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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1921)
v.. The Omaha Daily Bee Y VOL. 50 NO. 249. M-Toll Brid g6 Bandit Is Captured Robber Shot by Catemau and Again by Council Bluffs Officers Arrested at Missouri Valley. Wounds Mav Prove Fatal Harry Bolden, 28, one of the pair of bandits who Saturday night held up Charles Vanderloo, 2443 Avenue D, Council Bluffs, tollman on the Douglas street bridge and escaped from a tight corner into which they were forced by Bluffs police, was captured by the marshal at Missouri Valley and is now in the Jennie Ed mundson Memorial hospital at Coun cil Bluffs. The gunman is suffering from wounds which rliay prove fatal. One of them was mtlictcd by a outlet from Vanderloo's gun as the two bandits made their escape from the scene of, their crime, and the others are results of shots fired at them by Kay Brown, Bluffs policemen, as they ran the gauntlet of a squad of officers at Pearl street and 13roau way. Bolden was arrested at the home of a doctor in Missouri Valley, where his companion took him for medical attention. The town mar shal saw them, enter the house and called Sheriff Walter Millimah from v Logan, who placed the wounded v man in custody. The second robber ' .TV tl 1 J V VI 111 1 1 1 DUtVIIUU'V " 1 l " ) sheriff arrived. Little Loot Obtained. The two gunmen parked their roadster at the east end of the Doug las street bridge Saturday night. Then they walked to the toll-house at that end of the structure and held up Vanderloo. They obtained between $6 and $7 from the cash register and struck the tollman over the head in an attempt to make him produce more cash. 1 The moment they left the toll house, Vanderloo seized the door and ver, stepped outside the door and began shooting at them. A bullet struck Bolden in the shoulder and he fell to the ground. His comrade carried him to the automobile, then drew his own gun and returned Vanderloo's fire. Several bullets penetrated the tollhouse walls, but none struck the tollman. Vanderloo telephoned the lwcn-ty-eighth street barn and reported the episode. Bluffs police headquar ters were in turn notified to look y out iur lue auiumuin-. jf-"j Bandits Intercepted. f A" squad of rp6ticemen"Jeft"v the station in a police car and drove - west on -Broadway, iney met me gunmen's car at Pearl street and Broadway, at the head of a long string of automobiles approaching for the, west. The bandits were forced to stop their car in observ ance of traffic rules, by a Fifth avenue street car which stopped at the corner to take on passengers. The police chauffeur drove in ahead of the street car and stopped just in front of the roadster, nearly blocking- the roadway. -Two or three officers jumped out of the po lice car' and called to the bandits to throw up their hands. The gun man at the wheel of the other car, threw his machine into reverse, backed , a few feet, then changed gears, stepped on the accelerator and shot past the. police machine. " Wounded Second Time. Kay Brown, sitting in the front seat of the police car, fired three shots at the robbers, two of his bul . lets striking the already wounded bandit in the abdomen. The en gine in the police car had stalled and by the time it was started, the escaping men were out of sight. Less than an hour later tha mar shal at Missouri Valley noticed a roadster stop in front of a doctors' Y driver help an injured man into the house. The marshal had not been notified of the Bluffs shooting, but he investigated the incident. When the two men did not give him a satisfactory explanation of the bullet wounds which one had sustained, the marshal notified Sheriff Walter Milliman at Logan. One Man Escapes. The one bandit left his injured companion at the doctor's house and escaped in the car before the sheriff arrived. Police are seeking him. The machine bore a Nebraska num ber, and it is believed both robbers were from Omaha. Chief of Police James Nicoll. upon being notified yesterday morning of the apprehension of the one gunman at Missouri Valley, took Charles Vanderloo and Ray Brown to that town. . Both men identified the wounded prisoner as one of the pair who held up the toll station and es caped. He was brought back to the Bluffs and lodged in the Jennie Ed , mundson Memorial hospital.