HIE REE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, APrflL 7, 1921. 10 n ! - ! - Classified Advertising Rites II par lint icount lit rrd to ilnei I day lo par line per day, 1 concutlv day per Una per dy, T oneutlv day 14e rer tin pr day, 10 conaecullv days No ad takes far leee men a total ot 36c. That rata apply allhar to -I ha Daily r Sunday Baa. All advertleemant p paar la both morning and ovanlng daily sasara for ttia on raari CONTRACT HATES ON APPLICATION. Wani tda accepted at tha following ot flcaa: MAIN OFFICII.. . .Uih and Farnam fta. oath Sid Philip Department Stor council Bluff ii ton m. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000. THE Br.B will not be reaponelbl for mora than on Incorrect Inaarllon of an advartlkmDt ord.rad for nor than so tim CLOdlNO HOURS FOB WANT ADS. Kvenlng Edition 11:46 A. M. Morning Edition :" P. M. Sunday Edition 100 P. H.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. NOE Mra. Mary Harries, axe IS years, died suddenly at, home Tuesday after noon, April 5. j Funeral private from residence, 1530 South 2th St., Thursday at 3 p. in. She la aurvle( by hor husband, Albert Noe; two sons. George, of Maxatlan, Mexico, and Albert, of Omaha. Please omit flower. 1,1 DSTER Edward J., age 7 month. : day; son of Mr. and Mra. O. C. I.id ater. Funeral Thursday, 1 p. m from j Staik AY Falconer, parlors. Interment Forest l,awn cemetery. CARD OP THANKS. We desire to sincerely thank our friends and neighbors, who remembered us with so many acts of kindness, and for floral offering at the time of death and burial of Mrs.. Kate Allen. William Allen. Joseph Allen. Mrs. John O'Brien. Mrs. Frank Vomweg, children; Mrs. Sophia Roth, mother; brothers and sisters. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S PEST AMBULANCE Thirty-third nd Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS ?oi soithBt. JEL0'"-12?. HE A FEY & HE A FEY, Undertaker and FTmbalmera. Plion H. Offlo SHI Farnsm s'OR AMBULANCE rail South 80. Korlsko Funeral Home, Hid aid O St. i FLORISTS. T ITU? T T ADMnM fontenelle Florist MM Douglaa St. Douglas 844. I-. Henderson. 151 1'iirnam. Douglaa 1248. jdliNATliT- ISO-Fa mam. D. HOI. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Hlrtlis. Chrl and Aim Paulsen, hospital, girl; Srtney and Pearl Shepherd, 4M5 North Thirty-eighth atreet, boy. Le and Fern Marshall, !415 North Fortv-fifth avenue, girl. neorge and Rosa Simon, 1214 Pierce street, girl. Mlchsel and Lllll Kara, 110 Cass St reef, boy. William and Orac Paper, 4114 North Twenty-third street, boy. Pmth. Oeorge Hnrjr Jackson, 4", 2760 Grant street. Virginia Lucll Carlson,. 1, 2S67 Capital avenu. Han Frederick Nlcolalsen. infant, hos pital. Ophelia Tisdal, 17, tot North Forty ixth street. Frank Thompson, unknown, hospital. Daisy MeWayne, 23, hospital. Rernlce A. Sag, 50. 3319 Chsrles street. Chri Lyon, 71, (54 8outh Thirty-fifth atreet. Chrlstin Sorcnsen, 64, 6822 North Twenty-eighth avenue. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persons wer issued per mit to wed: Mike X. Poulson, 24. Council Bluffs, 7a., and Sima.Ls.llch 21, Council Bluffs, ! Richard Ware Hall, 32, Omaha, and Mildred Bernloe Rhodes, 22, Omaha. Vincent Knapp, 72, Omaha, and Lizzie Bell, 62, Omaha. Daniel V. Shtller. 24. Omaha, and Arfina L. Lundbarg, 18, Omaha. John King, S7, Lincoln, Neb., and Edna Chandler, 28, Lincoln, 'Neb. Roy O. Wetler !2. Tempteton. Ia., and Iiene Wagner, 19, Havelock, Neb. leorge .1. Padrmos, 24. Omaha, and Lil lian K. Holmes, 20, Kaylor, S. D. Anthony Zrout, over 21, Chicago, III., and Rose V. Browne, over 18, Omaha, William Morris. 47, Omaha, and Mary Higglns. 46. Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street car tele phon Tyler 800. W are anxlou to re tore lost articles to rightful owner. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. LOST Opal and pearl brooch with 'dia mond center, Saturday evening. Prob bl' at Kelplnes Academy. Reward. Walnut 5358. FEMALE DOG, nursing pups, part Aire dale, short hair, nearly all brown, suit able r-Mvard,. 1223 First Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler 1348. SABLE fur with small platnum diamond 1 in. 2311 Emmet street. Welter (Has. ttiw.ird. LOST Fcathtr neckpiece between 20th and Locust and 1,6th and Plnkney. Web. 1662. LOST Amber rimmed glasses Sunday, ....... .win. i,ra, vtainut W243. FEMALE Airedal dog, name Brownie; . suitable reward. Douglas 6689. ONE-SKIN Marten neckpiece Friday. Will reward finder. Harney 0044. LOST Diamond-shap.Td club pin set with pearl. Web. 43K3. pAIR of glasses in case. Call Tyler PERSONAL. THB SALVATION Army Industrial home oltcita your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We colleot. W distribute Phon Doug 4U6 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne. 110-11:2-1114 Dodge St. TO whom, it may concern: I will not be held responsible for indebtednrss In curred in.my wife name, Marie Burdge, on or after April 4. 1921. Earl M. Burdge. PIPKINS NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 1107. Suite 308. Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb. Swedish massage. 209 S. 20th. D. 6877. FRANK W. Everything settled. Please write. Father. i SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A 8WOBOUA. 1 41S FARNAM STREET. RENT Vacumn cleaner, $1 fl. WaL 1147. EXPT MASSEUSE 209 Bo. 20th. D. 6877. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. MASSAGE CALL DOUGLAS 9549. