Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1921, Page 8, Image 8
THK BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, APRIL 4. 1921. Classified Advertising Rates 10 par (In (count ill word to iln) I dv 16o per nr. pr day, 1 conaecullv daye loo per Una far aay, t conaecullv daya 14o par lino per dty, to conaacutlvo daya No ada taken for mi than a tolal of $6e. '1 hs rate apply either to th Dally or Sunday Ban. All advertisement ap pear In both morn in and owning dally paper for the on brg. CONTRACT HATKB UN APPLICATION. Want aila accepted at th following of fice: .MAIN ORTICE.. ..17th anil Farnam St. South Sid rhUipa Department Star Council Hluffa ..16 Boo It St. WAN r AU3 RECEIVED BY PHONB AT TYLER 1000. THF5 BKB will not b raponlbl for more than on Incorrupt lnaortlon of an aivartlMoieDt ordered tor more tbao on tim. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Kdltlon ll:4i A. M. Morning Edition 1:00 P, M. Sunday Edition 100 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. CUNNIMiHAM Anna I... aged 66 yearn, 2 inontha. 5, belued wif of'j. C. Cunningham. Funeral from Stack - Falconer funeral homo Sunday at 2 o'clock. Interment, Forest I. awn. Friends welcome. HALET Mia. Mary, aged 70 years. She i survived by her husband John, four aon. nna ilauKhter. Funeral Tuesday morning from residence. 2167 S. 9th St., at 8:30 a. ni Interment St. Marv remarry. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST riKnCBA f RTTT AM-tr BRRVK'B RiluW"""""""" HARNEt (4 Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNKRAL DIRECTORS. ,701 South ltith Sr DuugUa 1226. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Rnibaliiiora. Phtm H. SOS. Office 2(111 Farnam. FOR AMBITLANCU eall South a0. Knrlako Funeral Home. 23d and O Ht. FLORISTS LEE L. LARM0N t'onleneii Florlata ISM DoukImb St. I'oukIhj 844. I.. Ilenileraon, 1419 I'urtiom. DoiiKlaa 124H. .1 0 1 1 N h A T h71 S 0 1 Va r n It m.vT 1 1 0 . LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLKS LOST on street car tele phone Tjler 800. We are anxloua to re store lost article to rightful onners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS 6T. RV. COMPANY. PERSONAL. TH Ii! SALVATION Army Industrial home illicit your old clothing, furniture. ' magazines. We collect. ' distribute riion Doug 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne. 1110-1112-11 14 Podge Bh i'll'KlNS NATIONAL UKTECTIVB AliKNiT, Incirpnrattd. Iouglaa 1107. Suite SOS, i'axton Block. Omnha. Neb. SAV IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWODODA. 141S FARNAM STREET LENT Vacuum cleaner, $t up. Wal. 1947, n.V PT MASSEUSE 209 So. 20thT Li! 6877. WKAYINU Old rugs remade. Ty. 143.? ELECTRO MlOSSAilE, ;I7 Neville Block. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, Bid's knife, sunburnt, bo plcutlug. covered buttons, all sizes and stvua; Hemstitching, plejt edging, eye let cut work, buttonhole, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 193G. Neb. Pleatlnf A Button Co.. 1800 Farnam St., 2d floor. Douglas 6670. Clothing. SUITS SAVE 60 PER CENT. 1. B. GROSS. 402 N. 1BTH ST. DOUGLAS 6049. Contractors. I DO all kind remodeling, repairing. See my lmok of plans of bungalow and garages. Alvln Dickson. So. 3794. I WILL furnish' material and build good, strong 10x11! garage, two coats of paint, i for S125. Stevens, 4409 S. 22d. South 0527. BRICK, plaster and cement work. Wal nut 46H7. Detectives. RELIABLE Deteetlvf Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 105(5. Night Col. J813. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all eases. Tyler 113ft. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy. Stage and Ballroom Dancing Taught. Lesson by Appointment. ' EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Kwprcaa Theater. Tyler 6645. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME " LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Spe cial attention to children. Satlafactlon assured. lg. 2581. Kel-Pine School for Dancing. 2424 Furs. WE remodel your fur and make them like new. Furs stored and Insured against all losses. KNEKTKK ALASKA FT'R CO., 203 S. 15th. Doug. 7288. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon, lion First National Bank Bldg. Painting and Paper Hanging. PAINTING, paperhanglng and wallpaper cleaning J. Nau, Walnut 4567. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1711 Dodge. Patent Attorneys. Sturgess & Sturess, registered patent at torneys. 432 Peters Trust Bldg.. Omaha. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS pay the beat 'nrlee with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO 403 N. ltith 8L loug laa 5049. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 37th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine ray Iron castings. SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra sora, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 152! Dodge, lot N. 16. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. Massage, hot .)ck. CONCANNON BROS.. TYLER 67JL BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be . purchased at Rlalto Drug Store. 