Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    IHK BEfc.: UMAHA. THURSDAY. At'KUJ 7, 1921.
Goal Reached in
Y.M.G. A. Annual
Finance Canvass
Total of $50,000 Assured
When Flying Squadron of
Directors Assumes Last
One hundred workers on the Y. M.
C. A.' annual finance drive met at
the "Y" yesterday noon for the
luncheon, and at the close of the
meeting it was announced that the
$50,000 had been assured and the
campaign had closed with flying
The flying squadron composed of
members of the board of directors
of the association took over the re
ponsibility for securing the, last
4,614 and thus pledged every cent
necessary to make the campaign a
colossal success from start to finish.
Division A reported yesterday
S409, making- their total secured on
the campaign $9,601. J. Dean Ringer
was. major in command of this di
vision. Division B commanded by
Dr. J. T. Maxwell reported $464
yesterday and a total secured dur
ing the campaign, 6,081; Comman
der L. C. Sholes reported that Divi
sion C, which has led the campaign
from the start, secured $760 for the
day and $11,048 for the whole drive;
Harry O. Palmer, major of D di
vision, had $3-6 to report for the day
and a total of $5,4-0 for the whole
canvass. The flving squadron secur
ed $335 Wednesday and $3,525 al
togther during the campaign.
Celebrate Victory.
Dr. Frank G. Smith, vVe chair-
man 01 mc .huib",
the meeting yesterday noon which
was in the nature of a celebration
of the victory, A resolution was
adopted thanking every one who had
in any way contributed to the suc
cess of the campaign. A resolu
tion also was adopted sending the
greetings of the men on the teams
to George W. Campbell, who is in
the hospital, following an operation.
Flowers were also sent him from
the teams and their members.
Speeches were called for from Gor
don W. Noble, president of the
association, and R. S. Flower, gen
eral secretary,- w ho both thanked
the men on the teams and every one
who helped during the campaign for
their efforts that had brought suc
cess to the association.
Deficit to Be Wiped Out.
The success of the campaign
means the payment of the deficit
of $17,000, which has been accu
mulating during the war years when
all efforts were concentrated on oth
er drives; it means the support of
the state supervisory work of the
Y. M. C. A. of which Omaha's share
is $5,00; it means the support of
the current expense budget of the
Association which will insure the
work of this year being done in the
most efficient manner possible.
A remodeling of the men's locker
rooms, is one improvement contin
gent on the success of the campaign.
The boys' work of the association
will be materially strengthened by
adding another man to the staff of
the boys'' division, which is sorely
ii rrutu, x lit uv ui ioivh m.
did a definite work for over 2,200
Omaha boys with great handicaps in
the way of insufficient help.
Propose Legislation
For Removal of Baby
From Mother in Prison
: Albany, N. Y., April 6. A spe
cial bill has been introduced in the
state senate to remove Gloria Odell,
an infant, from Auburn prison,
where her mother is serving 20
years for murder.
The bill sponsored by Senator
Fearon, would place the child in the
care of the nearest relative compe
tent to care for her. The baby was
born after her mother entered the
prison. Her father is m the death
chamber in "Sing Sing for the same
Governor Miller is considering an
application to pardon Mrs. Odell
so the baby may be brought up out
side prison walls.
Free Camping Grounds for
Auto Tourists at Wymore
Wymore, Neb., April 6. (Spe
cial.) The work of improving Fur
nas park for the accommodation of
auto tourists will be commenced at
once. Conveniences will include'
shade, water, lights, ovens, fuel,
tables and shelter in rainy weather.
All of these will be free. The park
has ample room for hundreds of
people, is located on the'Cornhusker
highway and within three blocks of
postoffice, depot, theaters, garages
and stores. Large signs, will be
placed on the four highways lead
ing into town: "Camp in Wymore,
free grounds, light, fuel and water."
Many Lives Are Lost in
Hurricane in Mexico
Nogalcs, Ariz., April 6. Many
lives are declared to have been lost,
according to a dispatch from Santa
Rosalia, 80 miles southwest of
Guaymas, Sonora, as a result of a
hurricane, which is said to have been
raging over the Gulf of California for
the past two days.
Huts built near the water's edge,.
were swept away by the waves.
Many small fishing craft have failed
to return to port.. '
r 1 T 1 TVT V . 1
vsceoia iaa nominated
" For Naval Academy Course
" w,.i,: n r ,;i
Washington, D. C, April 6.
t Special Telegram.) Congressman
McLaughlin of the Fourth Nebras
ka district today nominated Henry
Allison Albin of Osceola, Neb., to
take the examination for entrance
to the naval academy. Mr. Albin
is a graduate of the Osceola High
school and at present a student at the
Nebraska State university.