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION. ld", knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered button, all sires and style; hemstitching, plot edging, eye let eut work, buttonhole, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 101 Brown Blk. Douglas 193. Neb. Pleating & Button Co.. ISud farnam St.. 2d floor. Oouglas 670. Clothing. QTTTTQ SAVE 60 PER CENT. O U X X O D. B. GROSS. 402 N. 16TH ST. DOUGLAS 6049. Contractors. I WILL furnish' material and build good, strong 10x16 garage, two coat of paint, tor 1126. Stevens. 4409 S. 22d. 8outh E2T. . ". DO all kind remodeling, repairing. 8ee my book of plans of bungalowa ai.d garages. Alvin Dickson, So. 2794. IVE BUILD and repair anything made of v . wood or cement. Col. 6159. BRICK, plaster, cement work. Wal. 4567. CUM ENT work and painting. Web. 0618. Detectives! RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. $056. Night Col. 3612 JAMES ALLAN. (13 Naville Blk. Evidence secured ia all caaea. Tyler 1136 Furs. WB remodel your fur and make them Ilk sew. Fur . tord and Insured gainst all lease - , . . KNEETBR ALASKA FUR CO.. 303 a Hth. Dong. 7383. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy, Stag and Ballroom t Daaeiog Taught, , , T.eeson by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. CmpraM Theater. Tler i(lt. 1 BRINGING UP P A I adore. IP ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP'S-HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance, Spe cial attention to children. 8atIafaction assured. V. !681. tTol Pino Suhool for Danc'.ng, S42I Farnaro. Doug. 760. Osteopaths. ! ' DR. MABEL WESSON. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon. HUM First National Bank Bldg Painting and Paper Hanging. HOUSES and screens painted, repaired, hung. Wut. 612J, between :30 a in. to 6 p. m. ' , FIRST-CLASS paper hanging and paint ing; estimates given. Douglas 4909. PAINTING, paperhanglng and wallpaper cleaning. J. Nau, Walnut 4567. C. E. JONES, painting and paperhanglng; first-class work. Harney Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge. Patent Attorneys. Sturgesa AS Stuross, registered patent at torneys. 4"2 Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha. Miscelfaneous Announcements, DIAMONDS pric. with ,h;rtv,SK to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRT CO.. 402 N. 16th St. )oug Isa 6049. PAXTON-MITCHELL pO.. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, . Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machlns gray Iron castings SAFETY rasor blades sharpened, new ra zor, razor blades sold. Omaha' Kazor Sharpening Co., 1622H Dodge. UK N. 16. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. Massage, hot ,acks. CONCANNON BROS.. TYLER 6731. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Hlalto Drug Store. 16th and Dougla Sts., Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Writ for prlcea. The Ensign Co.. 607 Howard St. HAULING, moving, all kinds, 92 hour; orders taken for black dirt, fertilizer, Web. 6503. Keglbtered physician, strictly confidential, consultation free, appointment only. Har. ney i332. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus.. LeBron Electric, 318 S. 12th St., Omaha, FULL dress suit and tuxedo for rent, 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. D. v128. LET Sheppard haul it. Black earth, mulcher and ashes, etc. Call Wal. 1214, A. OLSEN, auto express, furniture moving and hauling. Tyler 5656. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 0628. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. Dg. 3138. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. PRIVATE SALE of fine household furniture to be sold at the storage ;eompany, 1109-21 How ard Street, first floor. - Everything has been opened up so that each piece can be examined: there are complete sets for Living Room, Dining Room. Bed Rooms as well as many odd pieces. This furniture is from a fine Omaha i ..'Sttlence. but it will be offered for sale a' a frac tion of its value, Friday 10 to 12 A. M. Saturday 2 to 4 P. M. RAILROAD salvage, new bankrupt stock of furniture, glassware, hardware, granite-ware. E. Vaks, 2610 N St. S. Sli'0. LJKE niw. Veruis Marl In bed, or trade for 3-4 bed; also grafonola. Col. 1327. Two stoves, 10; 1 kitchen stove and soft coal heater. 2524 Elm. Tyler 2567. EARLY English dining room suite, fine condition. 165. Douglas 3228. , DETROIT Jewel gas range, good as new. Colfax- 3329. 1812 Shsler St. 3 burner oil stove ;heap for rash. 2581 hpauinlng. Webster 6327. GOLDEN oak buffet, practically new. 1121 N. 17th St. LLOYD PRINC'SS baby carriage. H. 2773. SEWING machine for sale. 3S37 S. 23d. OAK dining room suite, $70. Wi. 6749. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEORGE A. SMITH Deaeler in drums, xylophones, etc., Instructions, repairing; address 2761 Davenport St.. for cat. Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedals. VIOLIN making and repairing, bows re paired, expert work. Jerome Carter, room 1. Frenaer block, i A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent. Everything(n art and musia BIGGEST phonograph bargains in Omahs. Shlees Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dodge. Clothing. SPRING SUIT, size 38, for sale. Walnut 2851. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND f ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole ager.ta for the CORONA, Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTKCTOGRAPHS. F. A E.'s: brgaln. f!9 Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Falrbanka No. 4 atandard scale. SVixSH toot platform, alio 28-Inch Buffalo Forg Co. exhaust fan. - inquire at Omaha Be office. 