Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1921, Page 8, Image 8
if THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1021. hi If Up - to Promoter Lewis After Bis '-Bout For This City "Terrible" Turk Willing Grapple Willi all Heavy weights as Soon as He Gets Into Condition. Stanislaus Zbyszko- one of tiic leading contenders tor the chain Vionship heavyweight wrestling :rown now in the possession of Ed (Strangler) Lewis, and Vousiff vlahniout, husky Turk grappler, nay meet in a finish match in Onia a soon, if the plans of Jack Lewis, ocal promoter, inateriali.e. The big Zbyszko's manager has vircd Promoter Lewis that his pro ge is ready to tackle Mahmout. the boss of the latter, who by the My, handled affairs of Frank Gotch more than i years ago, has nformed the local promoter tha.t as toon as Mahmout is in condition he Yill be ready to tackle all the heavy veiglit mat men of the country. , Zbyszko and Lewis will meet In t finish match in Madison Square Garden sometime during the latter part of this month, it was announced Monday. Regardless of the out tome of this affair, Lewis says he will be willing to put "" on the rare! in a main event. Another stellar attraction may be dished out to local wrestling fans in !he way of a "Pat" McGill-IIelmer Myre match. In spite of the fact that there are no less than a dozen light heavyweight grapplcrs claim ing the championship of this divi sion, Myre's manager continues to advertise his protege as the title holder and according to the amount of money he wants for his end of the purse, it must be true. Waterbury Golfer Low at Pinehiirst B. P.- Merriman Stands Good Chance of Winniug North And South Title. Pinehurst, N. C, April 6. Playing almost perfect golf, B. I Mirriman of Waterbury, made a fine effort here today to win the gold medal for the low score in the qualifying round of the North and South Amateur Golf championship, doing tire num ber thrj; course in 75 and ' tying Perry Ad; fr at 155 for the 36 holes of play. Adair was 73 Motu'i.y, but took 82 today. Merrinu'n needed a 74 to kad the Atlanta player by a shot. He played perfect golf except at the lMi hole, where his second ran into the woods beyond the green and he took seven. At the h-jine green bis putt from the edge to Vin the medal stopped an inch short of the cup. All the players expected to qualify in the first 16 did so, a score of 167 or better being required. Eighth Game of Chess Championship Tourney Ends in Another Draw , Havana, Aprit 6.--The eighth game of the international chess game between Emanuel Lasker and Jose R. Capablanca was declared a draw Tuesday. There were no moves made in addition to those of Sunday night in the first half of the game, which was adjourned after 30 moves. When the masters sat down to night to resume play in the second half of, the match, Capablanca said: "Well," Doctor, I have carefully analyzed the game and find that neither of us can win. We probably shall save a lot of work and mental energy by calling it a draw." Dr. Lasker replied he had no ob jection to calling the contest a draw, as he likewise carefully had studied the positions and was of the same opinion as Capablanc'e. Play in the ninth game will com mence tomorrow night at the Cas ino in Mariano. J oshua Crane, 52 Years f Age, Loses Tennis Match After Five Sets Boston, April 6. Joshua Crane of this city, 52. today held his younger opponent, Fulton Cutting of New York, to five sets before the latter gained a victory in the semi-final round of the national amateur court tennis championship tournament. The match lasted 2'j hours. The scores were 6-1, 4-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4. In the other semi-final rounds, Stanley G. Mortimer of New York defaulted to C. S. Cutting of New York. The Cutting brothers meet tomorrow, the winner to plav J Gould of New York, the title-holder ! in the challenge round. ! T) ' OI ' Browns Show Up Well And Trim Cardinals St. Louis. April 6. The Browns showed up in their American league I fcrm Tuesday and defeated the Car dinals in -the third game of the citv series, 9 to 0. They reached Roy Walker for one run in .the second. In the third Sothoron walked and scored on Glea son's triple to center. Jacobson singled. Williams doubled, Tobin and Smith singled for five runs. Sothoron carried this lead without difficulty holding the National leaguers to four hits. Los Angeles Golfer - Leads in Tournament lios Angeles, Cal., April 6. Dr. Paul Hunter of Los Angeles, state amateur champion, led in the first 18 holes of the qualifying round of the annual southern California ama teur golf championship nruniam-nt f the Country club Tuesday with a card of 74. - Bate News and Gossip of Interest Braves Recruit a Real Find to j Jj( r ' -sr, sWm y:sAf'i' ' i -m In Maurice Achdeacon. outfielder, (Si. C.) club of the South Atlanta leasrue, the Boston Braves have the base hall find of the season, in the opinion the Boston club, has an overabundance