Cedar Rapids Minister
Called to Church at Wahoo
Wahoo, Neb.. April 6. (Special.)
Rev. A. M. Horan, pastor of the
Baptist church at Cedar Rapids, has
been calif d tcr the First Baptist
church oi Wahoo and will move his
family it ence. He succeeds Ki v. Mr.
Johnson who left the Wahoo church
last spring to take charge of the
rastorate at Weston.'
Election Results
Lincoln, April 6. Charles V.
Hryan and Frank C. Zehrung, both
former mayors of Lincoln, were
among the rirst five men in the pri
mary race for city commissioner.
The following 10 were nominated
tor the city election May 3: George
Dayton, William Schroeder. C. W.
Bryan, John Wright, F. C. Zehrung,
William Foster, F. M. Coffey,
George C. Mason, C. W. Pool and
Paul Docrr.
Seward,' Neb., April 6. (Special
Telegram.) Mayor C. P. Joerm. ap
pointed to fill the unexpired term
of Mayor George Merriani, who was
murdered, was re-elected Tuesday.
Fay Merriam, son of the former may
or, was re-elected clerk, W. C. Tin
hue was named treasurer. The ne'v
councihnen are Jacob Imig. J. M.
Geesen, C. Boals and J. C. Crouse.
It was decided to continue to li
cense billiard parlors by a three to
one vote.
Lexington, Neb., April 6. (Special
Telegram, i Sunday base b;:ll and
Sunday n erving pictures shows were
defeated by large majorities in the
election here. The Business Men's
ticket, headed by W. A. Stewart for
mayor, wot. out, including the three
roimcilmev. R. Emerson and Sim
Bonsall dcteated Mrs. VanHcrn and
Mrs. France for the Board of Edu
cation. COLUMBUS.
Columbus, Xeb., April 6. (Special
Telegram.) Mayor Carrig vas re
elected bv 384 majority and four
democratic councilmen elected by
substantial majorities.
Franklin, Neb., April 6. (Special
Telegram.) Franklin City election
results are as follows: Mayer, H. J.
Martin: clerk, Walter Butler; treas
urer, W. J I. Lohr; councilmen, First
ward, C. T. Gohrani; Secot il ward,
W. S. Yalcs and H. J. Walker.
Central City, Neb., April 6. Cen
tral Citv officials elected: Mayor J.
R. Ratcliffe; councilmen, J. J. Mohr,
W. B. Miller, James F. Pease; clerk,
C. F. Newmyer; treasurer, Erie
Wright; engineer, B. W. Benson;
board education, J. B. Skiff and Dr.
A. W. Luff.
York, Neb., April 6. Sunday base
ball and motion pictures were the
main issues of the spriug election
here yesterday and were ddeated.
The largest vote in the history of
the city was cast.
Norfolk, Neb., April 6. John- Fri
day, democrat, was elected mayor of
Norfolk yesterday after a spirited
campaign by about 500 majority over
A. W. Brayer, republican.
Friday, who has been mayor for
several terms at different times, was
nominated by the democrats and
supported by the regular republican
nrcanization following the capture
of the republican primary by an in
dependent faction ot toe party.
There were no other contests on the
city ticket.
Anhitrn Neb.. AdhI 6. (Special.)
-Sunday base ball, backed by the
American Region, carried m me cuy
election here yesterday by a ma
jority of 31. but Sunday movies' lost
by 30. K. M. uman was uv.".cjsmi
in the mayoralty campaign over
William Welch.
Excitement prevailed m ti e cam
paign through the efforts of the
women and the church element to
fight the American Legion Sunday,
amusement ordinance.
Red Cloud, Neb., April 6.-Alfred
McCall was elected mayor by three
votes. His opponent was Mi. Mary
Pearson. A. B. Crabill and Mrs. G.
W. Humtnell were elected members
of the city council.
Cozad, Neb., April 6 George L
Slade, serving his second term as
mayor was re-elected by a majority
of 44 votes over A. U. Marshall in
yesterday's balloting. W. T. Wal
lace was chosen iity clerk, W. 1 .
ITiompson, treasurer, S. D. Kalstou
and E. E. Cook, councilmen and
E N. Davis and E. E. Davis were
named as members of the school
i?.-n-r.iif Neb.. Aoril 6. C. H.
Green, republican, present member
of the board of public works, was
elected mayor yesterday by a vote
that nearly equalled the combined
totals of his opponents, Dr. J. .
