Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1921, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. APRIL 5, 19'1. 1 Society For Bridal Couple. Deane Weaver anil Carl Paulsen entertained at a dinner-dance at the Country club Monday evening in honor of Miss Mildred ' Kho-Jes and Ware Hall, who will be married Wednesday. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. George riiummell, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Tukey, Mr. mil Mr, t.ouis Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luberger, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Low, Miss Marian Judson ot Uu caco. Dorothy Hall, Klizabeth Rob ertson and Josephine Congdon, Cuth- bert rotter and Guy ruray. snap dragons and roses and lighted can dies decorated the table. Miss Ix)ttite Clarke entertained at a luncheon of eight covers at her home Monday in honor of Miss Rhodes and Miss Judson, who will be bridesmaids at the wedding. Dinner Party. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Nestlebush en tertained at a dinner party Saturday evening in honor of Miss Katherinc lruliwirth, a June bndc-to-be. Cov rrs were laid for Minnie Hass, Mae Howard, Mac Dunbar, Nell Kaiser, Klla Oakley, Ethel Tolander, Bar bara Sbalda, Katherine Fruhwirth, Leo Nestlebush, Clement Nestle bush. William Good, John Sipple, Ralph Johnson, Mrs. C. Good and Mr. and Mrs. C. Sorenson. For B. F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baldrige enter tained at dinner at the Athletic club Satnrrlav rvenim? in honor of Mrs. Baldrige's father, B. F. Smith, who u leaving April 15 tor liew ork. The guests included Mr. and Mr. John L. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George, Mr. and Mrs. James L. 1'axton, Mrs. W. A. Fraser, Mrs. Blanche Petersen, .Miss Daisy Doane, F. A. Brogan and W. Far ram Smith. Entertain at Dinner.' Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Wilson enter tained at dinner at the Athletic club Saturday evening. Their guests were Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Dermody, Dr. and Mrs. William N. Anderson, Messrs. and Mesdames L. M. Pe Bau, R. W. Walters, J. L. Hiatt, Richard Porter, J. B. Fradenbur Lee Huff-, James T. Allen and Messrs. George Wilson and Mr. Ross Wilder. . Hostess at Tea. Mrs. G. W. , Wickersham enter tained at a tea at her home Friday afternoon for 100 guests. Mrs. Wickersham returned two weeks afro from a stay of nine months m points in New England and Florida. Assisting the hostess in receiving were Mesdames C. C. Beldcn, Dale Clarke, E. A. Benson, C. H. Wal rath. Palmer Findley. C. F. Wellor. Ford Hovey and Mrs. C. A. Aull. In the dining room were Mesdames Lloyd Mattson. Willard Slabaugh, Carol Belden, Charles Wright. J. J. McMullen and Miss Mildred Hale. Better Motion Pictures The Omaha board of public wel fare has endorsed a campaign, that is being conducted by the Hirst Meth odist Episcopal church, for better community motion pictures. Eight Paramount pictures such as "Behold My Wife," "The Prince Chap," 'Brewster's Millions." "The Tucklins." "Inside the Cup," "The Copperhead" and "Huckleberry Finn," will be shown at the new community house May 3, 6, 10, 13. 17. 20, 24 and 17. Season tickets at special rates may be obtained from E. W. Sinnett, Col fax 1012; E. Lamont Geissinger, Col fax 477o; Miss Norma Weeks. Col fax 4157 and O. M. Adams, super intendent of Welfare board, Colfax 3052, Three hundred tickets must be sold to make these programs pos sible. Fort Crook. Mrs. S. M, Rutherford and Mrs. Leroy Upton will entertain mem bers of the Fort Crook Bridge club Tuesday afternoon at the Officers' club at the post. Fort Omaha. ' Mrs. Henry White will entertain the Fort Omaha Bridge club at the Officers' club of the post Friday afternoon. Eddy Brown Is Married. Eddy Brown, violinist, and Miss Halina Bruzovna, actress, surprised even their closet friends by stealing away to Greenwich, Conn., some days ago and getting married, all "f which except the exact date be came known Saturday. And it was all quite sudn, for they had known eath other little more than a month. They were married by Albert F. Meade, justice of the peace. Serbian Relief. The West Farnam Sewing circle will entertain at a card party at the home of Mrs. W. J. Hynes Tuesday afternoon for the benefit of the Ser bian Relief. Virginia Offutt! Bride One of the loveliest weddings of the spring took