- U. . Steel Corporation Announces Wage Reduction Gary, Ind., April 3. A 20 per cent reduction in wages and the eight hcur day will be put into effect by the United States Steel corporation, of which Elbert H. Gary is president, about April 15, according to unof ficial reports from local offices. About 30,000 men are employed, in the company's plants when they are running full time. Installation of the eight-hour day would mean 'that 10,000 additional men would be required to run the plants at full speed. r French Town Honored. St. Mihiel, France, April 3. The v Croix de Guerre was conferred on St. Mihiel, scene of a successful three-days action b the American troops during the war. The ceremony was attended by prominent French and American citizens. Col. R. John West represented the American em fcasjy, v Eaton Onahi P William Leeds to Wed Niece of Constantine Athens, April 3. William B. Leeds, son of Princess Anastasia of Greece, who arrived a few days ago by airplane to visit his sick moth er, has become engaged to Princess Xenia, 17, second daughter of the Grand Duchess Marie and niece of King Constantine, it was learned to day. The marriage will take place in June, and the couple plan to re side in America. Leeds proposed the day after his arrival, it is understood. Frincess Anastasia opposed the union at first, on account of her sou's youth, but finally consented. Leeds is 19. Fight Over Tax Bill of Governor Looms in House Determined Attack to Be Made on Measure Changing "Antiquated" System Censorship ill Up. incoln, April 3. (Special.) Sen ate File 65, Governor McKelvie's tax bill, which went through the senate after undergoing a week's bombard ment, is easily the headline feature of t he present session. The governor is attempting to make sweeping chang es in the alleged antiquated taxation system of Nebraska, which, he says, ii years behind the times iu taxa tion reform, compared to certain sis ter states. The bill has made the governor the center of attack in the bitterest fight of his political career. So far, the administration has stood like a stone wall. Whether it can withstand an attack in the turbu lent lower house is a problem. The bill must be considered there soon. The interests fighting it are on the ground. A determined attack will be launched on the bill when it comes up for consideration. Representative George Williams of Fillmore will lead administration forces in pushing the measure through the house. Wiliams has worked night and day at joint meet ings of the taxation committee. He is well informed and conversant with taxation problems from all angles. Whether he can separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak, clearly enough so the lower house members can understand what the administra tion is driving at is a question. Saved Insurance Bill. It Williams puts the taxation bill through, the administration will have two big jobs carried out, thanks to the Fillmore county man. The ad ministration hail insurance bill was near death when the $100,000 re volving fund was cut out of it. Wil liams, by a series of committee niciidments- whichdid- away with objectionable" features in the state hail insurance business t put in by democrats two years ago, fixed the bill so it received approval of the house and senate. Motion picture censorship, legal cigarct selling, libel, teaching Ger man iu school, horse racing, boxing, soldier bonus, annexing Sarpy coun tv to Douglas country, recreating the supreme court commission, un ion picketing and a new occupation lax for foreign and domestic cor porations are a few other of the big problems left for solution on the closing days. The solons hope two weeks will finish the job. Censorship will be considered in the senate, possibly this week. Sen ator Beebe will lead the anti-censorship fight and will introduce the "high license" substitute. The boxing bill has been in a committee since March 7. Ameri can Legion men are expected at the state house this week to spur com mittee members to haste in getting the bill on general file before it too late. The old Norval language bill, passed when feeling was at its height during the war, has been strengthened. It comes up in the lower house at 10, Tuesday morn ing. The American Legion is be hind the bill. Other powerful polit ical interests are opposed to it. The aiiti-cigar"et bill, which if pas sed, will make hundreds of law breakers and law deficrs in Nebras ka, who as past experience has proved, will continue to sell cigarets, is ccrain to come up in the lower house soon. Its passage means taking thou sands of dollars away from Nebras ka interests and giving the money to Iowa firms who will handle the Ne braska business from across the Mis souri river. Nor is the passage of the bill expected to sit well on for mer soldiers. The bill will be hotly contested. Annexation Bill Popular. The Randall-Hascall anti-pickct-ing bill is due to go on third read ing in the house this week. If it pas ses the house, the measure will un dergo fire in the senate. . The Sarpy-Dougqlas county an nexation bill is increasing in popular ity by leaps and bounds since mem bers discovered that they could save the state $300,000 by putting the bill through and thus, if an annexation election is carried, throw the cost of paving a road to Fort Crook on the willing shoulders of Douglas county. This bill, revive dfrom death in com mittee a few days ago, probably will be considered in the lower house this week. ' The bill by Senator