Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1921, Page 11, Image 11
THhJ BfcrJ: UMAHA, THUKSDAY, AfKlL. , iyl. 11 Live Stock Omaha. April . Receipts war: Cattla Hora Sheep Official kin 6.461 6.2J 1 J vrricmi Tuesday . ,., tstimat Wednesday, three daya this k, lama dan Uat k.. tarn t wkv. ago... a ma ( wit aco. lam days vear ego. 6.84 .;oo 1MI7 14.S0.I 1 5.22 24.(96 26.(76 7.744 1.400 21.414 aa.ioti 30,9?-, SJ,96 43.67 9.7W 9.000 30.701 87.94$ .19 (1.949 84. 244 tock Receipts and disposition of live It tha Union Stock vsrris Omaha. Neb., . m., 'r 24 hours and!. if at 3 o'clock p. sprll , mi.' RECEIPTS HKAI. .... M. St. P V a baa It 8 4... 1 2 ... 1 8 I 1 .. . ss : u ... ii ... J 62 61 7 1 21 1 28 6 40 12 17 ... 18 4 6 1 4 4 4 t 281 137 44 6 Missouri Pacific ... N. W eaet .. J & N. W.. west .. st. p., m. o. C, B. Q., east .. C, B. . west '. . R. I. P . east R. I. P.. west ,'lilnoia Central . . , ht. Qt. West. Total receipts DISPOSITION HEAP. Morris A Co 71J 1,229 1.18S Jvuft A l0 893 1.692 1,484 udahy pkg. Co. 1.678 1.614 1.384 vrmour A Co 898 1,757 2,428 -ichwsrts A Co 445 f. XV. Murphy 997 Hold Pks. Co. 674 1,367 328 674 26 20 Lincoln Pkg. Co. ... . O. Pkg. Co. ... Ogden Pkg. Co Hlgglns pkg. Co. ... Hoffman Bros J. Roth ft Bona. ... Mnyerowlch A Vail . Ilsssherg r ivii..a 161 34 . 1 . 28 . ' 60 . 30 . 13 . 1 3 . 1 28 . 164 1 6 34 . 11 . 130 17 4 . 453 . 17 , 1" ' t ,1.47 Wilson Co W. W. Hill A Co. . F. P. Lewis Hunt. Oliver . : . . I. R Root A Co. . r. H. Bull R. M. Burrusa A Co. Rontoek Broa. ,. . P. G. Kellogg . .' vverth. A Degan . . . tn.Kan. C. A C. Co. nner Bros f.hti Harvey msen A Lund Cheek l,llivt I'Kff. I H. . M. A. wauowna , mAz 2.133 3tker buyers . . . Total ,',St ''S1 Cattls-Anothsr fairly liberal run of XLcd UP today "ound 'nV'prr0.- from W Me J-J' r"eW Vt'Z,Tl? "M SouVht". ""Votr. od to choice offerings. Sticker.' and tpfr a wr. jUnos. able at unevenly lower price. Quotations oj cattle "00 t be,ves. beeves. (8.;S9.25: $7.00 8.oOi.7S; common to 8Bo 7.75; wort to choice yearl 'g0 5". ?00ld $7oo8.oo c.mon to to Jfa'J!,.5V, , 0T. good to choice irs IG.7ti tfV.60; common to fair slot iters, itaga. et'J.. 4.0070- 'o. 12.... 10 Av Pr. No- "v . .1191 8" 25 J2...:..l4 . 96S 60 31 1372 ,.141S . I 75 lOw 1117 15 Pr. s oo 8 36 . 8 60 9 00 STEERS AND HEIFERS ,. 449 7 0" I , . 9)1-0 7 75 13.. YEARLINGS ,. .1S 7 60 6.. , . 935 T 76 COWS. 753 7 50 8 00 652 698' 8 10 It.... . 885 . 940 .1095 .1187 .1107 5 25 7.. 5 75 18. . 6 35 11.. 6 70 ' 16.. ..1208 . . 920 ..1187 . .1169 ..1218 . '. 646 .. 853 . . 885 . .. 72 ..1660 6 50 10 6 50 6 75 7 IS 11. , 7 00 " ?4. HRTFEt:3 .. 812 . .1052 .. 880 .. 102 . .1500 ., 490 . . 30 .. 130 5 50 l:i.'. 7 0 H . . 7 75 T. . 8 10 10. . ncLL3. : 9 00 1 . . a 7S 7 40J 8 00 8 35 50 6 75 7 00 ... 4. .. 2... . 50 a tin . i, lino 69U CALVES. 7 25 6. 441 7,50 4. . '.a. . 9.. )0.. 24 8 STOCKEP.S AND VBEDERS 675 26 17 818 7 B0 7 65 8 20 8 65 Pr. 00 9 35 9 00 ..1109 7 60 15.. .. 885 . .1150 7 10 N.J. if 4 fed 8 10 9(6 -V 35 ' 19 1208 i FAT EVES. Av. Pr. No. Av. 9 7 80' 754 Colo 93 i 97 8 25 670 Colo 73 , 79 j 40 336 Colo 93 I 106 00 CULL EWE3, 94 4 00 - i j i f d Hoga Receipts of hogs thia morning were estimated at 9.400 head and trade was featar 1 by small declines ci pack ing hoijs ond a sprinkling of steady sales in uhlpplig grades. Shippers picked-out ood bacon l'Og onrly at steady prices, hut packing grades had to sell .mostly 10l5o lowor. Best light hots topped .it 19.30, with bulk of tho receipts selling from 8J.SMiJ9.00. HOQS. No. - Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Rh. Pr. 347 40 8 16 60.. 329 70 8 25 55. .296 140 . 8 85 67. .302 80 8 40 CO.. 274 70 8 50 63..2S8- 40 8 65 00. .240 ... 8 60 41. .261 ... 8 65 hi. .259 70 70 . 67. .268 140 8 75 i; 4. .163 ... 8 80 75. .231 ... 85 79. .220 ... 8 90 50. .228 ... 8 95 78. .28 ... 00 49.. 190 200 05 Til. .208 ... 16 25. .197 ... 9 20 24. .203 v. ' f 25 82. .193 ... 9 30 fsneeo ivrnvaia oi aneep ana tauioa amount! to 9.000 head and trailing was rather dull, ith best iigbt lambs steady and heavy grades slow to lower. Pat heep wars generally steady. Best fat In nibs here brought 89.40 and other sales were reported at 19.00 and les--Fat ewes were quoted up to $6.C06.25. Quotations on sheep: Best fat lambs. t00$9.4O; medium to good lambs. 98.25 $9.00; plain and heavy lambs, $7,600 x50; shorn lambs, 36.7588.25; good to rhoic ewes, I.600SM.75: fair to good ewes, 85.766.25; cull and canner ewes, $5.00 3.25; feeder and. shearing lambs, $7.75 Ji-8.60. St. 1-ouls Live Stock. East St Louis, 111., April 6. Cattle Receipts, 4,000;-ateers. 16 to 25c lower; top. 8.50; bulk, 87.508.25; light year 'tngs. 240 lower: $9.00 paid; bulk, $7.25 V2S; cows, 25c lower nd In places more; bulk. J5.50g6.l0; canners, steady; bulls, practically unsalable; veal calf top, $8.25; bulk, 17.608.00; little trading in stock ers and feeders. Hogs Receipts, 13,000; active at the day's best time and 15 to 25o higher than parly on best butchers or steady to 15c higher than yesterday' average: top. $10.00; bulk lighta and mediums, $9.359 9.98; bulk heavies. $8.75J-2: packer sows, lio lower; pigs ateady; clearance good. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.000: practically no market; about 760 head direct to packers; principal sales were 115-pound heavy wethers at $6.60, snd a few medium heavy lambs at $6.50; fair clearances. Kansas City Iirt Stork. Kaniaa -City, April 6. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 6,500 head: all claeeea alow; beef steers, 25c lower; $9.10 bid; best early sale. $8.85; bulk. $7.7508.60: she stock ateadv to aeak; spots lower: good and choice rows. $6.2596.75: good heifers. $8.00; canners and bulk weak: calvea ateady: good and choice, $7.0008.00: stock ers snd feeuVrs steady to lower; choice. 1.090 pound feeders, $9.00. Hogs Receipts, 9.009 head; open most ly steady to 1 cents lower; closing dull 159 350 lower; sorted lights, $9.35: bulk of sales, $8.1009.10; pigs mostly 25c S-arer. Sheep Receipts. 7.000 head: killing -- fUtdr to strong; ewea, $6.10; iambs, $9.85. Sioux City I.lve Stock. Sioux Ch; la., April 6. Call Re ceipts. $.309 head; market 5e lower; ted steers and yearlings, $(.5099.00; tat cows nd heifers. $4.357.75; canners $3,000 4.00; veals, $5.(097.7$; feeders, $6,009 7.75; calves. $5.0097.60; feeding cows anl heifers. $4.596.00: stockers. $6.0097.26. Hogs Receipts, 7.S00 head; market for shippers steady, other lie lower: ngni, $9.009.60; mixed. $8.7699.00; heavy, 8S.00S8.75: bulk of aales. $8.2(09.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; arket steady. Chlrae-ai Pradne Oilcago, April Butter Tjower; eraamery extraa. 49e; standards. 4(c. Eggs Steady; receipts. 20,73 cases; firsts JSc; ordinary tints 209 21e: at mark esse Included 21928c. Poultry Allv Higher; fowl $lc; prtnga 31s. Market, Financial and 'Industrial News of the .Day Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chicago Tribuoe-Omaha, Be taaed Wire. New York, April 6. Rates for de mand loans on the stock exchange declined further today to S ?cr cent, at which the money market closed. This makes the present rate the low est since the first week of November, 1919, the week in which the reserve bank rediscount rate was first ad- :mA L 1 im AvtrQuaoranf 1Ii4 of credit in speculation. The touch ing ot tne same rate iur & luumcm on one day of last November, hard ly affects the comparison. A rate of lia (lion C nor rent W.H as?aill GUOted t .1 kimii i j-' a . - today outside the stock exchange and a slightly easier tendency was visiuic tu. r-rrrt fnr KfcnrtA time loaoj. though rates were hardly changed. A further tendency toward relax ing money rates will probably have to come irom me private uaui ' Un? a nAaitintl in trip loatl market rv uujv in"" - - and whose own condition will be the determining influence l nai l HW JHWCMV ...... r. - count of th clearing; house hanks is 98 ... AAA l. k a n In thitt WAlr Iftat V ac- 128.- ear at and tat rsdlacounta of private banka .v.. f.iArai rMrri bank are 8112.000, 000 :lng the to ium ind lea tab one aian oi inn pwu .4inn, ntlip i indicated bv a;reat aum of credit which la known be tied up In loana by New York banka to. Institutions west and south which are unable to meet mammies duc i. i .u .in ne enttnn belts have Insisted on continued extensions or the credita grantea mem wnmi pricea prevailed a year ago. Numerous Gains. . i ..nnb remmied I 1 1 r. t H on i ii" .w. - - their sdvancs with ths opening of busi- .j . . .v- hlhaat there were numerous gains of 19m points, t.r Torts were made by ths recent speculators for the decline to check this recovery through repeating the lately successful policy of concentrated attack on a few se- leuien iiuL-n.. .mo ..- , r .nAihtr ai snended dividend, that of tho MIdvale steel. For once, however, the gen- . .... r. ha Imhr.RB.n OT erai maraei. rnuBv , ' , , - , -news which it tad expected and already "dlseouniea. . Foreign exchang resumed Us upward movement, sterling getting within a. frac tion of the year's high rlc"i,w1hJnhrA," . Lj wanAiiiaiv and Italian rates going" to thehTgheVt & vanes was aoiiDu "'" Jil- . n moro hopeful reports regarding the Eng u.h coal strike, but it again gav more suesestion of resumption or a a"''1 with great tnieresi. New York Quotations . n.o.s of pricea of the leading stocks furnished by" Logan A Bryan. x-e.. Trust building: H(th. L0w. Cloae. Close. RAILS. , . T & S F 80' 791i 8li Ba..oV-AF Ohio 34 33 MjJ S wnt::1.0..1! 'in r& j2 jjji Gt. Northern, pfd. 73 - 1V 714 71 ... . . m tX-4 Aen X r - rc.s0uth.Vn7r: , $ l w Missouri Paciffc... 18 - 1' 17 1iJ4 N T N. H. A H 16 1H 1 NorTn'ern- P.O. Ry. T TJS " ? Chi AN W 62H 62' 62 -k Penn R R. 3t4 $ 3 Rdln?VV . . 68 44 68 68 68H C R I & P 26 26'i 26 26 Southern Pac. Co. 74 7U 7H lH Southern Railway. 20 s ! ?'