Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1921, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 50 NO. 252.
Allies Are
Accused of
Bad Faith
Disposition of ' TciUtories1
Ceded by
Mitral Erjpires
Held Invalid in Note to
European Powers.
PAone.j4A,-i.nn I 1
nttuuoiuuauuii Vlgcu and the principles which, in its view,
are determinative.
By ARTHUR SEARS HENNINC. "It will not be questioned that the
Ultras Tribune-Omaha Bee I.enaed Wire. ' right to dispose of the overseas
Washington, April 6. The United I possessions .of Germany was ac
ta.. . . i j i : quired only through the victory of
States not only holds invalid the th , alIi. AJ an (1 assnriat,rf
disposition, without its consent, of
any of the territories ceded by the
central empires to the allied and
associated powers, but pointedly
"suggests reconsideration of the
action in defiance of American pro
test, approving the award to Japan
of the mandate for Yap and other
northern Pacific islands.
This is the burden or the Ameri
can note to Great . Britain, France,
Italy and Japan, made public today
by Secretary of State Hughes. The
communication, which bears strik
ing evidence of Mr. Hughes' legal
acumen, is the strongest presenta
tion yet made, of the American
charge of bad faith, against the
allies in arbitrarily disposing of ter
ritories in which the United States
has an alienable one-fifth interest.
Island of Yap Included. '
On November 9, 1920, the United
States called the attention of powers
to its understanding that Yap was
not to be included in the mandate
to Japan, but was to be interna-'
tionalized as a cable station. Yet in
December. 1920, the council of the
league of nations, controlled by the
allied powers, approved the north
Pacific mandate with ,Yap included.
"Jt is a cause of regret to this
government," says the Hughes note,
"that after and despite this protest,
there should have been any attempt
to pass upon drafts of mandates pur
porting to deal with the Pacific is
lands, including Yap, and that a
-mandate should have been approved
or attempted to. be put into effect
which, while purporting to be made
in the name of the United States,
was without the assent of the United
States. This government trusts that
this action, which it must assume
was taken under a misapprehension,
v ill be reconsidered."
U. S. Demands Voice.
Mr. Hughes' contention that the
United Stales must be accorded a
voice in jhe disposition of the for
mer enemy territories ceded to the
allied and associated powers applies
not only to the north Pacific, but
to Mesopotamia, .Palestine and the
German colonies in frica and Aus
tralia. ! T ': ' "
His argument, is that the American-interest
in these territories de
rives from American participation in
the victory over the central powers,
that this interest is .recognized not
(Turn to Pact Two, Column Two.)
Bolshevist Leaders
Working to Establish
. Soviet Regime in U. S.
New York, April 6. Bolshevist
l.-nders in Russia are intent on
spreading their doctrines in the
United .States and establishing a so
kt government in this country.
tatjt.'.H. S. Martin, formerly of the
army intelligence ; service, declared
in an . address here today. '
Captain Martin, who spent three
.r.r-d a half year in Russia in the serv
i:? ot the United States government
;nd who was1 admitted into ' mem
bership of the soviet, told of predic
1 ons made by bolshevist leaders that
America would be made bolshevist
"i'roin within."
"Soviet officials told me," he con
tinued, "that they .had one .motive
jind that was the destruction of all
organized governments and the set
ting up of the world soviet repub
lic They told me that they would
not only try to destroy the United
States government, but expressed
confidence that they will actually do
it by workers from within.'' ;.:
Arnstein Bond Trial
Continued to April 18
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be leased Wire.
Washington, April 6. Justice
Gould of the District of Columbia
supreme court, today continued un
til April 18, the trial of Nicky Arn
stein of New York on a charge of
conspiracy to steal and transport
government bonds, because Arn
stein's wife, Fannie Brice, the actress,
is about to become a mother.
Arnstein sat nervously in his seat
when his case was called. He was
not worried about the trial, but about
his wife and whether the court would
listen to the plea of his coupsel for
a continuance. After the judge had
granted the continuance. Arnstein
was overjoyed.
