THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. APRIL 4. 1921. 1 A ISLt t P Y I i,m k. m i- . . h a "ONWARD OAH A" 'THE TALE OF TOMMY FOX ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY x r CHAPTER XIII. Johnnie Green and His New Pet Tommy Fox was in a terrible fix. lie was caught fast by the foot in a trap; and if that isn't being in a fix. I should like to know what is. AH night long he whimpered and cried. All night long he tugged and pulled, trying to get free. Hut the more he tugged the more the trap hurt his foot. And the harder lie cried. Mrs. Fox couldn't help Tommy at all. She stayed with him throughout the night, and tried .to comfort him. And she only left when morning came and she smclled men coming Hz could hear her often, at night, calling to Mm from the fields across the fields. Then, with one sorrowful look at Tommy, she crept sadly away. Jn a few minutes more Farmer Green and his boy Johnnie reached Mrs. Fox's door. And they were both greatly pleased when they saw that the trap had done its work so well. "It's a young cub," Farmer Green said, as soon as he spied Tommy 1 'May I have him, Father?" John nie asked quickly. "I'd like him for 3 Tommy Fox vai terribly fright ened when he heard that. You see, he didn't know what a "pet" was. HOLDING A Adele Garrison's Revelations The Plan Lillian Suggested to Dicky. If I might venture to suggest," I illian said with suspicious meekness in answer to Dicky's demand as to where ve were going to live. n "You may speak, Patient Gnsejda, Dicky replied with an impish grin at h"rm going to." she retorted a little grimly, "and if you have any usurer s blood in you my remarks will doubt less grieve you deeply. You made a pretty good thing on the sale ot the house, didn't you?" "You've said something, Dicky re .,i;,i Knminr "I feel hke a profiteer, but it's the first time m a tong and misspent life that I ever succeeded in getting the better end of a deal in a business transaction. And when t contemplate the party ot the second part, that unspeakable woman who was. snooping around , here the. other day. I'm ready to gloat over every dollar of it. 1 know- she's a skinflint, and that she sheds a tear on every cent as it is transferred. Are those tears sweet to rnuli? Almost as sweet as the. dollars." What Is This?" "I hope vou're not too attached to the dollars,'" Lillian went on demure ly, "for I'd like to separate you from about a thousand of them, for which you will get no return except a little increased comfort and sense of , se curity." Dicky whistled. "What is this, a rag?" he demanded. 'Nothing of the sort," Lillian re plied. "1 never-was more serious in my life." "Stop the car, Madge!' he com manded whimsically, but there was a note in his voice which told me that he reallv meant this unexpected request. "I've got to look into this. A thousand iron men! Police! Am I permitted to inquire what you in tend to do with it?" ' I drew the car to the side of the road, turned off the engine, and, turning around watched Lillians face with interest. I had no more idea than had Dicky Of the scheme which was evidently concocting . in her brain. ,. , "There really isn't the slightest reason why I sliould inform you of the money's destination," Lillian drawled. "You've been clever enough to extort it from a poor, helpless, brow-beaten woman that ought to content you. But, 'secin' as it's you.' I'll elucidate, hut I warn you it'll take some time." She settled herself more comfort ably in her seat, evidently gave the points of her disclosure a quick mental review, and then began to speak in the slow drawl which she affects sometimes: "Let's proced from-the known to the unknown," she began. In the first place, we've satsifieil ourselves fhat there's no house to rent, and none that we wish to buy within commuting distance of New York, x Even if we older people wished to live in New York this summer an unthinkable proposition for Marion and Junior we couldn't find an apartment. Things are worse, there than in the suburbs. And by dint of difrgent inquiry I have found that every furniture warehouse is filled to the brim. Also the moving men within a radius of forty miles won't promise a thing till after May IS." Arranging to Work. "Whew!" Dicky's face showed - ,i,rm -,nt i-liao-rin "And we're due to get out of here long before that! If it were anybody but that dame in the offing but it would be useless to expect anything