Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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At tails on Intangible
issifications Crumble Be
fore Organized Support
Back of Measure.
Lincoln, March 31. (Special. 1
Hie sfiiate today sent S. V. 65, the
lilt revising the revenue laws of Ne-
raska, to third reading alter ap
nving it in the committee of the
hole. The measure, which is one
I' the most important of the scs-
:in, has occupied practically the
tire attention ot the senate tins
ek. It will come up for final
sage Friday.
Three attacks on the intangible
x classification of the hill crutn-
led before the orcanized support
back of the measure.
Proposed Amendments.
Proposed amendments ..k;.n
To c'nange the tax on money,
credits, notes and corporation stock
'row 4 to 10 mills. Defeated 7 to 255.
" To change the tax on local bonds
from 1 to 4 mills. Defeated 6 to 23.
To compromise the first proposed
luendment bv taxing money and the
kifce 6 mills. Defeated 5 to' 21.
The first two amendment -i were
roposde by Senator Wiltse of Rich
ardson county, on the theory that in
tangible property being as valuable
Ity, should be taxed on nearer
Dutton, supporting them,
equality and branded the
e advocates say it will
tfible property, as a
voted for the iii.-.t
Dutton, Good,
Reed, Vlrich and
and, who has
against the
the explana-
.hould be the
perty and he
alt-way plan.
ton said he
U better than
advanced his
at it notes
taxed 4 mills,
as 7 per cent
st the same
ovided in the
the vote was
Good switched
was not pres-
proposed the
and won over
ng eight vote
ill contended
her states had
e proper meas
bles in order
It amounts.
the discussion,
id he would
the floor for
u it-It - mortgage
mills on the
He is chair
He said that
as content to
its present
littee amend-
fhe committee
kij the clause,
fk 4 mills on
ten tangible
tal stock, to
.ations to de-
bertv held in
pwing that it
d in the com-
bv' Senator
her the capi
tated coroora-
hed at its par
revenue com-
ad adopted an-
consider the
ctual value.
abet taxpayers
sed tax on in-
redits. stock.
'to be meted out
s that the law
evader himself.
offered bv Sen-
cr of Douglas,
nist to the bill.
v amendment or
he revenue com-
f get into the 72-
of committee
from dav to dav
I i consideration of
the general body
that old-line fire
Iies taxes go to the
e premium is paid.
orooosed amend-
I whereby the taxes
fit companies would
Vies tor . distribution
visions, instead of
Istate treasury. The
le saw no reason tc
aw in this respect.
ncorporated in the
in Wicker
and Home
fitting Co.
ite. as Well
iece Very
ly Priced.
demand of the
an home for-fur;
are more color-
Be greater com
bny with othe:
(the Unioi
devotine an ti
nd liber fiir-
be had" in
lorative; fin-
Imajority of
lortably up
tely colored
w measure and the amendment
committee amendment was add
ed making it unlawful for county
boards, city councils or other tax
levying bodies to levy a tax of more
than 20 per cent of the levy on actual
valuation. Levies provided in the
statutes prior to 1921 are on the
basis of assessed valuation, or one
; fifth actual value. This amendment
i is to make the leviis conform.
The committee had a saving
clause, providing if any section sub
section, sentence, clause or phrase"
be held unconstitutional the bill
should stand. Senator Iloaglmd
tried but failed to get this stricken
out as superduous.
Governor McKelvie
Signs Six Measures
Lincoln. March 31. (Special.)
Governor McKelvie today signed six
bills, as follows:
S. F. No. 61 Raising salaries of
court reporters from $2,000 to $2,750
a vear.
H. R. No. 411 Lincoln con
solidation bill. '
II. R. No. 240 Incorporation of
Greek letter societies of thi- ttate uni
versity and the American llegion.
H. R. No. 440 State Vol insur
ance law. with emertrencv clause.
H. R. No. 273 Requiring organ
izers of insurance complies to he
qualified in experience arid to pub
lish notices oi incorporation.
Attorney General Appeals
Suit Against Chiropractor
Lincoln. March 31. (Special.)
The attorney general's office has ap
pealed to the supreme court is suit
to enjoin Ethel Thrall Maltby,
Omaha, from practicing chiroprac
tics in Nebraska without taking out
a license. District Judge A. C.
Wakeloy had sustained the woman's
demurrer and dismissed a temporary
injunction again her. '
Recall Election
Against Dakota
Officers Ordered!
Action an Anli-Nonpartisan '
Faction Aimed at Governor,
Attorney General and Com
missions of Agriculture.
Devils Lake, N. D March 31.
Political factions opposed to the
Nonpartisan league in North Dakota,
in convention here - today, ordered
that a recall election aimed at cer
tain state officials be held on or be
fore November 8. The recall elec
tion as ordered is directed against
Governor Lynn J. Krazier, Attorney
General William Lemke and Com
missioner of Agriculture John N.
1 lagan.
The action of the convention came
after an all-afternoon debate on
a resolution brought up by Tread
well Twitchcll, proposing the at
tempted repeal of the three officials
This is the iir.-a time in the his-
tory oi the United States that a
recall election has been ordered
against a governor or other high
state officials, delegates asserted.