17th and Farnam St. Phon Tyler 1000. FOR SALE. ONE 1600 NATIONAL CASH REGIS TER. 9115 MEAT SLICER. 9175 TOLEDO SCALE. $146 TOLEDO SCALE. AT A BARGAIN. INQUIRE TAflLE SUPPLY CO., 17th and Dougla. SEWING MACHINES" W rent, repair, sell needl? and part MICKEL'S 16th and Hsrnev. D..iigla 1973. STTTTS SAVE 60 PERCENT, kJ l) 1 X O D. B. GROSS. 402 N. 16TH ST. DOUGLAS 6043. WE- buy. aell safes, make desks. how- cea. etc. Omaha Flxtur Supply Co. a W. Cor, 11th and Dougla. D. 2724. NEW and used lumber. Kindling deliv ered. L. Mleklln & Sor AS28 North 21st St. Webster 0459. . FOR SALE Genuine quarter-sawed oak desk, new. Room 323 Peter Trust Bldg. SAFES BARGAINS, 12th A Farnam. OAJ? CjO j. j. Darlght Safe Co. RASPBERRY plants, evenings or Sunday, PRACTICALLY new fumed oak buffet. H. 7242. HA.VD-palnted china for sale. Ty. 1544. WANTEDTO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS Nr d sks. used di-ks bought. s,;td i'i ! traded. J. C, Reed, 1207 Faruaru. D. H1, FATHER OUR. LtTAE on THIt) APARTMENT WON'T LAT A.NrVfEK HE KEEPb J I Y3S5Z2Sr& w r-n ii m , j it s ! THAT UPi, hi uwiyr- WANTED TO BUY. WANTEli to buy. Mahogany desk and typewriter desk. Box K 88, Omaha Bee. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoe and 'urnlture. Ty. 2698. A. Zavett. 706 N. Ill WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Th Bee. Lot of good places ar always advertised. Don't mis them. Laundry andDay Work. C'1"RTXIN'S and bundle "washing done. Webster 2450.' HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Office BRIGHT TOUNO MAN FOR CLERICAL POSITION. A GOOD CHANCE TO ONE WHO IS WILLING TO WORK. STATE AGE. EXPERIENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED. ADDRESS BOX K-90. OMAHA BEE. WANTED First-class real estate sales man. Apply. W. FARNAM SMIITH A COMPANY. 1320 Farnam St. . Doug. 0564. EXPERIENCED clerk with good refer ence. J. Helphand Clothing Co. 314 N. 16 St. Professions and Trades. SIGN AND BULLETIN painters wanted, to take over territory. Must have Ford truck. Our men averaged 13,600 last year. Reference required. Art Bulletin System, 830 Wade street, Cincinnati, O. 'VANTED Commercial and bulletin sign painters, also bill poster. Good wages, permanent employment, open shop. Stoner-McCray System, Des Moines, la MOLER BARBER COLLEGB. 110 So. Mth. Write for catalog. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT BURSAL. 121 N. 15th St. Phone Dougla 1112. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED. Want two retail automobile salesmen for Omaha work, selling popular six-cylinder medium priced car. Will pay salary and commis sion or straight commission with drawing account. Prefer steady married men as positions are permanent. Beply at once, Pox K-S2, Omaha Bee. WANTED Salesmen who afe producers, to sell charter member life insurance contracts. New plan of organization. Hundreds of South Dakota business and professional men affiliated. A reliable and profitable proposition open for renl salesmen. Good territory open. Write at once. Policyholder's Life In surance Company. 507-10 Sloug Falls National Bank building,- Sioux Falls, 8. D. SALESMAN. One who is intelligent, conscientious and a hard worker, to represent a re liable and well established company in the State of Nebraska. Salary and bonus with expenses advanced. In re ply give reference, past sales experi ence, age and telephone number to in jure prompt interview. Address Box V-1476. Omaha Bee. THREE good salesmen, one as crew man ager for household specialty. C, F. Adam Co., 623 8. 16th St. FILM sulo!man wanted; one who can sell films. K-9. Omaha Ree. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Agenta for my adjustable cur tain rods no more'nailing on the win dows, simple for a child to put up, sells like wild fire, from 3 to 12 at every call. Write for my special price list. Chas. O. Biekel, S743 N. Troy St.. Chl- l cago. 111. - Miscellaneous. MEN wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowl ing Alley, 1807 Farnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ada. -3ood, well-paid end homelike places always advertised HOUSEKEEPER, white, small family, one who Can go home nights. Colfax 4630. WANTED White woman for house work. Good home. 4608 Izard. I COMPETENT white girl for second work. A. W. Gordon, 3611 Jackson. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED White woman for press mangle atnd trolling hoard. , Dougjas 0228. CASHIER wanted, must typewrite, 1819 Farnam, WANTED Cook at St. Catherines hospital. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-City Barber College. MAGAZINE people, get in touch with, us at once, fastest sellers, best rates. Standard Clearing House, 431 S. Dear born St., Chicago, III. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT ""CHOOL. Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all 'English and commercial branches. Write, call or phdn Dougla 1565 for larg? Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle Bldg.. Omaha, "eb. ' Van Sent School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. 1-ARTY holding deed to four tracts in the Gulf Coast Development and Re fining company, will sell for the orig inal cost price of $30 per tract. Box O-20, Omaha Fee. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD Investment, will pay 100 per cent on money Invested. If Interested address. Q-13 Pmalia Bee. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. McConney. il03 Farnam sVeot. Omaha, Neb. TO GET in or out of business, LEWIS A Co.. 411 McCague Bldg FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOM 87 Or have you planned on making a change, which will be mor convenient for you 7 If so, then call The Be Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will ;.oi otity furnlah you with a complete .oom list ot choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number on our 'Want to Rent" list tor further refer ence in case you wanted to make an other change. These Hat ar absolutely free of charge to all render and adver tiser ot Th Omaha. Bee and published solely for their convenience and benef't. Call any tlm. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. " 3010 Dodge St. In nice home, south front room, walking" distance., Facing Turner Parlt. Har. 7246. DESIRABLE room, prl.ste family, ; tuii-,lL i "r lailtusu man, w Tyler 6H i Registered V. S. Patent Office WHAT DO XOg ME AH &T COMING OUT HERE WHILE i DiO IT roR OOR SAKt NACOIE." FOR" RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SLEEPING room in modern home; walk ing distance. Harney 1615. 124 S. 31st Ave. . ROOM In private home, gentleman pre ferred, garage If desired. Walnut 1419. VERY desirable room, connects with bath, private home on ear line. Web. 4929. NICE south room, private family, close to car, reasonable. Webster 6267. SLEEPING rooms, reus., 117 Capitol Ave. NICE front room, modern. Colfax 1161. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. AStf -ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. . .ANT AD. FOR RENT 3 furnlBhed housekeeping rooms, 4 block to ear, 2 blocks to Vin ton school, newly decorated and clean, 825 pei; month. 2030 Spring. 1129 S. 28TH ST. Nice place to live; well furnished 2-room, cuzy apartment; light, gas and heat furnished; close to ear Ifne: welt located. TWO light housekeeping rooms, on car line, walking distance, an modern, pri vate home. Douglas 8.104. NEWLY FURNISHED houackeeplng room apartment, walking distance. 2114 Chi cago. Douglas 0223. NICELY furnished, clean, light housekeep ing rooms. Webster 0802. !605 DODGE 2 rooms; everything fur nished. Harney 1141. 1S06 CHICAGO, light housekeeping rooms. Douglas 6171. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND R.M. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOTI WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. '900 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETv LIST OF ROOMS. PLEASANT, extra large room with board for 2 persons, also garage. Walnut 1914, FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. EIGHT rooms, all on one floor; modern but heat. 3705 Q St.,, $25. Douglas 3556. ' FOUR-ROOM house at 7rt8 N. 28th Ave. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS, Furnished. WE have a 3-rm. and bath, completely furnished, apartment, 25th and Harney, to rent for $95. This is worth the money. Bedford-Johnston Co., Douglas 1734. Unfurnished. No. 18, Burdett Apts., 4 room. ...3 40.00 No. 9, Flo Les, 4 rooms 60.00 No. 3. Monticello, 4V rooms 105.00 No. 7, Ardiuore Terrace, 5 rooms.. 126.00 No. 19. Mount Vernon, 6 rooms.... 140.00 PKTERS TRUST COMPANY Tyler 0344. 17th and Farnam Sts. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. Six-room furnished house, will lease 6 months. Must be able to pay in ad vance and give references, feoutn 0816. Unfurnished Apartments and" Houses SM ALL house or flat, 3 or 4 rooms, from .May 1, by elderly couple without chil dren; preferably in district near 24th and N streets. Man steadily employed. Box 0-19. Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. WANTED on 6-year lease, salesroom and service station to cover 4.000 to 5.000 square feet, willing to take space with central located garage or auto sales room. Address service station. 714 So. 10th St., or call Tyler 0705. TO LET 1 0,000 eq. feet of floor space at 414-416 South 11th street. Applv W. FARNAM SMITH & COMPANY. 1S20 Farnam St. Douglas 0564. SEE F. D. WEAD. 319 8. 18TH 8T. Office and Desk Room. Olfices for rent. Apply H. E. Izard, Room 0i, Neb Power Co., 15th and Farnajn. MbVING AD-STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY MO,'INJ- PACKING STOFtAGE ', SHIPPING Save money on freight. Special rats on consolidated car ship ments to Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles and Denver. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY 1107-11 Howard St. Doug. 0588. (Formerly 16th and Jackson Sts.) MOVE IT YOURSELF. Do you busy people know es pecially those who have to put in a full day's worn that you can rent a one-ton Ford truck hnd Drive It Yourself night, or day and do all your trucking or moving. Handle your own stuff and cut your cost half In two. We never close Drive It Yourself Co. 1.114 Howard. Douglas rt22. . M 3VTNG.. PACKING, STORAGE B'IREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and planes, moving, packing and hipping. . OMAHA- VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Dnue 4163 FIDELITY lvA" CO STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, 1107-11 Howard St. Douglas 2S8. METROPOLITAN . VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 340 UNION TRANSFER CO Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davaroort. Uiw. 290s. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SINGLE Comb Red eggs for hatching from prize winning stock. $2 for 15 or $15 for inn. Huston Fruit Farm, 8703 N. Soth St. Col. 4464. THOROUGHBRED baby chicks, 12c and up, 15 varieties of blue rlPhon winners. sational unica, ua j. mm. WHEAT strcenlna-s $1.55 per 100 lbs., delivered. A. v. Wagner, 801 North lth St. Douglas 1142. REDS, thouroughbreds. eggs $1.25 setting Colfax 3245. AXi'O.VA nte for batching. Col. 3624. i BABY chicks fur i-ale. Doug. 211 SEE J1CCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE SS3 1 ' WT THE 1 ft- fc ft X flU. IF & NEIGHBOR TO O -'TVv " H""7 l2l y Intl FtATum Smvicg. Inc. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE. FACTORY COST $30,000.00 automobiles and trucks. Address Box K-89, Omaha Bee. 1920 Buick touring: perfect condition. Car has had excellent care. Many ex tras. An opportunity to buy a car without defects. Harney 6570. SOME bargains ill used Kord cars, Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Th Handy Ford Service Station, 16tu and Jackson, Douglas 3500. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sts. FORI COUPE, late model,, excellent con dition, many cxtra9. Call Harney 6459. Accessories. BARGAINS. One G. M. C. Model 31 1',4-U-ri truck, complete with stock rack and pneu matic tires; used one seasen; A-l condition. One n?w G. M. C. Model 16, complete with oat), box and stock rack. One All-Amerlcan 1-ton. pneumatic tirce and stock rack; used as demon- strator. One K-44 roadster 1920 Bulek; A-l condtion; 6 tire. A. J. HANSEN. Walnut, Ia. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE Choice quarter, 160 acres. No. 1 land for wheat, corn, barley, oata, potatoes, etc., With fair lmprovement.On account of sickness and quick action will sell at a great sacrifice; have al ready sowed 45 acres of barley; have "seed" for oats, 25 acres; corn, 60 acreB; potatoes, one acre; ground ready. Will furnish the horses, feed man to put the --crop In. Price $37 4 acre, half cash, In 2 payments, one to close the deal, etc., the other October 1st. Bala-icn S to 5 years at 6 per cent. Box 79 D. P.. Proc tor, Colo. Logan county. Iowa Lands. IMPROVED H J. Helphand, 0 acre Iowa farm, 314 N. 16 St. cheap. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and stock, $8,000. Equity Land Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. Pennsylvania Lands. LOW jrrictd farm for sal In good dairy country. $20 to $75 per acre. The E. H. Shreve Real Estate Co.. Union City, Pa. Texas Lands. 5C AN ACRE CASH Texas school land for sale by the state at $2 per acre; 6c per acre cash, balance in 40 years, 6c per cent Interest. Send 6c postage for further informs- I tlon. Investor Publishing Co., Dept. 25. J Man Antonio. Tex. - Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY SPECIAL NUMBER: Just ( out, containing 1921 faots of clover land i In Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a home or as an investment you are I thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once j for this special number ot Landology. j It is free on request. Address Skid- more-Rlehle Land Co., 433 Skidmor- . Hiehle Bldg., Marinette,' Wis. 1 Wytming Lands. ' GOOD 320-acre relinquishment for sale cheap if taken at once. New house within 3 miles of Vpton. Wyo., one fourth mile from main road. Address W. V. Sage, Agent C. B. & Q. Upton, Wyoming. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on band to loan en Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEK, INC.. 538 Kecllne Bldg. ! OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS j O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. ! I01 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doue. S715. FARM loans, best terms and rates. Paul Peterson. Rm. 33, Douglas block, 16th and, Dodge Streets. 100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead. Bldg.. 310 S. 18th Bt Stocks and Bonds. EXCEPTIONALLY good Investment, will pay 100 per cent on money invested. If Interested, address Box O-l? Omaha Bee. Wanted To Borrow. WANT $40,000 10 years, -first mortgage on 365 acres, black, level, alfalfa, sec ond bottom, $250 land, well improved, mile to station. In northwest Missouri, near Iowa line. Address .Box Y-1477, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. FOR REN T. FIRST-CLASS BRICK TWO-STORY AND BASEMENT WAREHOUSE. Close In, approximately 10,000 square feet on Missouri Pacific tracks; large, desirable offires facing south building, located at 1614 Izard St., Ca.l Tyler 2300. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buv or aell Omaha Rual Estate ee FOWLER & M'DONALD 1130 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Dougla 1426. VE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C, B. STUHT CO., City Nafl Bldg. Douglas 3787. WE can sell your home, lot or invest ment property. Realtor service. GLOVER & SPAIN Iiouglas 2850. . HAVE Inquiries for homee do you want to aell your property? List it with C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT- REAL E S TAT E: Sells, Rents. Insure 350 IVters Trust llldg. Doug. 0633 PT T F TJ IJ TP M Q Real estate .0.1 LJliDCjri O ins. and Rental 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk. M'llg. Dougla 2182 W. G. SHRIVER BEA1L..TE 1047-t Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1686 LIST homes and income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1419 1st Nat. Bk. Dug. 1966, TUB Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 150 Dodge St. Douglaa 1346. LISTINGS WANTED Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. DUNDEE DOUBL12 CORNERS We have two of the moat sightly corners on Fifty-second street; priced right. JVT.FRFD THOMAS SON, 04 First. Kallotial Bank. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. EQUITY in two beautiful suburban lots, very cheap If taken at once. These lots ar near Ak-Sar-Ben field. T. R, Lackey, 3330 McKlnley. Acreage. ACREAGE. 5 acres In Florence Heights, 1,300 ft, fronting on Washington highway at No. 3330 McKlnley St. Entrance at corner 34th and McKlnley St. Seven-room modern house, 3-story, born, 1 aero fruit, t acres alfalfa. Must sell in 10 days; a bargain. Easy terms; see own er on the place. Colfax 03JI. R. Lackey. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Owner Expects to M'ake California His Home. Must Sell His 3-Story and Basement Brick, 22x132 Feet. Located In the best part of the wholesale district. Construct ed to carry heavy weight. Each floor insulated with mineral wool. Insulation costs what we are ask ing for the building. Building In first class shape, small elevator. ' Price 25,000. , A. P. Tukey & Son, 620 First Nat. Bank. Douglas 4223. DUPLEX press brick flat, walking dis tance, oak finish, Incom $1,200; price, $9,500. Call day, Douglas 1734. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 100 acres near Los Angeles, Cel.: 30 acres bearing oranges, 3 acres bearing lemons, balance farm land; all piped for irrigation with un derground cement pipe lines; 100 shares of water goes with land; 8-room house. Price $64,000. Mortgage, $14,400. 252 acres northeast of Brawley, Cal., on main highway; 20 acres In fruit, 45 acres alfalfa, balance in barley; water stock goes with land; 16 head of horses and mules, 4 head of cattle; 2 tractors, small house and outbuildings. Price $75,(00. Mortgage, $8,000. Want first-class Improved Nebraska or Kansas grain ranch up to $125. Out. Ad dress Parmelee & Clark, 628 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, Cal. TO exchange for apartments or flats, fine 160 acres all tillable Iowa farm, grove, orchard; hog-tight fences; 8 room house; 25 miles east of Sioux City. Worth the money. Address Box K-17, Bee. REAL ESTATE fcr Sale or Exchange Have 800 acres ii: a body, central Iowa, city business property. Hansen, 60O three sets improvement. Want good Iowa Building, lie Moines, Iowa. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee Brick Veneer, Overlooking Happy Hollow. We are offering what we con sider the best value in this en tire district In a brick veneer house. This Is a very substantial home, well built, well arranged, priced Tight and in one of th best restricted blocks in Dun . dee. Large living room with fire place. French door to sun room, large dining room, butler pan try and kitchen with built-in features. Four nice bedrooms and sleeping porch, 2d floor. Maid's room and bath 3d floor; vapor heat. Garage and drive way. Shown only by appointment. Price, $20,000; $7,600 cash. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. 2850. 918-20 City Nat. Bank. Miscellaneous. ACREAGE. 5 acres In Florence Heights. 1,200 ft. fronting on Washington highway at No. 3"S0 McKlnley St. Entrance at corner 34th and McKlnley St. Seven-room modern house, 3-story, barn, I acre fruit. 3 acres alfalfa. Must sell In 10 days: a bargain. Easy terms; se own er on the place. Florence. NETHAWAY, Suburban oroo'ty. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Cathedral District. A Real Bungalow. $8,850. Eight-room strictly modern bungalow. Large living room with fireplace, beamed ceilings, attrac tive dining room, paneled walls. Two fine bedrooms, bath and kltchep with all built In features. First floor all finished In oak, three nice sleeping room econd floor, dandy basement, with laundry facilities. Two blocks to car line and school. One of the best built home on our list. Lo- t cation at Forty-second and Cali fornia streets. Shown -by appoint ment only. Call Walnut 6032. J. L. Hiatt Company,. Better Values Hiatt Bldg. . i 1914-16 Dougla. Tyler 0063. OWNER LEAVING CITY $500 Cash Buys MODERN HOME Five rooms and bath, very neat, best repair, oak floors, nice basement and sub cellar for fruit room. Screens and storm windows complete. Good corner lot. Chicken house and chicken yard. Will sell 24 thoroughbred chickens reas onable to purchaser. Nice location near K rug's Park. Priee $3800. $500 cash, bal $35 a month. Phone for appointment, it will please you. D. E. BUCK CO., REALTORS 442 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Doug 2000 Coif 28S4 33d and Cass. Strictly modern. 2-story, 6 rooin home, full cemented bsse ment; good lot with paving all paid; pries only $5,600; part cash. ' Osborne Realty Co., 6S0 Peters Trust Bldg. Pouglss 2282. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. On 19th St., south of Cuming; lot 66x 180, for $.",750. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1294. Omaha Real Estat and Investment. .JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phon Tyler 4880. North. Miller Park Bungalow $1,500 Down 6-room strictly modern bunga low, on one floor, with oak floors throughout; all oak finish and white enamel; bullt-ln bookcases, built-in window seat; combination bedroom end sunroom: full ce ment basement; nice floored attic; south front corner lot. Price la .6. Payne Investment Co. 