Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1921, EDITORIAL, Image 26

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Letters Prom a Home-Made Father
To His Son
Biographies Are the Curse of Fame.
Dear Son:
. 't turned down an offer to
sn fer county sheritt. I believe in
lakin' every opportunity, not to get
too well known. There was a day
when I used to watch you as a
baby, strugRlin' to l?ep down the
high cost of livin' by eatin' your
own feet, an I hoped you might
trrow uo to be a famous man. Now
that I'm better acquainted with youM
an' know fou haven't a chance, I'm
just as glad.
As a man gets older he gets more
sense. Or at least his idears change,
which is generally regarded as the
same thing. An, the more I hear
an' read about famous men the more
I know I'd rather keep my good
character by dyin private.
When I was young 'twas my am-'
bition to go rumblin down through
the aces like a bowlin ball. I want
cd folks to point me out on the street
as Amesby, the greatest statesman
what ever left Faducah Center. I
wanted to be bothered by reporters
tryin' to find out how I thought i
did it. I was all fer carvm my im
mortal name on dog collars, cigar
bands, tramp steamers an' birth cer
As I got out in the world, though,
I found that makin' a livin' took up
so much of my day I had no time to
get famous. I kept puttin' it off
from week to jweek. Then, when you
tame along, I wished the job on you.
Next to bein' a great man I figgered
I'd like to be father to one. By lick
in' you once in a while in public I
had a chance of sneakin' into history
by the back way.
All those idears ' is gone now.
Mighty few men ever got any good
out of it while they was alive an' it's
trvin' fer their relatives. The only
fellows what benefit is the ones what
write your biography after they're
sure you're safely buried.
The Perili of Fame. $
I'm not so certain that the age of
famous men isn't over anyways. It's
hard fer a man to write his name in
the pages of. history with a Grand
Jury standin' over him all the time
with an eraser. If a lot of immortal
statesmen had been livin' today
they'd have been servin' the state by
crushin' rock. Ceaser was nothin'
but an artistic robber. Napolyun
could have passed his entrance exams
to Mattawan with flyin' colors. Yet
every child is kep' in school fer ten
years learnin' about their lives, an'
afterwards in gaol fer tryin' to imi
tate em.
Even though you saw a chance to
get famous In spite of the police
it ain't in no way desirable. Pretty
near every great man pays fer the
privilege by endin' unhappy. Aftef
the world lias spent; a certain amount
of time admirin'him it likes to step
in an' club him over" the head just
to show how independent it is. Read
over the last minutes of great heroes
How to Put It Over
The Mbvie Queen.
Young lady, if you would celebrity
As a vamo or emotional queen.
Receiving a couple of thousand a
weel: ,
For the stunts that you do for
the screen
li you waste all youf effort in learn
ing to act
Your chance is exceedingly slight;
It isn't the tragedy stunts that at
tract The populace night after night.
And while you are learning the dif
ficult art,
Some younger and wider eyed
Who doesn't so much as prepare
for a start,
Will cop all the glory and fame.
The way to succeed is to marry a
1 Some chap who is pretty 'well
A man with some $10,000,000 pre
ferred, "
And a cracked intellectual zone.
Fall in love with another as soon
as you can, ,
Let jealously take its due course,
Elope some fine day with the second
young man
And promptly arrange a divorce.
And if all the facts in the case are
spread 'round
The way that they nsually are,
v Inside of a month or six week's
you'll have found
That you are a photoplay star.
The Doctor.
Young man if you simply are
yearning to shine
As a highly distinguished M. D.
A regular shark in the medical line j
With a thousand your minimum
Don't put in long hours and tangle
your brains
On dry anatomical rot,
Or tracing out arteries, organs and
That dogs and low creatures have
While you are empolyed on such
studies as these,
Or in a dull college tied down.
Some snappy young fellow will come
like a breeze
And win all the practice in town.
The only sure way for adoctor to
win v
Is to learn the best way to pre
scribe The minums of brandy and whisky
and gin
A patient has need to imbibe.
A man who can scribble "Two
quarts" on a blank
Or "Spirits fermenti, ad lib,"
Can get far more money to stow in
his bank
Tbap bv setting a femur or rib.
if you find excuses for people to take
A cocktail or highball or fizz.