'T don't k;iow whether it's right
for me to say this." he said, "but that
judge is a big-hearted man. I'm ready
and anxious to stand trial but Frank
ly I'm scared about Fanny. She
couldn't call me on the phone this
morning for hours and when she did
she was hysterical. I'm going to beat
it to New York quick to be with her,"
and h? did, on the first train.
Thieves Loot Clothing
.. Store of Merchandise
i Thieves looted the clothing store
of M. Kramer, 6,10 West Broadway.
Council Bluffs. Tuesday night. En
trance was obtained br breaking
open a r,ear , door. Merchandise
valued at $350 and $35 in cash was
taken. Caps, shirts, neckties, un
derwear, overalls -.nd two suitcases
were included in the loot The money
wa stolen from the cash register.
Police believe that young boys
Staged the robbery
Mart u
OmU P.
Text of American Note
To Britain Protesting
Mandates on Territories
iy The Auorlated I'rcaa.
Washington, April 6. The text of
the note to Great Britain, similar to
that of France and Italy, follows:
''With respect to the mandate to
! tirmptl anrl Hrfinrd in its terms bv
the supreme council of the league of
nations of the German possessions
in the Pacific ocean lying north of
the equator, this government deems
it aonrooriate to state the funda-
'"cntal basis, of ifs representations
, and it is also believed there is no
disposition on the part of the British
I ffftvprnmfnt tr rlpnv rvartirinatinn nf
n ' - " " j I , -
the United States in that victory. It
would seem to follow that the .fight
accruing to the allied and associated
powers through the common victory
is shared by the United States and
that there could be no valid or ef
fective disposition of the , overseas
possessions of Germany, now under
Lconsidcration, without assent of the
United States.
United States Not Bound.
"This government must therefore
point out that as the United States
has never vested either the supreme
council or the league of nations with
authority to bind the United States
or act on its behalf, there has
been no opportunity for any decision
which could be. deemed to affect
rights of the United States. It may
also be observed that the right ac
cruing to the Uni-ted States through
the victory in which it has par
ticipated, could not be regarded, as
in any way ceded or surrendered to
. j
Brandeis Denies
Wife's Charges in
Divorce Action
His Attorney declines to Say
Whether Answer Filed in
Court Presages Contest
Of Suit.
In an answer to his wile's recent
divorce .suit, filed yesterday after
noon in district court, E. John
Brandeis, young Omaha merchant
millionaire, denies allegations of ex
treme cruelty' made by Madeline
Frank Brandeis.
He "admits their marriage nd
the birth of their child, Marie Made
line," mow .seven months old, Rut
"denies" each and" every other allega
tion." v ;
The answer was filed by the law
firm of Baldrige & Saxton. .
Attorney Is Mum.
When asked whether the answer
presaged a contest of the divorce
suit, in whiph a $1,000,000 agree
ment, was reached, according to
rumor, or whether it was merely
formal action, Howard Baldrige, at
torney, declined to say.
VWe can't tell what's going to
come, up or what 'they' are apt to
do." 'he" replied;
Young Brandeis landed Saturday
in New York after a trip to Europe,
where he was traveling when Mrs.
Brandeis, brought divorce action. ..
She charged "extneme cruelty
within the last two years on various
occasions." .
"These acts of cruelty produced
great mental anguish to the plain
tiff from which she suffered greatly,-'
the petition read. .
. Both Out of City.
Brandeis was expected to arrive in
Omaha Sunday, it was announced
early in the week, but inquiry yes
terday at the Brandeis store elicited
information that the time for his
return is doubtful.
Mrs. Brandeis is now with her
parents at Beverly. Hills, near San
Francisco. Her counsel is the law
firm of Smith, Smyth & Schalh
The couple were married January
20, 1917. She is 22 and he 24.
G. O. P. Leaders Plan to
Bar Immigrants May 1
Washington, April 6. Bars agamst
immigration from Europe will be
placed May 1 tinder plans announced
today by republican congressional
leaders. -' .