Cooper of Omaha, giving races opportunity to sue for libel, growing out of the at tack on the Jews by Henry Ford, will be considered in the senate next week. The Reed-Mears corporation oc cupation tax bill, delayed from con sideration Saturday, to give members an opportuuity to study it, will be considered in the lower house this week. Then there are others, in cluding: "Clinical pychologist" bill. Farm warehouse bill. State serum plant bill. Randall-Hascall Omaha municipal court bill. Non-partisan judiciary and pri mary "reform" bills. .It's .certain to be a reat show I , Soa - Clau attar Ka SW. 190. l 0. Undar Act of Marc i. 179. Jbarmem.g jjeciaewn Selling Plan Fate of Co-Operative Grain And Livestock Schemes to Be Decided at Chicago This Month. Gustafsonto Preside By FRANK JSIDGEWAY. thlciieo Trlbuoe-Omuha Heo Leased Wire. Chicago, April 3. Three impor tant agricultural conferences wilt be held in Chicago this week. Farmers from all sections of the United States 'will meet here on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to work out nation-wide plans of marketing their grain, live stock and fruit. Representatives of diflerent inter ests Will, meet separately. The fruit marketing conference will be held m lucsday at the Congress Hotel The discussions will deal chiefly with the transportation of fruit, organ ization for co-operative marketing and problems of distributing, tariff and methods of increasing consump tion of fruit. California alone is sending 25 delegates to the meeting. Gustafson to Preside. C. H. Gustafson of Lincoln, di rector of the co-operative depart ment of the American Farm Bu reau, who will preside at the fruit growers' meeting, is also chairman of both . the grain and live stock marketing committees. Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace will address the farmers' grain uiarketmg committee ot 1 at its ratification meeting on Wednes day. The committee's plan, which has been in process of making for several months, will be ratified or rejected at this meeting. There will be 17 delegates from 15 central and western states, sent here with au thority to act upon the proposed sys tem of marketing grain. Since the committee's last meet ing here, state meetings have- been held throughout the nation, at. which members of the committee'met with the growers to explain the new plan of marketing grain on a co-operative basis. Committee of 15 Thursday. NOn Thursday, following the fruit and grain conferences, the farmers' live stock marketing committee of 15 will hold its second meeting at the LaSalle hotel. Since the first meeting, various data and exhibits gathered from all parts of the coun try and reports will be made by various subcommittees on investiga tions made since February. It is understood that a national live stock . marketing system will be work4-t-4yvithis- -cowum'tee, similar , to the plan of marketing proposed by the grain interests. It will be owned and controlled by the farmers and ce-operative com panies will perhaps be eventually established at the live stock mar keting centers all over the United States. Girl-Wife and Husband Charged With Murder Of Her Stepmother New York, April 3. Following the finding of the body of Mrs. Catherine Trotta. 48, widow of Brooklvn, buried in the mire at the Edge of Cooper's pond, with a torni quet made from sash cord bound about her neck, Mrs. Carolina Vcr derosa, 17, stepdaughter of the slain woman and her hasband, Luciano Verderosa, 28, were today held with out bail, on a charge of murder in the first degree. The body of the women, richly clad and wrapped in a Persian shawl, was discovered by two boys playing at the edge of the pond. That rob bery was not the motive for the crime was indicated iu that the dead woman still wore jewels valued at $2,000 and carried $45 in, a purse. According to Detective Daniel Connollv, who signed a short af fidavit charging the young couple with killing the widow, bits of the same kind of sash cord with which the women had been strangled were found hidden in a store room of the Verderosa home. Oklahomail Undaunted By Windy City Crooks; Plans for Come-Back Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee leased Wire. Chicago, April 3. "I'm coming back to this man-sized town when I get some more money," said Gus tave Hammar 'of Stuttgart, Ark., after Judge Upward Hayes had dis missed him on a drunk and disqr derly charge. . "I'm coming back," reiterated Hammar, "but the next time, I'll bring two razors." A policeman had picked Mr. Ham mar out of a gutter on the West Side and Escorted him to the station. "Druiik and disorderly," said the bailiff when Gustavc's case was called. "Thash ri,' " agreed Guslave. "Broke?" queried the judge. "Guesh 'gain," chortled Gustave. "01' Gush too smart f'r these city slickers. . Carry my money inside mr shirt." . Smiling he worked his fumbling way through various thicknesses