A gee,1 democrat and former mayor
W C. Wiley, who headed the citi
zens ticket. The following counal
men also were successful: J. C.
Rogers, Ray M. Chappell, Ray
Hardenbrook, J. E. Nelson and
John Martin. A. F. Plambeck and
E. G. Pierce were chosen city
treasurer and city clerk, respective
ly, without opposition. S. .S. Sidner
and C. D. Marr were named as
members of the board of education.
Kearney, Neb., April 6. Despite
the solid support of the women
voters of this city to secure votes
enough for Mrs. L. YV. Tolbert,
president of the Nineteenth Century
club, to lead the ticket, she was
sble to muster but 887 in her race
for a place on the city commission
and consequently she placed fourth.
Dr. E. A. Meservcy and Dr. H: L.
Foster wcte elected to the board of
education. Over 1,700 votes were
cast. "
- Wymore, Neb., April 6. (Spe-
ciaU-The contest between B O.
Youll and Mrs. Morns Jones fo.
Neb., April 6. (Spe-
mayor proved to be very close, Mr.
Youll winning by a margin of three
out of 920 votes. W. E. Wright was
elected councilman in the First
ward, W. A. Stahl in the Second.
Mrs. Frank Norris and Dr. Francis
Elias were elected members of the
school board. Sunday moving pic
tures were defeated by a majority
of 72.
Geneva, Neb., April 6. (Special
Telegram.) An effort was nAtde to
defeat some of the regular nomi
nees for city offices here by writing
in names of several who were
beaten at the caucus. Friends of
the former mayor and city clerk
held a meeting on Sunday and
organized in an effort to put them
back in office, llie opposition se-
cured enough voters to elect the
regular ticket. A heavy vote was
cast. Nearly as many women as
men voted. The new city officer
are: Mayor, B. B. Ogg; clerk, I. T.
Fellows; treasurer, L. O. Swails;
councilmen, R. G. Phillips, John
Swails and Jacob Wcis; members
of the school board, Henry Muhlcn
burg and John P. Davis. There
was but one ticket nominated this
year. '
Ord. Neb., April 6. (Special
Telegram.) Good government
ticket and Sunday base ball won
here by big majorities. Nearly 700
votes were cast, which was largest
vote in the history of the city. The
1'oUowirfg were elected: Mayor. A.
M. Daniels; clerk, Mrs. W. O. Wol
ters; treasurer, William Heuck;
engineer. Charles Nelson; park
commission, George A. Parkins;
councilmen. Nels Johnson, 0. S.
Watson, Mr. Bartos; members
school board, C. S. Jones, B. M.
Hardenbrook, Roy Bailey and
Ralph Norman.
O'Neill, Neb.. April 6. (Special
Telegram.) Mayor Charles M.
Daly was re-elected over J. M. Hun
ter. John Gallagher was re-elected
clerk and C. P. Hancock, treasurer.
An additional water hrmrl issn nf
$19,000 carried two to one. H. E.
coyne defeated Mrs. David Stan
nard, O'Neill's only council woman.
J. P. Gilligan, James Harnish and
Thomas Birmingham were re
elected to the school board. Mrs. T.
D. Hanley, woman candidate, run
ning far behind.
Ainsworth. Vh nr f. i-
cial.) L. K. Alder was elected
mayor over c. i. Bo wen by a
majority of 13. Other officers elected
were: E. R. Taylor, clerk; W. H.
Williams, treasurer; R. D. Sey
mour, engineer: R W
' Wllilllliuii
and N. Hively, school board; E. B.
jiooncy ana u. W. Uiappell, coun
cilmen. Iwo women candidates for
the school board, Mrs. Edith Gal
braith and Mrs. Ellen Ackerman,
were defeated.
Deshlcr. Neb.. Anril f,K.,;,i
t he following officers were elect
ed here Tuesday: Trustees for two
years, Ed Eyden, Clamor Lange, C.
r. Kreimeycr; police judge, Joseph
Sittler; school board for three years,
Albert Caughcy and T. R. Ross.
Alliance, Neb., April 6. (Spe
cial t Tn o Af tlm mot-t U 1.. ..
-...a uut VI .H. UULJJT
tested elections in the hsitory of the
city and with a vote that broke all
of five members was elected here
to serve under the city manager
plan, which was voted at a special
election in January. The new coun
cilmen are: S. W. Thompson, R.
M. Hampton, C. A. V. Gavin, J. B.
Irwin and M. S. Hargraves.
The total vote cast was 1,225.
