Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1921, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, APRIL 4. 1921. Vegetable Growers Capture City Garden Plots Chicago System Aids Foreign ers in Fighting High Living Costs and Helps in . Americanization. By FRANK RIDQ WAY. By transforming Chicago's vacatn lots and waste land into miniature' farms, the City Garden association has furnished 900 gardeners with plots from which thousands of fami lies will be supplied with fresh vege tables this summer. There is a spirit of friendly rivalry among the Greeks, Italians, lirish, Swedes, Germans, Frenchmen and families of other nationalities in the growing of their crops. Mike Terra nclla's record in growing vegetables last year is envied by the gardeners, and many of them will use the extra hour of daylight this summer to beat Mike's record. What One Plot Yielded. Mike is an Italian day laborer wan a wife and three little children. He is one of the 900 who are provided with a garden through the association. "Last year," Mike related, as he stood in line waing for his allot ment for this year's garden, wonder ing wnere 11 would be this spring, "I set out ISO tomato plants and got So bushels of big red tomatoes. I ve got yet 300 or 400 jars of tomatoes that we put up from that patch. I had 10 or 12 bushels of '1001' beans; lots of Austrian beans, and 'rusini,' Itatian squash. I had two bushels of cucumbers and lots of Kohlrabi, and two wagon loads of Roman lettuce I planted my own cabbage and sold 2,000 or 3,000 young plants to the other gardeners. "I got so much because I planted right," Mike added. " I got four crops, putting in peas first, then cu cumbers, and after two weeks I planted cauliflower. Then I put in Swiss chard and strineless bush beans. In one row I had two crops of corn and carrots. Our friends came every Sunday and took bas kets of vegetables away." Store Surplus for Winter. There are 124 other gardens be sides Mike's on the tract, and while his method of French farming is more intensive than most others, all of the gardeners raised enough vege tables to last them through the sum mer and had many varieties to store for winter use, The gardens are given out by Mrs. Laura Dainty Pelham, president of the City Garden association, and M. E. Green, superintendent of the gar dens. The work was started about 12 years ago and continues to grow in sire and importance. As far as possible, the same plot of ground is assigned to a gardener year after year. After the first season of work the gardener always takes a proprie tary interest in his bit of ground. Association Bears Some Expense. The association plows and harrows the ground and fertilizes the soil, fur nishes the seed, and supervises the work throughout plowing, planting and harvesting seasons. While tools are not furnished to individuals, there is a certain amount of equipment provided for each tract. It costs the association about $6 an acre each 'jear to carry on this work. Interest is added to the work by making a small rental charge, which helps to cover only a part of the expense to the association. The gardener 'does as he chooses with his plot of ground, subject to the advice of the superintendent, who imposes practically no restrictions. The entire crop belongs to the gar dener. For the rent of his little farm he pays from $1.50 to $2.50. Italians Prefer Salad Crops. You can almost guess the national ity of the gardener by the kinds of vegetables he grows in his garden. The Italians raise, large quantities of tomatoes and peppers. They are said to be the only ones who raise garlic. Mike Terranella says the Ital ians from around Messina would rather have a green pepper than a piece i bread. Roman lettuce and various salad crops are also grown in the Italian gardens. The Russians raise large quantities of beans,' which they preserve in salt for winter use, something after the fashion of sauerkraut. They are the only ones who raise sunflowers. The IVUSSiail Vt7ll,., lie, .. er seed and grind it into meal. The Poles specialize in beans, us ing them chiefly as string beans. The Swedes, Irish and Germans .have all their gardens streaked with rows of big. hard heads of cabbage. Amen rant an A Americanized foreigners raise an abundance of corn. But the I others care little or noming iw h; . AU of the Americans and Insn would like to raise potatoes, but the places where Irish potatoes can be grown successfully are limited. The gardeners are all on common ground when it comes to the growing .of onions, for in every garden, regard less of the gardener's nationality, onions are grown. - Food production is not, however, the only benefit derived from the jrardens, according to Mrs. Pelham. Where all nationalities work side by side with Americans of many gener ations, the gardens become little cen ters of effective Americanization. They have a common interest, wheth er they are raising garlic and pep pers or potatoes and cabbage, wheth er they are doing intensive farming or just learning to bring one crop to harvest. . Promotes Community Spirit When families come' out to the gardens and spend whole days throughout the summer, hoeing the crops, a neighborliness and commu nity