151b. and Douglas Sts., Omaha. Neb! FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. - Write for price. The Ensign Co.. -607 Howard St. HAULING, moving, all kinds, 2 hour; orders taken for black dirt, fertilizer, Web. 502. Registered physician, strictly confidential, consultation tree, appointment only, Har- ney S3.12. - NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Klectrlc. 318 S. 12th 8t., Omaha, FULL dress suit and tuxedo for rent, J09 N. 16th St. John Feldman, D. .128. LET Sheppard haul it. Black earth, muleher and ashes, etc. Call Wal. 1214. A. OLSEN, auto express, furnltur moving and hauling. Tyler 665. Omaha Towel Supply. 807 S. 11th. D. 0628. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FURNITURE SALE postponed until Sun day morning: 6 roome. fine condition; bargains. Wolf, second house beyond turn. Linden Ave. Lincoln Acres. Coun cil Bluffs, or call Mauer. Wellington Hotel, early. RATLROAD salvage, new bankrupt stock of furniture, glassware, hardware, granite-ware. E. Vaks. 2610 N St. S. 83V0. NEW, waxed oak library Tyler 1804. Apt. No. 3. table. $20. Drake Court. FIVE ROOMS of furniture, lease on cot tage If desired. Call Doug. 7237. SEWING machine for sale. 3837 S. 23d. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent. Everything In art and music BIGGEST phonograph tsrgain In Omaha. Shlae Phonograph Co.. 1404.. Dodge. PIANO for sale. Call Har. 18S0. Clothing. TUXEDO suit and spring overcoat. Call Deoflaa 6816. Week daya Opportunity is knocking Read Bee Want Ads. BRINGING UP I'LL POT THl'o PLrVSK AXROb THE COURT TO ANOTHER A.RNRTMENT THEN I'LL CRA.VL OVER A.KT A.V.I- MIM IF HF'I OUT THROWH'" FLrXT FOR SALE. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine p-uarnntccd. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1912 Frtrnam. PROTECTOURAPHS. F71kE.'t-. bargain! 19 Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard cale, 3 Hi 3 fool platform, alao 21-lneb Buffalo Forg Co. exhauat fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam St. Tbone Tyler tooo. FOR SALE. ONE $1500 NATIONAL CASH REGIS TER. 9115 MEAT SMI'Elt. 9175 TOLEIH) SCALE. 9145 TOLEDO SCALE. AT A BARGAIN. 1 lNQCItiH TABLE surn.Y CO, 17th and PoimlaH. HOUSES. BARNS, GARAGES ALREADY t ut or Secllonal, direct from our mills. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Save $.',00 to fl.r.OO. Kasy l'ayin-nl?. Write for Catalog A79H. slating whether house burn or garage. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. CHICAGO-PHILADELPHIA. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needles and Paris. MICHEL'S 15th and Harney. IVurlai 19V3. SUITS SAVE 50 PERCENT, D. B. GROSS. 402 N. 10TB ST. DOUGLAS 601,1. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas, D. 2724. NEW and used lumber.' Kindling deliv ered. L. Mlcklin & Son. 1S2S North Slat St. Webster 0459. CJ A HTPQ BARGAINS. 12th & Farnam. XLlO j. j. Parlght Safe Co. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and urnlture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. 705 N in WANT TO BUY Used Ediphone. Box 0-15. WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them POSITION bs P. B. X. operator. 6 years' experience; or clerical. Box O-ll, Bee. WASHING for Tuesday and Wednesday. Tyler 1554. Laundry and Day Work. LAUNDRY of all kinds, curtains, clasa work. Web. 572S. first- I.AUNDRY and day work. Web. 0202. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. TWO granite cutters, 1 letterer, 1 polish er; steady work, good wages, good cli mate. Sunset Monument Co., 2727 First Ave., South, Seattle. Wash. MOLER BARBER COLLEGI. 110 So. 14th. Yrf catalog. OMAHA EMPlJoYMENTnRUREAL. 121 N. 16th St. Phone Douglas 1112 FIRST-CLASS Linotype machinist. Fore- man Omaba Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. INTELLIGENT, conscientious and hard working salesman to represent one of the largest and oldest paint and varnish manufacturing companies in the state of Nebraska and part of Iowa. Salary and bonus with expenses advanced. In reply give references, past sales expe rience, age and telephone number to Insure prompt Interview. Address Box Y-1473. Omaha Bee. THREE good salesmen, one as crew man ager for household specialty. C. F. Adams Co., 623 S. ICth St. PLAIN and fancy bundle-wash, silks and curtains a specialty. Web. 6123. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladies who desire to prepare for office position to enroll in our short courses in shorthand, type writing and general office training. In dividual instruction. Tuition payahle monthly. Call and seo us or telephone Douglan 7415. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, 2d Floor Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam. WHITE GIRL for general housework in apartment; must be good cook, with city references; 2 in family; no washing; pleasant room Rnd bath. Harney 699S. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADY Two flrst-rlass exp. sales ladies for suit and coat department; good wages and bonus. Apply at once. Beddeo Clothing Co. See Mr. Sperry. Household and Domestic. W'HITE GIRL for general housework In apartment. Must be good cook: with city references. Two in family, no washing, pleasant room and bath. Har ney 6998. GIRLS Watch the Domeatlc Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid end homelike place always advertised. WANTED White girl for general house work; no washing. Phone Walnut 07S'1. COMPETENT white girl for general house work. 2 in family. Best wages. H. 0207. GIRL to help with housework and caro of children. Webster CO".".. WHITE female cook, small-pox hospital. Walnut 187.1. WANTED a cook and housemaid. Walnut 4090. Tlione WANTED White woman for house work. Good home. 4508 Izard. COMPETENT white girl for second work. A. W". Gordon. 3611 Jackson. HELP WANTED. Male -and Female. YOUNG, men, women, over 17, for postal mail service. $120 month. Examina tion April. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of instruction, write J. Leonard (former civil service examin er), 909 Equitable Bldg., Waahington, P. C. WANTED Men, ladle and boys to :earu barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1401 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT 'CHOOL. Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting, railroad and wlr les telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for larg; Illustrated catalog. Address BOTLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, "'eb. Van Sant School of Buainea. Day and Evening School. 12 Omaba National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6899. FATHER m I I FT BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR S.T,K Wnter power, 300 to hor.e. with aulltary steam jlHnt, ami heavily coiiHtruclcd brick nd- jolnins. Located ciistern Xcbrak ; railroad fiK'llilles best. Addrciiit Uox No. 34, Lincoln, Neb. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOU investment, will tmy 1"0 per cent on money invested. If interested Address, O-Tl Omaha Bee. WANT to henr from owner having busi ness for Mile. j. c. MeConney, 1102 l''rn:irn street, Omaha, Neb. TO GET in or out of buslnes. aee LEWIS & Co.. 411 McCagje Blue FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have sou planned on making a ohange, which will be more convenient for vou? If so, tfiett call The Bee .Vant Ad Drpt., Tyler 1000, and wc wfll ,.oi only furnish you with a complete .com list of choico vacant rooms In Omahit, but also keep your number on our ' Want to Rent" list for further refer ence in cose you wanted to make an other change. These lists are nhsolutcly free of charge to all readers and udver-" Users of The Omaha Bee and puhlishen solely for (heir convenience and benefH. Cull any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. NICELY furnished room In private fam ily for gentleman, walking distance, ref erence, liar, r,S7!L VERY desirable room for rent. 2"2ft I'r.itt. Webster Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST -V MOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER l)lf. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT F OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLER 1000. VANT A I . COZY two" room hkpg. apt. 2nd floor l-ont, light, gas and heat furnished. 1129 So. 2Sth, Unr. 1697. 221s DOUGLAS ST. Desirable light house keeping and sleeping rooms; ncwlv deco rated. Tyler 5x.ii',. TWO beautiful furnished rooms. one housekeeping, one sleeping. 2007 St. Marys Ave. NICELY furnlMicl, clean, light hourekeep ing rooms. Webster 0X02. 2 MODERN rooms, couple enipoiyed. very Well. reasonable, to LIGHT house! home, privat ping rooms in modern family. Doug. 9104. 2 Turn. liKht housek'ing mis. liar. 1141 Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE A'ANT ADS, AND IE YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YO I WAN"" IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. "lOO AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. BEAUTIFUL southeast room, with alcove: young men or couple employed; on car line; excellent board. Harney 4(in. Miscellaneous. BASEMENT room. 30x15 ft., in large garage, suitable for tiro or radi.itor re pair shop. Tyler FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. RESPONSIBLE family without children wants to rent modern 8 to 10-rooin house. Scamlrett, Douglas 4000. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. WE have a 3-rin. and bath, completely furnished, apartment. 25th and Barney to rent for 535. Thin Is worth tha money. Bedford-Johnston Co., Douglaa 173 4. 2211 ST. MARYS AVE., 3-roont furnished apartment, private entrance, walking distance. Tyler 6026. Unfurnished. The Elwood AVe havo a five-room apartment with six-room efficiency to snn leHO in the beautiful Elwood, nit uatod at 4Uth Ave. and Dodge Ft. Anions' the many modern features of this apartment home are in cinerators, wall ea fea In bedroom, outride feed to ice box, package delivery cases aftd pluprs in every room for your various electric appliances. J. L. Hiatt Company, 1914-16 Douglas St. Hiatt Bldg. Ty. 0063. THE EL BEUDOR. Dodge, at ISth Street, Tyler 4200. Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservation Filed for Future Occupancy. AVAILABLE APRIL 1. No. 7. Ardmore Terrace, 5 rooms, $126. No. 10, Mount Vernon. 