About 300 were cast by women.
TI, nrontifr rittr n Ant inict rof Jnti
bitterly opposed the city manager
, ,r . t- t
plan irom tne start, Mayor noagers
talfiiKr an artivf nart in the onnosi-
pi .' , . 1 . ,
tion. At the primary election held
in March, the old political machine,
of which the fire department with
75 members was a controlling fac
tion, presented a slate of candidates,
evervone of whom was overwhelm
ingly defeated.
A mint meeting ot the new ana
the old council will be held Monday
-uViiVVi time thff new coun
cil will assume the duties of office.
A president will be elected, who win
-f(,r,' mavor. and a vice oresi-
Jt ,A-,'IIH.1W ...j"., ----- . .
TUk -nunril will then aDPOlllt
,a city manager. Thirty-five applica
tions from nearly a dozen siaies iwvc
been received for the position of city
Scottsbluff. Neb., April 6. (Spe
cial Telegram.) T. D. Deutsch de-
c ..J T TJ Mtirnhv lor Mavor Ot
Scottsbluff, having a majority of 403
votes: Guy Carlson defeated J. C.
McCrary for councilman. These of
ficials had no opposition : F. F. sli
er, treasurer; Walter Bly, . clerk;
Winfield Evans, water commissioner;
Lour Schwaner. M. J. Higgms and
O M. Finlev, councilmen. There was
little intcre's't in the election.
Hebron. Neb., April 6.-(Special.)
H L. Boyes was elected mayor
by a majority of 95. R. A. Young,
clerk, and W. F. Powell treasurer
, j I o;.;r,n Pnol ha Is won;
i;au "u . ..
bowling alleys and Sunday base ball
lost, the latter proving caiicu.j
- l-- Th. mavoraltv contest
was the hottest for many years, fc,.
E. Carrell, editor of the Hebron
Journal, was the defeated candidate.
Randolph, . Neb., April 6. (Spe
cial) One of the hottest elections
ever held here resulted in the elec
tion of O. O. Reed for mayor by a
three votes out of
a total of 400. Clark Blizzard was
elected clerk in a close-drawn tigni
and E. A. Hoffman was elected
treasurer. The stiff fight extended
to the school board election, where
two women were elected to posi
tions on the board. The election
was the olosest,ever experienced in
local elections.
Fairbury, April 6. (Special.)
Election passed off quietly. . The
citizens and socialists each had a
ticket in the field. The entire citi
zen ticket was elected with the ex
ception of J. J. Mulkey, councilman.
Very little interest was shown and
less than one-fourth of the vote was
cast. The following, officers were
elected: F. A. Moon, mayor; H. W.
Fouts, clerk; Edward S. Goodrich,
treasurer; J. J. Mulkey, William
Trefcthen, J. W. Buswell, R. E.
Rilev. councilmen; Frank L. Spear
;and C. A. Ewers, members of board
of education.
West Point, Neb., April 6. (Spe
cial.) TTie municipal election re
sulted in the choice of the following
officers: Mayor, John Clatanoff;
clerk, Miss Sarah E. Lindale; treas
urer, Frank Miller; engineer, R. H.
Kerkow; police judge, W. J. Paasch;
councilmen, John Benne, Walter
Reesen, William Clausen; board of
education, Charles Beckenhauer,
George Korb, Fred Thietje, Dr. F.
N. Wells. Election passed off very
quictfy, the only special feature be
ing the apparent hostility of the
voters to the present members ot
the school board, who are blamed
I for the' great cost of the new high
. school enterprise.
Box Car Thieves Shoot
Officer at Grand Island
Grand Islam), Neb., April 6.
(Special.) Caught in an attempt to
break the seal on a refrigerator car
in the Union 1'acilic yards here at
daybreak .this morning, tramps en
gaged Arthur Eaton, Union Pacific
detective, in a gun battle and
escaped after seriously wounding
the officer.
. Eaton was wounded in the left
arm above the elbow, shattering the
bone, in the chest, and in the scalp.
A switching crew, hearing the shots,
hurried to he scene where they
picked up the wounded officer and
bore him by switch engine to the
city where he was taken to the gen
eral hospital. Surgeons say he may
Assignment For
Pershing Will Be
Announced Soon
Rumors Favor Appointment
As Ambassador to Japan
Which is Said to Be
Washington, April 6. Secretary
Weeks' statement that he would
shortly announce, a detail to duty for
General Pershing, "commensurate
with his rank," has caused consid
erable interest and speculation in the
War department. Several possible
assignments for the general, whose
rank as general of the army places
him above any routine detail, have
been discussed by officials, it was
said today.