from her. , We've simply got to get out. I'll grant von the thousand. Lil. I'll give it to you as a commission, ii you'll get us out of this mess." "I never rob a cradle," she retorted impudently. "All I ask is that you rx'riin f mm an v remarks about fool J&X1- it 5omen, tyinecesjary. expense and, He thought that probably it was something like a stew, for he had been told that people ate things like that; and he could see himself, in his mind's eye, being cut up and tossed into a pot. "A fet, eh?" said Farmer Green. "Well, I suppose so. He's hardly worth skinning. Yon may have him, I guc'ss. But look out that he does, not bite you." Johnnie Green was delighted. He i,.torl tii father nut Tommv into an old sack, and taking the trap, too, they started toward tne larmnouse. wi..n iir reachert Farmer Green's .Villi. , - , r. Tnhnni and his father fitted , cff rntlar a limit Tommy's neck. And they fastened one end of a chain 1 j .v. ..1... 1,. tuxl to It; ana me umci mu . , staVi which thev drove into the ground in Farmer Green's dooryard. Then Johnnie Green set a big wooden box close beside the stake. He tipped the box over on its side, and tnrcw some straw niiu u. And that was Tommy Fox's home. v.. .nitrti thintc that it was a much nicer home than he had before, Vint Tnmmir rtirl not like it at all. All the people on the farm came and looked at him insiae tne nox; auu inimnlf Crrpn never left him for more than 10 minutes all the rest of that day. Tommy made tip ms mum mat ne would make a house of his own. And niorhi- fliicr a hole in Farmer "Green's dooryard. where lie could crawl our ot signt or everyone. Tommy liked that much better. No matter how hard Johnnie Green nulled on the chain, he couldn't drag Tommy out unless he wanted to come. . But after a few days Tommy be gan to get used to being a pet. He found that it was not such a terri ble thing, after all. He did miss tha fine runs he used to have; and the hunts: and he missed his motn er, too. He could hear her often at night, calling to him from the fields. And tlicn Tommy would answer, and tug at his chain. But he couldn t get away. And after a while he would go to sleep and dream pleasant dreams, about catching crickets in the long grass. (Copyright, Grassett and Dunlap.) HUSBAND New Phase of of a Wife any of the rest of the list which you wie masculines trot out on any sort of an excuse. For I warn you, you won't approve. My plan is simply to lease for you some comfortable p&ce at the east end of the island for two years, move the furniture out there in that section the vans are not so busy, and we can get them if we act at once then sit tight tor awhile. We'll then have plenty ot time to keep our eyes open for some thing we really want. I'll get some little furnished place near you i...i-a.f annrtmpnt lease is a long- term one, and I can sublet or leave it empty as I like. It isn't as if any of .,c UiA tr nnnrh a time-clock or commute to the city every day. We can arrange to do a lot 01 our wur. at home, Dicky-bird." "That doesn't work oat so very well," Dicky said doubtfully. n "Al ways unexpected interruptions." 1 flushed painfully at the injustice of the remark, for I always am most rarpful tr nee that Dick is absolutely undisturbed at his work. . Lilian came to my rescue, saying the thing which was in my liimd, but which I never woud have uttered. "You mean,' she drawled coolly, "iiiof ..nnVff atwavs interruDtinz yourself, flying off at a tangent when you should DC drawing, xou may uc able to deceive yourself,- Dicky-bird, but don't hand any of the vanilla icing to me. I've worked by your side too long. "But apart from that objection, ...Kr, An vnn think nf mv' scheme? Oh, yes, the thousand dollars is for moving out, deposit on house, and So forth, the little trifles which make moving such a pleasure." Do You Know the Bible? (Cover up the answers, read the ques tions and see If you can answer them. Then look at the answers to see it you are right.) Follow These Questions and An- . swers Arranged by J. WILLSON ROY. 1. Whatis the meaning of the word "Hosannah?" 2. Why is . the Last or Lord's Supper so called? 3. Why did Jesus, before insti tuting the Lord's Supper, take the cup and give thanks, saying, "Take this, and divide it among your selves?" 4. What is the meaning of "he that dippeth his hand with me in the dish," as applied by our Lord to Judas Iscariot? 