5 rooms. 5140. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." 17th and Farnam Sts. Tyler 0514. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. FOR RENT Business Property. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 8. 18TH ST. Office and Desk Room. Glfices for rent. Apply H. E. Izard, Room 401. Neb Power Co., 15th and Farnam. FOR RENT Desk room, In Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 356, forenoon. MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT YOURSELF. Do you busy people know es pecially those who have to put In a full day's worK that you can rent a one-ton Ford truck and Drive It Yourself night or day and do oil your trucking or moving. Handle your own stuff and cut your cost half in two. We novel close. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Douglas 322. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST Ol.' HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, 1 K'7-l 1 Howard St. Douglas 2. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and planes, moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., S06 South 16th. Doug. 4181 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 3400 UNION TRANSFER CO. Let 'us estimate your moving, packing Rid storage, 1605 Davernort. Doug. 290s. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SINGLE Comb Red eggs for hatching from prize winning stock, $2 for 15 or $15 for 100. Huston Fruit Farm, $703 N. 36th t. Col. 4164. "WHEAT screenings $1 75 per 100 lbs., delivered. A. W. ' Wagner, 801 North 16lh St. Douglas 1142. THOROUGH BRED baby rhleks, nice qual ity, lowest prices, 15 varieties. 718 N. DIHu RHUS, thourouglibreds Colfax ;;:i:.. eggs $1.25 settina THOROUGHBRED Buff eggs, lmch. Wal. i i?:9. i hope: he i a S i! L ,b A BIT OF T S rJBsJ CONGENIAL NEIGHBOR- mwr LUCK ) MeU WW Ab I HUbT IT OUT J S f ' JJ MM,, TONIiHT NOW TO W ' J vJ .Ji'P k5 ! WW X it mat am-roA-r. 1 ryTTf riff? H "J". HT m) v v h .j 2 t w I Registered U. & Talent Office. ItaT t Q, HORSES AND VEHICLES Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. e make them ourselves and sell hem direct to the farmers. You get tl" best that can be made at first cost, you don't have to pay any middleman' profit, and then get poor harness. We are making big reduction In prices nearly pre-war prices. Harness Loin 140 to $100 per set. Our goods are guaranteed. The store I 62 year d and the oldest saddelery store In tha west. Alfred Cornish & Co., Successors to Collins & Morrison, 1210 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE K YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD USED CAR CONSIDER THESE ' 2 Dort Tourings. 1 Maxwell Touring. I. ale models, priced reasonable, con venient terms If dcsiable. DORT SALES CO.. 2:il Farnam, Doug. 60s;. Open evenings and Sundays. CfW a Dort, you'll like it, qualily goes clear through. Two Real Bargains One late, model Ford sedan with siarter; first class condition. The other a late Ford coupe with starter, like new. SEE THESE BEFORE YOU BUY. HUGHES-PARMER ' MOTOR CO. 119-165 West Broadway. Phone 9j4. COUNCIL BLUFFS. LATE MODEL MAXWELL TOURING, GOOD CONDITION, AT A BARGAIN'. MONTHLY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED. CPU 27 65. SOM E bargains in used Furd cars. Mc Caffrey .Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson, Douglas 5500. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sts. GOOD delivery truck for sale cheap. . quire 413 So. 11th St. In- Trucks. TRUCKS FOR SALE. One l1.j-ton, pneumatic tires and cab. One 2-ton pneumatic tires in front, caterpillar tread tires in rear, with cab. One 3-ton. solid tires and cab. All brand new, never been driven. Douglas Motors Co. Trucks. These trucks are a bargain at tho price we ask for then). OMAHA STEEL WORKS, Omaha. Neb. Auto Livery and Garages. FOR SALE OR TRADE A 1918 Allan car. 1718 Cuming. FOR SALE Indian motorcycle with side car, A-l condition. 2566 Pierce St. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and stock. (8,000. Land Exchange, St. Paul. Minn. Equity Nebraska Lands. PRICED TO SELL. 10,000-acre Cherry county ranch, 2 sets improvements, fenced and cross-fenced; .'I miles running water, 45-acre hog pas ture in alfalfa; cut 1,000 tons hay, 600 acres alfalfa and farm land. Price, $16. One-third cash. Further Information, write or see S. O. Nordquist, 323 Ne ville Blk. Pennsylvania Lands. LOW priced farms for sale In good dairy country. $20 to $75 per acre. The E. H. Shreve Real Estate Co.. Union City, Pa. Texas Lands. 5C AN ACRE CASH Texas school lands for sale by the state at $3 per acre; 5c per. acre cash, balance In 40 years, 6c per cent Interest. Send 6c postage for further informa tion. Investor Publishing Co., Dept. 26, San Antonio, Tex. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY SPECIAL NUMBER just out, containing 1921 facts of clover land in Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology. It ia free on request. Address Skid-more-Rlehle Land Co., 433 Skldmore Rlehle Bldg., Marinette, Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC.. 638 Kecllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMd O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE) CO.. 101S Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doue. 2715. FARM loans, best terms and rates. Paul Peterson, Brandels Theater Bldg. 1100 to $10,000 made Dromntlv. P. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 8. 18th St. FARM loans, best terms and rates. Paul Peterson, Brandeis Theater Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. EXCEPTIONALLY good Investment, will pay 100 per cent on money Invested. If Interested, address Box 0-13 Omaha Bee. friends. W. A. Bower, Lewlstown, Mont. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1420, WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787. HAVE inquiries for hemes do you want to sen your property L,ist it witn C. A. Grltnmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg, TJTpTTpmm REAL ESTATE: J-1. J.VXVXJ X X Sells, Rents. Insures 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 0S33 P.J. TEBBENS REAL ESTATE Ins. and Rental 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 2182 W. G. SHRIVER ".SSSJ. 1047- Omaha. Nat. Bk. Bid. Dou. 168 T.TST homes rind Income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Ditus. 1966. LISTINGS WANTED Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbacb B. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1606 Dodge Bt. Douglas 1346. E. G. SOLOMON ?5": VESTMENTS. 617 Ka.baoh Blk. D. 6262, REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Acreage. ACREAGE. . S arrrs til Florence Hfight. 1,200 ft. front in i? on Washington highway at No. McKtnlt-y St. Entrance nt comer o 4th and McKinley St. Seven -room modern house, .1 -story, born. 1 acre . fruit. 3 acres slfalfa. Must sell in II) i rifys; a bargain. Kssy terms; see own- i er on the place. Colfax 0311, R. Lackey. iEE J I CCS AND MAGGIE IN PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY .ommon Dense By J. J. MUNDY. Adapt Yourself. Arc 011 satisfied to go on doing the same old things in the same old way? Do you feci that it is foolish for you try to find new ways of doing things foolish for you to ado; t new ways so long as the one you follow at the present time suits you? If these ae your ideas, you are drifting to a place where you are go ing to be dropped and a man of more modern ideas is going lo replace you. If your hoss did not want a change in the way of doing work 111 your department do not think at o::cc of the drawbacks to the proposed change. Try instead to formulate a plan to make the new system 1 suc cess. That is what the hoss wants you to do. Mow do you know but what you might like it better anyway, so why not jump at the suggestion? It you boss did not want a change he would not suggest it, and it he were satislicd with things as they arc going he would not want to pro pose a new way. If you are middle-aged it is im portant that you keep strict tab on yourself in order not to become a back number. It is easy to keep up if you adopt new and practical ways as fast as they come to light. Forget the old ways. Copyright, 1521. International Feature Where It Started State Eudcation. In the old days professors were too proud to take wages, and de pended on gifts from their pupils for their existence. The Roman em peror Vespasian was the first to es tablish state-paid education during his reign, (about 69 A. D.) (Copyright, 1921, By the Wheeler Syndi cate, Inc.) REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. DUPLEX press brick flat, walking dis tance, oak finish, income $1,200; price, $9,500. Call days. Douglas 1734. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. $2,000 EQUITY In- an eight-room modern home, value of property $s.000. Terms on balance. What have you? Bee, Boa O-1 6. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. VOTE for Netbaway, taxp'y'rs eandt. Read my municipal farm plank before voting. NETHAWAY. Suburban proo'ty. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN. 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. North. 5-R00M COTTAGE ' '2 LOTS $4,350. 5-room strictly modern cottage In fin repair and two nice level lots at 27th and Camden Ave. Ono block to car line, close to school. Owner is leaving city and we can givo possession at once. Fine location for garden and chickens. On? of the best buys on our list. Reasonable terms. J. L. Hiatt Company, "Better Values" Hiatt Bldg. 1914-16 Douglas St. Tyler 0063. Miller Park Bungalow Just listed a 6-room strictly modern bungalow; 5 rooms and bath on the first floor; finished in oak; one room finished on the second floor; full cement basp mont; extra large lot, 42 foot wide and lt5 feet dnep, on paved street, paving all pair). We have thiH listed at a bargain of $7,300, very reasonable terms. Location is A-l. Payne Investment Co. 637 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. I. 1761. BEMIS PARK 1026 Ncrth 33d street, seven-room mcdern house; garage. For terms see owner, 323 North 87th street. A NIFTY BUNGALOW 5 rms, finely fin ished In oak and enamel, a full base ment and a floor attic. Price $6,300, easy terms. Web. 6305. 