Rupture." Why! Because the" unfortunate ones had neglected themselves" or had been merely taking care of ths aien (swelling) of the affliction and paying no attention to the cause. What are you da. ing T Are you neglecting ' yourself y wearing a truss, appliance, or whatever name you choose to call it I At beat, the truss is only a makeshift a false prop against a collapsing wall and cannot be expected to act aa more than a mere m ehanieal support. The bindinc pressure retards blood circulation, thus robbing the weakened muscles of that which they seed most nourishment. But science has found a way, and every truss sufferer in the land is invited to make a FREE test right in the privacy of their own home. The PLAPAO method i; unquestionably the most scientific, logical and successful self-treatment tor rupture., the world has ever known. , ' The PLAPAO PAD when adhering close, ly to the body cannot possibly slip er shift out of place, therefore, cannot chafe or pinch. Soft as velvet easy to apply inexpensive. To be used whilst you work and whilst you sleep. Mo (traps, buckles or springs attached. ' r Learn how to close the hernial opening' as nature intended so the rupture CAN'T come down. Send your name today to PLAPAO CO., Block 8f0, St. LauU, Mo., for FREE trial Flaps and .th"informa tion necessary. fr yea are nemos, despondent, weak, run down, tbiooah exeess or other causes. wewsnt to mall yoa our book which telle a boot SEITON1QUB, a r tar. tire remedy that will cost yon Bothiag If yea are ant cared or benefited. Erar maa needing a tonio to oreroome penoul weakness, esc, should get this free book at oooe. CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY 440 Berry Block, Nashville, Teno. ADVERTISEMENT. YOU'LL GET RID OF BLACKHEADS SURE There Is one simple, safe and sure way that never fails to get rid of blackheads and that is to dissolve them. To do this get two ounces, of calonite powder from ,any drug store epriifltle a nine on a not, wet sponge rub over the blackheads briskly wash the parte and you will be surprised how the blackheads have disappeared. Big- black heads, little blackheads, no matter where they are, simply dissolve and disappear, leaving the parte without any. mark whatever. Blackheads are) simply a mix ture of duet and dirt and secretions from the body that fort m the pores of the skin. Pinching and aqueeainaj only cause irritation, make , large perse, and do not get the blackheads out after they become hard. The ealonite) powder and the water simply dissolve the blackhead ao they wash right out, leav ing the pbres free and clean and in their natural condition. Anyone troubled with these unsightly blemishes should certainly try this simple method, '