5. Why did our Saviour, in re ply to the question of the high priest whether He was the Son of God (Matt. xxvi. 64), reply "Thou hast said 'instead of "Yes" or "No?" 6. Who was Pontius Pilate? Answers. 1. It is a form of acclamatory blessing or wishing well, which sig nifies "Save now," Succor now," "Be propitious." 2. Because it was instituted by Christ, as the last act of His minis try, in company with His disciples, and immediately before He went out to be delivered into the hands of His enemies. 3. Because it was the custom with the master of the feast to take such a cup. to bless it with ceremony, then drink of it, and pass it to the guests. , 4. It, was the custom at that time to eat with the hands only, and without the assistance of forks, which were not instituted till many centuries afterwards. 5 Because the former was the usual mode of delivering an an swer in the affirmative. 6. He was the fifth Roman pro curator or governor of Judea, suc cessor to Emperor Tiberius in the 13th year of his reign. (A. D. 28). (Copyright. 1J1. by Th Wheeler Syndi cate, Ian.) Don 't Be Without a Car While Yours Is Being Repaired We make a special rate of 10c per mile, plus fas and oil, If you allow our experts to do your work. . Your satisfaction is our guarantee. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. Perfect Stitches to Save Your Time. Pleating Hemstitching Our Specialty. Van Arnam Pleating & Button Co. 413-17 Paxton Blk. lth and Farnara Phone Doug. 3109 Omaha, Neb. GRAIN MERCHANTS That firm whose business grows consistently must have something real behind it. Geo. A. Roberts Grain Co. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 0394 11th and Davenport Sts. "They Are Like Old Friends They Wear Well." H. W. BALLINGER AUTO PAINTING Douglas 7593. 2415 Cuming St. TOM BROWN Orchestral Service Appropriate Music Assures the Success of Your Party 1821 Farnam. Douglas 6907 BEMIS BRO. BAG CO. of Omaha Phone Tyler 2556 Quick Service and Courteous Treatment. Ford Transfer & Storage Co. MOTOR ; TRUCKS THERE is not a drop ot water in International Harvester common and preferred stock. Financial au thorities will tell you there is more than a dolar of value fn International Harvester properties for every dollar of capitalization. THAT means that the products of International Harvester fantories do not have to provide a single dollar of excess, revenue. It means that in the price of International Motor Trucks there is not one penny of inflated value. t The International Harvester Compapy of America Omaha Branchi 714-716 So. 10th St. Exclusive KELLASTONE STUCCO Distributors OAK-FLOORING BOYER WAN If URAM Lumber I & llCoal Co. Call Colfax 3400 for Prices CADILLAC "Always Onward" A Permanent Value The Standard of the World J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln JEWELRY Gold and Platinunf work made to order. First class repairing. J. L. Jacobson Co. Factory, 636 World-Herald Bldg. Thirty Years in Omaha. Where You Get First Cost. J Mill and Say it With OURS Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS 1415 Farnam St., Paxton Hotel, Omaha. Phone Douglas 1501. Members Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. Wo deliver flowers on short notice any where in the U. S. or Canada. The Ideal Frfmily Loaf Jay Burns Baking Co. Carbon Coal & Supply Co. WHOLESALE COAL 1905 HARNEY ST., ' Grain Exchange Bldg. OMAHA, NEB. The Modern Home is an ELECTRICAL HOME. Cook, clean, wash, iron eelctrically, saving time, steps and money. Select your electric household appliances at the Electric Shop. Nebraska Power Co. Farnam at Fifteenth. , 2314 M St., So. Side. WEI. F. ROESSIG OMAHA'S RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE PAINTER. CADILLAC BUILDING 2570 Farnam St. Harney 1448. Service First! at the UNION STOCK YARDS CO. OF OMAHA The Live Stock Market of Good Results mm re fn Omaha, Capital of Farmland , One of Omaha's greatest institutions is the Federal Land bank, which in a very real way makes it the capi tal of a great agricultural empire. Under the direction of D. P. Hogan, a substantial banker and experienced farmer of Iowa, this great credit system means much to the prosperity of all lines of business, though it deals directly with farm loans. Mr. Hogan was one of the commissioners sent to Europe by the United States gov ernment to study farm credit systems there, and from the time of establishment of the land banks in this coun try has been instrumental in pushing them to success. Omaha