When nothing but liquor their dry
ness can slake,
You'll get all the practice there is.
3 The Lawyer.
All you who have hopes to succeed
in the law,
Don't work till wrinkled and gray,
And break down your spirit by
standing in awe
Of Blackstone and Marshal C J.
Time was, when young men to sue-,
ceed in the courts,
Spent hours of toil in their home?,
Oa Parsons on Contracts, and
Hoozis on Torts,
an' you'll find they was mostly spent
..u':..' ..,:!.., ... u.:.
uuiilil ouiciivo uui vi turn iiua ui
choppin wood fer the family dinner.
Now, pervtdin l don t get .run
down by a trolley or lean too far out
the window, I got every chance ot
drawin' my last breath through the
sheets ot my own bed. round me
will be gathered my relatives an' a
few friends waitin' to hear my last
words on where I hid the key to my
safe deposit box. There II be the
right number of cerriages at the
I wanted folks to point me out on
the street as Amesby.
funeral an" the next mornin' the
story of my life on the sossiety page
describin' virtues I hadn't even been
suspected of.
The best of it is, though that that's
the end of it. No starvin' authors
will come snoooin' round till thev
collect enough information from the
lured man to destroy my good name
in three volumes. Folks won't send
old chestnuts to the newspapers an'
try an- doflge the blame by sayin :
"While ridin' down Main Street in
the trolley one dav Amos H. Ames
by, the well-known statesman an' wit
told the, followin amusin story to
the conductor 'Nobody will ever
take the trouble to oublish mv letters
to the local fish dealer in limp leather
xcr me nnstmas iraae.
Biographies Must Satisfy Pride.
Human nater is willin' to out uo
with the greatness of irreat men in
public speeches, but when they buy
biographies they want their weak
nesses. There's nothin' more satisfy
in' than to find out that after all
you're a finer man than Georee
Washington only the world's too
dumb to see it.
If a man only had fair .warnin' that
he was goin' to be famous he'd have
a chance. He never knows though,
'till admirin' generations begin draw
in' mustaches on his photographs in
the school histerys. An' then, of
course, he's dead. By that time every
fool thing he ever wrote or said has
And dozens of mildewed old tomes.
And most of them now have grown
blue in the face ,
White waiting and hoping for fame,
And dreaming that some time a
whale of a case
Will earn them a widely known
The Lawyer who's shrewd and su
premely astute
Gives his time to the income law's
And never burns oil in the futile pur
suit 'Of. pleadings and motions and
And if he can dope some good jail
proof device
To cut a man's taxes in two
He'll always be able to name his
own price
From the people in Wall Street's
"Who's Who." .
It's not the big lawyers whd maxims
can quote,
And reel off profound legal saws,
The boys who succeed are the boys
who devote
Their time to the income tax Laws!
Copyright, l2t, Boll Syndicate, Inc.
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
grounds, yet entirely distinct, and
renderine it possible to classify
cases. "The one building being fit
ted for and devoted to the treat
ment of noncontagious and nonmen
tal diseases, no others being admit
ted; the other Rest Cottage being
designed for and devoted to the
exclusive treatment of select mental
cases requiring for a time watchful
care and special nursing.
Not a Silver Thread
Mary T. Goldman restored her ew
(ray hair 69 years aaa and hasn't ha
a silver thread since. She shows you
how with a free trial bottle of Mary
x. uoiaman a. uair color Restorer.
Fill out the coupon carefully, send
It today. By return mall you will re
ceive a trial bottle and special appU
cation cemb.
This free trial le your protection
against the many Imitations. Try it
Brat learn what it does, then don't
accept substitutes. Buy from your
drugflat, or direct from us.
Goldman Bias.. St. Paul, Kin a.
FawrV- Sill im, Sin ewe., at. m. miu.
S -'Jf"" "! J?". ??r lf " bottl.ef Mary i
T. GeMmaa's Heir Cetor Ratorar with mad !
eme. I em BetobHceted ia any wmy by aewpttae
J this fe offer. The aatusal eolor of n? half 2 I
Jet Slack darkbrawa
I Kama
I Street..