It has been rumored he would re
tire to accept a diplomatic post,
probably that of ambassador to
Japan to succeed Roland Mor
n's, whose, resignation President
Harding accepted. It is understood
this would be the most acceptable
diplomatic post General Pershing
could be offered. His service there
years ago as military attache would
tend to qualify him for the position,
it has been pointed out. Another
diplomatic post mentioned is Paris,
but it is believed that if given his
choice he would prefer Tokio.
On the other hand many army
officers believe General Pershing will
either be made chief of staff to suc
ceed Maj. Gen. Peyton C. March, or
that Secretary Weeks will seek from
congress legislation placing ;he army
on a field financial basis with him
as general of the army at the head
of the organization. In that event
it was pointed out, the general would
have a staff exactly as he had Major
General Harbord as his principal as
sistant and chief of staff in di'.ecting
the A. E. F. during the war.
Another assignment frequently
mentioned in connection with Gen
eral Pershing is that of governor
general of the Philippines, but it is
not believed sucb a detail would be
acceptable to him. A tour of the
world as an envoy extraordinary
similar to the tours made b" other
allied leaders after the war also has
been mentioned.
General Fershing has never
broached the subject of retirement
to the new administration as far as
can be learned. More than a year
ago in a letter to Secretary Baker,
he indicated his desire to go on the
retired list when he had completed
important duties on which he was
engaged. Most of those duties are
Under the law the general may re
tire at any time with full pay and
allowances of his rank, amounting to
about $21.000 a year.
Sergeants' Release
Was Unconditional,
Secretary Weeks Says
Washington, April 6. Reports
from Germany that the German gov
ernment had conditioned the iclcase
from prison of American army ser
geants, Zimmcr and Neaf, t.n the
promise that Grover Cleveland Berg
doll, American draft dodger, would
be no further molested were em
phatically denied here today.
Secretary of War Weeks said such
a report was nonsense. "There were
no conditions whatever to the re
lease of these men," he said.
know because I have seen copies oi
all the correspondence wuu rela
tion to their release and there is
nothing of the sort mentioned, be
sides this government would not be
a party to any such condition.
Rrl Willow County Will
A VI ' 0
Assist Farm Bureau Work
McCook, Neb., April 6. (Spe
cial.) Mr. Deweese of the Nebras
ka Farm bureau state work is m the
city meeting with the county com
missioners and the county farm
bureau organization in the further
ance o the farm bureau work jn
this county. TTie county commis
sioners have agreed to appropriate
this year $1,JW lor tne worK, wium
with the funds to be secured from
other sources, will give the organi
zation here a fair financial support
for their work this year. A new
county agent will be on the ground
in a few days to succeed H. H.
demons, resigned.
Baggage Agents Discuss
Pilfering of "Booze"
Salt Lake City, Utah, April 6.
Filtering of baggage particularly
the theft of liquor from trunks and
smaller baggage of travelers, was the
principal topic at a conference held
in Salt Lake today by general bag
gage, mail and express agents of
western railroads. The general sub
ject of losses of freight and express
matter through theft was discussed,
but the petty thievery that js said
to have developed since the advent
of prohibition occupied most of the
day's discussion.
Wymore Farmers Fear Slump
In Wheat Prices and Sell
Wymore, Neb., April " 6. (Spe
cialsThere is a growing opinion
here that the prices of wheat is go
ing to slump to close around $1 a
bushel and much grain is being
sold. Last week 15,000 bushels were
bought by one dralrr for $1.28. Ten
cars are waiting shipment at this
Carter Sworn in
As Public Printer
At Washington
Plcilges Himself to Economy
But at Same Time Says
Workers Are Entitled
To Fair Compensation.
Washington, D. C, April o. (Spe
cial Telegram.) George 11. Carter
of Iowa, for several years city editor
of the Council Bluffs Nonpareil and
before he became clerk to the joint
committee ou printing, which posi
tion he held at the time of his ap
pointment, a Washington carrcspond
cnt of Iowa newspapers, took the
oath of office as public printer to
day in the office of the joint commit
tee on printing in the capitol. The
oath was administered by Gus Cook,
chief clerk to Superintendent Woods
of the capitol public buildings and
About 100 of Mr. Carter's friends
were present at the simple, but im
pressive ceremony, including Sena
tors Smoot. Moses and Fletcher,
Congressmen Dowell, Hull, Sweet,
Ramscycr, Towner, Green and Dick
inson of the Iowa delegation, and in
timate friends of Mr. and Mrs. Car
ter, who were the recipients of many
floral tributes and warm congratula
tions. The Bible used in swearing in Mr.