of outfield material, Archdcason has been examined and will no doubt son. The new plicnom throws and bats son with the Charleston club is impressing, and promises the youngster a place in big league history. Archdeacon is 21 years old and his home is in St. Louis, Mo. He weighs close to 100 pounds and stands about five feet seven in height. His fielding averages last season for 109 games was .7. And despite the fact that he played with a team which finished last in the league, he clouted the pill for an average of .310. He is a fast, heady base runner and piled up the neat total of 44 stolen bases last seasoii. Has Service in Army Cheeked Mat Career of Earl Caddoek? Is Earl C'addock. former heavy weight champion of the world, as aggressive tnd as good a wrestler as he was before he went across the pond to light for his country? Tint argument is heard every now ;nd then in wrestling circles. Some tans contend yes, others no." Those who declare his effectivne ss on the mat has been impaired advance the be lief that service in the army checked his once btilliant career, on tin; mat and that lie may never again reach the top of the ladder. Earl doesn't agree with his critics and say.-, he be lieves he will win back the cham pionship April 12, when he meets EJ Lewis, the champion, in Des Moines in a finish match. In his matches of several months ago, Earl showed that his stamina, his health and strength, has been af ack Clouthier and Stangl to Wrestle at Creston Athletic Show Creston, la., April 6. (Special.) An athletic show will be staged here Friday evening, April 8, by Cham paign Post No. 70, American Legion. The principal event will be a. finish wrestling match between Jack Clouthier of Schuyler, Ncb and Joe Stangl of Manning. Ia. As pre liminaries there will be an eight round boxing exhibition between Roy Rector, weight 157 pounds, of Columbus. Neb., and Joe Lynch, weight 154 pounds, of Kansas City, Mo. . In addition there will be other boxing exhibitions and wres tling matches. The proceeds of the athletic show will go towards the fund for the erection of a public auditorium in this city. William Tilden Beats Washburn. 6-2, 6-2 Philadelphia, April 6. William T. Tilden, II, world's tennis champion, defeated Watson M. Washburn of New York in the second round of a j three-day invitation . tournament to I clay, 6-2, 6-2. Tilden will meet ! Vincent Richards tomorrow in the 1 fiwnl i-tilm4 Richards' and Washburn defeated Tilden and Carl Fischer, the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania star, 6-3, 6-2, 6-3, in the final match of tbe' dou- b,lcs ' Grace Lutheran To Cop Church .League The, Grace Lutherans will begin the Church league season with one of the strongest lineups of any of the teams. Captain Bill Smith has assigned himself to short; Ralph Smith, catch; Madsoc. third; Mini, kus. second: Cole, first; Walter, pitch; Stulick, Maston and Shafton, outfield. With this lineup. Bill says that the flag of the Church loop might as well be handed to him Tight now. . Central A. C. Winner The Central Athletic club base ball team of Omaha opened its sea son bv defeating the Miller Park club, 12 to 7. The C. A.'C. would lik.e to ar range games with other junior nines in the city. For contests call Her man Fcrbcr, Doujlas 80O6. acquired from the Charlcstown, of experts. Despite the fact that get into the regular lineup this sea left-handed. His record last sea fected bv the war, but be ais". de clares that he has cast off all the ill effects of the war and that nday he is as dangerous on the mat as he was in the days of bis championship. While the war and its hardships have handicaped Earl, Lewis was for tunate to remain at home and build himself up until now he presents a wrestler at the peace of his career. Weighing 225 pounds, Lewi; is as strong as a bull, as fast as any big man of his weight and he possesses a world of confidence. Clean liv ing, he says has built him into a modern Samson. He will outweigh Caddoek 30 pounds in their match, but if Earl is in as good condition the night of the battle that ht boasts he will be, the "Strangler" v. ill find himself up against the toughest game he car;s to tacklei Iowa Solons Kill Bill Which Would Have Legalized Boxing Des Moines, la., April. 