"The brain-child of the socialistic
regime the recall having been
j placed on the statute books of North
: Dakota by the Nonpartisans, has
j grown up in four years and threatens
! to destroy its parent," T. G. Nelson.
secretary of the Independent Voters
association, said.
House Sustains Veto!
Lincoln, Neb., March 31. (.Spe
cial.) The lower house todav sus
tained Governor McKelvie's veto of
House Roll 73 by a vote of (9 to
26. The bill provided that in the
event of the death of a United States
senator, congressman, or member of
the legislature, the covernor should
! appoint the successor from the same
House Votes to Prevent
: Picketing in Strikes
j Uonliuued Jf-rom l'e On.)
island" an1 ruling in favor of friends
, oi the bill.
"Sit down." members shouted to
j Foster.
j Before the vote was taken nearly
pvery member had spoken. Only two
manners were absent when the vote
was taken. Representatives Oster
ntati and Stephenson. The vote fol
lows: For: Anderson (Knox), Arm
strong, Barbour, Bowman, Clizbe,
Cole, Douglas, Downing, Dyball,
Dysart, Epperson, Frantz, Frazier,
Good, Goodrich, Griswold, Hascall,
Hoffmeister, Jeary, Kendall, Left
wich, Lynn, McFarland, McKee,
McLeod, Medlar, Mellor, Mickey,
Morian, Moseley, Murphey, Nelson,
Nutzman, rainier, Park, Randall,
Reed, Robertson, Rodman, Ruddy,
Sandquist, Sprick, Staats, Sturde
vunt, Thompson, Ullstrom, Votaw,
Wallace, Webster. Wcsterhoft",
Wight, Williams, Wood, Anderson
Against: Acton, Anderson (Ham
ilton), Beans, Axtell, Beckman,
Behrens, Bethea, Bock, Byrutn Da
vis, Druesedow, Essam, Foster,
Franklin. FroM, Gifford, Gilmore,
Gould. Green, Hakanson, Hanuer,
Ililliard, Hoare. Jacobs. Johnson,
Lauritsen. Lundy, McClellan, Mears,
Miner, Niewedde, O'Garra, Peterson,
Rank, Reneker, Smith, Snow, Som
merlad. Strong, Vance, Wolfe, Yei
ser and Young.
Kill Industrial Court.
The Epperson industrial court
commi: ion bill provided for a com
mission of three to fix wages when
disputes could not be settled between
capital and labor and nude a con
spiracy of two or more persons to
quit work in necessary industries un
lawful. It also gave the commission
power to fix prices on certain arti
cles when profiteering was proved
i and made it unlawful for capital to
j combine to curtail production of es
! sentials to increase the price.
I "I know I am bumping up against
I a stone wall in asking the house to
pass this bill," Representative Ep
person said.
"The labor unions are against it,
capital is against it, certain other in
terests are against it. No one ex
cepting the vast majority comprising
the public wants it and the public
isn't represented in the powerful lob
by of capital and labor and party
politicians who are fighting it.'
Lauds Governor Allen.
' Epperson lauded Governor Allen
of Kansas for the large amount of
internal paraphernalia displayed by
him when he pushed the industrial
court bill through the Kansas legis
lature at a special session t year ago.
Epperson also pleaded for the court
as the only tribunal which represent
ed the majority, the public, and de
clared the present arbitration system
unfair, in which the public some
times is given an equal representa
tion and at other times even less rep
resentation than labor and capital.
"And yet the public is most vitally
concerned and represents an overwhelming-
majority," Epperson said.
Representative Foster endeavored
unsuccessfully to put an amendment
in the bill which would strike out
all allusion to settlement of labor
disputes and have the commission
deal only with rent and foodstuffs
No one excepting "Alfalfa John"
seemed to want to argue.
"Why not have , a king in this
country?" he asked.
The real fate of the bill was sealed
"Where Cash Works Wonders!"
. Values
Wonderful Styles
. V , '
"Where Values Reign Supreme!"
of Models
A Galaxy of
A Gigantic Manufacturer's Purchase
Sale of 9,878 New Spring Garments
Involving the entire stock of three of New York's foremost makers! We bought for cash at prices thaC:
are a revelation even to us! You little dreamed that such values as these could be a possibility!
The garments are all new! Alive with style! Aspark'e with quality and from the lowest priced gar
ments to the highest, you'll find tailoring that is nonpariel! , ;
1 lot ofi Fine French Serge and all-woo' "
that you will find priced any- $1 Cft
where iu( to $40.00 At "
French Serge
that are featured up to $75.00 $
in most stores
1 big lot of New
Capes and Wrappy Coats
of soft, beautiful clingy mate- d
rials of all wool, beautifully silk- p
lined. Actually up to $37.50
i A handsome lot of the very Acme of
Wrappy Coats and Gapes
of Velours, Silvertones, Camel
Hair Cloth, etc.; bargains at
their original worth of $49.50,
1 lot of over 150 Serge, Satin, Minunet and
Crepe de Chine
Beautifully made, handsomely $75
styled; values are to $25.00 y
Almost 200 Taffeta, Minunet Silk Fqulard,
Canton Crepe and Crepe Meteor
that blaze forth from the "ordinary"
like a beacon light in a fog and whose
former values could conservatively be
to $45.00
Hundreds of beautiful Canton Crepe, Foulard,
Taffeta, Etc.
that are really up to $55.00
values '
Sizes to Fit All
1 lot of fine Silk Poplin
in all the new and pastel shades, sixes 6 to
14, lined throughout with good, service
able lining, and are really worth $12.50. .