place Saturday eve ning at the First Presbyterian church when Miss Virginia OrTutt, daughter of Mrs. Charles Offut;, became the bride of Milo lalinage Gates. Miss Gertrude Stout and Henry Luberger were the attend ants. Mr. Gates' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gates of Genoa, Neb., were here for the ceremony which was followed by an informal recep tion at the OrTutt home. Mr. and Mrs. Gates have gone on an eastern trip and will be at home in Omaha after May 1 at 145 North Thirty fourth street. What's What By HELEN DECIE It sometimes happens that during a time of trouble with his back teeth a boy begins to use only his front teeth for mastication. There is danger that this may become a per manent habit after the temporary :ause has been removed. Neglecting to use the "grinders" or back teeth while eating is not only injurious to the over-used "cutters" or front teeth, and to the unwhole somely unusued back teeth, but the practice when it has become a fixed habit, disfigures the whole coun tenance by throwing the jaws for ward in an inhuman and canine ac tion. Perhaps it is "the virtue of a defect" that this ugly manner oi eating is seldom, if ever, adopted by girls, whose very vanity protects them from making "(log-faces" which arc repulsive to all beholders. 'Oopyrifht. by rubllo Ledser Co.) s yH ' - iS'mW ' I III ti&ft - 1 Vl v ,i til i v x fill 1 Rhlnehart-JIaradi-n Honn Portrait. -SafijffiS" Personals " r Nebraska Women At Cleveland Convention Mrs. Charles H. Dietrich, chair man of the Nebraska League of Wo men Voters, heads the Nebraska delegation which goes to Cleveland for tie second annual convention of the national league April 11-16. Oth ers who will attend as delegates are Mrs. Draper Smith of Omaha, Mrs. C. H. Rockwell of Valentine and, Mrs. W. E. Barkley of iLncoln. Airs. Dietrich, whose activities dur ng the suffrage campaign led to her election as Nebraska state presi dent, was the youngest woman ever to hold such a state position. She is a member of the state library com mission, the first woman to receive such an appointment in the state. Mrs. Dietrich s husband is a former governor and United States senator from Nebraska. Mrs. Barkley was one of the 12 delegates from the United States to the meeting of the International Suf frage alliance m Geneva last sum mer. Mrs. Barkley is given credit for having secured partial suffrage for Nebraska. It was due to her courage and determination that the law suit was instituted which broke down the referendum petition which had been tiled by the anti-sutfrag- ists and maintained for Nebraska women their partial suffrage rights. Mrs. Barkley served as president of the Nebraska Suffrage association un til after she had secured unanimous ratification of- the federal suffrage amendment. ! Bee Want Ads little, but mighty. . Miss Ruth Nickum has returned to Lincoln, where she attends the University of Nebraska. Miss Marian Judson arrived Mon day from Chicago to be bridesmaid at the wedding of her cousin, Mil dred Rhodes, and Ware Hall Wed nesday. ' i Mrs. J. M. Baldrige and. daughter, Miss Gwendolen Wolfe, leave April 20 to spend a month in Boston be fore going to their summer home in Rockland, Me. - Mrs. R. S. Hall and son, Jasper Hall, have arrived from New Haven. Mr. Hall is convalescent from a re cent illness. He will probably act as best man at the Hall-Rhodes wed ding Wednesday. Miss Mildred Walker has returned to the University of Nebraska fol owing the Easter vacation. Miss Marguerite Walker 'will go to Lin coln Thursday to spend the week end with her sister at the Delta Gamma house. First District Convention.' The annual convention of the First district, Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs, will meet in Falls City Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mrs. W. L. Morrill of Sterling is president of the district. German mine owners say shortage of labor and postwar- economic conditions have forced ; the women and children into this $oii, which un der German administration was forbidden. Dances a Feature of Masonic Cantata Flanit wilt a atnrp nf thp Irtram.i "Onrpn Fstlipr" t.i be nresent- led Tuesday evening at the Masonic auditorium by Alapie Leat cnaptcr, ristrrn Star (nr the hfnefit of the Masonic Home for Children. Pupils of Miss Mary Cooper will dance before the king and queen. Virginia Holliday will interpret a dance called