spirit grows up among them which is no inconsiderable factor in Americanization. Not "one of the 3,000 or more children who help work the gardens has ever been ar rested since records have been kept, showing the gardens' contribution to child welfare. Each anolicant for a garden plot signs a contract. He accepts the garuen sudjcci io uic uiuucuiaic uia position in case the land is with drawn from the association some thing which has never happened dur ing the season. All of the planting must be in straight rows. Vege tables not approved by the superin tendent may not be planted. A footway of 18 inches is main tained between each garden, and the gardener keeps one-half of the four foot walk adjoining the garden free from weeds. The gardens are pro tected. The penalty for trespassing upe-a gardens or, faking yegetabea l tit lit f GARDEN GOSPEL Left: Mrs. Laura Dainty Pelham, president of the City Gardens association, ex plaining the rules and regulations to three recruits. Mike Terranella, I. Laecri and Santa Terranella, who nave just enlisted in her 1921 army of 900 vegetable gardeners. Right: M. E. Green, superintendent, is pointing out the exact location of Mrs. Antonina Metegrano's plot. from another's garden is immediate forfeiture of the ground and crops without compensation. llus is practically unknown in the associa tion. ( If the gardens are neglected with' out a good reason they are forfeited, but this has seldom happened. On the contrary, the gardeners work consistently and guard one another's gardens against possible marauding Irom the outside. iiiey are not allowed to put up lences or buildings, but occasionally a scrap of outlaw structure springs up over night and js permitted to remain for instance, the tiny shack, or cottce house, as some call it, on John Thul's garden. Here he makes coffee and serves it to his friends on Sunday afternoons, adding to the social atmosphere of the gardens. New Federal Farm Bank Bonds Are Attractive To Large Investors Investment houses have been fieur ing on the return of the proposed new issue ot federal Land bank bonds, details of which will prob ably be announced shortly. Former issues of these bonds are redeemable five years after date, but the new bonds will not be redeemable until the 11th year. This is an es pecially attractive feature, as many investors now prefer bonds which cannot be taken away for at least a reasonable period of time. Ihe new issue will be exempt from government taxes, including the income tax and from state, mu nicipal and local taxation. The prewar issues of government bonds carry the same exemption, but because of circulation privileges, they sell at too high a rate to attract in dividual investors. The 3lt per cent Liberty loan bonds have an equal exemption, but at present prices, yield a little over 4 per cent Sim ilarly, the 3Vi Victory notes yield 4 per cent at the present market prices, but the latter have an early maturi ty. Other Liberty bonds have only a limited exemption from federal taxation. . Monster Incubator Turning Out Future Fries by Thousand When one speaks oi a chicken ranch the -first thought that usually comes is of a large number of fowls running about in yards or pens, but up near Auburn, Neb., H. M. Wells has a different kind of a chicken ranch, and one which is proving a success Mr. Wells has what is probably the largest single incubator in the middle west, with a total capacity of 7,500 eggs. The machine is in 14 sections and is 60 feet long. It is housed in a building built specially for it, and one-third of the capacity is set each Monday for three weeks. This system enables handling the output each week and as fast as one hatch is taken out, another is put in. Mr. Wells is specializing in pure bred White Leghorns, and at the present time is buying practically all of his eggs for hatching. The chicks are sold when a day old and the en tire output is contracted for in ad vance up to June 1. The chicks are put in paper cartoons holding 100 each and sent by parcel post. , Steamships Cut Rates On South African Wool Steamship lines running between South African ports and the United States recently announced a scale of reduced rates on wool and dry hides, as well as some other articles of freight for export to American mar kets. Because of the severe deprecia tion in the value of these articles, the steamship lines have taken this action as a measure to maintain ex ports. The freight rate on. "grease" wool, which is one of the chief exports from South America has been re duced from 3d. (about 5 cents) to 2l2A. per pound. The rate for "scoured" wool, is now 3Yid.x or about S cents, as compared with the equivalent to 6 cents per pound be fore the new rates went into effect. The rate on dry hides lias been cut from 3d. to 2d., or 4 cents a pound. All changes are made according to the rate of exchange prevailing on March 11, when a shilling was worth about 20 cents and a penny about 1 cent.. jowa Tjeet Sugar Factory May Not Open Tbi9 Season It is altogether likely that the large sugar beet plant at Waverly, la., will not be opened during the coming season. It is reported that no move toward making contracts for beets with the farmers in that