THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1921. 8 Briand Pledges Firm Hand Will Enforce Treaty St. Louis. St. Louis, April 6. The rf-elrction of Mayor Henry W. Kicl'republican, candidate tor a third term, by a plu rality approximating 7,500 in yestrr- ilav'. lfrtinn wa rnnrHrH ihis Senator JonvencI Sa8 United Imorriinfr by the Globe Democrat, an i j i . . . , i- uiaepenueni repnDiican paper wnicn Elections in U. S. States ami France Agree On Future of Russia. . By HENRY WALES. . Paris. April 6. In the most solemn tone Premier griand last evening in the French senate pledg ed himself to apply the stern sst coercion upon Germany after May 1 unless the Teutons had sat isfied the treaty provisions concern ing disarmament, punishment of the ivar guilty and reparations. With outstretched hand,-as if he were taking an oath, M. Briand, ihotited: "Unless Germajiy gives satisfac tion on these three counts you may rely upon me that the heaviest hand will seize Germany by the scruff of the neck." The senate cheered his statement uproariously. Pact to Divide Allies. The French premier said that Germany had attempted to divide (lie allies at the London conference but failed. Germany then attempted to separate the United States from the allies but the, American reply to Dr. Simons in the recent note hand ed him showed that "Germany has failed in this last desperate attempt before May L" Franco-American co-operation in the treatment of the Russian ques tion was urged bv Senator Henrv jouvenel, editor of Le Matin. M. rf - ------- VU til V 1 V. , V, 11 Russian-British agreement and also Lenine's sensational speeches of February 28 and March 15, whereby he threw overboard Marxism in or der to keep his power." Agrees on Russia. The United States' answer to the Soviet's offer to resume trade de manded guarantees for the safety of persons and property which M. Jouvenel thinks it possible that Russia will grant for the sake of trade with the United States. The French view of the Russian problem is exactly the same as America's. M. Jouvenel argued that the great est mistake on the reparations ques tion was in making it Franco-German instead of international. He said a serious mistake would be made if the Russian problem was treated piecemeal. He demanded that France instruct M. Viviani to ast- the UnitpH Sitntot t- uni France in not allowing concession hunters to secure Russian property which was really France's security. The senator declared that if French security in Russia was disposed of France should not be asked to pay her foreign indebtedness. 4 M. Jouvenel referred to America m the friendliest of terms. He aroused tremendous cheering when he said "America unfortunately sent millions to wage war alongside of us, but sent only one to make peace." Four Persons Hurt In Auto Accidents has supported James W. Byrnes, theH democratic mayoralty candidate. It is believed the proposal to give the city firemen an eight-hour day carried by a vote estimated from 3 to 1. St. Peter, Minn. St. Peter, Minn., April 6. Mrs. A. K. Gault was elected mayor in Tues day's municipal elections, receiving 550 votes, 29 more than polled by her opponent, Adolph Bornemann., Mrs. Ganlt is a former resident of Omaha, Neb. Fairbault, Minn. Fairbault, Minn., April 6. Resi dues of this city today were claim ing they had the youngest mayor m the United States, following the election Tuesday of Thomas H Ouinn. 22. an attorney. He defeated his opponent, K. A. romaat, Dy iyy votes. i Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Wis.. April 6. Prac ticallv complete returns today indi cated that Emil Seidel. former so- 'cialist mayor, had been defeated for alderman-at-Iarge by William B. Alc- Kinley, nonsocialist, and that Mrs. Meata Bersrer. wife of Victor L Berger, had been defeated, together with five socialist candidates for places on the school board. Charles Nervous When He Departed Ex-Ruler Went to Steinaman ger Station on Foot, Says Report. Budapest, April 6. (By The As sociate Press.) Former Emperor Charles went to the Steinamanger station on foot yesterday, being ac companied by Bishop Mikes and a gr6up of officers, according to a tel ephone message received here from that city. The former monarch was nervous and haggard. A local military band nlaved the Hungarian national an them and the c rowd uncovered and sang the hymn with faltering voices. While the hymn was being sung Charles descended from his train and stood, moist-eyed, among the people he claims as subjects. When the guards on board the special train gave the signal for starting Charles