3306 FOWLER AVE., 7 rms.. mod. ex ht.; 2 lots, chicken house, fruit trees. $700 cash. bal. mo. Crelgh. 608 Bee. D. 0200. MINNB LUSA home and lot offer th best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone. Tyler 187. HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Davie. 2630 Grant SL W.bster 2420. J. B. ROBINSON, real eatate and Invert ment. 643 Peter Trust Doug. 8n7. D. K. BUCK A CO. buy and sell home. South. SOUTH SIDE. Modern 6-room cottage, rloae to car, $3,650. Easy terms. Alfred Thoma A Son. 604 1st Nat. Bk. Miscellaneous. S-ROOM stucco houso for sale. Call Harney 1607. Bargain. W Make Omaha RESIDENCE LOANS Monthly Installment Plan, Prepayment any tint. Also Loan on Business Properties Liberal Optional Privileges. Reasonable Commissions. FULL BEB OUT ItHI (?) 1921 The Bee's PIG TAILS By A. MARIA CRAWFORD. "What's the big idea, Margaret, plaiting your hair in braids! down your back today?" asked Anne Feltnor, joining her schoolmate as they left the class room, where they had been taking their final examina tion at Miss Wcstmorc's select school for young ladies. "My hair is so heavy that 1 de cided I could think better in that trig exam today if 1 Icit it hanging down. None of us seem to care how wc look this week. Everybody is considering the awful possibility of flunking on finals. It would simply kill me if I failed to graduate with the rest of you girls in my class." "You fail?" scoffed admiring Anne. "Why, you know that you always make higher marks than any body. Doesn't it seem ages ago that we primped and powdered, curled and dressed according to the latest copy of Vogue? Well, thank good ness, today ends the distress. No more exams. I have crammed so much this week that I'll wager my head is injured' for life." "Mine, too," laughed Margaret gaily. "I am going to celebrate by eating all the candy I want. T have been afraid to cat much lately for fear I would get my stomach out of order and be sick at exam time. Mother sent me my commencement clothes yesterday. Come to my room this afternoon? We'll have a feed and I'll exhibit my pretties." "Sounds more exciting than sleep," yawned Anne drowsily, "Guess I'll take you up. Say, who is that good looking man over there by the chapel with Professor Smythe?" Margaret looked in the direction indicated. Then she started. The vision was lifting his modish straw hat and smiling as he started toward her. Her lips parted childishly. The arm holding some books and tablets was nressed painfully into her side. "Why, Anne, it's Captain Allen Cas well, the man I met when father was at Camp Greenleaf durirg the war. And look at me! My nose shining! My hair down1 This mussed gingham. Oh, it's terrible!" The debonair figure came swiftly across the stretch of green campus Margaret's breath seemed to stick in her throat. She presented her awed classmate stamineringly. "Why, I I'm so glad to see vou " she said when Anr.e had fled to the dormitory with the great news that the soldier Margaret had been writ ing to all the time was right there, at the college. "What arc you do ing here?" she asked, finally, to make conversation. "That's a funny question," hugh cd the man easily, "I came to see you." Then he looked at her ouiz "zically. "Say, you look' younger than you did two years ago at c-tmp. You arc, perchance, Margaret's baby sister." Margaret laughed at that and tossed her heavy braids back from her flushing face. "That is funny. Mother will enjoy it when I tell her I was only 16 when lather went to camp, and that time I visited him, when I met you, I persuaded mother to let me dress up like a grown per son. I had never worn a really low evening dress in my life until the right of that dance at the Armory. How I enjoyed it! 'It was just like living in a stor" book." "Upon my vford," ejaculated the man soberly. "Why, you were so self-possessed, so calm over the ad miration you naturally elicitated you took the attention of the officers so g-aciously why, I thought you were 20 "at least. And I have been writing you love letters. I meant them, too," he added stubbornly. They had turned and were walk ing slowly toward the dormitory. Anne's news had spread like a flash of lightning across the sky. There were faces at every window, watch ing breathlessly, the girls thought it was better than seeing their fa vorite actr,ess in a thrilling love scene. It was real, not "make believe." They were touching the rosy-hued garments of life itself. They were breathing the fragrance of romance at last and they were in toxicated with the brimming cup Margaret's wartime experience was offering them. Margaret looked up and saw the rows of eager eyes. She felt horri bly ill at ease. Awkward! Jt she had only put her hair tip in its usual smooth, shining coils! If she had only donned the blue linen with its fascinating vest of real Irish crochet! "What what did you say?" she inquired with an effort. "You aren't listening. What's the matter?" The quiet, stern voice made her look up at him quickly. "Aren't you