Senator Dillingham of Vermont
has prepared for immediate introduc
tion in the new congress the immi
gration restrictions bill which was
passed by the '.last congress and
vetoed by President Wilson. It
would' become effective May 1 and
would limit "immigration for one
year to 3 per cent of the population
of alien origin now in this country.
Senator Jones, republican, Wash
ington, contemplates offering an
amendment requiring all immigrants
to travel on American ships..
Former Senator Gronna
Mav Get Post in Denmark
. ... a.:i ; c,.,,.
Sector Tronna of N-orVi, Dakota
is understood to liave been offered
the post of minister to Denmark and
to have it under consideration. The
incumbent is Joseph C. Grew.
W. C. T. U. Prosecute.
Wisconsin Movie Man
For His Sunday Show
. Platteville, Wis., April 6. Wil- The secretariat of the league of
liam Tracy, operator of thev Gem 'ations has written to members of
iL . " . , . , ... that organization to have candt-
theater was arraigned by the W. C. dat for election judges or the
T. U. for showing moving pictures COurt designated conditionally upon
on Sunday. The subject has caused ' ratification of the statutes of the
a great deaKof discussion in Platte- I tribunal by a majority of the meni
ville. The Lancaster judge whojbers of the league,
hoard the case has taken the matter The judges will be elected by the
under advisement it was learned assembly of the leacue"at its mett-
wMf.CUu mtt.f May M. IM.
0. Uif Act at Mtnk 1. UTS.
Japan or to others nations, except
by treaty, and that no .such treaty
has been made.
"The fact that the United States
has not ratified the treaty of Ver
sailles cannot detract from rights
which the United States has ac
quired, and it is hardly necessary to
suggest that a treaty to which the
United States is not a party could
not affect these rights. But it
should be noted that the treaty of
Versailles did not purport to secure
to Japan, or any other nations, any
right in the overseas possessions of
Germany, save as an equal right
therein ' should be secured to the
United States. On the contrary
article 119 of the treaty of Ver
sailles provides:
" 'Germany renounces in favor of
the principal allied and associated
powers, all her rights and titles over
her oversea possessions.'
Position Confirmed.
"It will not be questioned that
one of the principal allied and asso
ciated powers in whose favor Gar
many renounces her rights and titles
is the United States., Thus, not only
could the position of Japan derive
no strength from the treaty of Ver
sailles or from any discussions pre
liminary thereto, but the terms of
that treaty confirm the position of
the government of the United
"Further the draft convention re
lating to the mandate for the Ger
man concessions in the Pacific ocean
north of the equator which was sub
sequently proposed, proceeded in the
same view, purporting on behalf of
the United States as one of the
grantors to confer the mandate on
Japan, thus recognizing the right and
interest of the United States and the
fact that the proposed action could
(Turn (o Page Tiro. Column One.)
Farmhand Tells
Jury of Slaying
Negro Workmen
Chief Witness for State in
Trial of Plantation Owner
For Murder of 11 Men
Gives Grewsome Details.
Covington, Ga., April 6. A drama,
replete with grewsome details of
wholesale murder of- negroes was un
folded in court here today, when
Clyde Manning, negro farm boss for
John S. Williams, prominent Jasper
county farmer, took the stand as the
star witness against the farmer who
is charged with murder as the result
of the killing ot41cgro laborers on
his plantation. -!"' ;
The jury which was completed
Tuesday, will pass on the indictment
charging that Williams and Manning
on or about Alarcli iy, tied chains
and wires, attached to weights, about
the neck ot one Lindney Peterson,
threw him while yet alive into the
Yellow river and caused him to be
drowned. .
Manning has confessed to the killing
of 11 fellow workers at the direction
of Williams, who, he declared, feared
their testimony against him in peon
age cases.
Defense Denies Charge.
The defense has entered a sweep
ing plea of not guilty and the man,
apparently the least perturbed over
the trial is Williams himself.