- Chi., M. & St. P.. 25 2414 24 Jj . Union Pacific 117V, 116 11 HJJi Wabash 7 'Vi ,7k H, STEELS. Am. Car A Fdry.,123 12SU 123 1!2 AllH-Chal'rs Mfg. 37 .16 37 36 Am. Loco. Co 87 86 86 TTrci. Al. SI. Corn.. 30i 30i 30 30 Baldwin Loco..... 88 7 7 87 Rein. Steel 67 66 56 66 Crucible Steel .... 87 87 85 85 Am. Steel Fdries.. 29 29 z ss'.t Lackawaniv.i . 64 53 SX 53 Midvalo S. 0..i. 29 27 27 29 Pressed Stetl Car. 86 8fi r. Ren. 1. A 67 66 !., 66 Sloss-Shef. S. ft I. . 44 44 44 U. S, Steal 82 82 82 81 COPPF.R9. Anaconda Copper.. 88 38 37 36 Am. s. R ..' as si ai B. A S. Min 11 H 11 11 Chile Copner 10 10 . .. l'', 9T, Chlno Copper 22 21 12 21 Calumet A Ariz 42 Insp. Cons. Cop... 32 21 '2 30 Ker.n. Cot... 18 17 ii 17 Miami Copper 18 IS 18 J7 Nev. Cons. Cop... 10 10 10 Ray Cons. Cop.... 13 11 1" 11 Utah Copper 49 48 45 lNtUSTKIAL,S. Am. Beet Sugar. . . 28 37 37 38 A., Q. & W. I. S. S. 84 32 34 84 Am. Int. Com 43 43 43. 43 Am. Sum. Tob 74 71 73 734 Am. Cotton Oil . 20 20 20 20 Am. Til. & Tel.... 106 - 106 105 105 Brooklyn Rap. Tr. 12 12 12 12 eth. Sis. 2 3 3 2i Am. Can Co 29 29 29 29 Chandler Mo. Car 81 80 80 79 Central Leath. ... 36 34 34 36 Cuba Cane Sug... 21 21 , 21 21 Cal. Pack. Cor. .... 59 Cal. Pet 45 43 43 43 Corn Pro 64 73 7$ 73 Nat. Enam. 60 Fisk Rubber Co... 16 16 15 15. Gen. Elec. Co 1J7 137 137 137 Gaston Yvms. Wg. 1 1 1 1 Gen. Ms. Co...... 14 -13 18 13 Goodrich Co 88 38 38 38 Haskell A Brkr 68 U. S. Tnd. Al 67 6 66 65 Int. Nickel 15 14 15 14 Int. Paper Co 68 67 57 67 Ajax Rubber Co.. 32 32 32 32 Kelly-Sprfngfleld 41 39 40' 40 Keystone Tire .... 14 14 14 13 Int. Mere Mar. 13 Maxwell Motor 6 6 5 5 Mex. Pet 141 138 14IH,, 139 Middle States Oil.. 13 13 13 13 Pure Oil Co 35 33 33 , 33 Willys-Overland .. 8 6 8, 8!i Pierce Oil 10 10 10 10 Pan-Am. P. A T. 69 68 69-,i 68 Plerce-Arr. 34 33 03 32i Royal Dutch fiO 59 69 60 17. S. Rubber 72 71 .72 71- Am. Sugar Kef.... 93 92 92 92 Sinclair O. A R... 24 23 23 23 Sears-R03bnsk ... 73 72 73 72 Stromberg Carb... S7 37 37 36 Ctudebaker Corp.. 79 77U 7 76 Tob. Prod 47 47 47 46i Trans-Con. Oil.'... 10 10 10 10 Texas Co 41 40 41 40 U.'S. Food Pr.,... 22 21 21 21 IT. S. S., M. A M. . 28 26 28 26 White Motor 40 40 40 40 Western Union ... 88 83 8 88 West. E. - A M 48 47 48 47 Am. Woolen 74 72 72 72i Total aales. 627.000 shares. - Money Close. 6 per cent; Tuesday's olose, 6 pet cent. Murks Close. .016Jcr Tuesday's close, .0164c. Sterling Slose, $3.92; Tuesday's close. $3.91. Chicago Live Stock. Chlcsgo, April (. Cattle Receipts, 12, 000 head: beef steers. 25 40c lower; top, $9.60; bulk. $3.2599.25; butcher she stock, canners, cutters and bulls, 25o lower; bulk tat cows and h'elfers, $5.2597.60; canners and cutters, largely $2.76 4.00; bologna bulls, mostly $4.2504.50; butcher grades, largely $5.2596.00; veal calves, stocker and feeders, about steady: bulk vealers to packers, $7.007.(0; stockers and feeders, largely $6.60 97.7. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head: market, opened steady to lOo lower; active closing strong; lights, steady; others, ateady to lOo higher than yesterday's average; top, 910.20; part load light lights, $10.26: bulk. 200 pounds down, $9.90910.16: bulk. 220 pounds up, $3.8699.60; pigs, mostly steady; bulk desirable. $)0.00 9 I0.15. Sheep snd Lambs Receipts, 17.000 head: market, generally steady; top wooled lamba, $9.75; beat shorn Iambs $8.85; choice light yearling " wethers in fleece, $9.00; top shorn ewe, $5.75; beat wooled lambs, unsold late. St. Joseph IJve Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., April 6. Hogs Re ceipts, 4.500 head: market uneven, steady to 25c lower; top, $9.25; bulk of sales, $8.26M.10. Cattle Receipts. 1.500 head: marke. alow; steady to 96s lower; steers, $7,009 $9.25; cows snd heifers, $2.6099.00; calves, $6.0097.60. Shesp and Lambs Receipts, 0.000 head; market steady to strong; lamb. $$.25 9 9.40; awes, .'.j 0096.25. New Tark Dried Fruits. New Tork. April 6. Ki a pom. ed Ap plesFirm. P rones Steady. Apricots Easy. Peaches Dull. Raisins Quist, - Omaha Grain April 6, 1921. Grain arrivals today totaled 89 cars against 59 cars a week ago. Uost 1 of yesterday's wheat offerings were carried over on today s market. Pric,ej for this cereal were a cent or two up from what sellers could have obtained at the close yester day. Corn ranged unchanged to l-2c lower, taken generally. Oats 'were l-2c off. Rye and bade were not much changed. Thousands of acres of grain were damaged by the wind and sand storm which lasted 72 hours along the Elkhorn valley from Omaha as far west as Valentioe ac cording to reports from that sec tion. The wheat is about three inches high and was an easy mark for the whipping sands which cut it down and covered it over.' Indiana and' Missouri corn acre ages may be cut this year according to reports to the bureau of crop estimates. Large amount held over and reduced prices are assigned as the causes. WHEAT. No. 1 hird- 315 cars. $1.43 (soelal bill. ing): 3 cars, 1.42; 6 cars.; 1 car, $1.40; 1 car. $1.40 (smutty.) No. 2 hard: $-5 car, $1.60 (dark, special Minns) ; 1 car. 11.41; 1 car, 11.40; 6 cars. $1.89; 1 car, $1.39 (smutty.) No. 3 hd: 3 cara. $1.39 (hesvy); 1 car, $1.39; 1 car,' $1.37; S cars. $1.37: 1 car, $1.85 (smutty); 1 car, $1.33 (smutty.) No. 4 hard: 1 car. $1.36: 1 cr.r, $1.35; 1 car, $1.35 (heavy); 1 car. $1.34 (smutty.) No. 5 hard: 1 car, $1.34; 1 car, $1.32 (light.) Sample hard: 1 car, $1.40; 1 car. $1.30 (shippers' weight); 1 car. $1.30: 1 car, $1.25 (3 per cent heat damaged.) No. 6 sp.lng: 2-5 car, $1.33 (dark north ern, special billing.) No. 2 i.ilxrd: 1 car. $1,38. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.32; 1 car, $1.27 (durum.) No. 5 mixed: 1 car, $1.25. No. I durum: 1 car. $1.34 (amber.) CORN. , , No. 1 white: 1 car, 49 c. No. 2 white: 4 cars, 48 c. No. 3 white: 1 car, 4Sc; 1 car, 47c. . Nd. 4 white: 1 car, 46c. No. t yellow: 5 cars, 48 o. No. a yellow: S cars. 47c; 1 car, 47c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 45c. No. $ mixed: '2 cars. 46 c. No. S "llxed; 3 cars. 46c. No. 4 mixed:' 1 car, 46c. , OAT!. No. 2 white: 1 car, 45c (rhippers' weights.) No. S white: 1 car. 34 c. BARLEY. No. 8: 1 cs.r, 53 c No. 4: 1 ear, 61c. CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS Today Week year Aso Ago Wheat 19 7 1 Corn 23 357 27 Oats 43 87 16 KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS Today Week Year Ago Ago Wheat '.. . 159 . 71 80 Corn 17 19 21 Oats 2 4 6 ST. LOUIS CA1 LOT RECEIPTS Today Week Year Ago Ago Wheat 170 64 89 Corn 70 61 142 Oat 54 26 147 NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS OF "WHEAT Today Week Year Abo Ago MInneapoli 172 , 196 119 Duluth 124 98 68 Winnipeg HO 133 1 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Rece pts looay 1 r. Wheat 861,000 , 661,000 C0"n 524.000 557,000 0at, .412,000 602,000 Shipments: o Corn 291,000 286,000 Qftta 481, OOU liu.uvo EX I UK 1 Ll.tAA.1l. , Today Yr. Ago. Wheat 835,000 9.000 Corn ,148,000 17.000 Oats . 180,000 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. or A- . CBJ Today. . 46 ,.33 ,. 5 . 1 . 3 ago. ago. 27 16 24 35 8 26 '3 Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Shipments- Wheat 33 Corn 37 Oat 1 Rye 1 ,32 24 (61 20 6 21 Barley 1 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. Doug. 2687. April 8. Art. I Open. I High. Low. Close. I Yes'dy Wht. I I May 1.36 1.37 1.34 1.36 1.36 July - 1.1111.12 1.09 1.1211.11 Ry I May i.28 1.30 1 1.27 1.2911.28 July 1.03 1.04 1.01 1.04 1.03 Sept. .921 .95 .92 .951 .94 Corn I - . May .691 .60 .69; .591 .59 July t .63 I .631 .821 -631 63 Sept. I .65 .661 .64 .65 .( Oat May .37 , .37 .36 .37 .37 July .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 Sep. .39 .39 .38 .39 .39 Pork . May 17.60 17.50 17.15v 17.18 12.76 July 17.40 17.60 17.60 17.50 Lard I I 1 I I May 10.60 10.60 10.30 110.42 10.66 July ' 10.92 119.92 10.72 10.80 10.96 Rib I May 9.90 I 9.95 9.76 9.80 10.07 July 110.60 110.60 10.16 10.20 10.45 Minneapolis Grain, Minneapolis April 6. Flour Tin. Changed. Bran $18.00. Wheat; receipts. 172 cars as compared with 119 car a year ago. Cash No. 1 northern, $1.4691.56; May, $1.28; July. $1.22. Corn No. 8 yellow, 6051c. Oats No. 3 white, 329830. Barley 47968c. . Rye No. 2, $1.34 1. 36. Flax No. 1, $1.561.69. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, April 6. Wheat May, $1.36; July, $1.10 bid. ' Corn May, 680; July, 61e. Oats May, 38c bid; July. 89c. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City Mo April 6. Wheat May. $1.2"; July, $1.04. berOI69cIay' July' E'c; SeP'ei- Omaha Hay Market. No. 1 Upland Prairie Hay $11 .00912. Oil .0010.00 .00 8.60 .O0ll.00 00 9.00 No. 2 Upland Prairie Hay! 9 7 10 pio. 4 upiand rairie Hav.... No. 1 Midland Prairie Hay.. No. 2 Midland Prairie Hay., No. 1 Lowland Prairie Hay.. No. 2 Lowland Prairie Hay.. Cholc Alfalfa No. 1 Alfalfa ... Standard Alfalfa .......... No. 2 Alfalfa No. 2 Alfalfa B.009 9.00 7 00 8.00 !0.0021.00 17.0019.00 12.0016.00 8.60911,00 7.00 J.00 8.00 i.OO 7.60 8.00 Oat Straw '" Wheat Straw ' , New York Sugar. ' New York. April 6. The local market for raw eugar was easier and the commit tee reduced It quotations o a pound to the basis of 6c for Cubas, c. I. f, equal to 6.02c for centrifugal, or ths lsvel pre vailing for uncontrolled augars for sev eral days. There were sales through the committee of about 10.000 bags of Cubas while an operator sold 6.000 baga and 15.000 bags of San Domlngoes. all to In. cal refiners at the 6c level for Cubas, but tne aema-na aia not appear very active and buyers seemed more Inclined to lim it operation, Owing to the limited demand for refined. New York Produce. New York, April 6. Butter Unsettled; creamery higher than extras, C0 9 50c; creamery extras, 49949c; firsts, 45 49e. Eggs Irr-gular; firsts, 262Dc; oth ers unchanged. Cheese Firm; state, whole milk flats, fresh, specials. 2424c: other un changed. . Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 3032o. Dress d Poultry Weak: westirn chick ens, boxes. 