of vest and shirts, but his hand emerged emptv. "It's gone," he admitted, 'had $150 and a razor to fight 'cm with. Thash gone, too." "Too bad," sympathized the judge. "These Chicago boys are pretty rough. I'm going to let you go, as you have been punished enough." Breaks Legs in Fall. Pawnee City. Neb.. April 3. (Spe cial.) T. E. Jones of Liberty bad both of his legs broken at Beatrice when a stand at the driving park there gave way. About 50 men were in the stand. OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 0vfcll Harness 'l wnT r' n cean to uive rowe Ibirago Tribune table, oprl(bl, 192 1. Paris, April 3. The French gov ernment is about to undertake Mie long-dreamed of task of harnessing the ocean to supply power. M. Le Trquer, minister of public works, announced that an item of 2, 500,000 francs in his budget is for construction of machinery at the mouth of the Ranee river for utiliza tion of Atlantic waters, or what is called in France, "blue coal." The plan is simple. The Ranee has a 30-foot tide. Enormous res ervoirs will be constructed in and out of which the tide water will flow through penings hiding turbines. When the tide rises the turbines will turn and when the tide runs out, the turbines will turn. "France must use all her natural forces," says Le Troquer. France Would Fix German War Debt At $15,000,000,000 Plans for Liquidation ofOhli galions of All Nations Pre sented hy Maryland Senator. Philadelphia, April 3. Plans for the liquidation of the external obliga tions of every nation was presented here last night by Senator France of Maryland before the American Aca demy of Political and Social Science. He termed unconditional cancellation "unconceivable," but maintaing some plan must be adopted, as interna tionl debts block world trade circu lation, upon which civilization is de pendent, said: "The United States should call a conference of the interested powers for the puropse of proposing this method of settlement or one embody ing these principles: "The German indemnity would be fixed at the sum tentatively agreed upon at the Anglo-French eighth conference, $15,000,000,000, Germany to receive credit for at least $5,000, 000,000 for the cables and for the teritories in Africa and Oceania transferred to the allied and asso ciated powers. "This method of liquidation would enable Germany at once to begin to purchase from England, France, Rus sia and the United States what she so desperately needs. The United States would then purchase from the allied and associated powers for at least $7,000,000,0000 or possibly for the full amount of the debts owed to us, these cables and these territories in Africa and Oceania. This opera tion would give us liquidation, not by cancellation, but by substitution of valuable assests for securities of doubtful value. Would Acquire Territory. "Under this plan the United States would secure the cables and addi tional territory to the extent of more than 1,000,000 square miles, cr ap proximately one-third of her pres ent territory. We would cancel the allied debt with the understanding that we would go into Africa to co operate with France and England in carrying out a great constructive poli cy such as we have announced with reference to the Philippines." United States Senator McCormick of Illinois said: "We shall not obtain one iota of our debt until disarmament among the nations in Europe has been ac complished and until we have assur ance that the states of Europe will not fall back again into that condition which' led them to world war. Be fore there should be any talk of can cellation, they should destroy the restrictions and rivalries and jeal ousies 'which now exist between the states and prevent international com merce and travel." He said the treaties of peace which followed the recent war are not last ing, adding: . "This was the most painful discovery I made on my trip to Europe. The way has been left open for wars of the future. "The Silesian frontier settlement will disappoint both the Poles and the Germans and we must regret that this boundary was not fixed at the outset of peace negotiations. Many Me Under Arms. There is an economic blockade about the central states of Europe, there are innumerable restrictions upon travel and commerce, there is universal distrust and ill will and any sort of exchange between the nations is almost impossible. Today there are more .men under arms in Europe, west of Russia, than there were before the outbreak - of the war. "It is essential there be a settle ment and that Europe return to economic reconstruction. They must abandon their rivalries and desist from adventures in Asia. There is bitterness between the nations re cently associated in the prpsecutioji of the war'and even neutral nations have been drawn into the imbroglio of hatred and jealousy. "Since the armistice, Europe has spent money lavishly. "Part of the debt they owe us could