Jt is as yet impossible to say what
the defense will be, as Greene B.
Johnson, leading counsel for .that
side, says the case is up to the .state.
"We, don't know anything about
it," he said today. We have no way
to find out what they are going to
charge us with or how they expect
to try to prove their case. They
will have to trot out their wit
nesses and we will meet the issue
as it develops."
Prosecutor Confident.
Solicitor. A. M. Brand and his as
sociate counsel, Hon. William H.
! Howard of Augusta, and Assistant
Attorney General Graham Wright
do not discuss the case further than
to say they expect amply and com
pletely to support the confession of
Clyde Manning. . On that they will
ask the jury for a verdict giving Wil
liams the extreme ' penalty of the
law. ' ' .
There are three cases against Wil
liams and the jury selected to try the
first one is composed mostly of
farmers, and the greater mlmber of
them are from the upper section of
the county, far removed from the
Jasper line. The defense preferred
picking its men from the upper part
oi Newton rather than from the sec
tion in which Williams' farm is lo
cated. Solicitor Brand's purpose is to try
the three cases against Williams one
at a time, as outlined last week by
Governor Dorscy,. but there is some
indication by the court that the pres
ent case will be followed immediate
ly by the prosecution of Manning.
There are three indictments against
Manning also, but it js almost a cer-
'tainty these will be bunched and
handled bv the court at one time un-
less the counsel for the negro farm
boss. R. Marvin Underwood, raises
objections and they are sustained by
the court
Canada Signs Protocol
For International Court
Geneva, April 6. Canada has just
signed the protocol ratifying the
statutes of the International Court
of Justice, her action bringing , the
number of states which have ad
hered to the court uo to 28.
ing next Sa:mber.
On Election
Results of Tuesday Primary
Already Being Juggled for
Election; Slates Win
Dahlman Leads in Vote
'An analysis of the personnel of the
14 candidates who were nominated
at the city primary on Tuesday, with
a glance over their past and present
affiliations, gives rise to considerable
speculation over the probable lineup
for the campaign which will lead to
the election on May 3.
The Committee of 5,000 pulled
through its eomplete ticket of six
candidates, Commissioner Ringer
leading this combination with sixth
place in the list of nominees, and
John F. Murphy trailing in 14th
place, with Dean Noyes of the
Dahlman ticket pressing Murphy
closely tor the last place.
The spectacular feature of the
primary vote was the showing made
by united states Marshal J. L.
Dahlman, who served four terms as
mayor up to his defeat three years
Butler Makes Showing.
, The unofficial count of the pri
mary vote of all the precintts gives
Dahlman . a total of ,21,402, nearly
8,000 more than Henry W. Dunn, the
next man on his ticket, and nearly
twice the number of votes received
by A. L. Sutton,- the mayoralty can
didate of the "5,000" ticket.
It is further noted that the Dahl
man vote was nearly three times the
vote of the low nominee. Dahlman
and two of his associates Dunn and
Hummel came within the first
seven, while the "5,000" ticket landed
two Ringer and Falconer, inside
the first seven.
, Another interesting feature of the
vote is the showing made by Com
missioner D. B. "Butler, who ran'
independently, receiving the second
high vote, being topped, only by
Dahlman. Mr. Butler was high, ar
the election three years ago.
No Ure Campaign.
H. B. Zimman, who also ran
without general slate endorsements,
was fifth in the list,- leading Ringer
and Sutton by a small margin. 1
Although Butler and Zimman .
were. not on any regular tickets,
their names were used on tickets
which were variations of the Dahl
man tickets.
W. G. Ure, the third member of
the present city council who made
an independentprimary race, is in
13th place, accpr,dmg:ita, unofficial
returnsT arid is close to Murphy and
Noyes,. Mr. Ure made no active
Line of Battle.
The probable line of battle for
KTnrn to Page Two. Column Three.)