the Queen's Favorite; Betty Thipps, March Indiennc and Katherine Gallagher will give Oulid-Nail; Marjorie Corey and Lillian Simpson, Grecian maiden ball game. These dances are .featured hv Ruth St. Denis in her comoanv of Denishawn dancers. A flower dance will be given by the following group: Marjorie j Iriraiinc Rnhrria T)raho. T.ois Mar guerite 'Horeis, Geraldinc McKinley, iirma Kanuaii, jane vjiccnuowici, Rogene Corey and Harriet Harris. Tlio (IrrrV riispmhle will be eiven by Ruth Gordon, Betty Phipps, Lit- han Mmpson, tvatnenne tfcnson, Mildred Gugehmor, Marjorie Corey, Katherine Gallacher. Betty Hickey and Margaret Jaens. I Th. fn Inwintr vnnncr women will act as maids to Queen Esther: Emi- Iv R. Allen, Margaret snrtim, Anna ITa11r,;ct Irene Kettell. Marie Ser- ini. Minnie Brooks. Elsie Meredith, Mabel Meredith. Nelle Ewall and Ardis Reigel. I Tncenh I miMicf. Wallace Bra tnann, Pierce Tobin and Ora Polley 1 wiir be the kings pages. , Club Calendar Alpha SlKinn Phi Tuesday, 15 to 1 P m.. luncheon, university ciun. Onmha BuMneim Women! Club Tues day, 6:15 p. m., T. w. J. A. r. 8. ;rnnt'W. R. C. Tueadaj', 2:30 p. m., Memorial hall, court house. Phi Pelts Thet Tuesday noon, month ly luncheon and meeting, University club. Omnhn Spanish Club Tuesday, p. m.. 310 l'atterson block, Seventeenth and Far nam streets. Delphian tSoelety Study Circle Tuesday. 2:30 p. m., Y. W. C. A. Subject, "Social' Lifa In Egypt." Dundee. Morning Chautauqua Circle Tuesday, 9:46 a. m.. with Mrs. T.VO. Put nam, 6002 Icard street. . Omaha' Woman's Club, Current Topic Department Tuesday. 2 p. m., T. W. C. A. Mary I. Crclgh, leader. Tuesday Musical Cluh Tuesday, 3 p. m., Fontenells hotel. Annual business meeting and election of officers. South Omaha Woman'! Club. Literature Department Tuesday, 3:30 p. in.. Library hall, Twenty-third and M street. Omaha Truth Centet Tuesday, 8 p. m., 302 Patterson block, Seventeenth and Far nam streets. Francis J. Gable of Lincoln will speak. Omaha Woman's Club.' ruhltc Rpeaklns; Department Tuesday, 30 a. m.. Y. W. t". A., Prof. Edwin Puis, Instructor; Mrs. O. Y Kring, leader. Sojourners' Club of Malva Shrine Tues day afternoon with Mrs. R. J. Robertson. 2501 F street. The president, Jlrs. II. J. Slckler. will preside. P. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. X. 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. W. A. Uor don. 4SU0 California street. Mrs. N. K. Sype assiatant hostess, - Makes Weak Women Strong For over 50 years Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has helped thousands of wo men, to better health, greater strength, brighter spirits, better looks. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, (in tablet or liquid form) helps women to retain their youth ful looks because it removes the cause of most of the troubles peculiar to women. It is a non-alcoholic tonic-mvigorating arid health-restoring which has. been so successfully used by American womanhood. Leavenworth, Kans. " I was all run-down from a complication of diseases. My next door neighbor recommended Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, because she had taken it with fine results. I de cided to take it, and after taking two bottles of the medicine I was entirely well. I felt like new life. It is surely a fine medicine." Miss Frances G. Lienhardt, 772 Seneca Street. Clubdom Dixon's chases friction from the gear box. - Friction has bo chines to rind and pound and- wear away faars and bearings when that friction proof film of Dixon's is on the job. And when Friction oei Noise foes too. Gear shift quiet!)' and easily, summer and winter. The oar piokt up quickly and roll aloof with much less effort. Start with Dixon's. Joseph Ddcon Crucible Co. Jwy City dVxV! Established N.J. 1827 , Bowen's. PHI Ftouta-Pay When Cunrod A mild intern of treatment that cures Piles. Fistula aad other Reetal Diseases in a short time, without a sever surgical op eration. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anesthetie nsed. K earn guaranteed in every case accepted tor treatment, and no money is to b paid natil eared. Writ (or book on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of mnr taaa 1.090 prominent teople who hsve been permanently cured. PR. E. R. TARRY Sanstorhnw, Peters Trust Bldj. (Bca BIdf .) Omaha. Nea. ' Gas Stoves and Ranges at Reduced Prices Note These Reductions $47.50 4-Burner Gas Stove, white porcelain door. $31.00 $30.00 2 Burner Gas Stove, larpe oven $18.25 $42.50 4-Burner Gas Stove, large oven $23 .CO $95.00 6-Burner, High Oven. Cab inet Gas Stove $52.50 $52.50 4-Burner. High Oven. Cab inet Stove $33.00 $40.00 4-Burner, with good oven, at only $21.00 , $70.00 6-Burner, high oven with white doors.... $44.C0 Some More Big Values Bowen'a Large Big Value Aluminum Brooms Percolator 33c $1.25 Bowen's Bowen's Guaranteed Guaranteed Carpet Electric Sweeper. Irons $1.95 $3.95 ftk'Jtowen (b OMAHAS VAUR JIVING STOM Howard St., Between ISth ant) 16th W. W. Club Celebrates Birthday. The W. V. club will celebrate its 11th birthday anniversary with a 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. F. T. Martis, 2422 Bris tol street. An election of . officers will be held following the luncheon. Members of the club are Mes dames E. P. DirTenbacher, Charles Gruenig. Kelley McCombs, V. S. Hampton, F. Bnibaker, George Swoboda, John Morrison, W. C. Price, Nels Martin, F. J. Martis and J. J. Hess. All are charter mem bers with the exception of Mrs. Mor rison. ' Book Club. TI, lririL- rluK will meVt Tlmri- itair aflprnnon Anril 14. with Mr Alfred Burr at the St. Regis. Airs, iredenck itott will review fain Strrpt." ' hv Siurlair l.swi. who speaks before the Omaha So ciety of. Fine Arts Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Fontencllc. A wage reduction of 25 per cent has been announced by the Albany, N. Y builders' exchange. Problems That Perplex Answered hf BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Ho Natural. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a girl 18 years old and asking you for ad vice. I hve friends, hut somehow I cannot talk and luush with the rest of the Kirls, especially not when they talk so much about the boys as they do. I'm not a boy hater for I hav some very nice boy friends too. The girls have good reputations as well as myself. We attend dances qutte often and movies twice a week. Could it bo that I'm old-fashioned, which causes me to he the listener and feel left out when with a group ot girls. Thanking you, I am, MISS L. Some one once asked a wise per son for the keynote to success. The answer given was, "It natural." Wo like some people because they are sweet, kind and gentle. We like others for their enthusiasm and even impetuousness. AVe even like people who do things we don't like, if we understand. 'To understand all Is to forgive all," Sow about yourself. Good listen ers are rare. Ion't w'orry about be ing old-fashioned, or about your talking less than the other girls. Cultivate a good disposition, try to nil your mind with good, wholesome, interesting thoughts, and let your conversation take care of Itself. suspect you are self-conscious. Most girls are at your age. Ko natural be genuine. Think mere of others and less of yourself and I believe you will not only be happy, but will make friends with whom you will feel comfortable. Blue Free: lider the circum stances you have described It will be necessary to have a Cathollo priest periorm ina ceremony. E. V.: The situation you describe is very serious. I can't advise you through the paper as to what you should do. Consult your mother, the pastor of your church, or some older person in your town wnom you can trust with confldence. In France 500.000 women either live on interest from invested capi tal or are active in agriculture. Of the other women more than one-half support themselves. OMAHA LINCOLN SIOUX CITY NEW YORK Orkin Brothers have taken over all remaining stock ot the Parisian Cloak Co. This stock is rapidly being assorted and remarked for the most wonderful sale ever attempted by Orkin Bros. Watch this paper for full particulars of a great sale We promise you values of a truly sensational nature. Plan now to supply your every Apparel need. Thousands of dollars worth of new merchandise received by the Parisian since Easter is included in this mighty event 0 To Peel Lemons When lemons, grapefruit or oranges are to be used and yoa wish to remove every bit of tha bitter and unhealtliful inner skin, try letting the fruit stand in boiling water for five minutes. You will find no difficulty then and the fruit will be left stripped of rind. ' ADVERTISKMENT OLD STANDBY, FOR ACHES AND PAINS Any man or woman who keeps WIWU B IINllUy Will SVIt JVU that same tiling. ESPECIALLY those frequently attacked by rheumatic