6. The bill which would have legalized boxing in Iowa was defeated, 22 to IS, in the state senate late this afternoon. Owens Picks Players For St. Joseph Team; Expects Good Ball Club Oklahoma City, Okl.. April 6. President Bclden and Manager Owens have decided on the players who will be retained as Saints for the opening of the Western league season one week from tomorrow. The pitchers who will be carried on the St. Joseph payroll are the vet eran Bill Rose. Arnold Luschen, Mack Allison, Eddie Hovlik, Nick Cullop and Wilkins. The receiving end will be taken care of by Owens and Texas Crosby. The remainder -of the lineup fot lows: Jack Beatty, first base; Wal ter Nufer, second base; Ray Mc Donald, shortstop; Tom Connolly, third base; George Figner, center field; George Fisher, right field, and the old reliable Joe Bonowitz, left field. Scanliu and Brundidge, will be carried in a utility capacity. . phe Saints are scheduled to open a three-game scries in Enid tomor row, following which they mix-in a trio of clashes at Independence, Kan., prior to cracking open th; season at Tulsa. Hanscom Park M. E. Tearn to Play Soon Charles Montague; manager of the Hanscom Park M. E: nine, an nounced yesterday that his newly crganized diamond crew would meet the Kirschbraun's of the Gate City league , at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon at Miller Park. Montague has lined up Ray Clement, former Central star, and Kline(iPicrce, Slanc and Pace of the Commerce nine, to play on his team. Wayne Munn, formerly of the University of Ne braska, will play first base.,. Ad Santel in Japan Ad Santel, well kimwn lifjht heavyweight wrestler, is louring Japan taking on all the Jap "bone crushers," according to a letter re ceived yesterday by Jack Lewis. SH0 o 1 v RALPH 0 MAHA Elks will not stage another athletic carnival the latter part of this month, ac cording to an announcement m(c last night by a member of the ath letic committee. The local lodge increased its banking account by $5,000 as a re sult of the last show. t Instead of a boxing carnival the Omaha "Bills" have arranged for an indoor circus attraction to be held at the Municipal au ditorium from May 7 to 14, in clusive, v The ruling made by Judge Lan dis last week that hcliad no juris diction to act on the appeal of a minor -league base ball player for reinstatement, established a' de rision that will have a far-reaching effect. The case that resulted in Judge I.andis' ruling was that of L. N. Longe, now on the ineligible list of the Kansas City Blues, who was denied reinstatement by tlu National Board of Minor League association and appealed to Judge Landis. Longe, it is said, attempt ed to "retire" from organized base ball to accept a proposition from an "outlaw" clnb. Several players in the Western league jumped their contracts last season and are now in the same "boat." Tommy Gibbons, St. Paul scrap per, is getting rough. Considered the fanciest of "fancy boxers" among the heavyweights, the Younger Phantom has been bow ling 'em over like tenpins in re cent bouts. Paul Sampson, the. New York heavyweight, who was saved by the referee after Tommy had punished him severely for two rounds, hasn't been mentioned as a peril to Jack Dempsey's reign, but he is just one more big fellow added to Gibbon's string of vic tims. The younger Gibbons is fast approaching the pinnacle his il lustrious brother, Mike, held so long and is slowly but surely con vincing fistic fandom that he is Dempsey's logical opponent. Another wrestler has crossed the herring pond in the person of Yousiff Mahniout: The fact of the matter, stranger, is that Mahmout is not a newcomer to the shores of me united Mates. Mahmout left this country in 1912 for Bulgaria, where he was impressed into the army of that country. Bulgaria was defeated in the Balkan Wars by Rotiniania and during those hard-fought battles Mahniout was twice re ported, dead. Now he is back in the United States and has in mind American citizenship, and expects to send for his family and establish his home here. - Mahmout claims . the heavy weight wrestling championship, in spite of the fact that "Strangler" Ed Lewis is recognized the champ by the fans. The foreigner's claim to the title is based upon Frank Gotch's retirement from the game and the presentation of his crown to the Turk. . . Emil Klank has Mahmout in charge and expects to get the big fellow into condition soon for mat tussles. Klank handled Gotch and Mahmout years ago. Jake Schaefer and Welker Coch ran's victories over Edouard Hore mans, the Belgian billiard cham pion, must have been a sad blow to the aspirations of the visitor from across the ocean. There is little doubt but that he confidently expected to take both of these cue-wielders into camp and by so doing force Willie Hoppe into a championship match. Meeting Schaefer and Cochran was part of Horcmans' campaign be had worked out in the hope of meeting the billiard champion. Had the .Belgian been able to de feat both Schaefer and Cochran, who rank next to Hoppe, it would not have been long before Hoppe would have been forced to meet the Belgian. The release of Catcher Floyd Brown from the Buffalo camp leaves the job. of backstop for the Omaha base ball club between Stapleton and Cy Lingle. Right now it is practically certain that Lingle wiH do the bulk of the re ceiving with "Stap" hanging around for emergenecy cases. Lingle while not an extra good hitter, is a fairly good backstop, and with the experience collected last season as catcher for "Pa" Rourke he should prove even more valuable to the team this year. Rain and cold greatly inter fered with the training of the Buffaloes