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 1' 81. I Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright, 1921 International News Servic Committee of 5,000 Holds Ratification Meeting Tonight The committee of 5.000 will hold a meeting at its hall. 201 Lyric build ing, tonight to ratify the nomination of A. Sutton, J. Dean Ringer, Roy M. Towl, Thomas Falconer, John F. Murphy and C. A. Grimmel, the six candidates it endorsed for th city commission, at the primary Tuesday. Dr. J. M. Banister, retired nrmv ollicer, ana Kev. rraiiK u. Smith, pastor of the First Central Congregational church, will make speeches. The six candidates are to be present and tell how they won the political fight Divorce Court. Divorce Petition John ' Blessington vs. Violet Blessing ton, cruelty. , Bertha Morely vs. Richard Morley. acrulty. Lela Farnberg vs. John A. Farnberg. cruelty Clara Marteila HArt va. George H. Hart desertion. divorce Decree Mamie L. Garrett vs. Joseph P. Gar rett, cruelty. Belle Kropla vs. Fred Kropla, "unity. Vera, 43ooper v. Layton Clifford, cruelty. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. North. Special Bungalow Extraordinary five-room, stucco bungalow, long living room, fire place, bookcases, buffet, white enamel kitchen, bedrooms and bath, full basement, now vacant, must be seen to be appreciated; $2,000 will handle. Osborne Realty Co., BS0 Peters Trust Bldg. Dougla 22S2. North of Bemis Park $750 Down 5-room strictly modern bunga low, all on one floor: full cement basement; good attic, with 2 rooms finished; east front, cor ner lot: paved street, paving all paid. Price $4,800. Vacant, can give possession at once. Payne Investment Co., r Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 1.81. 687 . Modern Home $4,450. 5 ROOMS AND BATH. ' $860 cash. BaJ $40 month. Buys S720 No. 20 St. Immediate possession. 2 tons coal in coal bin, paint furnished free to purchaser. Paving paid. East front. Nio lot. See It today, phone T. E. BUCK CO., REALTORS 412 Omaha Nafl. D. 2000. Coif. 2824, Dandy Bargain, $5,250. File liouse, 6 roams and bath and at tic: double garage; paved streets: lots of fruit r.d shade; 28th and Spauldihg; $1,2j0 cash will handle. P. J. Tebbens Co., 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Phone P. 2182. FOR COLORED. For salei Six room, strictly modern, oak floors, laundry In basement. Sma'l payment down, balance like rent. Call Webster 606. 3306 FOWLER AVB 7 rms., mod. ex ht.i 2 lots, chicken Iioum?, fruit trees. $700 cash. bal. mo. Crefgh, 608 Bee. D. 020. MINNE LUSA home and lot offer h best opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 1ST. HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Davis. 2530 Grant St. Webster 2420. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment. 642 Peter Trust. Doug. o7. D. K. BUCK & CO. buy and sell homes. ' South. HA.WSCOM PARK SNAP ON SOUTH 32ND AVE. Act quickly If you want this all modein six-room home on earllne: two story; oak finish: east front on nice lot. Owner leaving city and is making a bargain price and terms. Sea !t today. GLOVER & MORELL. 718-20 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 3623. NEAR 26th and Leavenworth, very good 6-room, all modern home, -in good re pair; garage, corner lot. paved streets. Owner moving to Minneapolis. A snap at $5,750. About $1,250 cash. RASP BROS.. 212 Kecllne BWg. Ty. 0721. Miscellaneous. Beautiful Home For Sale or Trade. Eight rooms, hot water heat, quarter sawed oak. fireplace, . tiled bath and shower, toilet, bath and billiard room In base ment; large 90x186 foot lot. beau tiful sliade trees. House in ex cellent condition, both inside and out. Now vacant, Immediate po session. Two blocks to two car lines, one of the best built homes In the city and must be seen to be appreciated. Price, $16,000 on reasonable terms or owner will trade for a smaller home, well located , and carry bark difference. For location, terms, etc., call J. L. Hiatt Company, BETTER VALUES Hiatt Bldg. 1914-16 Douglaa. Tyler 0063 A Beautiful New Home Only $500.00 Down. A 6-room. all modern home with beautiful oak finish. Tiled kitchen and bath floors: one piece sink and drain board, base tub and pedestal lavatory. Built in book cases and kitchen cab inet. Beautifully situated and not far from car line, school and park. Call Mr. Cole, Douglaa 7412. for particulars. HOMESTEAD CO. Onlv $750 Down Bungalow South of Hans- com rarK Has five rooms and sun parlor, oak floors throughout, oak tfnd whi'e enamel finish, full basement, good furnace, full size lot. This won't last, so mnke your appointment early. Phone Dougla 1506. or Harnev 7407. evenings. 10 ACRES with $5,000 worth of improve ments. Price. $6,600. Act quick. No colored. Colfax 1409. NEW 4-room cottage with two lots; price, once. Col. 1409. -ROOM stucco nous for sale. Bargain. Call Harney 1507. We Can Sell Your Home Payne & Carnaby Co. 25 Year' Realtor Service 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Douglas 1016 Young Men to Be Given Outing Free By-Government Two Military Training Camps For Civilians to Be Con ducted in Seventh Corps Area. Citizens' military training camps are to he conducted by the War de partment during the coming sum mer for the training of young men who have passed their 16th birthday and who are not over 35 years of age. These training camps will be opened not earlier than July 15 nor later than August 10 and will continue for one month. They will be modeled and fashioned after the Tlattsbiirg and similar officers' train ing camps that were