also has a branch of the Federal Reserve bank, which is designed to take care of the require ments of general business, -without specializing on any one division of industry. It is to the Land bank that the agricultural interests come to borrow money on their land that they may carry on the work and meet obli gations. Farm development is the special interest of the Land bank, and as the farming communities bene fit from this, so will all who have things to sell to them. Charles Evans Hughes, now secretary of state, in his brief before the supreme court of the United States in the recently decided farm loan case, pointed out that the establishment of the Federal Land Bank sys tem by congress had come at a most opportune time to be of service to agricultural interests in helping to solve the food problem of this and other countries dur ing the great war. Its importance in these days of peace, not only to the agricultural states, but to the nation is equally great. The system, validity of which was approved by the supreme court, is directed by the Federal Faim Loan board, a bureau of the Treasury department, prac tically all or the original stock being subscribed by the United States government, which at the close of 1920, still held nearly $7,000,000. Before the pendency of the suit to determine the right of congress to establish the system, and to accord exemption from taxation to the obligations of the vari us regional banks, congress signified its interest in the system and appreciation of the work it was doing by authorizing the Treasury department to purchase a large amount of the bonds, which the treasury now holds, to the amount of $183,000,000. The establishment of the Federal Land Bank sys tem by act of congress, and its development under the Federal Farm Loan board, a bureau ot the 'treasury de partment, has been regarded by many as an experi ment, and few realize that the establishment of the system was undertaken after most exhaustive study and search of the various systems of long standing in Europe, which have a long record of successful opera tion, and whose securities have been highly regarded in the various European markets. While the degree of control and governmental help may vary widely, conditions have made it neces sary that loans in, European countries be made at a much higher ratio of salable value of property than is permitted under our own system. The periods of re payment are also longer extended. The successful beginning of the system in the United States under rather adverse conditions speaks well for its broadening usefulness. The Federal Land Bank bonds will no doubt be an increasingly popular investment as the purposes and work of the system are better understood, and the prime security afforded to investors is more fully appreciated. One of the in teresting things was that during the wrar the Land Bank bonds of foreign governments held their prices very 'much better than the government bonds, and sold at higher prices, the reason for this being obvious, that one had land security back of it, and the other was simply the direct obligation of the foreign government. The strong position of the Federal Land Bank sys- tem disclosed by the report board as of the close of business on December 31, last, should be very gratifying to both the farmers who are the owners of the stock of the Farm Loan associa tions, which in turn are large owners of the stock of the banks making up the system, and to the investors who hold Federal Land Bank bonds. Although the system is a comparatively new one, it has steadily increased in capital, and has built up substantial surplus reserves from earnings. - One feature of the report has attracted special at tention. Despite general business conditions and the difficulties attending the marketing of crops, the total payments delinquent 90 days or more were only slightly over one per cent of the total payments which have matured, and these delinquent items are coming in rapidly as the crops are being disposed of. Foreclosures have been very few, and the ready sale of property taken under foreclosure indicates clearly that the loans throughout the system have been made in a most con servative way. , The Federal Land Bank board is restricted under the terms of the act to a most conservative loaning policy, and it is reported that they have stayed well within those limits. It has been" pointed out that no other policy would have been justified, for loans must be sound under the varying conditions which may de velop throughout a period of years. If Engdahl Does It It's Done Right! Let us make your next auto top and winter curtains. Also tailored Mat covers. Engdahl's Auto Top Co. Formerly Ants Trlmmlni sis' Equipment Company Douglas S677. 