while they were at Fort Smith. The team Lelivelt guided against Fort Smith was a different one from that which dropped three games to Joplin during the early part of the training season. Charlie Trimble, secretary of the Ak-Sar-Bcn exposition com pany, is a happy bird. Just now Charlie is ehirping about the run ning meet which is scheduled for Omaha June- 2 to 10, inclusive. "The best gallopers of the coun try will kick up thc dust out at our new track," said 'Charlie yes terday. "I expect more" than 300 head of horses to compete for the large purses." On the clay following the close of the running races, the automo bile speed demons will try to .lower the dirt track records. Burlington Wins Iowa State Volley Ball Title Cedar Rapids, la., April 6. Bur lington won the Iowa State Y. M. C. A. volley ball tournament here for the second consecutive year. Des Moines was second. Clinton third and Highland Park of Des Moines fourth. The meet was the final round, th four competing teams having been selected at two divisional meets. TO SPORT-0-GRmiS" Kilitor' Nnlf Tlio fulliiiTln nrtirl wad wrltton for Krank 1. Mnk by Wltr MnraiivUlf, the brilliant I'ilt nhurir ll uliort Mnp. It a purpod In to ifhool the young Mrr In tli" trlrku of lnrtloitln-. M hll it l of th mot vllnl internal to youn MerN, It li fiirnUhrM irmlll rriMlinc for the adult fun for It ilrtuIlM the metboilH which Marnnrllte uxtil to reach liaae ball greattiesii. . . ..Marnvillr- article l the third of a aerie of articles which la appearing In Ihl column daily on "How to I'lay Kae Hull." The oilier contributors are Heinle (.rob. Tjr t'nbb, Trln Mpeaker, tirover Al exander. Steve O'Neill and Wllhert Roli iniion. Articlea by tieorge SIMer and t'.ddle (olllna appeared in this column previ ously. Tomorrow' article will be "How. to t'lny Third ltane" with Heinle t.roh i author. , HOW TO PLAY SHORTSTOP. By Walter Maranville (Of Pittsburgh Pirates.) (Copyright, 1911. by King Features Pyn tlicaU Ini'J. The job of shortstopping in tech nical execution doesn't differ greatly from that of second base. For the shortstop must cover second almost as often as docs the regular key stone guardian. He must play for batters in much the same way as docs the second baseman. ' He shifts a little toward the bag for a left handed bitter and plays regu lar position when a right, handed hitter is up. Inasmuch as Eddie Collins, one cf the greatest second basemen that ever lived, already has told how the job of second should be played, so far as the "inside" stuff 'is concerned.- I'm going to pass up handing tips on the job itself and devote this article to telling the youngsters on the points of proper fielding. Whenever a fly ball is hit, and you set sail after it, aim to receive it while you are in position to throw the ball to any base where a throw should be made. That's a. bit of- advice to keep in mind always because by following it you'll be w ell on your way to success. ' ' Two Ways to Catch. . You can receive a fly ball in two different ways. One is to cup the hands, holding them near to the belt and let the ball drop in. The other way is to reach up with your hands, holding them in the shape of "V" near to your chest; either way is good. Try out both ways for a while and decide which is the easiest and surest way for you to make a catch. Atter you have decided, stick to that decision and make all the catches that way afterward, ex cept, of course, in cases of extreme emergency when you must make a stab catch. I use the cupped fashion for two reason;-!. Cne is that it is most nat ural for me.' The second is that bv making the catch in cupped fafhion I am in far better position to make a throw than when the "V" style of catching is used. When you catch a ball in the "V" way .you've got to lower your arms and twist your fingers around the balj before you can make the. throw. That means a loss of time. When you make a cupped catch you close your fingers even as you swing the arm to inake the throw. ' In view of the fact that a fraction of a second often makes the difference bctwen a putout for you of a hit for the enemy, you can realize that speed in getting the ball away is vital. Concerning . grounders: Never back away from a grounder. Go in for it whenever you can, - Don't try to take it standing still. Get. into motion, for when you are in motion you can make a faster, snappier throw to the base. Keep in mind that you must play the ball. .And Kockler and Hill Gain Lap in Race Chicago, April 6. Erarest Kock ler and Fred Hill stole a lap in the six-day bicycle race "Tuesday, leav ing them still one lap behind the leaders. At midnight the 49th hour of the race, all of the other teams had covered 818 miles and six laps. Corry and McBcath led in points with 24 1-2. Cubs Want Games The Omaha Cubs, another semi pro ana amateur Dase pan team oi this city is scouting for games. For contests with the Cubs call Tyler 2563 or Tyler 5263and ask for Harry, IS HE