I Co
been handed over to the angry pub'
In the book store window stands
the handsome volume, "The Collect
ed letters of Jake Cotuit. Edited,
Changed an' in Some Cases Written
bv Randolph Littlcneck. with
Fifty-Page Biography of the Edi
tor. Alter youve read cm you
know the victim so well you teel
like one ot the laiuily, or worse.
What more interestin' information
coud a man get fer five dollars than
"Dear M.: I got your letter this
mornin' an' was sorry to hear about
H. D. W. M. called up flits morn
in'. Who do you's'pose he married?
louve guessed it without my telan
you. He looked very smart in a new
necktie an a brown derby. He asked
after you an' Flopsy art' if you ever
saw N. O. any more, i m glad to
hear you re goin to visit P. M. H. J
hope you have a good time an' re
main etc." 1
An then there's the letter that
shows how in spite of bein' great heJ
was fond of his family. It is wrote
to his little daughter from the sea
"Note, savs the editer. "what a
keen observer Cotuit was an' what
a lover of nateral histery. No detail
escaped him.
"Dear Daughter," says the letter,
' I hone the cold in your head is bet
ter. this is a lovely place. On the
lawn in front of the house is nice
grass an' in the middle a tree with
creeii leaves. Ihis mornin when 1
looked out of my window there was
a goat standin outside. He had
lone beard like vour gran'father.
raised the window ah' said, "Baaa.'
He looked up at me an' soon after
went away. I thought of you an'
hoto you d have laughed. I can see
the ocean from my window. It is a
watery blue. Right next to it is a
beach where I go. I have drawn a
picture of the ocean. I miss you,
Hopsy, an hope everybody else is
well. Your own dearest Daddy
If hed only known he was goin
to be great he needn t have done :t.
There ought to be a law against
takin advantage of a man s igner-
Then, as time goes on, the public
fergets just what it was lie done
to make him famous. 1 hey begin
hangin' stories on him like a Christ
mas tree so's to have some excuse
fer not workin' on his birthday.
One night Cotuit, while travchn
through a local town, was overcome
by darkness an' forced fo put up at
the village Inn. His supper was
brought to him in a bowl by a pret
ty country girliwho 'became so im-
baressed by his admirin glances
that she split the steamin' contents
down his neck.
'"Oh, sir 1' she cried in horror,
what have I done?'
You've spilt the souo on my
head,' replied the great man with a
reassurin' smile. It is said that the
friendship thus begun endured fer
the rest of his life.'"
No, mv son. Fame mav be the
life work of some an' the hobby of
others, but not fer me. It's my aim
to live so that my relatives an'
friends will ferget me before they
have time to think up any imbares-
sin details to hand down to my
gran'children as precious air-looms.
The only way I'd ever consent to
bein' famous is to write my own bi
ography an', .then v have the idear
yours retirinly
(Copyrtsht, 1921, by Ed Streeter.)
According to Miss Margaret
Feddc, chairman of the home eco
nomics department of the University
of Nebraska, farm women are worth
$4.000 a year. .
Of course, you cannot trust yourself to a dentist who might
injure your teeth forevermore. What has been done is prac
tically impossible to. correctly overcome; however, I may be
able to do it But, on all future dentistry have it done by the
right man. For fourteen years I' have specialized on people
who have sensitive teeth and are very nervous. v
I maintain that, regardless of the condition your teeth are in,
I will extract them without pain. I do all my own work. -
Furthermore, any work leaving this office is open to inspec
tion by any State's Dental Board.
Dr. W. F. Crook
206 Nevillo Block Entrance 16th and Harney
For Appointment Phone Tyler 5117
Phone Douglas 2793
Wt W3) ara Vbsr Offict
ui -a y li
crciai Printers 'Lithographers - steelOie Embossers
a -
I i
Ffstula-Pay When Cured
A mild system of treatment that; cures Pilea, Fistula and other
e ration. No Chloroform.
A cun tfiirnt.Mt in mrf ease accented for
tared. Writ for book oa Rectal Diseases,
l.OSO prominent people wh Bare been permanently cured.