1 lot of over 100 all-wool Brown and Black '
Check and Navy Serge
Sold everywhere up to $7.50. ....
A big lot of all-wool, rich, plain
in Brown Plaid, Tan Plaid, Navy
Plaid, etc. $12.50 values. . .
Our Entire Stock of
Blouses, Silk Undergarments
and Hose
Drastically Reduced for This Sale
Entire Stock of Millinery Reduced
To Prices That Will Startle the Most Skeptical
Involving over 500 New Hats Hats that have not been in stock over four or five days
and some that are just being unpacked from their tissue wrappings. Hats that should
be selling at their regular prices 3 and 4 time3 their sale price. . This sale is a sav
ing and should be attended by every thrifty woman.-
Divided Into Four Great Groups .
Values to $7.50 II Values to $12.50 II Values to $15.00 II Values to $25.00
$1.95 $4.95 II $6.95 $9.95
last Saturday when republican party
leaders met at the governor's man
sion. The Kovernor declined to sup
port an industrial court in his mes
sage and he was quoted as saying
in the meeting, "I haven't changed
my mind."
Many Don't Vote.
A number of netuberv who voted
on the Randall-llascall bill left be
fore a vote was taken on the indus
trial court bill. The vote follows!
For: Armstrong, Bock, Bowman,
Bjrum, Clizbe, Cole. Douglas,1
Downing, Epperson, Frantz, Fra
ier, Gifford, Good, Goodrich, Green,
Hascall, Jeary, Kendall, Lcftwich,
McFarland, Mellor, Mickey, Mose
ley, Murphy, Nelson, tfubeman,
Randall Kced, Reneker, Robertson,
Sotnnnrlad, Sprick, Sturdevant,
Thompson, I'llstrom, Votaw, Wal
lace, Wood, Weiser, Anderson,
Against : Acton, A nderso n,
(Knox): Axtell, Barbour, Nan
Beckman, Behrens, Bethea, Davis,
Druesedow, Dyball, Dysart, Essam,
Foster, Franklin, , FroM. Ciilmorr,
Gould, Griswold, Hakanson, Haunt'iJ J
Hilliard, Hoare, Hotfinristtr. Jacobs,
Johnson, . Lauritsen, Lundy. Lvn,
McClellan, Medlar, Miner. " Morian.
Niew edde, Ogara, l'almer, Lot kins.
Peterson Ruddy, Sandquist. Staats,
Strong, Webster, Westerhoff, Wigl,
Williams, Wolfe, Young.
Not voting: Anderson, Hamil
ton), McKee. McLedd, Means. Os
terman. Smith, Snow, l'ark, Rod- ,
man, Stephenson, Vance.
It Pays To Look
Suits With That Well-Dressed Look Now
20 25 30
These Suits are the best values
obtainable in new single and double
breasted models, as well as Semi
Conservatives for the elder men.
Plenty of extra sizes for the hard-to-fit
man, stouts, slims and stubs.
B'abrics are all-wool in new shades of
cocoa, brown and plum blue.
c -
Rochester Hand-Made Clothes
Are Clothes of refinement for Better Dressed Men. New exclusive patterns
New Shirts at
New Prices
Fast color materials
in neat pin stripes and
various new patterns.
All full cut and roomy.
Handsome new
Silk Shirts
Made wtfh non
breakable b i 1 1 s,
silk trimmjed and
lined. Six new designs.
Guaranteed Special Silk Finish
Hats, silk lined, at.., . . . . . .
Patterns in designs that will match
your coats. Handsome shades of
grey, blue, brown and fancy mixtures.
We regularly sell these pants at $10
9 A OS
Furnishing Specials
Satisfaction Hose Built
for wear, 3 pairs
Silk Knit Ties Plain colors and
combination effects, 65 C
Athletic Union Suits Soft J(
fabric, cut for comfort I IC
Prices That Please on
Shoes and Oxfords
Mahogany or black in A
your favorite last . tJp.DU
Beacon Shoes that give J "A
exceptional wear, at. . . pD.Ju
v .1- '.iv ire
Vacation Week Specials
for the Boy
Blue Overalls
Sizes 4 to 15, very well made,
in dark blue shade
Fast Color Shirts
With collars attached in many
patterns, at .
College Color Skull Caps
New color combinations in good ;OC
quality felt 0DC
Long Life Shoes
In black or dark tan, English
toe styles, very special
z-rant oturdy Wm
Fabric Suits
Belt all-around mod
els, extra well-made
pockets. Each suit has
2 pair pants.
Same Suit with One Pant
5W .
all oraw ii
o o o
Iwayn, ' you
Ins. Adr.