Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Psciulo Cousin of
President Faces a
Long Prison Term
Self. Styled "Secretary" to
Harding Due for Trial on
Number of Separate
He Was Warren's Cousin,
Until Officers Got Him
Chicago, ,pril 4. While Everett
A. Harding:, self-styled "cousin of
our president and li is confidential
secretary," spent Sunday in the comi
ty jail at Woodstock, 111., where he is
held on charges of impersonating a
government official, secret service of
ficials were digging into his activi
ties. 'Mouths before the republican con
vention in Chicago, young Harding,
the agents discovered, was taking
an active part in "Cousin Warren's'!
candidacy, representing himself on va
rious occasions as manager of Har
ding's campaign, and even at that
early date making promises of pa
tronage. During the presidential primary
campaign in Indiana, Everett first
attached himself to "Cousin War
ren." Prior to that he had been
active in support of both General
Wood and Governor Lowden. but
when Senator Harding filed as a
candidate in the Hoosicr state,
"Cousin Everett" immediately trans
ferred his allegiance and went to In
dianapolis, where he represented
himself as the senator's campaign
manager and held conferences and
laid plans with leading politicians.
His stay in Indianapolis was brief,
however, as word of his activities
reached Harry R. Daughcrty, Sen
ator Harding's national campaign
manager, and Mr. Daugherty has
tened to the Indiana capitol. The
nature of his interview with "Cou
sin Everett'' has not been made pub
lic, but immediately after this meet
ing Everett came back to Chicago
and subsided until the Harding cam
paign headquarters were opened
here. This time he attached hini-
tc . . 1 i . :.. ..
PIU III UCctUlJUtll ICl 5 III an auvisui y
capacity" as he expressed it to his
friends. He made many suggestions
and conferred with anyone who
would listen to him.
Harry Ruddnick, a volunteer
worker in the. Harding cause, wrote
a letter offering his services and
this letter fell into the hands of
"Cousin Everett," who wrote Rudd
nick, urging him to come to head
quarters at once and go to work,
assuring him he would be paid lib
Ruddnick thought this rather
"spectacular inasmuch as he had of
fered his services free. When he
went to headquaters and met the
real officials, they decided it was
time to suppress "Cousin- Everett"
before he did something that would
reflect seriously upon Senator Hard
ing. The matter was taken un with
Harry Daugherty and when "Cousin
Everett" appeared the next day, he
was escorted out of the hotel and
directed to remain away.
Secret service men who are check
ing up the large number of people
who have been victimized by
"Cousin Everett," say he faces a
long term in the penitentiary- as- a
result of his activities. The specific
charge upon which he is held is that
of impersonating a governmen offi
cial. This carries a fine of $1,000
and three years in a federal prison.
Every time he borrowed money on
his false representation constitutes
a separate offense.
500 Nebraska Odd Fellows to
Attend Meet Here April 30
More than 500 Nebraska Odd Fel
lows will attend the 102d anniversary
of the Independent Order of Odd
Yellows, which js to be held in Oma
ha at the Auditorium April 30. Hie
convention is to be held under the
auspices of the Patriarchs Militant
of Greater Omaha.
One of the features of the conven
tion will be the exemplification of
three of the degrees in public. Ad
dresses will be made at this time by
Governor S. R. McKclvie and Mayor
Ed P. Smith.
W. B. Hoagland. Omaha, is head
of the Patriarchs Militant in Nebras
ka; J. Marks,. Omaha, is chairman
of the. committee making arrange
ments for the convention and Ben
Don Neaud is secretary.
Nebraska C. of C. Secretaries
To Meet in Omaha April 6-7
Secretaries of chambers, oP com
merce i various Nebraska cities
will be in Omaha Aprjl 6 and 7 for
their annual convention. According
to H. E. Moss, secretary of the Ne
braska State Chamber of Commerce
there will be at least SO secretaries
Many important topics relative to
a more systematic program in the
work of civic and commercial or
ganizations for the betterment of the
communities and the state will be
The meetings are to be held in the
club rooms of the Omaha Chamber
ot Commerce.
Yi W
V tfe . rr yl
d 1 A -J
Krj 3M, jhr
tow Ofcttwoo PfrVWoewpo ofl
Stillman Must Pay
Alimony in 30 Days
White Plains, N. Y., April 4.