twinges. A counter-irritant, Sloan's Lini ment scatters the congestion and penetrate without rubbing to the afflicted part, soon relieving the ache and pain. Kept handy and used everywhere for reducing and finally eliminating the pains and aches of lumbago, neuralgia, muscle strain, Joint stiff ness, sprains, bruises, and the results of exposure. Tou Just know from its stimulate lng, healthy odor that it will do yon good! Sloan's Liniment is sold by all druggists J5c, 70c, 11.40. SUflD Liniment mm Exceptional Strength Ash Grove Portland Cement has super-strength and dura bility because it la Chemically exact -Uniformly burned Ground extra fin Tested hourly by expert Where rer Concrete"? can be 7 used specify, I i TTT! llpsrvm Aim rnrcirrU sr m s fennir wshsissbsv w Affords protection t?alnst in-. fectious diseases. All prudent persons should avail themselves of thia dependable germicide. 4T DftUQ STORES BVERYWMERB ADVERTISEMENT BLACKHEADS 60 QUICK BY THIS SIMPLE METHOD Blackheads big ones or little onesi soft ones or hard ones on any part of, the body, go quickly by a simple method that just dissolves them. To do this get about two ounces ot calonite powder from your druggist sprinkle a little on a hot, wet sponge rnb over the black heads briskly ior a few seconds and wash off. You'll wonder where the blackheads have gone. The calonite powder and the hot water have just dissolved .them. Pinching and squeezing blackheads only open the pores of the skin and leave them open and unsightly and unless the blackheads are big and soft they will not come out, while the simple application of calonite powder, and water dissolves them right out, leav ing the skin soft and the pores in their natural condition. You can get calonite powder at any drug store and If you are troubled with these unsightly blemishes you should cer-. tainly try this simple method. - E3 Umh back without ousstlon 1 If HUNT'S GUARANTEED 'tlsXXM DISEASE REMEDIES pyJ (Huof rhre sn 8op). fail la nr treatment of Itch. Bcsema. A Ringwenn, Tetter er other Ilea treatment at esc risk. Sherman A McCennell Drug Stores. !!., it . asm nsximjy a s w.ixi.'W'i i n i risrmui m n i" funitir """" waiiiig Ease That Aching Back IS a dull, throbbing backache keeping you miserable? Are you tired, lame and tor tured with' stabbing pains at every sud den move? Is the trouble making your work a burden and rest impossible? Isn't it time, then, you were finding what is wrong? Springtime for many folks is back ache time a common sign that the kidneys need help. Winter's colds and chills, and the damp, changing weather of early spring strain the kidneys, and slow them up. Poisons accumulate and then comes those mys terious aches and pains, those dizzy spells, headaches and annoying bladder irregulari ties. Get rid of the trouble before it becomes serious. Begin using Doan's Kidney Pills today. They have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor! These Are Omaha Cases: "fveryficES TU$ a Story" Burt Street . Seventeenth Street Sherwood Avenue C. Heiming, carpenter, 2008 Burt St., Mrs. Irene Stover, 704 S. Seventeenth Edwin Meredith, Supt Standard Cherai- saysf "I had backache, caused by my kid- St., says: "Several years ago I had a e- cal Co., 1423 Sherwood Ave., eays: "I am Tieys not working properly. This caused vere case of catarrh of the bladder and Mvir without Doan's Kidney -JMlls in the lameness through my back and severe was in the hospital for months. My kid- . . ... ... . , . , stitches through my kidneys. My kidneys neys were in bad shape, being irregular in h0UiG; . 1 h,d ,evere acted frequently during the night and the action, and my back ached severely. Often complaint few yearn. I suffered every secretions were unnatural. I was advised my rcit was broken at night. As Doan's thing from this trouble, which was brought to try Doan's Kidney Pills and in a few Kidney Pills were so highly recommended, on by a severe illness. I took Doan's Kid days I was improved. I kept on with them I made up my mind to try them. Doan's ney Pills and they helped me wonderfully, and in a week felt much better. My cure were not long in bringing relief and I have Doan's strengthened my kidneys and my is a lasting one." relied on them ever since." kidneys have given me no trouble since." Doami9s ECMmey PMls Every Druggist has Doan's, 60c a box. Foiter-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. t