Guggenheim Faction
Wins Out in American
Smelting Co. Election
Jersey City, N. J., April 6 The
organization slate of directors rep
resenting the Guggenheim interests,
was elected at the annual meeting of
the American Smelting and Refin
ing company here today. The stock
vote was 682,233 shares for the di
rectors. No votes were cast against
them, although 202,479 shares, repre
senting Interests, controlled. . . , .
S. R. Guggenheim submitted a
memorandum in which he said that
"as owner of 8,000 shares, a director
and officer for many years, chair
man of the executive commission
and one cf the original members of
the Guggenheim brothers,", lie wish
ed to demonstrate "the unfairness
of the reck'ess attacks spread broad
cast." "It ha? been charged Messrs. Gug
genheim have dominated the com
pany," he said, "but in truth they
have never assumed to dominate this
company or any other. Salaries paid
to Messrs. Guggenheim are criti
cized and by exaggerating the
amountsand lumping them all to
gether, they are made to appear
Mr. Guggenheim asserted that
Karl Eiler was dismissed from the
company for "incompetency, insub
ordination, extravagance and delib
erately going contrary to. orders of
his supervirs." ,
Minister Commits' Suicide
Marietta, O., April 6. Rev. J. II.
Middling, a Methodist minister and
farmer of Waterford, committed sui
cide shortly after he had been turned
over to the sheriff, following a coro
ner's inquest into the death of his
19-year-old daughter, Ester. He ad
mitted" at the coroner's inquest that
he had performed an illegal opera
tion on -his daughter.
Two Grandmothers,
Three Housewives
And Girl Run Town
Thayer,: Kan., April 6.--Tw
grandmothers, three housewives and
a telephone operator will administer
the affairs of this 400 population
town for the next year.
An entire woman's ticket, cam
paigning without a platform .other
than their reputation for having the
town's interest at heart, won in yes
terday's election by a four to on?
vote. ,
Members of the new administra
tion include: . ,
Mayor: Mrs. A. H. Forestr widow,
three children and eight grandchil
dren. Police judge: Mrs. Hattie Brew
ster, widow, four children and; four
All of the Kew council are women.
Every member of the new adminis
tration is also a church worker.
APRIL 7, 1921.
I - -, ; 1
"good! a settlement
That will satisfy Thc
UUST claims of The:
allies "
Conference on
Patronage is
Expected Soon
Congressman Jef f eris Last of
Republican Delegation to
, Reach Capital Rapid
Action Planned.
By E. C. SNYDER. -
Washington Correspondent Omaha Bee.
Washington, 1 April 6. (Special
Telegram.)-With the . arrival of
Congressman' Jeris Tuesday, hay- L
ing motored from Omaha, the Ne
braska delegation is fully represent
ed in the national capital and ready
for the convening of congress Mon
day. it is expected, that Senator Xorris
will call his republican associates
together in the near future to pass
out the patronage plums and agree
uptn a program.
The fighting the Oklahoma delega
tion over the commissioner of In
dian affairs, which resulted in South
Dakota landing the appointment, has
not been without its influence on
the members from Nebraska and
they will come pretty near being i
united on all the major offices. 1
Since the review of candidats for j
the ofhees of United States attor
ney, mrashal, collector of interna!
revenue and prohibition enforce
ment commissioner, a new candidate
hasannounced himself for the office
of collector, of internal revenue in
the person of , A. B. Allen of Te-
cumseh. Mr. Allen, who is one of I
the republican, wheel-horses, was at
one time secretary of the republican
state committee, and for years secre
tary of the State Railway commis
sion. . .
Representative, Jefferis traveled the
1,400 miles between Omaha and
Washington in a little less than five
days. Big Jeff said the roads were
splendid, the- scenery glorious, and
the spring weather an inspiration.
He said the wheat throughout the
territory traversed looked extremely
The situation- over the United
States district attorneyship ' is be
coming considerably complicated
and it would not surprise the know
ing ones hereabouts to find that T.
J. McGuire, Omaha, who had .the
inside track for the place several
weeks ago,, had been jockeyed out
of his position and that the drift
was toward a man whose name had
only been casually mention a
month ago.