re-entered his car, waving farewell, calling out, "Au re voir, my faithful." The message received here states the crowd shouted back: "Your majesty,- come back as soon as possible." ; Workmen Hold Up Train. Vienna, April 6. (By The Asso ciated Press.) Five hours' delay in the journey of former Emperor Charles to Switzerland from Hun gary after his futile attempt to re gain the Hungarian throne was caused by the holding up of hi train last, night at Frohnleiten, just to the sdfath of Bruck, in lower Austria, be cause of threatened demonstrations against the ex-monarch by the work ingmen of Bruck. Several thousand men from the in dustrial towns id the region gath ered at Bruck in the evening and decared hey would not let the ex emperor pass until they had told him what they thought about him and his adventure. The workers re sisted all pleas of the authorities for pvera 1 hours, but the crowd was finally dispersed at 1 o'clock morning. this Four persons were hurt in five au tomobile accidents in Omaha Tues day evening. Johnnie Crow, 3, 2019 Leavenworth street, suffered a lacer ation of the hfad when he was struck by a car driven by Elmer Wimmer, 1344 South Twenty-first street, who took the lad to the Clarkson hospital. Ralph Johnson, negro, suffered lacerations of the back when his car collided with another machine at Twenty-fourth and Pratt streets. Johnson was .arrested far intoxica tion. No one was hurt when a car driven by James Johnson along the east side of Carter lake turned turtle five feet from the water. Mildred Alexander, 4224 Erskine street, suffered a fractured leg when she was hurled from the handle bars of a bicycle ridden by Orville Per ring, 2277 Grand street, at Forty ninth and Military avenue. Morris Reis, 13, 2114 Burdette street, suffered lacerations of the arm when he was hurled from the side car of a motorcycle driven by Rolla Smith, 6512 Maple street, in a head-on collision with another, mo torcycle driven by Frank Carmody, 3208 Marcy street, at Twenty-seventh and Poppleton avenue. Airplane Show Plan Of Holdrege Legion Holdrege, Neb.. April 5. (Spe cial.) Plans for the American Le gion carnival and aeronautical show here May 5 to 7, have been practi cally completed. In addition to the carnival to be held each evening at the Auditorium, there will also be held a large aerial meet. This is to include dozens of visiting airplanes in races, acrobatics and stunt-flying. All of the latest and best types of planes will be demonstrated, and es pecially will their work in the com mercial fields be brought out. The Holdrege Commercial club has agreed to furnish all gasoline and oil free of charge to all visiting planes at the landing field, and to fill up their tanks when they start for home after the tournament. The management of the meet is being handled by the Central Air craft Co., of Holdrege, and their large flying school field is to be used for landing and take-offs. Girl Held for Perjury Released at Scottsbluff ly voted to provide headquarters ac commodations m the Commercial club rooms for District Division Engineer Noble of the public high Dudley Back on Job; 'Watch Me in 1924" "Strong in defeat," said J. J.. Dud ley, the "human semaphore," when he resumed work yesterday as direc tuer of traffic at Sixteenth and Far nam streets. "Am I downhearted in defeat?' he asked. - "Not for this bird I was encouraged to know that 1 .984 voters wanted me to be city commissioner. I believe my constituency will grow. Just wait until three years hence and I will show something wicked in the way of speed at the primary. I am just getting into form. It is a great life if you don't weaken. Do I look weak?" Mr. Dudley returned to his traffic work westerday after an absence of 30 days, during which he went through a strenuous political cam paign, being his first experience in an adventure of this kind. Editor of Glenwood (la.) Newspaper Named Mayor Glenwood, la., April 6. (Special.) J. R. Graham, democratic editor of the Mills County .Tribune, was elected mayor over Frank V. Kemp, running on the republican ticket, by 50 majority in-the city election here. Bryan Maxwell, on the citizens tick et, defeated Charles P. Kinney, by a vote of 62. Other officials elected the: C. Ed Dalton, marshal; Dr. Charles Hamilton, alderman in First ward. McCook to Be Headquarters For Division Road Engineer McCook, Neb., April 6. (Spe cial.) At a special meeting of the executive committee of the McCook Commercial club it was unanimous- Scottsbluff, Neb., April 6. (Spe cial Telegram.) County Attorney Grimm has released Marie Dawkins