Carter was a fac-simile of the Bible
used when George Washington first
took the oath of office as president.
The Washington , Bible was used
March 4, last, when President Hard
ing was sworn in.
After, taking the oath, Mr. Carter,
in a brief address, thanked the mem
bers of the joint committee for the
cordial support they had given him
in the past and expressed tlie nope
that the same support would be ac
corded him in his new office. He
pledged himself to work for an ef
ficient and economical administra
tion of the printing office, and at the
same time expressed his appreciation
of the fact that the workers in the
printing office are entitled to fair
Mr. Carter, after the ceremony,
went to the printing-office and took
up his new job.
Three Men Severely
Injured When Auto
Plunges Into Ditch
Oinnanrlnali T.i Anril fi. (Spe
cial.) Driving at the speed of 45
fnnr Hredsre boat men
in a car plunged over a dike embank-
men and dropped JS leet into me
Aitrh helnw five miles south of Ran
dolph Saturday afternoon.
Three of the men, .1. w. Kaision,
F. Weignen and Len McCarty, were
te,irpiv iniiirpH and were imme
diately rushed to the Hand hospital
m Shenandoah. I ne lounn man es
caped with minor injuries.
Tim rar ie a rnmnlete wreck. Mr.
Weignen was driving. Apparently
he thought the dike was an approach
to the bridge and instead of turning
the corner, lie dashed over xne era
hanlment. The men were pinned
under the machine in the water.
J. .W. Ralston, superintendent ot
the dredging gang, suffered a frac
tured skull and it was necessary to
operate upon him as soon as he
reached the hospital. Mr. McCarty
,'e Mu'ef iMiorlnppr on the dredge boat.
Six of his ribs were broken and the
upper jaw bone. Weignen handles
the crane on the huge boat. He sus
tained two broken ribs and was in
jured internally, one of the ribs
puncturing his lung.
Chester White Hogs Average
. mi s c . t n:
aiOl.OlF ai IjOUR HUB caioj
Long Pine, Neb., April 6. (Spe
cial.) A successful pure-bred Ches
te White hog sale was held by H.
M.-Culbertson at his farm near
Long Tine. Thirty head,-including
10 weanlings, three months old,
made an average of $81.60. The
Culbertson herd was started two
years ago, and this was the first
offering at public auction.
The herd boar, Wonder 3d,' was
on exhibition, but not offered for
sale as Mr. Culbertson has him
nominated for the Pacific Coast
swine show circuit, beginning in
November at Portland and various
points in California as far south as
Saunders County Farmers
Well Advanced With Work
Wahoo, Neb., April" 6. (Special.)
The farmers of Saunders county
have never been so far along with
their work at this time of the year
as they are at the present time. The
unusually early spring enabled them
to get theit small grain in and now
most of them are already to plant
corn just as soon as the season is
far enough advanced. Many of them
have also made a great saving on hir
ed help as the long spring .season
has mad?, tt possible for them to do
Umi a... in A w1l nnr
t uicril unit nuiiv anu j
I have to hire any help until corn plow
I ing begins
j Deshler Superintendent
To Head Davenport Schools
Deshler, Neb., April 6. (special.)
E. D. Clasen, . superintendent of
the Dcsh'cr public schools, will take
charge of the schools at Davenport,
Neb. ' His successor has not been
elected. Minnie N. Dutchcr, prin
cipal, has s igned for a similar posi
tion at Tobias; Jessie M. Conety has
a contract at Beatrice. Miss- Mae
Alexander will remain in Deshler, as
will Bertha Crupe and Irene R.
Brown. Miss Helen Herney, of this
place, now attending the state univer
sity, will be one of the teachers
in "the Dtshlcr schools.
Pawnee Light and Power
Plant Damaged by Fire
, Pawnee City, Neb., April 6.
(Special.) The city light and power
plant hre ' was damaged L-y fire
when tha smokestack burned out,
showering the roofs of the buildings
with sparks, which caught in the
shingles despite the fact that rain
was then falling. Two sides of the
main building were ignited. The
fire department extinguished the
flames after the plant had been shut
down and the town thrown in dark
ness. The get-together
medium Bee
Company Appeals Tax
Exemption Decision
, v
Lincoln, April 6. (Special.) The
Peters Trust company of Omaha has
filed its brief on appeal to the Nebraska-supreme
court from the de
cree in fhe Douglas county district
court denying the company the
r?ght to deduct nearly $500,000 in
government bonds and real estate
mortgages from its capital stock of
$000,000. reported for 1919 taxation.