1718 Cass St. Neio Pressed Hog Trough Sanitary Solder less Seamless Mfg. by Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co. Omaha, Neb. of the Federal Farm Loan McKenney Dentists 14th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 2872. COPPER OR ZINC QUALITY AND SERVICE. BEE ENGRAVING CO. TYLER 1000. r Dust Causes Explosions in Warehouses FIRE INSURANCE DOES NOT COVER EXPLOSIONS Protect Against This Hazard at Small Cost. SH0LES-DUNBAR -THOMAS CO., Inc. General Insurance and Bonds 915 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 0046. City Brokerage and State Business Solicited. V IINinrD TI417 I A 1X7 h property owner is liable in case of aectdent. UllJUEI inb Lrlff W. carry Workmen's Compensation and Publle Liability insurance for your protection. A PART OF OUR DEPENDABLE SERVICE" G. A. Steinheimer Co. DEPENDABLE SERVICE. Omaha Real Estate J. J. MULVIHILL REALTOR Brandeis Thester Bldg. O. L. WIEMER Wall Paper Paints Class Get in early to save on wall paper and paper hanging; also new and low er prices on paints. New Location 1708 CUMING ST. Douglas 8753 III iTtirf.VJ CTKI PAXTON - MITCHELL COMPANY Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze and Aluminum Castings. You are practically sure to receive Soft Cray Iron Castings from us as we machine in our own shop a large part of each run iron. Why Not Save 52 ir- ... : 1 1 .LIm vm. Iiimttn. mill urnrl. . . j - " I Wo will ship you lumber, mill work, hardware and paint to your nearest station and pay the freight. C. Hafer Lumber Co. 135 W. Broadway Council Bluffs NOVELTIES in Pleating Buttons Hemstitching Embroidering Braiding Beading Button Holes Ideal Button & Pleating Compz (any. 300-308 Brown Bldg. 16th and Douglas Opposite Brandeis Stores -Phone Doug. 1936 Omaha Stationery That Satisfies Loose Leaf Books Filing Devices The Omaha Stationery Co. 307-309 So. 17th St. Phone Douglas 0805. This Shield on Your Store Front Means Protection Against possible loss, such as from Theft, Burglary, etc. It is your assur ance of Safety. Pipkin Service means real Secret Service. Private and industrial work. Pipkin National Detective Ag'ey Doug. 1007. 305-6-7-8 Paxton Block Omaha. Omaha Sioua Falls COMMON BRICK RALPH DeLONG Yard on C, B. & Q. R. R. 1817 Douglas St. , Tyler 4348 Use Western Bond Paper For Your Office Stationery Wholesale Distributors Carpenter Paper Co, OMAHA Sidney v 9 Contracting Painters 609 Keeline Building. Doug. 6369. All American Chemical Go. Chemical Manufacturer and Jobbers. Phone Doug. 4864. 1208-10 So. 16th St. We Analyze and Manufacture Anything. Give Us a Call. Welding- Cutting-Brazing Omaha Welding Company Anything Any Time Any Plac. 1501 Jackson Doug. 4367 RESTAURANTS There's one near you. Highest quality foods with quick service. The Omaha Testing Laboratories, Inc. Analytical Chemists and Inspecting Engineers We Test Food, Milk and Beverages. W. H. Campen. Mgr. Tel. Tyler 5181 SOS Lyric Bldg. Omaha Household Goods Packed and Shipped Baggage Delivered. W. C. FERRIN VAN AND STORACE Piano Moving a Specialty. Tyler 1200. S. E. Cor. 15th and Cap. Handy Station McCaffrey Motor Co. FORD SALES and SERVICE Douglas 3500 T. S. McCaffrey, 15th and Jackson, President Omaha. Over 25,000 feet of floor space devoted exclusively to Fords. Starter Ring Gears For Fly Wheels Sates and Service Station for Eisemann Magneto and Rayfield Carburetors. P. Melchiors & Son MACHINE WORKS ' 417 So. 13th. ' ' ' Douglas 2550 The Gate City Transfer Co. General Drayage Shippers Agent Satisfaction Guaranteed. Baggage transferred to and from all Railroad Stations, and to any part of the City. YOUR BUSINESS IS SOLICITED Phone Tyler 2970. Of fie 1405 Jackson St. ; ; Douglas Oil and Gas Co. Oklahoma Oil Lands W. sell you the lease and di ill a well at our expense. Write or Call for Full Particular 801 World-Herald Bldg. Ty. 6810 We Furnish Clean Linen FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY J. M.- JENSEN, Prapr. Phen. Doug. S291. ISI California "BOISEN" THE JEWELER 601 Securities Bldg. Phone Tyler 0950. F XPERT WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. m 4 i G