terri tory has been made by the com pany and many of the employes, at the plant are expected to be laid oil in the near future. The plant ran for a short time last season, but it is reported that the company lost money on the output. Philadelphia Now Ranks Third as Produce Center Five Per Cent of Total Ship meats for Country Handled In the Quaker City. The city of Philadelphia, ranking third in population among cities of the country, likewise holds third place among the fruit and vegetable consuming markets of the nation, with a total of 63,580 cars of apples, cabbage, cantaloupes, onions, peaches, potatoes, strawberries and tomatoes received and unloaded dur ing the four calendar years of 1916, 1917, 1918 and 1919, according to figures recently released by the bureau of markets of the .United States department of agriculture. The quantity of these eight leading fruits and vegetables taken yearly by the Philadelphia markets represents about 5 per cent of the total ship ments reported for the country. 1 his percentage compares with IS per cent for New York and 7 per cent for Chi cago. Average of 15,895 Cars. Approximately 16,770 cars of fruits and vegetables were unloaded at Philadelphia in 1919, compared with 15,390 cars in 1918, 14,730 in 1917, and 16,690 cars in 1916, or an average of 15,895 cars yearly and 44 cars daily. The total recorded ship ments of these eight products named for the entire country were 375.982 cars in 1916: 346,717 cars in 1918: 311,869 cars in 1917 and 260,137 cars in 1916. Although information covering home-grown stock is incomplete, its importance may be realized from the fact that the equivalent of about 340 cars of apples from neighboring areas were received in 1919, 631 cars of cabbage, 287 cars of cantaloupes, 168 cars of onions, 836 cars ot peaches, 1,374 cars of white potatoes, 163 cars of strawberries and cars of tomatoes, all having been re ceived from adjacent points' in less than carlot shipments, or by truck. "Some Spuds." Four times as many potatoes as either cabbaee or onions were re ceived afid more than seven times as many potatoes as either tomatoes. Reckoning a car ot potatoes at ouu bushels, approximately 4,125,000 hushels. or over 1 tier cent of the total potato crop and an average of 11.400 bushels daily were received an nually, in addition to the home-grown' stock irom nearoy pomis. Imagine, if possible, this number of tubers, boiled, mashed and heaped up in one great dish, steaming hot, with a piece of butter of proportion ate size crowning the top. Oh, boy! Total of 2,810 Cars Of Spuds Inspected Up to First of April Tin. hiireau of markets of the Ne braska department of agriculture re xr.t tnal nf 2.810 cars of potatoes inspected this season, up to the first of April and it is expected that the total number of car-lot shipments for the season will exceed the 3,000 mark. The number of cars inspected last season was 1,718. Twenty-six inspectors are now em rinvrf hv the btireau and are located at the principal shiping points in the state. The inspectors are required to make a careful examination by an alyzing representative samples from each shipment before the car leave the shiping point and a report is im mediately sent to the bureau of mar kets at Lincoln. The 2.810 cars inspected so far this season grade. as follows: Grade No, 1, 2,157 cars; grade jno. i, oju cars; mixed or manufacturing, 23 cars. Four hundred and twenty-one cars were shipped for seed. About 76 per cent ot the cars inspected ran as uraae sso. i, wmie oi mc i,mu cars inspected last season, 52 per cent were graded as IMP, l. Nebraska Corn to Be Placed . In Corner Stone of U. S. Bank Corn from fields close to Norfolk will be a part of the contents of a receptacle which will be deposited' in the cornerstone of the new $4, 000,000 federal reserve bank building to be erected at Kansas City this year. White corn will come from the farm of Harry Tannehill and yellow corn from the S. H. Ray mond farm. A small amount of products from each state will be placed in glass bottles of uniform size, which will be sealed and left in the receptacle until future ages shall bring them to the light of day again. A card will be placed in each bottle giving the name and address of the donors. With a hand operated machine in vented by an Iowan one man can plant an acra of onrsn sets in a day, Corn Increases In South Dakota Over 30,000,000 Bushels Produced Past Five Years Than 1900 to 1905. South Dakota produced 325 per cent more corn in 1920 than in 1900, according to the figures just com piled by Irwin D. Aldrich, com missioner of immigration, making it rank as the tenth corn producing state in the union. The state's corn production total for 1900 was 32,402,540 bushels as against 105,600.000 bushels in 1920. In 1905 the total amounted to 32, 500,000 bushels, in 1910, 55,500,000, and in 1915, 74,000,000, an increase for the first five years of the pres ent century of 7,000,000; 16,000,000 for the next five-year period; al most 20,000.000 for the five yeais between 1910 and 1915 and an in crease of more than 30,000,00 for the last five years. Thirty-four counties in the state, these figures show, now produce be tween 1,000,000 and 5,000,000 