glad to see me, Margaret, when I've been thinking about you, dreaming of seeing you again all these months?" Margaret straightway forgot the rows of watchful eyes. She heard t,he tremor in his voice, felt in stinctively, the quick pain in his heart, his disappointment. She longed with all the burning maternal ardor of extreme youth to shield him from anything hurtful. She laid a timid hand on his sleeve. The cur tains at the dormitory windows shook violently as the girls leaned closer to see what would happen next. "Why, Allen, I am so glad, so glad, that it hurt. I can't tell you how glad I am. Hut I am conscious of my hair down I never wear it like this it was my final exam to Drawn for The B?e by McManus Copy right, lv:i International New Servic ' AY-F-RiEND -WILL VOU ' LET ME OUT Dt VOUR FRONT DP OR? I WANT TO iNEAK TONICHT;, BY INT'L FtATUWt StHVICt. INC Short Story day. I was tired, nervous. 1 am such a sight in this old gingham." Relief dawned on his handsome face. His own hand quickly cover ed hers, there on his arm. "You wanted to be dressed up ior nic?" Incredulity at his great good luck sounded in his quivering voice. All of the color in her slim young body rushed to her checks and throat. "Yes," she fairlv gasped. "I do. I did." "Then I'll say good-bye and run back to the hotel ior an hour. Will you go to dinner with nic tonight? I have a letter from your father to Miss Wcstinore. It will he all right. Mav 1 come hack hv o'clock?" "I'll he.'l be so glad-" Then he was gone and Margaret rushed into the dormitory and fell into the arms of the girls waiting for her at the head of the stairs. "Look in your room!" they cried in chorus. Margaret opened the door and saw two boxes, one of them so large that the maid had put it on the nar row bed. She clipped the string around it with hands that trembled. Back of her the room overflowed with girls. She lifted an armful of La France rose buds from moist tis sue paper wrappings. Then she opened another box, tied with pink satin ribbons. Candy! Ten whole pounds of it. She bad never owned such a huge box before. "(iirls, help yourselves," she calli inviting lyi "He's coining back at J. 1 have to get lunch and dress. What would you wear? She opened the closet door with a flourish. Finally her roommate put the. other girls out and they fell to work, those two, making Margaret as love ly as possible. She found a note from her mother in the pocket of the new blue linen dress. "1 am send ing you a little white georgette dress to wear when Allen Caswell visits you. He called on us and asked permission to go to sec you. He was wounded in France and is just now getting strong and well again. You are very young to have a real lover but we must take into consideration that Allen Caswell is a man in a thousand. "I'm going to dinner with him pt the hotel tonight," said Margaret, giving her roommate a little squeez". "I'll wear the georgette then." Her eyes were shining like stars when she finally descended the stairs watched from above by dozens oi admiring girls who looked on enviouslv while she went forth on the Great Adventure. Allen Caswell met her at the dooi o! the little wicker furnished sittins loom. "I brought you two gradua tion gifts. You are to have yo.L choice. I showed them to your mother and she said it would be nil right for you to take either of them." He held out a jewejer's velvet box. She gave a little cry of rapture at tight of the platinum bracelet set with sapphires that shone against the white satin lining. "Oh, this is what I want," she. whispered. "Nothing could be as lovely as thi-s." She held out her arm as he slipped it on? Then he put his hand into his vest pocket. "This," he held out a flash ing solitaire. "You know what it means. I want you before any other man has a chance to take you from me, Margaret, dear. I know now that you are only a little girl I'll pe willing to wait if only you prom ise me that you will try to learn to care. I want you to have gay, good times; know other men, of course, for I want you to be sure that you care as I care. I'll keep this ring waiting for you forever if you think if you dream that you can ever care for me I love you so. It was the thought of you that kept me safe over there." She smiled with the wisdom of all ages as she unfastened the bracelet and handed it back to him. Then she held out her hand her left hand for his ring. "I'm sure now," she said, with lips that quivered a little. ' Mother was only 19 when father That was as far as she could go. A little later he slipped the bracelet back on her arm. That's yours, too. Everything that I have is yours, Margaret." Overhead girls inclined their cars in an effort to hear some sound. What would they have done if they had known that Margaret had not only set out on the Great Adven ture, but that she had .also found it? Jewel, Flower. Color Symbols for Today By MILDRED MARSHALL. .. The turquoise governs dday's des tinies, being both the talismanic and the natal stone. However, there are persons who should not wear it despite its significance at this time, since it turns green when they put it on. However, such cases, fortunately, are rare, and practically everyone is immune from being thus marked for misfortune. For others the turquoise attracts many blessings, chief among which is good health. For those on w hom it turns green, the ancients believed that it attracted disease. Lavender is a fortuniatc color to day, especially for those who arc of a nervous temperament. Today's flower is the violet, which should bring good luck especially if worn over the heart. (Copyright. 