cars f .1 inimiipl I 1 1 1 I . I i. . I- V l-Ten Track. Expnu BoJyrnnJB-PoM Top, 1.M5...J. Flint. Mich. 2 si W A- yon can t i lay : lauding still or by backing away. Go After Ball Fast. Don't rush in pell-mell for the drive. Go in after the ball fast, of course, but be sure you have perfect balance. Whenever possible, go after that ball from such an angle so that when you get it you'll be facing the place where you want to make the throw. Take the ball on the short bound never on the long jump unless it is absolutely necessary. Thos; long bounders are tricky and may jump over your head or sideways . You can't trust 'cm. So make tbe play on the short bound. It's always best, when fielding bounders, to let the ball be ?imcd at the leg that is farthest back. When in sue!; a po sition you'll find it easier o make the short bound plays and you'll certainly find it easier to make the throws. The usual method ot shortsto; throwing is overhand. That's the natural one. , But sometimes the play will come so fast that yon won't have time to throw overhand you'll have to throw sidearm or underhand. So you must learn, by constant practise, to throw ac curately in all those ways. Accuracy in throwing can be ac quired by trying to put the bail into the other baseman's hands all the time in the same place. I usually shoot 'em all at their belts. Some of the boys try to hit the' baseman's chest, while others aiiyi for his knees or for the cap. It's up to you as to where you want to aim. But decide what your target will be and then always throw for that portion of the Laseman's anatomy. Don't Wait. Don't wait - before tbe ball is actually bit before you get into mo tion. When the pitch is made, get oji your toes, ready and eager to g out and meet the ball.- Be up aod; doing all the time. Watch your pitcher, -closely. Watch your catcher signal to the j pitcher. 1 lien you II know wnat sort of pitch is going to be made. The kind of ball the pitcher throws fast or slow, an in-curve or a wide out. or a drop often tips you off as to just where the batter is going to drive that ball. . As a, final' tip, I just want to repeat: Play the ball never back away from it Announce Personnel Of Yank Golf Team Jiew York, April 6. Personnel of the American Amateur faolt team which will sail April 30, to partici oate in the British amateur cham pionship tournament was announced tonight. It will consist of Charles Evans, ir.. of Chicago, National Amateur champion: Francis Ouimet of Bos ton; Bobby Jones of Atlanta: Fed Wright of Boston: Paul Hunter of California: Parker Whittemore of Boston; W. C. Fowncs of Pitts burgh; J. Wood Piatt of Philadel phia and F. C. Newton of Boston. The get-together WantsAds. medium Bee j CHEVROLET I 1 f'For Economical Transportation" value of commercial is measured in terms of reliability, economy and con venience, v Chevrolet Mode! "T" One Ton Truck fulfills these require ments; they constitute the basis of its design and construction. Chevrolet Motor Company RETAIL STORE 2659 Farn'am St. Phone Harney 72S0 OMAHA to Sport Fans Base Ball Pool Tickets Found In Big Raid Cleveland Police Arrest Seven Men Believe They Dis covered New Gambling Institution. Cleveland, Aprit 6. Seven men were arrested here last night, fol lowing raids on a printing shop and a dwelling, which resulted in the confiscation of nearly a million nrinteil base ball Dool tickets and declaration by the police that they discovered a new base ball gam bling institution with headquarters in Cleveland. The men are charged with run ning a game of chance. Among them is the assistant cashier of a bank. Besides the tickets police secured a number of book and ledgers which they believe are cleus to cities where many of the pool tickets already have been sent. The names of a number of cities, some of them operating clubs in the American, National and Interna tional leagues and the American association were listed. The tickets confiscated, police say. bear titles of the A. tind P. Industrial Two-in-One and pools. Tickets bearing All American "All SPECIAL SALE Cabinet Gas Ranges This Week "Wear-Ever" 5-Quart Aluminum Tea Kettle Given "FREE" With Every Gas Range Sold This Week at $50.00 or Over. I reliable' " S, I ; ' I liiill I V GAS RANGES J No. $65 Value Reliable Cabinet Gas Range This Week for This is a four-burner, small cabinet Gas Range, with low utensil compartment, white porcelain enamel splashers, oven doors and uten sil compartment-slide doors. Suitable for small kitchen. A few "Acorn" Gas Ranges and other sam ple ranges being closed out at reduced prices. Sold on Payment Plan With Gas Bill Metropolitan Water District Gas Department 1509 Howard St. W. L. Burgess. American pool" contain offers of a prize of $1,000 daily to the holder of combinations of the six teams in the four leagues scoring the greatest number of runs. "What Women Will Do?" DO YOU THINK YOU KNOW WOMEN? "What Women Will Do?" 735 $50 Phone Pou?. 0605. Coum. Affeiit. j