bushels of corn annually. The combined corn production of all the New Eng land states is less than that of the smallest South Dakota counties. The results of careful breeding and seed selection are shown in the rapid advances made in produttion by the counties in the northern half of the state, where a few years ago it was declared not practicable to attempt to raise corn. Seventeen out of the 23 counties in the Second congressional district lying between a line drawn west along the north ern boundary of Moody county to the orth Dakota border, show an increase of more than 500 per cent In 1905 the highest production of any county in that district was well under a 1,000,000 production of any bushels. In 1920, four of these coun ties produced more than 3,000,000 bushels and all but 13 produced more than 1,000,000 bushels. Progress of the Crops, Crop Bulletin of the Agricultural Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, for the Week Ending Saturday, April Z. With the ODenlnar of a new cron nunn there are a lot of factors, not of Imme diate occurrence, which may be ot very considerable Importance In the crop de velopment of the year. These may well be made a matter of record In order to get a better understanding of events which are to follow. Perhaps the first factor of importance la the extraordinary mildness ot the -past winter. During February all but three stations reporting to the United States weather bureau showed temperatures av eraging above normal. The Missouri val ley region sKows the largest variation from normal, ranging from 10 degrees at Missouri and Kansas points, to 15 de grees In North Dakota and Montana. March will show a similar record, al though the data is not yet Dublished. Even during last week, when severe freezing weather spread over the entire Interior of the country far south as Louisiana, the average temperature was above normal over much of the country, owing to the extreme heat preceding the cold wave. Moisture Is Uneven. Next in Importance is the uneven dis tribution of winter moisture. The New Krgland and Atlantic coast states, the gulf states, including Oklahoma and Ar kansas and the Pacific northwest have had abundance of moisture. The northern mountain ranges have had normal snow fall. But the southern ranges have much lax than aVeraa-e snow and have h'ad an early "run-off," so that there is a liability to scarcity or irrigation water in me mia sesson. The entire wheat belt Is Quite and eastern Nebraska got pretty well the country east of the Mississippi river and eastern Ntbraaka got pretty well soaked the last week In Maroh. The ab sence of snow extenfling over ine enure eastern Rocky mountain slope during the winter season, leaves that area entirely dependent on timely spring rains ror mak ing the crop. The eastern spring wheat area had good rains recently, and seed ing In that territory has been done early and under most favorable conditions, al though! estimates of acreage are not yet compiled. The above and other Tees notable weath er conditions start the crop season fully four weeks early, when guaged by de velopment of vegetation. The third week in March;, wheat was Jointing In south ern areas, corn wss being planted as far north as southern Kansas and peach, plum end pesr orchards were in full bloom as far north as centra! Missouri. The follow ing week disastrous freezing weather raught all this precious crop growth!, though not much damage Is reported te grains and alfalfa .though the iatter la very susceptible to damage from spring freezing. Southern States Hurt. All states south! of the latitude of Omaha report serious damage to fruit and gardens by the freeze. The area of larg. eat fruit damage Is reported along the belt of states In me lamuae oi renins. The Ozark fruit belt, where the crop Is Important, reports very heavy loss, and extending east through southern Illinois and Indiana, where temperatures of 20 degrees were recorded, it may not be doubted the loss will be nearly total. The northern and eastern fruit districts do not report damage. The intor-mountaln states, except parts of rtah1. also seem to have escaped frost damage. Winter wheat will prohahly show a low er acreage abandoned from winter kill ing than In any recent year. This will leave the area for harvest this year- not fur from the area harvested last year, though the area seeded last fall was con siderably l-ss than that of the preceding vear. Tt will be recalled that In 1020 a large area of wheat east of the Mississip pi river was replanted to other crops be cause of winter killing. This year the damsgs reported is from limited areas In Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, where snow protection was Inadequate. If needed moisture should reach the western fields soon, the crop could be classed SI In exceptionally favorable condition. Live stock of all kinds came through the winter In much belter average con. dltfon and witlv losses n-arly n-gitgtbl. Keed Is earlr and plentiful on rsnaes. and reports percentage of young stork saved both on farms and ranches are above iv. ersge. Ttre pig and lamb crops, now fairly started except In northern districts, are most satisfactory, President Sees