It is rumored here that National
Committeeman R. B. Howell and
Congressman Jefferis have reached
an agreement as to the candidate
for district attorney they will sup
port. ' ' ,
Music Supervisors rfold
14th Annual Convention
St. Tnsrnh. Mo.. Aoril ' 6. Sec
tional mpftinffs were held today by
the fourteenth annual music .super
visors national conterence. More
than 500 music teachers and super
visors attended the conferences yes
terday at which school children
from Kansas City, Lincoln, sseo.,
and St. Joseph gave musical pro
grams. .
Kidnaped Baby Found Few
Hours Before Death Hour
Philadelphia, April 6. Rose Mot
to, 16 mmths old, stolen fiom her
home yesterday -afternoon, . was
found by detectives at midmght.
few hours before the time the police
were informed 'had been set by the
kidnapers' to throw her into ' the
Schuylkill river. .
Labor Man Wins.
Green Bay," Wis., April 6.
Wenzel Wiesner,' labor candidate
for mayor was elected in Tuesday's
tlection by an unofficial majority of
.": v
By Mall (I ytr. IntldtJth Iom. Daily
Outilda 4th Zaaa (I yaar). Dally
Comfort for Both of Them
tCopyrirht: 1901 : By Tha Chlcaco Trltaaa.f
ivt "V' "
Lock Prison Doors
Against Criminals
Warden Fcnton Tells Sheriffs
To . Hold Prisoners
Capacity Reached.
Lincoln. April 6. (Special.)
Warden W. T. Fenton of the Ne
braska penitentiaary locked the doors
of the prison from the inside this
afternoon. -
The warden notified sheriffs in the
93 counties o.f the state to send no
more prisoners to the penitentiary
until conditions are relieved.
. The reversal of policy in the last
few jnQi,ithf -gratiy cutting down'
on the number of - paroles and par
dons granted, with an ' excessive
crime wavct in Nebraska, has flooded
the Nebraska penitentiary with the
greatest number of prisoners ewr
held in the prison. Warden Fenton
said the count Wednesday afternoon
revealed a total of 635 prisoners. The
penitentiary has facilities to handle
about 450 under proper conditions.
"I have notified the board of con
trol of the necessity of refusing 'to'
take any more prisoners until addi
tional room is provided or there is
a decrease in the prison population,"
the warden said. "The matter came
up some time ago when the unusual
outbreak of crime in the state, with
a curtailment in the number of
paroles and pardons granted, resulted
in filling the prison to its capacity.
At that time I informed the board
that I believed we could handle 625
men, but no more.
"The count today showed 635 pris
oners, and it became necessary to
notify the law-enforcing ' officials
there was no more room at the pris
on. . I have men stuck away in ev
ery conceivable quarter and it is
simply impossible to take care of
any more."
Omaha Charter Bill
Is Out of Committee,
Passage Seems Certain
Lincoln, April 6. (Special Tele
gram.) The Omaha charter bill, de
signed to be the basis' of a "home
rule" charter, came out of the cities
and towns committee of the lower
house today with 'compromise
amendments which seem certain to
assure its final passage. .
After having been in a precarious
position for several days1, due to
differences oyer; the firemene's and
policemen's salary . provisions, the
bill now appears to have united sup
port of Douglas county representa
tives. Out-state members are expected to
accept their juagmcnt. ' The com
promise amendment, offered by Rep
resentative Robert Dniescdow gives
firemen and policemen a raise aver
aging. $10 a month, with proportion
ate" increases for officers of the dc
partments. It. provides,, however,
that the eity comimssion may revise
the salaries ' schedule at any' time
by ordinance.
California "Blue Law
, Town" to Recount Votes
Pomona, Cal.. April 6. A recount
of the votes cast , in the municipal
election of Monday when the so
called "blue laws," a Sunday closing
ordinance, was passed by 53 votes,
will be mad? next Monday, it was
announced today.