from custody, deciding there was little hope of convicting her of others of perjury for the story she told that convicted Jack Guyton of assaulting her at the Lincoln hotel. The girl, by affidavit and by later testimony, completely repudiated her trial testimony. . Woodmen Endorse Talbot Sidney, Neb., April 6. (Special Telegram.) The Modern Woodmen of America camps of Cheyenne county met in convention here. O. R. Owens was elected delegate and William Melton alternate to the state camp. The administration of Head ways organisation of Nebraska, who will at once come here to make this city his headquarters for road work in this section of the(state. Rain at Beatrice ' Beatrice, Neb., April 6. (Spe cial.) Copious rains fell in this section of the state last night fol lowing two days of hot. windy weather. . The moisture will be of great benefit to crops and especially the winter wheat. Holdrege Wins Debate Eoldrege, .W.j.. Arm! 6 Spe- nal 1 Hnlflri'ffp Hich trhrwJ Consul A. R. Talbot was unanimous-1 feated North Platte in a state asso ly endorsed . j ciation debate here, . British Reply To Mandate Note Sharply Worded Hold Colby's Stand on Meso potamia "Scarcely Con sistent" With Attitude On Mexican Oil Interests London, April 6. American con tentions for equality of treatment for the citizens of all nations in man dated territory are held by the British government to be "scarcely consistent" with the attitude oi tl: United States toward American oil interests in Mexico. The British view is expressed in a long reply to Secretary Colby's note oi last No vember 20, which was made public here today. The note, sinned by Lord L'urzon, secretary of state for foreign affairs, was delivered March 1 and was in answer to Secretary Colby's excep tions to the San Remo agreement between Great Britain and France relative to petroleum resources in Mesopotamia. That agreement, Lord Curzon said, was not fully under stood, it appeared, adding that it "aimed at no monopoly or ex-lusiv rights." The Mesopotamiau agreement w'as said by Lord Curzon to be subject to oil concessions in the vilayets oi Bagdad and Mosul granted to British interests before the war and not to be treated "merely as a mat ter of abstract principle" without reference to prewar negotiations. Rights acquired in Palestine by the Standard Oil company "are no stronger" than these British rights, the no( added. Request of the American govern ment that British rights thus ac quired be disregarded, Lord Curzon added, was "scarcely consistent" with the attitude "adopted by the I'nited States in regard to simitar United States interests in Mexico." The British note expresses agree ment with the American argument that the world's oil resources should be open for development without reference to nationality, but notes than, an art of the Philippine legisla ture in 1920 reserves development of the public mineral lands there to citizens of the United States or the Philippines. Such legislation can not but be regarded as in contradic tion of the general principle enun ciated by the United States," it con tinued. ' ' Pioneer Nebraska Woman Dies at Home in Brownville Auburn, Neb., April 6. (Special.) Mary Jane Marsh, 80, resident of Nebraska since 1856, died at her home in Brownville. She was the mother of Cassius Marsh, one of the best known print ers of the state, and daughter of Capt, and Mrs. J. D. N. Thompson, among the first settler! of Brown ville. She was born in Missouri and came to Nebraska in 1856 with her parent. Northern Greek Army Retreats With Big Loss Irregular Turk Cavalry, Of ficered by Bolshevists, Harassing Troops in Fligbt. By HENRY WALES. hicacu Tribune Cnble, Copyright, 1931. Paris, April 6. The entire Greek northern army on the Broiissa front is beatiiiK a retreat, according to a dispatch received at the French for eign office via Constantinople. The Greeks are reported to have lost 10.000 men and 300 officers in an unsuccessful drive against Eski Shehr and the offensive against the Kemalists has been abandoned until reinforcements arrive frtm Asia Minor. Irregular Turk cavalry, officered by bolshcvists, is harassing the Greeks retreat, charging the roar guards and capturing prisoners. The retiring Greeks are abandoning much material, including all that they cap tured from the Turks during the ad vance from Broussa. Important masses of Turk cavalry, supported by Arab elements, is maneuvering for a raid around -the right flank of the Greek south army which captured Afiun Karahissar. Owing to the lack of fresh drafts Aerial Strap-Hanger Makes Appearance on London -Paris