1J21. by The Wheeler Syn.l bv The Whe it". In.) . . Bee Want Ads little, but mighty, i I Iflat I Romance in Origin Of Superstitions By H. I. KING. Diving by Tea Grounds. Telling fortunes by means of the fragments of tea leaves remaining in Hie cup after the tea has been drunk is a polite form of sorcery with which wc are all familiar. Doubtless you can think of at least one woman of your acquaintance who is particularly expert at it. Having imbibed your tea, turn the cup "upside down" in the sauc- i and whirl it around three times. Turn I lie cup "rightside up" again and examine the leaf fragments clinging to the bottom and sides There lies your future. In this magic rite wc have a double-header a combination ot iw ancient systems of divination, IlydiuiiKiiicy and t'crcniancy. Hy droniai'.vv was much practiced its J'lu ieiit F.g pt. A bowl or cup wai filled with water and a selected per son, generally a young hoy, gazed into it until he became hypnotized and "saw thing" when the hyno-tizrr-magician interpreted what the boy thought he saw. It was the same trick which the strolling ma gicians ol north Africa perform to day by means of a drop of ink in a boy's hand anil which many travel ers have witnessed. When Joseph sent his messengers to find his silver cup in Benjamin's slick he instructed them to say: "Is not this my lord's cup in which my lord tlrinketh and wherein he divinelhr'' Hence the myotic qualities of the cup. The signification of the tea leaves is an echo of Ccroinanry w hich con sisted of dropping melted wax into water and divining by tfic forms the v.av assuihed in cooling. Ccrouiancy is a vey old art but tea was only introduced into Eu rope in the 17th century, yet the primitive mind, still subsisting in man at once seized upon the tea grounds a a means of fortelling the future as that same mind had seiz ed upon the melted wax some thou sands of years before. Copyright. 1921, by The MiClur Newspaper Syndicate. Dog Hill Paragrafs "By Ueorge Bingham' The Mail Carrier desires to an nounce lo his patrons as well as his friends, that it is a waste of both time and money to send a letter bv him marked In Haste, as he hasn't got time to fool with such business. The stranger that passed through here about a month ago passed back through here yesterday and asked for another drink of water. Sid Hocks says the man must be an in veterate water drinker. It was reported at the blacksmith shop this morning that Toke Eazley had decided to cut down the running expenses of his family by disposing of. four of his rabbit dogs. Copyright, 1921. G'.org' MaHlrv A'lamr WHY Is the Devil Called "Old Nick?" The world "Nick," so aften ap plied to His Satanic Majesty, comes to us from the Anglo-Saxon Nicor the water spirit, a name which if found in a similar form in German, Swedish, Danish and Icelandic. Iti prevalence shows the extent to which the worship of the water deity was formerly carried seas, rivers and lakes alike being worshipped by all Aryan nations. Of late years the respect for the Devil appears to have waned ma terially, but formerly, and especialh in ancient times, the powers of evil were treated with a great degree of reverenc. Thus the Greek Furies, the avenging deities, were named F.umcnidrs or the "Well-Wishing Ones." and in the Book of Jude in the Bible, wc read that "Michael the archangel, when contending with the levil. he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, hut sain, The Lord rebuke thee'." A homely and rather amusing instance of the desire to stand well with the powers of darkness is given in Conway's "Demonology," where the story is told of a Hampshire mother who asked a friend if she made her chil dren bow when they mentioned the Devil's name, adding solemnly, "I do I think it's safer!" (Copyright, 1521. by The Wheeler Syndl dicato, Inc.) Parents' Problems Can a child who has a very high voice he helped to a deeper tone? Imitation is the best helper here. The child very soon will take the tone of his father and mother. I. O. O. F. District Mrctliis Will Be Held in Hastings Hastings. Neb.. April .'.(Spe cial.) Twenlv-three lodges of Odd Fellows in the Hastings district will hold their eighth annual meet ing here Wednesday. The district has a combined membership of 1.50H and it is expected J(K) delegates will attend the meeting. Eiglilh Grade Examination. Pawnee lily, Neb., April X (Spcvial.1 The regular spring ex aminations for eighth grade stu dents will he held in this county on April 7 and . Twelve places over ti'e cul.ntry have been provided so llu. mip,, Uit June only a small distance lo go.