Need of Lower Rates and Wages Prompt Action by Administra tion on Railroad and Tax Problems Is Reported Assured. By HOLLAND. President Harding and his admin istration are regarded here as having recognized inferentially at least that at the time. of the government con trol and operation of the railroads everything possible was done in the interest of labor and practically noth ing in the interest of the investors and stockholders. Reports come from Washington which tell of the pur pose of the president and also of leaders in congress to begin at once to work out such remedy as will bring the railroads out of the mire and quicksand in which they are now placed. It is a matter wiucn is ot im portance not only to those who re ceive wages, but also to those who are investors in railroad securities. These investments are represented bv a total of approximately $3,000, 000,000. They were in some measure ignored during all of the months when the government was operating ttie railroads. It is the surmise here that tiie Washington authorities both in ths administration and in congress are now inclined to the opinion that wages are too high and that rates are also too high. If there is to be a re duction of rates there must a'so be a corresponding reduction in wages. What High Bates sre Causing. Although some of the railroad com panies are hoping that an meresse o rates will be granted upon some lln ' traffic, nevertheless Investigation by the committee of congress or by those who may be appointed by the president v. 11 presumably snow that the lnosse In rates which the Interstate Commerce commission permitted have on tho who e impaired the earning rower of the rail roads, instead of Increasing thr.t power Although that was expected to he the i ef fect. Shippers are either withholding traffic entirely or calling Into use other methods of transportation, in the lclnlty of Boston the utilization of motor trucks, which has been much increased since the higher railroad rates were permitted, has been so great as materially to effect the rallrond traffic between Boston and msnii- i facturlng centers in eastern uu Massachusetts. ... A . The president of one of the largest of American corporations, who was called to Pittsburgh a few dsys ago to give his at tention to some Important, business, re ported upon his return that he had seen from the car window only two or three freight trains, although formerly when he had made this Journey the freight, trains seemed to be almost innumerable. So also passenger traffic has fallen off and there has been a corresponding increase In the employment of the long distance telephone and the telegraph. Senator Cummins, who is giving earnest study to this situation, seems to be of the opinion that rates are already too high; at all events it would be impracticable, possibly ruinous, to increase them. He is quoted as having said that the American people cannot be expected to pay higher trans portation charges. Where the Loss Falls. The dangerous increase in the falling off in revenues does not as yet affect wage-earners. They still stand In the position where the government, when con trolling the rallrpads, put them. The losi Is borne by the stockholders and investors. Although the reports which tell or present day conditions with the railroads con tlnus to be discouraging, nevertheless It Is confidently believed that President Hard ing and his administration, together with affirmative action by congress, will put an end to these embarrassments, and It may be that late in tne summer policies will be adopted and laws enacted, which will bring the railroads out of what is called "The slough of despond." The situation is not due to serious busi ness depression or In other words It is not caused by industrial depression. But it has been very Influential in establishing conditions which have occasioned this de pression. These faults, howeveg, are not fundamental. For that reason the con viction is held here that they cau be cor rected, and without much delay. Taxes and the Government. Very gratifying Information comes from Washington which tells of the purpose of congress to correct as early as possible the mistakes which are incorporated In the present tax law. The excess profits tax, which was for a year or two a yield er of large revenue to the government, has nevertheless proved to be undermin ing business to some extent. It will un doubtedly be repealed. It will be possible for the committee of congress, which has charge of this matter, to receive some highly Illuminating testimony from those who' have had unsatisfactory experience with the excess profits tax. The executive head of a corporation which in normal times does a large busi ness reports to his friends that the gov ernment took 80 per cent of his profits made in 1919. He admitted that the prof its were large and were the result of war demands, and yet they availed his corpora tion very little, because after the govern ment exacted 80 per cent there remained only 20 out of which tt was necessary to take a considerable proportionate part to meet certain costs. (Copyright, 121, by The McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, April 2. Renewal of