Justice Morschauser, in supreme
court here today, signed an order
directing that payment of alimony
and counsel fees in the divorce pro
ceedings brought by James A. Still
man, New York banker, against
Mrs. Anne U. Stillman be made
within 30 days, and that meanwhile
referee-hearings in the case ie
stayed. -
Counsel for both sides agreed that
sealed papers in the case, including
letters said to have been written to
Mrs. Stillman by Fred Beauvais, In
dian guide, named as co-respondent,
and the alleged "confession" letter
of Mrs. Stillman to her husband,
should not be opened when they are
filed in the Putnam county court
house at Carmel.
Here are Everett A. Harding, his
sister, Pearl, 13, and her pet cat,
"Gamaliel." Secct service operatives
have pricked their political and so
cial bubbles.
Everett won prominence by pos
ing as cousin and confidential sec
retary to President Harding. Pearl
was dubbed "The White House
Baby" and named her cat for "Cous
in Warren."
Everett chartered a special car
to go to the inauguration with
friends he had promised policital
jobs. The Pennsylvania railroad
claims the check he gave for the
special car was returned for want of
funds. Pearl gave out many inter
views and pictures.
President Harding is reported as
having denied relationship with them
and secret service operatives, work
ing under orders direct from Wash
ington, are checking up Everett's ac
tivities while he lies in jail.
City Council Shelves Bo v Pinned Under
r v r, I J
urainance rropo ng , g Car Fender
Muny ugnt Dona issue
An ordinance introduced by Com
missioner L're proposing that a $250,
000 municipal electric light and pow
er bond propositjpn be submitted to
the voters at the election on May 3,
was placed on file yesterday with but
one dissenting voice, that of Commis
sioner Ringer, in the city council.
The ordinance was offered as an
alternative measure, the under
standing being that the council would
pass cither on the new rate ordinance,
now pending, or for submission of
the bonds, according to, Commission
er lire.
Passage of the new rate regulatory
ordinance which lowers the rates to
small consumers is now assured.
"Show Ear of Corn or
Donate $10" Slogan in
Ak Membership Drive
"Show an ear of corn or donate
$10 for an Ak-Sar-Ben membership."
That is the slogan adopted by the
hustling committees of the Big Five
civic clubs, Concord, Rotary, Kiwan
is, Ad-Sell and Lion, that arc con
centrating their efforts on obtaining
new members 111 Ak-Sar-Ben.
Whatever club obtains the most
members up to August 29 will man
the prize float in the electric parade
during the Ak-Sar-Ben festival,
Charles Gardner, secretary, said.
An effort is being made by the
hiiailing committees to get 5,000
members for opening night of the
Ak-Sar-Ben show at the Den on
May 23.
Imposition of Sentence on
Lindsey, Again Postponed
Denver, Cplo., April 4. Execu
tion of the sentence upon Judge Ben
B. Lindsey of Denver's juvenile
court, growing out of his conviction
on charges of contempt of court for
refusing to testify to what a ward of
his court had told him about a mur
der, was deferred today until next
Saturday. Judge Lindsey must pay
a fine of $500 or go to jaj.1. Today i
postponement was caused by the
fact that a murder case was on triai
in the district court.
Hopkins and Kilniarlin Will
Make No Pre-Election Pledges
No Pre-election pledges have been
made or will be made by John Hop
kins and John Kilmartin, candidates
for the city commission, members of
the Hopkins-Kilmartin club repeated
today on the eve of the primary elec
tion," both these candidates standing
squarely on the platform they origi-:
nally issued.
Motorman's Quick Thinkinj
Saves Lad's Life When He
. Falls in Street. .
(Junk thinking by a street car
motorman saved a little boy's life
late yesterday afternoon when the
lad stumbled while running across
the street in front of an oncoming
car and fell pinned beneath the front
The lad, bruised on the face and
head, but otherwise was unhurt.
George Skrivcr, motorman, 1914
South Eleventh street, was piloting
his Harney street car east on Tierce
street at Ninth at 3:45, when sud
denly he saw a small boy dash
r.cross the street.
He clanged the bell and in the
lad's hurry to get across the tracks,
he stumbled and fell.
The lad was Joe Motalbano, 4, 805
Fierce street.
Skriver clamped on his emergen
cy brakes and with a screctch, the
wheels slid along; the tracks to a
The car came to a standstill with
the little boy pinned beneath the
fender. '
Police surgeons, called to attend
the youngster, pronounced the mo
torman's quick actions responsible
for saving the lads lite. t
The conductor in charge of the
car was Peter F. Gilfen, 1521 Grant
Early Carter Lake Anglers
Fined in Justice Court
Understudies of Isaac Walton bad
tlueir day Sunday.