D. E. R. TARRY akaajorlura. Patera
Dodging Blight of
The Deadly Jinx
' (Continued from rage One.)
given to ardent love affairs, so the
seers say.
Mrs. E. M. Syfert, president of the
Drama league, ex-prasident of the
Woman's club and leader in Red
Cross drives and Liberty Loan
drives, is a confirmed believer in
horoscopic readings.
Anyone would be inclined to be
lieve it, too, if their horoscope fitted
as "patly" as does Mrs. Syfert's.
Those who know her efficient lead
ership qualities will say this horo
scope fits her to a' "T." '
Born Under Capricornus.
"Persons born under Capricornus
are natural leaders in everything
they undertake. They have great
deals, are instigators ot large un
dertakings and belong at the head"
of large enterprises. They are en
dowed with an ease and freedom of
manner that is pleasing; are great
talkers and make good business men
and good housekeepers."
Mrs. bylert disclaims only tne last
statement, bhe has been living at
the Blackstone ever since the erec
tion of that hostelry.
Mrs. Hoxie" Clarke, prominent so
ciety matron and mistress of Villa
Belvedere, is a deep student 01
horoscopic lore and has been for
The world war was a punishment
visited on the earth, according to the
belief of many. The devastation of
Belgium was a direct visitation grow
ing out of the alleged cruelties of old
King Leopold on the negroes in rne
Congo rubber country, it was wiaeiy
Disturbances of Elements.
Disturbances of the elements,
phases of the sum moon and stars
frequently arouse the superstitious.
They attribute emotions and human
characteristics to nature. A storm
is riven ge; a plague, punishment for
sins; or success the reward of gen
erous sacrifice.
The heavenly light of a star is as
sociated in legend, not only with the
birth of Christ, but with that of Con
fucius, Moses and the Caesars of
Rome. Napoleon is credited with a
belief m his star of destiny. ,
Comets still strike dismay in the
hearts of those who believe it por
tends an end to the world. Many
believe that portents are seen in the
sky or on earth before momentous
human events occur. When Rome
was threatened, the earth trembled,
volcanoes gave forth fire and the
lghtning brightened the heavens, ac
cording to report.
Religious processions follow the
un s direction trom east to west
and woe to the housewife who, in
stirring batter for bread, or in churn
ing butter, directs her motion other
wise than sunwise.
Moon Induces Insanity.
The moon has an important but
by no means enviable place in sup
erstitious lore. Luna induces in
sanity, be it explained, hence , the
word "lunacy." The belief that
sleeping in the moonlight is danger
ous and that it brings on nuttiness
is extant in many parts of the world.
Don t plant potatoes or cut your
hair eifher when the moon wanes
for fear your potatoes or hair will
not grow. You must plant them
when the moon waxes. Conversely,
to get rid of undergrowth or any
thing undesirable, cut when the
moon is on the wane. Setting up
rails or fences is a gamble during
certain phases of the moon as they
will not stay rooted, some believed.
until the United States observatory
exploded the theory. -
Over Left Shoulder.
To insure good luck one must see
the new moon over one s left shout
der and with silver money in one's
Superstition finds its way into the
scientific realms of medicine, too,
I Extract Teeth
Without Pain
After a thorough consideration of
how vital your tooth troubles are
can you possibly afford to trust
your dental work to an assistant
or some young, inexperienced
dentist. .
lift ?r li
Ether r ether central anesthetie ased.
treatment, and no money is to be paid until
with names and testimonials af mora taaa
Trust Bldf. (Bee Bldf .) Onaaha, Meav
SUNDAY, APRIL 3. 1921.
Surgeons complain that many pa
tients refuse to permit any surgical
work on Friday or the 13th, and that
many married women decline to re
move a wedding ring, even for the
short space of an operation,
. In olden times walnuts, it is said,
were prescribed for brain disorders.
(That's probably the origin of the
word "nutty" in its most familiar
modern use.) The practice arose
because the shell of the walnut was
likened to the skull and the kernel
. .u . uvn:. .I... i.ii.vii.
Chinese physicians are said to use
the tops, middles and roots or herbs
for diseases of the head, chest and
legs, respectively.