run by the War department during the world war to train officers for the expand ed army. The objects of these citizens' training camps are to bring together young men of all types, both native and foreign bom; to develop closer national ond social unity; to stimu late the interest of the youths of this country in the importance of military training as a benefit to the individual taking such training and as an asset vital for the problems of national defense. No Obligation Incurred. The camps will show the public by actual example that camp instruc tion of the kind contemplated will develop the young men physically, mentally and morally and will teach Americanism in its true sense through patriotism and self-discipline, resulting in greater national strcngthboth civil and military. There will be no obligation rest ing on the men who attend these training camps other than that thev shall properly conduct thcmselve's during the period of the camp and receive the instruction given. At the close of the camps, the young men will return to their homes without ' being tied up with any contract or agreement of service. This is simp.lv a plan to give the young men all the benefits of a few- weeks' training without enlisting them in any of the military forces of the United State Applicants for these camps must have average general intelligence and. be of good moral character. n educational qualifications are prc- scnoeti or required, hach, candidate, before admission, will file a rer-tifi- cate from a qualified physician stat ing that his health and strength are adequate for the course of tfaining; such certificate to be on official blanks to be furnished to the ap plicants; also a certificate from a schoolmaster, clergyman, priest or rabbi to the effect that the candidate is of good moral characteh and aver age general intelligence. Transportation Paid. It is the desire of the War depart ment to train the maxanum number possible in the appropriations made by congress. Transportation charges of applicants will be paid to and from ramps. Subsistence will be fur iiibeti without charge to ai' men at tending the camps, but they will not receive pay. In the Seventh corps a.'ea. which embraces the states of North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri a.id Arkan sas, two camps will be conducted one at Fort Snclling, Mini:., which is situated on the edge of Minneapolis, and the other at Camp Tike, Ark., which is adjacent to Little Rock. Am plications to attend the dtizens' mili tary training camps should be sent to the commanding general. Seventh corps area. Fort Crook, Neb., at tention Major Lemmon Dcshler Woman' Club Starts Public Library Deshler, Neb., April 6. (Special.' Deshler now has a public library under the auspices of the woman's club. A room in the public school buildino; has heen fitted up. Some books .have been obtained and a traveling library from the state li brary has been arranged for, the first shipment of books arriving this week. 1 J Real Estate Transfers Eugene E. Foley to Ellse Opal Paulson et a, 8. W. Cor. 18th & Camden Ave. 82x102 ..$ Cain Devlaene and wife to Odtel Desmet West "T" St. 50' W. of 37th St. S. Side 50x120 George F. Jones and wife to Henry Laurer, 27th St.. 158 4 ft. S. of Pratt St. W. Side 40x157 Calvin C. Rlmerman and wife to John H. Drexel, Fontenelle Blvd. 660'S of Miami St. E. Side 60x125 Charles Schcrer and wife to James W. Hansen et al. 16th St., 517 ft. S of Vinton St., E. Side, 40x110 Esther W. Kunnard to William A. Rildwln. S. W. Cor. 32nd and Miami St.. 100x120 Matilda Chrlstlanaon to Margaret M. Frledgen, 9th St. 600 ft. S. of Hickory St.. W. Side 70x140 Augusta Abendroth to Ernest A. March. 22nd St., 120 a of Clsrk St., E. Side, 60x140 Harry A. Foster to Leander Blnugh 60(1 2400 2700 6160 6000 800 3000 2500 et al. N. W. cor. 3tn ana iveu man Ave., Irregular tract Jurgon Bruhn to George W. Hupp Ontario St., 60 ft. N. of Spen cer St., E. Side. 60x120 Philip Lovlnson and wife to Shir 1080 2650 ley C. Kennedy, l.na bi., u. o. of Clark St.. W. Side. 33x140 John M. Cahill to Bessl Cahlll, Grant St.. 150 ft. -W. of 42nd St.. S. Side. 50x12 . Tomole McFayden to Frances B Pvkel, 60th St.. 118.3 ft. 8. of Maple St.. W. Side, 40x106 4 Verna A. Nelson and hus. to Wil liam C. Uaapke, 31st. St., 194 ft. S. of Dewey Ave., E. Side, nni4a 1200 6900 Om. Loan Bldg. Ass'n. to Gor don C. Plrnock Jr.. 16th St. 600 ft. N. of Deer Tark Blvd., E. Side. 48x149 Nora E. Foils and hus. to How ard J. Roth and wife, Mayberry St. 176 ft. W. of 42nd St. N. Side, 44x108 Barker Co. to Ernest C. Margaret, 33rd St. 166.7 ft. S. of Myrtle Ave., W. Side, 43x112 John M. Daugherty and wife to John D. Crelghton. Franklin St. 150 ft. W. of 48th St., N. Side. 50x150 Leona L. Edwards to Daniel n. Hachenberg. Emmet St. 300 ft. W. of 14th Ave.. S. Side, 50x124 Marv T. Chaneks and hus. to Julius J. Hettwer. Flo. Blvd. 361 ft. N. of Burdett St., W. Side, 60x140 William Sanlnk to Julia Sanlnk, N. K. Cor. 34 and "J" St., M0xl30 Irma E Horskv to Anton Vnv s'k. 17th St. 44 ft. JT. of N. St., W. Side. 43x115 Joseph M. Klslckl and wife to Brvron E. Harklns and wife. Va'l'ev St. 126 ft. E. of SOth St. N. Side. 6isl2 Arcadia Land Co., to Otto C. Johnson and wife, Laurel Ave., 40 ft E. of 51st Ave., N. Stde, 43UTO Arcadia Land Co., to Jamea O, Nelson and wife. Laurel Ave , 83 ft E. of 81st Ave., N. Side, 4x120 ,..., ...... 2060 7500 4500 100 16,600 10 1209 It 709 4 h I J .- jr-Aiwrs V' fcS.S