the liquidation and selling pressure on all grains and provisions in the early trading carried values to new low levels, but selling subsided after the lowest prices were reached. Senti ment among the trade leaders changed around the inside; there has been a huge liquidation, and prices are regarded as too low for the best interests of the business of the coun try. As a result many changed front. .1 Heavy covering by all classes, combined with a better type of buy ing, advanced prices faster than they had declined, and the close was around the best, of the day, with net gains of Vi2c on wheat and fi ?4c on corn; c lower to o-Jiigher for oats, lower to fjc higfier for rye, and unchanged for barley. Provisions were heavy and lost 75c on pork, 22;425c on lard, and 30c on short ribs. The week ' has been ons of the most sensational In the grain trade of late, with prices for corn and oats dqpvn to You Can Grow Better Chicks if vou start them rich t. Thev nA . i )if, I , for at least three fnja ftiaO a"ASMsMMsl , w.iM (.am. vvijluu. iu condition all needed food e 3. . m t Ills' II iicauy irec irom inaigestiDieriDre,thatis easily digestible. Pratts Buttermilk exactly meets these requirements. raises them tirhi. Kne --,... I . - - choicest materials earefully prepared The first brood vni M S n ll -;iv r-Li.t 7& . . . "'"j vm rooa cna tnpnat food for baby chicks" it the best en " W Monmy Back If YOU Art Satiifitd" Sold hy Pratt deaUrs tftryeiert. PRATT FOOD CO. II V Philadelphia Chicase Toronto -6a Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee leased Wire. New York, April 3. The note worthy financial incidents of last week were four in number, an al most imprecedcntly large move ment of newly-imported gold into the federal reserve, which, along with continued rapid reduction of loans and note circulation, brought the reserve system back to the po sition it occupied when the after war deflation began early in 1919, maintenance of the very high money rates in face of that condition; con tinued downward tendency in prices of commodities and continued though irregular receding of prices for investments, under sales of pro fessional speculators. How long all of these four movements, some of them inconsistent with others, can continue simultaneously, is an in teresting problem. In some respects the present course of events in financial and in dustrials markets repeats the move ment familiar in our past economic history after every great business reaction. 1 he dividends of oroduo ing and trading companies and the action t., shares is in line with all similar past experience. The perplexing fact about the present depression, nowever. is that it has a double cause and a riotihle riarar. ter. It embodies reaction from the over-tension of credit and inflation of trade and prices during 1919, and in this it duplicates, the condi tions caused by all of our past fi nancial panics. Reactionary Trend. But it alSO emhOfliPM rPlrtlnn frnn, Inflated markets of the war. it h- said to have fulfilled, not only the sud den misgivings which arose when credit io ti at tne lop or the "after war boom" In November. 19m hut v,,. Justified also tho apprehensions of De cember, 191(1, and November, 1918, as to what would be the course of trade and prices on return of peace. nnat Kina or markets we should have nau ana in wnat respects different from the actual occurrences, it is diffiiult tn say. Producers nd merchants were at least in a position, when the armistice his siKnea, to endure tne experience wltu a. minimum or enocK. Hut that read tlon, as we know, had scarcely atartari (though with all the signs of the typical after war adjustment) when it was sud- ueniy ropiacea oy the illusions and tho unanciai ouooie-Dlowing which lasted a run year ana completely changed the sit uatlon. 'ine ract that the country had to "liquidate" not only 1919, but the whole war period as well, accouifts for the ah. normally great Industrial depression, for n c.uoimmioi iMHgiuiuue oi company losses and for the wholly unprecedented rapidity of the decline in average prices i commoaiues, wnicn nas run ny some official estimates as far as St per cent from the high point of 1920. Decrease In Imports. Certain financial movements occurred Invariably in our larger peacetime re actions from a breakdown of credit. They comprised among other phenomena, very groat decrease of Imports and Increase of exports, and as a consequence, Import of gold usually beyond all precedent. This would always be followed, not only by an exceptionally large increase In bank reserves, but by a fall in money rates which brought even three months loans to or 3 per cent In this period of years such as 1908 and 1894. The changes in foreign trade have oc curred this time as on the previous oc casions. Our Imports since last June, have been reduced (477,000,000 and while our exports also have decreased 1103,000,000 that was mostly a matter of lower prices and the surplus of exports over Imports for the period which, a year ago, had declined half a billion dollars. Is now, despite the fall In prices, practically back at the highest war-time level, when we were supplying the entente armies with munitions aod our own for