Drops Wedding Ring.
A California experiment recently
carried on in two normal schools and
invnlvintr the examination of 875
young people'between the ages of 16
and 28 brought 1,100 admissions of
full belief in various superstitions.
Eighty per cent were female and the
rest male.
But the Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor
nf First Methodist church, believes
he had the most exaggerated case of
superstition yet with which to con
He had to remarry a couple recent'
iv because a child had playfully rc
moved its mother's wedding ring
and it dronoed to the floor. I he
woman, who had not removed her
wedding ring since the day she was
married, five years previous, main
tained her rigid belief in the neces
itv of another marriage ceremony.
"Else we're not. married," she in-
itert tr her husband.
The marriage lines vyere read
again. ' 1
West Falmouth.' .Mass., has
"League of Neighbors," and every
woman in the village is considered
a member and is expected to attend
the meetings whenever possible.
The Corn
and Callus
This Corn Remover Is Guaranteed
Belief from corn suffering follows the
application of ' Gets -It almost as Quickly
as pain follows the thrust of m pin or knife
and Coma
Into the flesh. Not only hard corns or
soft eoma but every kind of corn or callus
surrenders to "Gets-It" and peels rijrht
off. It takes just a few seconds to stop the
pain with two or three drops. Go to your
druwist today. Get a bottle of "Gets-It."
Costs but a trifle everywhere. Your
money back if not satisfied. Mfd. by E.
Lawrence k Co., Chicago. .
Money back without question
Kit (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail In
Yl the treatment of Iteh, Ec'ema,
fA Rlngworm,TWerorotherlteh
' ' lag skin diseases. Try this.
treatment at our rtak.
Sherman eV McConneU 5 Drug Stores.
Grip. Influenza, Sore Throat
Humehrev's Homeo. Medicine Co.. ISS Wlllism
bc new ior ana st sit Drug sua coautiy mores.
This Will Astonish
Omaha People
The QUICK action of simple cam
phor, hydrastis, witchazel, etc., as
mixed m Lavoptik eye wash, will
surprise Omaha people. One man
was helped immediately, after suffer
ing with sore and red eyes for 15
years. An elderly lady reports JLav-
optik strengthened her eyes so she
can now read. One small bottle
usually helps ANY CASE weak,
strained or inflamed eyes. Alumin
um eye cup FREE. Sherman &
McConnclI Drug Stores and all
leading druggists. ,
Beauty of Skin
When used Tor every -day toilet pur
poses Culicura keeps the complex
ion fresh and clear, hands soft and
white and hair live and glossy. The
Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint
ment to soothe and heal and the
Talcum to powder and perfume.
!! lack FrwT Mill AMrns "OsnmrtUk-
mn tents. DtttlllS.
enterlts. Dtpt. 1
Mtld.sil.Mtu " SoMtrer?-
whrrr. ntp2oe. Olntnitnt 26 and 60c. Ttletiet
Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
Mother Tries to
Break Gaby's Will
Is Incensed at Use of Jewels
Left to Dancer by Her .
, . .. Daughter. ,
Chlcace. Tribune-Omaha Bee Forelf n News
Paris, April 2. Harry Prker,
American dancer, has been made de
fendant at Marseilles in a lawsuit in
stituted by Mme. Caire, mother of
Gaby Deslys, who was Pi leers danc
ing partner and who died a year
ago. ,
Madame Caire, who is now in the
United States with her daughter who
All Work Guaranteed
IBIS Douglas St. . TsL Dou. 18S
Bad Colda Sniffles Catarrh
Bad Habita How ..
Applied In nostrils or as directed pre
vents, rellevea aclentifically. ,
At your dnif fists and wholesalers.
The Almolinh Co., Pawnee City, Neb.