be paid by territories and cables, not only those now held by Germany, but by the other countries ako. There is no doubt that at present there is a strong discrim ination against this country by those who control means of international communications. Four-fifths of-the cable lines of the world are owned outside of the United States. "The only policy in Europe is ma terialistic; the only solution for its ills is an economic one. In guarding our own interests we will save Eu rope from herself. . "Let Europe pay her debt to us by a transfer of cables, territories, securities and funds which she could save through disarmament and aban donment of international restric-' tions and rivalries." Man Kills Self Dcs Moines. April 3. (Special Telegram.) Thomas Slatter. 24, des pondent mecause of ill health, shot and killed himself in the home of his father, J. J. Slatter, at Give, 1921. Will He Break AAA?? 1 1 dMvv ivrravea Against Negroes, Pastor Asserts Dean Ringer Inefficient in Handling Crime Says More Dives and Bootlegging Here Than Ever Before." "There arc more dives, more cab arets, more bootlegging joints in Omaha today than ever before in the city's history," declared Rev. W. C. Williams, pastor of the St. Johns A. M. E. church, in his ser mon yesterday morning to a con gregation of 800 that crowded the edifice at Twenty-fifth and Grant streets. "Right within a radius of three, blocks of this church I can name at least half a dozen such places. Within the last week police, have closed one or two of thcin, but this, I believe, was done for cam paign purposes. Police Commis sioner Ringer's intentions may be good, but some of the police are protectiug these places of sin. Rin ger is weak, feeble, inefficient, as wholesale: burglaries and highway robberies also prove." Scores 5,000 Committee.- Rev. Mr. Williams declared his be lief that the Committee of 5,000, "is ;ui organization merely of whites, Protestant ministers and church members and that the white Protes tant church members are arrayed against the Jews, negroes and Cath olics." He quoted a statement of George Wells Parker in . "The Whip" to the effect that similar white Protestant forces are behind the Klu Klux Klan movement. He referred to H. J. Pinkett and Mrs. J. Alice Stewart as "tools of the Committee of 5,000.". "Whatever , Tinkett and ".Mrs. Stewart advise the negroes- to -do will be left undone," he said, "be cause ., the intelligent- negroes, of Omaha don't need and won't fol low the advice of rinkctK "Commissioner Ure was not en dorsed by the Committee of 5,000, he said, "because he retained a negro, John W. Long, as city inspector of weights and measures. Ask No Favors. "The negroes ask no favors from the city administration. We are in terested like other good citizens in seeing efficient officials elected. I won't even advise you to vote for anyone particular. ' You sec the rec ord of the men in office and I think that will be enough ' to show 'you whom you should support and whom you should not support at the com ing primaries and election." John T. McDonald, negro candi date for commissioner, made a brief talk. "This congregation, the largestof negroes in Omaha, is raising money to build a new $100,000 church to be the finest owned by negroes west of Chicago. The collection yesterday morning was $78.76 besides $43.65 in a special collection to bury a poor negro who died Friday. Cereal Crops in Northern tt 1 r II Hemisphere favorable Washington, April 3. The condi tion of cereal crops in the northern hemisphere were described as "gen erally favorable" by the Department of Agriculture's bureau ,of crops, ' in a summary of foreign crop pros pects. The mild winter m almost all the reporting countries was held The mild winter in almost I .' 1 I .1 to have been an important factor in the crop situation. The bureau said that although several reports had been received as to Russian crops, nothing reliable had come through. ri . , Ry Mall (I I ml Hi 4ttl I.M. Daily 4 tuaa-ajr. Iff: Dally Only. Mr Suatfay, 14 unlaid 41k Zona (I ar. Oally aa4 Saa4aj, IK: Oally Oaljr, 112; Sunday Only, I) the Habit or Will Irish Situation More Optimistic Many Leaders Predict Full i Settlement Will Be Readied j Before August. j Dublin, April 3. The opinion, was expressed today by newspapers that the Irish, situation Tiad undergone a change for the better since March 1. A month ago Dublin desired the peace prophets. but today predictions that there will be a settlement are universal. Lloyd's declined to ac cept bets offered .that peace will be brought about before August. Outwardly conditions have not im proved. There has been no cessa tion of warfare and the trouble is spreading to Ulster. 