eign purchases were restricted by the war conditions. The events ot the past few weeks have shown that movement of gold to the United States has repeated the ex perience of the older after-panlo years. Even the rise of bank reserves has fol lowed as a consequence, bu the very marked divergence of results has occu pied with money rates. Instead of ?4 per cent on call and 2 on time which were quoted in April, 1908, day-to-day borrowers in Wall Street are paying seven and three-months loans to bring TAc 1914 levels and wheat and rye off to the lowest In recent years. The finish rec orded losses ot 4o in wheat, 33 on corn, 3V43'ic on oats, 36Vs on rye, 3 on barley, 32-1714 on pork, 77 H at 85o on lard and 87'A90o on short ribs. A huge business was on in wheat, with exports sales at the seaboard, 4,000,000 bushels or more since the close Fri day. The bulk of this business was bought against in the pit by the ex. port houses and was largely secured a. the gulf from the country, which is selling more freely In Kansas. Nebraska and other states. One house sold 2,000. 000 bushels at the gulf and bought more from the country than It sold for export. Premiums were better, and sales for ex port were made for shipment extending into June and beyond. The export business brought in heav general buying, with big shorts In the lead. The market having been oversold on the break, was In a position to respond to the new buying. Operators who sold early were buying at the close. Crop reports generally favorable. A few bad ones were in from western Kansas, but cut little figure. Corn and oats were governed by the same influences as wheat. An early break carried May corn down to OSc, and o on oats, to 88 ttc . The advance cams largely from wheat and short covering. Country offerings were light on corn and moderate on oats. The markets have had widespread breaks and there was general eveningup. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. Doug. 2627. April 2. Art. Open. High. Low. Close. I Tes'dy Wht. May July Rye May July Sep. Corn May July ' Sep. Oats May July Sep. Pork May July Lard May July Ribs May July l.7H l.S34 1.3714 1.85 l.UH 1.16H 1.18 1.1614I 1.14i 1.80 I.304 1.28 1.S0 1.304 1.06 1.06 1.12 1.10 1.06 .96 .97 .96 .97 .97 MS .60 .68 .60 ' .09H .62 .6354 .62 .63'i .tlH .64i .66 .63 .65 .64 .87 .87 .36 .37 .37 .87 .88 .37 .38 .38 .38 .98 .37 .38 .38 18.80 18.30 18.05 18.05 18.80 18.75 18.76 18.60 18.60 19.15 11.00 111.00 10.80 ' 10.80 ''11.06 U.26 111.30 11.17 11.17 11.40 10.45 10.46 10.27 10.34 20.(0 10.80 10.86 10.65 10.67 10.97 . . ' -w ,ul I1U weeks a true "baby food." A.- I lAJucii amounts ana proper .lfmfnt. fW. W ; -v- wvw wins, ao L. Vr ft .. Baby Chick Food It raises every good chick k - i..-. u... j vf-juwuuvi, VUi DIK1I Of and blended. l b.u t, ... osbf earth. Not Market News of the Day Live Stock Omaha. April I. Rcelts Official Monday... Official Tuesday.... Official Wednesday. Official Thursday . Official Friday Estimate Saturday,. lx days this week. . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . I 6.471 . 3,906 13,941 . 4.1411 19.140 . 3,9:9 4.700 . s. oat 0 3.400 .1:0 43, 843 11,969 17,199 9.119 3.195 3,(97 44,'m 41,479 44.78 (8,109 44,479 Same days last week 28,007 49.1T4 30.141 (10,179 37,9(13 77.198 38.S01 91,1193 Same days t wk. ago Kama days 9 wk. ago Same dsy year, ago. Receipts snd disposition of live slock at the Union Stocy Yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., April, 3, 1931, RECEIPTS CARS. . Cattle Hogs Missouri Pacific 13 C. & N. W.. west 1 !J C. St. P., M. tt 0 4 C, n. A Q., east 1 3 C, B. ft Q., west 4 C, R. 1. P.. east 1 C, R. I. A P,.west 4 Chicago Great Western 3 Total Receipts PISruSITlON HEAD. Morris & Co Swift A Co , Cudahy Packing Co , Armour A Co , 3 (0 744 793 9 731 390 J. W. Murphy Dold Pkg. Co J,. (49 Total 'm Cattle Less than 100 head' of cattle irrmfou iuu.v, not mourn oeing nere to make a market. For the week re ceipts have been only 19,300. 'While tbts Is one of th smallest runs of the year so far. the beef steer market hss been slug gish snd Is closing steady to 3o lower than a week ago, declines having been noted on heavy and half fat kinds of cat tle. Cows snd heifers closed slow, but still selling 26i3(0c higher than last Fri day. Outlet for stnehers and feeders hss been light all week and at the close they broke sharply, all hut the best kinds be ing (Oo snd In extremes 76o lower than last week. Quotations on cattle; Qood to choice beeves.; fair to good beeves. 98.0008.(0; common to fair beeves. 17.009 7.76; good to rholre yearlings. 36.6099.90; fair to good yearlings, 37.768.60; com mon to fair yearlings, $.767.75; choice to prime heifers.; good to choice heifers, 36.50(g'7.60; rholre to prime cows. 37.00 17.76; good to choice cows. 96.2(97.00; fair to good rows. 93.6099.00; common to fair cows. 32. 0004.(0: good to choice feedors, 38.00(5 8.60; fair to good feeders. $7.00(98.00; common to fair feed ers, $6.25 7.00; good to choice storkere. 37.5098.25; fair to good stoekers, 36.7(9 7.90: common to fair stoekers. 93.(096.(0; stock heifers. 85.00iO6.60; stork rows. $4.Mt 06.50; stock calves, 96.0097.60; veal calves, (5.5098.