Cocoanut Oil Makes
a Splendid Shampoo
If you want to keen your hair in
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most so&fjs and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brit
tle, and is very harmful. Mulslfled
cocoanut oil shampoo (which is
pure and entirely greaseless), is
much better than .anything else you
can rise for shampooing, as this
can't possibly injure the Jialr.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two
teaspoonsful of Mulslfled will make
an abundance of rich, creamy lath
er, and cleanses the hair and scalp
thoroughly. The lather rinses out
easily and removes every particle of
dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive
oil. The hair dries ouickly and even
ly, and it leaves it fine and silky,
bright, fluffy and easy to manage.
you can get Mulslfled Cocoanut oli
shampoo at most any drug store. Jt
is very cheap, and a few ounces is
enough to last everyone in the fami
ly for months. Be sure your drug
gist fives you Mulslfled.
Why Spring Brings Out
Freckles and Eruptions
The sudden anfeHrAnr. nf mM.
slight eruptions or fine lines at this
season is attributed by scientists to the
"actinic ray," which is unusually active
duriiur the spring months. Wlmv tli
skin is so affected by this influence, if
one will procure an ounce of ordinary
mercbliied wax at any dru store, annlv
little of it before retiring, like colli
cream, she can easilv overcome th
trouble. When the wax Is washed off
next morning, minute flakv kin n...
tides come with it. The entire
cuticle Is removed in this way in a week
or two, with all its defect. No bleach
could so effectually remove freckles or
Diemisnes. ihe new surface is smooth.
clear, fresh looking. No harm' or Incon
venience accompanies this simple treat
ment. .
In case of wrinkles which sink henat.h
the outer skin, a solution of saxolite.
one ounce, dissolved in one-half pint
witch haiel. makes a face bath whlek i
wonderfully effective.
I r yea are nemos, despendeat, weak,
ran down, throogh excess or other esases,
we want to mail yooeur book which telle
about SBXTONIQUB, a rsstoratiTe remedy
that will east yon nothing if yon are not
cored or benefited. Erery man needier a
tonic to overcome personal weakness, etc.,
should get this free book at once.
Berry Block. Nashville, Tann.
There it one simple, safe and sure
way that never fails to get rid of black
heads and that is to dissolve them.
To do this "get two ounces of calonite
powder from any drug store sprinkle a
little on a hot, wet sponge rub over
the - blackheads briskly wash the parts
and you will be surprised how the black
heads have disappeared. Big blackheads,
little blackheads, no matter where they
are, simply dissolve and disappear, leaving
the parts without any mark whatever.
Blackheads are Simply a mixture of dust
and dirt and secretions from the body
that form in the pores of the skin
pinching and squeezing only cause irri-v
tation, make large pores, and do not set
them out after they become hard. Ine
calonite powder and the water simply
dissolve the blackheads so th-y wash
right out, leaving the pores free and
clean and in their natural condition. Any
body troubled with these unsightly blem
ishes should certainly try una simple
Constipation Is the fore
runner ot 85otau
i human ills. It brings
on more suffering,
more sleeolessness.
more ill-temper than
any other single cause.
RID of constipation
Nor do you have to take
W any nauseating, griping
wk medicinestodoit, Take
RICH LAX is a new treatment It deans
the system, removes the poisons from the
body, and puts you in shape to accomplish
things. And RICH-LAX does this without
leaving, you weak and half-sick, as you
always (eel after taking ordinary laxatives.
r..ifiMil si Our Store. We an to sure tftat
Rich Ux will please you that w want you la
come to our store and s't a bottle end try tt en-
tirely at our nsk. If jl doean l suit youj It isn't
Ihobeet Isxstlve medicine you ever used, simplv
tell u. so and wa will prOBipUy TCfUBd tlM ; prist, I
Sherman A McConneU 8 Drug Stores.
lives at Syracuse, has started, action
to breal the will of Gaby, which pro
vides for an annuity of 1000 francs
to be paid Pilcer. She is not con
Corn Enders
the old sort and the new
Coma used to be treated
by fakers. ,
But science has found a
better way to treat corns.
And millions have adopted
The modern way is
Blue-jay liquid or plaster, ' A
famous chemist perfected
it. This great surgical dress
ing house prepares it.
Plaster or Liquid
Blue jay '
The Scientific Corn Ender
BAUER 4 BLACK Chicago NswYork Teroato
Makers of B at B Sterile Surgical Dressings and Alliael srodacU
To get the. oil and also make money
The Northfield Oil Co.
is about to develop its valuable holdings in Six Thou
sand Acres on the Sweet Grass Arch, and drilling will
shortly be started in the Genou Structure, which,
offers wonderful opportunities.