8262c; fowls. 2(41e; old cocks. 1327c. Chicago Potato. Chicago, April t. Potatoes Weak: re ceipts, 31 ct,rs; Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin lound white, sacked, 90c$1.00 ewt.; bulk. 95c$1.05 cwt.; Mlnnetota red, scwi.v ewt.; tied River onios. 11.259 1.40 cwt.; new Florida Spauldlng Rose, No. 1, $10.50911.00 bbl.; No. 2. $9.00(2 $10.00 bbl. Bar Silver New York. April 6 Bar Silver Do mestic. 99c; foreign, 57Vc; Mexican dol lars, 440. Chicago Grain j By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. 1 Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. I Chicago, April 6. July wheat ! dropped to a new low level today 'and later reacted. There is a fcel ioig in certain quarters that there has been liquidation in all grains ; and those having profits on pre , vious sales were more disposed to ! take them. Good rallies were made from the low point and close was iat a loss of '4c on May and a gain 1 0 f ljc on July wheat, j Corn was unchanged to J'Jc higher with September leading and oats 'were lj-tjc lower to He higher. Pres sure on July wheat from commis ision houses and local operators car ried it down to a new low. $1.09. from which it advanced to $1.12fi, with the finish at $1.121.12. May was up to $1.3754 and finished at $1.361.36J4. . creased attention. ,was given July, as it is a new crop month and the pressure on it has been greatest of late. , With exporters after new crop wheat for July-August shipment there was less disposition on the part of local operators to sell. Many closed their lines recently put out and turned to the long side. Crop reports were in the main favorable, with the government's weekly bulle tin mostly good. At the same time freezing weather with hail and snow was reported in western Nebraska wnicn created apprehension. Corn Broker Active. Germany and Greece were after cash wheat with 500,000 bushels sold, most"? rsWbSahVir"5'' -"-.a- A good deal of the trading in corn was buying of May and selling of July by brok ers, attributed tp elevator Interests. May was up to 60 c, or lc over the low point and finished at 69 60c. Liberal selling came fro local pit Interests. In the gen eral situation there was no material change. Oats advanced le from the low point to 37 c and cloaed at 37 for May. Traders who were short covered and a few turned to the other side. Crop reports were mainly favorable and there waa less sell ing pressure, while No. 2 white sold at 1 lc over May, a better figure than of late. Eastern buyers took 140,000 bushel and cash lots were lo lower, with receipt of only 37 cars. A feature In trading In rye, was the buy ing fit July and selling of September at 9c difference by seaboard houses and the selling 0 May by longs. Export business was 600.000 bushels. . Pit Notes. The grain trade has reached a alage where sentiment is more evenly divided. This is due to the recent decline forcing cut all weak holders and to a disposition on the part of traders to go slower on the selling side. A number of the leaders as sume thaf the government report due Friday will snow a good crop or winter wheat. Estimates range from 630.000,000 to 675.000,000 bushels, with many for around 660.000,000. Reduction in corn acreage was rore cast in seveal of the leading producing states In reports to the bureau of crop estimates, made public today. Illinois reported corn moving rather freely and prices dropping, while Indiana said much corn ground was broken, but a decrease in acreage was expected. Probably re duction In acreage also was reported from Missouri, due to the amount held over and reduced prices. Norfolk, Neb., wired: "Thousands of acres of small grain .pi Viartiv ilamaeed bv the wind and sand storm which lasted two hours along tha Elkhorn valley irom urnana .t a Valentine, according to reports of farmers and traveling salesmen ar- rlvrng here last ojgnt. The Price Curront Grain Reporter says. "The open winter has resulted in very little winter wheat screage being lost, but in some sections of Nebraska. Kansas and Oklahoma more rain will be needed. Also some reports of damage by th re cent freeze, but the amount was Svidently small." . . , . vi . John Inglls wireo. irom ",ir.n h,ur have ru ned a number or fields in central counties, but loss of aereage is small. Elreno. Kingfisher to Enid, a few fields spotted: general con- JIH.. vv nrnmfslnr. Oat 3 shOW gOOd stand. Havy rains last rjpht ond still showering. - ,, Receipts of wheat at Minneapolis were 172 oars, compared with 196 last week and 11S) a year ago; Duluth received 124 cars compared with 98 cars last week snd 8 last year. Wlnniplg receipt were 110 cars, against 4i last ween, aim a year ago. 1 "Winnipeg ' wired : ' "Farmer apparently till holding and not much wheat coming- out yet. but further breaks should get Into stop loss orders. Do not look for any particuiar effect in kur market witn relation the cash grain until something definite is