(0: bulls, stags, etc., 14.26 96.7(. Hogs The week is closing with the usual Saturdsy run of hogs, sbout 8.400 head showing up. Trade was rather slow with prices generally steady to a dime lower in spots. Best light hogs brought 39.(0, the day's top. snd bulk of the re ceipts sold from 88.6098.26. Although receipts this week have been very mod crate packing demand has been hack ward and the trade Is closing anywhere from6076c lower, with the average de cline about 6670c. HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. Xo. Av. Sh. Pr. 69. .366 ... 8 26 62. .294 70 8 60 62. .287 110 8 60 69. .252 70 8 65 65. ,2(12 70 8 70 68. .270 140 8 75 64. .289 ... 8 80 61 . .240 40 8 86 70. .213 180 8 90 73. .234 140 ' 9 00 70. .218 ... 9 10 84. .314 110 9 15 70. .204 40 9 30 66. .194 40 9 35 64. .183 ... t 60 Sheep No sheep or Iambs were re ceived today and values In all branches of this trade were nominal. The market has been unsatisfactory on most days this week and fat lambs are closing iOi? 75c31.n0 lower. Bast lambs are now 75c 31.00 lower. Beat lambs are now selling around S9.2(&'9.90. Fat ewes are generally steady ror the week and 96.00 is a popular price for good ewes. No auotable change has occurred in the market for feeding or shearing stuff. Unseed OU Duluth. Minn.. April 2. Linseed, on track. 31.53 91.65. To arrive, 11.52. a A Splendid Record The Safety Traffic Committee reports that in March (last month) Automobiles caused 33 Accidents and 21 Injuries. This is a splendid showing over March last year, during which 51 Accidents, 60 Injuries and 2 Deaths were reported from the same cause. It indicates that the public generally is realizing th necessity of driving with care and caution. However, until human nature changes there "will always be a few who insist upon being canal s, ira-e periling your safety and disregarding others. If you are wise, you will protect yourself against the acts of the irresponsible by securing Accident and Health Insurance. It may well be termed Income Protection and the cost is small. . HarryAIch-Co "PAYS THE CLAIM FIRST" Surety Bonds Insurance Investment Securities 640 First National Bank Building Tyltr 0360 GRAIN- V17E solicit your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kan sas City and Sioux City marketx We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located at Omaha. IWbrassra Get in touch with one of these branch offices, with your next grain shipment The Updike Grain Company "'The lieliable Consignment Hoiae" r!lllliilililllllfflliili!lli:i 1 Omaha Grain Omaha, April 2. Larger receipt! of grain wtr en hand today. Wheat arrivals were 62 cars, corn 57, oatt 13, ryt t and barley 2, Wheat and corn price were quoted strong. Oata brought yesterday's figures. Rye and barley were unchanged. Confirmation wai obtained on sales of 1,500,000 bushela of wheat to Germany, Italy and Belgium today, and also about a million bushela to iohr. A total of about J.OOO.boO bushel, tince the cloie yes terday was estimated. WHEAT. No 1 bard: 1 osr. 11.41 thsarylj ! csrs, ll.St; 1 car, 31.17 (smutty); ears, (leaded UNo. t hard: t cars. l.l; rent, it.; t r.r. 91 87 tsmutty) : I oars, ti l (load ed out). . . - No. 3 hard: 1 oar, lamri . 11.38: J cars, 91 8T; t A'..JVJ car, 11. 3( (smutty); 1 oar, . w smutty). ..... . . No. 4 hard: 1 ears, 1 esj , til (loaded out): 1 cars. II.J4; 1 ear. 9189. 1 car, 1.3I (amutty)J. 1 car. tl.ll (smutty). ..... . No. ( hard: I ears, (smutty) j 1 car, It 29 (smutty); 1 l-l cars, No. I mixed; 1 ear, (smutty). No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 11.11 (durum). CORK. No. I whites 1 ear. 4les 4 ears, 43e. No. t yeilowi 1 ear, 41 No. I yellow: 4 ears, 4le ears. l Sample yellow; 1 oar, Itej 1 ear, I8e (heatjng). No. 1 mlieds 1 oar, 47o. No. 1 mlxedt 14-1 ears. I No. 4 mixed! 11-5 ears, 4le. OATS. No. t white! 1 ear, 98e. No. I white: 1 ear, 14 a. ' No. 4 white: 1-9 ear, 31 s. RTH. No. I: 1 ear. tl.13. No. I: l-l ear. 11.37. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AWT IIUPMsTH'M Receipts Today. Inr Ar Wheat 911,000 l.ltf.MA Corn (91.009 1.0II.B90 Oato 484,000 l.Uf.OO" Shipments- Wheat ...171,019 601.009 TTl.ttV) ttl.000 Til. tOO Corn Oats saa sea ' EXPORT CLEARANCES Today. Tssr Ago. , . eta AAA llt.SOB Corn . IM.000 t.10? Oats ,.V Uifi,. -' CHICAGO CAR IA)T MB.i-s.jrio. Wssk Tesr Today Ago Ago Wheat 1J " Corn 71 181 " Oal. ...... " KANSAS CITI CAlt UUI xiB.-ptl-. Wk Tesx Today Ago Ags Wheat Corn . Oats ST.' LOUIB 'CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Tear Teds Ago Ago ., 10 111 ,. 4t no lit Wheat Corn , Oats NORTHWESTERN 'CAR IAT RECEIPTS wesic Tear Ago Ago 131 118 II 1 Today Minneapolis Ill ri.,t, 111 ii-. i. ui 160 III UMAHA nsiUEiir'f B APia snirn id. Tear X3 .Int. . TOrtftV Age Wheat , 61 Corn IT 71 74 t II 17 62 It Oats IS Rye Barley Hhlnmiifita Wheat II Corn. J...... 4 Oats 1 124 7 21 Rye i. ...... .. Barley St. Lenls Grain. St, Louis. Mo., April I. Wheat May, 11.36 bid; July, 91.14 asked. Corn May, 68 49 lie; July. II e Wd. Oats May. !8o bid; July. lte aaaad. Lincoln, Nebraska. Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Hotdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, low Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, lowm Kansas City, Mi o