The company claimed exemption
on $40,900 in Liberty bonds and
$-5,000 in joint stock land bank
bonds because the federal govern
ment provided thev should he tax
free, and from $370,000 in real estate
mortgages, because the mortgages
were already paying taxes.
Fruit Growers
Name Committee
On Market Plans
Follow Lead of Grain' and
Live Stock Men Hope to
Prevent Big Losses to
Chicago Tribune-Omaha lire I.wurd Wire.
Chicago, April 6. Growers from
every fruit belt .in the United States
made their attempt today in Chica
go to solve their marketing prob
lems. More than 200 met at the
Congress hotel to discuss the practi
cability of a national co-operative
marketing plan.
After the fashion of the grain and
live stock committees, the fruit
growers will' appoint a committee of
21 t draft a plan by which all or
ganizations may market their apples,
pears and other fruits through one
or more national sales agencies.
Regional organizations will be the
foundation for their system. Strong
co-operative organizations arc al
ready in existence in California, the
Tacific northwest the Ozark region.
Michigan and, Florida.
The need of .a producer-owned
and controlled marketing system
arises from the general fall in price
of fruit to the man who grows it.
In a California orchard under an
orange tree a grower has this sign:
"Too cheap to steal; help your
self," and oranges are selling for 8
cents each in Chicago, one of the
delegates said.
"Marketing is one of the largest
problems confronting fruit growers."
said Samuel Adams, editor of the
American Fruit Growers. "There
never has been a movement of na
tional scope looking toward the so
lution of this difficult problem,
but the time is now ripe."
Gray Silver, Washington repre-.
sentative of the Federal Farm bu
reau, told the delegates it would take
a carload of apples to buy a suit
of clothes and an overcoat in Wash
ington. "A tailor asked $300 for the suit
and overcoat, and in those two ar
ticles there were 20 pounds of wool,
which the grower could sell for only
20 cents a pound," he said.
Saunders County Reviews
Road Dragging Contracts
Wahoo, Neb., April 6. (Special. 1
Saunders county will not make
any attempt to reduce the cost of
dragging the roads this season, ac
cording to County Engineer Frank
Tracey. About 350 contracts have
been made with farmers at the old
rate of $1 a mile. Each contractor
is supposed to drag his particular
stretch of road as quickly as possi
ble after each rain and real rivalry
exists between many neighboring
contractors as to who shall maintain
the best piece of road. As a result
many strips of roafl in Saunders
county are nearly as good as the
state highways.
Being "Avell dressed" is not a matter of money
it's good judgment 'in selecting your Clothes;
COLLEGIANS prove that. Collegian Clothes give
the wearer the touch of Individuality- that only
Quality fabrics and expert tailoring can produce
. . . Come in and see our spring models and
you, too, will agree that good dressing is pure
ly a matter o good busiatss.
N.E. Corner 17th & Harney Sts.
Unusual Honor
Given Evans in
His Appointment
Nebraska n Chosen Over '75
Candidates for Place on
House Comniitte on
Washington, April 6. (Special
Telegram.) Judge Evans of Dakota
City spent much of his time today in
receiving the congratulations of
many friends on having been select
ed by the committee on committees
as a member of the powerful com
mittee on appropriations of the
house. ' -
There were upwards of 75 candi
dates for the place, old as well as
new members, and to have been able
to land on the committee, after one
term in congress, is indeed excep
tional. Congressman Jefferis who ex
pressed no preference for a commit
tee assignment, leaving the matter
wholly in the hands of the commit
tee, will probably be given a place
on merchant marine and fisheries
and cctai'u his place on Indian af
fairs. There are those who insist
that "Big Jeff" has won the chair
manship of the committee on ex
penditures in the War department
on account of the ability he dis
played in investigating war expendi
tures, but the Omaha man gave no
indication to the subcommittee,
charged with formulating the com
mittee list for the full committee as
to his preferences. Being in the
dark, Judge Kinkaid endeavored to
assign Congressman Jefferis to the
committees which he thought most
advantageous. It is admitted also as
far as Nebraska is concerned, unless
the Missouri and the Platte get bus,)',
that an assignment to the commit
tee on merchant marine and fisheries
will not serve the prairie state to
any great advantage, but it gives
promise of being one of the most
important committees in the 67th
Representative Andrews, though
a process of absorption and elimina
tion, it is thought, will be given a
chairmanship, that of election of
president, vice president and repre
sentatives in congress. Mr. An
drews is fifth on the committee as
it was constituted in the 66th con
gress, but those who rank hint have
been promoted to major committees,
which will give, him clear sailing.