known as to the proposed tariff reg ulation at Waahlngtpn." Linseed Oil. n.,tnth Minn.. Anril 6. Linseed on track. $1.5491.66; arrive. $1.63. Good News. j I Light Weight and Summer 5,Q00 Men's Finest Union Suits On Sale Mw Your Choice This sale at Philip's of Men's Underwear breaks all records in history for real value, and back to pre . war prices. , This underwear consists of men's finest made union suits in short and long sleevet, also B-V-D style made of lisle, silk lisle and mercerized materials, white and ecru colors, light weight for spring and summer wear; sizes 34 to 46. Values up to $6.50, on sale Special at $1.00 per suit Don 't fail to take advantage of this exceptional offer-see this underwear on display in our windows Iwenty-fourth and O Ask for Bonds and Notes The following quotations furnished by the Omaha Trust company: Apprex. Yield j Rate. Mat. Price. Pet. Am. T. A T. Co..6'a 1922 97 7.42 Am. T. A T. Co... 6s 1924 96 7.38 Anaconda 7 s 1929 9.1 8.20 Armour Is 1930 9fi 7.66 Belgian Govt 8's 1941 97 8.53 Belgian Govt 7's 1945 97 7.77 Bethlehem Steel. .7's 1982 99 7.64 Bethlehem Steel,. 7's 1928 97 8.10 British 6'j's 1823 95 8.26 British 5's 1929 89 7.15 British 6's 1937 85 7.01 C. B. A 3. Jt 4's 1921 98 8.80 C. C. C. & St. L..6's 1929 88 8.06 Christiana 8's 1945 97 8.28 Cudahy Pack. iCo. 7's 1923 98 7.56 Denmark 8's 1945 99 8.10 French Govt 8 s 1945 98 8.12 B. F. Goodrich 7's 1025 .' 90 10.07 Japan's Govt. lat..4's 1925 82 9.90 Japanese Govt. ...4's 1931 64 9.66 Morris A Co 7's 1930 99 7.73 Norway 8'a 1940 100 8.00 N. W. Bell T. Co. 7's 1941 98 7.18 N. T. Central 7's 1930 100 6.95 Penn. R. R. Co.. 7's 1930 101 6.86 S. W. B. Tel. Co. .7's 1925 96 8 1)5 Swedish Govt 6's 1939 81 7.95 Swift A CO 7 1925 96 7.88 Swiss Govt 8 a 1940 104 7.58 U. S. Rubber 7'a 19S0 100 7.40 West'houae Elec. 7's 1931 99 7.08 New York Money. New York, April 6. Prime mercantile paper, 77c. r Exchange Strong. Sterling Demand, $3.92; cable. $3.93. Francs Demand. 7.11c; cables, 7.13c. Belgian Francs Demand. 7.41c; cables, 7.4.V. Guilders Demand, 34.60c; cables, 34.60c. Llre Demand, 4.27c; cables. 4 29c. Marks Demand, 1.61c; cables, 1.62c. Greece Demand, 7.28c. Argentine Demand, 33.35c. Brazilian Demand, 14.00c. Montreal, 10 per cent ' discount. Time loans, steady: 60 days. 90 days ann six montns, sr7 per cent. Call Money Steady: high, 5 per cent; low. 5 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent; closing bid, 5 per cent: offered at 6 per cent; last loan. 6 per cent. Foreign Exchange Kates. FollowSig ar.' trday' rates of exchange as compared with the par valuation. Fur nished by the Peters National bank: Par Valuation. Todav. Austria 30 .002s Belgium 195 .0738 Czecho Slovakia .013s Denmark 27 .1785 England .-. ,.i 4.86 lt France 193 .0710 Germany .238 .0165 Oreece 195 .0735 Italy 193 .0421 Jugo Sla.-la ............. .0072 Norway '. 27 .1605 Poland ., .0016 Sweden . . 27 .2360 Switxxland 195 .l73o Canada. 1.00 .8900 Chicago Stocks. The fcilowing quotatious are furnished by Logan A Bryan: Armour A Co., pfd 91 91 Armour Leather, Com 12 12 Armour Lenth. Co., pfd 85 85 Commonweclth Edison Co... 109 4jld9 Cudahy Pack., com 60 tf 52 C6ntlnental Motor 6 6' Hartman Corp., com 70 70 Llbby, McNeil A Libby 10 !sv 10 Montgomery Ward 18 fe 18 National Leather 8 8 Reo Motor Car Co 22 22 Swift A Co.... 101 101 Swift International ' 25 25 Union Carbide & Carbon Co. biYt0 53 New York General. New York, April 6. Wheat Spot bare ly steady; N"o. f red winter, $1.61; No. 2 hard, $1.65, and No. 2 mixed durum, $1.69 c. i. f. track New York, and No. 1 Mani toba, $1.84, spot. Corn Spot, steady; No. ,2 yellow and No. 2 whfte. 79 c, and No. 2 mixed, 78o c. 1.- f. New York, 10-day ship ment Osts Spot, outat: No. 1 white. 51c. I Lard Easier; middlewest. $10.9511.05 Other articles unchanged. liberty Bond Prices. New York, April 6. Prices of Liberty bonds at noon today were: 3s, 90.30; first 4s. 87.60 bid; second 4s. 87.16; first 4s, 87.80: seeoid 44s, 87.25; third 4s, 90.41; fourth 4, 87.30; Victory 3fcs. 97.64; Victory 4s. 97.641. Liberty bond closed: Second 4s, 87.20; first 4s. 87.80; second, 44a, 87.34: third 4, 90.66: fourth 414s, 87.46; victory 3i. 97.58; victory 4s. 97.64. ,New York Cotton. New York, April 6. The New York cot ton market opened 15g26 points lower on weaker (Mbles and further disquieting news as to the English mine strike sit uation. There was selling Dressure from southern Interests and commission houses. Subsequently the list steadied a few points on covering on reports of a better Manchester business. New York Metals. ( New . York, April 6.- Copper Quiet; electrolytic spot and near iron, 12c; May and June, 13c. Iron Nominally unchanged. vTIn Steady. Antimony Spot, 6.125.25c. Lead Steady: spot. -4.26c. Zinc Quiet; East St. Louis spot, 94.70c. 4.66 flTTECJTIOn. f.1E Unbelievable Sale at Philip's Big Store Thursday, Friday and Saturday -.