" " .... i. , i
Five-Cent Bread Appears '
In Bakeries of St. Louis
St. Louis, April 6 Bread at 5
cents' a loaf retail, was placed on
sale here today for the first time
since December of 1916, when the
minimum price was advanced from
5 to 6 cents.
Disorders in Tyrone
Belfast, April 6. Sinn Fein forces
mads, attacks during last night on
many police barracks and police
patrols in County Tyrone, northern
a . I: Dally Oaly. M: Svafay. 14
ay, lit; Dally Oaly. 112; Sa4ay Oaly, IS
Fate of Movie
Censorship i n
Hands of One Man
Vote Tied on Substitute Plan
Of Control Omahan
Hissed by Women
. Lincoln, April 6. (Special Tele
gram.) The fate of moving picture
censorship rests tonight upon the
vote of a single man, with tomor
row to tell -what that fate is. to be,
and whether the man is Senator
Sturm of Nchawka or Senator Berka
of Omaha.
The senate lied, 16 to 16, today on
a motion to- substitute Beebe's pian
of moving picture control for the
' censorship scheme. Sturm was ab
! sent. Both sides claimed his vote",
! should he return tomorrow. Sena-
I for Berka of Omaha voted against
! the Beebe plan, but it was thought
possible that he might change his
vote tomorrow.
The senate debated the bill most
of" the day. At times the debate
was bitter. Senator John Cooper of
Omaha was roundly hissed by
women lobbyists in the course of ti
argument against the bill. Expe
rience of Kansas with a censorship
law was cited against passage of a
similar measure in Nebraska.
The vote on the Beebe amend
ment was: For Beebe, Bliss,
Bushee, Cooper, Cronin, ' Davis,' Dut
ton. Halderman, Harriss, Hoagland,
Humphrey, Illian, , Miller, Reed,
Rickard, Saunders.
Against Anderson, Berka. Brown,
Gannon, Good, Hastings, Johnson,
McGowan, Norval, Pickett, Randall,
Robbins, Ulrich, Warner, Watson,
Wiltse. .-
Atlantic Woman Saves
Life and Baby by Jump
From Window of Home
Atlantic, U.,' April- 6. (Special.
Waking from a nap to find ' the
house on fire and escape through
the door impossible, Mrs. Walter
Darling saved the life of herself
and baby by jumping from a win
dow. The Darlings live on a farm
near Atlantic:
Mrs. Darling was at home alone
with her . baby .. when the house
caught fire. She was awakened
when , the fire and smoke filled the
room. She had barely time to take
her infant in her arms and escape
through the' window. A few
minutes later -and the house col
lapsed. The origin of -the fire is
not known.. . V
G. H. Mifflin, Publisher,
Dies at His Home in Boston
Boston. April 6. George Hrrison
Mifflin, president of Houghton, Mif
flin Co., publishers, died at his home
here Tuesday after several months'
! illness. He was born in Boston Mav
1. 1845. ' .......
Mr. Mifflin was a member of the
Union cljb of Boston and the Cen
tury and University clubs' of New
The Weather
Cloudy and colder Thursday.
" Hourly Temperatures.
S a. m
a. m. .....
7 a. m
S a. di
a. m.
10 a. m
11 a. m
li noon
. .tl 1
..t: s
. .SI
. . Btj
4 p.
a p. m.
Phlppera' ltnltetln.
Protect shipment during; the next ! to
Id hour from temperatures follows:
North and enet. SO oirre: t. 20 Ar
Krrn; (hlMventa south can bo made
May Force
Farmers to
Pool Grain
Compulsory System of Mar
keting Proves Big Issue of
Meeting to Decide on
Co-Operative Plan.
Expect Decision Today
By The Amoclaled Treat.
Chicago, April 6. Compulsorj
pooling of grain thrust itself forward
today as the big issue of the meet
ing called for ratification of a na
tional co-operative grain marketinf
plan worked out by the farmers'
grain marketing committee of 17. De
cision' went over until tomorrow.