The anglers dotted themselves
densely all over Carter lake fishing
for minnows or stray carp.
TJiat fishing was good was evident
in justice court yesterday when W. E.
Arnold, game warden, appeared
against five alleged violators of the
fishing laws.
Justice Bunce fined Leonard
Wood. $1; Nick Fugina, $3; Harry
Hawkins, $1; Fred Jensen, $1, and
Earl HackenUcrg, $5.
Old Time Friend Mikes
Candidate Apropos Gift
W. W. Cole, candidate for city
commissioner, believes that gratitude
is one of. the finest things in life. He
was surprised last week when he re
ceived from an old friend a package
containing 5,000 campaign cards as
a present. The donor explained that
Mr. Cole befriended him' years ago,
when Cole was an amusement man
ager in Omaha.. .
Brief City News
Goes to Convention n. W. Car
pentcr has gone to Chicago to at
tend the Northern Baptist conven
.Music at ClinmlM'r Music will be
a feature of th Chamber f Com
merce publie affairs committee next
Wednesday noon.
Wheat Outlook Good C. H
Clancy has returned from a trip
through Texits, Kansas and Okla
homa. He reports wheat conditions
unusually favorable.
T. O. to Hiuullc Films Special
trucks have been ordered to trans
port more than 32.000,000 pounds
of motion picture films, which will
now bo handled annually by the
postoflice here.
Koeonriled -Xarefa Smith Jones,
19. and her husband, Elwood Jones,
who was brought from Chicago to
Omaha by the sheriffs office ' are
again united. Charges that he de-
sered her after they were married
only lu days were dropped..
, George Bnimlcis Itet urns There's
no place like Omaha and the old
U. S. A." was the way George Bran
deis, Omaha merchant, expressed
his joy at being homo again, when
he arrived here yesterday from
two months' trip abroad. Mr. Bran
deis visited Germany, France, Aus
tria, England and Czecho-Slovakia.
Tako I'liinge Leaders of the
bathing set at the Carter Lake club
took their initial plunge in ,the lake
Sunday afternoon. Among the dar
ing ones were Mrs. L. I. Jleency,
Mrs. T. F. I'ettoRTOW, Mrs. Frank
Lewis, Miss Grace MaharTey, Kuth
Jane O'Xeil, Frank Lewis, Harry
Mallo, .Robert Womack and Shirley
Lewis, 7.
Golf Bus Burglar Takes 3
Balls, 100 Marbles, and $7
Police are looking for a "golf bug
He climbed through a window at
the home , of William Nielsen, 2536
North Sixty-fifth avenue, Sunday
He stole three golf balls. '
And he took 100 marbles.
And for diversion, he pocketed $7
he found lying loose.
Liver and Bowels
Right Always
Feel Fine
There' one right way to speedily tone
up mc uver ana Keep - v
the bowels tegular. A
Liver PUi; never I
fail. Millions J d
will testify II
that there il (I HI
nothing so i JlJ
onnA fnr Kil.
iousness. indigestion, headache or sal
low, pimply skin. Purely vegetable.
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price
! Get Acquainted
E majorrd in mat hematics at :
college. 'w he's pntting lata
practical dm hla knowledge of num.
hers in carnitine letters in Deirs
paper ilea da
and estlmatlar
the number of
wards on m
lieet of news
paper copy.
.V 1. Miller
reads eoijr"and
writes beads
fnr city newt
in The Morn
ing Bee.
He's a na
Mt Nebras
kan, born at
Goring; and
later a resU
dent of Surprise. Ho satbered in aa
an A. B. decree at midland eollece
and spent n rear at Kansas ani
lerslty. Then eame the war and be went
to Camp. Fanatoa as a member of
the Tenth dhliion.
After lade Bam bad released
him. he came to Omaha and worked
as a reporter and adTortlsinc
writer u.-it-l torating In his present
Job on Bee.
Mrs. Robert
O. Reynolds
"1 have actually gained twenty-five
pounds and I just think Tanlac is the
grandest medicine in the world." said
Mrs. Robert O. Reynolds, 127 North
Denver St.. Kansas City, Mo.
"For ten long years 1 suffered from
a very bad form of rheumatism, stom
ach and nervous troubles. My appe
tite was very poor. Whaf little I did
cat soured on my stomach and I suf
fered the most severe pains in my
back, hips and shoulders. My rheu
matism was so bad that I could not
raise my hands to comb my hair and
my arms hurt mo to my finger tips.