He will remain on postofllces and
post roads.
Mr. McLaughlin will retain his
present committee assignment, that
of agriculture. Mr. will con
tinue on the judiciary committee
while "Uncle Mose" Kinkaid will re
tain the chairmanship of the com
mittee on irrigation of arid lands.
Congressman Reavis returned to
day from an extended visit to Ne
braska with his "dander" up over
the Lincoln postoffice situation. To
morrow Mr. Reavis will have a con
ference with Postmaster General
Hays and will insist that action be
taken immediately to terminate a
rather anomalous condition.
Wahoo Real Estate Values
Show Tendency to Decline
Wahoo, Neb., April 6. (Special.)
Real eitate men say that the de
mand for city property is good and
that several house of the better
class have chanced hands this week
They report the best demand for
modern houses of from five to seven
rooms atid state that residences of
this size will brinsr their replacement
values with a good price for the
lots. , The general tendency of prices
is lower than it was a tew months
ago. '
Fire Destroys Hay
Nebraska Citv. Neb.. April 6.
(Special.) John M. Livingston of
this citv lost 140 tons of hay by fire
on his farm on the Iowa side of the
river. The fire started from sparks
from a gasoline engine.
Children Fxpelled From
School Run Away in Auto
Lexington, Neb., April 6. (Spe
cial Tele-i.m.) Four young school
children, Doris
Tvler, .Mis. Cum
mins, rr"mr Shields, and llarolc
Stone, ran away from their homo
in Lexintlon. but are rrpoitrd r,
have hern picked up in Grand
fsland. The first three were e-
prlled froi.i school. They took th
automobile belonging to M s ly-
ler s father and drove on.
The Liver Is
the Road to
II the liver Is right the whole tyatem
ii better off. Carttr'i LKtU Liver
fills awaken your
sluggish, clogged
up liver and re- I
lieve constipa- I
tion, itomach J
trouble, inao 9
tire bowels, yj
loss of appe-
tite. sick head
ache and dizziness.
Purely vegetable.
You need them,
Saill PUl-Small Dece-SaaU Prtea
Havt jour furniture nil renewed.
We guarantee to anttufr. S-I1eee
Parlor Suite reuphofolrred In tap
rry or Iratberettei new aprlng,
new wehnlna;.
Ilk arulmiM'
frame polish-'
ed, like new-
Phone or write and man will call
with aamp'.er
Douglas 9097
Special Trice on Slip Coiers
Diiat-proof allp ror
rra In beautiful -rr-tonne
or Helarlum
ilHmnok. shrunk bind
ing used, tv III make
your furniture last a
lifetime. A sperla
offer on these dust
proof slip covers this
week a 3-plece set
American Upholstering Company
617 South 16h Street,
Opposite Castle Hotel
Special Frlrea for Hotels and
All Work Guaranteed
1513 Douglas St. Tal. DoWf. 0188
66 will break a Cold, Fever
and Grippe quicker than any
thing we know, preventing
People'Notice It Drive Them
Off with Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
A pimply face will not embarrass you
much longer if you get a package of
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets. The skin
should begin to clear after you have
taken the tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood, bowels and fiver
Trith Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
successful substitute for calomel; there's
no sickness or pain after taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just as effec
tively, but their action is gentle and
safe instead of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with a "dark brown taste."
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good1'
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable
compound mixed with olivecdl; you will
know them by their olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with fiver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result. Take one or
two nightly for a week. See how much
better vou feel and look. 15c and 30r.
Moner back without sjuestion
ir UUHT'I milBiMTIIItn
(Hunt's lalra ana soap J, lau in
the treatment of Itch, Besoms,
Ringworm, Tetter or other Iteh
in akin diseases. Try thai
treatment at out rlJU
Sherman A McConnell 5 Drug Stores.
Thor Demonstration
Union Outfitting Co.
Shows How to Clean
Your House Every Day
$1 Down and $1 Weekly
Brings "Thor" Sweeper
to Your Home.
No scattering of dust, no wear
and tear on rugs if you have a
"Thor" Electric Vacuum Cleaner
and it takes only a few minutes
to clean rugs like new.
The Union Outfitting Co., lo
cated out of the High Rent Dis
trict, with its eight floors of new
furniture at new low prices, and
a mammoth warehouse, never
considers a transaction complete
until the customer is fully satis
fied. As always, you make your
own terms.
Special A