-OF-:- MEN'S (9x i 1 Values up to $6.50 Streets v Grttn Trading Stamp They are Given With Each Purchaitt j Omaha Produce iL ' Fruit and vegetable quotation fur fur nished by the Ulllnsky Fruit company; FRUITS. Bananaa, per lb., 10c. Grape fruit, 46 favorite, $4.60; 64 favorite, $5.00; 46-M Dr. Phillips. $5.00; (4. Dr. Phillips. $5.76; 70-80 Dr. Phillips, $6.00. Lemons: 300 Golder. Bowl, $6.00; 300 Silver Cord, (5.60; 300 choice, $5.00; 240-270 choice, $5.00. Oranges: 100. $6 00; 126, (5.75; 150, $5.25; 170. $4.75; $00-216. $4.60: 250-389-124, $4.60. Apples: Fbl. Michigan Hen Davis, $6.60: bhl. Iowa Ben Davis. $7.50: box Jonathan. 188-900, $2.75; box Jonathans. 213-226, (3.60; box Winesaps (small), J.1 , tiox Winesaps. O. F. choice; 160-1(3. (3.50; choice, 113-l-5-138, $3.75; extra fancy 126 andlarg er. $3.60. extra fancy 138 and smaller, $4.36. GREEN VEGETABLES. Rhubarb, per box, $4.60; rhubarb, per lb., 15c; aaparagua, per lb, 35o; green peas, per lb., 20o; - green peppers, per lb., 35c; Brussel sprouts, 20c; cucumbers, per do., $3.50; tomatoes per crate, $10.00; cauli flower, per crata, $2.50; head lettuce (Brawlcy, crate), $5.00; . hed lettu'e Brawley, doz., $1.60'; celery, ex. Jumbo, $1.75; celery, special, $1.60; celery, Jumbo, $1.50. Dates New Dromedary, $6.75. Peanuts No. 1 raw, 8c; No. 1 roast, 11c; Jumbu, raw, 16c; Jumbe, roast, 18c. Eagliali Walnuts Diamond Mayoites. 16c. , Honey Crates 24 frames. (7.0C. Checkers Clvums Cracker Jack 100 to case, prize, $7.00; 50 to case, prise, $3.60; 100 to case. No. prize, Jti.76; 60 to rate, No. prize, (3.40. VEGETABLES. Potatoes:" Branded Ohlos, (2.25; Idaho whites, J2.E0; Nebraska whites.' (1.60. Sweet potaties: Southern, crates. (2.50. Seedsweets, Nancy Hall, about 100 lbs.. 44. ou; nasKet .-ancy nails, IS lbs., (2 60, Onions: Sack Red Globes, ,'!c; sack Yel low, 2,,jc; siu-k. White, 4c: orate Spanish, $7.50; basket Spanish, (2.60. Onion sets: White, per lb., 6c: Red, per !b., 4c; Yellow, per lb., 4c. Cabbage: New Tex as, per lb., .lc. Did roots. Beets and Rutabigers, 2e; . Pa renips-Carrots, '.'oi turnips. ,:lc. Wholesale prices of beef: No. 1 Ribs, 30c; No. 2 Ribs, 296; No. i Ribs, 21c. No. 1 Loins. 37c; No, 2 Loins, 33 c; N.o. 3 Loins, '27c. No. 1 Rounds, 18c;.No. I Rounds, ISc; No. 3 Loins, 17c. No. 1 Chucks, 12c; No. 2 Chucks, llc; No. 3 Chucks, 10c. No. 1 Plates, 9c; No. 2 Plates, 8c; No. 3 Plates. 7c. New York Coffee. New York, April 6. The market for coffee futures was easier today. Some of the traders who bought only on re ports that the Brazilian government was buying in the primary markets, were evidently disappointed by the showing of today's official cables and after opening at a decline of 4 to 7 polnte, prices sold off further on private reports of easier Rio exchange rates. May declined to 5.69c and September, to 6.45c. and closing prices were approximately the lowest of the day. with the general market show ing a net loss of 18 to 21 points. May, 5.68c: July. 6.08c; September, 6.44c; October. 6.57c; December, 6.83c; January, 6.90c; March, 7.09e. ' Spot foffee dull, Rio 7s, 66c; San tos 4s, 10c. New York -Dry Goods. New York. April 6. Gray cotton goods continued quiet today. Additional lines of fall ginghams were priced for the fail season on the spring list and percales held very firm. Silks were steady Burlaps were firmer for late shipment goods. Sales at the carpet auction were well maintained, prices being almost a good as on the first day. $100,000,000 Invested .Without One Dollar's Loss - - The Peters Trust Company has in vested this great sum for its clients in Farm Mortgage Securities with out one dollar' loss. 1 Wc offer 7 First Mortgage Farm; Land Bends Denominations. $100 - $500 - $1,000 Ash for DetaileJ Circular PefereTrustCompany , PetersltiotialBaiik , Peters -Trust Building ' . Farnam at 17th South Omaha South Side Man Drinks Up Evidence as Cops Arrive; Judge Frees Him When officers interrupted Joe Queenau, 2517 Q street, and Tim O'Connor, 5035 South Twenty-sixtn street, Ti'tsday nigljt while they were, the "law" said,, taking quiet little drink in Queenan's room thev allege Qncenan raced down the back stairs in an effort to conceal ! the liquon They arrested the pair on charges of illegal possession. , But when they asked Queenan what ,hj did with the liquor,; he laughed atid said he drank it Judge Dunn discharged both men, declaring the evidente was not sufficient to support the illegal possession charge. t Woman Accuses Her Son of Burglary and $57 Theft Mrs. John Moran, 4.H0 South Twenty-seventh street, reported to South Side police yesterday that her son, tJail Lear, 18, forced his way into her home last night while she was a.vay and stole $53 worth o( clothing ?nd $2 in cash. She asked the policy to arrest the sou. South Side Brevities Illinois coal. $10 per ton. Plvonka Coal A Feed Co., So. 0516. Wanted sausage maker; good job for good man. Call South 3720. Adv. A. P. Conaway, painting and paper hanging. Phone Tyler 3684. 