Plane London, April 6. London lias long known the strap hanger in sub way, street car and omnibus, but only recently the first instance of aerial straphangmg was recorded. On the second day of the resumed British air service to Paris, it was found that one of the departing planes had no seats for three of its passengers. - They made the journey standing in the passageway holding on to the luggage racks. it is expected the Greeks will be forced to abandon the entire section of the Bagdad railway occupied dur ing the drive. It i rrnnrtprl frrmi At1ine llm several Greek generals, command ing units ot tne northern army, have been reliever! nf thnir rnt-nTiisiile an A that General Papoulas has been su perseded. King Constantine lias summoned two new classes to the colors, but reports from points throughout Greece- state that the reservists are failing to heed the mobilization or der, less than 50 per cent enrolling. Farmers Give Corn Beatrice, Neb., April 6. (Spe cial.) F. C. Crocker, director of the gift relief corn for Gage county, reports that farmers and others are responding very generously to the call to aid the starving people in Europe. As fast as the grain is load ed at local elevators it will be shipped in carload lots to Omaha. Peach and Cherry Crops Damage Slight at Beatrice Beatrice, Neb., April 0. (Spe cial.) H. E. Foster of Ellis says he has examined the peach and cherry blossoms in this vicinity and finds that nine out of every iO have not been injured by the cold weather. He nays there still re mains plenty of good blossoms, Moonshine is Destroyed t Beatrice, Neb., April 6. (Spe cial.) In the presence' of the city commissioners, Chief of Police Dil low poured 13 quarts of moonshine liquor-into the sewer at the city' hall. ANNOUNCEMENT MISS ELEANOR SHAW, the gifted young pianist of New York, who gave a unique and highly artistic concert at the Fontenelle last Tuesday evening, will remain until Saturday evening, when she will appear before the members of an exclusive Omaha club. We are therefore happy to announce that we have arranged to present Miss Shaw in a Muiicalt. Assisted by Mrs. W. Dale Clark, .' soprano, on Thursday and Friday Evenings at eighf fifteen o'clock on the main floor of (TiAKFORD 1807 Farnam St re Tha programs will Includ tha playing of Padcramkl, Hofmaan, Bautr, Carta! and Grainger, aa rcproducta on tha Duo-Art Piano. ADMISSION WITHOUT CHARGE T.;':.:.1"!:1.1' ;w.';i!' mm. m .1 im.i y "v- NEW YORK SIOUX CITY OMAHA LINCOLN Entire Second Floor Apparel Section devoted to this immense sale. Regu lar sales staff has been doubled. In point of value-giving this is the greatest sale ever attempted by; the Orkin Bros. Organization. ; 318-320 SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. Launching For Thursday the Event You've Anxiously Awaited Offering at Less Than Manufacturer's Cost, Thousands of Dollars Worth of SUlIltS . WIMPS MESSES iretase in i Ordinary merchandising events appear strikingly in significant when1 compareil to this great Purchase , Sale. Values speak in no uncertain terms, and they clearly say, Buy Now to the to the limit of your apparel needs. ' To Augment the Parisian Stock Sale We have Included From Our Regular Stocks. The . Every woman, keen for garments of approved style, will f permit nothing to hinder her from taking the fullest advantage of these marvelous op--. ' portunities f or savings. Great crowds are bound to respond, so be here early. in the Following Lots Hundreds of Beautiful Garments Values Stand Without a Rival. . ' . ' i mm, . "7W 1' ' W1RAIPS - CA.1PES - COATS Rack after rack of the very type of Wraps you are keen to own are here at these seemingly impossible prices. RAMOXA VELDYNE EVORA TRICOTIXE "BOLIVIA SATIX, POLO CLOTH CAMEL'S HAIR . Garments Worth to $45.00 . Garments Worth to $59.50 Garments Worth to $85.00 $23 33 TAILORED) SUITS , Vast assortments are involved in this stirring Purchase Sale. Styles to satisfy every individual taste. TRICOTIXE . POIRET TWILLS PIQTJETIXE COVERT ' TWILLCORD CHECK VELOURS Suits Worth to $59.50 Suits Worth to $85.00 $2275 $3j75 Suits Worth to $98.50 $4375 A slight charge will be made for all alterations and because of the ex ceptionally low prices prevailing all sales must be considered . final. BEAUTIFUL, DREE The. climax of super values is attained in these three great Dress , -offerings. Values are simply irrisistible. . . CAXTOX CREPE PURE DYE TAFFETAS RUSIAXOVA CHARMEUSE CREPE DE CHIXE GROS DE LOXDRE MIGXOXETTE Dresses Worth to $35.00 Dresses Worth to $59.50 -Dresses Worth to $75.00 $ J 32 $2 175 $2775