1 Factors serving to stimulate the optimistic view are the admission of Premier Lloyd George of the gov ernment's failure to solve the Irish problem; the appointment of a Cath olic viceroy; De Valera's latest pro n6uucements, which are interpreted as showing the willingness : of the Sinn Fein for what is deemed a rea sonable compromise; England's in ternal troubles; repudiation of the partition act by Southern Ireland; the .admitted difficulty of establish ing the Ulster parliament;, the signi ficance attached in Ireland to thc report of the American committee of 100; President Harding's reported endorsement- of ' the American .Re lief committee's campaign, and a ru mor that "Senator Kenyon is com ing as President Harding's repre sentative to investigate. Government circles do not conceal their anxiety over the prospect thai the Sinn Fein will win most of the seats in the southern parliament. With the nationalists .and Sinn Feiners co-operating m the north, the task of establishing the Ulster parliament is recognized as fraught with. political hazards.1 It is confidently asserted that the Sinn Fein would be willing to nego tiate peace 'on the tasis of a status of full' dominion. . Premier of American Minstrels Dies in Ohio Columbus, O., April 3. Alfred Griffin (Al G.) Fields, premier of American minstrels', died' today from "Bright's disease. Born 73 years ago in Leesburg, Va., Mr. Fields entered the theatrical ' busi ness in 1886,. organizing. a minstrel show which has operated since. " The . funeral will be held . here' Tuesday. Demand for Field Seeds I Copyright: 1921: By Tha Coito Tribune! In March Is Below jWliS Washington April 3. Demand for I field seeds from r farmers : during March was on the whole below nor mal according to reports tabulated today by the federal bureau of mar kets.. More farmers than usual were said to have- seed of their own, but others w ere .declared to be curtailing their purchases this year because of inability to finance their farming operations or because of a disinclina- iwn iu uiiiHi as cxicusivt-iy as usual ion acC0Unt of the low price of farm products. Ex-Candidate for Governor In Havana Assassinated Havana. Aoril 3. Fernandez Quinones, National league candidate r f 11 ii. X " tor governor or Havana, in me i.p vembcr elections, was shot and al most instantly killed by Ernesto Colledo. liberal representative from Santa Clara province. Political differences are iaid to have led to the tragedy. It Break Him? Mililon fiollar Fire Destroys Potash Plant Antioch Concern, Largest in ; State, Burns to Ground ..started uy switch ,; , Engine. Alliance, Neb., April 3. (Special Telegram.) Fire, 'supposed to have originated from sparks from a pass ing switch engine, tolaly destroyed the 1,000,000 plant of the American Potash company at Antioch, about 25 miles east of here, Saturday night. .The huge building, which is ore mthan ' a ock in length and two thirds of a block wide, was like tin der and the flames spread rapidly. All available fire hpparatus was put into use to combat the blaze, but without-effect. A high wind and quantities of oil in the building con tributed to the spreading of the flames and handicaped the fire fighters. , The fire was discovered by the en gine crew when . the. locomotive re passed the : building a few minutes after it had been ignited. Sparks evidently had been carried to the coolin gtower, as that part of the structure was the first to catch fire. ' The ' building, was a total loss, the asbestos-covered pipes be ing, the only equipment to withstand the flames. The plant had not been in opera tion since November 6 ;of last year, due to bankruptcy proceedings now pending in court. It was built in 1916 at a cost of $1,000,000 and for merly was owned by Mr. Sharp of Lincoln. . Joe Warren, superinten dent of the plant, said that there was no chance to save the building. Hundreds of farmers drove in from -the .country to withess the fire, which lasted for several hours and 'for a time threatened the en tire town. New Compartment Car Is Declared Success l hJrt;o Tribune-Omaha lire Lrased Wire. New York, April 3. Transporta tion experts studying railroad econ oniirs . for the New York Central lines have invented a "container car" for 'store door deliveries of freight and express, and it was announced that preliminary . experiments had shown these new cars to b'e a suc cess. The freight car, with four porta ble containers which can be filled car- truck, has just completed suc cessive trips between Chicago and Cleveland, and a second car of this type, will be tried this week on the Boston' and Albany, for the ship ment of shoes. A steel express car with nine, port able containers, has finished suc cessful trips between this city and Chicago with Twentieth Century and other fast trains ,and is declared to be successful. - The Weather Forecast Nebraska Generally fair and cooler Monday. Hourly Temperatures. 5 a. ni Ml t a m ft!) m. m S?i i p. m M 1 a. m. Ml S p. ni. HI a a. m Mi 4 p. ni. HI ft a. in ml S p. m X", ID a. ni 7j p. m lit It a. m. 1 p. m x It noon . 