I became so weak and run down that
I lost all my energy and life had be
come almost a burden. I tried many
things, but nothing helped me. '
"I had only taken my first bottle
of Tanlac when I noticed my appe
tite was improving and I could sleep
better at night. I have taken three
bottles and the way it has helped
me and built me up is really aston
ishing. I can eat anything and
everything without the slightest dis
agreeable after effects. I sleep just
fine at night and am in better health
than I have been for years. I am
glad to give this statement, hoping
that any who are suffering as I did
may experience the same .wonderful
results, which I bel:ev t v. ill if
they -give TanLc a lax tral."
Tanlac is sold by the leading
everybody!? store"
Tuesday Is Bargain Day
In the Downstairs Store
A Opportune Sale of
Spring Dresses
Infants' Stockings
15c pair
Infants' cotton stockings in black
and white. Sizes 4 to 6.
Women's Cotton -Stockings,
3 for $1.00
Women's cotton stockings, dou
ble soles, toes and heels, in black,
white and brown, at 35c. 3 for $1.
Women's Union
Suits, 50c
Women's cotton union suits, made
regulation shoulder cuff and shell
knee, sizes 4 to 9. 50c a suit.
Downstairs 5 tors
For Women and M isses
We cannot, emphasize the values too greatly and there is a splen
did diversity of styles,, so that the most critical woman may easily
find one which is becoming.
These are all better grad? dresses made to sell at much high?r
price and as there are only 250 in the group we advise an early selection.-
Styles are bouffant flaring, ruffled tunics with silk cut fringes,
bead trimmings, all-over embroidered sashes, short sleeves and yestee ef
fects. Materials; Mignonette, Crepe, Taffeta, Crepe, de Chine, Tricolette,
Georgette combinations.
On account of very low pricings we cannot accept C. O. D's. or returns.
Men's Summer Hose
4 pairs for $1.00
Knit from a very fine cotton yarn
elastic ribbed tops, reinforced
heels and toes, colors, black, brown,
cordovan, blue and white; 4 pairs
for $1.00.
Men's Uniform Blouses
$1.49 each
Mail carrier's and Street Car
men's uniform blouses, regulation
style, best quality. All sizes, $1.49
Men's Trousers
$2.85 pair
Men's and young men's troupers,
neat striped worsted patterns. Sizes
30 to 34. $2,85 pair.
Our NetD Spring Line of
Royal Worcester Corsets
h Here for Your Selection '
These corsets come in either back or front lace mode's and
the styles are designed to give straight lines to both slender and
fleshy women. One specially desirable feature is the 0 I C clasp
which will not pinch, twist or tear.
Men's Union Suits
Closely woven checked patterns, loose fit- s sw
ting, knee length, knit ribbed fabric across ILJ B
back to permit freedom of movement. Sleeve- NeWll
less, closed crotch; size 38 to 46. Specially f j. jf x
priced for Tuesday, suit '
Women's Blouses
Lovely voile blouses in a variety of
styles, embroidery and lace trim
mings, V and square necks, wonder
ful values.
Downstairs Store
Dress Ginsrham
One may choose from pink, cotton brocade and closely
woven coutil in pink and white. Trices range from $2.00 to $4.00.
Beautiful plaid and checked ginghams in all
the season's newest colors both light and dark
shades. Very special for Tuesday at 25e a
Tfiese Flakes
with any brand on '
yourgrocerk shelves
and yoiill find that
Are Superior Corn Flakes
In making PostToasties only the
"choice part of carefully selected
white corn is used, perfectly cook
ed, rolled and toasted to a crisp -appetizing
Millions eat POST TOASTIES
because they like 'em!
Sold by Grocers
.M4 by Postum Cereal Co.,IncBattle Creek, Michigan.
es w,a am
Your grocer knows why Heinz
Oven Baked Beans are better
- than "just beans." Oven bak
ing preserves the rich flavor and
food value that choice, hand
picked beans naturally have.
Heiriz famous tomato sauce gives
them a delicious' taste that you
never knew beans could have.
A Perfect Meal
for everyday, for busy days, for
guests or for the family nothing
quite so good to eat, so nourish
ing, so convenient, so econom
ical. Serve them often.
HEINZ Baked Beans with Pork and
Tomato Sauce
HEINZ Baked Pork and Beans (with
out Tomato Sauce) Boston style
HEINZ Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce
without Meat (Vegetarian)
HEINZ Baked Red Kidney Beam
One of the
fc' Varieties