In one year the State of Montana has jumped into
prominence as an OIL PRODUCING State, and many
fortunes will be made by investors in the near future.
If so, becdme a unit holder in ( .
The Northfield Oil Co.
A Common Law Trust
718 First National Bank Building, Great Falls, Mont.
CAPITAL STOCK - - - $350,000
j Divided into 3,500 units of $100 each
Send for Prospectus Today.
jFiaeal Agent
718 First National Bank Building,
.Great Falls, Montana.
I hereby apply for units of the Northfield Oil
Company, a common law trust with offices at Great Falls, Mon
tana, and enclose check, money order or draft for $
in full payment. All units are fully paid and non-assessable,
and it is understood that this subscription shall be returned
in event of over-subscription of the authorized allotment upon
receipt of this order.
(Street or P. O. Box) , .
(City) (State) .......... i ... .
Oa let al affidavit, John Hart Brittaln, bosioasa man, certified to
this; "My head at the top and back was absolutely bald. An export
said that ha thought the hair roots were extinet. and there waa do
hope of my ever having a new hair growth.
"Yel now, at an age over 66. 1 bava a luxuriant growth of soft,
strong, lustrous hair! No trace of baldness. The pictures shown
here are from my photographs.'
Mr. Brittaio ewrtiflad further: "At a time when
I had become diaeonrajred at tiring to grow my
hair again. I earns across, ia my trarels, a Cbcro- Jfttfhafnwtk
kee Indian "medicine man' who bad an elixir that
be asseverated would grow my hair. Although I had bat littles faith
I gave it a trial To my amazement a light fuss soon appeared. It
developed, day by day, into a healthy growth, aad are long xey hair
was as prolific ss la mr jroothful dare."
True Hair Grower at Last
"That I teas euiostused and hmog it express ia fay sofe mnd
EtetavstaSait mildly. Obripualy, tfc hair roots bad not been dead, but were dor
mant in the scalp, awaiting the fertilising potency of the than myste
rious pomade. I negotiated for aad cams into possession of the principle for preparing
this, now called KOTAUCO. and later had tba recipe pat into practical form by a
chemist. That my own hair s roirtb waa sersaaaeat has baea amply proved."
It baa bee straved la Tory
many easea that hair roots did
not die aven when tba hair felt
out through dandruff, favwr.
eltrpecia areata, or certain other
hair or scalp cJiaordera,
Falling Hair
For Sale at All
Btuy Drmg 5 fores
potent infredienta.
bo shampoo; but a compound oi
wonderful effleaey. Safe aad haraj
leea, even tor a child's scalp aad
bair. Positively KOTALKO Is one delightfully nfimbk hair prep
aration that succeeds uooa renuine merit. Buy a box of KOTALKO
St the drug store. Or ask lov Kotalko at the toilet foods or drug K tUtOo it fmdmfld
counter of any large department store. Remember lha name. Accept or SWSaea's hmr
z".?l rL:' ; . VrZ 'T.V li" " T.7i TTiTa
Zj in ... ji.J ... , M. 't ol
' PRooF BOX of Kotslko with BROCHURE,
"Vr Ja,,trtimmmU rem mn
,,yTJF;p d. Iy: watch
4 . . T.rc CD.aC
testing the main portion of the danc
er's will, which bequeathed all of her
property to the poor of the city of
Marseilles, her native town.
BAB 1121
Blue-jay is applied by a
touch. The corn pain ends
instantly. Then the corn is
gently loosened. In a little
while it comes out
It is folly to pare corns or
to treat them in unscientific
ways. This new way is end
ing some 20 million corns a
year. It will end yours any
time you let it.
Prove this tonight
for Units
No skokoL
n a ntfsl Or il
mallinc aad adve. coat oaly.yoa wfllreaeiva
poetpsjd. W. shall also be pleased to sand
and o-.. Determjee NOW to aamtaata
la your mirror, roe PROOF BOX awed to
Clilim V ' NFW VflPIT