79 8 p. m, 19 THREE CENTS HopeofllS. SigningPact Abandoned Former French Premier Givef Up Idea That America Will Ratify Treaty of Versailles. Expects Separate Peace By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. Chicago Trlbitiie-Omnha He I.Miard Wlra. Washington, April 3. The first authoritative evidence that former Premier Viviani has abandoned hope of the United States ratifying the Versailles peace treaty or entering the league of nations, was forthcom ing tonight from an important mem- ber of the French delegation. It now appears that M. Viviani, after his consultations with Presi dent. Harding, Secretary of State Hughes, Senator Lodge and other, leaders, is convinced the Harding ad ministration intends to re-establish peace with Germany' by means of the Knox resolution. The authority for this disclosure is none other than Stephane Lau zanne, editor of Le Matin, who ac companied M. Viviani to this coun try. M. Lauzanne himself had a conference yesterday with President Harding. There appeared in Le Matin to day, a cable dispatch from M. Lau zanne, the following excerpt from which was cabled to this country to night: "The American senate will vote the Knox resolution for a separate pence with Germany. No Chance for Treaty. "Neither President Harding, Sec retary of State Hughes nor the American senate will ever ratify the Versailles treaty or the league of na tions, "The soone the French people place themselves before this reality, however hard it may be, the better for France." When M. Lauzanne was asked to night whether he confirms the ac curacy of this excerpt from his dis patchj he said: "I don't recall whether I made the statement referring to the Knox resolution. I should have to consult my cablegram to make cer tain." "Did you make the statement "that the treaty and the league would not be ratified?" he was asked. ' "Yes, I think that is correct," he replied. And tne statement auout me French people reaKzing this reaiity?" "Oh, yes, yes," said M. Lauzanne. "That is quite correct." Declines Discussion. Beyond this the French editor de clined to discuss the situation which the French delegation is studying. He said he was too busy tonight to go into details. That M. Lauzanne Yefiects the view of M. Viviani at the close of his first week of conferences with American officials, is taken for granted, if being assumed that the distinguished French editor would be careful to make no statement to the French public concerning the American situation which was not deemed justified by the chief of the French delegation. Comment by M. Viviani on the Lauzanne dispatch was not available tonight. This is the first inkling vouch safed the American public of the information communicated to M, Viviani and his associates by the administration concerning its atti tude toward the Versailles treaty and the league. The president and Secretary Hughes have declined to reveal what they have had to say, concerning American policies, to tha French emissaries. Senator Lodge also has declined. to discuss his coni ference with M. Viviani. -WU1 Not Aid Germany. T.-v ,-..-. t. i.i . - r x luin ut avauauit; in lUIUlUUUn 1C would appeal; that the only encourag ment given M. Viviani by the admin istration was thp assurance lliir fli United States will do nothing to aid' Germany in . escaping responsibility for the war and payment of the just reparation therfor. Apparently the administration hcJd out no hope of American ratification of the Ver sailles treaty or entrance into the present league of nations., Whether such alternatives as the elimination of the covenant from the treaty and American ratification of the peace terms proper,-either re vised or with reservations, were dis cussed by M. Viviani and Secretary Hughes, has not been disclosed. ' It has been stated, however, thai if such alternative, action by the United States were deemed a possi bility, M. Lauzanne would have qual ified his statement that America, would not accept the Versailles treaty. Unmistakably, the impression giv en the French public is that the Vi viani delegation finds the Harding administration contemplating the re- estabhshment of peace with Germany by means of the Knox resolutions. There is not doubt that if the presi dent disapproves the Knox resolu tion it will not be adopted by the senate. If he favors the measure, it will be put through congress. General Meet of American Legion to Be Held April 8 A general meeting of th? Ameri can Legion, Douglas county post, will be held in the council chamber of the city hall, the evening of April 8. Members of the Omaha post of the Grand Army of the Republic w ill at tend the meeting as guests of the Legion men. A "hoodoo dance" will be given by the Legion at the Empress Garden, April 13. Adjutant Hough is sending out a call for war trophies and souvenirs to be displayed at the booth the American Legion will have at the building show at the Auditorium, be ginning April 17, o