2222 Vinton street. Adv. The King's Daughters of the Wheeler Memorial church will hold their, annual get-together dinner In the church parlors Friday night at 7. Wan'sd High school boys or rlrlS to canvass South Oinaha; good chance to make sonn extra mouey tills week. Call Thursday a. in. at John Fiynn Clothing Co., South Omaha Adv. The new officers of the Magic City lodge Loyal Order of Moose No. 308, will be installed tonight at Its regular meet ing, after which refreshments will be aaived to members and their families. The Kensington club of Adah chapter. Order of Eastern Star, will give an en tertainment and card party at South Side Masonic hall Friday evening for the benefit of the Masonic home for boys. This affair will be open to tire public. ' Officers ot the South Omaha Savings bank will hold a reception at the batik Saturday from 3 to 5 in the afternoon and from 6 to 9 in the evening to cele brate the opening of the bank In the new quartera, next to the Soulh Side post office station. Ford Hovey, president; F. A. Cressey, jvice president, and F. J. Kocarnik will be In the receiving line. London Money London. April 6 Bar sliver, 33 d per ounce. Money. 5 1-5 per cent. Discount rates; short bills, 5 per cent; three months bills. 63.16 per cent. GcttmgAheadl This Nationally known story. Getting Ahead,' ' has helped thou, sand ot people to put their lav ing and investing en a profitable, t vstematic basis. It tells how Peter , I . . . .a r i u i rcnuiis BKannuini 9iv.?u.o in tn Tears by investing $25 per montn. It is a tact-rounaeo story, full of huansn insert at. Write for FREE copy today. KRIEBEL8CQ ciwestnent'BanSm 137 South L Salle Street CHICAGO First - Mortgage Coupon Bcrnds To Yield 7 - Issued on a $140,000 Omaha property. Interest paid July 1st and January 1st r Maturing July 1, 1922 and 1923. Denominations of $100, $600, $1,000 and $2,000; Some of the bonds in this issue have al ready matured, making the security back of the , remainder especially strong. These bonds are offered at a price to yield fc, free of all taxes in Nebraska. - Place your order at once so as to obtain the ' denominations and maturities you want. ' ' ' --'' American Security Co. Dodge, at 18th. C. C. Shnner, Sec. 7 Service... m the Careful Handling of All Order for Grain and Provisions for Future Delivery in All the Important Market W Operate Offices at Private Wire Connections to All Offices Except Kansas City WE SOLICIT YOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, KANSAS CITY and SIOUX CITY Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention The Updike Grain Company THS RELIABLE CONSIGNMENT HOUSE Wool Growers of Utah Plan to PooH 921 Clip Satt Lake City, April t. A com mittee is now proceeding with the execution ff a plan to pool upward of 5,000,000 pounds of the state's 1921 wool crop. The committee was appointed and the plan -approved at a meeting of the wool growers, called bv the Ttah State Farm bu reau and the Utah Wool Growers' association. Mexicans Have Appointed Minister to Russia, Report Mexico Cily. April 6 Mexico has appointed a minister to vift Rus sia, it is reported by El Universale, today. The appointee, the news paper says, is Salvador fr'scudcro. New York Curt Mocks. The following nuotatloni are furnished by Logan A Bryan: , Allied OI'. lj ' Boston Montana 63 V Boston Wyoming 1 1 '' Ciesson Cold 11-1 1 Cos.len Oil S'ieT 6, Consolidated Copper I'll I Elk Basin $5 Federal oil 1 "l 2 Olenrock Oil 1 9 1 'i Island Oil 4, Merrlt Oil I1 U Mldwot Ktilnli.R Co IH9 f14l Sliver ICIng of Arizona 10 to m Sapulp Oil 4 iff 4 Slmms Pi tnirum 1 W ' T' Tonipah Di-ldo l'i Wl $-18 U. S. Steamship 'i f 1 . IT. 8. R.itill Candy 7 O' 7 White Oil . : t' Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ua., April 6. Turpentine Dull, 51 c: no inkea; receipts, 29 bbl.; shipments, 111 bills.; stock, 4.936 bbla. ilosln Firm; salew, L'li cssks; receipts, 52 cssks: shipments,,, 933 caska; stock, 80.840 cssks. ' . Quote II D E F O H I K $3.60; M. $8.76; N $3.80.; WG $4,004. WW 4.26. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A iiuarterly dividend of Two Dollars per sbare will be paid on Friday. April IS, lit!, to stockholders of record at the close ot business n Friday. March 18, 1 9 i J . On recount of the Annual Meeting, the trnnsfer books will be closed from Satur day. March 19, to Tuesday, March (9, 1921, bi'th das included. a. 0. .MILNE. Treasurer. : :0 Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes Miami Conservancy District, Ohio 5 bonds - Due 1926-1914 tncL, Price 100 and interest, Yielding 5V2 Circular en request for 0B-3S3 The National City Company Omsha First NUnl Bank Bldg ielephone Douglas S3 is o Douglas 5013 A. Rohrbough, Pres. Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Siou City low Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska De Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wisconsin Hamburg, Iowa Kan City, Missouri n