Advocates of compulsory poolm;
asked' that one-third of the grain
handled by farmers through the pro.
posed national marketing agency(bv.
held for pooling. Recommendation
ot the committee was that poolinr
should be left optional with eacl
Sentiment for compulsory poolini
grew rapidly under the attack on
the optional plan late in the sessiotf
and on the strength of its advocate!
The issue was opened by C. O
Moscr of Dallas, Tex., secretary ev
the Texas farm bureau section. Hf
moved an amendment to the plan pre
sented by the committee of 17, re
quiring each grain grower joinini
the national association to agree to
the pooling of one-third of all wheat
Westerners Second Movement.
Aaron Sapiro of San Fratrcisco.
prominent in the California co-opcra
tive movement and appearing as i
delegate of the Northwest Wheat
Growers' association, seconded the
amendment and it had further sup
port from B. M. Jewett of Spokane,
general manager of the Northwest
Wheat Growers' association.
Demand for compulsory pooling
was also in evidence from representa
tives of the Wheat Growers' Asso
ciation of America, which has keen
signing members on a strict pooling
basis in Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas,
Oklahoma and Texas, according to
the officials.
"We stand for a 100 per cent
compulsory pool, but we came ready
to compromise to effect , one great
national agency," sd W. H. Mc
Grcevy of Wichita, Kan., president
of the National Wheat Qrowcrs' as
sociations -"If compulsory pooling is
not provided for in the plan adopted,
we cannot be a party to it. Ve are
willing to agree oa 33 1-3 per cent."
The attack on optional pooling
centered on the ground that co-operative
marketing of grain on 4 na
tional scale such as is projected, can
not succeed unless the national pool
be promoted by compulsion. Other
ways of selling grain similar to
(Turn to Pace Two, Column Tour.)
Theater Owners Are
In Verbal Battle
With Detroit Censor
Detroit, April 6. Theater owners
joined the . performers today in
answering an edict by the police
censor which put unclothed knees,
even of Grecian dancers, under the
ban. . '
"Some stage folk," the censor-declared,
"have been going too far
and it must stpp."
His only exception was in na
tional costume, such as the Scotch.
The . performers and ' theater
owners, in turn, have asked city of
ficials io clear the streets, particu
larly those leading from theaters to
hotels, of the "Johnny Nuisance.''
The -censor also became the target
of many quhps, such as suggestions
that he exercise his nnwera nn tli
other side of the certain, expressions
ot tear mat ear mutts might yet be
required on Detroit stages, and re
minders that cloth alone
mark of decency.
Bulk of Mrs. Pullman
Estate Left in Trust
Chicago, April 6. The will of
Mrs. George M. Pullman, filed for
sizeproba'.; today, bequeaths $250,000
of the $4,000,000 estate to the Pull
man free manual training school and
the remainder to her two daughters,
grandchildren and other relatives and
It was announced that Mrs. Pull
man had given $12,000,000 to chari
ties within recent years.
The bulk of the estate is left in
trust for her two daughters, Mrs.
Frank O. Lowden, wife of the for
mer governor of Illinois, and Mrs.
Francis J. Carolan. Her two sons-in-law
are named with the Northern
Trust company as joint executors of
the residuary estate.
Herrick Decides to Take
Appointment as Ambassador
Washington, April 6. (By the
Associated Press.) Myron T. Her
rick has decided to accept appoint
ment as American ambassador to
France, a post he filled under Presi
dent Taft and which he occupied at
the beginning of the world war. Mr.
Herrick's formal nomination will be
made soon and he will go to France
m the early summer.
Missouri Woman Elected
Mayor By Majority of Eight
St. James, Mo., April 6. Mr.
Mae Ousley was elected mavor of
f t. James yesterday by a majority of
eight votes over Koger JUM, ac
cording to unofficial tabulation to
night, which gave Mrs. Ousley 552
and Hall 544. Roth ran on a non
partisan ticket. he is the first
woman in the state to hold the
mayoralty office
n "